View Full Version : (Forgotten Realms) Who has the magic domain post 1385 DR?

2012-01-31, 10:59 AM
What the title says. I've seen that in 1395 DR magic came back to normal, but who controlled it? Who took the magic and spell domains, for example? I couldn't find that kind of info anywhere.

Plus, pre-1385, what reaction would you expect from a cleric of Mystra who sees a random person casting a spell from the Shadow Weave?

2012-01-31, 11:16 AM
*looks at the OP's handle*
You're not the only one . . .:smallconfused:

2012-01-31, 11:28 AM
Sorry for the typo, it's 1385, not 1985.

I haven't found any good sources, but it seems no one actually controls the weave anymore, people just use it(from 1395 on). That's just weird, especially counting that both Shar and Cyric should have major interests of getting the amazing powers of magic to their own. No? Also, Magic and Spell domains can't have disappeared, can they? Who should a cleric worship to get those domains now???

That's why I wanted to ask this, didn't make much sense to me.

Also, the second question is important to me :p What reaction would you expect from a cleric of Mystra who sees a random person casting a spell from the Shadow Weave? Both from pre-spellplague and post-spellplague(in the last case, an ex-cleric of Mystra, of course).

2012-01-31, 11:34 AM
Alright, the big thing here is that it was just barely possible to tell you were talking about the Realm in your first post. Your second one is better, but only because you mention "the weave." My suggestion would be to alter the title so it has "Forgotten Realms: Who has the magic domain post 1985 DR."

2012-01-31, 11:42 AM
Alright, the big thing here is that it was just barely possible to tell you were talking about the Realm in your first post. Your second one is better, but only because you mention "the weave." My suggestion would be to alter the title so it has "Forgotten Realms: Who has the magic domain post 1985 DR."

Or 1385. Sorry about the other stuff, I'm just too used to FR :p

2012-01-31, 11:43 AM
I assume that by "domain" you actually mean "portfolio" since 4e has no domains.

Anyway, I think magic just sort of exists without her now. (Though she apparently may be back soon thanks to the Simbul, Elminster and Manshoon.)

Pre-Spellplague, Shar and Mystra clergy were KOS as far as I know.

2012-01-31, 11:50 AM
I assume that by "domain" you actually mean "portfolio" since 4e has no domains.

Anyway, I think magic just sort of exists without her now. (Though she apparently may be back soon thanks to the Simbul, Elminster and Manshoon.)

Pre-Spellplague, Shar and Mystra clergy were KOS as far as I know.

Interesting, how are they trying to bring her back to life? Any links or books talking about that? Would be nice, I really liked Mystra :(

On the other subject, really, KOS? I know both gods are rivals and they would be KOS, but I don't understand why, say, a NG cleric of Mystra would kill a TN cleric of Shar on sight, especially because they might not even use the Shadow Weave. The example also includes wizards though; I wonder how that dude would react if it wasn't a cleric of Shar, but a Wizard casting from the Shadow Weave.

2012-01-31, 12:33 PM
Interesting, how are they trying to bring her back to life? Any links or books talking about that? Would be nice, I really liked Mystra :(
Try the two 4E books starring Elminster. Long story short, Mystra will probably be back eventually. It's very difficult to keep her down and gone. She's already back as a vestige, and if her leftover Chosen (or one of her innumerable other contingency plans, and yes she has potentially dozens of them) serve as adequate anchors, she might well be back in her position before too long.

Other than that, however, nobody would have the Magic domain unless they were followers of Corellon Larethian, AFAIK. He's the "Magic" deity in 4E.

On the other subject, really, KOS? I know both gods are rivals and they would be KOS, but I don't understand why, say, a NG cleric of Mystra would kill a TN cleric of Shar on sight
Possibly not quite KOS. However, the mere act of using the Shadow Weave is dangerous, potentially deadly. Without an extremely good reason, any Mystran who saw it would either communicate its use to the nearest cleric (to be passed up the chain of command), or attempt to take out the user personally (potentially after shadowing and learning their routines first).

2012-01-31, 01:51 PM
I assume that by "domain" you actually mean "portfolio" since 4e has no domains.

Try the two 4E books starring Elminster.

Is this supposed to be a 4E discussion, because it's in the 3.5 forum... I don't know enough about FR to tell the difference, but thought I'd point that out.

2012-01-31, 02:18 PM
Is this supposed to be a 4E discussion, because it's in the 3.5 forum... I don't know enough about FR to tell the difference, but thought I'd point that out.

The only books that deal with the realms in 1385 and beyond are 4e, but realms lore shouldn't change between editions. Mechanics might, but not the fluff.

3.5 Forgotten Realms stuff stops around 1372, I believe.

2012-01-31, 02:18 PM
Is this supposed to be a 4E discussion, because it's in the 3.5 forum... I don't know enough about FR to tell the difference, but thought I'd point that out.

Yeah, I suppose technically post-spellplague FR would be 4e, but you could easily run a game there under 3.5 rules with some adjustments.

