View Full Version : In The Nation of Alasin (D&D 4e) (IC Thread)

2012-02-01, 09:01 PM
"You have all been gathered here for different reasons," says the High Captain Yarith, droning on as if none of this mattered - more of a requirement than a privilege. He eyes each of you, mostly the mage and the druid scathingly. "Our...mundane...communications with the isle of Daeri have been intercepted. We do not know by what. All communications have been stopped for now. As this is the least important area of the empire..." he pauses for a moment with a smirk, "...you will all be called into service. You - or most of you - have attachments to the guilds, and therefore owe Pentapolis your service. Those of you not attached to guilds owe the city your service still, as I understand." He begins pacing back and forth, eyeing the druid and the paladin. "You will be required to discover the reasons behind the lack of communication and trade with the main city, and if you wish to do something worthwhile, restore those faculties. Representatives of the guilds will be here shortly to offer their support as you request, and as they see fit. They seem to think more highly of this mission than the High Council. I must attend to more pressing matters." He finished, his face void of expression, as he marched off out a side door, no doubt to report.

You are all standing in a large, circular room with comfy chairs circling around it. It is the more commonly used conference room. Minor refreshments have been provided, on the small table near the center of the room. Large windows line about 1/4th of the circular wall. If you looked out, you would observe you were in a building of some considerable height - the drop is about 30 feet. You will also note there is a board with a map on it.
A very rough sketch of locations - of course there are smaller, less noticeable locations as well.

Reasons for Gathering:
You are all quite disposable - and if you don't come back, that is a sure signal that the area has to be attacked full-on.

Balasar.....you are trusted with this mission explicitly. The only true fighting commander on the team, with some fame, but disposable nonetheless.

Yahya.... you are to represent Pyromis on this mission. Selected by the guild personally.

Archanon.... there is very little use for you elsewhere at the moment, so your talents are being put to use here. Any reasons to object, voice them to the others.

Tyr.... Honestly, you are to become associated with this group of people. You need connections both for your family, and your guild, should you choose to support one.

Any Arguments? OOC.

High Captain Yarith:
The High Captain is part of the High Council, the select few that make final decisions, apart from the squabble of guilds. This High Captain in particular disdains magic to a degree, and anyone not associated with a guild is seen in an unfavorable light.

Not to mention, he quite obviously thinks of all of you as disposable. An apprentice mage, a washed up general, a flipping Druid, and a Paladin nutcase outside of a guild.

Here is the characters' chances to talk among themselves before the Guild representatives arrive.

2012-02-02, 09:22 AM
Balasar waited calmly as the arrogant High Captain spoke of his new mission. The dragonborn had seen the man around Headquarters every now and then and found him to be a bad taste in his mouth- possibly because his lack of true allegiance worried Balasar to no end. However, he was still a superior officer, and it was required that the dragonborn obeyed all orders issued unto him; though, if Balasar had his choice, he would be the one giving the orders around here.

When Yarith exited the room, the scaly face of the general looked around almost disdainfully toward what would be his new squad members. At least his last mission had some respectable military personnel... Now he was stuck with a glorified accountant, a nutjob of a paladin, and a useless druid. Bahamut had an odd way of making sure that his followers earned their rite. Balasar stood up grudgingly- he easily towered over any of the other members. "I am General Balasar De'Vir- the military commander of this mission.

"For the duration of the mission, I will be your de-facto leader both in and out of combat. You are all welcome to present your inquiries and questions to me- I understand that I am not, by any stretch of imagination, perfect. Understood?"

2012-02-02, 10:12 AM
Magus Barmaki stands in front of the map, staring at his country, the land his grandfather had seen fit to start a new life in. He contemplates the words of the High Captain as his hand grasps the medallion hung around his neck. On it is the image of a scarab within a sun, the symbol of his order. Inscrbied in Draconic is the mantra of all who seek arcane secrets, the one truth of the world.

Knowledge is Power

'Pompous windbag... pride without power is naught but arrogance, and the only true power in this world is to know the secrets of this world and beyond.'

Speaking up, he turns to address the others.
"He spoke of their mundane communications only. If we had access to mystical ways of speaking and communications have been halted... That points to two possible options. The isle is being threatend by an outside force, or they have decided they no longer wish to be part of our contry and hope to be overlooked. Scince the high command is not concerned, hostilities from a source other than a neighboring nation seems the most probable."

