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King Tius
2012-01-31, 04:39 PM
Echo Bend

There is only one place to begin the telling of this tale: the mountains. Known by many tongues to many peoples, stretching across endless miles of ancient lands, they stand as timeless sentinels to the turbulent lands below. In these later, darker times they are most often called the Arrow Mountains, for were you to view them from the heavens, you would see that they run arrow-straight from their tapered point in the uncharted East to their flared end in the West, their fletchings forming a dense cluster of peaks that have yet to see the footprints of mortal ilk. The Arrow peaks are sharp and capped in white, a column of arrowheads that cuts the world in twain.

Among these ancient crags lie a pair of mountains, brother and sister, that reach towards the sky with all their might. So great is their upward pull that their faces are nearly cliffs, almost unscalable to all but the most sure-footed mountain beasts. These two are known as the Pillars (East and West) and stretch so far abreast that to pass around them would take weeks. Fortunately for all those not born with wings, the Pillars are thus named not only for their stature, but also because between them lies a pass. While still treacherous and fraught with all the perils of mountain travel, this gap, the Pillar Pass, is the best route across the Arrows within two fortnights in either direction.

With this being the main vein of travel through the mountains (located just amid the Arrow’s shaft), it is not surprising that a city lies on either side of it. We shall turn our attention upon the southern city, known as Echo Bend. Located along the western banks of the Horseshoe River which springs from West Pillar, Echo Bend is the first place along the river where it is safe to dock boats. This bend in the river came to be known as Echo Bend due to its proximity to the sheer faces of the Pillars, off of which all manners of sounds will bounce (even from a great distance).

As the first place to launch a boat for the southern trade route, Echo Bend also serves as the last bastion of civilization for northbound caravans braving the pass. The city’s population swells with the seasons like the river beside it. During fair weather the city is teaming as the Great Road bustles with traffic to and from Cliffshade (Echo’s northern sister). As winter approaches the population dwindles as the pass becomes inhospitable. Many a caravan is left stranded in Echo Bend in late Septembyr* and the city’s population is full of travelers who decided to wait out the winter and never bothered to leave.

It is at this time, just as the last bold caravans are departing for Pillar Pass, that our story begins. The city boasts a large contingent of hunters, trackers, and guides, all ready to assist travelers across the pass for the right coin. Most of the town is human and Dwarven. The stout mountain men run a mine in West Pillar and the sounds of their quarry often come rumbling down on the city. For whatever reason, our adventurers have found themselves (stranded) in Echo Bend with signs of a harsh winter on the air.

Our adventure begins on a crisp, blustery evening in mid fall. Already the town has grown anxious as winter approaches and bets are being placed when the first major snowfall will close off the Pillar Pass. There are many lodging options available in Echo Bend from the scant and Spartan to the luxurious. For a few coppers a day you can rent a “cave” for the winter; a small room dug underground with little in the way of luxury other than a bed and a communal bathroom at the end of the hall. These accommodations are run by Echo Bend’s greediest lot, preying off of the stranded caravan travellers who cannot afford better living quarters. Many who venture down to hibernate in the caves never last the winter. For those with more to spend, inns and other long-term winter homes are available. Those who rent these tenant apartments tend to depart Echo Bend come spring, never to return. Hence, these stranded souls are often referred to as Snowmen. They appear when winter comes and melt away come spring, never to be seen again. The children of Echo Bend have taken to building small armies of real snowmen in the streets of this section of town, both for their own amusement and as a way to pester those living there. The snowmen and the caves are located on the northern side of town, facing the Pillars and the cold wind that rushes off them. The southern side of town boasts the nicer establishments of Echo Bend’s permanent residents. It is here among the two story houses of heavy stone that a crowd is gathering in the dead of night.

Half the town has awoken as the alarm bells are rung from the southern ramparts of Echo Bends walls. The guardsman ringing the bell alternates the pattern of “Fire” and “Enemies” which indicates trouble within the walls. While most residents have the common sense to stay indoors, curiosity or a sense of duty has gotten the better of all of you. Leaving your lodgings from whichever part of town you now call home, you follow the sounds of the bell and the rushing of guardsmen towards the southeastern corner of the town. Who knows what trouble awaits you as you duck your head against the harsh winds pummeling you from the Arrows. Arriving on the scene, you find a crowd gathered outside one of the nicest looking homes in all of Echo Bend. A ring of soldiers bearing torches surround the place while others are braced against the front door, apparently trying to hold it closed. Even as you watch more guards appear with hammers and wood, quickly starting to board up the windows. The head of the town guard sits on horseback within the ring of his men. His deep blue cape snaps in the breeze as he stands in his stirrups and bellows out orders to the guards.

“Seal the windows and bring oil! I’ll not have them overrun the town!”

Nearby, dressed in naught but an expensive looking nightgown is an older woman crumpled on the ground. She holds her head in her hands as she weeps. At the order to put her house to the torch, she lets out a wail and turns towards the captain.

“No! Please! Don’t burn it down!”

With her face now revealed, you can all plainly see a nasty set of slash marks that rake across her face, oozing blood. Two women attempt to tend to her, but she pushes them away in her fit of woe.

2012-01-31, 05:24 PM
It's late, very late. But for Melinda it's not that long since she got of work and candlelight still shine from the small windows of her rented home for the winter. As soon as she had seen the "caves" hired out for adventurers and merchants caught in Echo Bend she had decided that she'd rather work through the winter than live like that.

Instead she had rented two cozy, if slightly cramped, rooms and persuaded Charn Strongarm, the tavernkeeper of the Stonefire tavern, that he'd get a lot more visitors than usual with her dances. And that they'd be happier, drink more and fight less, with some entertainment. Even though many of them would be merchants and mercenaries stuck for the winter. She knew the nights would be late, especially since the deal was that she would eat free, but only after they had closed for the night. But she wouldn't start working until early evening tomorrow. No trouble at all. At least that's what she had thought.

But as she were quietly reading a book she had borrowed from Charn in the glorious warmth of the masonry heater in her sitting room she suddenly heard the alarm!
Thinking the town under attack, orcs maybe or some wandering monster, the half-elf quickly dons the leather armour she had worn when she arrived, and heads for the door. She glances at her backpack, still mostly unpacked, as she puts her hand on the latch, but decides to leave it. Most of the stuff she had brought would be of little use if the town was under attack and it'd weigh her down. Instead she heads out into the night, easily finding her way to the torchlight and yelling.

There she stops, biding. She was a newcomer in town and was not sure what to say or do. Obviously this was no attack from without and it might be perilous to interfere. But the crying of the old woman tugs at the kindly half-elf's heart and she fidgets as she listen to the discussion, waiting for any reason to speak up.

2012-01-31, 05:46 PM
Alder spent little time in the cave he had payed a few coins for. Between his intensity and armament few troubled him. The ones that did were left babbling incoherently.

He had little company.

His days were spent in the library, researching strange and terrifying things, though the materials left much to be desired. Apparently the knowledge he needed tended to adversely affect those who had it.

He was heading to find food, it being some time since his last meal, when we heard the alarm. Perhaps I may be of assistance. If nothing else it will be better than that foul cave.

He unslings his shield as he walks. One cannot be too careful.

2012-01-31, 06:12 PM
While not particularly proud of it, the thought of looting did cross Quint's mind as he sped towards the alarm. Just a week in those damnable caves, and I'm already half animal, he reproached himself mentally, but neither slowed nor wavered in his resolve to grab an item of value if it presented itself.

There was more people than work in the crowded city, and what jobs were available tended to be the physical variety. Gathering and chopping chord wood before the snows, unloading river boats full of food for the long winter, looking after the draft animals being stabled until the spring, none of these played to the wizard's strengths (or lack there of, to be more precise). "Callused hands make for sloppy casting," his father, Dragos, had always said, and Quint believed it. But then, Dragos wasn't stuck here without the coin to pay for proper winter lodgings.

Quint arrives as the guard captain threatens to burn the building, and queries a member of the gathering crowd, "mind telling a late arrival what's afoot? Tis a shame to torch such a fine home."

2012-01-31, 06:19 PM
Through the street, a heavily inebriated man stumbles. His name is Tevn Norel. Usually at this time of the year Tevn is guiding caravans through Pillar Pass. Unfortunately, his most recent trip did not go so well.

He retreated to the Stonefire Tavern. Those who have been there have seen him extremely drunk and raucus. He has been kicked out on a few occasions, but has never done anything so bad as to been banned for.

On this night, he was woken from his drunken stupor by the ringing of the bells. Can't you see I'm tryin' to sleep here? Its not stopping? Gah, I'll make it stop

He stands up and gets out of the gutter in which he was "resting", puts two fingers in his mouth and gives a sharp whistle. A few seconds later, a massive eagle lands upon his back. Hey! Tevn says, stumbling forwards and almost falling over. Boreas! Your supposed to be in the air, not on my back! Come on, we got to stop this blasted racket.

He staggers over to the scene, the eagle now circling above. He brings his two hands up to his mouth and shouts. WHATS GOING ON HERE!? CAN'T A BLOKE GET HIS SLEEP!?

edited: for grammer.

2012-01-31, 10:26 PM
Sticking to his original plan... Caenan procured a small cave at the end of the row for cheap lodgings for the next few weeks. If no work drilled itself up by the end of the month, he'd planned on moving across the pass.

To this end, he was looking around the market section of town for anything volatile to mix together. You know, small explosions just for an evening's enjoyment. That's when the bells rang. This of course sent shivers down his spine and got his blood up. Where most hear such portents as a sign of imminent disaster, the "Black Dog" hears the sounds of fun.

He wanders onto the scene, trying to stay near the back. Perhaps the broad black hat on his head made such an attempt pointless. So be it. After seeing them board up the windows and the woman's lamentation begging not the burn down the house, a thought occurs. Well, what I was planning only incidentally involved property damage. Now Mr. Guardsman's gone and insured some. This should be interesting.

Paying close attention to his surroundings, Caenan begins to flip and bounce a small metal sphere in one hand.

2012-02-01, 06:30 AM
The man who spoke up on behalf of the old woman seemed an outsider to Melinda, like herself. His way of asking what was going on when everyone else stayed, more or less, silent and the hesitation to him when he did so indicated as much. Curious, and ready to help him out, the half-elf glides forward through the throng. She doesn't shoulder and elbow her way through the gathering, instead she zig-zags through narrow openings, graceful like the dancer she is, until she stands at the front of the crowd, eyes and ears intent on the captain of the guard.

King Tius
2012-02-01, 09:35 PM
As the six of you make your way into the crowd your questions are answered, whether they were asked or not. Rumors spread around the mob faster than fire, both in whispers, gasps, and the blatant pointing of fingers. With some embellishment here and there, you all here the vague story that the old woman has been attacked while she slept. Ms. Stormscale is the wife of a late shipping magnate that based himself here in Echo Bend. Her husband passed nearly ten years ago and she has lived on peacefully in her home. From what you've heard, the woman awoke to the sound of her dog barking. When she came down the stairs wielding a heavy candlestick, she was attacked by a skeleton, or so she claims. Whatever it was that's in there, it has the guards and the captain spooked.

The guards are quickly producing extra wood and oil and stacking it against the house. Just before they start to pour the oil Ms. Stormscale looks towards the Captain on his horse and cries out to him.

"Ardivan, please! Don't burn it down. I can pay! I can pay someone to get rid of them!"

She looks out towards the crowd and shouts, her voice full of panic and sadness.

"Please! Will anyone save my home? I will pay you well, I have lots of money!"

The Captain raises a hand, signalling his troops to pause. He scans the crowd with a scowl, looking to see if there are any takers.

2012-02-01, 09:57 PM
Tevn pushes his way through the crowd, giving a sharp whistle and then shouting over the crowd. I'll help. If you can stop this blasted racket.
As he finishes, Boreas swoops down and lands on one of the nearby wood piles, giving a mighty shriek. Tevn stumbles over to the bird and offers his arm, which Boreas steps onto. And Boreas here'll help, but I'm not sure how much..
He ruffles his feathers friendily, and is rewarded with Boreas snapping at his hand.

I'm assuming their are wood piles for the guards to use. If not, substitute in something similar. Like a lightpost.
Or the captain of the guard.:smalltongue:

2012-02-02, 12:00 AM
Already on the verge of trying to stop the captain herself Melinda steps forward as the old woman pleads to the crowd to help her. Not for the promised riches so much as because of a genuine care for the elderly, and if noone helped she be that and poor to boot. Compassion strong in her grey eyes the half-elven woman opens her mouth to say something both encouraging and soothing... and quickly closes it again as a boisterous voice interrupts her before she has even begun. Glancing at Tevn and then nods. When he has said his piece she hurries to add: "I'll help as well, lady. This is no time for anyone to become homeless."

2012-02-02, 12:09 AM
Quint breaks into a wide grin as he steps forward, "the lady will pay well, that's a verbal contract and I accept most heartily."

2012-02-02, 12:52 AM
Flipping the sphere back into his palm, Caenan also walks forward. As he approaches he slides the little object back into his satchel.

I think I might be of some use. Skeletons may be dead but let's see if we can make that dead-dead eh?

In his mind Caenan thinks, Finally, some action. This town has been bloody boring.

2012-02-02, 02:12 AM
Toland Albright

Finally, some action... thinks Toland. He tosses back his hair and looks around at the scene, pausing just long enough to brush a golden lock from his eyes.

Someone who needs help? Someone who actually needs help? Fate turns my way, indeed.

Standing far over 6 foot and wearing polished armor with his family crest on his shield, Toland strides towards the woman. He pushes past the guards easily, for they give way to him easily enough.

Flashing a reassuring smile, he bends his knee and looks at the woman. Gently, he takes her hand and nods to her with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

"Have no fear, I'll look in upon your house. There will be no house buring tonight, and you need not give me a copper for the trouble. I am Ser Toland Albright, Paladin of Iomedae. It would be my honor to assist you " he says, speaking both to her and any observers.

Standing up, and standing tall, Toland looks at the group that gathered to help her, particulary once coin was offered.

Have they no shame? They would not help out an old mother in time of need unless coin was offered? Besides... its a house, here. What could be so bad in this town? No doubt it was merely her cat... Personally, he'd prefer to go in alone but he wouldn't mind leading them either. People were watching, after all...

"Heil to all thee! I am Toland Albright, Paladin of Iomedae. Who will join me in entering the house? Some evil may be afoot, and even the chance of it cannot be allowed to live. Who's with me?" he asks, knowing the answer.

2012-02-02, 02:25 AM
"Whoa there, I think we've enough for a simple skeleton," says Quint, not having any idea what it takes to fight one, but knowing quite well that the reward would be further divided with each additional volunteer.

"Now prithee open the door, my good armored colossus, and I'll cover you." He adds as he draws back the hammer on his musket.

2012-02-02, 02:27 AM
"As I said: this is not the season to be homeless," Melinda answers with a impudent, but friendly and rather infectuous smile. Whatever the paladin might be thinking about her and the others she doesn't seem to be ashamed, he himself hadn't spoken up until after rewards was promised either. It was a matter of timing, that's all. And for her part, the young woman wasn't helping out for the... well, not primarily for any reward. She'd take the coin though. She'd surely need it later and the widow didn't seem anywhere near poor. Yet. "I'll help you, ser."

2012-02-02, 12:53 PM
Hmm, quite the goings on. I am in need of coin to continue my studies and they are in need of aid. This noise is disturbing my concentration. Much more of this and the voices...

A white-haired man in battered armor draws a warhammer and steps forward. "I will go to, for what it is worth." I did mighty deeds once...or was that a dream. All before the madness is a blur. perhaps only a story. Then I shall make a new story. Now for a foe that is not in my own mind.

King Tius
2012-02-02, 02:17 PM
The Captain catches wind of Quint's remark and shakes his head.

"There's more than one in there. Two of my men went in to investigate and barely made it out alive."

He looks down towards Ms. Stormscale as he sighs, his expression growing sadder for a moment before he steels himself and looks back to you.

"You have one hour."

Several soldiers approach the front door and form a semicircle around it, weapons at the ready. They wait for the six of you to be ready before opening it and letting you in.

OOC: How will you be seeing? The house is pitch and nobody has darkvision.

2012-02-02, 02:44 PM
Looking through the dark doorway, Alder holds up his shield, mumbling a few words. The battered wood glows brightly, shedding light into the interior. "Shall we begin?" He gestures inside with the head of his hammer.

casting light on the shield, re-casting as needed. Alder isn't a tank, he can go in second or third.

2012-02-02, 03:11 PM
Looking at the shining shield with a slight sense of awe Melinda readies her mace. It wasn't her favourite weapon but if there were skeletons in there... "How long will that last us? Maybe we should get a torch or two too?"
Then another thought strikes the half-elf and she turns towards the old widow. "Lady, are there any other hazards we should be aware of? Some of the more well-to-do has a habit of arming traps in their homes to protect themselves form burglars. Anything like that?"

King Tius
2012-02-02, 04:01 PM
"No, nothing except my dog. Oh gods, I hope he is ok!" She begins to sob again, harder this time.

2012-02-02, 04:35 PM
Stepping forward, Caenan pulls out his lantern and lights it.

Plenty of light here. If the tin can, pointing at Toland, wants to go first I can follow right behind. I'm decent with a sword.

It's a bullseye lantern so it shoots a cone out to 120 which should be more than enough for a house.

2012-02-02, 05:27 PM
"There must be lamps and candles in the house, we can light them as we go and lure the skeletons into bright rooms," adds Quint. "But time is wasting, let us be done with this."

Hoping for someone less squishy than the group wizard to lead the way, but Quint will if no one volunteers.

2012-02-02, 10:16 PM
Tevn, at the sight of the glowing shield, shakes his head and wonders What exactly did I drink?
He stands there, appearing in as deep a thought that a drunk man can. He shakes his head to clear it, just in time to hear the others talking about the order in which they should travel. He manages to string together a few words. I'll go behind Mr. Shiney. Or next to him, if there's room.

2012-02-03, 05:56 AM
Giving the rich widow a friendly smile and an encouraging pat on the shoulder Melinda straightens and looks to the other volounteers. Only to find them dithering about who should be going first. Feeling equally annoyed and amused the half-elf dancer rolls her eyes and walks up and past them. Smiling and winking at them she calls: "Come along then, boys! Before the Guard decides to burn the house down anyways."
Glancing at them she silently adds, deciding on being amused: Men. If it were up to them they'd probably stand around arguing until springtime.

King Tius
2012-02-03, 02:13 PM
The guards quickly back away from the door and open it for you. Caenan's lantern illuminates the foyer, currently devoid of skeletons. The six of you quickly hustle into Ms. Stormscale's house with Toland leading the way. As soon as the last of you passes the threshold the front door is shut quickly behind you. Scanning the immediate area, you do not see any skeletons. Standing in silence, you all easily hear the sound of shuffling coming from the floor above you.

The antechamber you are standing in also holds the stairs leading to the second floor. A wide arch to the right leads to the main living/entertaining quarters. A small hallway ahead leads to the rear of the house.



Extra map description: The antechamber has a nice big carpet and two narrow tables that adorn it. The stairs on the left start at the corner of the house and lead up to a sort of balcony area on the second floor (which you can't see much of). The main chamber has two couches around a coffee table and a player piano. You can make out where the other rooms in the house are but can't see in them, hence they are darkened.

2012-02-03, 09:35 PM
"Lets check the ground floors before going up," advises Quint. "So there won't be any surprises if we must beat a hasty retreat."

2012-02-04, 06:12 AM
Nodding silently the half-elf moves slowly, carefully and quietly forward, down the short hallway to scan from noises from the two doors. There's been a distinct change in her behaviour now. Suddenly she's less flighty and more... intent. The heavy mace at the ready she's still graceful, but more careful than dancing.

A few rolls should they be needed.

[roll0] (-1 for wearing Studded leather? Mythweavers seems not to think so.)

Well, I'm silent. But I wouldn't hear a five skeleton band playing Death Metal, apparently. :smallamused:

2012-02-04, 04:49 PM
Tevn whispers to his eagle Find these sleep thieves and come back safe. Then we can both fall back asleep.
He tosses it into the air, and draws his sword before taking up position at the bottom of the stairs. I'll wait here. I don't trust myself not to stumble. He whispers to his companions.

