View Full Version : Age of Renaissance (IC)

2012-01-31, 12:44 AM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 3,000gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: Requires Employees
Holy Grail Inn: Requires Employees
S.S. Mary Anne: Requires Employees

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

No News with your employees.

Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe
Dock's Warehouse: Safe
Protection Racket: Safe

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 6

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 2,000gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: Requires Employees

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

No News for your employees

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 25%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 4,000gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ Requires Employees
-The Temple of Exorcism Requires Employees
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz Requires Employees
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar Requires Employees
-The Abby of Saint Francis Requires Employees
-The Schola Francis Requires Employees

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

No News in your employees.

Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 2,000gp

Structures, 4

Needful Things: Requires Employees
Holy Grail Inn: Requires Employees
S.S. Mary Anne: Requires Employees

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 6

No News in your employees

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.


Artificer's Guild

Wealth:3, 19%
Prestige:2, 16%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 3,000gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: Requires Employees
Holy Grail Inn: Requires Employees
S.S. Mary Anne: Requires Employees

Security, 3

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 4

No News in your employees

Resources, 4

Ancient Ruins: Safe
Dock's Warehouse: Safe
Protection Racket: Safe

Masters of Artifice-
The Artificers guild has a large number of Golums and Homunculi servants. This pushes them a little further away from the people, but makes them harder to infiltrate, and gives them more capable Employes. The Guild also learned expand into machinery.

Alan Michiargo
An elder Rune-smith and Artificer, who started the guild long ago to supply a demand for a more reliable workforce, and has since gone on to supply 'servants' to many. His works are much better than any others, and he has many golums who mimic his work..


Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 4,000gp

Structures, 5

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: Requires Employees
Curo's Curiosity: Requires Employees
Unseen Univercity: Requires Employees
Zaphod's Zaps: Requires Employees
Agriculture Arisen: Requires Employees

Security, 8

No News in defenses.

Employees, 4

No News in employees.

Resources, 4

Pits of Fellman: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Safe
Mystical Mines: Safe
The Void: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Unseen University, Noble District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks


Festeval Fortuna! has begun. Guilds will see a rise in business associated with the entertainment industry
His Lord High Majesty the Arch-Duke The Third of Facultis Opes has issued a creed to all businesses and guilds of the city. Those who would pride themselves in their arts, you shall be personally judged by my own court every month, at which time you shall be awarded... advantages... among the lesser guilds, those of great prestige will see more to gain from this then those who lack it. (Favore` is a statistic that will determine when you gain a new "level". Each month, you will gain X favor (based on a number of factors, Prestige being the dominating one). When you level up, you gain a number of points to use to increase Prestige, Wealth, or Influence. You also gain "immunity" from the law for 1 turn.
The market is fresh, and the Banking-Guilds of Facultis Opes have a special offer for Guilds City-wide. Store your hard-earned coin with us, and in exchange we will grant you a 10% interest gain each year! (12 turns). (must have prestige 5 to accept this offer)
A new dark guild has popped up seemingly over-night. Assassin's they call themselves, the "Cloak and Dagger" guild. Be weary, for such powerful hunters can be hired for both sides. (3 prestige required, Wealth 5 required. Costs 1,000gp to hire assassins for 1 job, +500gp per additional job).

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

2012-01-31, 07:24 AM
Mage's Guild

The ancient and powerful order of Wizards sat and stared around at each other, lost deep in thought. Finally one of them, an old wizard with short white tuffs of hair, sighed loudly "There's nothing for it. Its simply impossible." some of the other wizards nodded in agreement. Finally the eldest and the wisest of them decided to speak "Indeed it appears so."

With that, the high wizard pushed the crossword puzzle off the table. "However, now we must consider the future of the guild..."

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5 Wizards
Curo's Curiosity: 5 Wizards
Unseen Univercity: 5 Wizards
Zaphod's Zaps: 5 Wizards
Agriculture Arisen: 5 Wizards
25 working total at store fronts.

15 Wizards, working with Zaphod Zap's and Curo's Curiosity teams, shall set about using their magic and Magic stones as well 1000 gp to create a new magical item. These items are Fantasia Stones.
The stones can record and play back music, as well as display a colorful light show. The stones can hold a charge of a song for up to a year, but once loaded with a song it cannot be changed.
The first example will be displayed to Lord High Majesty the Arch-Duke The Third of Facultis Opes, after which it will be available for sale from Curo's Curiostiy.

Devross the all seeing will use his powers to watch over this task and ensure nothing beats it at the Arch-Dukes display.

10 Wizards will begin the process of trying to win the favor of local nobles and celebrities, by attending their functions and putting on magic light and sound displays from Zaphod Zaps. 500 gp is invested in this effort.
[roll 1d10
This includes 5 that will attend 'Curia Palus Flos' party. At this party they will be under orders not to sleep or engage any of the working girls, but to build relations, demonstrate with light and sound displays, and gain favor. At the first sign of danger to themselves, they are to teleport home.

10 wizards will start making a new cash crop of magically delicious and exciting fruits. These crops will be specially treated so that they cannot reproduce, meaning farmers will have to by more seeds every season. They will be sold for a very reasonable price. 500 Gpwill go into its development, marketing and sale.

All security defenses are to fulfill their purposes.

2012-01-31, 06:46 PM
The Knights of the Temple

-5 Knights Templar
-15 Squires
-20 Laymen
-10 Friars
-5 Monks
-5 Clerks of the Faith

-The Cathedral of Christ
-10 Laymen will hold sermons here in the Cathedral, with a Clerk of the Faith providing oversight, intent on providing healing and bringing together a congregation. These laymen will use spirited sermons to help emphasize the unbending love of God, and the great works that are undertaken in His name by His most faithful servants. They will have the dual intent of both bringing in bodies into the Cathedral via their spirited sermons and bible scriptures (pre-prepared by the Clerk) for additional worshipers, and attempting to gather donations therein to keep the Temple afloat/active. If people in the congregation wish to join, then so be it- they'll be directed to whatever branch they find most applicable to their faith. Holy artifacts from the Vault will be brought forth to show people the reality of the faith's foundations, and its blessed nature. Artifacts guarded by one of the Knights Templar and three Squires, alongside the rest of the congregation.

-The Temple of Exorcism
-5 Laymen and 5 Friars to offer their services in exorcism, blessings, and the act of indulgences for mortal sins. All for reasonable costs, of course, and with the oversight of a Clerk of the Faith.

-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz
-5 Laymen, 3 Monks and 1 Clerk of the Faith to reside there and begin churning out holy scripture, educational books, and leaflets en masse, using 500 GP and the Printing Shop, so as to help the clergy attract more potential worshipers.

-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar
-Two Knights Templar will work to help train 12 Squires, as well as additional converts, in the rituals and dogma required to become a full Knight Templar. 500 Gold to be spent refurbishing the training facilities, so as to equip the Squires with proper armor, shields, swords, and mounts. A Clerk of the Faith will oversee the expenditures and efforts, serving as administrator.

-The Abby of Saint Francis
-5 Friars, directed by one Clerk of the Faith, will take the religious pamphlets printed out from the monastery and distribute them across the city. They will be escorted by two of the Knights Templar in full armor, so as to ensure that no harm befalls them as they spread awareness of the Temple of God and the services it offers.

-The Schola Francis
-5 Friars and 2 Monks will work to offer free education to the children and masses of the city. Young minds are open to the love of God, and others may yet be educated to embrace the Word. The holy men here will use religiously inspired reading primers and mathematics books (One plus one equals two, as many times as Christ fell for all our sins! [HURRAY!]) printed by the monastery to help spread faith-based literacy and knowledge.

2012-01-31, 11:01 PM
The Tower Viridian

Wealth 0, 10%
Prestige 3, 19%
Influence 7, 31%

Coffers: 2000 GP
Security 4
Employees: 105
Medical Apparatus:


Insane Genius:

Forbidden Medical Textbooks:


Half-baked Plans:

10 Employees go to man the Tower Viridian and get cash from medicalness.

Project Libertas
The Tower Viridian needs new test subjects! Thus, we start a push to scour the streets for people in need of medical assistance, drag them off to the Tower, and treat them in the lower levels. We then ascertain if anyone will miss them - this is a medieval city, and the first census wasn't done historically until 1719, so if they're not from the upper classes or a merchant, which the vast majority of people won't be, the only people who care will be their family. Some of those families will get pushy, but others can either be told that their loved one died with our influence, or the people won't have family in the first place. We invest 50 Employees and 500 GP in scouring the streets, hopefully picking up a bunch of people.

Project Aquilla
The city is in need of a more efficent, incorruptible police force. We can provide such a police force. We will use the people picked up by Project Libertas, and we immediately attempt to graft wings onto them, stupid things like genetic incompatibility be damned. The first few might die, but that's not a problem - with the pile of resources we're throwing in, we should get a hundred or so that are alive and functional. Then, Arcturus bites them, draining them of blood - If he gets full, then some of the created Thralls have snacks as well. We create many new thralls. These new superhuman flying creatures are given a suite of orders, and will be instructed to obey their owner perfectly and infallibly.
Needless to say, this will be set up to be overridden at a signal from Arcturus - but no need to mention that to the buyers.
Medical Apparatus:


Insane Genius:

Forbidden Medical Textbooks:


Half-baked Plans:
Are all applicable. We will also expend 60 employees and 1500 Gold. The whole operation should take a month tops - since there are no large time delays in it at all.

1) Vampires are created when a vampire drains a victim entirely of blood. Needless to say, this takes quite a while and the victim needs to be unconscious or restrained. A newly created vampire is a thrall, and utterly loyal to it's creator - Free vampires are created when the creator dies.
2) Vampires drink blood, and need to feed once every six months or so. If they don't, they're going to wither and die.
3) Sunlight is a complex issue. First, it must be understood that contrary to a certain piece of literary trash, they burn in sunlight. This is horrifically painful and will kill them in a few minutes. Of course, it is true that clothing can solve this - but still, when a sinle square milimeter of skin is exposed, it will start to burn, and hurt like hell. Vampires do not do well in the daytime, and best be indoors or underground at the time.
4) Apart from that, they have the standard host of abilities - enhanced speed and strength, as well as the ability to turn into mist and flee to a coffin if killed.