2012-02-02, 11:13 AM
I will note that the Isles of Daeri are far northwest - the corner of the map.

2012-02-02, 11:27 AM
The paladin stood up and streched, interlocking his fingers behind his head. He strolled over to one of the windows, a merry smirk on his face. He listened to the others but, quite honestly, couldn't care less. If the dragonborn wanted to be leader, good on him, and if that black guy wanted to construct theories as to why the communications stopped, Archannon hoped he was enjoying his time. A for himself, Archannon just wanted to go on another journey. He hated the capital. It always seemed so stuffy and overpopulate, not to mention how pompous everyone was. He looked down on the city, looking at the citizens go about their daily routines. It was simple, but Archanon would've loved that lifestyle... before everything happened.
"Eh, so when are we going to be leaving? I'm getting kind of restless here."
While speaking, Archanon rotated smoothly and rested against the window so the he could face his new team. These people, himself included, really were a discarded lot. He smirked to himself, but he felt as though there was some underlying schemes at work. The way the black guy and the dragonborn kept eyeing each other, they either had a plan among themselves, or the were gay. He really hoped they weren't gay. He wouldn't have anything against it, but he really didn't want to have to force himself to sleep at night. He shuddered at the thought, and then released a boisterous laugh.

2012-02-02, 07:07 PM
His eyebrow raised at the man's impatience. He had a point though about heading out. "No better way to learn just what crisis is occurring that to travel there. We will need supplies of course, transport and funds seem most pressing. Sir De'vir, do you have any particulars in mind?"

He takes a final look at the map, quickly committing it to memory. One doesn't become a senior apprentice in the Pyromis by being forgetful, after all.

2012-02-02, 11:46 PM
Archanon laughed again and motioned to a small pile of satchels lying upon on of the deep red couches that were scattered around the room. The bags seemed to be packed as full as possible, some of its contents peeking just above the brim of the bag.
"Am I the only one who came prepared? I already have traveling supplies, a mountain climbing kit, and even money for food along the way. This is my first mission with others, but I've left town within the same hour I'm given my orders. Any second spent here longer than necessary is a second wasted... and I have too much to look for out there to be wasting time. So, a more pressing question is, what do we already have combined amongst ourselves? If we figure that out, we don't have to go around, scouring the town for supplies we already have!"
When he finished, Archanon looked away. He preferred his solo missions, and he already felt as though this team was going to force him to take a slower pace then what he normally ran at. A sigh escaped his lips as he began tracing the carpet designs with his eyes.

2012-02-03, 05:39 PM
After many minutes of listening to his companions prattle on, Tyr finally stood up, long after Yarith's footfalls shrank to silence down the hall. His amber eyes, glinting with the reflected light of the lantern in the room, flitted to each member of his company. His face was expressionless, save for the way his ears seemed to flick back as he said...
"So, my friends. What manner of evil do we believe do we be facing? Kobolds? Trolls? Or some devilish wizard nonsense?" He added a sarcastic inflection to the word friends, sneering at the Mage as he mentioned wizards. "I do like to be knowing what sort of danger we face before we walk blindly into a trap. "

He gazed into the fellow named Barmaki, and thought. What a fool name. , his lips forming a silent snarl.

2012-02-03, 08:59 PM
Though a human at heart, Balasar's dragonborn need for order began to kick in. He could already smell the recklessness of the paladin- Archanon. The warlord only hoped he would not be so incompetent in battle as he was in social interaction. The scaly figure looked at all three of the members and decided to address them promptly. They needed a plan- even mundane missions such as these would not work until they had established some sort of method for achieving the goal. "Archanon, please stop with your naivety and be a little more patient. We need a way to get to the Isles- though I'm sure one as you has not traveled even beyond the borders of the citadel, I still expect that you know we are surrounded by this wonderful substance known as water."

Balasar paused and turned to Barmaki. "I believe the local guilds would be willing to sponsor our campaigns. We are, after all, a squad sent out by the military. I'm sure you know of the guilds' involvement in the Ministry, eh?"

