View Full Version : Help me flesh out my world!

2012-02-02, 12:17 PM
Hi everyone!
This is going to be a pretty long post, so bear with me.

I've recently started quite an ambitious world building project and I was hoping that I could get a bit of help with fleshing it out, I'm really looking for help with the world's history, some important NPCs and some plot hooks or ideas for campaigns that could be set in the world. I'll just put up what I've worked out so far, any ideas will be greatly appreciated.


Humans: Humans are the youngest race in the world, and also the fastest growing. From their first country of Promethea they have spread into all the empty spaces of the world, their rapid growth and insatiable appetite for exploration has made the elder races wary, and occasionally openly hostile to the arrogant newcomers.

Elves: There are three types of elves in this world, the wood elves are pretty standard tree huggers. Sun elves are the archetypal arrogant magic users, they 'invented' magic (through a series of contracts with physical and natural forces) and use both warforged and other 'lesser' races as slaves. There are also sea elves, an offshoot of the high elves that have become enamoured with the libertarian and exploratory ways of the humans and seek to emualte them.

Dwarves: There are two different types of dwarf in this world as well, the feral and gaelic forest dwarves, think celtic tribes, with an axe to grind. The other type is the more traditional underground dwarf, they are technologically advanced, using blackpowder weapons and steam\clockwork mechs. They have yet to be discovered by the other races, as they live deep underground where they were sent hundreds of years ago to protect the world from an unspeakable threat.

Goliaths: The Goliaths are the descendants of the now exctinct giant races that formed the world of stone from The Wyld, effectively creating the world as we know it today. The goliaths are long lived, but rarely reproduce, (a problem shared by the elves and the Tengans)

Beastfolk: These are split into four types, canines (dogmen), felines (catfolk), rattus (ratfolk) and aquiline (basically raptorans) and have quite a strict caste system wherein dog>cat>rat, with the eagles being a class all of their own.

Tengans: These are dinosaur men, and they live in a strict eastern feudal system under their god-emperor, the Demon King (currently a purely figurative title but only for the last few generations) they don't have long lives and reproduce slowly, and this, combined with their superiority complex and almost constant warring with the humans is causing a cultural crisis.

Orcs: Orcs aren't the stupid, bestial monsters from the core rulebook, rather they are modelled on the roman empire, savvy politicians and accomplished tacticians, they are known for their ruthless efficiency in war and peace, and have carved a large kingdom out for themselves.

Goblins: Goblins exist almost entirely as second class citizens. In the Orc empire of Cinipae they are treated little better than slaves, and many of them have migrated into the human cities to earn a better place in the world. They are rarely understood, and still have less rights than a human, but their labour and craftsmanship has assisted heavily in the humans' rapid expansion.

Drow: The Drow exist in the same underground complex as the dwarves, for the same purpose, though the long years and poor constitution of their bodies has sickened them, causing them to live shorter lives than even humans, both they and the dwarves have forgotten their purpose and so they war with each other, as well as with the kobolds that live between them and the surface.

Kobolds/Dragonborn: The Dragonlands are ruled over by four ancient dragons, served and worshipped by their dragonborn followers, the kobolds are fanatic about their deities and call themselves 'the Faithful' they are rarely antagonistic and have good relations with the beastfolk.

Tieflings/Aasimar: Both the Tieflings and the Aasimar have a city state that exists on the borders of the human empire, they are reputed to house portals to their respective planes, but they are closely allied with each other, understanding that they are sides of the same coin.

Centaurs: The centaurs have a small presence on a remot island that has recently been colonised by humans, their culture is somewhere between aboriginal and mongolian, and they war with each other more than with their new neighbours.

Fey: All the fey creatures of the world, including gnomes, satyrs, nymphs, pixies et al. exist in an infinite forest called The Wyld, this expanse once covered the whole world, until the Giants pulle Earth and Sky from the chaos and created the material world, it is effectively a different plane of existence that can be walked into.

