View Full Version : AVB Fighting Ring: Twolly Meets Moranica (Private Thread)

2012-02-03, 12:59 PM
DMs or Moranica only, all others will be used as feed for the newly-acquired dire chickens.

A large half-troll enters the arena, clutching a sizable javelin in one meaty paw. A rather intimidating greataxe is on his back and he wears a pitted chainshirt.

"Twolly stomped dancy girl, Twolly crushed arrow girl, and Twolly will squish you!"

He begins in M-4, you begin anywhere in the 4 green squares.

The Map:


-To reiterate what the map rules say above, everything in here is transparent. There is no way to block line of sight aside from magic, powers, or items. Please make a note of it.
-Ignore the lava, it's not there. Those squares instead represent the unpassable border of the map.
-Max elevation is 150 feet above 0. Go past that, you get disqualified as if you ran away.

2012-02-03, 02:36 PM
N23 it is!

"Alright, let's play, you little green silly person troll!"

Initiative, if applicable. [roll0]

2012-02-04, 01:36 PM
The troll gets the jump on you, stomping down to D-9 on a double move.

2012-02-04, 02:43 PM
"Boy oh boy, you're ugly.... or at least soon to be!!"

Move to S24
Overchannelling Ego whip! [roll0] CHA damage and Dazed for 1 rnd.
DC 18 will save for half CHA damage and no daze

2012-02-04, 05:23 PM
The troll takes no visible damage, but stands glassy-eyed, his stare even more vacant than usual. He remains on his feet, however.

Ah, smart idea. One of the builds I toyed with if my PC ever bit the big one was a Wilder who went around using Ego Whip, since I figured if AVB was like most other games where flaws were allowed, Pathetic Charisma was a common choice by most PCs (and the average NPC wouldn't have a high score either). You had a similar notion with an arguably better execution.

2012-02-04, 06:03 PM
Actually, this is just stalling until he gets close enough. But since it's working. I might as well finish him this way.

Btw, did forget the overchanneling damage. [roll0]

"Silly troll, let me drain some more of your looks."

Overchannelling Ego whip! [roll1] CHA damage and Dazed for 1 rnd.
DC 18 will save for half CHA damage and no daze
[roll2] damage for me.

2012-02-05, 01:40 AM
The large troll's eyes roll back in his head and he crashes to the arena floor. He jitters a moment and then lies still, breathing but otherwise inert. He is yours to do with as you please.

2012-02-05, 05:39 AM
Scribly looks around for an open flame. Then, using control flames he shifts a small flame from it to the body and slowly burns it.

1 fire damage per round

2012-02-05, 06:58 PM
After several minutes, the troll is nothing but a smoking corpse. Seconds later, he is a sullen troll, dragging his axe behind him.

"Twolly didn't get to do anything! Just like fight with not-troll troll. Twolly need to eat to feel pretty again."

He wanders off.

A clapping echoes through the mostly empty arena; Wilstaff stands with his mute skeleton tagalong, applauding.

Expertly done, friend. That's easily the fastest anyone has brought down the big man, myself included. Can we interest you in anything else today, or has this slaked your current lust for violence?

900 XP for the win, plus [roll0] manager-pleasing XP for the swift and brutal win.

2012-02-06, 02:38 AM
"It was fun indeed, but I'm satisfied for now. I might be back tomorrow for some wager matches."

Scribly looks satisfied as he leaves.

Well, that was easier then I thought. Guess my back up is quite powerfull. ... Still, I never got to try THAT. Perhaps next time.