View Full Version : [3.PF] Illumian Archivist Archer assistance

2012-02-04, 06:15 PM
I'm working on an Illumian (Uurkrau) Archivist Archer character for Paizo's Curse of the Crimson Throne adventure path (so no spoilers please). I'm having some trouble with it though. I wanted to go Archivist rather than Cleric because it would give me access to so many tasty archery spells, and because it'd be something different. The trouble I'm having with it, however, is Archery being as feat intensive as it is, and the feat requirements for DMM: Persist, I'm not sure how I can make this character work from level two on upwards.

So, I'm looking for suggestions and assistance on this. I have a Pathfinder 28 point buy (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/ability-scores), no flaws, no templates, a +2 racial stat bonus from Illumian (as the other Pathfinder demi-humans), 1000 GP, two traits (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits), and am starting at level two. Additionally, we're allowed any official 3.5/Pathfinder source, but the DM is a bit iffy with Dragon material. With those resources, I'm looking to create a character that can deal damage at range, with a bow, crossbow, or gun, buff the party, and cover the knowledge skills.

Given the Archivist's weapon proficiencies, I figure I'll need to dip into a Martial Weapon granting class - preferably one which would grant me a feat. That leads me to look at Targetteer or Hit-and-Run Fighter for a level, and then Archivist, at least initially.

I also will likely need a class which grants Turn Undead in order to DMM: Persist my buffs, which looks like Knight of the Raven or Sacred Exorcist. But if there's a less feat intensive method, and one that wouldn't require me to bump Charisma (and thereby increasing my MAD), I'd love to hear it. Or if there's another way, that wouldn't be horribly inefficient use of my spells and actions, to make sure I've got my buffs up for combat, I'd appreciate being pointed to it.

Is there a better option than Fighter 1/Archivist 1 to start off? And after that, what do I do? What feats need I prioritize? What equipment do I need to have from my 1000 GP to start off with?

Thanks Playground.

2012-09-19, 03:48 PM
Storm Hunter is mandatory, trait-wise. Consider any "+2 Init", "+1CL to one spell (Hunter's Mercy)", or "-1 metamagic level adjustment to one spell" trait.

Archivist 1 / Targeteer Fighter 1 sounds fine; take Composite Greatbow for your ranged exotic proficiency (the other one can be whatever; Siege Crossbow is amusing if unlikely to see use; Elven Double Bow has some uses with Manyshot/GMS shenanigans). If going UurKrau, get the Dex-to-dmg option; otherwise the Rapid-Shot-but-not-and-stacks or just the bonus feat.

You have two options for sigils, NaenHoon (2/day DMM, saves a feat if you won't need 3+ Persists) and UurKrau (base bonus spells/day off Dex).

Sacred Exorcist and (Cloistered) Cleric dip are both good for Turning. Nightsticks and the Planning and Undeath domains are your friends.

Get scrolls of lots of ranger spells to learn as you level up, or at least all the level 1 ones you want to start knowing. (Arrow Mind, Guided Shot, Hawkeye, Hunter's Mercy, Raptor's Sight, Sniper's Shot, Woodwisp Arrow.)

Get Point-Blank Shot as your starting feat. It's worthless, but it's the prereq for every other archery feat ever for some reason.