Promethea: The first country of the humans, this hereditary monarchy is ruled over by the Storm King, he is required to take a wife from every allied race, and this has led to long and bloody succession wars with each contender supported by armies from their mother's country. A mid-magic medieval society, with a cosmoplitan outlook on other races their only real enemy is the Tengan Empire with whom they have fought in two Blood Wars. They are now in an uneasy truce, with both sides eyeing each other warily over the Bloody Sea. Promethea is home to a number of organizations, The Thieves' Guild, The Mages' Guild, The Ebony Order (An order of mages devoted to improving the lives of all citizens), The Fighters' Union, The Church of Creation (a religion for all labourers, craftsman and alchemists), The Cartographers (a guild that hires adventurers to explore dangerous areas and funds colonies, made up of all those who seek knowledge), The Cult of Ecstasy (a hedonistic organization that is enjoyed by a large number of nobles from around the world), The Bards' College (a place for the learning of history, storytelling, performance and obviously, spying), The Red Rebellion (a rebellious movement funded by the duke of Rippon, supporting the Storm King's bastard daughter, Red Sally, in a bid to usurp the throne)

Celestia: Celestia is the Aasimar city state that exists high in the mountains on the border of Promethea, it hold the Sun Portal, a gateway that leads directly to the celestial realm. The aasimar are just humans that have been exposed to the holy light and have become holy themselves. Their ruler is called the Diamond Father, and the city houses an organization known as the Watchers, whose purpose is unknown to all but themselves.

Infernia: The Tiefling city state on the shores of the Bloody Sea, their navy is formidable and responsible for Promethea's victory in the second Blood War, like Celestia, this city holds a gateway to the infernal realm and it's influence has effected the citizens. The city is a meritocracy and is currently ruled by the Dark Mother. The highest rank of the citizenry are in an organization called The Mother's Chosen

Tengan Empire: The Tengan Empire is very similar to feudal Japan, but with a lot more space and therefore less population density. A system of elite clans rule over the masses. The Tengans have a great hatred for the undead, and this is one of the reasons for their current hostility towards Promethea.

The Land of Bears: The Cartographers' latest project, the Land of Bears is a polar region to the south that is rich in minerals and has astounding magic boosting powers. The expedition that landed here has set up a town, but communications with Promethea are few and far between. Rumours abound of a barbaric native tribe that call themselves the Frozen Sentinels and guard something frozen deep beneath the ice.

Heartblood: Heartblood is a smallish country, ruled over by a coven of vampires. They are closely allied with Promethea, a fact that has drawn great disapproval from many other nations. A zombie infestation ravaged the Promethean town of Llyonesse, and a vampire known only as the Bloody Minstrel offered to remove them, for the price of a small country. The Storm King readily agreed, and Heartblood was born, though Promethea seems to have ignored the fact that Llyonesse was almost immediately overrun with zombies and offered itself to Heartblood as a vassal city. Heartblood is the home of the guerilla movement of the Knights of the Raven who are viciously hunted by the Crimson Fang (an elite group of vampires, nominally the Bloody Minstrel's bodyguards)

The Underworld/Stonesky: The country deep in the bowels of the earth where dwarves, drow, kobolds and grimlocks constantly battle over resources and for their very survival.

The Dragonlands: Ruled over by the only four 'sane' dragons, the dragonlands is situated on the border of the Tengan Empire, seperated by a mountain range. The dragonborn and kobolds worship their leaders as gods.

The Talons: The main country of the beastfolk, it is a theocracy with the worship of nature spirits (the elven pantheon) at its centre, citizens are organized into packs, each of which has a priest to ensure their devotion. Black Peter the Ratman runs the Assassins' guild from the Rattus home city, and the Fighter's Union has a secondary office in the central city.