Boreas Stealth[roll0]
Boreas Perception[roll1]

Tevn Stealth [roll2]
Tevn Perception [roll]1d20+5[/roll
edit: This bird is great! Redoing perception in ooc

2012-02-04, 08:56 PM
Alder keeps his shield held high as they sweep the floor, unafraid of anything that he may see in waking life, the terrors of his mind having banished any fear of the ordinary. "Down the hall, clear room by room. Wouldn't do to get surrounded."

2012-02-06, 12:21 AM

Toland acknowledges the others with a smile and nod, than approaches the widow. He stoops to one knee in front of the widow.

"Lady, we will make safe your house again. We will try our hardest to even find your dog and bring it clear" he nods and takes her hand and gives it a chaste kiss. He withdraws his holy symbol and presses it to her hand and smiles reassuring.

"I swear I'll do my best by you"

He holds his gaze with her for a long moment before taking the symbol back.

Detect Evil Check on the Widow, in case she is not what she says she is.

He stands and turns considers the situation as others move in and approaches.

"Light will be needed, but so will both hands good sirs. Let us have those with sword and shield to the front. If there be two of them, than two of us to the front and the others with light. There's too great a risk of dropping a lantern and starting a fire if you take a blow. We will light any candles on the way to get the house lit as we go" he smiles and looks around at the rough crew assembled by the promise of gold as well as deed.

He swings his pack off his shoulder and withdraws a finely made bullseye lantern. Next, he takes a flask, pours in some oil and strikes a sulphur match. A few twists of the mechanism and the light is kindled. The shones ahead into the darkness, a focused beam.

"So who takes this light and the other and who stands to the front? Room by room, keep it tight. Support each other and we get through this. This could be dangerous. There may be 1 or 2 in there, but why are they here? How did they get here? How many more are going to come up? Look for a way to block that way off their entry point. I'm sure we've all heard stories of ruins underneath cities, but lets hope not. Or look for a necromancer who conjured things. Him or her, we just kill"

"So, who takes the light? Oh, and lets not forget the lady's dog" Toland asks, looking at them with confident eyes and a self assured smile.

King Tius
2012-02-06, 07:16 PM
Caenan is holding his lantern and Alder's shield is glowing, so you have plenty of light. Ms. Stormscale does not detect as evil.

As Melinda creeps down the hallway Boreas takes to wing, alighting on the railing at the top of the stairs. The bird does not seem alarmed by anything, leaving Tevn to believe that the landing is clear. Melinda peaks around the corners of the hallway and sees a kitchen and a dinning room. A door from the kitchen leads to the basement, following the same path as the stairs to the second floor. She sees that the door is open and that there are three skeletons standing in the kitchen. Another two stand in the dining room. All five of them are standing by the boarded up windows, staring out but not moving. As the rest of you spread out to search the main room, some of you are stealthier than others. Melinda has just enough time to pull her head back when a loud clink of armor from the main chamber causes the skeletons to turn around...

Initiative Order
(19) Skeletons
(15) Melinda
(13) Tevn
(10) Caenan
(09) Alder
(07) Quint
(04) Toland

Surprise Round! Melinda is the only one aware of the skeletons so she gets to act in the surprise round. After that, I'll post what the skeletons do and update the map. From there, you will all be free to post (not in order) and I will resolve things once I have everyone. If we get a post from Melinda tonight, I can try and turn things around before I get to bed.

The Map


A Note: Boreas is technically a floor up, even though I am showing that layout of the kitchen. Since you can't see through the bird's eyes and don't communicate with it, I will control it if you tell it to do anything upstairs.

King Tius
2012-02-06, 07:17 PM
The boards are being screwy and I can't see my post. This is an attempt to bump.

2012-02-07, 02:10 AM
Quickly spotting the undead enemies Melinda is about to turn back and report when the clatter of armour from behind her makes her wince and duck out of sight from the skeletons. Typical, she laments quietly, There's always one who can't stay still. Not that she can really blame them. But she still groans softly when she hears the skeletons starting to hobble towards her. Well, there's no better defense than a solid offense. Letting out a loud shout of "There's three more on the other side!" that ends in a wordless yell she raises her mace and leaps forward into the dining room or whatever the room on the right is supposed to be, striking hard for the only really vulnerable part of the skeletons she can think of: the spine.
As she misses -barely- though, she calls out again and this time in dismay. There's absolutely no fear though. No, not at all. No fear about being alone with two undead abominations instead of just one and both probably fully intending to rend her flesh from her bones.

Since rogues actually get to sneak attack undead in Pathfinder, let's do that. (I've always wanted to in DnD :smallwink:)

Free action: Move to C7

Standard action: Strike skeleton at B8:

Edit: Of course, rolling a nine on the attack roll isn't going to help me much since I now probably have two "live" ones on my hands instead of just one. Oups. :smallbiggrin:

King Tius
2012-02-07, 09:55 PM
Surprise Round
Melinda steps up and attacks the nearest skeleton but misses.

Round One

(19) Skeletons
The skeletons rush Melinda, seeing her as the immediate threat. She gets a clumsy attack at one as it passes by her on its way down the hallway but is unable to land a hit. The remainder of the skeletons swarm her, lashing out with their claws. S3 rushes down the hallway and attacks the nearest thing it can, which happens to be Caenan.

S1 claw attack [roll0] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll1] damage
S2 claw attack [roll2] vs Melinda AC 21 (+4 from cover) [roll3] damage
S4 claw attack 1 [roll4] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll5] damage
S4 claw attack 2 [roll6] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll7] damage
S5 claw attack 1 [roll8] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll9] damage
S5 claw attack 2 [roll10] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll11] damage
S3 claw attack [roll12] vs Caenan AC 17 [roll13] damage

Your Turns!

The Map


2012-02-07, 10:59 PM
Ah hell! They weren't kidding about the skeletons!

I fall back against the wall, making sure to keep the light illuminating the room. As I do so, I reach towards my belt, producing the small sphere I was bouncing earlier outside. With a flick of my wrist, it goes sailing between two of the skeletons.

I five foot free step back to H6 and then lob a grenade at E6.

Attack roll: [roll0]

Anything but a nat 1 hits the square. If it does, then it does 7 fire dmg to everything in the splash radius as per the bomb description.

Assuming someone moves into the blast radius before my turn, I would instead draw my longsword and attack the skeleton directly in front of me.
Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage if it hits: [roll2]

2012-02-08, 12:31 AM
Cursing herself for her foolishness Melinda strikes as hard as she can manage at the one skeleton who hit her and backs away a bit, hoping to use the dining table as a barrier and thereby limiting the number of skeletons coming her way. Unfortunately she is still not used to the weight of the weapon and again she misses badly. Well, even if they tried to climb the table they'd be clumsy and vulnerable and hopefully giving her time to strike at them before they could do anything, so that's something. Hopefully the table would give her better chances. Even better would be if they didn't try climbing it at all and go pester someone else.

I'm hoping any skeleton climbing the table provokes AoOs. And, actually, think they should.

Standard action: Attack S4, incindentally the same skellie she tried to hit first:

Free action: Move to D8, taking only a 5' step to avoid AoOs of my own.

Edit: Not having any luck with my attack rolls right now. :smallannoyed:

2012-02-08, 03:05 AM
Quint makes a tactical retreat towards the door, but only to get a better view of his target. A few practiced gestures and arcane syllables summon up a gooey puddle of magical lubrication in the dark hallway.

move to H5, standard action to cast grease (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/g/grease)on C/D:5/6. S1 and S2 must make DC 15 reflex save or fall prone.

2012-02-08, 08:07 AM
So there where indeed creatures here. There shall not be for long. "Destroy this one quickly so we may aid our companion." He shouts as he swings his hammer, blunt head reaching for exposed bone.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
AC 18, HP 11

2012-02-08, 06:00 PM
Tevn roars a drumken cry of rage as he rushes the skeleton nearest him.

Power Attack[roll0] +flank, if possible.
Damage [roll1]
edit: Max damage= redead skeleton

2012-02-09, 07:05 PM

Looking around at the mass of skeletons that suddenly appeared, Toland does not recoil in alarm but grips his sword tighter and feels his heart begin to race. The battle fever was upon him once again, as quick as that it came.

He looks around and sees that the rather attractive sellsword, who's pleasant rearview he had enjoyed, was not just ahead of him now but surronded by skeletons. She twisted and danced (how he'd like that in other circumstances!) away from their grasping hands until one thudded into her hard.

Near him, another advanced as well but this one would be surronded and not the other way around.

"Heil! Attack!" he roars, albeit a little later than the start of the battle but hey, why not?

Toland swings at S3, if it was still standing.

If not, he moves to D7 (if unoccupied) or B9 and attacks S1 or S5 respectively... or whatever else he can.

2012-02-10, 06:48 AM
Toland's Attack Rolls

[roll0] Attack Roll
[roll1] Critical Hit Roll

[roll2] Damage Roll
[roll3] Critical Damage Roll

King Tius
2012-02-10, 09:29 AM
End of Round One

(15) Melinda
The dancer swings her heavy mace at the luckiest of the skeletons but is unable to land a hit. She nimbly backs into the corner of the dining room, hoping the table and the walls will provide her some cover while her allies rush to her aid.

(13) Tevn
Still swooning from too much drink, the drunken ranger rushes the skeleton currently trying to remodel Caenan’s face. Though a greatsword is hardly the most effective weapon against such creatures, the sheer force of Tevn’s blow easily blasts the skeleton to bits.

(10) Caenan
With Tevn now in his initial target area and no skeleton directly in front of him, Black Dog lobs his bomb at the intersection of C6-D6. His underhand lob arcs the bomb between the first skeleton’s legs where it explodes. S1 only takes half damage from the bomb while S2 is consumed by its flames. The gout of flame that erupts in the hallway scorches the wooden floors and walls, leaving nasty black burns and setting a picture frame ablaze. The concussive sound of the explosion makes the whole house shake a bit.

Note: In your future posts, please include the Splash Reflex save DC so I don’t have to look it up each time. Thanks!

(09) Alder
Stepping over the pile of bones before him, Alder moves into the blast zone of Caenan’s bomb and smashes what is left of S1 into a scattering of bones.

(07) Quint
The gun-toting mage moves towards the hallway for a better bead on the remaining skeletons. He casts his grease spell under their feet, causing S5 to lose its footing and slip, landing squarely on its tailbone.

(04) Toland
Now with a good deal fewer skeletons to deal with, Toland double-moves into the dining room and next to the prone S5, ready to slash at the creature should it try to rise.

Round Two

(19) Skeletons
And try to rise it does! Toland takes a swing as the skeleton clambers back to its feet but the blade bounces harmlessly off its bony arm. Now standing, it slashes at the Paladin as the other skeleton steps through the grease spell to slash at Melinda. Fortunately for her, the creature only gets one attack due to being unable to Five Foot Step on the grease spell.

S4 claw attack [roll0] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll1] damage
S5 claw attack [roll2] vs Melinda AC 21 [roll3] damage

Tevn’s hawk gives a cry of alarm as it sails off the bannister and back to his shoulder. You all hear the scratching and scuffling sound of bone on wood as more skeletons appear on the landing and come rushing down the stairs!

NOTE1: Dead bodies will be marked as black and white circles for a round before disappearing unless the bodies are sufficiently large enough to become terrain obstacles.

NOTE2: The banister and small table by the stairs makes it difficult to attack anyone on the stairs without a reach weapon. S7 is only reachable from H2 or H3.

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 12/12
Toland 11/11

2012-02-10, 09:37 AM
Alder raises his hammer as he steps into the doorway, swinging at the unsteady skeleton in the pool of grease as he kicks still bones out of his path. Speaking to Toland, "Let us finish these two quickly, it sounds as though the others may have need of us soon."

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
ac 18, HP 11, and a pile of spells/powers that ONLY help against things with MINDS!

I'll save the summon monster till coming back to the big pile of skeletons. Only lasts one round, so i want to make it count.

2012-02-10, 09:39 AM
"Thanks for the help guys!" Melinda shouts as she nimbly dances around the skeleton's swipe. With only one skeleton against her the odds were looking up and hopefully it'd fall and let her get a free shot. In the mean time she tries to land a vicious over hand blow with the mace, aiming straight for the skeleton's forehead. Sadly she again misjudges the weight of the mace and she is nowhere even near the mark.

Let's see if I can regain some honour here. :smalltongue:

Standard action: Attack.
Nothing else.



Edit: Apparently not. The RNG really seems to hate me right now. :smallsigh:

2012-02-10, 03:03 PM
Still grinning from his most recent triumph, Tevn is knocked off balance when Boreas lands on him again. He is spun as he stumbles, and sees skeletons coming down the stairway. He moves towards them, bellowing as only a drunk can. You blasted bird! You let 'em down here. Go help the blasted mage!
He swings his sword with all his might, hitting the first skeleton and crashing through its ribcage. He tries to swing through to the next one, but his drink is going to his head, and, seeing double, misses the second one.
Moving to H3 and Attacking S6. Sending Boreas to defend Quint. You just got an eagle bodyguard.:smallcool:
Power attack and Cleave, so -2 AC brings it down to 17. I think thats if the first attack hits, wording is a bit off and my mind isn't working right now.
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Cleave Attack [roll2]
Cleave Damage [roll3]

2012-02-10, 07:06 PM
"I've heard of having a skeleton in the closet, but this lady had an attic full," quint says to no one in particular as he levels his musket and fires.

unless someone gets in the way, fire at S7. Otherwise, at whichever skeleton I have a clear shot at.

[roll0] vs. touch AC, misfire on a 1

2012-02-11, 02:32 AM

How did this many skeletons just show up in someone's house? Why did it seem like the windows were blocked off? Had he missed something? He certainly was not cleaning up all the grease on the floor suddenly, however thankful he was for it at the moment!

Seeing the skeleton rise again, he notices more flowing down the stairs. What is this place? he asks himself. He wanted to go over there and stand between the skeletons and these strangers. It was what he did after all, stand between evil and others. He just had to get this thing down first! Saving Miss Apple Bottoms there was important too...

Toland swings his sword again...

[roll] 1d8+3 Damage

If Crit...

[roll] 1d8+3 Damage

2012-02-11, 02:34 AM

Damage Roll 1


Critical Damage, if any...


2012-02-11, 02:38 PM
Bombs away! Caenan yells, throwing another sphere, this time to the middle of the stairs. He seems rather gleeful for a man in such a life or death predicament.

This is a lovely fight. A great scrap and no worrying about property damage or having to plead self-defense, he thinks to himself.

Sorry about the half dmg thing. Completely slipped my mind.

I step forward into H5 and throw another bomb. This time at S9 assuming I can see him around the bannisters on the stairs. I assume he's getting some kind of cover bonus so I'm throwing at him in case I miss. At one range increment, the bomb could only deviate one square so if it goes off anywhere it shouldn't hit any of us.

To Hit against Touch: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], splash is 7dmg, Reflex DC 16 for half.

If I don't have LOS to S9 to chuck a bomb, I would draw my sword and move to H4 to support Tevn.

King Tius
2012-02-12, 01:45 PM
End of Round Two

(15) Melinda
Melinda once again tries to put her heavy mace to good use but comes up short.

(13) Tevn
The drunken ranger moves towards the stairs and quickly dismantles another of the skeletons. The power of his swing brings his sword clean through and digging deep into the banister. Fortunately he is able to pull it free to keep his guard up.

(10) Caenan
Black Dog chucks his bomb but it ricochets off the wall of the house and lands at D3. The skeleton at the top of the stairs is hit with the full force of the blast and is scattered against the wall in a spray of bones.

(09) Alder
Stepping out from the partial cover of the hallway, Alder takes a swing at S4 but is unable to land a hit.

(07) Quint
Drawing his musket, Quint takes aim at the skeleton at the bottom of the stairs. The musket ball smashes through its sternum and shatters several ribs but the magically animated monstrosity continues to fight on.

(04) Toland
Taking a moment to set his feet, the Paladin takes a hefty swing at S5 and manages to obliterate it despite its inherent resistance to slashing weapons.

Round Three

(19) Skeletons
Mindless in its pursuit of life, S4 continues to try and tear the flesh from Melinda’s face
S4 claw attack [roll0] vs Melinda AC 17 [roll1] damage
S7 and S8 move down the stairs to attack Tevn.
S7 claw attack 1 [roll2] vs Tevn AC 19 [roll3] damage
S7 claw attack 2 [roll4] vs Tevn AC 19 [roll5] damage
S8 claw attack 1 [roll6] vs Tevn AC 23 [roll7] damage
S8 claw attack 2 [roll8] vs Tevn AC 23 [roll9] damage

Over the sounds of Caenan’s bombs, Quint’s musket, and the general sounds of combat Alder hears hurried footsteps coming up the stairs from the basement…..

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 11/11

2012-02-12, 03:00 PM
"Heads up, boys!" Melinda yells as she backs away a bit more, trying to use Alder's position to her advantage. "I think there's even more entertainment coming from below!" Again trying to strike the unlikely lucky skeleton, this time gripping the mace with both hands, the dancer mutters: "Shelyn, give me this one. Please?"
And the prayer is quickly followed by the crunch of breaking bone and the triumphant laughter of the half-elf.

Again a Five Foot step, straight east to D8. Hopefully that will be enough for a flanking bonus. :smalltongue:

And then another attack:
(I assume that's enough and a nice damage roll too. :smallamused:)


2012-02-12, 06:37 PM
Quints turns his attention towards the task of reloading his musket, offering little more than a grunt in response to Melinda's warning.

full round action to reload

2012-02-12, 08:25 PM
Wincing at his miss, Alder reminds himself that he should be glad he is not facing a more canny foe who could exploit his failure. With this in mind, he continues his barrage of swings, hoping to dislocate unholy bones.
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
ac 18, HP 11

2012-02-14, 12:15 AM
The power of Tevn's blow sticks his sword into the bannister. As he attempts to dislodge it, a skeleton lashes out, missing once due to his drunken staggering. Tevn is not so lucky on the second blow, striking him across his forehead. Tevn bellows, in a combination of rage and of pain, as his drunken state is slowly receding into a hangover, and hitting one's head while hungover can prove to be quite painful.
He grits his teeth and swings again, trying to reciprocate the pain he just felt.

Power attack and Cleave, 17 AC again.
Attack 1[roll0]

Cleaving Attack[roll2]
Cleaving Damage[roll3]

2012-02-14, 03:00 AM

With one skeleton down, he hears the additional commotion and sound of more foot steps marching from below.

This is a 2 bedroom? 3 bedroom house? Seems pretty crowded. This didn't just happen randomly or all of a sudden. Who was that widow?

Moving towards the stairway, Toland tries to physically blow the exit with his body and shield. He slides into his best defensive stance (total defense?) if he gets to the doorway before anyone can make their way up.

Toland moves to E12 if he can, E11 if he is too late. In that case, he'll attack normally.

King Tius
2012-02-14, 10:57 PM
End of Round Three

(15) Melinda
Taking a step to the side, Melinda finally manages to put her weight behind her swing and smashes S4 to oblivion.

(13) Tevn
With blood flowing freely from his head wound, the drunken ranger swings again with all his might. His greatsword passes clean through both skeletons and their bones clatter down the stairs as the fall lifelessly about Tevn.

(10) Caenan
Hearing Melinda’s warning, Black Dog double moves into the dining room for a better vantage point.

(09) Alder
With no immediate threat near him but more on the way, Alder steps back into the hallway and readies himself to attack the first skeleton that comes into view.

(07) Quint
Quint reloads his musket as quickly as he can.

(04) Toland
Doing his best to navigate the magical grease, Toland is able to make it to C5 before the skeletons come bounding up the stairs.
Round Four

(19) Skeletons
A fresh batch of skeletons comes charging up the basement stairs. Five in total, they quickly overrun the kitchen as they head straight for Toland. Only two get to attack him.

S0 claw attack [roll0] vs Toland AC 20 [roll1] damage
S$ claw attack [roll2] vs Toland AC 20 [roll3] damage

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 8/11

2012-02-14, 11:10 PM
His weapon loaded and primed, Quint draws a bead on the skeletons on the stairs and waits for an opening.

ready an action to attack whichever skeleton on the stairs survives Tevn's next attack. If neither survive, no shot.


2012-02-14, 11:29 PM
Oi! Back up where we can support you! I can't get a clear throwing arc! Caenan yells at Toland.

Move action pull an Alchemist's Acid out of my bag and use my standard to ready an action for when I can get a clear shot at one of the skeletons without splashing on Toland or someone else. If that opportunity doesn't arise this round, I keep the light trained on our opponents.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], 7 splash damage just like my bombs, assuming save for half is DC 16 like my bombs.

