View Full Version : Dreams within dreams

2012-01-31, 08:18 PM
I'm wondering if anyone else ever has dreams where they "wake up" from one dream but instead of waking up in the real world you wake up in another dream.

This is something that happened to me the first time (that I remember) last night, I was having a standard "weird" dream (something about trying to escape some people using some super-speed/jumping thing, I don't really remember), but after a bit I realized I was dreaming (this is common for me, I tend to be aware that I'm dreaming a lot) so I tried to wake myself up, but instead of waking up I "woke up" in another dream, this one at some form of seder supper (which is odd, I'm not Jewish and have only been to one seder in my life).

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this before.

2012-01-31, 11:19 PM
Not that I can remember, but I do occasionally get the sensation just as I'm drifting off that I've fallen straight down about 3 feet and landed in my bed. It's like being physically yanked back out of the dream world, and it does't seem to have a trigger. It just happens now and then.

2012-02-01, 01:20 AM
I'm wondering if anyone else ever has dreams where they "wake up" from one dream but instead of waking up in the real world you wake up in another dream.

Just curious if anyone else has experienced this before.


What is worse is a dream within a dream within a dream, I am serious... was bizarre

2012-02-02, 05:33 AM
I had similar, except that I fell asleep in one dream, had a new dream, then somehow woke back up into the other dream... THAT was weird...

This all very bizarre and Inception-esque

2012-02-02, 05:51 AM
Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've done that. In addition to just dreaming that I was dreaming without any false awakenings.

I've also had dreams where I dreamed that I was lucid dreaming.

That was weird, watching myself do that.

Mauve Shirt
2012-02-02, 05:56 AM
Totally. I'll find some examples on my blahg when I return home tonight.