To the Crown
"The city guard is corruptible, and as you understand, that is extremely bad for business and security. However, we have a plan to change that - specifically, the creation of a new "night watch" of highly intelligent magical creatures devoted utterly to the city. If you would be intrested, we hope to have a batch of them prepared in a month or so.
Would you be intrested in the aquisition of such a group?"

Morbis Meh
2012-01-31, 11:28 PM
Curia Palus Flos

1000 gold will be used to fund the party, it will include the costs of food, beverages, entertainers, decorations, invitations and "party favours"
At the end of the night each guest will have the option whether or not to become a member and any interested will be give a form that will gauge which host they will derive the most pleasure from and will be sent a letter with directions and protocols of said house. Here are the rolls to determine the outcome of the party prestige wise [roll0] and new member wise [roll1]

All the girls attending the guests at the party are required to remain sober and alert thus hoping to gleam any information from the loose lipped guests, especially members of the other guilds. Here is a roll to determine how successful they were at learning information. [roll2]

The heads of the house will be present at the main house to hopefully open business arrangements if the heads of the two guilds invited show up. [roll3]
Also note the drug will absolutely not be used at this event.

There will be 15 elite employee's selected to be reserved as call girls every evening and the cost for a member to have one entertain them is 50 gold per night. Here is the roll to determine the income for the month based on call outs [roll4]

Every month a member will be asked to introduce a friend to the guild to bring in some new blood. The member will be given an official invitation outlining the terms of membership and will also be scented to be pleasing. Roll for recruitment of new members from existing members [roll5]. The fee for membership is 100 gold per month and the ability for the guild to ask a favour if needed but it grants complete access to all the privileges outlined with in the terms of membership.

2012-02-02, 01:17 AM
About half the Underclass Consortium's members are gathered in the main hall of the guildhouse. Cutpurses, scam artists, pickpockets, burglars, and worse are there- in short, a wretched hive of scum and villainy worthy of a Mos Eisley cantina. Five names are called out, and a group of toughs step forward looking distinctly nervous.

"Into the depths with you!" an Overseer shouts, and another thief tosses bags of equipment at the unlucky five before they all begin walking- reluctantly- down the stars to the lower levels of the ruins, knowing they'd either come back with some new wonder for the Consortium, or not come back at all.

"Now that that bit of unpleasantness is over, it's time to turn our attention to new business. Ladies and gentlemen, we've been preparing for this day for some time. It's time to rise up and claim the respect we deserve! Hans will give you all your assignments..."

Employee Assignments-

4 Thugs and a Thief descending into the Ancient Ruin in search of phat lootz.

3 Thieves, a Thug and an Adorable Orphan working at Needful Things.

3 Thieves, a Thug and an Adorable Orphan working at the Holy Grail Inn.

5 Thugs working on the SS Mary Anne.

15 employees will be performing acts of charity in the poorer districts- manning soup kitchens, finding lost pets, lighting bonfires in the street to keep the homeless warm at night, that sort of thing. 250 gold will be invested in the effort, and any down on their luck citizens will of course be offered work with the guild.

The Docks Warehouse is going to be used to host a rowdy illegal fighting tournament. Admittance will be free in order to garner the goodwill of the populace. Drinks will be sold though, and bets will be taken; the Guild is hoping to at the very least break even on this little endeavor. Anyone who performs particularly well will be encouraged to join the guild as an enforcer. 15 thugs who have performing well lately will be given the month off to train and compete in the tournament as a reward for their success, to encourage others to strive to excel. In order to set up the tournament, bribe guards to ignore the illegal activity, and pay for the thug's upkeep during the month, 1,000 gp will be invested. the guild will personally make sure news of the tournament reaches the ears of any adventurous nobles who might enjoy viewing some real combat rather than the hoidy-toidy fare they can expect from "real" tournaments.

20 employees will be approaching any appropriate groups not already under their control- street gangs, labor unions, merchant associations, whorehouses- and making offers to consolidate their causes under a common banner. Edward Dallimothan will personally lead the negotiations with words of honey and (somewhat) fair deals, but if any groups should reject him, enforcers will be along soon to make much less reasonable- but perhaps more compelling- demands. They won't spare the rod, relying on intimidation to prevent any further refusals. High Influence and Wealth should hopefully give the vars organizations reason to believe the Underclass Consortium has a great deal to offer them.

The remaining 35 employees will be performing crimes ranging from picking pockets to elaborate scams, donating a portion of their earnings to generate revenue for the guild. Gold will be reserved to bribe any guards who catch the rascals to overlook their "harmless shenanigans" Again, relying on high Influence and Wealth to pull me though any interactions with underpaid public servants.

2012-02-02, 09:01 PM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 2,000gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: 5
Holy Grail Inn: 5
S.S. Mary Anne: 5

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Three (3) new additions to the guild! Let the homeless and destitute amass your army.
Five (5) of your thugs were killed in the dock brawl, as well, you incurred a 150gp fine from the local authority when your illicit activities were revealed by a snitch noble.
Seven (7) of your thugs were apprehended while trying to "convince" a local butcher to offer his services to the guild. The bail is 20gp each (140gp).
Delving into the depths of the Ancient Ruins, your troupe returns with both their lives, and rare finds. Enough treasure and artifacts to support your guilds unfortunate loses for the month. (+400gp)
Your round of pickpocket-ing and theft had managed to incur a further debt, but thankfully a minimal one. A single employee was unable to bribe the guards, and imprisoned. (Bail is 20gp).

Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe (Occupied, 5)
Dock's Warehouse: Safe (Occupied, 10)
Protection Racket: Safe (Occdupied, 13)

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 6

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 1,270gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Of your Fifty (50) Employees prowling the street, a fair sum had found themselves the ones abducted, and before long behind bars. (-10 Employees)
Your medical practices at the Tower Viridian have brought a generous income of 220gp, after costs for upkeep (70gp) you find your coffers depressingly low.

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 28%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 4,879gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ 10
-The Temple of Exorcism 10
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz 9
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar 14
-The Abby of Saint Francis 6
-The Schola Francis 7

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

1285gp were accumulated by your loyal flock however the upkeep for those devoted to the cause has reduced the sum by 128gp. You have gained 1157gp.
The sermon was rousing! A truely inspiring spectacle, many new followers have converted to your cause. (+10 employees)
The training of your squires has seen a rise in productivity this month. Donations were made to reduce the 500gp cost to the facility, you have gained 580gp from this endeavor.
Your literacy work has spread well around the city, and even now you taste the fruits of your labor. (+3 prestige)
116gp in taxes payed to the crown have reduced your coffers only slightly.

Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 17%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 3,470gp

Structures, 4

House Aculeus: 20
House Sententia: 20
House Oculus: 20
House Cutis: 20

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 6

The party was a bust, leaving you with less funds then you began the month with, and with a slight drop in your prestige. (2% loss to prestige, no funds gained from the event).
At 50gp a girl, your entire detail of working ladies at the party raked in 937gp!
You lost 1,067gp this month to upkeep.
Your four houses brought in an accumulated sum of 1,280gp after taxes from the bank and crown.

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.


Artificer's Guild

Wealth:3, 19%
Prestige:2, 16%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 3,000gp

Please follow the posting instructions or your turn will be skipped

Structures, 3

Needful Things: Requires Employees
Holy Grail Inn: Requires Employees
S.S. Mary Anne: Requires Employees

Security, 3

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 4

No News in your employees

Resources, 4

Ancient Ruins: Safe
Dock's Warehouse: Safe
Protection Racket: Safe

Masters of Artifice-
The Artificers guild has a large number of Golums and Homunculi servants. This pushes them a little further away from the people, but makes them harder to infiltrate, and gives them more capable Employes. The Guild also learned expand into machinery.

Alan Michiargo
An elder Rune-smith and Artificer, who started the guild long ago to supply a demand for a more reliable workforce, and has since gone on to supply 'servants' to many. His works are much better than any others, and he has many golums who mimic his work..


Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 3,232gp

Structures, 5

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Unseen Univercity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5

Security, 8

No News in defenses.

Employees, 4

780gp earned from the production and first-month's sale of your Fantasia stones! A net loss in comparison to the manufacturing costs, but ultimately a minor set back to a larger investment.
All around the city your amazing private shows have been talked about and discussed by the noble blood. Those who could afford it payed well for such a marvel of magic and entertainment, during the festival the business was all the grander. (660gp earned)
The party held by Curia Palus Flos proved rather uneventful. You were denied opportunity to display your magical powers, and the entire event proved a drag. Few nobles who had attended stayed long, and it was clear this event was a disaster on the guild's coffers.
Your cash-crop production required a fair sum of seeds to experiment on, which was graciously supplied by the local farmers. Your total loss for the experiment was 852gp, but you acquired 560gp from first month's sales. Ultimately another loss, but another investment as well.

Resources, 4

Pits of Fellman: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Unseen University, Noble District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks


Festeval Fortuna! continues for two more months, and then winter will strike.
Favour` has increased for all guilds.
A generous event held by the working girls of Curia Palus Flos proved no measure of competition for the rest of the festival, and brought in only a small sum of coin.
Around the city crime seems to have increased considerably, actions pertaining to law enforcement will have a bonus for one month (1 turn).
Magical stones called "Fantasia Stones" now sell at Curo's Curiosities. (500gp each, counts as a resource, allows for "Magical lights and sounds" perfect for parties!

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-02, 10:19 PM
Curia Palus Flos

Alrighty to start things off a 500 gold donation will be given to the church as a good will offering in hopes of getting good prestige so I will roll for that and hopefully not get screwed like my employees [roll0]

second I will throw another party but this time for members of the banking guild only, it will be a 500 gold party and like the first event no drugs, it will be held at the main house, 15 elite girls will be present for call outs 50 gold per girl here is that roll [roll1] This is mostly to gain prestige among the most powerful guild in the city so here's the roll [roll2] and to gain patronage amongst the guild as well [roll3]

Each house will have a single open evening (drugs will be used) open to various groups to gain new members and influence. Invitations will be sent out accordingly with the proper time and address. During this time the houses will offer it's services for free but only for the night.

Week 1 House Aculeus
City group: Judges
Members roll: [roll4]
Influence roll: [roll5]

House Sententia
City group: Scholars of the Unseen University
Members roll: [roll6]
Influence roll: [roll7]

House Oculus
City group: Gem cutters
Members roll: [roll8]
Influence roll: [roll9]

House Cutis
City group: The city guard
Members roll: [roll10]
Influence roll: [roll11]

Every week 15 elite women will be selected to make house calls to special patrons, this is 50 gold per girl/

Week one: [roll12]
Week two: [roll13]
Week three: [roll14]
Week four: [roll15]

Lastly new members recruited from pre-existing members [roll16]

man that is a lot of rolling XD

2012-02-03, 03:04 AM
Mage's Guild

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5 Wizards
Curo's Curiosity: 5 Wizards
Zaphod's Zaps: 5 Wizards
Agriculture Arisen: 5 Wizards
20 working total at store fronts.

