View Full Version : [3.5] Yuan-ti PC

2012-02-04, 12:47 PM
What would be a good class for a yuan-ti pureblood PC?

- Assume ECL 7+ (so starting with one class level)
- Stats rolled: 16, 14, 13, 11, 10, 8
- Psionic yuan-ti pureblood variant (XPH p218: spell-like abilities and detect poison replaced by psi-like abilities: at will - detect hostile intent, psionic charm, psionic daze; 1/day - aversion, concealing amorpha, darkness, entangling ectoplasm; ML 3rd)
- Sourcebooks allowed: PHB, DMG, MM, XPH, ECS

We have a relatively low-op party (healbot cleric, paladin, bufficer), so please don't tell me that LA sucks or that the allowed sourcebooks are too restrictive.

2012-02-04, 12:57 PM
With those book and optimization restrictions, you really don't need to ask the forum. It would be more appropriate and efficient for you to just look through your options and pick something that sounds fun like you seem to be implying the rest of the group is doing.

That said, you could qualify for Assassin after only one level of Rogue, which is not a bad choice given your source list.

2012-02-04, 12:59 PM
Right. The basic problem here is the lack of HP, because you only have one HD. As such, you're going to need to stay out of combat, and optimise a bit if you want to keep up, by sheer hit dice cound.
You're best advantage at that point is WBL - because BAB is going to suck, you're not going to be able to make archery work, and spells are going to be nearly unusable at that large a level gap.
Thus, I would normally suggest going artificer, and using scrolls to keep up for a while, but you already have one of them, so instead maybe consider going something like...
Hm. On second thoughts, just go artificer. Anything else will be, and no exaduration here, unplayable. Artificer will be close to that, but better.

2012-02-04, 01:12 PM
With those book and optimization restrictions, you really don't need to ask the forum. It would be more appropriate and efficient for you to just look through your options and pick something that sounds fun like you seem to be implying the rest of the group is doing.
That's why I intentionally 'gimped' myself by taking a monster race. I just want to prevent gimping myself too much and becoming dead weight.

That said, you could qualify for Assassin after only one level of Rogue, which is not a bad choice given your source list.
Move silently isn't a class skill for yuan-ti purebloods.
Good call though! I totally forgot about prestige classes.
Nevermind, that's what the one rogue level is for. So thank you for the suggestion. :smallsmile:

Right. The basic problem here is the lack of HP, because you only have one HD.
:smallconfused: Yuan-ti purebloods have four monstrous humanoid HD...

2012-02-04, 01:28 PM
Building off the Assassin suggestion - there is a Psionic Assassin variant in Secrets of Sarlona that learns powers instead of spells. Or you could go for Psychic Rogue instead of regular Rogue, and possibly get into Psychic Assassin. (Note: I haven't looked too closely at this option for legality purposes.)

2012-02-04, 09:02 PM
Ninja, especially the Pathfinder version (see www.d20pfsrd.com), is especially tasty, I think.
Poison Use (and you're a snake, so...theeeere ya go), skills/abilities based on Dex and Cha (and Int for skill points), darkvision for sneaking, a bit o' natural armor, and a handful of handy spells.
Add a bit of variant ranger (favored class) for tracking and a bonus feat.
Codename: The Viper.

Edit: Right. Sources allowed. Ma bad. Still, tho...The Viper.