View Full Version : Pangea

2012-02-04, 12:38 AM
Magic Missile Wiki (http://magicmissile.wikispot.org/The_Table)
d20 System Reference Document (http://d20srd.org)


When most people hear of Pangea, they immediately thing of little green men and flying saucers. Although Pangea lies far beyond the stars we see at night, the humans look not much different on that distant planet that they do here. That said, people as a whole on that planet are much more diverse. In addition to humans, elves, dwarves, halflings, and other races have settled the lands. But despite Pangea's racial diversity, it's people do not resemble anything to the Rosewell alien or Marvin the Martian. Pagea's lands are all filled with many of the same animals found on Earth as well as some that we have only heard of in stories. Though they are rare, creatures such as unicorns and pixies exists and are said to bring luck to who see them. Civilization on Pangea is pretty similar to what it was on Earth during the medieval era but with one major distinction: magic. Though considered dangerous and even shunned by many, those who dabble in either the arcane or divine arts see magic as the light that will lead Pangea's people out of the Dark Ages. As such it has become an area of intense study for those have have been able to handle it without killing themselves.

Our Party

Thanks to some recent breakthroughs in telescope technology, we have been able to study Pangea's people from Earth. And with the help of an excellent lip reader, we've actually been able to listen as well as watch. In particular, we have received funding to follow a particular group of "adventurers." Among the many other civilizations found on Pangea exists the Nation of Shale. Similar to that of feudal Europe, Shale consists of land divided and ruled by kingdoms. Those born into the noble families are born into near limitless power. Those who are not can only hope serve under a noble directly, as social status is determined by blood rather than merit in most cases. There is a way to gain fame and fortune for those not lucky enough to be born into the high society. Those born as peasants or craftsmen sometimes take to adventuring with the hopes of one day slaying a dragon or at least finding vast treasures. Though most adventuring parties succumb to total party kills, some are able to earn enough fame and power to rival a king.

Thus, our group of adventures decided to make a name for themselves. Taking odd jobs when they could, and making a name for themselves in taverns when they couldn't. Unfortunately, they things aren't quite going their way. Last night (their night not our own) our group made it's nightly round in one one of the local taverns. What started with good intentions quickly turned south, however. After having a few too many to drink, one of the adventures may have let a comment about the Queen's gratuitous behind and the King's poor public speaking skills. While most laughed, some loyalists present in the bar took great offense. A couple of hours later our adventurers found themselves in a jail cell. No one has come to tell them their fate yet, but it could vary from a slap on the wrist to public hangings.


2012-02-05, 07:21 PM
Barric adjusts the brim of his hat so that his eyes are shielded but he still has a clear view of the cell door in case of new arrivals. He's stretched out on the wooden slats of the only cot in the dank room, throwing the lice-ridden reeds that made up the 'mattress' in a heap nearby.

2012-02-06, 04:16 PM
ooc: Go ahead and make a unmodified d20 roll (luck check) to see if Sheela is with Barric or not.

1: Sheela is lost in the city somewhere close by, but not immediately apparent.
2-9: Sheela is outside the jail waiting for you.
10-19: Barric has managed to get Sheela to sneak in using his empathetic link.
20: Sheela has snuck in and also has the keys to Barric's cell.

Feel free to narrate as you like.

2012-02-06, 10:57 PM
Ooc: rolled a 9. Dang.

Through the reeking vent leading to the adjoining sewer, Barric can hear the faint echo of clucks down the drainpipes. He doesn’t know exactly where Sheela has settled to wait out his incarceration this time, but if previous visits to the local constabulary are any indication, she’s probably roosting in the eaves nearby, out of sight, wondering why grain isn’t more plentiful in this city.

Barric begins humming the tune he and his comrades were singing last night at the Pondering Porpoise Tavern, although perhaps wisely he declines to put lyrics to the verse this morning.

2012-02-11, 08:33 PM
"Do you really feel it necessary to make so much noise, Barric?" Elle asks as she shifts to shove her head further between her legs and cover her ears. "My head is killing me."

2012-02-11, 08:36 PM
"I told you not to drink that last pint of mead, wee girl. That advice could have kept us both out of trouble, I suppose. Can you see the priest from you cell, or did he finagle his way out like usual?"