So my attack with thrown splash weapons was one below what it should have been on my sheet as I didn't realize the Throw Anything feat gave a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls with them.

Side Note: Sorry I didn't get a post in for last round. I'm in Law School and we have a big paper due Thursday followed by an oral argument. I have been living in the library the last few days as a result.

2012-02-14, 11:47 PM
Tevn lets out a shout of victory, before wiping some blood off his brow. He calls out to his allies. Stairway's good.
He rushes through the house and sees the predicament that Toland is in. He runs through the hall towards him... And then past the doorway, calling out. Fall back through the doorway. Lets make 'em come at us one by one!

Forgot to even say where I was moving. Double move to B6.

2012-02-15, 03:27 AM
Letting out an exulting yell as the now broken bones of a former undead rattles to the floor Melinda starts to get a hang on this whole mace business. She prefered a rapier or a dagger, but it wasn't that bad a weapon. And of course, there were more skellies to put down.

Moving slowly through the grease to avoid slipping and falling she then takes up position in the corridor, ready to smash any skeleton that slipped out.

Move action: move through the grease (half speed for that part) and to B6.

Standard action: ready attack against the first skeleton to move through.
(Should I roll that now?)


2012-02-15, 07:53 AM
"They are right, strike and step back, let them choke through the door where we can strike." I can feel it creeping in my mind...hold it back, hold it back. I won't yet bring any creatures of the madness forth, no unless absolutely needed. I would likely end up adorning the floor alongside these creatures, and not entirely wrongly.

ready action to attack any that come in range [roll0]
damage [roll1]

King Tius
2012-02-16, 10:37 AM
End of Round Four

(15) Melinda
Melinda moves into the hallway and readies her mace for the next skeleton to get in range.

OOC: You can roll your attacks of opportunity or I can. No big deal either way.

(13) Tevn
Tevn rushes down the hallway to help Toland only to find Melinda already guarding the other side of the doorway. Not wanting to block the Paladin’s escape route, Tevn steps onto the grease spell and keeps his footing.

OOC: If a certain spellcaster were so inclined, they could dismiss the grease spell if they wanted to.

(10) Caenan
Caenan shouts for Toland to step back and readies his flask of acid.

OOC: No worries! Law school comes first.

(09) Alder
The not-quite-mad priest also readies himself to attack any skeletons that make it through the doorway.

(07) Quint
Much like the rest of the group, Quint takes aim and waits for the right moment to strike.

(04) Toland
Hearing the call to fall back, Toland raises his shield and takes a defensive stance (Fighting Defensively -4 attack, +2 AC). He swings at the skeleton directly in front of him but his blade ricochets harmlessly off its skull. The paladin takes a 5-foot-step backwards, letting the rest of his allies attack.

(Readied Action) Caenan
Now with a clear shot, Caenan lobs his acid flask at S$. The small container strikes the skeleton square in the chest, spraying its allies (and the kitchen around it) with acid. S&, S#, and S$ immediately collapse as the acid overwhelms them. S0 and S& remain on their feet and attack!

Round Five

(19) Skeletons
S0 steps up to attack Toland again, giving Melinda the chance to strike at it. Unfortunately the cover of the wall and her clumsiness with the mace causes her to take a chunk of wood out of the doorframe instead. Quint doesn’t have a good angle on the skeleton but Alder does! He quickly finishes off the work that Caenan started, obliterating S0. While any sentient creature might turn and run, S* runs straight at Toland and attacks, heedless of its situation.

S* claw attack [roll0] vs Toland AC 20 [roll1] damage (only hits on crit). Crit confirm just in case: [roll2]

EDIT: A critical hit! Would you look at that. Unconfirmed, though, so Toland only takes normal damage. What are the odds? 1/20, I imagine.

End of Combat
With the new initiative order (readied actions will do that) it is now Toland who is the first adjacent combatant to the skeleton to go. Furious and bleeding heavily from the scratch marks across his face, he obliterates the last of the skeletons with a quick, angry slash. Its bones collapse at his feet, still sizzling from Caenan’s flask.

As you all brace for the next wave of skeletons you quickly realize that no more are coming. The house is eerily quiet now, save for the slightest of whimpers coming from upstairs.

OOC: Congratulations! You each earn 315 XP from killing those skeletons.

Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 2/11

2012-02-16, 02:44 PM
Slumping against the wall, Melinda looks at her mace with mixed feelings. "Well... at least I got one of them. But I prefer using a rapier. Wait..." perking up she listens intently. "Did you hear that? Someone alive?"

2012-02-16, 05:36 PM
With a subtle slicing gesture, Quint dismisses his puddle of grease. "Sounds like that's all of them, but we'd better do a proper search (wouldn't want to give the lady cause to back out on our reward)," he says, shouldering his musket and walking for the stairs.

2012-02-16, 08:48 PM
Alder nudges a loose skull with his foot. "Quite. Be on guard and stay together. Whatever brought these here could have done more. Be thorough."

King Tius
2012-02-16, 10:46 PM
With weapons at the ready you head up the stairs and investigate. After carefully searching the few rooms upstairs, you find it devoid of skeletons. You do, however, find the source of the whimpering: Ms. Stormscale's scared little dog. The little guy was hiding under the master bed which has been nearly torn to bits, presumably by the skeletal intruders. Your search of the first floor reveals nothing other than the locked door to the room in the northeast corner and the stairs leading down into the basement. On another note Toland is pretty beat up....

2012-02-16, 11:54 PM
You alright there mate? Caenan asks Toland. Don't know if your brave or stupid to stand in front of all those skeletons but I appreciate it, holding out his empty hand for a handshake.

2012-02-17, 02:04 AM
Tevn picks up the dog and carries it down the stairs and outside. He walks over to the old woman and gives her the dog. He was underneath your bed. He looks fine, nothing appears to have gotten to him.
He waits for her response and then asks By the way, there's a locked up door in there, do you have a key?

2012-02-17, 10:54 AM
While someone else, someone comptetent, takes care of Toland and Tevn heads on out to report on their progress Melinda shouts after him: "Tell them there was skeletons in the cellar. Maybe the bonies came from there!"
And inspired by the thought she moves as quietly as she can to the door in the kitchen to listen. Her own injuries she bears with a strange sense of stoicism. One she hadn't expected of herself. This was just too important a time to bother about scrapes like that, at least while others were more grieveously wounded. If she hears nothing she'll even head on down for a peek.

So Stealth and Perception, eh? :smallwink:

And a second set if she continues down the stairs:

King Tius
2012-02-17, 02:22 PM
Melinda sneaks up to the basement door but doesn't hear anything coming from down there. Unfortunately, it is too dark to see beyond the kitchen, so she'll need someone to accompany her or her own light source to scout the basement further.

Tevn brings the dog to the door and, after assuring the guards that he is not, in fact, a skeleton, is let outside. Ms. Stormscale dissolves into tears when she finds her dog is safe and sound. She gives Tevn a hurried hug before swaddling the little pooch in a blanket someone has brought her. In response to his inquiry about the locked room, she replies:

"That was my late husband's study. The key should be in my dresser."

The Captain demands a report from Tevn and is pleased to hear that the upper floors have been cleared of skeletons.

"Secure the basement and report back."

When Tevn ventures back inside, the guards once again bar the door. Finding Ms. Stormscale's key is easy enough. Inside the locked room you find bookshelves crammed with dusty tomes and other shelves holding trophies and keepsakes. There is an ornate looking sword (scimitar) mounted on the wall and a number of curios spread about the room. There is also a mahogany desk with several drawers in it, though they appear to be locked as well. The room is devoid of skeletons, or at least those that are attacking you. One of the trophies mounted on the wall is a large and grotesque looking skull.

2012-02-17, 02:30 PM
"Let us finish here. There is nothing dangerous in this room and we are obliged to clear the basement. We were not tasked with poking around her cupboards." Alder readies himself to go down the steps, willing to take point if no one else wants to.

2012-02-17, 03:48 PM
Tevn stares at the skull for a few seconds, trying to figure out what it is from, or if there is any connection between it and the current situation. He shakes his head to clear it, and situates himself at the top of the stairs down, waiting for a light.

Knowledge nature to identify the skull. [roll0]

King Tius
2012-02-17, 04:07 PM
You think it is an Ettin skull, though don't these things usually come in pairs?

2012-02-19, 12:22 AM
"Looks like the late Mr. Stormscale had interesting hobbies," says Quint, casually examining the curios, and even handling some of the smaller ones. "It's unfortunate that we've not been retrained to manage the estate sale. Lets see about that basement."

Quint scans the ground floor for an unlit candle or lamp, lights it if one can be found, and heads for the basement.

2012-02-19, 02:11 AM
Not aware of the exchange outside Melinda, who have returned up when she lacked the lightsource to search the cellar, quipped: "Who knows... maybe it's old mrs Stormscale who were the great adventurer? Or maybe they both were. You know, boy meets girl. Girl slays displacer beast about to pounce boy. The usual story."

After a quick scan of the room, confirming it as free of enemies the half-elf then turns to her companions. "So let's head down, yes? This should be fun!"

2012-02-20, 02:43 AM

You alright there mate? Caenan asks Toland. Don't know if your brave or stupid to stand in front of all those skeletons but I appreciate it, holding out his empty hand for a handshake.

Toland sets down his shield and sheathes his sword and looks around. The pain of his wound was considerble and he clutches his side with the armor had been torn. When Caenan approaches him, he immediately shifts from a grimace of pain to his friendly smile again, however pained it might be.

"Truth be told, I am probably both brave AND stupid. A little bit lucky too" he says and shakes Caenan's hand firmly. "Standing in front of evil is what I do" he smiles broadly, than pauses.

"Truth be told, I didn't even think of it as dangerous. I was going to bravely stand down the skeletons to save everyone the effort, than slay them all myself of course. It... seemed like a good idea at the time, and feel free to spread that story if you'd like" he says and winks.

"Come now, I'm hurt but we still have to check the basement. It would be too much to hope for to think there might be a useful potion around here? Curse my luck twice and thrice on that point!" he smiles at Caenan again, although truth be told he does not even remember the fellow's name. He was "guy who shook my hand after fight" to him, so far. Just like Melinda was really "Ms Applebottom" to him.

After a moment of trying to get a sense of his wound and deciding that, this one at least, was not lethal, Toland unlimbers his shield with one hand and brings out his bulls eye lantern once again. He walks over towards the widow and smiles at her, and makes no attempt to conceal his bloody wound from her.

"Ms, it looks like your dog was found. He is, no doubt, a lucky one" he beams a smile at her. "Tell me though.. do you know WHY there are skeletons here and why they came out of your basement? Anything your husband said? Did he ever dig below the basement or is there anything odd down there? I beseech you to tell us anything you might know, so your house can be cleansed, of course"

Behind his smile, Toland's mind is working through what he knows. Was this woman's husband a necromancer of some sort? Was she in league with him, if so? If so, if there is evidence of it or that she knew of some fell deed, what do I do about it?

King Tius
2012-02-20, 11:01 AM
Ms. Stormscale shakes her head at Toland. "No, my husband never fussed about in the basement. He tried his hand as an adventurer ages ago, but after he took that arrow to his knee he came home and took up the family business. "

Seeing that Toland is so wounded, Captain Dremel points towards someone in the back of the crowd and motions for him to come forward. A sleepy looking cleric wearing his bedclothes but sporting a holy symbol of Sarenrae comes forward, rubbing his hands against his eyes. He sees Toland and takes a moment to examine his wounds. Making a tsk tsk tsk noise, the cleric begins to chant as his hands start glowing. Toland feels a warm healing light course through his body as he is healed: [roll0] hit points.

With the Paladin patched up the group descends into the basement with candles and lanterns aglow. You find the basement to contain the usual fare, boxes and crates of this and that as well as foodstuffs for the winter. There are two things, however, that strike you as odd.

First and foremost, there is a large hole in the floor in the northeast corner of the basement. The ground is hard-packed earth but here around the hole there is splintered wood. Shining your lanterns into the hole, you see a well-crafted set of stone stairs leading down to a hallway that heads out and away from the house. It appears that this passageway was boarded over with wood and then covered with a thick layer of dirt to disguise it. Even more curious, however, is that the splintering of the wood and dirt makes it seem like the covering was smashed open from underneath.

The second and perhaps more curious aspect of the basement is only noticed by Melinda, Caenan, and Quint. The stone foundation of the house is made of different stone than the upper portion. In fact, you can clearly see the portions of the upper basement walls that were rebuilt with this newer stone when this house was rebuilt. The stone stairs are made of the same, older stone. Though none of you are Dwarves, you can tell that the craftsmanship of the older stone is far superior to that of the newer masonry.

2012-02-20, 12:14 PM
Alder looks down the hole. Strange...what would be tunneling through the earth here? There is nothing of value. I have heard no mention of any such events elsewhere in town. "I suspect this is the origin of the trouble, though it makes little sense. Perhaps answers lay on the other end? An unpleasant journey, to be certain."

He mutters a spell and looks about the basement again, focusing long on the tunnel.

detect magic

King Tius
2012-02-20, 01:23 PM
Through your detect magic spell you sense the lingering auras of the skeletons in the passageway and the basement. You do not, however, detect anything else magical in the vicinity.

2012-02-20, 03:14 PM
"Well, at least we know where the skellies came from, eh?" Melinda quips as she looks down the dark hole. "It kind of seems older than the house, just like the foundation of it is. And it's almost like one giant, monstrous rabbit hole. Sooo... who wants to go first?" Giving the men an innocent smile the half-elf quickly looses her poker face and cracks up into a wide grin. "Dibs on going second anyway. I've got better ears than you round-ears, and I bet you a gold coin to a copper that there's a trap or two downstairs."
The grin on the half-elf's face as well as her tone makes it perfectly clear that she looks forward to that particular part of their underground trek.

2012-02-20, 10:38 PM
Well Toland here can go first again if he's so gung-ho about this "defense from evil" business. Caenan says jerking his head towards the hole. I'm sure we can scrape up evil for ya down there, bud.

Then again I'm not opposed to it either. Small spaces work wonders for containing explosions. I'd prefer not to have to light any of you good people on fire merely because you decided to be braver than I.

2012-02-21, 01:42 AM

Deciding his other questions could wait, Toland is relieved to find that a cleric of some stripe was out in the crowd this night. He enters and tends his terrible wound, and the healing reinvigorates him once again. He smiles at the man and bows respectfully to him.

"Thank ye, brother" Toland says. "Go in peace, but mayhaps stick around a moment while we see what else troubles the peace here. I fear this is just a branch and not a root"

Toland heads back in, lantern at the ready. He follows the group down into the basement and looks around it carefully. In truth, he notices little more than the place is musty and there is a hole in the ground but it didn't take a genius to figure out where the skeletons came from.

I wonder... he says to himself. He heads back upstairs a quick moment, begging everyone's pardon, before returning with the skull of one of the skeletal attackers.

"I'm all for bravery, and I expect if they came up those stairs, they tripped any traps set on the path already, but I'd sooner know what I'm facing" he says and holds up the skull. "Someone know what race this is? Is it a human skull or something else?"

He thinks to himself that something does not add up here entirely.

Retired from adventuring after an arrow to the knee? A retired adventurer choses a house over somethin' like this? His own personal claim, it sounds to me. I don't trust that woman. Somethin' isn't right here...

Returning to the conversation, he smiles at Caernan again.

"I'd be happy to lead this expedition below, but someone who knows sabotage and crypts might be better. While I expect the way to be clear, no sense being hasty. It only makes sense, doesn't it?"

2012-02-21, 08:13 AM
"If someone knows of such matters than it would be prudent they lead. The confines of the tunnel are not ideal for combat." Though less terrifying than the emptiness beyond. "I am of little use against these mindless things. If you two, nodding to Melinda and Toland, "Feel yourselves competent to the task, then let us waste no more time."

King Tius
2012-02-21, 10:38 PM
With Toland taking point and Melinda just behind, you descend into the unknown depths of the secret passage. The well-laid stone hems you in as the passage heads slowly downwards in a perfectly straight line. You must all hunch over to avoid hitting your heads, almost as if the passageway was carved for shorter stock. After nearly a hundred meters of descent the passageway opens up into a chamber. At first it appears to be a library of sorts with large bookshelves set in rows on either side. Shining a light in, you quickly realize that the bookshelves are actually shelves full of skeletons, though none appear to be moving. A large, golden door sits at the opposite end of the chamber. At the end of the two nearest corridors you can see a golden bell hanging against the wall. Finally, the floor is decorated with intricate tiles depicting skulls of different shapes, sizes, and positions.

I'm assuming that with all the lanterns, candles, and light spells about that you have adequate lighting to see in the dark. If people start dropping or extinguishing light sources we'll start keeping closer track of what you can and cannot see.

The Map


OOC: The rest of you are in the hallway, just not on the map

2012-02-22, 12:25 AM
Quint pushes his way forward to examine the tiled floor, "well now, this is certainly... morbid. When we get back, someone should tell the watch captain that a simple conflagration wouldn't have solved the problem."

Question: were all the skeletons we fought the same species, or where they a mixture of various races?

Also, is there a tile matching the ettin skull?

2012-02-22, 12:39 AM

Standing on the threshold between cooridor and the main chamber, Toland pauses a second to look around and allow his eyes to adjust to the lighting conditions.

He takes in the scene, and sweeps the shelves of bones, the runes, the smell of the room, the skull motif of the floor and frowns slightly.

"What a lovely room of death" he says with resignation. Truth be told, the place gives him the creeps and butterflies at the same time for Sir Toland was brave and not terribly observant, but he wasn't an idiot either.

There are no such things as coincidence. It is either the will of the Gods or an act of our own which causes things.

As far as he could tell, there was far more incentive for somone on the surface to go down than for some necromancer who spent so much time decorating to desire anything to do with the basement of an old cellar. Ancient tombs rarely disturb people. It is often the other way around...

The widow says her husband is dead. Do I know that? Maybe he is dead, but still walking. Down here somewhere. Something about that widow makes me itch...

Seeing the tiles on the floor depicting various skulls, and the shelves full of skulls, Toland decides to pause a moment before entering.

"Yes, this is a morbid place" Toland says quietly, which was perhaps unneccesary here. "The skulls on the floor. I'm not versed enough in these to know truly, but can anyone tell if they are magically active? Do any look recently active? A spell that can see if a dweomer is present down here? If I were setting a trap, I would think it would be best place on the first step out. Or I can just step forward and see what happens" he says, but this time he is not smiling at all.

2012-02-22, 12:40 AM
"Morbid? Yep. And it has a heavy smell of 'trap' if you ask me. Hang on tight and let me check."
There's still a playful tone to Melinda's voice, but now it's tempered by a much more wary and businesslike air to her, her way of moving and looking about. Gently nudging Toland back she switches places with the paladin and squatting on the floor she starts examining the nearest floor tile.

Anything interesting about the skull on E4?

And here's the roll:

2012-02-22, 08:19 AM
Alder bears the hunched passage stoically. Viewing what he could of the chamber, he again casts a simple spell.

detect magic

"It would seem we have indeed found the source of our troubles, though not the cause."

2012-03-03, 11:38 AM
Toland the Bold?

Toland attempts to Detect Evil in the area, to see what he can find. He is momentarily reluctant, for fear the response will be fairly overwhelming.

Letting Lady Applebottom through, a passage he marked with great interest after a quick, coy look, he decided she might know her way around traps and such. For that, among other reasons, he was glad she was here. Skeletons were of no concern to him, a lucky strike that still smarted aside. It was cowardly weapons such as traps that concerned him. Toland the One Legged Paladin, or Toland the Unmanned were hardly bold names after all and he was reluctant to get maimed needlessly.

"So miss... before you searching for traps, could you remind me your name again? In all the confusion of this, I seem to have lost track of who everyone is, even if I have a measure of your roles" he smiles at her, a most charming smile indeed.

He turns back to the rest of the group.

"That said, who was it toss the bombs in the lady's house? Or shooting? I've not seen such methods before, and since we have a moment with the dead not being too restless, I thought I'd ask.

Speaking of asking, and not to sound.. unbold, if you will, but the room ahead is a necromancer's bone library. It is a very real chance each trigger assembles warriors of that race. Or possibly all of them. Since they're not going anywhere, perhaps bringing in a senior cleric or paladin of my own Chapter House may not be unwise? With the fury in mine own blood stilled a moment, we should consider what we're prepared to handle and not."