Finally, the dragonborn turned to Tyr. The druid did ask a decent question. What would they be fighting in the area? "That is a good question, druid. I believe I learned about the area's history once upon a time. Surely, things couldn't have changed so terribly much in recent years."

History Check for the Isles of Daeri

2012-02-03, 10:59 PM
"Didn't you hear our friend Archanon? He has obviously come prepared for our mission, so let us head out immediately. Although I am impressed with how you managed to fit a boat into that satchel of yours, Archanon. Why, even I couldn't manage such an amazing feat of transmutation!"

Barmaki's grin grew wider at the crack. He was being cruel, but the opportunity had presented itself. There was nothing to lose really, his true target in this mission was the dragonborn, and the loss of face with him would be repaired quickly enough to be worth ensuring the demihuman's acceptance and comfort, making trouble far less likely down the road. The had been made now, so it was time to dismiss frivolity. His grin rapidly disappears.

"I'm sorry, that was rude of me. In terms of Guild support, I cannot personally requisition transport from my superiors, but I could get you in contact to negotiate the commission of water transport. That is only if we seek the aid of my guild, however."

2012-02-03, 11:32 PM
Archanon smirked and shook his head. He really hated working with others.
"As far as guilds go, I won't be much help either. I'm not really aligned with any. It's a bit of a needless frivolity if you ask me, but I guess some people can't figure out there problems on their own," Archanon said, the smirk becoming a grin as he glanced over at Barmaki.
"We can't leave till we receive orders from our... superiors..." He added that last part with a roll of the eyes. "So, we might as well wait to see what support they give us before we start throwing money at the villagers. Again, why waste?"

2012-02-04, 04:49 PM
Balasar's Recollections
You know of the Isles as populated with many humans, villages and towns on par with the rest of the Empire. The area is also home to many foreigners, being the farthest outpost of the Empire out at sea. The guilds have presence there - especially Marconis - the Merchant Guild. Some of the islands are mountainous and uninhabited. The area is also known to house pirates to an unknown degree, though there were rumors that they've been attacking more ships that have been going out than those coming in.

The other characters don't know this unless Spencer dictates that Balasar shares his recollections. I only put it here so that he may not have to explain it twice.

You all begin to hear footsteps approaching the conference room, banging against the hard marble floor, suddenly stopping as the voices pick up. You hear an argument start to take place, though the details are not able to be discerned from the distance.

2012-02-04, 09:10 PM
Balasar nodded to himself. "Yes, yes... The Isles are mainly human and the Marconis guild has a pretty heavy stake there- seeing as it is a central trading post to other nations. Also, pirates seem to have been running lose in the area as of late... I wonder if that has anything to do with it."

Hearing the sounds of disagreement outside the door, Balasar paused and looked. He could try to listen from his current location, but that would be much too difficult. He decided it would be best to just go and look into the situation himself- after all, what could be so bad that his presence would cause a further disturbance? Besides, the dragonborn had a way with words. He decided he might even be able to help the situation. "One moment, gentleman."

Balasar walked toward the door and opened it to reveal the long, marble hallway. Now what was going on here?

2012-02-05, 08:43 PM
Balasar - and anyone looking through the rather large doorway past him - see two, or rather one, man in a heated argument.

"I can't believe - you'd even suggest such a thing! It's distasteful and disrespectful!" he looked furious, growing quite red in the face. "We're not helping you lot use the Feywild!" he nearly screamed - though his heavy accent seemed to be preventing him from doing so. Any of you that had been in the city for any stretch of time could tell that he was a member of Frejanis(the 'Primal Power' guild).

The person he was facing was wearing a black cloak with red trimmings - once again, anyone paying attention would know he was from Pyromis(the 'Arcane Power' guild). He gave him a sharp smirk. Apparently, the mage just said something that ruffled the Frejanis representative badly. "Maybe the guests to the capital can enlighten the situation some..." the Pyromis man suggested, turning towards Balasar - only causing the Frejanis representative to become more flustered.

He walked up to Balasar mumbling apologies. "Very sorry...sorry you had to see that...the name's Railae." He shakes Balasar's hand vigorously. You identify him as, oddly enough, a Half-Orc as you see him up close. he has charms and such hanging all over him, and a suspiciously bulging handbag at his side.