Gribbling Forest/The Golden Forest/Gilead Forest: Respectively the names given to the forest by the goblins/dwarves/and elves. This is the last place in the world that goblins exist as their own culture and the long Naming Wars with the forest dwarves have led them to be very paranoid of outsiders, the forest dwarves and wood elves also come to blows fairly often, making this a hotbed of internal wars.

The Plaguelands: As the name implies, this country isn't really fit for life. There are only eight cities, located in the safest areas, and each houses a mercenary company. All of whom will sell their swords to the highest bidder without qualm.

The Dragon's Teeth: This is a mountain range on the border of Promethea and the Free Kingdoms, it is from here that the last remaining Goliaths look down on the world that their ancestors created. A small sect, called the Sons of Stone, are attempting to integrate themselves into foreign life, but with little success.

The Free Kingdoms: A well meaning liberal collective of (mostly) humans, the Free Kingdoms is made up of escaped slaves, wanted criminals, and all those who can't bear the yolk of oppression. Here goblins are treated fairly well, and have even formed a movement, the G.U.F (Goblins Unified Front) to fight for their rights. This is also the home of the Lighthands, and offshoot of the thieves' guild that only steals for the greater good, though they are rarely trusted by those outside the country.

Verona: Another human country, based rather loosely on renaissance europe, the country is ruled over by the Buccaneers and the Swashbucklers, pirates that prey on the elven ships that ply the sea around them. Recently a third group, the Privateers, have been attempting to steal power from the other two.

Cadaith: The Sea Elves' country, named for the Sun Elf that first discovered it and gave up his life of slaving to explore and trade. Every noble is captain of his own ship, though many of them have become impoverished by the efforts of Verona.

Cinipae: The country of the orcs, very closely based on the Roman Republic. They are outspoken and militant, but don't war unless it's necessary. The capital, Aquae Sulis, is the home of both the Legion, the elite orcish fighting force, and the Marshalls, war leaders highly prized for their tactical knowledge and ingenuity. Marshalls can be hired to lead armies of any nation, unless they war against Cinipae.

The Church of Leon: A country built mainly in an inhospitable wasteland by zealous followers of the Lion Whose Roar is the Dawn. This is obviously a theocracy, with the clergy of Leon being judgemental and violent towards non believers. All believers are required to make a pilgrimage to The Altar at least once every decade, and the journey is arduous and full of peril. The Lionhearts are the militant arm of the church, and their supposed job is to protect pilgrims crossing the deserts.

Elthrai: The brother country of Cadaith, Elthrai was a Sun Elf whose enterprising ways led to the primitive inhabitants of Abor being enslaved, as he, and his descendants, believed that human life was inherently worth less than a warforged. The Chained Order operate from here, raiding primitive tribes, and the occassional coastal town, for new slaves.

The Ends of the Earth/Thanatos: The last point of land in what is believed to be infinite sea, this is the home of the Cowled, an order of wizards and necromancers that seek death as the only true purpose of life. Criminals are sent to the island of Thanatos and transformed into liches, forced to suffer life eternal, the greatest punishment to a member of the Cowled. Recently their leader, Balmung Fezalion, fought a party of Leon's followers and disappeared, some of his enemies claim he's dead, while others swear that he has converted to the church and given up all his dark powers to pursue a life of good.

New Cinipae: A foolish attempt by the orcs to emulate the human colonial prowess, this country is ravaged by natural disasters and coated in ice year round. It is only due to the inspirational leadership of Vectis Martia that the colony has survived this long.

Sundolin (The Elflands): The original home of the Sun Elves, few non-elves have ever seen this country, or the opulence in which the elves live. Thousands of mindless warforged perform every task for their long lived overlords who spend their days plotting revenge for the imagined slights of parties that ended a thousand years ago. The Order of the Silver Hand were once the greatest knights seen on the earth, but that was long before the humans arrived, and now they are petty, hedonistic bickerers that barely remember their old glories.