2012-03-05, 03:52 AM
Looking up at Toland as she crouches down Melinda can't help but blush slightly. My, but he is handsome. Gorgeous even. Still, she knows from experience that surface and depth aren't the same thing, and sometimes very much at odds. At least she tries to tell herself that, it doesn't make him any uglier.
It does, at least, help her gain some confidence in her own strenghts and her own beauty (not that it compared well to the masculine version of the paladin, but still... at least he wasn't a woman, then she'd be jealous instead of slightly embarrased). "I'm Melinda. Melinda Merrin. I'm a dancer." She can't help but add that last part, mostly in defiance of whatever he thought about her occupation. She might know a few things but she was not a thief.
And with that she turns to study the tile in front of her. It had "pressure plate" written all over itself, figuratively speaking. But was it mechanical or magical in nature?...

2012-03-05, 08:25 AM
Alder keeps an eye on the skeletons as he speaks. "Alder Faustus. I...I am a researcher, of sorts, though this tomb is outside of my expertise." Best they know little of me. Tends to make people uncomfortable. Especially me.

King Tius
2012-03-05, 10:41 PM
OOC: aaaaand we're back!

Now that Quint thinks about it, all the skeletons you fought were about four feet tall and of stocky build. In the frantic fighting by lantern light you hadn’t really noticed, but you are fairly sure that all these skeletons were Dwarves, at least at one point. Quint moves to the front of the group and has a look at the tiles. None in the immediate area seem to be depicting an Ettin skull.

Melinda has a look for herself at the 25 skulls in E4 (one square foot each). Each tile sees uniquely designed with variations in skull position, jaw open/closed/missing, jewels, snakes, daggers, crowns or lack thereof. Alder casts his spell and is a bit taken aback at what he finds. The entire floor glows with a faint transmutation aura while the door radiates an incredibly powerful abjuration aura. The shelves of corpses and the bells do not radiate any auras. Melinda looks at the floor tiles and their lack of molding or caulk. She is fairly sure that if she wanted to make a floor of pressure plates, this is what it would look like.

2012-03-06, 01:00 AM
Rising and knuckling her back a bit the half-elf shakes her head. "Yep. I think we can safely say this place is trapped. Not sure, but I'd almost say that the whole damn floor is trapped." With a slight sigh she shakes her head and looks to the others. "The problem? I have no idea where I should start disarming it..."

A 21 on a perception roll didn't show me any way to disarm it? And whether it was really a magical trap and not just... magic thrown over a weirdly decorated room? :smalltongue:

2012-03-06, 01:27 AM
Toland to Melinda

Toland regards her for a moment and makes eye contact with her, than gives her a warm smile just as he breaks eye contact at...just the right time. He is young, handsome and very confident, yet gives the impression of wisdom than recklessness. Toland was tall. Far over 6 foot, and had golden blonde hair that hung down inside his helmet, and he was indeed a specimen.

"Enchanted to meet you, Melinda. I am called Toland and I, too, am a dancer. Among other things, of course" he says and pats the hilt of sword, which may or may not have been veiled innuendo. Probably not. Right? He gives her that warm smile again. "Given that you are here, you are either a very brave dancer with a sense of civic responsibility or "among other things" applies to us both equally. All the more reason that I'm glad you're here" he says and makes eye contact with her again, smiles and than shifts his gaze to the floor ahead.

"So, my ballerina, what do you think of our dance floor? Our evening plans depend much on it's condition, for we can press on here or return to a tavern and consider this. Any sign of what could have triggered the skeleton's attack would be of great interest" Toland says, and as he continues his tone shifts from the rich bedroom tenor to a more detached, professional tone.

2012-03-06, 02:48 AM
The poorly veiled innuendo makes the half-elf dancer smirk, not that impressed. She had met that kind of behaviour more than enough to last her a lifetime. But then he smiles... Shelyn help her. That just wasn't fair. She had been about to answer his half-question about her profession but now she swirls around, blushing again, and looks out over the tiled floor, clearing her throat. "Shelyn help me"? What a hare-brained thing to think... Of course, she is. By throwing a too-handsome-for-comfort paladin at me. Gods, I'm turning into a goose. FOCUS.
Still blushing softly Melinda shrugs. "To be honest, this floor is feeling a bit beyond me. As I said... I'm not sure where to start... It's safe to say the skeletons came from here, of course, so leaving it alone is not much of an option, though."
Focus on the task at hand, that's a good idea. Not on the paladin. The floor.

2012-03-06, 05:42 AM
Listening to the back and forth between the sanctified skirt chaser and the 'dancer' --the descriptor dripping with irony even his internal monologue--Quint can't help but roll his eyes. "If you can't take it apart it, then set it off. Roll a barrel, or something else heavier than a skeleton, across the floor," he cuts in brusquely. "Perhaps one of the crates from the cellar."

Or the pair of you can 'dance' across it, he adds mentally.

2012-03-06, 08:01 AM
Much of his focus inward, Alder remains completely oblivious to the innuendo. "The barrel idea is good. We ought be well back when we do. The floor bears some enchantment. The door more-so, though neither gives signs of necromancy, which is odd given the scenario. Transformative aura on the floor, some form of ward on the door. A barrel should be readily obtained. If that fails, then we shall consider other measures. Perhaps a long pole would be in order as well."

King Tius
2012-03-06, 09:17 AM
While the rest of the group stays near the tiled floor Caenan heads back to the basement with Tevn to retrieve a large barrel. The two manage to heft the thing down into the passageway before rolling it to the group. With a great shove you send the barrel out onto the tiled floor, dropping back down the hallway as it rolls. The barrel travels straight into the room for 15 feet before veering sideways and thudding into one of the corpse shelves. Nothing happens and Alder does not detect any magical discharges or changes in power levels.

Also, since I forgot to mention this earlier, Alder points out that the tiles on the floor are enchanted individually.

2012-03-06, 02:30 PM
"I don't like that idea..." the half-elf objects as the others return with a barrel. She had looked doubtful even when the plan was suggested but now she seems unable to stay silent. So she doesn't try to.
"You said that all the floor was magical? Well, if every single one of those tiles are a trap, do we really want to set a lot of them off at once? Not to mention that magical traps have a nasty habit of resetting themselves..."
Noticing that she doesn't seem to have swayed the two she shrugs: "Oh, well, roll it out. I just hope we don't wake anything nasty."

That's better, she adds silently to herself. Focused, professional. Not to mention actually using the brains the gods gave me.

When the barrel finally stops, after what seemed like an eternity of rumbling the half-elf heaves a heavy sigh of relief. "Well... So far so good... did anything happen that I couldn't see? Y'know... magically?"

2012-03-08, 08:46 AM
"Perhaps a more direct approach. The tiles are enchanted. We know nothing of the floor beneath them." Alder bends down to look more closely at one of the tiles. He tries to pry it up with his dagger. Failing that, he shrugs and tries to smash it with his hammer.

if needed [roll0] (basically just hitting it until it breaks or it becomes obvious that it won't, IE taking '8' on damage.)

King Tius
2012-03-08, 11:07 AM
Alder draws his dagger and sets about trying to pry up one of the tiles. The 1 square foot stone slab is nearly three inches thick and quite heavy but he is able to wedge his knife under it and begin to move it. As his hand gets close to the tablet, he feels the hairs on his hand tingle as the tile discharges a small amount of magic. Through his enhanced sight, Alder sees the magical discharge but notes that the tile retains the same aura it had before. Everyone hears a faint *click* sound as this happens from somewhere in the chamber near the door.

2012-03-08, 11:22 AM
Alder furrows his brow in thought, then continues lifting the tile.

King Tius
2012-03-08, 11:45 AM
Alder is able to extract the tile. The floor beneath it is packed earth. The tile discharges several more times while you are handling it, each time producing a clicking sound. You manage to not set off any of the adjacent tiles.

2012-03-08, 02:36 PM
"Hmm, discharge seems harmless enough. If we don't want to walk on them we can just tear them up and toss them aside, make a clear path to the door. Or we can be a little more certain." He throws the tile against the wall, then finishes the job with his warhammer.

2012-03-08, 03:09 PM
Looking out over the skull decorated floor and the rows of skeletons Melinda can't help but feel a bit disappointed. All this? All this... ambience... and nothing? "Well... that's anticlimatic."
With her hands, curled up into fists, on her hips the half-elf studies the scene before her. It didn't add up. Sure, there had been some "click" from the door... maybe from it locking and unlocking? But it didn't seem... enough. "Well, let's see what happens if I step on one." With a silent prayer to Desna the dancer then steps lightly on another tile.

King Tius
2012-03-08, 04:47 PM
Alder tosses the tile against the wall. The stone proves too sturdy to shatter completely but it does crack as it lands on the floor. Two swift blows from his hammer finishes the job and the magical aura on the tile fizzles out of existence.

Melinda gracefully steps onto a nearby tile. Again Alder sees the magical aura discharge and the whole group hears the telltale clicking sound. Her step does not seem to cause any other reaction.

2012-03-08, 04:59 PM
"Well, that seems harmless enough, assist me me clearing the rest?" You goes to work on the next tile, sending it to the wall similarly. His goal is to make a path to the door, then isolating the door from the tiles by destroying those nearest, though not taking the time to destroy them all.

2012-03-08, 05:16 PM
Seeing no need to further destroy the decor, Quint strides out onto the floor. "You're setting them off when you pry them up anyway, so might as well just walk on them." He takes a straight-line course, stepping on as few tiles as possible, on his way to examine the door.

2012-03-08, 06:34 PM
"This isn't going to end well" Toland mutters to himself. He watches a barrel get rolled across the floor, than someone starts prying the trapped panels off the floor with a knife and smashing them against a wall or with a hammer. Indeed, he watches with mild horror at that. When he hears the click in the door, he expects the door to slam shut and leave them trapped below somehow yet nothing happens.

"Well huh? Is it just really old and doesn't work or something? Or is it just lulling us into complacency?" he asks himself. He looks at the door and than motion for Melinda.

"Rare am I the voice of caution, but I did hear something click in that door. So something happened. Any way you can figure it out and maybe jam the door? I'm going to stand here in case it tries to shut on us. Getting trapped down here was not on my list of things to do today" he smiles at her, than glances at the others.

Whats the worst that can happen? Odds are, I'm going to find out. The widow... the widow knows something about this, or her husband did. Maybe he was a retired necromancer and decided to buy a house on top of an access point to an old tomb. Its just too likely none of this is a coincidence...

King Tius
2012-03-08, 10:56 PM
Quint strides into the room, accompanied by the sound of clicking from the tiles. As he moves into the room, one of his footfalls does NOT trigger a click. Instead, your ears are greeted by a deep and sonorous *GONG* as one of the bells goes off in the room near the back right of the chamber. Followed almost immediately thereafter you can hear an odd scratching sound coming from one of the aisles....


2012-03-08, 11:53 PM
"Light!" Shouts Quint as he brings his musket up to his shoulder. Probably another skeleton, I'll just wait for it to come out then blast it back into oblivion.

2012-03-09, 12:33 AM
Moving behind Quint Melinda is very careful to step in his footsteps, fearing something like this would happen, that not all skulls were giving the same result. When the sound that probably is a skeleton rising replaces the clicks of the door she stops, scanning the room for the undead enemy. "Quint. What did the tile look like? The skull on it, I mean."
She had a feeling that if some of the tiles were connected to the doors and some where, as it turned out, instead set to wake a skeleton, Desna send it was only one and not all of them... Then they should mark that one and avoid anyone looking like it. So far they had all seemed unique, but if one more like the one who was a trap showed up... then it'd probably was a good idea not to step on it.

2012-03-09, 08:08 AM
Alder moves up to Quint, hammer ready. "Well, we may have learned something. What remains to be seen. Frankly, I was growing weary of this mystery anyhow."


King Tius
2012-03-09, 01:40 PM
Melinda moves up behind Quint, trying her best to mimic his steps. Unfortunately she misjudges at least one of his footfalls and sets off another bell. As Alder moves to join Quint, another bell tolls. Not wanting to miss out on a good fight, Toland strides up besides Quint, though his footfalls trigger nothing but the clicking sound.

Just as Quint expected a skelton rounds the corner out of one of the stalls. The report from his musket is nearly deafening in this underground stone chamber but his aim is true. The musket ball shatters the sternum of the skeleton and sends its fragments scattering across the floor before it even has a chance to attack. Unfortunately, you can all hear scratching coming from the other aisles where the bells tolled. Looks like you are about to have company....

We're dropping into initiative order now folks. I've labeled the bell locations so you have a better idea of where the sounds are coming from. For the record bells 3,4, and 12 just tolled.

EDIT: Quint and Melinda look down at the tile Quint stepped on and see that it is a skull looking to the left with a jewel in its eye and its mouth open.

Initiative Order
(21) Quint
(17) Melinda
(16) Caenan
(08) Tevn
(06) Toland
(04) Alder

The Map

Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 8/11

2012-03-09, 03:25 PM
"Don't set off any more tiles; let it come to us!" Shouts Quint.

Steady now, steady. Don't fire until you see the whites of its orbitals. Yes, that's right, NOW! The roar of the musket blast fills the underground chamber.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1] B/P

2012-03-09, 03:41 PM
Alder holds position, ready to strike at any skeletons that come near. "A sound plan." Not that the ringing in my ears is any aid to my concentration.

[attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-03-09, 05:49 PM
Looking to the advancing undead Melinda realizes that she doesn't really have anything that effective to throw at them at a distance. This time either. Vowing to get herself a sling or something she draws her mace and holds her place, waiting for the undead to come to her. "Well, since the barrel didn't do anything, I think we can at least assume the skellies won't bring more with every other step. Right?"
While she waits she continues to ponder their situations and suddenly a smile splits her face. "And if we move together in short intervals, we should be able to get to the other side without waking too many of them at the same time!"
Well, unless they did wake more themselves. Of course.

I ready an attack against the first Skeleton to get into striking distance. We'll see about movement after that. Maybe.

Goddamnit. I need a new mace. This one's rubbish. Rubbish! :smallmad:

2012-03-10, 11:24 AM
Tevn starts to move towards the group, when he notices the shining of the bell in the corner of his eye. He changes direction and heads straight towards it. I'm gonna ring this bell. Watch for anymore skeletons!
As he says so, he rings the bell, before looking around for more skeletons.

King Tius
2012-03-10, 12:52 PM
Round One

(21) Quint
The wizard/musketeer quickly sets about reloading his firearm.

(17) Melinda
Melinda switches spots with Quint and readies an attack for the first skeleton that comes into range.

(16) Caenan
The crazy alchemist draws the ingredients for a bomb from his pouches but holds off on throwing any for now.

(08) Tevn
Tevn turns and heads towards bell #7 as he approaches he hears the bell opposite his (#1) toll. Getting into range, he gives his bell a hard knock, causing it to ring loudly. None of the skeletons on the shelves around him seem to stir.

(06) Toland
The Paladin keeps his sword at the ready, prepared to lay into the first skeleton that gets in his way.

(04) Alder
Alder also prepares for the incoming skeletal onslaught.

(02) Skeletons
From carrels 3, 4, and 12 skeletons come running in your direction. S2 is the first to reach you and Melinda takes a swing. While she is unable to land a hit, Alder connects with his warhammer, dropping the skeleton in a single blow. S3 comes charging in next, headed right for Melinda. Toland takes a swing as it charges in but his blow glances harmlessly off the creature’s rib cage. The skeleton takes a swipe at Melinda (see below). S4 is unable to do anything this round besides rush at Toland. From your current vantage points you see a skeleton clamber down off the shelves in aisle 1.

S3 claw attack vs Melinda AC 17: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]

For Alder:

As the last bits of your magical sight fade away you realize the skeletons are NOT setting off the tiles as they run.

NEW Initiative Orde
(21) Quint
(16) Caenan
(08) Tevn
(17) Melinda - Delayed
(04) Alder – Delayed
(06) Toland – Delayed
(02) Skeletons

The Map
Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 8/11

2012-03-10, 06:36 PM
The lengthy process of reloading finished, Quint backs up from the general melee in front of him and brings his gun to bear on the newly formed skeleton threatening the group's flank. Remember the order of rings, remember the order, he commands himself silently as the musket hammer comes down.

5ft step to D4, fire musket at S5.

A: [roll0]
D: [roll1]

2012-03-10, 08:46 PM
"Don't ring any more bells, you daft fool. And they call ME crazy! No one advance until we are certain which tiles trigger the skeletons." He chastises the Tevn as he swings at the skeleton.

attack S3 [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-03-10, 10:21 PM

Toland curses, and feels a pang of guilt for the profanity, but wishes they had been more careful with the traps down here. Seeing Melinda threatened, and Toland swings into action to clear the skeleton away from her.

He strikes at it with his sword first, than tries to break it apart with his shield.

/roll 1d20+2 Sword
/roll 1d20+2 Light Shield

/roll 1d8+3 Sword Damage
/roll 1d6+2 Shield Damage

"Melinda, fall back from the line if you can!" Toland yells, glancing at her with some worry. She didn't have the armor to stand in the front, shoulder to shoulder with him.

2012-03-11, 02:50 AM
"Without a clear idea which tiles to walk or not? Are you crazy?" Melinda shouts back at Tollan with a laugh, while ducking under a the clumsy swipe of a skeleton. They were short and she had to get very low to make it work but she did it with grace. She was hurt, she was even starting to realize that it was kind of bad, but she finds a strange sense of exhilaration being in danger like this. And she was right about the tiles. Striking at the nearest skeleton she adds: "Worry about yourself and let's clear out the skeletons we have so we can get out of here."

Let's attack the skeleton right infront of Melinda, S3. Unless Tollan smashes that one to bits, then it's S4 instead.

Nice roll. Maybe I should threaten all my equipment that refuses to work properly. :smallbiggrin:

No movement for the time being.

2012-03-11, 04:31 PM
So I guess my previous post decided not to happen. Stupid errors. Well, time to re-write it.

Tevn shrugs of the chastisement, and shouts a warning about the flanking skeleton. With a quick word, Boreas flies at the skeleton attacking the main group, flapping in its face and getting in the way of its movement.
Tevn takes up his sword once again and charges the flanker
Charging Power Attack[roll0]
-2 AC
Damage [roll1]

Using distract trick on s4. If this attack roll hits, target is shaken. p.s. This is the bird's attack.

2012-03-12, 10:36 PM
"Here's hoping some explosions don't go and summon more of these things!"

Lob a bomb at S5 since there is absolutely no chance it can hit anyone else. :smallbiggrin:

Attack vs. Touch: [roll0]
Fire Damage: [roll1]

King Tius
2012-03-13, 09:29 AM
Round Two

(21) Quint
Quint steps back for a better bead on the newest skeleton. Again the report of his gun is nearly deafening within the confines of the crypt. The bullet sails clear through the skeleton’s rib cage and ricochets off the bell, causing it to toll again.

(17) Melinda
With a skeleton right in her face, Melinda wastes no time bringing her mace crashing into its skull. The hit seems to do the job as the skeleton crumbles at her feet.

(16) Caenan
Leaning out from the hallway, Black Dog tosses a bomb down the aisle towards S5. The bomb strikes the skeleton in the shoulder and wreathes the undead monstrosity in flames. It quickly falls apart into lifeless bones.

(08) Tevn
With no enemy to charge Tevn simply moves back towards the group. He sends his bird after the skeleton, though the enemy seems unaffected by the bird’s distractions. No bells toll from his movement.

(06) Toland
Toland slashes at S4 and follows up with his shield. Unfortunately neither attack connects solidly enough to do any real damage.

(04) Alder
Risking the tolling of a bell, Alder steps onto the bones of S3 to take a swing at the last of the skeletons. His attack easily destroys it, bringing the room back to an eerie calm.

(02) Skeletons
None left!

End of Combat
We are no longer in initiative order, so feel free to post as you like. If more skeletons get triggered, I may speed up combat and take over, assuming you guys all stand still and smash them. Feel free to include any contingency plans in your posts for such a scenario.

The Map
Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 11/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 9/12
Toland 8/11

2012-03-13, 09:35 AM
Alder gives his hammer a sharp shake, dislodging bone dust into a small cloud. "Now, which tiles set off the bells? Let's take a close look at them. Seems to me that the enchantment can sense living creatures, may be some way to use that."

2012-03-13, 11:45 AM
"I'm not sure I like that idea, actually..." Melinda objects, shaking her head. "How many times did you trigger the tile connected to the door when you pried that one loose? I don't want to think about how many skeletons prying loose even ONE of those tiles will wake..."
Scratching her head and staying very still the half-elf ponders the question a while before continuing. "Every time a skeleton has risen one of the bells has tolled... maybe we could disable those?"