2012-02-11, 09:04 PM
ooc: I shot an e-mail to Patrick to see if he is still interested. Hopefully he'll respond soon. Anyone know if Luke is interested? Busy?

2012-02-11, 09:06 PM
he sent me a text on his phone an hour or so ago saying he had a sheet completed but his power/internet is out at the house.

2012-02-11, 10:43 PM
Kenna should be participating. I talked to him this afternoon and he talked like he was working on a character.

2012-02-12, 12:30 AM
Thanks guys. I heard from Luke and Kenna. We'll just sit tight until their characters spawn in their respective cells.


2012-02-12, 02:32 AM
"Shut it. It 'twas thine humor that found us here," Thorn growled at Elle, the light of arcane energies dancing through his eyes. "I care not to have last eve's melody rendered, Sirreh Ogden." He was still seething with anger at their predicament. Tho he was physically unharmed, his pride was quite wounded.

A combination of ale and merriment had lead Therÿn to drop his guard. It would be some time before he forgave himself, much longer to forgive his compatriots.

2012-02-12, 11:15 AM
"It's not as bad as all that, Thee-orn" The mangling of his companion's name was a good-hearted attempt at correct pronunciation - one which the simple farmer routinely failed at.

"We've been in worse scrapes than this. Worse jails, even. Say, does your cell have a cot too? The wood of mine is rosebriar, quite springy. Better than oak at any rate."

2012-02-12, 12:22 PM
"Their craftsman are not too good, I think. This cot broke."

Aemae is sitting in a meditative pose, smiling while remember the night before.

"Thorn's brady-wine was pretty good, but we drank less of it than we normally drink of beer or mead. I think Gray still won, but I don't really remember."

2012-02-12, 02:51 PM
"Ah, but it was that last pint of mead that won me your 20 gold. I may be small, but I can hold my own," Elle retorted before lurching forward and spewing the prior night's revelry on the cell floor. "Huh, I think I'm beginning to feel a bit better."

Elle stood to her feet, grabbed some straw, and did her best to cover and soak up the mess. "I sure hope they don't plan to make us wait long. You still with us, Gray? I can't see him either."

2012-02-12, 11:20 PM
"Would you guys be quiet? I'm trying to concentrate."

Thorn, Aemae, and Gray see a man on the opposite side working his way through the lock on his cell door.

"I don't know how long you guys plan to spend here, but I'm hoping to get out sooner or later."

2012-02-13, 01:24 AM
"There must be some kind of way out of here..." the Duskblade said to thief.

Thorn ruminated on his talents. Perhaps... No too easy... Yet sitting in the cell was embarrassing enough.

2012-02-13, 09:40 PM
The man stops for a moment to stare back at Thorn. Or at least Thorn's cell.

"There is a way, I have it right in my hands."

He waves his hands, revealing a set of crude lock picking tools. Those who can see shudder to imagine how he managed to conceal them.

"Now if you would if you would only be quiet, I might be able to get out."

2012-02-13, 11:05 PM
Barric sits up on his cot, and tries to keep his face serious.

"Well, son, it seems you have a bit of a pickle. See, my friends and I are in this dungeon because we're too noisy. We made a frightful ruckus last night. So I'd ask that you use your god-given talents there to help us out of these cages, and we'll all be on our way. Quietlike."

ooc: I'm bluffing that I'll call the guards down on us all if he doesn't help us out. I rolled a 5 before mods, for pete's sake. Oh well, I guess I probably will call the guards then.

2012-02-14, 12:23 AM
Opposed sense motive: 3

"Okay okay. Now if you guys would just let me concentrate I'll get you all out as soon as I'm done."

The party leaves the thief to do his work. He spends a couple minutes muttering to himself, repeatedly fumbling with his tools when finally everyone hears the telltale click from the lock. After a brief moment of celebration he quickly begins to work on each of your cell doors. Thankfully the thief manages to free everyone before any guards make their rounds. Unfortunately your equipment was taken to a separate room, thus you set out into the corridors to reclaim your property. While the chance to loot any belongings from the "evidence room" temps the thief, he graciously declines, making it clear that he wants to escape as soon as possible.

As you make your way down the corridors searching for the right room, you happen upon a patrol of guards.