500 GP, 10 Wizards, Magic Wood and Magic stones to be used making magical boxes called Viewers around palm sized that can take accurate pictures, from hundreds of feet away, and and produce them on paper [much like a modern day camera]. These pictures will be clear accurate and impossible to edit.

500 GP and 5 Wizards will go about trying to encourage farmers to purchase the magically enhanced fruit, displaying the benefits of the profits of the awesome super fruit. They will also point out the usefulness of Fantasia Stones to scare away crows and other pests.

500 GP and 10 Wizards will mass produce Viewers for sale to the general population, showing them off, with live demonstrations and displaying their fine workings. What a perfect way to remember any event!

1000 GP and 15 Wizards and Devross will set about the dual tasks of policing the streets, and building a network of informants in the underworld.

The policing of the streets will be swift and with a steady escalation of force. Devross will use his powers to uncover crimes before they occur, help work out which underworld characters can be turned into an information network, and then the Wizards will sweep in and restore order, assisting the guards and always deferring to them. The Mages will use minimal force, using their magic offensively only when needed and rarely large scale.

The Mages will use the funds to help ingrain them in the local underworld communities, suggesting that life will be made much easier for any information in the city. They will speak with those they capture, those that are smart enough to understand what the mages are suggesting and clever enough to agree to it, find themselves free again, so long as they provide a constant stream of information about the goings on to the Mages guild.

Those caught who identify themselves as thieves guild members are to be released with a stern warning.

2012-02-03, 05:23 AM
First off, that snitch noble is going to have his ass kicked. 4 employees are on this job- one corrupt official to find out who it was, a thief as lookout, and a pair of thugs for the actual beating. It'll be made clear that if he gets the guys who took him/her out thrown in jail, there'll be more along to do more than just crack a few ribs. While they're at it, they'll take the noble's money, jewelry, hell even clothes if they look to be made of fine fabrics. [roll0]

Other than that, the consortium is lying low after one of the worst months they've ever experienced, sticking to (gasp) mostly legal activities.

I'm going to use my Dirty Cops trait to try and get all 8 imprisoned employees out for 40 gold rather than 140.[roll1]

Collection time! 6 thugs will walk the beat and collect from the shops under they're 'protection' and make sure nobody is trying to muscle in on their turf.[roll2]

Beggar's Eye View along with 20 employees will be used to monitor the activities of the other guilds, find out what projects they're working on etc.[roll3]

The 15 employees assigned to my businesses remain there.

All remaining employees (58 assuming the imprisoned ones are freed) will be sent in teams at some point in the month down into the ruins. The teams will be larger than usual and not under as much pressure, so deaths should be unlikely.[roll4]

2012-02-04, 02:06 PM
The Tower Viridian - 5

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 1,270gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Of your Fifty (50) Employees prowling the street, a fair sum had found themselves the ones abducted, and before long behind bars. (-10 Employees)
Your medical practices at the Tower Viridian have brought a generous income of 220gp, after costs for upkeep (70gp) you find your coffers depressingly low.

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.

Simple enough. Repeat Project Aquilla, etc. No employees on the Tower to compensate. If Liberatas fails, use 50 actual employees.
Project Libertas: [roll0]
Project Aquilla: [roll1]

Project Libertas
The Tower Viridian needs new test subjects! Thus, we start a push to scour the streets for people in need of medical assistance, drag them off to the Tower, and treat them in the lower levels. We then ascertain if anyone will miss them - this is a medieval city, and the first census wasn't done historically until 1719, so if they're not from the upper classes or a merchant, which the vast majority of people won't be, the only people who care will be their family. Some of those families will get pushy, but others can either be told that their loved one died with our influence, or the people won't have family in the first place. We invest 50 Employees and 400 GP in scouring the streets, hopefully picking up a bunch of people.

Project Aquilla
The city is in need of a more efficent, incorruptible police force. We can provide such a police force. We will use the people picked up by Project Libertas, and we immediately attempt to graft wings onto them, stupid things like genetic incompatibility be damned. The first few might die, but that's not a problem - with the pile of resources we're throwing in, we should get a hundred or so that are alive and functional. Then, Arcturus bites them, draining them of blood - If he gets full, then some of the created Thralls have snacks as well. We create many new thralls. These new superhuman flying creatures are given a suite of orders, and will be instructed to obey their owner perfectly and infallibly.
Needless to say, this will be set up to be overridden at a signal from Arcturus - but no need to mention that to the buyers.
Medical Apparatus:


Insane Genius:

Forbidden Medical Textbooks:


Half-baked Plans:
Are all applicable. We will also expend 60 employees and 800 Gold. The whole operation should take a month tops - since there are no large time delays in it at all.


2012-02-04, 03:35 PM
The Knights of the Temple

-5 Knights Templar
-20 Squires (+5 Squires)
-25 Laymen (+5 Laymen)
-10 Friars
-5 Monks
-5 Clerks of the Faith

-The Cathedral of Christ
-15 Laymen will hold sermons here in the Cathedral, with a Clerk of the Faith providing oversight, intent on providing healing and bringing together a congregation. These laymen will use spirited sermons to help emphasize the unbending love of God, and the great works that are undertaken in His name by His most faithful servants. They will have the dual intent of both bringing in bodies into the Cathedral via their spirited sermons and bible scriptures (pre-prepared by the Clerk) for additional worshipers, and attempting to gather donations therein to keep the Temple afloat/active. If people in the congregation wish to join, then so be it- they'll be directed to whatever branch they find most applicable to their faith. Holy artifacts from the Vault will be brought forth to show people the reality of the faith's foundations, and its blessed nature. Artifacts guarded by one of the Knights Templar and five Squires, alongside the rest of the congregation.

-The Temple of Exorcism
-10 Laymen and 5 Friars to offer their services in exorcism, blessings, and the act of indulgences for mortal sins. All for reasonable costs, of course, and with the oversight of a Clerk of the Faith.

-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz
-5 Laymen, 3 Monks and 1 Clerk of the Faith to travel to the nearest Iron Mine, and attempt to have a meeting with the owner of the mine and his workers. The Laymen and Monks will then use religious scripture (and a good amount of old-fashioned persuasion techniques) to try and convert the owner and his workers into the teachings of the church, and help acquire his assets. If needed, up to 1,500 gold pieces will be spent by the Clerk of the Faith. It would be preferable, however, that the owner is converted to the faith and the Iron Mine signed over into the faith's coffers (and the owner made into a Clerk of the Faith).

-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar
-Two Knights Templar will work to help train 15 Squires, as well as additional converts, in the rituals and dogma required to become a full Knight Templar.

-The Abby of Saint Francis
-5 Friars, directed by one Clerk of the Faith, will take the religious pamphlets printed out from the monastery and distribute them across the city. They will be escorted by two of the Knights Templar in full armor, so as to ensure that no harm befalls them as they spread awareness of the Temple of God and the services it offers.

-The Schola Francis
-5 Friars and 2 Monks will work to take 2,000 GP and construct the Saint Francis Abode of the Wayward Soul. The Abode will be a large poorhouse intended to give cheap shelter and free meals to the needy, with the Friars and Monks helping spread the Word of God to the homeless masses seeking shelter. The rooms will cost the bare minimum needed to keep the pantry stocked and the taxes paid.

2012-02-05, 02:05 AM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 1,898gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: 5
Holy Grail Inn: 5
S.S. Mary Anne: 5

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Your heist was successful. The corrupt official got you inside, and got the noble's defenses lowered. The lookout did well in fore-seeing any threats, and the thugs, well they did their job. After the deed was done, and the noble left in a sorry state, you accumulated 92gp in stolen goods, and sold them at your earliest convenience.
The Seer Devros of the Mage's Guild had fore-seen your operation. The noble was sparred the suffering that could have befell him, your own men were granted time to flee by the seer, before the guards arrived but no gold was added to your coffers.
Your bribe seemed to only get you so far. Only Two (2) of your men were out at the lowered price, you couldn't risk any further bribes this month. (-40gp)
Your thugs proved pretty good this month. Either security was shamefully low around town, or your boys were getting good at this. 625gp earned.
(Securities, which I am assuming Begger's Eye View is, forgive me if I am wrong; are used offensively, when you are being threatened by an outside force. Sorry).
Total cost from your expeditions accumulated to 248gp, nothing of value was found this month.
Thugs need to eat too, your guild's total upkeep this month ran 530gp.

Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe (Occupied, 53)
Dock's Warehouse: Safe (Occupied, 10)
Protection Racket: Safe (Occdupied, 13)

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 4

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 870gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Success at last! You manage to abduct a fair sum of "subjects". A rough calculation of value, according to your own guild charter, deems the operation worth 562gp, however since you can not sell people freely in the market, you'll be holding on to these for the time being. (+6 employees or +1 "Subjects" resource, up to you).
The experiments were a success! Logic be damned! Reality be damned! The very laws of nature be damned, you've succeeded in creating flying monstrosities, ones capable of plaguing the city and filling it with corrupting fear! (8 "special" employees added. "Monstrous Thralls")

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 26%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 1,479gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ 10
-The Temple of Exorcism 10
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz 9
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar 14
-The Abby of Saint Francis 6
-The Schola Francis 7

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

Your sermon's were laughable! You managed to cut your loses, but as a whole things did not go as you'd have liked. Rumors begin spreading how your "Holy Artifacts" are just cheap relics, and perhaps even fraudulent. This does not bode well for your church's reputation. (-1% prestige)
While your church's reputation drops, you find that some of your services are stilled appreciated. You raked in 200gp from donations and exorcisms this month.
A paltry discount, something your church would spit at if it were not in such increasing infamy. After much discussion, your church is not the right one for the proprietor, and he accepts your offer of 1,500gp. However, with your silver tongues you knock the cost down to 1,200gp. (+1 Iron Mine Resource or Structure)
Your 15 squires move up in the world! Donations increase as the cause for more warriors of the faith attain rank. (+5 Templars or +500gp)
Once more your church is insulted! Your pamphlets become fuel for the homeless folk's fires, or left as clutter around the city. (-200gp or -1% Influence)
Over the month you find a suitable structure to buy-out and renovate. However, despite the costs, it seems little is made in getting the recognition the church requires. (-2000gp AND -1% Prestige)
The Madam of Curia Palus Flos has offered you a gift of 500gp, a "donation made in good will" as they put it. (+500gp)
700gp paid in upkeep costs for your guild.

Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 18%
Influence:5, 27%

Coffers: 3,900gp

Structures, 4

House Aculeus: 20
House Sententia: 20
House Oculus: 20
House Cutis: 20

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 6

Word spreads about your actions with the church, it was no mystery they have had financial troubles, their standing with the crown quickly wavering, your "donation" was met with great admiration by the local noblemen. (+1% Prestige)
Festivals were always good for business, and while the biggest party of the year was going on, you would not miss out on the opportunity for some serious coin. 1,330gp was accumulated from the total of the party, your girls worked hard and the banker's harder. It was almost a shame they had to leave. (+1% Prestige or +5 Favoure`)
Your sinister touch has reached far. Four (4) additional members were enlisted to the guild, whether they be johns, or new woman ready for duty, they will prove a rather... addicted... asset. (+4 Employees)
You've accumulated a fair amount of fame this month, and a few employees. (+2 employees, +2% Influence)
900gp was lost to guild upkeep this month.

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.


Artificer's Guild

Wealth:3, 19%
Prestige:2, 16%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 3,000gp

Please be sure to notify me ahead of time when I've made an error with your guild. The structures/resources listed clearly werent the ones you assigned at creation, and since you just tried to play off them, I have to assume you were either aware of the issue and cheating, or unaware and did nothing to contact me about it. As such, another lost turn, sorry.

Structures, 3

Please List

Security, 3

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 4

No News in your employees

Resources, 4

Please List

Masters of Artifice-
The Artificers guild has a large number of Golums and Homunculi servants. This pushes them a little further away from the people, but makes them harder to infiltrate, and gives them more capable Employes. The Guild also learned expand into machinery.

Alan Michiargo
An elder Rune-smith and Artificer, who started the guild long ago to supply a demand for a more reliable workforce, and has since gone on to supply 'servants' to many. His works are much better than any others, and he has many golums who mimic his work..


Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 1,632gp

Structures, 4

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Unseen Univercity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5

Security, 7

No News in defenses.

Employees, 4

Your "Magical Viewers" will take time and additional resources to develop. (additional 500gp, and 2 turn needed).
The local agricultural giants seem to be unimpressed by your "magic seeds". Calls of hocus pocus and voodoo seem to arouse little support for your miracle produce. The farmers are willing to put their crops at stake and invest, but only if the income is worth it. (-1500gp, and the farmer's will permanently buy your seeds only).
You have already taken root in the city's underworld. And while your hold is weak, it can only grow from here. (+1 "Special" employee "Informant".)
600gp was lost in guild upkeep.

Resources, 2

Mystical Mines: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Safe
Magical Seeds: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future

Special Employees
Damien Lecroise`, Informant:
This unit can "gather information" around the city each turn. He requires no pay, and is happy to work for the guild free of charge. Each turn you gain One (1) hint towards if an action is beneficial or not.


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks


Festeval Fortuna! continues for one more month, and then winter comes!
A new hero has shown himself to the people of Facultis Opes, a magical "seer" named Devross! Come to him, learn from him, aspire to be him!
The ladies of Curia Palus Flos prove most beneficial to the men and woman of the city, their influence begins to reach far.
Slander and heresy! The Knights Templar have been insulted one too many times, their good name is quickly becoming worthless.

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

2012-02-05, 02:41 AM
Mage's Guild

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5
20 Wizards in total.

Damien Lecroise will work out if it will be beneficial to pay the farmers off and gain thier support. Will I earn more than I spend?

The Mages guild takes out a 2,000 GP loan from the bank.

Extra 500 GP, 10 Wizards, Magic Wood and Magic stones for viewers.

5 Wizards and 1500gp will ensure the farmers buy our seeds permanently.

1,500 GP and 25 Wizards, including Devross, will begin a campaign of ads and magical performances in order to improve sales at the guild stores and gain cash from performances. Devross will watch over all the events and ensure that funds are made. Should a performance or ad campaign not at the very least break even at the end of it, Devross will cancel it, and arrange another one that will at the very least break even.

Message to the Banking Guild

It has come to the attention of the Mage's Guild that the coinage currently in circulation can be devalued in a number of ways. Besides the normal manners such as sweating and clipping, we feel there is serious threat of the current coinage being faked.

We wish to offer our services in the creation of magical protection of the coinage. The new protected coinage will be protected from the various traditional methods of devaluing coinage, but will also glow slightly when heated by the hand. Only true coinage will possess this ability and as such it will be impossible to fake. This will save the banking claim a considerable deal of wealth and provide a more stable currency.

All we ask is that the Banking guild cover our costs +10% in the creation of this protected coinage.

Message to the Assassins Guild

Greetings stalkers of the night,

We of the Mages Guild wish to offer you the opportunity to invest in the future of your guild.

We are looking into investing into a series of rings, that would make the user harder to see. Not completely invisible, but rather cause the eye to slide away from the person. These rings would be of great benefit to those looking to perform discrete actions. Naturally there would be only a limited Market for such devices, for if they became too common, counter devices would be produced.

As such we wish to offer you an arrangement. We will produce however many rings you desire, for the cost of their development plus 20% service fee. Naturally these devices would be the exclusive property of the Assassins guild.

We look forward to your reply.

2012-02-05, 03:19 AM
The Knights of the Temple

-5 Knights Templar
-20 Squires
-25 Laymen
-15 Friars (+5 Friars)
-5 Monks
-5 Clerks of the Faith

-The Cathedral of Christ
-15 Laymen will hold sermons here in the Cathedral, with a Clerk of the Faith providing oversight, intent on providing healing and bringing together a congregation. These laymen will use spirited sermons to help emphasize the unbending love of God, and the great works that are undertaken in His name by His most faithful servants. They will have the dual intent of both bringing in bodies into the Cathedral via their spirited sermons and bible scriptures (pre-prepared by the Clerk) for additional worshipers, and attempting to gather donations therein to keep the Temple afloat/active. If people in the congregation wish to join, then so be it- they'll be directed to whatever branch they find most applicable to their faith. Holy artifacts from the Vault will be brought forth to show people the reality of the faith's foundations, and its blessed nature. Artifacts guarded by one of the Knights Templar and five Squires, alongside the rest of the congregation. [Wololo applies here]

-The Temple of Exorcism
-10 Laymen and 5 Friars to offer their services in exorcism, blessings, and the act of indulgences for mortal sins. All for reasonable costs, of course, and with the oversight of a Clerk of the Faith.

-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz
-5 Laymen, 3 Monks and 1 Clerk of the Faith to offer blessings on the metal that comes out of the newly acquired Iron Mine, and then selling the sanctified metal to those workshops and metalsmiths that wish to produce sacred goods.

-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar
-Two Knights Templar will work to help train 15 Squires, as well as additional converts, in the rituals and dogma required to become a full Knight Templar. They will become full Knights Templar on this third turn of training- fully prepared to become Soldiers of God!

-The Abby of Saint Francis
-5 Friars, directed by one Clerk of the Faith, will take the religious pamphlets printed out from the monastery and distribute them across the city. They will be escorted by two of the Knights Templar in full armor, so as to ensure that no harm befalls them as they spread awareness of the Temple of God and the services it offers. [Wololo applies here also]

-The Schola Francis
-5 Friars and 2 Monks will work in the Schola Francis, aiming to undertake the task of further recording the city's history, and attempting to create a handful of manuscripts for historical and religious preservation.

-Saint Francis Abode of the Wayward Soul
-5 Friars will serve to help assist the poor. These Friars will offer reasonably-priced rooms to the homeless, which will have the money used to help feed the poor. Whilst offering food and board, they will work to convert the downtrodden, for it is the downtrodden that can become the most powerful members of the faithful! [Wololo applies here!]

Morbis Meh
2012-02-05, 12:30 PM
Curia Palus Flos

Time to make some money! Like I discussed earlier, I will be presenting one of my best employees as a mistress to the crown. The price I am presenting is 5000 gold for the lovely lady so here is my negotiation roll [roll0]

Now time to gather some information; the ladies will be going on designated outing in groups of five, one head of house with 4 girls as body guards/spies. Three groups will be going in total: one to the Cathedral of Christ, one to the Schola Francis and one to the Golumn Workshop. The group will stay together at all times and will be back before the night. If anyone does not return, a detachment of the city guard will be sent immediately to the location the group visited (and if need be the champion).

Group 1: Church (Templars)- The group's cover story focuses on two issues, the first is to see how their donation has been put to use and the second is to discuss the opening of an orphanage. While the Head of House is discussing this, the other ladies will be tasked to observe and listen for any other tidbits that might be useful. Also the ladies will carefully hand out invitations to the less devout...

Information roll [roll1]
Influence as far as orphanage set up [roll2]
Invitation drive! [roll3]

Group 2: Zaphods Zaps (Mage)- The cover story is to see the wares and to possibly discuss business arrangements but this is not to be taken seriously. The girls are here to try to gather information about possible research or new products coming onto the scene. They too will hand out invitations to whomever they see fit.

Information roll [roll4]
Invitation drive! [roll5]

Group 3: Golumn (Artificer)- This is actually a legitimate visit, our guild is wondering why in the hell they are sending golems to our houses when they are not invited and not welcome. The terms sent on the invitation were for 5, not 12 and implicitly stated living beings since golems cannot sample wares. The girls will be listening for other tidbits as well whilst giving out invitations.
Information roll [roll6]
Invitation drive! [roll7]

Monthly Open house for houses:
Week 1
House Aculeus
City group: Bankers Guild
Members roll: [roll8]
Influence roll: [roll9]
Information: [roll10]

Week 2
House Sententia
City group: Nobles
Members roll: [roll11]
Influence roll: [roll12]
Information: [roll13]

Week 3
House Oculus
City group: Members of the government
Members roll: [roll14]
Influence roll: [roll15]
Information: [roll16]]

Week 4
House Cutis
City group: Captains of the city guard
Members roll: [roll17]
Influence roll: [roll18]
Information: [roll19]

Lastly, the new members generated from prexisting members [roll20]

2012-02-08, 02:13 AM
The Tower Viridian
Hm. We need more cash - thus, take out a 10000 GP loan from the bankers. I figure that either we'll be able to make back the intrest, or they'll be intersted in salvaging us at some point...