2012-03-13, 12:06 PM
"I was rather meaning that we block whatever means it uses to detect life. Or just identify which tiles NOT to step on. Which tiles caused the bells to chime? What did they look like?"

I don't think anyone who noticed has said In-character

2012-03-13, 12:49 PM
"I think the one Quint stepped on had a skull looking to the left with a jewel in its eye. And an open mouth," Melinda answers after a brief pause for consideration. Things had gotten quite hectic after that.

Was that alike the one Melinda herself stepped on? She should have checked that too, but I kinda forgot to post about that in the commotion. :smalltongue:

King Tius
2012-03-13, 12:53 PM
I'll throw you a bone:

The one Melinda stepped on was a center-facing skull with a crown and a dagger through its right eye. Its mouth was also open.

2012-03-13, 01:28 PM
After relaying the one similiarity between the two tiles Melinda scratches one pointed ear, thoughtfully. "I don't trust it completely but it might be that we can just avoid stepping on the tiles with open mouths. Should we try and disable the bells or just head for the door?"

2012-03-13, 02:43 PM
"Let us proceed, avoiding the open-mouthed tiles. If that fails we can try the bells." Alder advances, making careful note of the patterns on each tile as he goes.

2012-03-13, 05:10 PM
"Yes, and I also think that only one of us should move until we've figured it out; perhaps one of you close to the door. Too confusing with all of us stumbling about."

2012-03-13, 10:41 PM
Nodding in agreement Melinda waits for Alder to reach the door, ready to go second if all goes well. It seemed easy. But not too easy. If it seemed too good to be true it probably was, she had learned that from experience. But if it entailed just the right level of effort, then it was probably legit.
Of course, a small voice in her head kept nagging that if one was really devious one'd make sure to make a trap that seemed to be avoidable with "just the right level of effort" to catch even semi-competent adventurers. But so far she was willing to chalk that up to ordinary paranoia.

2012-03-14, 08:26 PM
Fortune favors the bold so let's just go with that! If more skeletons pop up we can just knock them down again.

Going to keep towards the back with my lantern shining ahead. Keep the place well lit and ready to throw some more bombs in case anything else pops up. Toland and Melinda make a great van so I guess I'm the rearguard.

King Tius
2012-03-16, 09:10 AM
Alder advances towards the doors, making sure to avoid any tiles with open-mouthed skeletons. Each time he takes a step, he pauses and waits for the tolling of a bell that never comes. The rest of you remain poised to strike at any skeletons that appear. The troubled cleric is able to make it all the way up to the gilded doors.

Upon closer inspection he can see that there are no visible hinges or other such mechanical means of opening them. In fact the only discernible thing on them is the large key hole and surrounding mechanism on the seam where the two doors meet. The "Lock" is about two feet in diameter and has a large hole in the center of it, approximately the size of a tea plate. This hole is a perfectly smooth cylinder approximately a foot deep with no seams, symbols, or markings on it.

From his new vantage point Alder can see that down aisle "6" there is a hole in the wall just above the magic floor. A piece of stone tiling from the wall has clearly fallen onto the floor and shattered into pieces, revealing a hole just big enough for a halfling to squeeze through. Among the debris around this hole are clumps of dirt and debris. Now standing closer to it, Alder detects the all-too-familiar waft of rotting decay coming from that general area (a smell that has been absent so far despite being up to your belt buckles in skeletons).

A detect magic on the area reveals the same strong abjuration aura as before, coming uniformly from the doors and mechanism alike.

2012-03-16, 06:50 PM
Hearing of the hole in the wall, Quint puts two and two together, "well that would explain the skeletons in the house. Something burrowed in here and started setting off the tiles until there were enough of them to force the barricade in the basement. We're going to have to either go in there or draw it out."

2012-03-17, 02:37 AM
Making sure to not step on any open-mouthed skulls Melinda quickly follows Alder. It wasn't that hard when you knew what not to step on. Seeing the hole in the wall herself she then moves to investigate. Taking a few gliding steps, simple dance moves, to avoid a cluster of open mouthed skulls."Considering the smell I'd say whatever burrowed in here is long dead now. I don't think we need to look into this. And 'going in there' doesn't seem very likely..."

Of course, if we're wrong about the skulls and she sets of any skeletons despite not stepping on any gaping skulls this can be cut short any where. If she gets to the pile she'll see if she can find anything interesting there, probably not, before returning to the door and see what she can find out.

2012-03-18, 08:26 AM

"Could that have been all? A burrowing creature set off an ancient tomb's defenses and got killed in the bargain?" Toland asks, himself more than anyone else. He glances at the hole in the wall, and seems annoyed.

Perhaps I was wrong to suspect the widow. It all just seemed a little too convenient for me...

"Well, I leave figuring out the traps and doors to more capable hands than fine" Toland says. He was still annoyed about being wounded by the skeletons, and than missing on a rather showy attack earlier. He needed to find a mace, if skeletons were going to be a problem. At least if this was a dwarf area, he might find an old hammer. He doubted they would mind, if it would help put their dead to rest again.

Toland carefully picks his way through the tiles to about where Melinda is, and looks at the door.

"So if this is the reception area, I wonder what lays beyond this?" Toland says, looking at the door.

He had to admit, this venture was piquing his curiosity. It was nice to do something besides stand around at the temple and looking his part more than living it.

King Tius
2012-03-18, 10:34 AM
Melinda advances towards the door, careful to avoid any open-mouthed tiles. She makes it about halfway to the door before when she freezes in place at the sound of a bell tolling in aisle 7. Tevn watches one of the skeletons in the aisle come to life and start to climb out of its shelf. Luckily the ranger is prepared and quickly dispenses the skeleton before it can cause any trouble. Taking note of the tile she stepped on (a plain skull with a closed mouth, facing forward), Melinda continues towards aisle 6. She finds the rotting remains of some kind of burrowing creature, though it is difficult to tell what exactly it is due to the level of decay. Toland makes his way to the door without setting off any bells.

2012-03-18, 10:58 AM
"Sorry 'bout that, guys!" Melinda calls to the others as she continues on towards the hole in the wall. "Avoid any plain skulls with closed mouths!"
At the hole in the wall she stops and after a quick look at the... animal (and a mumbled "Now that's disgusting..." she continues to check the hole the wall intent on returning to the door if she doesn't find anything interesting. "Do any of you see a key somewhere or should I try and open that lock for ya?"

2012-03-18, 04:48 PM
"I don't see any keys. I'd say to go ahead and try to pick it. If your speciality doesn't work, maybe mine will..." Caenan says with a bit of a mad glint in his eye while palming another of those dull iron spheres.

King Tius
2012-03-20, 08:01 PM
Melinda checks the hole but finds nothing of interest. The small passageway that the animal dug as it burrowed would be nearly impossible to shimmy through, even for a halfling. She careful makes her way back to the door without setting off any bells. She analyzes the hole in the door in an attempt to pick the lock but finds nothing to pick. The hole is perfectly smooth and devoid of any latches, levers, or indentations.

2012-03-20, 11:58 PM
Shaking her head in vexation the half-elf sighs: "Sorry guys. I guess the lock's magical, I have nothing to work here. I guess we need to find a key... Unless... didn't it 'click' when we stepped on other skulls?"

Her first feeling of chagrin gave way for her usual sense of curious optimism. It was an interesting puzzle. After trying to push and pull the door open Melinda turns to the other and says: "Can someone step on safe tiles until you get the door to react?"

2012-03-21, 07:00 AM
Alder nods, carefully treading across the room on the tiles that appear to be 'safe', avoiding the two known patterns that summon skeletons.

2012-03-21, 07:14 AM
As Alder moves across the floor Melinda continues to try and open the door for every click.

King Tius
2012-03-23, 07:03 AM
As Alder moves across the floor the door clicks with each safe tile. Melinda yanks on the door and tries to put her skills to use but is unable to get the door to budge. One of Alder's steps triggers another bell, causing yet another skeleton to rise. Fortunately Toland is ready for it and quickly eliminates it as it scratches fruitlessly against his armor.

2012-03-23, 07:34 AM
Alder studies the door in thought. "What happens if we trigger two tiles simultaneously? Be ready to open the door. If that fails, we can try breaking it down."

2012-03-23, 01:26 PM
Shrugging Melinda stands ready by the door. "Try it. But I don't think it'll work. We need a key." Well, it's a key or trying to break the door down, but she prefered the former. "If this doesn't work I'll start looking for one."

If Alder's idea doesn't work (and I don't think it will, honestly) then Melinda will start searching the chamber for anything looking even remotely like it would fit the lock. She'll stop dead as soon as a bell tolls and continue only when any hypothetical skeletons have been dispatched.


2012-03-23, 09:10 PM
Grasping at straws, Quint pipes in "Why don't you stick a sword or something in there, maybe the back of the holes is a touch plate."

King Tius
2012-03-27, 09:45 PM
Triggering two tiles at once has no effect, nor does sticking a sword down the hole. Running out of things to search, Melinda makes her way towards one of the bells. On a hunch she crouches down to get a look at the ringer, only to find a fascinating sight. The metal rod that hangs inside the bell looks to be a long triangular rod (like a Toblerone box). The entire thing is covered in small runes that glow with the faintest of light. After checking it thoroughly for traps, Melinda is able to remove it from the bell, careful not to ring it as she does so. Alder uses his magical sight to find a necromantic enchantment on the ringer. Upon closer inspection, one of the faces of the ringer is slightly convex....

Putting it all together, the group slowly spreads out across the room and retrieves all the ringers. You set off seven skeletons in the process but are able to dispatch them before you take any additional damage from them. With all twelve ringers gathered you find that walking on the tiles no longer triggers any of the bells, though many still cause the clicking sound by the door. Holding two pieces together, they fuse in place and form a larger piece. Combining all twelve creates a perfect cylinder that looks like it will fit into the door's hole. Everyone takes up defensive positions as Toland bravely volunteers to insert the key. Sliding the runed cylinder into the hole, the door melts into the floor, flowing like golden water. When the fanfare is finished, the keyhole now sits solidly in the floor of the door's arch, revealing a wide stairwell heading deeper into the earth. As the door reveals the passageway you are washed in light by everburning torches mounted on the walls of the stairwell. Peering down, you can see that the stairway ends about 50 feet down and levels out into a similarly-lit hallway....

You each gain 270 XP from the skeleton room.

2012-03-27, 11:40 PM
As soon as she found the first part of the "key" a great grin splits Melinda's face. It's not a very lady-like smile, but it gives her an added wild kind of beauty as she moves, maybe a tad too recklessly, from bell to bell and gathers the clappers. When all are gathered and the door is "opened" she can't stop a whoop of triumph to erupt from her lips, but aside from that she stays quiet the whole time. Calmly she takes one of the torches from it's place, realizing both the use and the monetary worth of an enchanted torch.

2012-03-28, 06:54 AM
"The complexity of the entrance may imply that this passage was not designed to be frequently used. That said, I am interested in seeing where to goes if the others are." A little mystery to occupy my mind. Its good to have a distraction, even though the voices are no quieter in the still darkness.

King Tius
2012-03-31, 11:25 PM
Descending the stairs, the group comes upon a large circular chamber. At the opposite end of this chamber a similar set of stairs continue further down into the depths of the earth, also lit by everburning torches. In this room there are four doors, positioned evenly about the circular room at "2 hour" intervals. At first glance the doors appear to be made of heavy stone but upon closer inspection the doors have the veining and markings of wood, as if this was once a wooden door that was turned into stone. Other than the everburning torches there are no discernible magical emanations coming from the room.

2012-04-01, 12:54 AM
"Wow... this place sure is something," Melinda breathes, feeling more than slightly awed by what they're finding so far. "Her own" Everburning Torch in hand the dancer-slash-burglar moves to the nearest stone door on her left hand and studies it closer. "It's like a medusa took a shine to a door! Have you ever seen anything like it?" With a huge, happy grin on her face she studies the door, even tries to see if she can hear anything beyond it.

Not sure if that's one or two Perception checks. So let's roll two.


Heh. Nice. :smallamused:

2012-04-01, 07:47 PM
Alder paces the circumference of the room, speaking quietly, half to himself. "Four doors...what could this be, no ordinary room certainly. Old, beneath the city. To what end?"

knowledge history untrained [roll0]

King Tius
2012-04-02, 02:44 PM
Melinda does not find any traps on the door. In fact, the door does not even have a lock on it, merely a simple latching device to keep it in place. Alder wracks his brain but can't think of any reason that such a place would exist.

2012-04-04, 12:15 AM

"Well done, Melinda" Toland smiles towards his new friend (?). While the skeletons had not been too challenging for him, he was glad to not have to deal with more of them.

Considering everything else that could guard an old dungeon, they had got off pretty lightly, all things considered. Toland pushed the circumstances of things out of his mind, vowing to follow up when they returned from this little jaunt. They descended down the stairs, and Toland made sure to take a everburning torch, if one of the torches could be freed from its mount. Handy things, he had been meaning to get one, but when you tithed most of what you earned, saving up for something was not easy. Not impossible though. Surely his God did not want him to donate everything to the temple, did he? What if he neede some to donate to an orphan? Or a drink?

Of course, just finding something made things easier he reflects and smiles.

When they reach the next room, Toland sighs as he looks around it. Not overly interested in the details, he figured this was the next layer in a layered defense. Standing in the middle of the room, he sticks the everburning torch on his belt and leaves it uncapped so it could still provide light. He unlimbers his shield and draws his sling, not his sword.

"Seeing as my talents lay in other directions than the disassebly of doors, sans a ram at any rate, I'll ready myself to cover ye" Toland informs the group. Puzzles were not for him. They frustrated him to a point, despite his intelligence.

2012-04-04, 07:07 AM
"Either we open a door or go back. We dealt with the skeletons, though I admit this all intrigues me." He tests the right-most door.

2012-04-06, 06:26 AM
Quints moves behind Alder, guns leveled and ready to fire at whatever might come through the door.

2012-04-07, 06:53 AM
"Well, there's another set of stairs to look into as well," Melinda replies and points with a thumb over her shoulder towards the second flight fo stairs, one that leads even further down. "But I'm just as curious about these doors as you. Who knows we might be lucky and find some nice treasures along with the horrible monsters." She might still be wounded but she's definetly curious, and the ease with which they'd handeled the skeletons in the last room has left her feeling down right over-confident. Still, she'd prefer to stay out of the close quarter fighting if she could. So she changes her mace for her crossbow, draws and ***** it and puts a quarrel in the groove on the stock and stays a bit back. "Ready when you are."

2012-04-07, 09:23 AM
Toland steps in front of Melinda and nods. He draws out his sword once again and readies himself for what is coming next. Toland gets into a defensive stance, hoping to tie up whatever comes through if it was too much for him, and allow the others to aid him...

2012-04-07, 01:50 PM
Giving Toland a smile and a mischievous wink the dancer lifts her crossbow to her shoulder, aiming for the door.

King Tius
2012-04-09, 09:09 PM
Opening the door, you find what appears to be a small bedroom beyond. A stone slab juts out from the wall, forming a cantilevered bed frame. A small stonewood (that's what I'll be calling it from now on) sits against a portion of the wall and contains a single desk drawer. There is also a stonewood chifferobe and end table within. The back wall of the chamber is curved such that the room seems to be roughly a quarter pie piece in shape.

Moving to the second door, you find what appears to have been a library at some point. The walls of the chamber have built in bookshelves floor to ceiling, though they are all devoid of any books or other objects.

Behind door #3 is some kind of workshop. The large workbenches that extrude from the walls look like they might have once contained any number of odd alchemical devices and tools. This room, too, seems completely cleaned out.

The final room is completely empty save for a metal jail cell that takes up approximately one third of the room. The metal is old and seems to have avoided rusting over the many, many years, though it does not look to be anything more than simple iron.

All four rooms are lit by the same magical everburning torch sconces that the stairwell was illuminated by. You may roll search checks for the individual rooms or just a blanket check for the whole area. Keep in mind that you can also take 20 on searches, though it takes a good deal longer to search a room when looking so thoroughly.

Haven't heard from Ninjabob or CodeRed in a while....you guys still with us?

2012-04-10, 07:09 AM
Alder makes careful inspection of the workshop. "Whatever was going on down here, this is likely the place it was occurring. This wood interests me as well."

taking 20, using detect magic, perception mod is +4

2012-04-10, 01:05 PM
"Really? You think so?"
Shrugging slightly, and smiling happily, Melinda follows Alder's example: Conducting a slow but thorough search of the place.

Not that much better at Perception (maybe I should invest somewhat in Wisdom), but taking 20 for a final 26 in it. If we're staying here then I might as well. :smalltongue:

King Tius
2012-04-11, 02:40 PM
Your thorough search of the surrounding rooms produces several interesting results:

Alder's detect magic picks up a hint of something in the library. Getting down on his hands and knees, the slightly-disturbed cleric finds that a magical rod has somehow rolled under the bottom lip of one of the bookshelves and escaped notice of whoever cleaned the place out. It radiates a strong magic aura with no associated magical school.

As Melinda investigates the bedroom she opens the desk drawer to see if there is anything inside. At first it appears to be empty but the dancer swipes a hand towards the back of the drawer, just to be thorough. Her hand brushes up against a thin, leather-bound journal that had been secured to the roof of the drawer (the bottom of the desk). Flipping through the pages, she finds several pages of notes written in neat script. The characters and symbols appear to be vaguely Dwarven in nature, though she is unable to make heads or tails of it.

Other than these two choice finds there is a small crate sitting in the corner of the laboratory room. The wood is nearly petrified with age and is not made of the same sturdy stonewood as the doors. Easily prying the lid off, you find a set of curiously looking tools that look vaguely surgical in nature. There are three vials of of liquid that have stood the test of time. Two contain a black, milky looking liquid while the third has a vial of crystal clear, slightly greenish liquid. Alder's Detect Magic reveals a faint necromantic aura on the greenish liquid.

2012-04-11, 03:09 PM
"Hmm, seems that whomever used this place did not make a clean sweep. Let's see if we can discern what it is they left behind." He takes each item in turn, studying it carefully.


rod: [roll0]
potion 1 [roll1]
potion 2 [roll2]
potion 3 [roll3]

King Tius
2012-04-11, 03:23 PM
Rod: No idea
Potions 1&2: Not Magical
Potion 3: Cure Light Wounds

2012-04-11, 03:50 PM
"The nature of the rod eludes me. If anyone else cares to try? One vial is a minor restorative, the other two are unmagical. I no not what their purpose is. If no one can read the book, then should we proceed to the other doors?""

2012-04-12, 03:11 AM
Frowning Melinda pages through the journal she'd found, only half listening to Alder. "It's... strange," she says, more to herself than anyone else. "It almost looks like dwarven. But... no. Nope. I haven't got the foggiest." Dismissing the whole thing with a shrug she then puts the thin book behind her belt, wishing that she had thought of bringing her backpack. But that one was still in her small cottage above. "Let's move on then. Ladies first!"
With her usual smile, bright enough to hurt a vampire, she heads for the next set of stairs. But where as she gets closer she also grows more professional, her smile fades (but does not disappear entirely), her gaze intensifies and her movement turns more... concentrated, like a coil waiting to spring. Trying hard not to make a sound and listening intently for any sounds ahead the half-elf starts creeping down the stairs.

A few rolls:

Edit: Bah! :smallannoyed:

King Tius
2012-04-13, 01:25 PM
With the four doors explored, Melinda sneaks her way down the stairs to see what lies ahead. The stairs open up into a large chamber that looks to be the last area in this underground complex. The room is quite large and features a large bridge that spans some kind of pool in the middle of the chamber. There is a ledge about 10 feet wide on this side of the room before it drops sharply off into a dark and murky liquid 30 feet below. The bridge is also 10 feet wide and leads to a platform suspended out over this liquid, jutting out of the far wall. All along the walls of the chamber are alcoves about five feet high that contain statues in varying states of decay. Some of them seem untouched by the slow passage of time while others seem to have fallen out of their niches into the water below. Even more notable than the alcoves of statues are the two large sarcophagi that rest on either side of the protruding platform. While there are everburning sconces along the walls, Melinda notices a strange green light that seems to be coming from a tile in the floor out on the platform. The room is completely silent, save for the extremely hushed breathing of our brave scout.

I'll have a map up soon...