Stealth Check vs DC 10
Barric: 16
Gray: 14
Elle: 7
Thorn: 13 (I assumed 0 modifier)
Aemae: 10

Barric, Gray, Thorn, and Aemae quickly dive out of sight and into a nearby alcove. Elle attempts to join her comrades, however, it seems that the alcove was specifically designed to accommodate four medium creatures. No more no less. Elle scrambles about to find another hiding spot but to no avail. Despite her efforts, she remains no more hidden than the floor she stands on. The guards round the corner, coming face to face with Elle.

"Oh pardon me, Miss. What are you doing in the dungeon?"


Edit: I forgot to mention that everyone has full spells, stunning strikes, etc. per day. Barric, Gray, Thorn, and Aemae are still free to act in a sort of surprise round against the guards.

2012-02-14, 12:54 PM
(Catching up a bit)
Gray stretches upon awakening atop his cot-turned-truckle-bed, the wood having broken off the wall long ago. He seems to be the first one awake, but that's unsurprising, as he drank less then most of the others last night--well, relative to his ability to hold it, anyway. His moderation seems to match many others' overindulgence. He takes the time to pray and prepare appropriate spells for a prison escape, should his companions attempt one or he find out that justice in this town is not just at all. Upon hearing his companions stir and begin their usual banter, he remains silent, watching the occupant of the cell across form him do something uncomfortable-looking with his trousers--or possibly his backside.

Gray blinks at the thief when he reveals his lockpicks and conceals a twinge of sympathetic discomfort. He nods thanks upon being released and follows the others to retrieve his gear. His armor rustles loudly as he tries to move quietly, but he manages to hear the approaching guards and duck into the nearby alcove anyway.

(Prepared spells: 4x Cure Minor Wounds, 1x Cure Light wounds, 2x Command, 1x Cause Fear)

(Okay, caught up.)
Gray summons the power of his god, stepping from the alcove, and his voice takes on a weirding quality as he focuses on one guard and says, "Fall!"

(Casting Command, DM can roll it up since the dice roller's giving me a hard time right now. If successful, the guard should drop prone, I assume next round since this is a surprise round...? At the very least, he can't run away for a round or two, if I understand these things right.)

2012-02-14, 09:56 PM
Hey guys. So I apologize for any forum issues you may have had. I had forgotten how much traffic the OotS forums get every time a new comic comes out. Gray suggested that we migrate over to a different site, Myth-Weavers, which is dedicated to PbP. I took a look at MW and it looks like it offers some pretty neat tools for PbP. I hate to make you guys sign up for another site, but it will be for the better.

Please go to Myth-Weavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/forumhome.php), sign up for an account (again, I apologize for the extra effort), then post your user name in this thread. I created a private game in MW which I can invite you into. I've already migrated most of the posts over, so we can pretend like we had originally started at MW.

Also, I will get to resolving Gray's spell when I get home later tonight.

2012-02-14, 10:06 PM
SamRoswell is Sam Roswell.

2012-02-15, 12:28 AM
Guard 1 will save vs. DC 14 (3 from wis, 1 from spell level): 9

At hearing Gray's commanding voice, one of the guards falls to the ground. He beckons his fellow patrolman to follow suit. His gestures are only met by a confused stare.

2012-02-15, 01:21 PM
Only one problem with Myth-weavers is that the website is blocked by my work, while this one is not. This means that I will be relegated to responding only in the evenings and weekends.

Just thought I'd let you all know.

2012-02-15, 06:53 PM
legal-right is legalright

2012-02-15, 11:16 PM
As the guard falls to the ground and beckons the others to follow suit, Elle backs away and pulls Gray with her.

"Gentlemen I think there is something seriously wrong with your friend there. I've seen that happen before, and it is only the beginning. I'm afraid he is going insane. You should get him to a doctor right away and have yourselves checked out also. It's contagious! Did he complain of hearing voices? That is the first sign... please stay away from me!"

As she mentions the voices, everyone in the rooms begins to hear whispers seeking assistance from the brave, brave guards. "Help me! Please make them stop!"

Bluff: 2+5 = 7
Ghost Sounds: DC 13

2012-02-15, 11:35 PM

2012-02-16, 12:14 AM
LR, I'm not sure I understand completely. If I'm correct, the ghost sound is to enhance the bluff. If so I'd rule the ghost sound gives your bluff check a +2 circumstance bonus (no save needed).