Invest 2000 GP and all of our workers and resources into mass producing our thralls, with the standard "attempt to retrieve "willing" subjects and use workers if need be" thing.

2012-02-08, 09:34 PM
I'm not really in the mood to post, but I don't want to hold up the game, so go ahead and update without me, assume the guild is lying low for the month. Honestly makes enough sense IC at this point anyway.

2012-02-09, 12:49 AM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 1,898gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: 5
Holy Grail Inn: 5
S.S. Mary Anne: 5

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7


Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe (Occupied, 53)
Dock's Warehouse: Safe (Occupied, 10)
Protection Racket: Safe (Occdupied, 13)

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 3

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 16,70gp

- Current Interest/Remaining Debt: 1% on 10,000gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

It liiiiiiiives! Your monstrous experiment's pay off, granting you your own private army of these... fiendish creations. (+3 "Special" employees.)

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.

Special Employees:
Thrall- Winged horrors with a taste for blood, and the strength of a monster. Your thralls are uncontrollable, and a truly fearsome force. Simply unleash these monstrosities and lay waste to your enemies! (Each "employee" does not require upkeep, and can only be used for the specific action of attacking or destroying or killing something)


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 26%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 1,479gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ 10
-The Temple of Exorcism 10
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz 9
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar 14
-The Abby of Saint Francis 6
-The Schola Francis 7

Security, 4

Please List Your Securities.

Employees, 7

Bit tired, so sorry for lack of flavor post.
+679gp, +9 Friars.

Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 18%
Influence:5, 27%

Coffers: 4,470gp

Structures, 4

House Aculeus: 20
House Sententia: 20
House Oculus: 20
House Cutis: 20

Security, 4

Please Post Your Securities.

Employees, 6

The king will not hear of it! Unreasonable, or perhaps just too fat off the easy life, his lord high majesty will not bow to your petty price. He demands less! or more girls. (1000gp for the girl, or for the price of 5000gp 12 girls)
The Cathedral's sermons are, captivating. The preachers and their sermons prove masterful and endearing. Your girls manage to keep themselves from stumbling blindly into the arms of god however, having learned little more then the formidable competition before them.
The Schola Francis is a curious establishment. You find yourselves allowed only fleeting entrance as the place seems to be a sort of male-nunnery. The friars of the Schola are deeply devote, and seem to be impossible to persuade with womanly wiles.
The workshop was void. Those mysterious tinkerers of the workshop seem to be completely absent. Many of their constructs as well are are missing. A handful of blue-prints and spare materials remain, combined you could salvage enough to perhaps continue their works. (Either +1 Resource stat and "Mechanics" resource added, or +1 Structure stat and "Workshop" added.)
6 new girls were recruited this month! (+6 employees)
+570gp earned this month. (Now combining upkeep costs and gp earnings each month into one total. Easier calculations that way)

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.


Paul Mccartney's Guild

Wealth:0, 0%
Prestige:0, 0%
Influence:0, 0%

Coffers: 999,999,999gp


Structures, 0

Please List

Security, 0

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 0

No News in your employees

Resources, 0

Please List

Masters of Artifice-



Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 632gp

Structures, 4

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Unseen Univercity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5

Security, 7

List your Securities please!

Employees, 4

Magical Viewers are ready to hit the shelves!
No Profit made this month.
600gp was lost in guild upkeep.
The banking guild returns your missive, the news is less then inspiring.
While we thank you for your offer, we can not at this time conduct additional business with you. With your out-standing loan of 2,000gp we must refuse this new possible business venture. We do support the idea, and will happily fund the project as soon as your current debt is repaid.
The assassin's missive was, far more promising, if not complex.
100. - Included within the envelope was 2,400 gold pieces, pure and untainted. The assassin's seemed more then eager to get their hands on your new magic.

Resources, 2

Mystical Mines: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Safe
Magical Seeds: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future

Special Employees
Damien Lecroise`, Informant:
This unit can "gather information" around the city each turn. He requires no pay, and is happy to work for the guild free of charge. Each turn you gain One (1) hint towards if an action is beneficial or not.


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks
Church of Arcadium, Temple Ward


The Festival Fortuna ends, much exhaustion and revelry washes over the city in thick waves. All in the city were spent, both mentally and physically. Winter had now begun, harvest seasons would be poor, and food prices would sky rocket. (Bonus to all actions involving produce)
Word has gotten around that a holy-preacher from a distant land has entered the borders of Facultis Opes. This "Holy Man" would preach new and interesting concepts, inspiring thoughts, and promises of great rewards in the here-after. (A new location in town has appeared "Church of Arcadium")

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

2012-02-09, 03:39 AM
Mage's Guild

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5
20 Wizards in total.


1. Emergency teleport on all mages, that can be triggered with a mere thought, that returns them to the guild hall.
2. Magical golem's made of steel, stone and magic designed and trained in combat, that tirelessly guard every entrance, vault and living quarters of the Magic guild and respond to orders from Magic guild members.
3. A Spy network, that keeps an eye on every other groups activities, minus the king's activities.
4. A spy network, dedicated to learning of any action against the Magic guild, while uncovering and capturing or killing agents working against/spying on the Magic guild.
5. All Wizards have magically enhanced mental discipline to protect them from mental effects of torture, seduction, drugs, conversion and mind control/reading.
6. Magical traps designed to quietly alert wizards, while disabling the intruder over the course of a minute. Traps are instantly reloaded and reactivated and will be located in every non-standard possible entrance point, sewers, windows, chimneys, storm-water drains etc in every facility.
7. Deleted
8. All Wizards are highly trained in warfare and are skilled with battle magic.

10 Wizards are to take the Assassins 2,400 gp and a large supply of our Magic Wood, and begin work on the new Assassins rings. The Rings allow the wear to be almost invisible, while not completely invisible, but rather cause the eye to slide away from the person. In edition to this powerful effect, the rings come with two secret, hidden abilities that the Wizards take great care to hide from others who may wish to learn of them. The first of these abilities is to cause the wearer to glow brightly in the sight of anyone with the Mages Blood, this not only negates the hiding effect but makes the wearer easier to see this effect is only for Wizards, so if a wearer of the ring is in a room with a Mage and two commoners, the commoners would not notice the wearer, but the Mage would. The Second effect is a very slow influence effect, that causes the wearers to feel that it is natural to obey and serve the Mage's Guild, this effect slowly takes hold after many months slow enough that it seems a natural progression of though to outside viewers. 100 of these rings are to be developed and produced for the Assassins guild.

30 Wizards + Devross + Damien Lecroise to begin Operation Doorknocker

Details pmed

Letter to the Seam mistresses guilds/organizations/anyone who works with fabric or clothes.

Greetings honored friends,

We of the Mages Guild seek to expand our support into many new industries. One of these is the working of fabric and clothes. As such we would be more than willing to purchases your businesses. In this we would retain all employees including CEO's, but would gain profits, trade marks, SOPs, and continuation of all contracts.

If you have any concerns please feel free to ask, in the mean time we look forward to your replies.

^ Letter is to be sent to every cloth maker/fabric weaver etc

2012-02-10, 04:46 AM
Underclass Consortium

Down Deep- The underground Guild Hall is a well kept secret. Even for those who have heard of it, it is nearly impossible to find.

Go to Ground- The motley crew that composes the Consortium is well-practiced in avoiding trouble when missions go south or enemies come knocking at the door.

Beggar's Eye View- The city's beggars are well-disposed toward the guild, acting a spies hiding in plain sight.

Dirty Cops- Far from being an obstacle to the guild, half the guards in the city are completely in their pockets, even willing to make trouble for rivals if coaxed.

Sore for funds, the guild is going to attempt a bank heist. Not the central bank- any decent sized branch will do. They'll recruit a man inside beforehand (whole month to plan this caper after all) to get all the reconnaissance they need, and all planning will take place on the SS Mary Anne, far from prying eyes. On the morning of the heist, the consortium will start a riot in the docks to draw the guard's attention away (10 employees and warehouse devoted to this). 10 more employees will be assigned to the actual heist, plus 100 gp in equipment for the team, and 100gp to recruit the man inside.

Farmers in the area around the city will be brought into the protection racket. Those who refuse will get a warning- produce shipment waylaid on the road, livestock stolen, a shed burned down or similar. Any foolish enough to go to the guard will be punished severely enough to discourage further betrayals- barn burned down, livestock butchered or similar. Those who agree will find the consortium quite genteel, offering extra help at the cost of only room and board, making sure other groups don't waylay produce shipments and using their influence to keep taxes reasonable. All this is to create a stark contrast between the experience of those willing to work with the consortium and those who are not. 40 employees will be devoted to this, the reason for the high number being to be able to supply extra help, and so the operation can continue uninterrupted if one or more teams are apprehended by the city guard.

What's all this about factions trying to muscle in on the fine public servants known as the city watch? The Underclass Consortium, for one, will not allow their comrades to be pushed aside in favor of mechanical abominations or wizards with mysterious and sinister objectives. Let the watch be unionized! 20 employees will be working out of the Holy Grail Inn, with 200gp to spend on supplies and other expenses. Guild Champion Edward Dallimothan will personally spearhead he effort. If the unionization is successful the consortium hopes to eventually make that money back in union dues. Relying on high influence to have one hell of a sales pitch to get the guards to sign on.

The Underclass Consortium sends an emissary to the mage's guild asking them to kindly steer clear of consortium affairs in the future. We consider their recent interference is quite forgivable barring any future entanglements.

Any remaining employees will weather the winter working on one of the consortium's shops.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-11, 08:37 PM
Curia Palus Flos

I will accept the offer of 1000 gold for the girl, and will give 5 extra as a gift for extra favour and prestige [roll0]

The abandoned building that was once a machine shop will be converted to an orphanage using the funds generated from the sales of the factory equipment. The 6 other new employees that I managed to find will be working here and my champion will be running the place to keep a low profile. The employees will take care of the children as well as raise funds to keep it going. When old enough the children will be offered a position within the guild and they are free to decline. The building from here on out will be called Madame Cassari's House of Hope.
prestige roll [roll1]
fund raising roll among the community/government [roll2]

Third order of business is information and standard member recruitment along with influence and prestige.

