View Full Version : Playing a magic item

2012-02-04, 12:15 AM
I recently read an off-hand comment about playing as a ring of spell storing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12655334&postcount=33), and found the idea intriguing, in a rather silly sort of way. Someone suggested using mind switch to pull it off; I assume PaO could probably do it, and you might be able to get away with playing an intelligent magical item. So that's covered.

But what about movement, interaction, and so on? Would the fly spell give you a flight speed, for example? How would you talk, if you weren't using the rules for intelligent magical items? (Telepathy might come in handy.) There's probably more I haven't thought of, too. (Oh, and what Type are you considered?)

And most importantly: has anyone actually tried this? :smallcool:

2012-02-04, 12:19 AM
I recently read an off-hand comment about playing as a ring of spell storing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12655334&postcount=33), and found the idea intriguing, in a rather silly sort of way. Someone suggested using mind switch to pull it off; I assume PaO could probably do it, and you might be able to get away with playing an intelligent magical item. So that's covered.

But what about movement, interaction, and so on? Would the fly spell give you a flight speed, for example? How would you talk, if you weren't using the rules for intelligent magical items? (Telepathy might come in handy.) There's probably more I haven't thought of, too. (Oh, and what Type are you considered?)

And most importantly: has anyone actually tried this? :smallcool:

required reading (http://thestormwindfallacy.multiply.com/journal/item/76)

motoko's ghost
2012-02-04, 12:32 AM
I once played as a ring of telekinesis in a one-shot game once, it wasn't all that different from a regular character except you have 1 slot(yourself) and you have a lot less versatility.

2012-02-04, 12:35 AM
I once played as a ring of telekinesis in a one-shot game once, it wasn't all that different from a regular character except you have 1 slot(yourself) and you have a lot less versatility.

Intelligent magic item, leadership feat, be wielded by your cohort.

I want to try this now.

2012-02-04, 12:38 AM
Suggestions: Telekinesis might work.

Kinecticist Psion, with Control Body and a Psicrystal (naturally, embedded in your hilt, making you have bling). Grab a Human Effigy or something (basically, grab a sack of HP/a body), and go from there.

Alternatively, work with a fellow player, and go Sword Psion, making yourself be the sword and the sorcerer in the "Sword and Sorcery" cliche. :smalltongue:

2012-02-04, 12:49 AM
Playing a magic item that your cohort carries isn't a bad idea, though you might want to make sure it's a magic item of value. Holy symbol for a Cleric or something to that effect.

I've been thinking of something along these lines; Black-Blade Archtype Magus with the intelligent sword that scales with level gradually growing in Ego until it usurps the mind of the wielder.

Legacy weapons and items might also work well so as to be worthwhile to keep around.

motoko's ghost
2012-02-04, 12:52 AM
It was pretty fun(got to give an elven fighter a wedgie...out a 3rd storey window:smallbiggrin:)

2012-02-04, 01:24 AM
Intelligent magic item, leadership feat, be wielded by your cohort.

I want to try this now.

Legacy weapons and items might also work well so as to be worthwhile to keep around.

Intelligent Legacy Item wielded by a cohort... oh man, I need to do this at my earliest convenience.

2012-02-04, 03:53 AM
These are some pretty sweet suggestions so far! The "play an item carried by a cohort" ones are especially amusing. (A truenaming sword with an item familiar would be hysterical. :smallbiggrin:) And, as long as you have some sort of backup plan in case you lose your cohort, probably unusually difficult to kill, too... if only because most enemies wouldn't know where to find you. (Presumably, investing in high-quality divination protection would be a very good idea.)

It's also apparent that being a caster or manifester of some sort is essentially required in order to get anything done. I wonder... would Soulknife -> Soulbow be able to do anything?

2012-02-04, 09:19 AM
also see fiend of possession, FF.

2012-02-04, 11:21 AM
be an intelligent puppet, and control your user.