If that's the case, Guard 2's sense motive: 3

A look of pure terror flashes over the guard's face.

"How, how could have this have happened? It's so sudden. Olaf was perfectly fine yesterday. You have to help me get him to a doctor or a temple. Don't worry dear friend, we'll get you to safety."

The second guard bends over to pick up Olaf, ignoring Olaf's protests. Despite his repeated cries that he isn't insane, just that he wants to avoid low hanging objects, he is whisked away in surprisingly heroic fashion. Your party, on the other hand, carefully continues the search for your equipment. After a few more minutes of searching you finally come to a room with your belongings. As an added bonus you manage to scrounge up 100 gold from the property of others.

At this point you guys have to decide whether to forego armor, don hastily (-1 to AC and +1 to armor check penalties) or put on armor properly. The difference would be 4, 1, or 0 minutes spent suiting up.

Edit: I should clarify, this is only important to Thorn and Gary, who wear medium armor. Everyone else can easily just throw on their armor, or don't wear any at all.

2012-02-16, 12:50 AM

Barric feels that now with his assorted goodies returned, there's no reason not to just keep moving. no time spent suiting up.

2012-02-16, 05:13 AM
Still IHititWithMyAxe on MW.

2012-02-16, 08:15 AM
(Oh, hey, it did work! Anyway, just to keep things moving until I get my invite on MW, Gray will hastily don his armor, it's easier to carry that way.)

2012-02-17, 12:37 AM
Thorn casts a quizzical glance at the cleric as he dons his armor hastily. Thorn methodically strapped his leathers, testing each piece.

"Thine armor seems as though it may be ineffective Brother Gray,". Thorn felt that the dedication the cleric showed his God should apply to his tools of war equally.

2012-02-17, 12:48 AM
Thorn casts a quizzical glance at the cleric as he dons his armor hastily. Thorn methodically strapped his leathers, testing each piece.

"Thine armor seems as though it may be ineffective Brother Gray,". Thorn felt that the dedication the cleric showed his God should apply to his tools of war equally.

(thorn takes the time to don his armor)

2012-02-17, 10:32 PM
As soon as Gray and Thorn finish putting their armor, a group of six guards come running down the hall and burst into the equipment room. They approach the party cautiously, drawing their longswords, indicating that they are privy to the break out. One of the guards quickly speaks in an attempt to avoid any unnecessary violence.

"If you put your equipment back down and follow us back to your cells, we won't have to hurt you."

I've rolled initiative, though you can still try diplomacy if you want.
Barric: 9 + 6 = 15
Elle: 14 + 1 = 15
Thorn: 15 + 0 = 15
Gray: 14 + 0 = 14
Aemae: 6 + 1 = 7
Guards: 5 + 1 = 6

Guard 1: Longsword and chain mail
Guard 2: Same
Guard 3: Same
Guard 4: Same
Guard 5: Same
Guard 6: Same

Ken, it would help greatly if you could finish up your character sheet on the wiki and sign up for an account on Myth-Weavers.


2012-02-17, 11:44 PM

ooc: so if we want to try and bluff our way out of this mess, I can burn my initiative doing it. I think I have the best bluff/cha combo. or we can start some trouble. But I figure my character would be a bit adverse to actually killing guards for doing their job in arresting him - even if it was for a speech crime.

2012-02-19, 03:11 PM

ooc: How does the world of Pangea feel about sorcery and arcane? I can also help out with bluff as I have a little bit of a bonus there if need be. Sorry for being MIA, been working 12 hour days in wonderful Altus Oklahoma where the internet seems to be more myth and rumor than reality. I ran home to Tulsa for Presidents day so I'll wrap up my character sheet before the morrow. Additionally, I haven't been able to find our game on MW.

2012-02-19, 03:13 PM

Why the devil do I keep double posting?

2012-02-19, 08:37 PM

ooc:...I ran home to Tulsa for Presidents day so I'll wrap up my character sheet before the morrow...

Don't forget to change the gnome stuff and history/background from your "template" :smallamused:

2012-02-19, 09:06 PM
Please don't mess with it. I'm making changes but making sure they're correct. I'll be done with it sometime before midnight tonight.

2012-02-20, 02:04 AM
TheKennanator is kennanator on mw