View Full Version : Exede, has anyone heard of it?

2012-02-02, 12:28 AM
So, I got an interesting(for me anyways) advertisement in my mail yesterday. It was an advertisement for a new type of Satellite Internet called Exede. The differences were immediately apparent: Dish Network or Hughes Net satellite internet only offers speeds up to about 250k, which is still fairly slow, especially in this day and age. Exede Satellite boasts speeds that are entirely comparable with DSL or Cable: 12mbps download, 3mbps Upload.

Now, here is where my questions come into play: Has anyone heard of this before? Is it even freaking possible for a Satellite INternet service to offer speeds like that? Next up: If you are familiar with Exede and the services offered, or just the technology they are using to get speeds like that on Satellite Internet, can you tell me if it will/does suffer from the same latency issues regular Satellite Internet suffers from? Regular Satellite internet ususually has a ping in the mid 2k to mid 3k's, which makes it almost impossible to play Online games with. Will this not suffer from those issues?

I am literally floored by this, this could be my answer, finally, to getting rid of my long-hated Dial-up internet service! The only real downside is it still has the same download cap as Dish network or Hughes Net, and that's 7.5 Gigs, but hell, I don't use close to that now on dial-up, plus, I imagine, like DIsh or Hughes, it probably has a down-time between 2-7 a.m. where your download cap is lifted since they have minimal traffic at those points in time.

So super excited/happy/stoked, just need some help figuring out if this is all real or not(I mean, the Advertisement certainly looked authentic, but I can't get the damn site to load because of my freaking internet). Unfortunately, as I just discovered, for whatever insane reason, my wife threw the advertisement away in the trash, so I can't offer a website for it ><

2012-02-02, 02:38 AM
I've not heard of this particular service, but the high latency is something that's always going to be there with a satellite connection, no matter how it works--given that the satellite has to be in geostationary orbit (22,000 miles up) you're talking around a quarter of a second just for the signal to get up there and back down, and that's assuming your signal is the only one going through the thing at the time, which is hardly a likely scenario!

2012-02-02, 02:47 AM
I've not heard of this particular service, but the high latency is something that's always going to be there with a satellite connection, no matter how it works--given that the satellite has to be in geostationary orbit (22,000 miles up) you're talking around a quarter of a second just for the signal to get up there and back down, and that's assuming your signal is the only one going through the thing at the time, which is hardly a likely scenario!

Well, I had a friend look into it for me(hurray for Trillian finally loading after not doing so for 3 weeks ><), and he brought up an article that claims the ping is only 700ms. That's literally a third of what Dish network or Hughes Net can claim, or really, anyone I've ever known that had Satellite Internet. 700ms may still be rather bad, but it's not god-awful, and would probably be more then enough to play Diablo 3 or an MMORPG with(obviously, Online Shooters are out, which is fine, since I hate those anyways). My only issue is the exorbitant cost: 49.99 a month for a 7.5gig cap, 9.99 equipment lease fee(or 219.99 prepaid lifetime lease), plus 149.99 one-time installation fee, and the fact that if you want a higher cap, it's 79.99 for a 15gig/cap, or 129.99 for a 25gig/cap.

2012-02-02, 11:14 AM
Well, I had a friend look into it for me(hurray for Trillian finally loading after not doing so for 3 weeks ><), and he brought up an article that claims the ping is only 700ms. That's literally a third of what Dish network or Hughes Net can claim, or really, anyone I've ever known that had Satellite Internet. 700ms may still be rather bad, but it's not god-awful, and would probably be more then enough to play Diablo 3 or an MMORPG with(obviously, Online Shooters are out, which is fine, since I hate those anyways). My only issue is the exorbitant cost: 49.99 a month for a 7.5gig cap, 9.99 equipment lease fee(or 219.99 prepaid lifetime lease), plus 149.99 one-time installation fee, and the fact that if you want a higher cap, it's 79.99 for a 15gig/cap, or 129.99 for a 25gig/cap.
I used to play WoW on 900ms ping, and I know for a fact there are SC2 players out there with worse than 700ms who play just fine.

50 a month for decent internet is pretty much the going rate. The install costs do indeed suck though.

2012-02-02, 02:47 PM
When in doubt, google it. Seems legit for me, but that's just from brief search of reviews.