"Excuse him....my name is Irith." the Pyromis representative bowed before you. Both of the representatives trailed into the room, Irith going straight to the table for a drink, pouring himself a drink into his goblet. Railae checks his miscellaneous objects absentmindedly as he waits for the others.

You see three more (far less attention-drawing people) walking into the room after them.

One of them - the representative of Visonis(The "Psionic Power" guild) - paces into the room. He looks rather foreign - not a common race to the land, he has pointy ears and a rather sculpted head. A Githerzai by the look of it. He merely walks in and takes a seat in a chair, massaging his temple with his eyes closed. Either he was deep in thought, or didn't want to be here.

Another representative walked up and introduced himself. He wasn't decked out in armor per se, but he looked minimally battle-ready. A representative of Taemaris (the "Martial Power" guild) by the looks of it. He stayed standing in the room, observing the party closely and waiting for the last of their troupe of representatives.

The last of the odd representatives was a Gnome. Anyone that recognized her would raise an eyebrow - she was the leader of the merchant guild, Marconis. She looked rather happy as she walked in, making a short bow as she passed Balasar into the room. Her voice was high and squeaky as she introduced herself as Helga.

"Now that we're all here..." the Pyromis mage began, glancing at Magus - he recognized him, and had heard of his purpose. "Let us begin. We, the guilds, have agreed with each other to help with your mission. It is of 'utmost' importance that the Isle of Daeri is maintained, though the High Council may not agree. So, ask as you will of us." he smiled, as if there was some grand plan in place, far above your heads. The other guild representatives gave their agreement.

List of Guilds (for your convenience)
Pyromis - the Mage Guild
Marconis - the Merchant Guild
Frejanis - the Primal Power Guild
Visonis - the Psionic Power Guild
Taemaris - the Martial Power Guild

2012-02-05, 09:52 PM
Archanon released himself from his resting position on the window and sat down near the representatives. He smiled gently at each of them, trying to seem unthreatening and kind. He did a second quick scan of the Taemaris representative. He would be fun to fight one day. Archanon made sure to keep a note of that in his mind.
"Just in case you weren't informed, I'm Archanon." Archanon proceeded to give the names of his teammates, just so everyone was on equal footing.
"Now, I must ask... What exactly is our mission? Yarith already gave us the brief overview: we have to regain connection to this island, and possibly restore whatever is broken, but... There must be something more, right? If the mission was just that, why are you guys so interested in it? What's in it for you?"
As he waited for their answer, Archanon looked over at Railae. There was something more specific he wanted to ask... but it didn't feel like the right time yet... Archanon just knew something was amiss, though he wasn't sure what...

2012-02-06, 05:55 PM
The Undying Court have mercy... did he just do that? He did! What kind of lunatic questions the motives of a Mage Lord to their face? Barmaki needed to remedy this disaster, immediately. The paladin was associated with him in the eyes of the representatives, that meant that any insult offered by the demihuman would be offered by himself as well. The mere thought of indirectly crossing one of the Lords caused to blood to drain from the foreign wizard's face. The other guilds were of no import, but the elders of the Pyromis were not to be crossed if a Magus were to even dream of holding future ambitions.

"What he means to ask, of course, is if knowledge whatever assets or stakes the noble Guilds possess in the area would aid us in our mission. Such information would be appreciated if you see fit to share it as such."

2012-02-06, 07:39 PM
The audacious nature of the paladin was obvious even to Balasar. Though it was safe to say he wasn't a master of diplomatic relations, he was rather skilled. The dragonborn cocked an eyebrow after he got done shaking hands and silently acknowledging each of the guild representatives. At least someone was at work to repair Archanon's foolish questions. "Excuse the bluntness of my subordinate, mage lords..."

Balasar bowed sincerely before raising his head once again. He let his voice ring clearly across the room as he spoke. "However, I can't say his question was terribly folly. For the same reasons as Barmaki, I too would like to know your stakes in the Isles."

He was treading a fine line and he knew it. The motivations of the guilds in this country were so complex and delicate that Balasar doubted he could even fully comprehend them. However, knowing their specific motivation here would certainly aid the general in knowing what he needed to do. After all, getting on the good side of the guilds- especially Marconis- would certainly aid his question to greatness. "If we know what you all wish from us, then we may better request assets that will aid us in our journey. First and foremost, however, we shall need a boat. Do any of you have a vessel we may use to travel to our destination?"