2012-04-13, 02:19 PM
Alder follows, resuming his magic vision. A strange place, but I see stranger every time I close my eyes.

2012-04-14, 01:09 AM
Turning to return up and report Melinda finds that she's not the only one who have ventured down the stairs. Moving up close to Alder she says quietly: "I think that it's safe to let everyone down. You can go tell them. But tell them to keep quiet too, will ya?" She doesn't whisper, whispers can carry far even if noone can hear what is said. Instead her voice is a low murmur that won't carry more than a couple of yards from her position.
After that she sets to investigating the place, looking for traps as well as anything else out that is hidden from a casual glance. Say like hidden compartments. Beginning with the landing she's on she's willing to brave the bridge, when the others arrive.

So... Perception check! (Again)
Well, it's better than my last Perc. check. :smallannoyed:

2012-04-15, 04:47 PM

Smiling at Melinda, Toland adds a nod as well.

"Well, who wants to take a walk down the creepy tunnel with me?" Toland asks the likely unimpressed ad hoc companions. "Lets not step on any weird floor panels or odd glowy stuff. No harm in going slow, I don't think this place be going anywhere" Toland reminds the group.

He had searched the area with the rest of them (take 20) and probably didn't uncover much in the process.

He gets another important reminder as well, as he heads down the steps and hears the slight movement of the water below.

I really need to take a piss somewhere...

"So, anyone have any theories on that this place is? Seems some kind of necromancer's lounge, but were those not dwarf bones, at least in part? Maybe one of their places? They do not practice such Art. Or any, really"

I bet the widow and her husband know... I wonder if he is down here?

King Tius
2012-04-16, 09:37 PM
Alder's detect magic reveals that the weird glowing aura emanating from the floor is stronger than any magical aura the touched priest has ever encountered. Melinda scours the area but finds no traps or hidden compartments. Caenan has a look about, sauntering over to the edge to get a better look at the liquid below. Tevn lets his bird take wing as he slumps up against one of the statues, apparently still quite drunk.

Caenan sniffs at the air and drops something into the liquid below. "That's not water, whatever it is. This all seems to fancy to be one man's work, don't it? Maybe that husband and his friends came down here to piddle with the bodies. Still, all these corpses ARE a bit short. Wonder where they found all these Dwarves. Barely any around these parts."

OOC: Might as well play the two silent characters. CodeRed has bowed out and I'm waiting to hear from Ninjabob.

The Map (as promised)


2012-04-17, 11:15 AM
"There is a mighty enchantment ahead, that is certain. I would be loathe to touch the floor ahead. Perhaps someone could fetch a pole or another barrel from above?"

spellcraft to identify the spell [roll0]

King Tius
2012-04-17, 12:48 PM
Alder does not have any idea what kind of spell is in effect. Come to think of it, neither does Quint.

2012-04-20, 02:54 AM
Moving ever so slowly forward on the bridge Melinda keeps looking for traps. And any kind of mundane hint about the strange glow she might come upon though she doesn't expect any of the latter. By the glowing tile she stops, however, looking back to the others. "Well. Either we take a leap of faith here or we get a pole. I'm open for suggestions."

Move to D6 while searching for traps.
Nope. And I have a feeling that I've misplaced my mace or something now. :smallwink:

2012-04-20, 07:00 AM
"Pole it is. I see little to have faith in down here." Or up there, but that is another matter... He heads up to find a suitable probing stick.

King Tius
2012-05-02, 10:40 AM
Melinda creeps forward, paying close attention to the floor in front of her. As she enters the square at E6 the green light in front of her flashes brightly, causing her to stop dead in her tracks. Just as Alder was about to turn and make his way back to town, two of the statues that surround the room come to life and step out of their alcoves with their arms extended, almost as if they were trying to give you a hug. Though their intent isn't immediately obvious, the left one immediately moves towards Caenan while the right one turns to face Tevn....

Initiative Order
(23) Caenan (under DM control)
(19) Melinda
(15) Toland
(13) Quint
(10) Alder
(06) Statues
(04) Tevn (under DM control)

Start of Round One (since I'm controlling him anways)

(23) Caenan (under DM control)
Black Dog gives a shout of surprise and draws his longsword. Realizing he is standing between a moving statue and a ledge, he takes a five foot step towards Toland, ending up in H4.

The Map


OOC: For your patience while I was busy I plan on rewarding you handsomely, assuming you survive this encounter...

2012-05-02, 10:57 AM
Alder's eyes roll back, showing only white as be begins babbling incoherently, a bout of madness overtaking him. As he does, a rift tears in the fabric of reality, behind the statue. Something, a hideous, twisted canine shape, covered in unblinking eyes and random teeth sprouting from fleshy masses, takes form as the rift closes.

summon monster 1 in I-9

riding dog (advanced) using it came from beyond

Riding Dog ( Advanced ) CR 2
XP 600
N Medium animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +10
DEFENSE AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 13 (+4 Dex, +3 natural)
hp 17 (2d8+8)
Fort +7, Ref +7, Will +3;
Speed 40 ft.
Melee bite +5 (1d6+7 plus trip)
Space 5 ft.Reach 5 ft.
Str 19, Dex 19, Con 19, Int 6, Wis 16, Cha 10;
Base Atk +1; CMB 5; CMD 19
Feats Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +8, Perception +10, Survival +3; Racial Modifiers +4 Acrobatics when jumping, +4 Survival when tracking by scent

summon's attack roll [roll0]
damage [roll1]
trip if hits [roll2]

2012-05-02, 03:06 PM
Turning around as she sets off some kind of defense Melinda pales a bit at the sight. Animated statues now? I'd bet a gold piece on them not batting an eye over a quarrel in the chest. Still, she raises her crossbow and takes aim, going for the one she had a clear shot at. After squeezing the trigger the half-elf immediately sets to reloading the weapon, shouting to the others: "I'm sorry, boys! I promise, I didn't touch anything!"

I guess they have insane amounts of DR, and so does Melinda, she jsut wouldn't put it like that. :smallwink:

Standard Action: Attack S2 (with a -4 for shooting into a melee, but the statue shouldn't have cover, at least).

Move Action: Reload

Free Action: Talking

2012-05-07, 10:11 PM

His eyes go wide as he sees the statues separate from the wall, and wishes fervently that someone didn't touch whatever triggered them again.

They looked big!

Toland grits his teeth and steps forward to get into the fight with the stone creature. He steps towards it (I4) and moves into a defensive stance (+2 AC, -4 attack)

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-05-07, 10:45 PM
"Something tells me these aren't just looking for a friendly embrace," mutters Quint as he brings his long gun to bear on the nearest statue. A bright spark and puff of smoke send the pulled within hurtling towards the animated bit of decoration.

Attack S1 w/ musket, then 5 ft step to J6

Attack: [roll0] vs. touch AC
Damage: [roll1] piercing/bludgeoning

King Tius
2012-05-08, 12:51 PM
OOC: Yaaaay, everone posted!

End of Round 1

(19) Melinda
Melinda takes aim at the second statue and fires. The bolt strikes true, hitting the statue square in the chest. Unfortunately the bolt skips harmlessly off it, appearing to do little damage. She reloads in frustration, realizing that this fight is going to be a tough one.

(15) Toland
The paladin steps forward and slices at the first statue. Fighting defensively, his slice proves off balance and his sword arcs harmlessly over the statue's head.

(13) Quint
OOC: Without Point Blank Shot and with an ally standing in front of you, you take a -8 penalty to shooting at S1. As such, your attack bonus is actually -5!

Quint takes aim with his musket and fires. The report is still quite loud in the underground chamber but the musket ball sails far to the right of its intended target.

(10) Alder
Drawing upon his divine power, Alder summons a horrific version of a riding dog in the corner of the room. The dog attacks the nearest statue, its otherworldly teeth managed to take a chunk of stone off of its leg.

(06) Statues
The first statue clunckily steps forward and lunges for Caenan. Its strong stone arms grab hold of the Black Dog and smash at his sides, nearly knocking him unconscious. The Black Dog cries out in pain from the massive blow.

The second statue tries the same thing on Tevn. As it smashes its fists into the drunken ranger it tries to grab hold of him. Though the force of the blow sends him reeling, Tevn is able to avoid the clutches of the animated statue.

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
Filled with a drunken rage, the ranger takes his greatsword and brings it smashing down onto the statue. The sword nearly cleaves its head in two, though it has little effect on the statue’s functioning.

Start of Round 2

(23) Caenan (under DM control)
The injured bomber struggles against his captor, trying to break free of the hold. Unfortunately he is unable to wriggle free of the statue’s stony grip.

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: 2/11
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 2/12
Toland: 8/11

Summoned Riding Dog: 17/17

2012-05-08, 01:20 PM
Recovering from his momentary lapse and grimacing at the sight of the result, Alder nevertheless readies his hammer and moves alongside the statue, trying to chip a portion away.

move to H7
attack [roll]1d20+3[/roll ed - 13 rolled OOC
damage [roll0]

The summons is duration 1 round, so I believe it poofs before acting again, correct?

2012-05-09, 02:33 PM
His shot spent, Quint goes about reloading and finding a window to fire.

bah, didn't notice that he stepped in front of me. Would have missed anyway, though.

full round action to reload, 5 ft step to H5

King Tius
2012-05-11, 02:11 PM
End of Round 2

(19) Melinda
Once again Melinda takes aim at the statue and fires her bolt. This time her bolt sails harmlessly past the statue and ricochets off the wall.

(15) Toland
Staying in his defensive stance, Toland again strikes out against the statue, though again he is unable to land a hit.

(13) Quint
Quint reloads and steps towards the bridge, ready to fire again.

(10) Alder
As his summoned creature disappears, the touched priest steps up to the statue and takes a swing. His mace bounces off its stone chest, doing no damage.

(06) Statues
The first statue steps off the ledge, holding Caenan in its grasp. The two bodies fall into the nasty liquid below with a loud *kerplunk* with the Black Dog howling all the way down. They immediately disappear into the murky depths.

The second statue once again tries to grab Tevn but this time the drunken ranger manages to avoid its clunky attack.

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
Riding the drunken rage for all it is worth, Tevn swings again at the statue before him, again striking it and doing considerable damage. Though it is now missing several chunks from its body, it still moves and fights as if there is nothing wrong with it.

Tevn's bird continues to circle about in the air, angrily waiting for something to attack.

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: ???
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 2/12
Toland: 8/11

2012-05-11, 03:02 PM
Alder continues going at the statue with his hammer, hoping to find a weak point.
attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-05-12, 01:58 AM
Quint holds his ground and points his gun, ready to fire if an opening presents itself.

ready a standard action to fire at the statue if I get clear shot (ie: Tevn and/or Alder retreat or fall)

attack: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

2012-05-13, 11:03 PM
Toland Albright - Swinging Paladin

With one foe down, Toland smiles grimly, glad that he could hold off his foe long enough for someone else to put it down. Not really his preference, but since everyone had weapons and only he had armor, it seemed like a good role to play.

He tries to move to right and get into the fight, yelling as he moves.

"Someone let me through, I'm coming!" Toland yells, leading with his shield and his sword held high.

If he can get in for a shot at his foe, he will, and swings...

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Raw Damage

King Tius
2012-05-15, 08:40 PM
End of Round 3

(19) Melinda
With no clear shot, Melinda holds her breath and tries her best to shoot the statue without injuring her allies. Though she avoids hitting any of them, she is unable to hit the statue.

(15) Toland
The stalwart paladin hustles his way to H8 and slashes at the statue. Though he connects solidly, his slice does not seem to do any damage to the animated statue’s strong stone.

(13) Quint
Quint waits for an opening to fire.

(10) Alder
This time as the troubled priest strikes the statue his mace connects solidly, sending pieces of stone scattering against the nearby wall. You’ve destroyed a good portion of the statue now, though it is still up and fighting.

(06) Statues
The statue takes another clumsy swing at Tevn and the drunken ranger once again manages to avoid the attack.

From her vantage point further in the room, Melinda sees movement in the first statue’s alcove. Coming up out of the ground, rising straight out of the stone itself is the first statue. At the rate it is going, Melinda thinks it will be up and moving again in about two rounds.

“It’s coming back! The statue is coming back!”

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
The drunkard has less luck this time with his attack, managing to miss the statue entirely with his great swing.

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: ???
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 2/12
Toland: 8/11

2012-05-16, 07:21 AM
Alder has nothing to do but keep chipping away, the mindless things a hopeless target for his more interesting gifts.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-05-16, 05:45 PM
Remembering the statues fallen into the liquid below, Quint has an idea.

"Try to push it over the edge. It might not come back if it's trapped down there."

Hoping the others head his advice, he tries to buy them some time by unloading his musket into the reforming stone figure.

standard action to fire at S1, move to retreat to D5

atk: [roll0] vs. touch AC
dmg: [roll1]

King Tius
2012-05-17, 08:44 PM
OOC: I am excited to have NPCs and monsters that can talk again soon.

End of Round 4

(19) Melinda
Once again, Melinda fires but does not hit.

(15) Toland
Taking a five foot step for better positioning, Toland swings again but does not hit.

(13) Quint
Unfortunately is friends to no head his advice. Quint’s musket ball strikes the statue in the neck, nearly taking its head clean off. Unfortunately it continues to fight.

(10) Alder
Alder swings again but once again the statue proves too tough.

(06) Statues
The statue turns its mindless attention towards Alder, taking a swing as bits of stone continue to fall off it.

Slowly and steadily, the other statue continues to rise, now up to about waist height.

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
Again the drunken ranger takes a swing at the statue and is unable to do damage.

“Blargh! Why won’t these things just…*hic*…DIE!”

The Map


Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: ???
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: 2/12
Toland: 8/11

2012-05-18, 07:22 AM
"Keep hitting it. And you, with that cursed noisemaker, keep it up!" Alder shouts as he keeps swinging, hoping they can wreck the thing before it decides to crush him.

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

2012-05-18, 08:19 PM
Quints nervously watches the statue continue to re-form as he reloads.

2012-05-18, 08:53 PM
Quints nervously watches the statue continue to re-form as he reloads.

King Tius
2012-05-21, 10:02 PM

Round 5

(19) Melinda
Melinda fires an excellently placed shot that hits the crumbling statue square in the face. Had it been flesh and blood, it surely would have been killed. Being made of stone, however, it merely loses a hunk of stone.

(15) Toland
With a hefty final stroke Toland is able to shatter the statue enough that it collapses onto the ground in pieces.

(13) Quint
Keeping an eye on the second rising statue, Quint reloads again.

(10) Alder
Hoping to seize the opportunity, Alder moves over to the remaining statue and gives it a solid whack on the head as it rises.

(06) Statues
The statue continues to rise out of the ground, reaching its full height.

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
Following Alder’s lead, Tevn rushes towards the new statue and makes another desperate swing. He connects, taking a hunk out of its arm.

Round 6

(19) Melinda
Melinda connects again but does no damage.

(15) Toland
Toland double moves to get in range.

(13) Quint
Quint fires again and scores a huge hit, blasting a hole in its chest.

(10) Alder
Alder swings and manages to connect, doing a fair bit of damage, all things considered.

(06) Statues
The statue takes a clumsy swing at Toland but that paladin is easily able to avoid the attack.

(04) Tevn (under DM control)
This time the alcohol proves too much and the ranger misses.

Round 7

(19) Melinda
Melinda fires but misses.

(15) Toland
Toland strikes but does almost no damage.

(13) Quint
Quint reloads

(10) Alder
Alder swings and misses.

(06) Statues
The statue swings again, this time at Tevn. It manages to grab hold of the ranger and crush him between its arms. The drunken ranger goes limp in the statue’s arms

(04) Tevn (under DM control)

Round 8

(19) Melinda
Melinda scores another great hit but does no damage

(15) Toland
Toland swings again and scores a hit, doing decent damage.

(13) Quint
Quint connects again, blasting off the statue’s head.

(10) Alder
Alder swings but is unable to connect.

(06) Statues
Just as it did to Caenan, the statue drags the unconscious Tevn off the edge of the platform and into the water below. Both Toland and Alder take swings at the creature as it passes but do no damage.

Final Round

Just as before the statue begins to rise up in its alcove after taking Tevn to a watery grave. As it rises you are able to finish it off quickly and before it has a chance to attack you again.

With the echos of Quint’s shots still ringing in your ears, the chamber falls eerily silent again, save for the gentle lapping of the water in the pool below. The gem in the floor still emits its strange green glow as the realization that you’ve lost two of your comrades starts to sink in…

For surviving the ordeal of the statues you each gain 400 XP.

Current HP Counts

Alder: 11/11
Caenan: ???
Melinda: 4/9
Quint: 8/8
Tevn: ???
Toland: 8/11

2012-05-22, 07:15 AM
Wasting no time contemplating the ruin of the statues, Alder strides forward and strikes the gem with his hammer, throwing his whole strength into the swing. "Whatever power is here resides in this. Let us end it."

damage [roll0], repeating until it's wrecked or obvious that its not going to take damage.

King Tius
2012-05-22, 10:34 AM
Alder approaches the gem determined to extinguish whatever effect it is having. As he draws closer he is able to get a better view of what exactly is embedded in the floor. Melinda follows beside him, curious as ever.

From your closer vantage point, you can see that the "gem" is about the size of a (US) half dollar and is embedded in a larger golden disk that is about the size of a tea saucer. The gem is actually not a gem at all, but looks to be a dark grey stone with pulsing green cracks/veins running through it. These cracks give off the eerie green light and seem to pulse faintly, almost like a beating heart.

As Alder raises his mace to strike, Melinda gives a cautious shout of "Dont!" but isn't strong enough to stop the priest. As your mace strikes the stone, you are thrown backwards and onto the ground from a bright burst of magical energy. Alder is unharmed but Melinda is knocked sideways and slips over the edge of the balcony. Fortunately the young dancer's reflexes kick in and she is able to grab the lip of the walkway before tumbling into the water below.

"You idiot! Help me up, quick!"

2012-05-22, 12:11 PM
Well, should have seen that coming. It a bad sign when the insane babble stops to laugh at me. Alder picks himself off the floor and crawls forward to drag Melinda up. "I suppose that was unwise. Perhaps we just take it with us?"

(If the gold setting is not fixed to the floor, he'll pick it up. Otherwise he'll have everyone stand back and try to pry it free. Persistent, not necessarily smart. And yes, I see hitting things as a first course of action being SOP. Though at higher levels he can summon twisted beasts from beyond to do it for him.)

King Tius
2012-05-22, 12:53 PM
Alder finds that the disc easily slides out of the floor. As he pulls out the disk he notices a gold chain tucked underneath it and affixed to the back such that it can be worn as a pendant. With the disk removed you hear a popping sound as the two sarcophagus lids seem to come unsealed. Slowly the light in the room begins to fade as the everburning torches dwindle away and are snuffed out. You are now only able to see by the Light spells you cast before entering this section of the dungeon.

Melinda makes her way over to the sarcophagi and examines them thoroughly, one at a time.

"I don't see any traps. One of you men want to give me a hand?"

"Gladly, Miss" pipes Toland as he sheaths his sword and secures his shield. With a grunt he is able to push the lid of the first sarcophagus off and to the side, revealing a mummy! Fortunately, it does not seem to be reanimated, much like all the other skeletons in this place. It is wrapped from head to toe completely, making it more of a cocoon than a mummy wrapping. The length of the body matches that of the skeletons and statues, leading you to believe that it is (or was) a Dwarf. The second sarcophagus contains no corpses but does contain a fancy looking suit of armor. The steel on the banded mail looks as bright as it was on the day it was forged. The matching shield and helmet look similarly polished. A very nice pair of fur-lined boots and a greataxe also lay arranged inside. There are several large jewels embedded in the helmet along the ridge line like the plume on a roman soldier's helmet. A quick detect magic spell reveals that everything but the helmet gives off a faint magical aura.

2012-05-22, 01:12 PM
Alder moves forward to study each item in turn. "Strange that a body and magic arms would lie separate...will we even know the mysteries of this place?" He shakes his head as he turns the axe over in his hands.

spellcraft to identify
banded mail [roll0]
shield [roll1]
axe [roll2]
boots [roll3]

King Tius
2012-05-22, 01:26 PM
New Party Members
Somehow the three of you managed to sleep through the ringing of the alarm bell or simply could not be troubled to rise out of bed to see what was the matter. You aren't overly concerned, however. If something bad was really afoot, surely your rings would have gone off...right? But how did it come to pass that each of you now wears a thin silver band with a small figurine of a shrimp affixed to it.....

