View Full Version : [PF] Ninja Death Squad?

2012-02-05, 05:50 AM
Hey all, I need a little help. I'm about to run a level 6 party through a Warlords castle situated in a jungle. The castle in question is a Edo period style castle owned by a Shogun styled bad guy, but I'm having a few problems with the traps and the main henchman.
So firstly what sort of devious traps should fill this nasty fortress?
The second is the ninja henchman I'm planning, a team of five shinobi protecting the evil lord. However the problem comes in making five ninja with different styles and abilities, to make sure they're not five guys all dressed the same. So, open to all suggestions.

2012-02-05, 06:05 AM
You can go the "Power Ranger" style.

One throws bombs, one uses stealth and a sword, another uses lots of shurikens, another is a arcane trickster multiclass, and the last one uses lots of combat maneuvers.

And ALL of thier weapons are poisoned and dripping with different elements:

Bomber; Fire

Stealth: Acid

Mage: Cold

Shrikens: Sonic

Combatant: Electricity.

Stone Heart
2012-02-05, 06:55 AM
Heh, I actually was gonna suggest something like a power ranger idea too.

A ninja ninja'd me in a topic about ninjas. Ninception.

Edit: Another idea is to use different classes and just fluff them as ninjas, that way they can be more different, or even try using rogue archetypes.

2012-02-05, 08:14 AM
Hmmm, the power ranger idea does sound good. And looking over it maybe something like this:

Red Ninja: Leader/Ninja 7 - Combat and Stealth
Blue Ninja: Alchemist 3/Ninja 3- Bombs
Black Ninja: Ninja 2/Monk 3 (for combat manoeuvres)
Yellow Ninja: Ninja 4 - Shuriken focus
Pink Ninja: Ninja 1/Sorc 5 - Magic

Coloured headbands will just freak out half my players straight away :D

2012-02-05, 11:57 AM
Hmmm, the power ranger idea does sound good. And looking over it maybe something like this:

Red Ninja: Leader/Ninja 7 - Combat and Stealth
Blue Ninja: Alchemist 3/Ninja 3- Bombs
Black Ninja: Ninja 2/Monk 3 (for combat manoeuvres)
Yellow Ninja: Ninja 4 - Shuriken focus
Pink Ninja: Ninja 1/Sorc 5 - Magic

Coloured headbands will just freak out half my players straight away :D

So is the Shogun/Boss guy going to be the Green/White one?
Is he going to almost be defeated and then super-enlarge-person himself so he's 100ft. tall?
Will .......

2012-02-05, 11:58 AM
I suggest not to have headbands. Also, try watching the Samurai Jack episode with this stuff. As an added bonus have them leap out of baskets.

2012-02-05, 12:06 PM
And make sure the Black Ninja is a dark elf and the Yellow Ninja is a... asian elf.

2012-02-05, 12:38 PM
*after a little pondering*
Just when our heroes have defeated the GreenWhite-Armor clad Shogun, a "mysterious female wizard" (whose lips don't match her words), steps in and casts "FORM OF DRAGON(ZORD) (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/form-of-the-dragon-i)" causing the GreenWhite Shogun to dramatically increase in size, and appear as a large metal Dragon.

2012-02-05, 03:24 PM
Ninjas you say? I suggest you take a look at this (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=2823.0) in all it's glory :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-05, 04:09 PM
PF ninja is just a variant rouge.

2012-02-06, 04:11 AM
The lord has already been established wearing white so far...it all makes sense.

2012-02-06, 07:06 AM
Have the lord be a shapeshifter.

Have him morph into some kind of twisted aberration combination of the previous guys (AKA dragon zord)