House Aculeus
prestige [roll3]
information [roll4]
influence [roll5]
member recruitment [roll6]

House Sententia
prestige [roll7]
information [roll8]
influence [roll9]
member recruitment [roll10]

House Oculus
prestige [roll11]
information [roll12]
influence [roll13]
member recruitment [roll14]

House Cutis
prestige [roll15]
information [roll16]
influence [roll17]
member recruitment [roll18]

Next the main house will be doing a recruitment drive for new talent! An add will be placed in the paper for 200 gold and it will last a month

Here are my security points that you requested!
Security:4 (4 fortification points)
1: All guild members are trained in martial arts for personal protection and general safety in case attacked by a client.
2. One of the Captains of the Guard as a member and thus have control over a detail of the guard for protection.
3. A judge of the court is also a member and thus very flexible to the demands of the guild regarding court decisions.
4. A high ranking nobleman as a member that is willing to create laws that help further the goals of the guild and protect them from others.

2012-02-11, 08:48 PM
The Knights of the Temple

-The Cathedral of Christ
-15 Laymen will hold sermons here in the Cathedral, with a Clerk of the Faith providing oversight, intent on providing healing and bringing together a congregation. These laymen will use spirited sermons to help emphasize the unbending love of God, and the great works that are undertaken in His name by His most faithful servants. They will have the dual intent of both bringing in bodies into the Cathedral via their spirited sermons and bible scriptures (pre-prepared by the Clerk) for additional worshipers, and attempting to gather donations therein to keep the Temple afloat/active. If people in the congregation wish to join, then so be it- they'll be directed to whatever branch they find most applicable to their faith. Holy artifacts from the Vault will be brought forth to show people the reality of the faith's foundations, and its blessed nature. Artifacts guarded by one of the Knights Templar and five Squires, alongside the rest of the congregation. [Wololo applies here]

-The Temple of Exorcism
-10 Laymen and 5 Friars to offer their services in exorcism, blessings, and the act of indulgences for mortal sins. All for reasonable costs, of course, and with the oversight of a Clerk of the Faith.

-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz
-5 Laymen, 3 Monks and 1 Clerk of the Faith to offer blessings on the metal that comes out of the newly acquired Iron Mine, and then selling the sanctified metal to those workshops and metalsmiths that wish to produce sacred goods.

-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar
-Two Knights Templar will work to help train 15 Squires, as well as additional converts, in the rituals and dogma required to become a full Knight Templar. They will become full Knights Templar on this third turn of training- fully prepared to become Soldiers of God! This last turn shall lead to their ascension to fully fledged Knights Templar!

-The Abby of Saint Francis
-5 Friars, directed by one Clerk of the Faith, will take the religious pamphlets printed out from the monastery and distribute them across the city. They will be escorted by two of the Knights Templar in full armor, so as to ensure that no harm befalls them as they spread awareness of the Temple of God and the services it offers. [Wololo applies here also]

-The Schola Francis
-5 Friars and 2 Monks will work in the Schola Francis, aiming to undertake the task of further recording the city's history, and attempting to create a handful of manuscripts for historical and religious preservation.

-Saint Francis Abode of the Wayward Soul
-14 Friars will serve to help assist the poor. These Friars will offer reasonably-priced rooms to the homeless, which will have the money used to help feed the poor. Whilst offering food and board, they will work to convert the downtrodden, for it is the downtrodden that can become the most powerful members of the faithful! [Wololo applies here!]

2012-02-12, 12:18 AM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 1,598gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: 5
Holy Grail Inn: 5
S.S. Mary Anne: 5

Security, 4

Down Deep- The underground Guild Hall is a well kept secret. Even for those who have heard of it, it is nearly impossible to find.

Go to Ground- The motley crew that composes the Consortium is well-practiced in avoiding trouble when missions go south or enemies come knocking at the door.

Beggar's Eye View- The city's beggars are well-disposed toward the guild, acting a spies hiding in plain sight.

Dirty Cops- Far from being an obstacle to the guild, half the guards in the city are completely in their pockets, even willing to make trouble for rivals if coaxed.

Employees, 7

Without a Hitch: Your heist was performed expertly, something you've come to expect from your men. Such a skilled and professional job proved for the better of the guild. Unfortunately security, and the level of active guards in the area has nearly tripled because of your little caper. (+1000gp)
Green Thumb and Red Handed: Unfortunately your actions against the local farmers was, less then impressive. Your men proved effecient in their "coercion" but the locals were less then happy to pay your price. Many shipments of produce were way-laid, again causing considerable guard-suspicion, if not for your innate ability to evade the authorities, you'd have lost more then you had. (-20 employees)
Local Chapter 203B: The city guard cannot be unionized. Rather, if they could, it'd only cause them more trouble. The crown has become suspicious of your guild, making it a personal note that any activities that are considered "unlawful" that can be pinned on the Consortium are to be met with ample force. Despite this decree, many of the would-be unionized Guards are more then happy to "Turn a blind eye" to your activities if it means more coin in their pocket. (-30gp per "illegal" action, and you can avoid NPC-interaction)
-1200gp in upkeep (May want to look into putting more men into your shops, and or doing more small scale jobs.)

Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe
Dock's Warehouse: Safe
Protection Racket: Safe

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 3

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 0,000gp

- Current Interest/Remaining Debt: 1% on 10,000gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7

It liiiiiiiives! Your monstrous experiment's pay off, granting you your own private army of these... fiendish creations. (+3 "Special" employees.)

Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.

Special Employees:
Thrall- Winged horrors with a taste for blood, and the strength of a monster. Your thralls are uncontrollable, and a truly fearsome force. Simply unleash these monstrosities and lay waste to your enemies! (Each "employee" does not require upkeep, and can only be used for the specific action of attacking or destroying or killing something)


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 26%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 1,979gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ 10
-The Temple of Exorcism 10
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz 9
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar 14
-The Abby of Saint Francis 6
-The Schola Francis 7

Security, 4

Please List Your Securities.

Employees, 7

Faith's Blade: Your squires have trained long and hard, and after months of devoted trial and tribulation, they have achieved greatness! (+15 "Holy Champions" special units added)
Recruitment Drive: Your faith grows ever stronger, bringing in the down-trot and destitute to transform into the determined and devoted. (+5 "employees" or +1% Prestige)

Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.

Holy Champion: Ordained by the church, and bred for combat superiority, these "knights of the temple" are nothing but refined. A personal attack force that will fight, and die, for the church as needed. Can be assigned to actions (and is fairly powerful) but will work 100% on reaction if need be.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 20%
Influence:5, 27%

Coffers: 4,970gp

Structures, 4

House Aculeus: 20
House Sententia: 20
House Oculus: 20
House Cutis: 20

Security, 4

1: All guild members are trained in martial arts for personal protection and general safety in case attacked by a client.
2. One of the Captains of the Guard as a member and thus have control over a detail of the guard for protection.
3. A judge of the court is also a member and thus very flexible to the demands of the guild regarding court decisions.
4. A high ranking nobleman as a member that is willing to create laws that help further the goals of the guild and protect them from others.

Employees, 6

Wholesale Whoresale: -6 employees, +2 prestige and +1000gp
Madam Cassari's House of Hope: The banking guild and the crown together congratulate you on your commitment to the community. (+100gp "Gift" from the banking guild and +1 prestige) (Special Unit "Orphan" added)
Coin M'lady?: The record book balances, and you come out only slightly behind this month. It seems many of your places of business could do with some... refurbishing. (-500gp)

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.

Orphan: Proficient little pickpockets and informants, you will be constantly alerted to any major events occurring in the district associated with your Orphanage structure.


Paul Mccartney's Guild

Wealth:0, 0%
Prestige:0, 0%
Influence:0, 0%

Coffers: 999,999,999gp


Structures, 0

Please List

Security, 0

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 0

No News in your employees

Resources, 0

Please List

Masters of Artifice-



Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 792gp

Structures, 4

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Unseen Univercity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5

Security, 7

1. Emergency teleport on all mages, that can be triggered with a mere thought, that returns them to the guild hall.
2. Magical golem's made of steel, stone and magic designed and trained in combat, that tirelessly guard every entrance, vault and living quarters of the Magic guild and respond to orders from Magic guild members.
3. A Spy network, that keeps an eye on every other groups activities, minus the king's activities.
4. A spy network, dedicated to learning of any action against the Magic guild, while uncovering and capturing or killing agents working against/spying on the Magic guild.
5. All Wizards have magically enhanced mental discipline to protect them from mental effects of torture, seduction, drugs, conversion and mind control/reading.
6. Magical traps designed to quietly alert wizards, while disabling the intruder over the course of a minute. Traps are instantly reloaded and reactivated and will be located in every non-standard possible entrance point, sewers, windows, chimneys, storm-water drains etc in every facility.
7. Deleted
8. All Wizards are highly trained in warfare and are skilled with battle magic.

Employees, 4

A Dastardly Deed Indeed!: It seems a little trick had been played on the mage's guild. Your raid of the Tower Viridian was complete and ultimately fruitful. You met with considerable resistance, winged, pale-skinned abominations wrought from the flesh of the ones deceased had risen from the labs of the dark tower to defend their corrupt masters. But a source of magic had aided you unlike that which Devross could have foreseen. Magical rings, each worn by the major, and indeed most threatening guild members had illuminated them like hot flares in the night. At the time you thought nothing of it, but ultimately you learned the truth. The assassin's guild had tricked the tower viridian, perhaps for it's own vile purposes.
(The tower viridian structure is now yours, however it's resources/other statistics are up for sale by the bank) (-12 brave wizards. They will be missed) (-500gp)
Curtain Call: The local Seamstress and Tailors of the city will happily sell their shops to you. As such, they require a modest offer before considering selling. Their opening deal is 500gp (Yes per shop, and there's ALOT of shops) feel free to negotiate as you see appropriate.
Down on the Farm: Your seed sells have dropped considerably. This has hurt your business, and so Devross was tasked with finding out why. It seems that, once more the conniving and tricky Consortium has it's fingers in all kinds of messes. A number of produce shipments have been ambushed, setting the costs for food-stuffs to an incredible amount. As well, they've been forced to burn down a few farms, and ransack a few farm steads. You do not yet know why they have done any of this. (Will not be gaining income from seed sales this turn)
Spoils of War: The city guard has been informed of an attack on some of the out-lining areas of the city. Within the agricultural badlands, where your magical forest sits, has seen occupation by a band of mercenaries. These brutes have all but prevented your employees from harvesting the enchanted woods. The guards demand you allow them to handle this task, but naturally what would they know? (Enchanted Woods is unsafe to use)
(+640gp this turn)

Resources, 2

Mystical Mines: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Unsafe
Magical Seeds: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future

Special Employees
Damien Lecroise`, Informant:
This unit can "gather information" around the city each turn. He requires no pay, and is happy to work for the guild free of charge. Each turn you gain One (1) hint towards if an action is beneficial or not.