Last War (Geartown): This small state was founded by Designation 18C9, Claude to his friends. The first warforged to gain sentience, he quickly set about 'liberating' some of his fellows. Together they escaped their elven masters and set up this town. They are slowly growing accustomed to their new lives, and some of them have shown a desire to see the world. The Bonded are a small faction that has set it's task to complete liberation for all warforged.


The Elven Pantheon: Also known as 'Nature worship' the elves revere the spirits of the land, Mother Sun and Father Ocean are the most common spirits, but every river, every hill has it's own minor deity.
Symbol: Any representation of nature, most commonly a carved sun or moon.
Alignment: TN
Domains: Animal, Plant, Sun, Earth, Air, Magic, Nobility, Darkness, Weather.
Favoured Weapon: Scimitar.

Leon: Also called the Lion Whose Roar is the Dawn, Keeper of the Keys, the Lord of Justice and Brother Lion. Leon is the god of the humans. Originally he was a member of the elven pantheon but was adopted by the humans after he took human form during the first Blood War and duelled with the first demon king, effectively winning the war.
Symbol: Any representation of a lion, or a key.
Alignment: LG
Domains: Law, Good, Healing, Strength, Protection, Glory, Sun, Fire
Favoured Weapon: Morningstar.

Gideon: Also called the Bloody God, Lord of Hosts and Breaker of Chains, Gideon is the god of warfare and judgement. He is usually depicted as an orc, as they were his first worshippers, though the free warforged have adopted him and predictably picture him as one of them.
Symbol: A sword suspended over a heart
Alignment: LN
Domains: War, Destruction, Law, Protection, Strength, Liberation, Glory
Favoured Weapon: Greatsword.

The Path: Also called The Truest Light, the Path is closely based on Buddhism, no deity really rules this religion, it is more a set of teaching and a way of life based on goodness and wisdom.
Symbol: A star
Alignment: NG
Domains: Animal, Healing, Knowledge, Water, Good, Magic, Liberation
Favoured Weapon: Quarterstaff

Chellac: Also called Lord of Hunger and The Insatiable, Chellac is the god of hunger and hedonism. His worshippers believe in taking everything to excess, attempting to fill their lives with anything they can to fill the hunger within them.
Symbol: An open mouth
Alignment: CN
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Plant, Charm, Luck
Favoured Weapon: Spiked Chain

Shroud: Also called the Final Rest and Eternity, Shroud is the worship of Death himself. His followers seek death as the only logical end to life, though the religion's teachings do prohibite suicide.
Symbol: A Skull
Alignment: TN
Domains: Death, Magic, Repose, Darkness, Liberation, Void, Glory
Favoured Weapon: Spear

The Traveller: Also known as the Navigator, the Map Maker and the Jester, this religion is for the wanderer, the explorer and the adventurer. It is believed that the Traveller will always see you safely to your destination.
Symbol: A Compass
Domains: Luck, Travel, Earth, Magic, Trickery, Charm, Liberation, Weather
Favoured Weapon: Longsword

The Smith: Also called the Worker and the Creator, the Smith is the god of all manual labourers, as well as artists and other creative types, his church is more of a guild and is the best place to get anything repaired or made.
Symbol: A hammer and anvil
Alignment: NG
Domains: War, Protection, Strength, Destruction, Artifice, Community
Favoured Weapon: Warhammer

The Body: A worship of the four 'humours' blood, bone, spirit and flesh, followers of this religion are obsessed with cheating death, as such they are variously graverobbers, necromancers, vampires and occasionally just medical men.
Symbol: A Heart
Alignment: NE
Domains: Evil, Madness, Death, Knowledge, Magic, Darkness, Healing
Favoured Weapon: Spiked Chain

The Diamond: Also called the One in All, the Diamond is the worship of language and communication, of sentience itself.
Symbol: A diamond
Alignment: CG
Domains: Chaos, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Rune, Community, Nobility
Favoured Weapon: Bastard Sword.

I think that's about it. Any help/comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for reading.