2012-02-06, 08:50 PM
The Pyromis representative pursed his lips and made a 'tsk, tsk' sound, his loathing of the Paladin showing quite evidently. "We're interested in the resources it provides the nation...it would be most unfortunate were we to lose the benefits. All of the representatives seemed to grunt in agreement at this comment.

"Marconis doesn't want to risk its merchant fleet on this, unless you lot 'want' to meet trouble on the way. It may or may not be pirates that are keeping our ships." Helga spoke up directly after the Pyromis man. "Give us a good reason to loan one out though...and we might. Though there might be...'other'...ways onto the isles." She glared sharply at the Pyromis and Frejanis representatives. The mage curled his lip; the half-orc growled slightly.

2012-02-06, 09:32 PM
Archanon listened closely to what they said. Marconis' comment peeked his interest. Her direct way of speak earned Archanon's trust. He leaned forward, one elbow resting on his knee, and looked over at her.

"You seem to have a certain... endearing apathy about you."

He leaned back and began to address the entire group.

"I know this isn't exactly.. the normal way things go, but please, can we get a straight answer? What is going on at that island, and please don't give me a bureaucratic answer? If you want us to preform at an optimum level of service, we need to completely understand what it is we're getting into..."

He turned back to face Marconis.

"...and if their is another way to the island, let us know. We want to see all of choices so that we can make the best plan possible."

Archanon gave a warm smile to the representatives, but his eyes held the picture of a serious warrior.

"Also, if I may, I know that my manner is rough, but I want to
extend my utmost gratitude to each of you for the privilege to fulfill this mission and serve you, not only within these great walls, but also show your reach in the land."

Archanon thought he would never get the taste of ass out of his mouth, but he could tell that his comrades we're beginning to grow uncomfortable towards his nature. As long as he was stuck in this ungodly kingdom, he would have to play by their rules.

2012-02-07, 09:17 AM
Balasar couldn't help but want to silence the paladin as he continued to ramble. He had, in essence, just accused one of the mage lords of lying! What an idiot of a man... Balasar walked in front of the man even before he finished speaking- he now faced the mage lords directly. Hopefully, Archanon would catch the message. Even he didn't, what the Warlord was about to say certainly would. "I ask that you all ignore my subordinate for the time being. His audacious nature must annoy you all, no doubt. All negotiations will be handled by Barmaki and I. That is, of course, any of you would like to deal with Archanon directly?"

Hopefully that would shut the dirty little half-elf up for the time being. He was such a disgrace to the unit! How dare he try and meddle around with politics and negotiation when he did not know a thing?! No matter. Balasar would handle it later. "We would gladly serve as protection for one of your fleet ships, Helga. If such an offer is not suitable, then may I ask what are these 'other' ways to the Isles which have been mentioned?"

2012-02-07, 11:28 AM
Helga spoke up again. "Thank you." she referred to the Half-Elf's crazy negotiations. "You misunderstand, however. We aren't sending any more ships - or at least goods - until we know it's safe! Hard work is put into the stuff we transport."

The Visonis representative looked up at this matter, finally paying attention. He looked like he had something to say, but like he couldn't quite say it. "What she means...is compensation in the case of a failure." he spoke up; his accent was incredibly deep. "What she's asking for is a favor in return..." he said, looking rather innocent; she instantly became flustered. "Stop doing that!" she snapped. He merely smirked.

2012-02-07, 12:56 PM
Seeing opportunity, Barmaki moved toward the dragonborn. His voice lowered, but not enough to prevent Lord Irith from overhearing."We cannot afford to owe her a favor, I've been going over our assets and we simply can't pay her back, and owing the merchants a favor is far too dangerous. We must rely on the generosity of the other represantatives, they probably wont ask for as much...."