I personally think it belongs in the roleplaying forum since the discussion spans editions, but it's not my call to make.

2012-01-31, 03:07 PM
According to the 4.e Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, while the Weave was used by nearly everyone, it wasn't ever actually required. Magic could work just fine without it, you would just have to learn the new "system". (But if you did use the Weave, and it disappeared, then bad things happened. Like Karsus, and later the Spellplague.)

For eons, magic in Toril was focused through the Weave, controlled by the goddess Mystra. Although Netherese wizards of ancient days learned the truth, most people believed that magic would not be possible without the deity’s existence. However, the death of Mystra gave the lie to that belief. Now the term “Weave” is just another name for magic, if it is used at all.

Since the Weave isn't needed for magic, there doesn't need to be a god/goddess of magic. And by looking at the list of the 4e Forgotten Realms gods, none of them have the Magic sphere, so there is none.

And Ao may like it that way, and prevent another deity from taking over that sphere. He's seen the trouble that its caused. It tore the fabric of the multiverse apart. If I was the overgod, I wouldn't let that happen again.

2012-01-31, 03:10 PM
So, "The Weave is magic, except it isn't."

*facepalm @ WotC*

Why is Mystra even trying to come back then? Ao's probably using Dweomerheart as a storage-room by now. And Asmodeus is probably still picking Azuth out of his teeth.

Of course, time will tell what sort of madness brings us into 5e from a story perspective.

2012-01-31, 03:12 PM
Why is Mystra even trying to come back then? Ao's probably using Dweomerheart as a storage-room by now.

My guess? WotC realized how much they screwed up, and are working to "fix" their mistakes.

2012-01-31, 04:21 PM
The only books that deal with the realms in 1385 and beyond are 4e, but realms lore shouldn't change between editions. Mechanics might, but not the fluff.

Are you kidding? From what I remember, stuff always happens in the transision from one edition to the next. I don't know about 1st ed to 2nd ed, but 2nd ed to 3rd ed went through stuff like the Time of Troubles and the death of many gods as well as the return of a few others (Including both the death and almost simultaneous rebirth of Mystra herself, she seems to pretty consistently be killed off and brought back every edition change).

2012-01-31, 04:28 PM
Are you kidding? From what I remember, stuff always happens in the transision from one edition to the next. I don't know about 1st ed to 2nd ed, but 2nd ed to 3rd ed went through stuff like the Time of Troubles and the death of many gods as well as the return of a few others (Including both the death and almost simultaneous rebirth of Mystra herself, she seems to pretty consistently be killed off and brought back every edition change).

I didn't mean it that way. I meant that the fluff should not change because you use 3.5 instead 4e rules (or 2nd edition) for your campaign. If Mystra is the goddess of magic in 1372 in the 3.5 rules, then she should be the goddess of magic in 1372 if you use the 4e rules. If post-Spellplague magic doesn't require the weave in 4e, then post-Spellplague magic shouldn't require the Weave using 3.5 rules.

If God X is stated to be the new god of magic in 1385 in some 4e book, it doesn't (or shouldn't) matter if you use 3nd, 3rd, 3.5, or 4th edition rules to play in the Realms. God X is still officially the god of magic in 1385. The fluff stays the same, but the mechanics of what that means changes depend on your system of choice.

2012-01-31, 04:57 PM
It's not even like "the Weave" had any big impact on the game's crunch. Greyhawk Wizards and Faerun Wizards aren't really all that different. Even feats or spell descriptions that reference the weave could simply be reworded.

2012-01-31, 08:20 PM
Are you kidding? From what I remember, stuff always happens in the transision from one edition to the next. I don't know about 1st ed to 2nd ed, but 2nd ed to 3rd ed went through stuff like the Time of Troubles and the death of many gods as well as the return of a few others (Including both the death and almost simultaneous rebirth of Mystra herself, she seems to pretty consistently be killed off and brought back every edition change).

Similarly, Die Vecna Die! was partially an in-world explanation of the changes between AD&D and 2nd edition.

2012-01-31, 09:36 PM
According to the 4.e Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide, while the Weave was used by nearly everyone, it wasn't ever actually required. Magic could work just fine without it, you would just have to learn the new "system". (But if you did use the Weave, and it disappeared, then bad things happened. Like Karsus, and later the Spellplague.)
The Weave was simply the best (most effective) and most accessible system for accessing raw magic (which is also why it was the most-used). There were others. The Shadow Weave, Halruaan Table Magic, and a couple of other systems spring to mind. The Weave was needed as a buffer against raw magical power to keep brains from going poppity-pop-pop. When Mystra died and the Weave went kaboom in a rather unexplained fashion, people could likely only access leftover dregs of what they had once been capable of.

Even then, post-Sellplague wizards still gravitated towards creating spells and trying to codify a system that was in a mirror image to the Weave, because it's what they knew.

Of course, time will tell what sort of madness brings us into 5e from a story perspective.
It will be interesting to see if they bring Mystra back or not. She had/has several resurrection plans in place that they could easily use as a reset button.