It was nearly two weeks before the Stormscale household was overrun with skeletons that another deadly incident struck the otherwise sleepy town of Echo Bend. A large caravan had recently arrived from the North, bearing all manner of goods and people from the other side of the Arrows. Most notably, however, had been the half dozen cage-carts that carried exotic creatures from far off locales. These beasts, some magical, some merely terrifying, were all recently captured and were being sent south to some rich lords personal zoo. Though the exact circumstances are unknown, somehow one of the cages was opened, releasing a small pack of krenshars into the city. The pack moved quickly, starving from their captivity and yearning to hunt and be free. At least four townsfolk met their demise to the terrifying cats before the pack entered a large bazaar that was taking place in a nearby square. Baring their skulls to terrify the crowds, the krenshars began picking people off in a frenzy of fear and bloodlust.

As the crowds swarmed away from the beasts, three people ran TOWARDS the danger, rather than away. With several of the town guard trying to protect the fleeing townsfolk, the three of you made short work of the pack of wild animals. The transporter of the animals was thrown out of Echo Bend and Captain Dremel of the town guard personally thanked you and gave you a reward for your troubles. Even more importantly, another man took notice of your deeds. A day after the dust had settled you received a letter from a courier, bearing a well-penned note and the rings you now wear. The letter requested an audience with you regarding your valiant service to the town and future employment. If interested, you were to report to the docks district of town on the following morning to an address listed on the note. It is here that we will pick up with our three new heroes as they arrive at what looks to be an abandoned warehouse about a hundred yards from the docks on the Dagger river....

2012-05-22, 01:38 PM
(Beneath the streets, old party members)

Alder holds up the shield. "This one is magically strengthened, minor protective enchantment. Quality piece. Whoever left his down here had means. The others escape me, difficult to read the signatures here. You can be my guests if you want to take a try." Skeletons and statues and magic armor. Who built this place? Perhaps they were mad too?

Will I end under the earth, surrounding myself in my madness with futile traps? No, the void will take me body and soul if I do not stop it, no stone mausoleum for me.

2012-05-22, 02:16 PM
((New Group, The Abandoned Warehouse))


Flying fast, faster then most birds. Hand skimming the water of the river as fish leaped fled in the wake of the creature. Glorious light of the sun reflecting off of the water and the spirit hovering over it with hair flowing in the breeze and a happy smile worn on her face. "Flit!" A voice called out, "Flit, don't tease the fish!"

The source of the voice was not the spirit, but of a woman who looked almost looked exactly like the spirit. Or perhaps it was the spirit that looked like the woman. Either way the spirit, with a soundless chuckle, pulls her hand away from the water and flies on over to her companion, the source of the voice. Flit, the spirit of the wind. A being of reverence for Astridir's tribe. Flit, the child like dancer of the air. A friend and companion to Astridir herself and, perhaps, the source of admiration. Astridir, with all her heart, wished she could join her friend in the skies one day. Watching the spirit fly over the river reminded her that she could not. Not yet. Still, her voice was calm and carried no hint of that envy. Flit was her closest friend after all and Astridir held no anger toward the spirit for doing what she could not.

"Honestly Flit. I thought you didn't even like water." Astridir smiled as Flit responded, the spirits words flowing quickly with no pauses for breathing. It made it hard to comprehend, even harder since Flit was very young for her kind.

"Alright, alright. I get it." Astridir said with a laugh, stopping the spirit, who could go on for hours without a break, from doing just that. With her walking stick Astridir points toward the warehouse before them, perhaps 200 feet away. They were down the river just a bit, having gone a little out of their way to arrive there. "You remember the plan right? Circle around, try not to be seen and come back and tell me what you saw. Okay?"

Flit, with a nod and another soundless chuckle, sped off toward the warehouse. About halfway there she slowed down and Astridir suddenly lost track of her. When Flit wanted to, she seemed to miraculously vanish. While waiting, Astridir decided instead to look at her new ring again, which she had not yet put on. With a wave of her hand she brought on the other sight, letting her view the magical aura's that inhabited things of that nature.


The spirit knew just how to make herself appear less visible. The mist and clouds that made up her body almost completely faded in favor of moving air. Still visible, but much less so. She also knew how to keep quiet. She hardly made a sound as she circled around the building. Unfortunately something caught her attention. A bird flying over head with a magnificent plume. Flit had almost circled entirely around the building before she realized she had forgotten to search for anything that might cause trouble for Astridir. With an annoyed smack to the side of her head she circled the building once more, this time making sure to focus.

[roll0] Stealth
[roll1] Perception

Will have more to the post in a second.

Edit: Think she'll take ten on that perception roll for a second sweep. XD

16 Perception

Will also take 10 with a Spellcraft check, using detect magic on the ring. So..
17 Spellcraft

2012-05-22, 03:32 PM
[New Group, The Abandoned Warehouse]


Anny had a bad night after the fight. It was one of the first times she needed to kill something not for food. It was a good choice to use her charm (not the ability) to get a good room for a low price. Her companion sleeps on the edge of the bed while Anny lays in the bed and hugs and nubs on the pillow.

As the sun rise Anny lay half on the ground, still asleep hugging the pillow. Her companion Ahri woke up looking for her. He jumped on the bed and was confused to find it empty. It need a few moments until he realized Anny. If a fox is able to look annoyed he does. Using his paws to shake Anny's by her feet trying to wake her up. She just mumbles a few words, but didn't awake. Then Ahri licked on her feet’s and in less than a second Anny was awake.

"What happened?"
The fox just looks at her starting to talk via their link.
"Oh yeah the warehouse, just let us prepare things."

Anny starts grapping for her goods. As she saw the ring laying on the sideboard she took a closer look. I haven't looked over that before . She then activates her magic view to better note the rings ability.

An hour later Anny leaves the Inn waving the good man working here a good bye. She directly heads for the abounded Warehouse. After all she doesn't assume a trap. If that would be the case the person wouldn’t have sent her a ring, which just makes no sense. And after all she is curious who spend a silver ring to meet her.

2012-05-22, 09:10 PM
[Old group, Beneath the streets]

"I guess that's it, then," says Quint, as he used the barrel of his musket to sift through the pieces of broken statue. "We ought to take the fallen with us, and go report to the guard captain."

"I can look over those items later, if you like. I don't have the proper spell prepared at the moment." He adds, "That pendant, in particular."

2012-05-22, 10:43 PM
[New Group, the Abandoned Warehouse]

There was a soft pitter-patter of feet as the mysterious pair ran towards the docks. The bespectacled half-elf gritted his teeth as the warehouse came into view. He looked down at his ring and frowned to himself, stopping his gait and drifting into thought.

"What's wrong?" The half-elf snapped out of his daze and looked up. A very feminine face, with a cute frown of concern, was looking directly at him. The elf bit her lip, her eyes betraying a hesitance about their current situation.

The half-elf shook his head and straightened. "Nothing is wrong. I'm quite alright," he replied, looking towards the warehouse once more. He took a step towards it, only to walk into the elf's outstretched hand. He looked back to her in confusion.

"I don't like this. You don't need this work. You can make plenty of money as a magical consultant. This secrecy and drawing you into the open is too much. Why don't you just toss the ring out and go home, Leon?"

The man called Leon shook his head once more and took the elf's hand, squeezing it gently and looking at her. "Someone is watching me. Watching us. I need to know who, and why."

He walked right towards the warehouse, knocking on the door.

Not going to Stealth. Neither Leon nor Anima are trying to hide their presence.

Perception: [roll0]- Leon

King Tius
2012-05-23, 07:59 AM
Old Group (Beneath the Streets)
Quint moves to the edge of the platform to try and find the bodies of the fallen. The dark water below has nearly returned to its serene state as the minutes have passed. Melinda joins you at the edge and offers an idea.

"Maybe you could cast light on a coin and we could drop it in. I've got a copper to spare."

Casting light on the coin, you toss it into the water, hoping to shed some light on what lies beneath. As soon as the coin breaks the surface of the water the light disappears entirely. While at first you thought it was a trick of the light, you now can tell that whatever is down there is quite opaque. Anyone care for a swim?

Toland grabs the armor from the sarcophagus and hoists it onto his shoulder. He grabs the axe with his free hand and turns to the rest of you.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm ready to get out of here. We've got that stone thing and there's nothing left moving down here, so I'm guessing it is safe for now."

He begins to make his way up the stairs and back towards the surface.

Melinda skips over to the sarcophagus and grabs the boots. "I could use a new pair of these" she remarks. Picking up the helmet she turns and starts to follow Toland, swinging it back and forth like a child carrying a lunch pale.

Unless Quint or Alder have something else they want to do in the crypts, the group backtracks up to Mrs. Stormscale's basement. When you reach the final hallway leading to the basement entrance, a bright light shines down the tunnel, nearly blinding you. As you move closer you hear the scraping of chairs and people moving about before the light is removed, letting you see normally. Emerging into the basement, you find half a dozen town guards waiting for you, one of whom is holding a bullseye lantern. From the yawning and slouched postures of the others, you can tell that most of them were asleep just before you arrived.

"Well? What's down there? We've got orders from the Captain to escort you to him when you came back."

"Escort? We in some kind of trouble?" asks Melinda, looking a bit worried.

"No Miss, he just wants a report."

Melinda sighs and looks incredibly relieved.

2012-05-23, 09:04 AM
[Old group, Beneath the streets]

"I guess that's it, then," says Quint, as he used the barrel of his musket to sift through the pieces of broken statue. "We ought to take the fallen with us, and go report to the guard captain."

"I can look over those items later, if you like. I don't have the proper spell prepared at the moment." He adds, "That pendant, in particular."

"Right, I don't think there is anything left down here. Give me a hand with the gear. I wouldn't want to try to use any of it before we know what it is."

I second schlepping the magic goodies out and getting paid.

2012-05-23, 09:51 AM
[Old Group, Stormscale Manor]

Quint follows the escort out to talk with the Guard Captain and the Widow Stormscale. He spares no verbiage in recounting the grim struggle against the skeletal hordes, describing the cunning construction of the underground warrens, and embellishing his own role in the final battle (a bit too final for some) with the magical statues.

"...and then we salvaged what we could and returned to give you our report. I shudder to think that there are more catacombs like that nestled under the town's foundations, but, as per our agreement," he says pointedly, "this one has been well and truly cleared of danger."

King Tius
2012-05-23, 10:09 AM
The New Group (Warehouse District)
Astridir and Flit are the first on scene. The air elemental takes off and searches the perimeter, blending in with the breeze to avoid notice. The warehouse seems largely deserted, at least from the outside. Not long after the Druidess arrived comes Annabell. The Kitsune (aka Fox Lady) is accompanied by a full-blown fox and despite her unusual appearance seems to be walking through the streets like any other normal humanoid. As she makes her way towards the warehouse and draws nearer to Astridir a half-elf man and an elven woman round the bend, similarly headed for the warehouse. The three (but actually six) of you all find yourselves standing conspicuously on an otherwise empty street in front of a seemingly abandoned building.

Just when you could use an icebreaker to get the conversation started, the entire warehouse shakes from a massive *THUD* that resounds from within. The ground even seems to shake slightly from the impact.

Spellcraft on its own isn't enough to determine anything from the ring (other than that it is magical). Casting Detect Magic reveals that the ring has a moderate transmutation aura but neither of you are able to determine the ring's function.

2012-05-23, 11:09 AM
((New group, Warehouse))


Astridir felt the ground shook beneath her as she gathered with the others that had arrived. They were the ones that had helped her and flit with that creature. Or rather, it was Flit that helped them while Astridir focused on healing some of the injured.

"What waz that?" Astridir asked in heavily accented common. She looked at them all curiously, wondering if they knew what that thud meant. If no answer was forth coming she'd move to the door, if they had found one, and opened it. Flit, meanwhile, seemed to have started floating away because the thud that shook the ground had probably caused a lot of vibrations in the air as well. She had to take a moment to correct her path and follow Astridir into the warehouse.

2012-05-23, 12:00 PM
[New Group- Warehouse]

Leon and his elven companion rounded the corner, only to find a strange-looking woman standing next to a fox. The woman herself appeared almost canine, and her odd hair texture extended completely over her face, making it appear as though she actually had fur. Leon adjusted his glasses and looked at her, curious, before he cleared his throat and averted his eyes. Right. No matter how interesting a person's appearance, it was rude to stare. A scientist who puts research before social graces is destined to be ridiculed and despised.

Just then, a gust of wind shot past Leon's face. It almost looked like the wind itself was alive, moving on its own towards the warehouse, but that couldn't be right. Leon shook his head. He was getting paranoid, seeing shadows in the wind.

The elven girl frowned as the ground calmed. "Is it over?" she asked cautiously. Leon looked towards the building and nodded. "I believe whatever called me here is waiting for us just beyond that door. Though it's curious that the noise we just heard is not repeating at a regular interval. That leads me to believe it was an accidental drop or crash, rather than the sounds of a working machine. In which case, I believe the best course of action is swift intervention. If there is a variable unaccounted for, even by our mysterious host, then foul play is a possibility."

The elf stamped her foot and crossed her arms. "Leooooon," she whined, glaring at him. "You know it's hard for me to follow all those long words!"

Leon laughed and rubbed the back of his head apologetically. "Oh, sorry. I'm saying, let's go in there right now, because there might be trouble." He raised a fist eagerly, and locked eyes with the elf, before turning to the fox-woman and bowing politely. "Excuse me. I apologize for getting in your way. Shall we, Anima?" "Yep!"

The pair walked towards the warehouse, the girl called Anima moving a few feet in front of the half-elf and standing protectively in front of him as they approached the door.

King Tius
2012-05-23, 12:59 PM
Old Group, Exhumed
A pair of guards leads you up the stairs and out of the Stormscale household. Dawn has recently broken and the city is slowly waking up around you as you are taken to the town hall, making a brief pit stop at Melinda's apartment to ditch the gear you found.

The guards lead you into the large stone building near the center of town that sits at the far end of the largest square in Echo Bend. Other than the jail cells and guard barracks, it is the only real "government" building in the Bend. One might consider the various merchant guilds and whatnot to be considered government since they ran so much of the city but officially all town business was conducted through these offices.

Captain Dremel's office is well furnished and has large windows looking out onto the square. He sits behind his dark wooden desk with a stern look on his face. He looks almost as disheveled and tired as the lot of you do and he hasn't even fought any skeletons! As you enter his office the guards close the door and wait outside. Dremel rises from his chair and walks around to the front of his desk, planting his feet and crossing his arms.


OOC: Alder, you are carrying the curious stone, correct? Are you stowing it in your pack or wearing it around your neck? Would you leave it with the other collected gear?

2012-05-23, 01:31 PM
The pendant has left with the other gear. Alder isn't crazy enough to try to use unidentified loot!

Alder stands patiently in the office, letting the more forward paladin and the wizard give the account of the unexpectedly involved, and deadly, expedition. Poor fools, didn't even know them. Now they will lay in that dark water, beneath the city. I don't even recall their names.

2012-05-23, 03:31 PM

Anny should really go using her disguises. A Kitsune isn't that common here and after all something that may draw to much attention.

Moments before the noise came from the warehouse Anny was walking happy through it. She didn't pay attention until that event. As it occurs she out's up a good stand to avoid falling down, gabbing her fox friend.

And then someone talked to her, but her attention goes away as the air elemental shows up.

"What|is|that?Can|it|talk?Is|it|yours?|Do|you|have| more?" she speaks out without even breathing.

And before she can get an answer an elf spoke to her. She puts one finger at her lips shaking her body a bit and looking innocent at the elf.


Since it seems both ran into the warehouse Anny just follows slowly.

How rude! They speak up and didn't even tell their names.

2012-05-23, 04:43 PM

The young woman had been traveling for only a year, but in that time she had seen a great many species she would have never encountered when with her tribe. Since she was used lacking such knowledge, such surprises were rarely unpleasant ones now a days. Instead, Astridir was fascinated by all the different kinds of people that lived about on the world and loved meeting them. It was only her caution of the moment that kept her from answering all the questions right away and barraging the woman with some of her own. She drew her staff and shield slowly from her back and nodded to Flit to go look at the area from up above. "Be careful."

Flit nods and goes as high as she can while still being able to see the bottom, perhaps 60 ft in the air, given how far her ability to see in the dark went. She tries again to remain quiet and unseen as she looks around.

Meanwhile, with a smile, Astridir steps aside for the half elf to enter and turns to the interesting woman with the fox. "That is Flit. She can talk, yes, but it's very hard to understand what she says. She's quite young so it's almost like a child's talking." With a chuckle she adds, "I'm lucky to even have one such friend. There are many of her kind near my tribe, however. Many like her in age, some a bit older, and some who are quite ancient."

Astridir smiles up at the spirit, no doubt circling above still, and turns back to the kitsune. Her hands are full so she offers a nod of her head instead, "It is a pleasure to meet you again. I'm Astridir. We helped fight off that creature together in the town, remember?"

2012-05-23, 10:36 PM
Leon frowned and looked up behind him to see another woman standing there. She was holding a staff and speaking to the fox-woman, who was also standing there. Leon adjusted his glasses and looked closer. Both of them looked so familiar..."Oh! Wait, I remember you!" Leon exclaimed, looking from one woman to another. "You were both attempting to wrest control of those escaped beasts the other day."

Anima's eyes lit up and she nodded. "Right! I was wondering where I had seen her before." she commented, looking at the fox-woman with a smile. "You guys were both pretty strong."

Leon bowed politely and stood back up. "I apologize for my rude behavior just now. I received a troubling message to meet someone here at this warehouse. As you both wear a ring similar to this one, which came with the note," Leon raised his hand to show them both his ring, wrapped tightly around his finger, "I can only guess you received similar letters yourselves. How mysterious. Oh, pardon me. Where are my manners. My name is Leon Hartnet. I am a researcher currently focusing on the nature of outsiders known to those on the Material Plane as 'eidolons'. I've even published a book on the subject. There has been a small group of interested parties in the scientific community who have given me the nickname 'Leon the Lion Tamer'."

Leon gestured to the pretty elf maiden behind him and smiled. "And this is my partner, Anima."

Anima's eyes widened and she glared at Leon, then shouted out in anger, "Leon, why are you introducing me like that? Are you embarrassed by me? Or perhaps you just want to give this woman the impression that you're available?!" Her eyes flew to the woman with the air elemental suspiciously. She stepped up next to Leon and grabbed his arm, wrapping hers around it possessively. "Hi. I'm Leon's girlfriend, Anima. Nice to meet you!" She stuck her free hand out and gave the two women a genuine smile. Leon hung his head. She was so open about it...he was a little embarrassed, but still, he smiled sheepishly and gave a nod of confirmation.

2012-05-24, 01:36 AM
[New Group, The Abandoned Warehouse]


Anny looks after Flit with 'Oww'. Then her follower pokes at her feet.

"Don't worry." she tells him with a smile. the little fox still looks annoyed.

Anny then tries to grab Astridir's hand with the staff and goes shaking it. It seems like she doesn't really mind that she has a weapon in hand.

"Nice to meet you again." she says smiling wide. "I did remember you, but your Flit friend wasn't there as far as I remember. Think it's starange that such a creature appears on our plane and follows a human."

And then the elf speaks up before Anny is able to mention her name. She giggles at his explanation. "Your funny." she comments him. the she goes over to shake their hands as well, ignoring the fact that they hug up or might not have a free hand.

"Nice to meet you as well. Still think you shouldn't use such complicated explanation. Some may not follow your word well. And your wife seems to be from another plane. How interesting. I only read about summoner."

The little fox next to her makes a pawfacepalm. Looking up with an annoyed face. Anny seems to be afraid of that.

"OK cool down. Eh.. yeah.. I'm Annabel Foxglove and my little friend here is Ahri."

2012-05-25, 12:45 AM
((New group, warehouse))


In response to the elf and the half elf Astridir chuckles and shakes her head, "Not to worry miss, I'm not interested myself. I'm sure he's a fine man but I am not searching for such things during my journey."

To Anny, Astridir smiles and replies, "The wind spirits almost common where my village is. My peoples connection with them is very strong and, in return for the help they offer us, we revere them." Astridir says, turning around to go further in as Flit returns. That is, if her companion gives the okay. Flit might not be able to comprehend the subtleties of mechanical traps, but a group of people with weapons drawn was something even she understood as dangerous. Astridir has her staff and shield ready, gently casting a spell of light on the former as she moves further in, just in case.