2012-02-02, 02:15 PM
I'm usually partial to cynical political machinations so just ignore me if it isn't fantasy enough. There's also quite a lot of races, nations and organisations to keep track of, so I'm like as not to forget a bunch. I'm not even going to try to figure out the deities.

The General Malcontents
Among humans, particularly in Promethea, the discontent of the general public has been growing for a long time. Such things are natural in the way of things, but since the surrender of Llyonesse things have been approaching a critical mass, fed by the recent blood soaked conflicts with the Tengans.

With the influx of cheap goblin labour many humans have lost their jobs and been relegated to begging or the workhouses. The ruling class of Promethea are still unaware of the seething populace, and as they slide deeper into the decadence of the comfortably rich they will likely remain so until it is too late.

This is more of a growing opinion; the expressions of discontent are still limited to muttering in ale houses or gangs of drunk humans beating up lone goblins. There is no leadership and no organisation, but as things progress, heroes will soon step forward to lead the people in a glorious revolution.

Several foreign powers are interested in fomenting a civil war in Promethea. Most of them are planning according to a Divide and Conquer model, but some just do it for fun. Most notable among these meddlers are the Sun Elves, the Orcs and just about every single human nation. All of them would be willing to support an uprising with training and material, for reasons of their own.

The issue with Tengan eggs
A long time ago every Tengan couple would hatch as many has a dozen broodlings over their life time. Only half of them would survive to adult age, but the empire was certainly growing. But hatching rates have been declining so that now the population is barely being maintained.

There are two prevalent theories as for why this is. The first, and the one advocated by the ruling class, is that foreign powers are conspiring to use magic or disease as a blow against the Tengans. The theory appeals to the nationalists, but enthusiasm has waned as several wars have failed to show any appreciable results.

The second theory, spoken of much more softly, is that the gods are upset with the Tengans. Naturally, the fault of this falls at the feet of the Demon King, as he is the link between the people and the gods. Some more conservative believers attribute this to the Demon King's advisers, accusing them of corruption and usurping the Demon King's divine mandate for their own personal gain.

Whatever the cause, the Tengans are desperate for a solution and are approaching the line where they are willing to try anything at all for a chance for their people to survive. A number of greater demons have taken note of this.

Fleet orcs
While the humans are the most enthusiastic naval explorers and the sea elves the most skilled navigators, the true rulers of the sea are the Fleets of Cinipae. They're the ones who know the safest routes, it is their massive trade vessels that travel them and their warships that patrol them.

Their native technologies may not be much to brag about, but the orcs have an unerring ability to incorporate and combine foreign innovations with the production capacity and resources of an Empire. Cinipae vessels are marvels of engineering. Nothing on the sea is faster than the Cinipae light cruiser and no vessel can carry as much cargo or weather such storms as the Black Hulks.

The sea trade is an immense contribution to the wealth of Cinnipae, and so important that the seafaring orcs are for all intents and purposes allowed to act as an independent kingdom within the empire. They may appear to follow the directions of the central Cinipae admiralty, but it's an open secret that the admiralty are little more than figureheads of the elected Fleet Captains.

In a natural harbour on the Cinipae coast line lies Stockline, the largest harbour of the known world. The city is the recipient of three quarters of the sea trade to Cinipae and the second largest marketplace. Traders from all over the world take their goods to Stockline. Anything money can buy can be found in the sprawling city's many bazaars and countless shops.

Stockline is also home to the great wharves of Cinipae. Originally placed some distance from the settlement, the city has grown to encompass even the vast shipyards. The city produces over a dozen large vessels every year, and twice as many smaller ones. In a crisis the shipyards have the capacity to refit nearly the entire Fleet into warships in scant months.

Coveway is likely the most culturally diverse town in the entire world, and perhaps the most strangely located. The town is built on a series of small islands in the middle of the sea that are completely submerged each time the tide comes in. The entire town is built on poles and long floating quays extend into the sea all around.