2012-02-04, 11:54 AM
I saw an abortive PbP game on the brilliant gameologists boards where one of the characters was the party's airship. He was a skeletal creature that had been haunt shifted into it (which is apparently a bending of the rules because of size restrictions). Anyways, that of course made me want to try making one as well, though my DM said such a thing wouldn't be happening.

2012-02-04, 12:20 PM
I've played with the idea of playing a symbiont (specifically, a crawling gauntlet from MOE)
It's a creature with above animal intelligence (if not by much) so it should be able to gain class levels. I was looking at Psychic Warrior or Wilder.
It has an ego score to try to control a host body.
It never saw any real play due to a few disagreements with the DM about the mechanics of enslaving hosts.

2012-02-04, 01:09 PM
I recently read an off-hand comment about playing as a ring of spell storing (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12655334&postcount=33), and found the idea intriguing, in a rather silly sort of way. Someone suggested using mind switch to pull it off; I assume PaO could probably do it, and you might be able to get away with playing an intelligent magical item. So that's covered.

But what about movement, interaction, and so on? Would the fly spell give you a flight speed, for example? How would you talk, if you weren't using the rules for intelligent magical items? (Telepathy might come in handy.) There's probably more I haven't thought of, too. (Oh, and what Type are you considered?)

And most importantly: has anyone actually tried this? :smallcool:
Haven't tried it, but it's doable within the rules... at high levels.

Step 1: Make sure the item you want to be is intelligent to begin with.
Step 2: Use Dispel Magic to make the item temporarily nonmagical.
Step 3: Use Polymorph Any Object to turn the item into something with a mind (Int 2 is fine)
Step 4: Use True Mind Switch (or the 3.0 holdover text in Astral Seed) to Instantly swap minds with the currently mind-affecting-able item.
Step 5: Permit the PoA to expire.

You're now, Instantly, the magic item, fully within the rules.

It's a very good idea to be a Psion; it makes some steps easier, and Psions don't need to worry about material components or moving on their own anyway. A Wizard Cohort would be handy for the PoA, although you could also hire that.

I've played with the idea of playing a symbiont (specifically, a crawling gauntlet from MOE)
It's a creature with above animal intelligence (if not by much) so it should be able to gain class levels. I was looking at Psychic Warrior or Wilder.
It has an ego score to try to control a host body.
It never saw any real play due to a few disagreements with the DM about the mechanics of enslaving hosts.
Use a cohort, or get a way to Dominate things. Skip the rule arguments.

2012-02-04, 02:24 PM
These are some pretty sweet suggestions so far! The "play an item carried by a cohort" ones are especially amusing. (A truenaming sword with an item familiar would be hysterical. :smallbiggrin:) And, as long as you have some sort of backup plan in case you lose your cohort, probably unusually difficult to kill, too... if only because most enemies wouldn't know where to find you. (Presumably, investing in high-quality divination protection would be a very good idea.)

It's also apparent that being a caster or manifester of some sort is essentially required in order to get anything done. I wonder... would Soulknife -> Soulbow be able to do anything?

Backup plan? Who Doesn't loot the BBEG after kicking his arse for his awsome sword?

Until your adversary knows to look out for the weapon, they'll be happy to give you a new host as soon as your cohort is done. And then you have your new cohort.

2012-02-04, 04:16 PM
To bring this idea to the next step, what about a whole party of intelligent item PCs?
each would get their own cohort/dominated creature/controlled person/etc
or not, and they would all be equipped by the same (very big and tough) dominated creature. taking turn each, well, turn to see who is dominating it.

this would allow the PCs (items) to get new bodies though out the game, too.

2012-02-04, 04:32 PM
To bring this idea to the next step, what about a whole party of intelligent item PCs?
each would get their own cohort/dominated creature/controlled person/etc
or not, and they would all be equipped by the same (very big and tough) dominated creature. taking turn each, well, turn to see who is dominating it.

this would allow the PCs (items) to get new bodies though out the game, too.

OK, I think I might just try to make this sandbox....

Open for Recruiting (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12660561#post12660561)