View Full Version : I watched the sun rise this morning

2012-02-02, 08:37 AM
And, well, it made me want to make a character focused on the sun. I'm currently thinking Cleric/Master of Radiance/Radiant Servant of Pelor.

My question is this: what other classes/prestige classes/feats/alternate class features focus on the sun? I don't mind giving up a bit of strength for flavor. Or items, for that matter.

2012-02-02, 09:10 AM
And, well, it made me want to make a character focused on the sun. I'm currently thinking Cleric/Master of Radiance/Radiant Servant of Pelor.

My question is this: what other classes/prestige classes/feats/alternate class features focus on the sun? I don't mind giving up a bit of strength for flavor. Or items, for that matter.

Make sure to put some points into Profession: (Sailor).
And find a way to get both Sun devotion, and Domain, If you can.

Also, You can re-fluff a bunch of spells too, like "scorching ray" into "Pelors Sun Ray", maybe having Fire domain and just re-fluffing it might be an Idea too.

Edit: Oh, and hope your DM is playing an undead heavy game.

Double Edit: Put a Gem of Brightness in your shield (or sword, put it in the pommel or something), and active the zero cost use to Fluff your chaercter being "Blessed for Battle"

2012-02-02, 09:18 AM
Make sure to put some points into Profession: (Sailor).
And find a way to get both Sun devotion, and Domain, If you can.

Also, You can re-fluff a bunch of spells too, like "scorching ray" into "Pelors Sun Ray", maybe having Fire domain and just re-fluffing it might be an Idea too.

Edit: Oh, and hope your DM is playing an undead heavy game.
Interesting, a Cleric sailor...

As for the undead heavy, I was kind of planning to persist things like Divine Power and Righteous Might for a baddonkey melee sun-worshiping Cleric. But yeah, lots of undead would be cool.

2012-02-02, 09:21 AM
Interesting, a Cleric sailor...
Oh, you didn't get the joke...

As for the undead heavy, I was kind of planning to persist things like Divine Power and Righteous Might for a baddonkey melee sun-worshiping Cleric. But yeah, lots of undead would be cool.
If your going to be melee based, try this (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQEqiAtMjQx7U7OFdCh8u9E5XkxWLkLs 0tXBIA6as_QotPzomVwMyDa6lAvFg) for your picture.

Edit: Oh, and a Helm of Brilliance for the cool visual of blasting yourself with a ray of light to activate it.

Double Edit: Disciple of the Sun from CD page 81 lets you emulate your Sun Domain domain Power for using up 2 TU usages, I don't know, might be useful.

Triple Edit: Something like Cleric 5/ MoR 1/ RSoP 2/ MoR 4/ RSoP 8 might do, all you need is Extra turning for feats anyway.

2012-02-02, 10:18 AM
Shadowstriker (complete champion?) gives you a free luminous weapon and other stuff that helps to shine. Pelor themed as well.

Piggy Knowles
2012-02-02, 10:29 AM
Alternatively, a warforged Cleric 5/Landforged Walker 5/RSoP 10 would be a lot of fun. Landforged Walker is from Secrets of Xen'drik, and while it does lose a caster level, it also gives you an excellent wild shape ability - in fact, I believe it's the lowest available level that you could turn into huge creatures via wild shape, barring Divine Minion shenanigans.

Be a wooden warforged with plants and leaves growing off of you, following the sun. Starting at level 10, start spending your days in treant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/treant.htm) form, talking very slowly and moving your arms to follow the sun's path, and every now and then, just go buckwild, destroy the walls of Isengard, and storm the tower of Orthanc. It'll be fun!

(OK, you could turn into a yellow musk creeper or an octopus tree, too, but come on! You know you want to be a sun-worshiping treant!)

2012-02-02, 10:56 AM
Alternatively, a warforged Cleric 5/Landforged Walker 5/RSoP 10 would be a lot of fun. Landforged Walker is from Secrets of Xen'drik, and while it does lose a caster level, it also gives you an excellent wild shape ability - in fact, I believe it's the lowest available level that you could turn into huge creatures via wild shape, barring Divine Minion shenanigans.

Be a wooden warforged with plants and leaves growing off of you, following the sun. Starting at level 10, start spending your days in treant (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/treant.htm) form, talking very slowly and moving your arms to follow the sun's path, and every now and then, just go buckwild, destroy the walls of Isengard, and storm the tower of Orthanc. It'll be fun!

(OK, you could turn into a yellow musk creeper or an octopus tree, too, but come on! You know you want to be a sun-worshiping treant!)
Ok, yeah, that sounds pretty awsome...

But Its up to the player, does he want to be a Radiant Knight of the Sun, or Bad-Mother Tree of the Sun?