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
Madam Cassari's House of Hope, Noble District
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks
Church of Arcadium, Temple Ward


The winter is fierce, and naturally food production is harder to come by. But this winter has been fiercer then most. Recent farming-steads have been raided, and supplies destroyed or ambushed. Ultimately the cost of produce has gone to unseemly amounts. (MAJOR bonus to produce-based tasks), many have died from starvation this month alone.
A new orphanage known as "Madam Cassari's House of Hope" has opened within the Noble district.
The Tower Viridian has been revealed to the people. A recent attack on the corrupt tower has brought to light it's dark, and monstrous experiments. Winged, flesh-crafted abominations, once the remains of those at rest, renewed with unholy vigor had been annihilated and put on display for the city-folk to gauk at and fear. The Guard of course claim full responsibility for the attack, and assure the tower and it's occupant will be dealt with justly.

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

Morbis Meh
2012-02-12, 01:14 PM
Cuira Palus Flos

First, standard monthly house rolls

House Aculeus
prestige [roll0]
information [roll1]
influence [roll2]
member recruitment [roll3]

House Sententia
prestige [roll4]
information [roll5]
influence [roll6]
member recruitment [roll7]

House Oculus
prestige [roll8]
information [roll9]
influence [roll10]
member recruitment [roll11]

House Cutis
prestige [roll12]
information [roll13]
influence [roll14]
member recruitment [roll15]

Now onto the more interesting designs...
So I am going to use the orphans to probe the district for information regarding a bastard son of the king, but they will not pick pockets
Information [roll16]

Secondly, the girls who were sent for the harem will keep their ears open and discover if one the lower priority heirs is disgruntled and can appraise his malleability. [roll17]

The guild will also run a charity auction among the nobles to raise money for the poor orphans! They will have a catered refreshments followed by bidding for the company of one of the guild's ladies. The guild will spend 1500 gold on the event and will start the bidding at 100 gold per girl.
prestige [roll18]
income [roll19]

I will also put another add in the paper for girl recruitment so another 200 gold
recruitment [roll20]

2012-02-14, 10:41 PM
Mage's Guild

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5
Viridian Mage's Tower: 5
25 used

Banking issues. Damien Lecroise will work to gain a hint on this action.

When the Banking guild comes to the Tower, they are welcomed inside, once there they are brought to the vaults, where they are politely informed of several facts.

1) We have evidence that they funded illegal activities.
2) This evidence is irrefutable.
3) This evidence can either be brought to public attention, or can be hidden away.

Given these facts the Mage's Guild would like our outstanding debt to be nullified.

We would require reparations for transportation, handling and delivery of the evidence equal to 2,000 gp.

Of the farms

Devross will work with 20 men from the Underclass Consortium, in attacking imported food shipments. The attacks will be directed against traders returning to their home cities when they are rich from their sales. The attacks will take place as aggressive ambushes. The men are equipped with Assassins rings, with all their effects, and are ordered to engage the convoys through tactical ambushes, one man calling for the groups surrender. Should the group not surrender, then the men will fire crossbow bolts into the group, instead of reloading, they are to carry a second crossbow, and fire that instead. Once the guards are dealt with, the convoy will be robbed of its valuables, the group will then learn the name of the caravan drive and leave a message that if they come to the city again he will be killed.

The attacks will be aimed to primarily take place at night, but will be varied according to Devrosses visions, including attacking shipments before they reach the city.

The goods recovered will travel to the consortium, the Mage's Guild is to have nothing to do with it, Devross will just give advice to the attackers and help plan their attacks. His magic will protect the group while ensure the softest targets are targetted and that the group manages to avoid the Guards.

A few Fantasia Stones are also sent to the Consortium.


10 men and 500 GP go into a recruiting campaign to seek out those blessed with the beginnings of Mages Blood, once found they begin tests to ensure loyality and once passed are made full blooded members of the Mages Guild.


2,000 GP and 13 men will set about the creation and massed production of a new batch of seeds that will be rushed to all farmers. These seeds will take a week to grow into editable fruit, vegetables, wheat, fodder, etc, inside a week, producing 150% the normal crop as well. The plants grown are single generation, thus new seeds must be bought for every new crops. In addition hidden inside the seeds is deep hidden magic that causes those who ingest the food, or the flesh of a creature that has eaten the food, to slowly feel naturally compelled to obey and serve the Mages Guild. The more the food is eaten, over longer periods the stronger this effect becomes. This effect does not cause people to be drawn towards the Mages Guild, merely to serve and obey them without question when they encounter them.

The guards gain my blessing to remove the bandits from the woods. They are offered free health care at our hospital should they suffer from any side effects.

2012-02-15, 10:06 PM
The Knights of the Temple

+5 Laymen

-The Cathedral of Christ
-20 Laymen will hold sermons here in the Cathedral, with a Clerk of the Faith providing oversight, intent on providing healing and bringing together a congregation. These laymen will use spirited sermons to help emphasize the unbending love of God, and the great works that are undertaken in His name by His most faithful servants. They will have the dual intent of both bringing in bodies into the Cathedral via their spirited sermons and bible scriptures (pre-prepared by the Clerk) for additional worshipers, and attempting to gather donations therein to keep the Temple afloat/active. If people in the congregation wish to join, then so be it- they'll be directed to whatever branch they find most applicable to their faith. Holy artifacts from the Vault will be brought forth to show people the reality of the faith's foundations, and its blessed nature. Artifacts guarded by one of the Knights Templar and five Squires, alongside the rest of the congregation. [Wololo applies here]

-The Temple of Exorcism
-10 Laymen and 5 Friars to offer their services in exorcism, blessings, and the act of indulgences for mortal sins. All for reasonable costs, of course, and with the oversight of a Clerk of the Faith.

-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz
-5 Laymen, 3 Monks and 1 Clerk of the Faith to offer blessings on the metal that comes out of the newly acquired Iron Mine, and then selling the sanctified metal to those workshops and metalsmiths that wish to produce sacred goods.

-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar
-Seventeen Knights Templar (Holy Champions) will take to the streets, aiming to assist the Guard in hunting down criminal elements in the city and beyond it, with the task of taking the Consortium's criminal employees captive and "assisting" the Guard in "Interrogating" them for the purpose of locating their HQ/structures.

-The Abby of Saint Francis
-5 Friars, directed by one Clerk of the Faith, will take the religious pamphlets printed out from the monastery and distribute them across the city. They will be escorted by two of the Knights Templar in full armor, so as to ensure that no harm befalls them as they spread awareness of the Temple of God and the services it offers. [Wololo applies here also]

-The Schola Francis
-5 Friars and 2 Monks will work in the Schola Francis, aiming to undertake the task of further recording the city's history, and attempting to create a handful of manuscripts for historical and religious preservation.

-Saint Francis Abode of the Wayward Soul
-14 Friars will serve to help assist the poor. These Friars will offer reasonably-priced rooms to the homeless, which will have the money used to help feed the poor. Whilst offering food and board, they will work to convert the downtrodden, for it is the downtrodden that can become the most powerful members of the faithful! [Wololo applies here!]

2012-02-17, 09:12 PM
Unless specified by the player, all spoilers are private.

Underclass Consortium

Wealth:5, 25%
Prestige:0, 10%
Influence:5, 25%

Coffers: 1,598gp

Structures, 3

Needful Things: 5
Holy Grail Inn: 5
S.S. Mary Anne: 5

Security, 4

Down Deep- The underground Guild Hall is a well kept secret. Even for those who have heard of it, it is nearly impossible to find.

Go to Ground- The motley crew that composes the Consortium is well-practiced in avoiding trouble when missions go south or enemies come knocking at the door.

Beggar's Eye View- The city's beggars are well-disposed toward the guild, acting a spies hiding in plain sight.

Dirty Cops- Far from being an obstacle to the guild, half the guards in the city are completely in their pockets, even willing to make trouble for rivals if coaxed.

Employees, 7


Resources, 3

Ancient Ruins: Safe
Dock's Warehouse: Safe
Protection Racket: Safe

Lucky Bastids- Lady Luck favors these poor souls. How else did you think they grew strong enough to rival powerhouses like the Church and Mage's Guild?

Edward Dallimothan, master burglar and scam artist, hero-worshipped among the guild.
Specail Ability- Sharp-Dressed Man- Dressed to impress, Edward always gives a good impression.


The Tower Viridian - 3

Wealth:0, 10%
Prestige:3, 19%
Influence:7, 31%

Coffers: 0,000gp

- Current Interest/Remaining Debt: 1% on 10,000gp

Structures, 1

The Viridian Tower: 10

Security, 4

No News in your defenses.

Employees, 7


Resources, 6

Medical Apparatus: Safe
Generator: Safe
Insane Genius: Safe
Forbidden Medical Textbooks: Safe
Phelebeltonium: Safe
Half-baked Plans: Safe

For Science!- The Viridian Tower has an amazing gift for twisting the laws of nature until they scream. It's really quite disturbing, but it does mean that they have an incredible ability to alter themselves, creating new and terrifying research populations to adapt to any given situation, given time. They can alter their native power every 1d6 turns, acceleratable with brute force techniques (Hm, we have four hundred enemy POWs. Tell the students to get their vivisection gloves on, and set them loose!)

Arcturus Caras, Head of Field Operations: Acturus is perhaps the embodiment of the difference between the Tower Viridian and other medical groups - while he is an incredibly talented doctor, he is also a vampire. It is a measure of Viridian that they don't see this as an obstacle to his rise in their power structure.
Unique Power
Infection: As a vampire, Caras can create new, loyal vampire thralls with a bite. This means that he can convert others, presuming he can get them to stay still to be slowly bitten and drained of blood. Needless to say, there are limits on this - randomly biting passerbys is looked on poorly by the city guard.