2012-02-07, 06:32 PM
Although not initially impressed with the Pyromis official, or the rest of his lot - until his eyes fell upon the gnome. His large eyebrows arched quizzically. Giving a dual bow to the Frejanis representative, and the gnome.
"Greetings, brother." he said, patting a large hand on the man's shoulder "And many welcomes to you, young mistress from the feywild. We will be glad to do you will, whatever it be. How fares Marconis in these troubled times? It is an honour to do your will, milady."
As he stood erect again, he shot a glare at the young Pyromis member called Irith. He usually had much respect for mages, and the work they did, but not of the sort that this young mage was, if rumours of the Arcane Power guild were true. He clenched his hands, and focused on staring at the wall.

2012-02-07, 08:20 PM
Archanon quickly moved to his feet and placed his hand on the druid and pulling him back ever so slightly, but very determinedly. It wasn't enough to move Tyr, but enough to give him a hint.
"No offense at all, my fair lady, but it seems as though I should remind my ally that we should gather all the possible information, from all possible sources, before making a plan..." he then cut a a sharp glance at Fyr and nearly hissed his next comment under his breath, just loud enough for the druid to hear, but not quite enough to be rude to the representatives. "...even if we may not like all the sources."
He hoped Fyr, and the rest of the team for that matter, would understand that the team need not, and should not, seem too eager for any one guild. It would be smarter to play each guild against each other, not in a foul way, but in a way that would better help his team on the upcoming quest.

2012-02-09, 05:26 PM
Helga looked at the Shifter with a strangely delightful look, taken aback by the manners not usually seen in their race. The Pyromis man, however, was taken completely aback by the presence of such a queer Shifter.

"Ah...." the Frejanis representative seemed to calm down. "Oho!" he said, his features brightening into a smile, taking Tyr's hand and shaking it roughly. After Tyr finished speaking to the Gnome, he stood in front of everyone. "I may have a solution for everyone!" He paused, for silence. "I have confidence in your team...though some of you may bear marks of mistrust, the Frejanis guild can allow you access of travel through the Feywild! We know the ocean between here and the island to be an easy crossing." he looked shiftily around at the other representatives. "If the others agree...I can explain more in detail later. I will guide you personally." he smiled, very confident now - though his gaze still lingered on either of the two Pyromis members here.

The others took a moment thinking - you notice the Visonis member never gave his consent, and the others nodded their agreement - assuming smug looks that spoke of the risk Frejanis might be taking.

"Do you all agree?" he implored the party.

You notice the Pyromis representative's solid-as-stone glare focus on Barmaki - his head inclined slightly, but then he sneezed, muttering "excuse me."

2012-02-09, 09:18 PM
"Hmm... that's an interesting proposal, but I'm not exactly thrilled by the idea. What are the costs, and, more importantly, what are the risks? I know it's only the Feywild, but what kind of ship will we be taking?"
Archanon shifted in his chair. Honestly, he didn't care wether they took the Feywild or not, but he notice a very subtle hint of unease from Barmaki, though he wasn't sure why.
"Also, though it seems Railae is the only person willing enough to step forward and offer us an option, can anyone else give us a mode of transportation? And if you guys could give us anymore information, whether it be on the quest or anything else, it would be most helpful. After that though, we're going to need a moment to talk amongst ourselves."

2012-02-11, 10:32 PM
Such insubordination. Such ignorance. Such arrogance. Balasar could hardly believe the audacity of this man he had been assigned to command. Did he not understand the words of his commanding officer? He would. Turning to Archanon hastily, Balasar walked over to the buffon. He stood well over the puny human by a good seven inches. He looked down on the man. "I told you once to be quiet. Now you will do it, boy. This is the business of individuals who actually have at least half-a-mind."

Balasar raised his left hand across his chest and above his right shoulder before unleashing what would be a very painful smack across Archanon's face. His scaly knuckles collided with the human's face and certainly made him feel pain. Balasar was a very strong person in comparison to most others due to his stature and race- not to mention he actually put some effort into the motion. It was worth it, however. Idiots like Archanon had to learn the lesson, after all.

2012-02-11, 10:52 PM
None of the guild members seemed to acknowledge what preceded.

"Yes, yes, well..." the Pyromis representative began. "Well, we all agree. Are you all - or shall we ask you, Balasar, are you in agreement?" Most of the representatives turned to Balasar, while a few were still surveying the whole situation, Railae looking slightly unnerved now. The Taemaris member - who had been relatively quiet - looked ready to step up now.