Coveway lies on a nexus of multiple trade routes, and the town essentially lies at the centre of a bustling port. Like in Stockline, just about everything can be purchased here, but only if you know which captain is currently carrying it. The town's most influential organisations are the Guild of Fisherman and the Guild of Freshwater Magi who make a brisk trade in supplies for arriving ships.

Coveway is nominally part of Cinipae, but are even more independent than the Fleet. The orcs may be the single most common race in Coveway, but they are still in minority. The town is controlled by elected leaders from every organisation large enough to be noticed.

And that's what I have atm.

2012-02-04, 01:36 AM
With regard to the Beastfolk, the Latin adjective for rats (and mice) is murine.

2012-02-04, 01:45 PM
Thanks for your ideas! The orcs were the race I was having the most trouble with, your suggestions have really helped.

Also thanks for the Latin clarification, I knew I was getting it wrong somewhere.

I'm still trying to build up a folklore for the world, rumours or stories that could turn into plot hooks or are just interesting fluff. I've adapted a few oriental myths, as well as some classic fairy tales but I still don't feel like it's enough to give each country the depth that they need to have.

Ideas for public holidays etc. as well would be nice xD

Cornelius Grim
2012-02-04, 02:41 PM
Thanks for your ideas! The orcs were the race I was having the most trouble with, your suggestions have really helped.

Also thanks for the Latin clarification, I knew I was getting it wrong somewhere.

I'm still trying to build up a folklore for the world, rumours or stories that could turn into plot hooks or are just interesting fluff. I've adapted a few oriental myths, as well as some classic fairy tales but I still don't feel like it's enough to give each country the depth that they need to have.

Ideas for public holidays etc. as well would be nice xD

Public Holidays? I'm not sure if you are this type of person, but my D&D buddies always enjoy a Christmas quest or a Halloween quest, or any other holiday. Of course there's always an antagonist that comes up and ruins the holiday until you fix it, but it's fun for the adventurers. I was thinking of something for a Halloween quest, and I read this and thought you might like it. I haven't thought of a name yet, but it revolves around Mind Flayers. It's a holiday intended for a small town farther away from other, easily reachable communities. Here's the fluff information:

Long ago, this town was raided by Mind Flayers that lived in a deep underground complex many miles away. The town would attempt to fend off the Mind Flayers, but were 100% failing at it, since Mind Flayers are (CR 8) super hard to kill for a commoner and low level adventurers looking for a quest. It's a miracle the town wasn't just immediately eliminated; but this is folklore, so it's not perfect. Eventually the town started bribing the Mind Flayers to stop attacking. They were to pay 500 gold each week. This wasn't much to the Mind Flayers, but they weren't gaining much from such a small town anyway. This was an astounding amount of gold for such a small town, and everyone had to pitch in to avoid any more casualties. This came to be a tradition, but rather than once a week, it was a once a year event. Other towns heard of the tradition and picked it up, and now several towns across the land are performing it each year. The Mind Flayers, at some point, stopped raiding the town despite the decreasing amount of money being given, for an unknown cause. It was mysterious; suddenly, they were just gone. Never heard of again. So now the town leaves 500 gold on a special patch, for the Mind Flayers. The whereabouts of the Mind Flayers are still a mystery, but one year, strange occurences begin. Magical happenings: Floating objects, dissapearing people and cattle, minor monster attacks. Eventually an adventurer will come to deal with it, but this isn't meant to happen until later, because Mind Flayers are CR 8. Until then, every year this occures, and it makes for some fancy fluff information.

I know, I broke the fourth wall a ton during that, but I figured it needed some clarification. :smalltongue:

The Bandicoot
2012-02-18, 10:46 PM
Perhaps a myth of something like The Wandering Gnome. A traveling gnome minstrel that people claim to have seen on the road. If you give him some gold and request a song some say that the song becomes real. Others say that you're taken back to when the song was first written.

Just a random idea.