Special Employees:
Thrall- Winged horrors with a taste for blood, and the strength of a monster. Your thralls are uncontrollable, and a truly fearsome force. Simply unleash these monstrosities and lay waste to your enemies! (Each "employee" does not require upkeep, and can only be used for the specific action of attacking or destroying or killing something)


The Knights of The Temple

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:5, 26%
Influence:3, 19%

Coffers: 2,439gp

Structures, 3

-The Cathedral of Christ 10
-The Temple of Exorcism 10
-The Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz 9
-The Training Grounds of the Knights Templar 14
-The Abby of Saint Francis 6
-The Schola Francis 7

Security, 4

Please List Your Securities.

Employees, 7


Resources, 3

Printing Shop: Safe
Gold Mine: Safe
Vault of Holy Relics: Safe

Wololo- The Knights of the Temple are particularly adept in the art of conversion to the faith of Christianity, as well as inspiring those who are already members to withstand great tests of faith or drive them to certain courses of action. Attracting and inspiring followers comes particularly easy to the Knights.

Hughes de Payens. A Knight of the Templars and one of its founding members, Hughes is a Templar blessed with divine providence- or rather, a particularly strong connection to both the power of God and the ability to work it into physical actions. Hughes has the ability to use divinely-inspired magic to fuel his physical abilities, and vice-versa, drawing on the power of worshipers to grow more powerful.

Holy Champion: Ordained by the church, and bred for combat superiority, these "knights of the temple" are nothing but refined. A personal attack force that will fight, and die, for the church as needed. Can be assigned to actions (and is fairly powerful) but will work 100% on reaction if need be.


Curia Palus Flos

Wealth:2, 16%
Prestige:3, 20%
Influence:5, 27%

Coffers: 5,352gp

Structures, 4

House Aculeus: 20
House Sententia: 20
House Oculus: 20
House Cutis: 20

Security, 4

1: All guild members are trained in martial arts for personal protection and general safety in case attacked by a client.
2. One of the Captains of the Guard as a member and thus have control over a detail of the guard for protection.
3. A judge of the court is also a member and thus very flexible to the demands of the guild regarding court decisions.
4. A high ranking nobleman as a member that is willing to create laws that help further the goals of the guild and protect them from others.

Employees, 6

Lil' Rascals: Your orphans, while many, prove to be rather, inefficient in their art. Little information was gleamed about the royal family and it's heirs.
The walls have ears: Your girls, now controlled by the royal family, prove to be difficult to manage. Rarely are you in contact with them, and rarely are you able to offer your instructions. You do learn however that since their employee the king, nor any other member of the royal family, has yet to need their "services".
Auction: You manage to pull in a fairly large sum of coin from your affair. The auction gathers 1,982gp!

Resources, 1

Narcotics and Herbs: Safe

Forget Me Not- an extremely addictive elixir synthesized by the guild that is fed to its patrons (part of the initiation) that enhances the stimulus of the body for a short duration but also causes memory loss for the events after it has been taken.

Maria Cassari
Power: The ability to be a carrier of a fatal disease transmitted through intercourse but is otherwise not affected....

The champion of the guild is a candidate selected from birth within the houses and thus trained in each of their arts from a young age. She is the epitome of beauty and seduction and serves the council faithfully.

Orphan: Proficient little pickpockets and informants, you will be constantly alerted to any major events occurring in the district associated with your Orphanage structure.


The Red Legion

Wealth:1, 13%
Prestige:5, 25%
Influence:4, 22%

Coffers: 2,000gp


Structures, 2

Sturdy Nails Blacksmith
Hard Tack Tanners

Security, 5

1. Superb Arms and Armor. The guild only purchases the best for its members giving them an edge in combat.
2. Excellent training. The members of the legion are hardened through years of warfare making them excellent fighters.
3. What guards? Many member of the city guard are retired members of the Red Legion thus allowing many current legion members to get away with less than legal activity
4. Comrades in Arms. The legion is a brotherhood and no member of the legion would dare to betray their fellow soldiers
5. Reinforced walls. The castle of the legion is reinforced against assaults against it.

Employees, 10

No News for your employees

Resources, 2

Iron Mine
Grazing Land

Fight as one-
Members of the legion are trained to fight as one allowing them to take on targets even when outnumbered.

Augustus Wulf
Special Ability - Rallying call - Wulf can rally his troops from the verge of defeat and surge them on to victory.


Mage's Guild

Wealth:4, 22%
Prestige:4, 22%
Influence:2, 16%

Coffers: 792gp

Structures, 4

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Unseen Univercity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5

Security, 7

1. Emergency teleport on all mages, that can be triggered with a mere thought, that returns them to the guild hall.
2. Magical golem's made of steel, stone and magic designed and trained in combat, that tirelessly guard every entrance, vault and living quarters of the Magic guild and respond to orders from Magic guild members.
3. A Spy network, that keeps an eye on every other groups activities, minus the king's activities.
4. A spy network, dedicated to learning of any action against the Magic guild, while uncovering and capturing or killing agents working against/spying on the Magic guild.
5. All Wizards have magically enhanced mental discipline to protect them from mental effects of torture, seduction, drugs, conversion and mind control/reading.
6. Magical traps designed to quietly alert wizards, while disabling the intruder over the course of a minute. Traps are instantly reloaded and reactivated and will be located in every non-standard possible entrance point, sewers, windows, chimneys, storm-water drains etc in every facility.
7. Deleted
8. All Wizards are highly trained in warfare and are skilled with battle magic.

Employees, 4

PROliferation: You're wizards, ever the wiley ones, have convinced the banking guild to drop the matter of evidence, and have paid your 2,000gp demands as well as cleared your existing debt.
Seedy Dealings: You've produced and sent the first of your seed shipments. The effects of your hard work and determination should be made clear soon. (-2000gp)
Bandit Bashing: The guards have begun their first assault on the bandits, but in the first month have made no real progress. The two bands continue to fight, a victor is yet unclear.

Resources, 2

Mystical Mines: Safe
Enchanted Woods: Unsafe
Magical Seeds: Safe

Mage's Blood-
The Mage's Blood, is a slight change in a magic users blood. Appearing just after the teenage years, in a selected few people. Once activated by the Magic Guilds secret ritual, the Blood allows access to raw flowing magic.

Devross, the all seeing.
Power: Divination, the ability to see into the near future

Special Employees
Damien Lecroise`, Informant:
This unit can "gather information" around the city each turn. He requires no pay, and is happy to work for the guild free of charge. Each turn you gain One (1) hint towards if an action is beneficial or not.


Facultis Opes
Le' Businesses

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital, City Centre`
Curo's Curiosity, Market District
Zaphods Zaps, Noble District
Agriculture Arisen, Outskirts
Golumn Workshops, Industrial District
Mechanist Workshops, Industrial District
Gem-Cutters Shoppe, Market District
Smith, Industrial District
Courier Service, City Centre`
Madam Cassari's House of Hope, Noble District
House Aculeus, Red-Light District
House Sententia, Red-Light District
House Oculus, Red-Light District
House Cutis, Red-Light District
Cathedral of Christ, Temple Ward
Temple of Exorcism, Temple Ward
Monastic Order of Saint Leibowitz, Temple Ward
Training Grounds of the Knights Templar, City Centre`
Abbey of Saint Francis, Noble District
Schola Francis, Noble District
Viridian Tower, Industrial District
Needful Things, Traveler's Ward
Holy Grail Inn, Traveler's Ward
S.S. Mary Anne, Docks
Church of Arcadium, Temple Ward


No New News

On The Banking Guild

To simplify the entire purpose of this guild, you are able to use and abuse it to make money, do business with trustworthy individuals, and gamble your own profits.

Generating Profits: The Banking Guild will provide a generous donation of gp to any guilds that further it's own intentions. Simply put, each month you will be alerted to a specific thing the Guild is trying to see accomplished, each person to get it done, in rank descending in order of completion, will receive a minor (but still useful) donation to their guild.

Trading and Manufacturing: ALL actions done without some identifier towards secrecy is assumed to be ran through the Banker's Guild, who reports to the crown itself. By this end, as long as you aren't caught doing under-the-table business, you should find yourself safe. All transactions pay a small sum to the Guild for handling the processes (I.E. both parties lose a small portion of gp when dealing with other guilds, whether or not the transaction was completed).

Manufacturing items works similarly. Again, unless done illegally, the Guild will record products made, and will be taking a small percentage of your over-all profits on self-manufactured goods. (Goods made by someone else, then bought, then sold at a higher price, are unaffected)

Investing: The Guild handles all legal monetary transactions. It also has a healthy tendency to leech off of the various cities' guilds. Any "actions" taken that lose profits will be made up in a debt to the Guild.
(Example: Investing 450gp in action A ends up losing you money (say 600gp total. Instead of gaining you any income. Unless you have the total 600gp in your coffers, then you still finish the action, but the Guild makes sure to put you in debt until you pay it back at a generous interest rate).

Additionally, the Guild offers help to those in need. If you are in debt (or simply need a boost in your coffers) you can take a loan of a minimum 1000gp, and up to 10,000gp any turn. But only one loan may be taken out at a time, and each turn the loan is not paid back increases your interest.
(Example, you take out a 2,000gp loan from the guild. They set you off at an Interest of 6% (equal to your Wealth value) and increase it by 1% each turn until you pay them back in full. (At which point, the interest is calculated and then paid as an additional debt.) On that 2,000gp, lets say it takes you 4 months to pay it back (10% total), you'll need to pay an additional 200gp once the debt is gone to be fully free from the cold grasp of the Guild's legal clutches.

A (Very Quick) Guide to Turn-Order:

Describe Actions (Detailed please)
Invest Coin (gp), Employees, Resources, and any other applicable elements you want per task
Roll a d10 per each action (do not modify it, that will be the GM's job)
Remember that each "turn" is 1 month long.

2012-02-18, 08:07 AM
Mage's Guild

Malinda's Malignant Magic Hospital: 5
Curo's Curiosity: 5
Zaphod's Zaps: 5
Agriculture Arisen: 5
Viridian Mage's Tower: 5
25 used
10 Wizards and 500 gp, working with Devross and Damien Lecroise, begin to work on increasing the Mage's spy network. They attempt to make contact with informants and information gathers who might have information/dirt on the guards, nobility or local guilds/shops and make it clear that rewards await those who bring information.

13 men and 250 gp, begin to secure the Mage's Tower ensuring that the building is almost impossible to get in or out of without a serious fight. They ensure the building is all but spy proof.