2012-02-12, 11:08 AM
This... was not elegant. At all. But at least he wasn't directly responsible for any of this. Barmaki could tell damage control would be a headache. The paladin was a party member after all, and an unruly one at that. Barmaki didn't trust paladins, they were too used to people having blind faith in the paladin code keeping them in line, even when their code wouldn't stop them from putting a sword in their gut.

2012-02-12, 09:31 PM
As Archanon's anger bellowed up within him, like a volcano hitting it's crescendo, electricity flew through his arms and his scar burnt so bad that he wanted to tend to it, but he refused to show weakness before this arrogant dragonborn.
"I will say this once you foolish lizard, so listen. If you, and your friend, would get your heads out of your asses long enough to understand we're trying to gather information for a mission, then maybe we could stop talking in circles and learn something. Neither of you have said anything that I have not already stated, beyond the occasional pleasantry. Furthermore," he continued but turned his gaze towards Barmaki. "You both look down on me, like I am some dirty child that has never ventured outside of these city walls, but I have traveled to nearly every inch of this continent before this blasted military recruited me..." Archanon then looked back into the dragonborn's cold eyes. "...and not once was I so asinine as to strike an ally, even one I was distasteful of, and especially not in front of a superior." He looked back over at Baramaki and added "Nor was I ludicrous enough to affiliate myself with someone who would cause such a betrayal." He turned his head back to Balasar and began his finality. "Now, you may not like my methods, but they are effective. If you would like to continue this self-mockery though, feel free to bend over to the guild's will so they may do as they may. If you would like to properly assert your authority, then we may continue such activities outside at another time. I would gladly go toe-to-toe with you and show you my capabilities, but do not try to declare yourself to be any greater than myself if you do not even have the self-control to act properly in front of your superiors."
Archanon let out a final sigh and felt the energy inside of him fizzle and the acidic sensation fade from his scar before turning to address the guild members.
"Truly, I am sorry for my crudeness. I was born outside the eye of the kingdom and care very little for needless words. I also apologize for my commanders hiccup in his otherwise proper mannerisms. He is indeed far more adept at your way of speak. I was merely trying to fulfill your wishes as soon as possible. So, in the entirety, I must implore your bountiful mercy to fall upon us and I humbly beg that you release from your memories that crude occurrence that has just befallen your presence. If it pleases the guilds, I shall now remove myself from this conversation and appropriately move myself to a more suitable area of the room so as to no longer detract from the questionnaire portion of this meeting. Again, I humbly thank you for your patience and I apologize for my previous actions. I shall no longer bother you with my presence."
With that, Archanon picked up a small glass of drink and moved back to his window. He looked away from the entire room of ridiculous clowns. He smiled subtly to himself and breathed a small sigh of relief. One does not live 4 years in a castle, easily climbing your way to an elite position, and then personally get asked to go on a mission for the guild themselves, without knowing how to properly speak. One may also choose not to waste time, but obviously such time must be wasted one this comedy of errors.

2012-02-13, 08:28 PM
The druid had had been standing in patient silence as he listened to the bickeri ng between his party member, his grimace deepening. He shot embarrassed glaces between the Primal Power guild representative, and the gnome leader of the Marconis guild. With a growl, he suddenly voiced his thoughts, distaste tempering his voice.
"Alright! Enough bickering. Need I remind you that we have a job to do here? Our orders weren't to sit here and let pride get in the way of our goal. Trust me, I have seen what foolish pride can do to a group of people working towards a goal. Now steel your wits, and for the gods' sake, stop acting like children." The druid's voice snarled, his bestial nature appearing to be just barely contained. His fists clenched and unclenched as he fought the rage inside of him.

2012-02-13, 09:12 PM
The moment the shouting had stopped, Magus Barmaki began to address the Representatives directly. Quickly stepping into a prominent position, he spoke up. "As we were saying, we would be honored to accept your generous offer of aid, ..um... Honored Representative of Frejanis. I'm sure our efforts will result in contact rapidly being reestablished. At what time will we begin our excursion? I imagine you would all want the job done as quickly as possible."

Hopefully the representatives would choose to play along and pretend that the incident had not occurred. He also begged the Undying Court that he wouldn't be branded a liability or the mission taken away from them. Chances of promotion were naught at this point, but he would be damned before he lost any more face.