2012-05-25, 04:32 AM
"Well, there was some kind of catacomb, or retreat, or workshop under the house. Something burrowed in and set off a trap, that where the dwarf skeletons came from. Further in we found a bedroom, workshop, and library, all carved out of this strange wood-stone material. Finally we found a pair of sarcophagi, guarded by animated statues." Quint shudder at this point, "more and more of them kept flowing out of the stone. Two of our number died fighting."

Quickly composing himself, he continues. "There were a few odds and ends down there, but the pendant is really mysterious. I think it was powering the statues, but I'm not sure.

"Also, we weren't the first ones to disturb the place. It was barricaded, so some one had explored it enough to know the danger, it looked like some of the less deadly rooms had been looted, and we found some broken statues before we were attacked by the whole ones. I doubt it happened recently, though."

King Tius
2012-05-25, 08:38 AM
Old Group, Captain Dremel'sOffice
The Captain is silent for a moment as he weighs Quint's words. Seeming to have reached a conclusion in his thought process, he nods and walks back behind his desk, opening a draw. He pulls a coin purse out and tosses it in Quint's direction.

"That's the money you were promised from Ms. Stormscale. She's being looked after by her neighbors, but I doubt she'll be moving back in to that house. I'll keep a guard posted on the house until I can get a team down there to investigate further. You've done this town a great service and I won't soon forget it. You're dismissed."

Inside the pouch you find 600g. With two of your companions dead, that comes out to 150g each! For successfully completing the opening quest, you each gain 400 XP, bringing you to level 2!

Stepping out of the office, Melinda rubs her hands together excitedly. "Who wants to go get that stuff identified? I bet we can get a few coppers for all that fancy stuff. Let's find out how much it is worth and then we can divvy it up."

OOC: The next two days are free for you to do as you please. Feel free to move through that as fast or as slowly as you please. You'll be meeting the New Group when it is over, but we have a little bit more to go with them.

2012-05-25, 09:02 AM
Leon gave a small tug on his arm but Anima clung tight to it, so he sighed and gave up, and actually moved a bit closer to her, letting more of his body touch hers. Anima sighed contentedly. Leon watched the interaction between the fox-woman and the human closely, as well as observing their companions, before he spoke up.

"It's quite an interesting phenomenon, when an elemental chooses to follow a humanoid. However, it's completely different from our situation," he gestured to himself and Anima, "in which the reverse is true, where the eidolon is incapable of extraplanar travel, and it is through the power of the summoner that she is brought to this world, though even that is an incomplete art, as the eidolon can generally only be partially moved into this plane by a weak summoner. That is why a summoner has to concentrate and essentially craft through his own imagination some kind of armor for the eidolon to wear. The eidolon itself is more like a spirit of consciousness that simply possesses the armor the summoner crafts and wears it while on this plane."

Anima looked a bit confused, but she nodded with the air of someone who had heard this complicated explanation often enough to understand the gist of it. "To be honest...I'm a little jealous of your friend there," she pointed at the zipping air elemental. "To be capable of true extraplanar travel, and to come here in his true form with all of his abilities...I wish I had that." She was quiet for a moment, and then appeared startled and her face flushed. "N-not that the body Leon has crafted for me is inferior or anything! Leon's power as a summoner is great! I don't regret him choosing me at all!"

Anima hung her head. She looked very upset right now. She let go of Leon's arm and started to draw away from him, but this time it was Leon who reached out and took her hand. She froze, a bit shocked by his actions. "It's quite alright. I know what you meant," Leon said gently, before turning back to Astridir. "If you don't mind me asking, how did you and your partner meet? Was Flit already on the plane, or did you contact him with magic and ask him to come specifically?"

King Tius
2012-05-25, 09:02 AM
New Group, Inside the Warehouse
With introductions out of the way the lot of you make your way into the warehouse. The small door you are standing in front of is unlocked and actually propped open, entreating you to enter. Venturing inside, you find yourself in a massive and almost completely empty warehouse. Almost immediately you notice the sound of the massive thud: a large earth elemental stands in the middle of a large pit about 10 feet deep and 40 feet in diameter, located near one corner of the warehouse.

Looking around the rest of the warehouse, you see a gnome standing at the lip of the pit, waving his hands frantically and shouting at the elemental. None of you are able to understand what he is saying. Near the pit are several wagons that are piled high with good and covered with tarps.

Walking towards you from these wagons is a handsome looking man dressed in simple but obviously expensive clothes. A sword hangs loosely from a belt on his hip and his well-combed brown hair is speckled with gray. As you take notice of him he holds out his arms and greets you.

"Welcome! I'm so glad you've answered my summons. I apologize for the mystery...my associate has an air for the dramatic. My name is Dirk Proudmoore and this is Deliana." He gives you a slight bow and extends his hand towards you, indicating someone to your rear. Turning around, you realize there is a woman standing behind you, though none of you heard her approach. She is basically dressed like this:


The woman smiles at you and walks around to stand just behind Dirk. She folds her arms and plants her feet in a wide stance, the devious smile never leaving her face.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions, but let me start by saying I'd like to offer you all a once in a lifetime opportunity. I'd like you to join our guild, The Whistling Shrimp."

2012-05-25, 09:14 AM
Leon was shocked at the inside of the warehouse. His glasses almost fell off his nose and he quickly pushed them back, his gaze locked on the elemental excitedly. "To encounter two different outsiders in a single day, especially in the span of a few minutes, what luck! Air and earth, opposing elements! Ooooh, I can study how they interact up close. Lucky!" Leon quickly drew his notepad from his backpack, along with a pen, and his eyes never left the elemental as he started taking notes about its size and weight, as well as its apparent function in the warehouse. He glanced over at Flit, as well as he could anyway, the damned creature never stopped moving, waiting expectantly for a chance to observe Flit's behavior around a creature similar but diametrically opposite of it.

Suddenly, there was someone speaking. Leon's eyes moved back in front of him, and then he turned around. "What in the...they were able to flank us? When did she..."

Leon heard the invitation, and he was surprised. A guild? What would a guild want with a scientist? "Anima, what do you th-" "Leon, she's soooo cool!" Anima interrupted, staring wide-eyed at the woman called Deliana. Leon sighed. Anima was so easily impressed.

Leon turned back to Dirk. "You want us to join your guild? And what would that involve?"

2012-05-25, 09:44 AM
Old Group

Alder takes the coins absentmindedly, thinking of the strange amulet. "Yes, I suppose we could pay to have them inspected, though if we were patient perhaps another attempt would be enough. I say we go back and take another look." Madness is trying the same thing and expecting different results...so I may as well.

new level, so we get to try again!
spellcraft to identify:

boots [roll0]
armor [roll1]
amulet [roll2]

any we don't get our wizard can try tomorrow, with Alder casting guidance for +1 per check

2012-05-25, 11:35 AM

Flit circles about the room from up high, looking curiously at the large earth elemental in the center of the room. Astridir, however, is focusing on the two before them. She's really unsure how to take such an invitation, but she's inclined to agree with the questions raised by Leon. "If it's not to much trouble, a bit more information about this... Whispering Shrimp would be quite helpful." Her pause was not out of doubt for the name, as silly as it might seem to some, but of simply needing a moment to pronounce the word right. "I may not be of much use as a member anyway, considering how rarely I stay in one place."

2012-05-25, 11:52 AM
New Group, Inside the Warehouse


Anny looks at Leon. She seems a bit confused and falls in a teaching tone.

"I have read that eidolon are able to change plane. If I'm not mistaken they need to do so, especially when they are hurt. I read that they can only recover their strength in their home plain. Also what you called armor could be seen as a live bound. Her appearance as an elf also seems to point at that direction. Since I assume it is caused by the fact that you an elf yourself."

Then they enter the warehouse. Anny walks in without fear. She still doesn't assume any danger in here. As she notes the people she waves at everyone, and then shakes Dirk’s hand before he offers his guild. She turns to the others, especially Leon who seems afraid at first.

"Cool down guys. If they really wanted to cause harm to us our bodies would lay in an ally."

Then her attention goes back to Dirk. She still doesn't seem to serious.

"Yeah Leon is right first tell us all you can about your guild, then continue with what we have here and after that you may tell us what your goals are for the future."

2012-05-25, 12:05 PM
Leon listened to Annabell's uninformed description, before he replied simply, "Actually, eidolons are only capable of returning to their home plane after death, which all outsiders do. They also return to their home plane automatically if their summoner becomes unconscious or dies, though that is because the magic that was keeping them here has been broken. They cannot change planes at-will, nor can they select a destination other than their home plane. Flit is quite different in that regard. As for Anima's current appearance..."

Anima gave him a look, and Leon nodded silently. "It's certainly not bound to my life. Though I will say that, as the summoner, I have full control over what form Anima takes when she comes here. It has nothing to do with me being half elven."

OOC: Just responding to this part, Leon will remain silent as he waits for Dirk's reply once they are all inside together.

2012-05-30, 01:11 AM
OOC: Still here everyone, trying to claw back from some life stuff and get back on top of posting. Toland is still alive and well, if very quiet! Brooding silence, right?

2012-05-31, 07:18 AM
Old Group - Toland

Toland listens Alder and smiles slightly. It was Alder, right? He seemed.. odd. Off, even. Not just the stress of an unexpected fight, is it.

"Yes well, we should get things looked after. See what it is. Particularly the armor I pulled out. I'd like to claim that for my Temple, if that'd be alright with everyone. Those we lost, if we can find their family, mayhaps we should leave some of our earnings from this for them. Although I suspect that would be a thin pool for that drunkard woodsmen I grew so fond of, as he might have brood sired in half the areas taverns. Not that I am one to judge such matters" he smiles slightly, darkly even. "It's the right thing to do, is it not? At least a portion of mine own share. Speaking of my temple, we may have people there who may know such things as we recovered, or even have insights on where we were. After some appropriate rest, should we all venture there? I think we may find ourselves going back to that same whole twice, as I think that vein has played out not, yes?"

He turns and walks over to where Melinda is standing with a smile.

"So, my new friend. Any plans after this? For the next few hours, at any rate? I think such a most unexpected journey deserves to be chased by a drink, say you not? I also know of a healer at my temple whom is excellent with scars. I'd hate to see you blemished so."

2012-05-31, 07:50 AM
Old Group

"I would not be quick to claim that which we have not fully discerned. As for the others, I agree their families, if they can be found, should receive a share. However, I am skeptical that we will find many such, the kind of person that delves into such depths for reward may not likely have any who hold them dear. Regardless, the matter must wait until we know what it is that we have. So I say good night to you all." Alder exits, returning to his modest space to spend time in meditation. The voices have grown louder throughout the day, the strain pushing him closer to his limit.

2012-06-04, 02:00 PM

He smiles at Alder, that same winning smile as always.

"Was merely a suggestion on the armor, my friend. No doubt you are right about the others and families, for much the same applies to ourselves, although I hardly consider myself an adventurer. Not that I do not envy it, the life of a Templar Paladin does not involve going many places"

With a wink towards Melinda, Toland finds a place to sit and begin his own contemplations.

Do I question the widow or not? His mind keeps asking him that question, relentlessly. Another part of him says such notions are silly, she was just a victim.

No one is just a victim, though. Not here.

King Tius
2012-06-14, 09:47 PM
New Group, Inside the Warehouse

Dirk gives a chuckle at your questions and motions for you to follow him. Deliana crosses her arms behind her back and waits for you to follow Dirk before bringing up the rear. He begins walking towards the earth elemental and the hole as he speaks.

"The Whistling Shrimp is, or, more appropriately, will be, the premiere guild here in Echo Bend. As you have seen first hand, the perils of this land far exceed what the town constabulatory can handle. We see a need that needs filling, and we aim to fill it. You have a prime opportunity to start at the ground level and help BUILD something here! With an established guild we can contract with Echo Bend and the merchants here to build a reputation. Just you watch, in a few years time being a Whistling Shrimp will MEAN something. Being in the guild will provide you with steady pay, no lack of things to do, and access to guild resources. What do you think?"

He takes you to the rim of the hole to watch the earth elemental perform its excavation. The gnome standing nearby takes note of you and hurries over excitedly.

"Oh! Oh Hello! You must be the newest recruits! Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!"

King Tius
2012-06-14, 10:03 PM
Old Group - About Town
Melinda gives Toland a knowing smile and nods. "You can by me a drink or two, Suit, after we get your priest buddies to clean us up. I'm so glad you're worried about my delicate complexion. Maybe if you're lucky I'll show you one of my dances."

In the interest of pushing things along, I'll summarize the next two days. feel free to retro-post whatever you want to have done.

Quint rests up and prepares his spells. He casts identify on the items and comes up with the following:

+1 Banded Mail
+1 Heavy Steel Shield
+1 Greataxe
Boots of the Winterlands
A non-magical helmet appraised at 500g

Two days pass and you get some much needed rest. The priests at Toland's temple are happy to heal your wounds as thanks for helping the town and riding the land of such evil. On the second day a town guardsman comes for each of you, saying that the Captain requests your presence at noon. Upon arriving at his office (Melinda included) you find that there is another man waiting in the room with him. He is a handsome looking man dressed in simple but obviously expensive clothes. A sword hangs loosely from a belt on his hip and his well-combed brown hair is speckled with gray. He smiles at you warmly as you enter, a stark contrast to Captain Dremel's usual scowl.

"Come in and have a seat. This man has a proposition for you."

2012-06-15, 07:39 AM
+1 helmet? I thought they were part of the armor. Are we using piecemeal rules, or did you mean to type shield instead?

Alder nods to the man as he enters to take his seat. Hmf. Take a bounty job off the street and now I'm a local celebrity. Nothing but trouble. Going to slow my research...Still might open new resources. Came to the end of my own means already. There has to be something out there, right?

King Tius
2012-06-15, 01:27 PM
OOC: Good catch. I meant shield. Piecemeal rules are cool but also a huge hassle.

It is also worth noting that Quint's Identify spell did not come up with anything on the strange amulet.

King Tius
2012-06-15, 01:44 PM
The man standing in the room smiles warmly at you, holding his hands together in front of him for a moment before turning his palms face up as he speaks.

"Where do I begin? My name is Dirk. I'm very impressed with what you did in that woman's house. A couple of my old adventuring buddies and I are looking to put together a guild here in Echo Bend and I think you are the perfect candidates for our filling our roster. We'll help secure contracts and assignments for you while providing lodging and access to guild all manners of guild services. We've a resident wizard and priestess on staff to assist you in your endeavors. Now is a great opportunity for you to get in on the ground level and help us make something great. We've even got a number of contracts lined up already that we can put you on. What say you? Ready to earn some real coin and make your mark on the world?"

Melinda seems almost star-struck at the concept. She makes a visible effort to keep her face neutral as she tries to act unimpressed. "What kind of guild services are we talking here?"

Dirk smiles at her and gives her a wink. "Here's a shrewd businesswoman. As guild members, you'll have access to our training facilities, magically protected storage in the guild vault, assisted crafting and reduced cost on magical items from our resident wizard, free access to all collected research materials and artifacts gathered by other guild members, free healing and medical treatment, a stipend of medical supplies, and, most importantly, an indispensable network of other talented people such as yourselves to assist you when needed. You'll each be given a ring that will let you call for aid or otherwise keep in touch with the guild when on assignment. It will be used to notify you of new assignments or to alert you when there is trouble. In short, you gain all the benefits of joining a privatized military while still having the freedom to come and go as you please, all for the price of a commission on any guild contracts you take. How does that sound to you?"

"Oh, well, I'm in."

2012-06-15, 02:15 PM
Research materials and artifacts...now there is an offer. "Identification services as well, I presume?"

How about mental health coverage? Best not mention the part about going mad. Might rethink their offer.

"I'll accept. Should be better than my present accommodations, if nothing else."

2012-06-16, 07:23 PM
Anima smiles eagerly. "We're in! We're in! As long as I get an awesome outfit like hers!" She points to Deliana hopefully.

Leon blinks. "What? Anima, I-" Anima looks back at him with a pleading expression. "Oh, come on, Leon! You're always working so hard, you never think to take a break and enjoy life. This sounds like fun, doesn't it?"

Leon frowns and adjusts his glasses thoughtfully. "Exactly what would you have me do for this guild?" he asks, though to be honest his mind was made up the moment he saw Anima's face. She looked so happy, and he really just couldn't say no to her.

King Tius
2012-06-18, 09:24 PM
New Group: In the Warehouse
Dirk smiles at Leon. "You're an adventurer, are you not? There are all sorts of things you will be doing. Exploring the wilderness, seeking treasure, protecting paying customers, you name it." He looks at Deliana and chuckles. "Oh the stories we could tell from back in our days. We once retook the Pillar Pass from a whole tribe of Ogres! Ah, those were the days. If you've no more questions, I'll show you how to work your rings..."

2012-06-18, 11:37 PM

He listens to the offer with some interest, but the idea makes him bristle somewhat too. An adventurers guild hall was much like a mercenary guild hall. Why would people ask this ilk to do a deed, instead of the temple or government?

Because the legality is, at least, questionable. That's why.

Toland crosses his arm and listens to this man named Dirk. A man named after a stabbing weapon used on fallen knights. Either his parents had poor taste, or he had taken a name sure to earn him some measure of distrust for whatever reason. Ignoring this "Dirk" fellow, he turns to the Captain.

"Captain sir, no doubt the others may be of interest to this new guild hall but the idea of it concerns me" Toland says, and pauses. He notices the room goes nearly silent now. "Why is the Captain of the Guard introducing us? Why not just ask us to enlist in the guards and provide us with... well, much the same service? Or use the actual guards for what these fellows are doing? Its an interesting offer, but I confess to not understanding it or why you would think a Paladin of my faith would be interested a proposition."

Well, I could bend this my way a bit and ensure the guilty get punished... but I can't be surrendered by the guilty while I do this...

2012-06-19, 01:11 AM
New Group: In the Warehouse


Anni takes her arms in her hip. She still looks a bit angry, even befor the Eidelon and her master speaks up. Still she can't belive the elf is the master and not the Eidolon. And still then he has no manners. But first fokus on this Dirk guy.

"Yeah I heared your telling us what task may come, but you still miss a thing. What is the main task of this guild? Is it an assassins guild thieves guild or whatever. Shouldn#t you clear that first."

((If this thing was mentioned anywhere ignore this post, but I can't see it as a player.))

King Tius
2012-06-21, 11:31 AM
Old Group
Dirk's grin widens as Toland speaks. The Captain opens his mouth to respond but Dirk raises his palm towards him. "I think I can handle this, Captain. Think about what you just went through? Do you really think the town guard could have handled that? Did you see the looks on their faces as they barricaded the door. What I saw was fear. These men are just normal folk looking for an honest living. They aren't out for fortune and glory or to right the great wrongs of this world, they're just looking for a warm meal and pay. They're payed to guard the doors and keep folks in line, not delve into dungeons and battle evil! That's YOUR job, Paladin! The Captain and I see eye to eye on this issue: Echo Bend is a free city. We're traders, not fighters. We can't have a standing army or it'll draw suspicion from North and South but at the same time we need someone to handle troubles in the surrounding areas that are outside of the guard's control. As a guild working for contract the city council can commission us to deal with these sorts of threats without forming a standing military of their own. We may not have many soldiers in this town, but there is plenty of coin. So what will it be?"

New Group
"Let me put it this way: Echo Bend has plenty of coin but no soldiers. A normal city would have a large standing military to dispatch to deal with raids on the roads, escorting dignitaries, and the like. Echo Bend is a free trade city. The City Guard does just that: guard. They keep the doors locked, the walls manned, and the drunks out of the gutters. If I recall, it was the three of you who stopped those beasts, not the guardsmen. Establishing a guild here is a prime opportunity to not only capitalize on the lucrative business opportunity; it gives us a chance to form a competent group of go-getters who can handle the tasks too big for the city guard. What do you think? Are you in or not?"

2012-06-22, 12:43 AM

"My job is with my Temple, sir. While I had thought the guard would handle such incidents, I can.... see your point on that. It takes a special kind of person to have the nerve, or madness, to deal with such... special problems. Still though, I would have to consult with my Chapter House on this matter before lending my sword to such an effort. I'm inclined to agree with you, with the explanation, but I must still confer. My Code only permits me certain actions." Toland says, with grave solemnity before cracking a smile.

"One thing though, why now sir? Is there something going on that we should know about here, or was the need for such like this someone's sudden epiphany?"