View Full Version : Brand new gaming blog

2012-02-05, 09:13 AM
Unless I misunderstood the rules somehow, this is the right place to post this...

So, hello, some of you might or might not recognize me, but I've been fairly active on these boards for one-and-a-half years now. I've created and posted the occasional homebrew, asked and answered questions, shared stories and participated in discussions. Now I've finally decided to try and run a blog.

The blog will contain general discussion and notes about gaming (especially D&D), homebrew and perhaps campaign journals, but also other things I find interesting and worth sharing. The main focus will be on sharing my self-created content through a dedicated medium.

The blog is somewhat unimaginatively called Silver's Grove, in the lack of a less cheesy name. Feel free to check it out at http://silvergaming.tumblr.com/! Comments and feedback will be appreciated, whether posted here or there.

I was also wondering whether some other site would be better suited for this kind of blog, any thoughts?

2012-02-05, 11:54 PM
You might wanna try a lighter background color. It's kinda hard to read the gray text.

2012-02-06, 12:10 AM
Living in Finland, eh? Cool. I've a little Finn in me. Actually related to Kyosti Kallio. The blog seems cool. I have a tumblr... but it confuses me. I prefer sites such as this.

2012-02-06, 04:42 AM
You might wanna try a lighter background color. It's kinda hard to read the gray text.
I know, sorry, the problem with Tumblr is that the themes either aren't very customizable or look kind of crummy. I wish I knew HTML, so that I could customize a nice theme or make a customizable theme nice...

Thanks for the positive feedback, though! Remember to visit it later, when I've gotten up to speed.