2012-02-14, 06:53 PM
The Pyromis representative looked vastly disappointed; he was massaging his temple with his fingers when it was finally too much. With a snap of his fingers, he created a loud booming noise, calling silence to the whole room. The Frejanis member made a slight nod to the Pyromis man, muttering a "Thank you."

The Taemaris member, who had yet to speak, walked over to Archanon, patting him on the shoulder(after the others turned their attention to the guilds). "It's tough getting through these politics; just keep your head low and be useful." he grinned. "Just watch."

The Frejanis member continued: "We, the guilds, are all in agreement here. Seeing as you lot don't want to discuss anything in private, do you agree to travel through the Feywild, or not? I assure you, a second offer will not come, and the rewards will be great for success!" As he said this, Helga had a rather stern look, her good mood ruined. The Pyromis representative smirked at the mention of 'rewards', eyeing Barmaki again. The Visonis member sighed and rolled his eyes, still comfortably laid back in his chair.

Taemaris Representative
I didn't mention it before, but he's human, and particularly battle-scarred.

2012-02-15, 11:29 AM
Archanon felt blood flow slowly from the wound on his face. He wiped it away and turned to face the Taemaris representative with a smile. He whispered quietly, just loud enough for his new comrade to hear.
"I'll let the poets speak, and when it's time to actually do something, I'll be there."
Archanon smiled again at the representative and nodded, silently letting him know that he was alright. He turned back to the window, but continued to listen to their conversation. He was curious as to what the final decision would be, and, silently, he hoped his new leader would be smart enough, and brave enough, to speak up and ask the Frejanis for but a moment alone so the team could speak among themselves.

2012-02-16, 11:55 PM
Balasar just sighed as the paladin went on his rant. He didn't even flinch when Irith called forth the boom. It was pathetic. This inferior officer thought he could just show this kind of disrespect in front of the guilds? Heresy. Had Balasar been a bit higher ranking, Archanon would've found himself in prison for such arrogance. No matter, he would be dealt with later. The guilds were getting impatient. "Yes, we will be taking the Feywild. I apologize for the insubordination of my inferior.

"However, I must ask- what shall we need to journey through the Feywild? Do you ask anything of us in return?"

2012-02-17, 08:32 AM
"Oh, no, no favor in return!" Railae reassures you. "The only thing I would like is a moment alone to speak with your druid - you have an appreciation of the Feywild, no?" he says, turning to Tyr.

The Taemaris member stepped up to the group - standing his full height, looking between the two. "Right, then. Taemaris can afford to provide a most able fighter. One of our 'wilder' members, unfortunately, but he will be most useful, I assure you." He smirked, as if at some personal joke.

"Railae has our support." Helga said, speaking for the Pyromis representative and herself.
"If everything's decided, we will take our leave." Irith made a short bow, sweeped over the group with his eyes once more, and then walked out of the room. Helga merely nodded, and did likewise. The Visonis member departed, and the Taemaris member promised to have the fighter waiting for them at the entrance of the building.

2012-02-18, 10:47 PM
The druid looks at Railae, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
Yes, your honour. It has always been my dream to journey thither to the Feywild. since first I heard tell of this portal, I have wished to venture there. I feel as though there may lie the secrets of my other half that have plagued me all these many years. I have enjoyed the domestic comforts of our kinds for too long.
Tyr gazes up at the ceiling, looking almost as a child struck dumb in wonder. His lip quivers with excitement, and he lets out a long sigh.
It would be my pleasure, and my utmost honour to go forth on this errand for you. , he says, giving a bow.

2012-02-20, 12:37 AM
Archanon wanted to bid the Guild members farewell, but he figured that at this point, he might as well just ignore the irritating lot. He did lock eyes with the Taemaris representative when he spoke though, and Archanon responded with a subtle smile and a nod. He turned to watch the conversation between Railae and Tyr. The innocent sparkle in Tyr's eyes brought yet another smile to Archanon's lips. How old was this druid? His childlike reaction reminded Archanon of the village children he was friends with in his youth. Archanon shook his head and made his way to the door, wanting to fulfill Taemaris' request, as well as begin this journey.