View Full Version : [DH:A]And Once More Shall the Gods of Man Walk Among their People #1.1

Emperor Ing
2012-02-05, 01:35 PM
Because Morganatic is MIA, I will be assuming direct control as GM of this game until such a time that someone, preferably Morganatic, can take the reins.

Old Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223439&page=3)

OOC Thread

The Emperor's Companion watches the conversation. His expression impossible to read behind the baleful brass mask of the conic helmet without empathic powers.

I must warn you that should you choose to call upon Grand Master Azrael or Great Wolf Logan Grimnar, you are on your own. They don't know me, and even I cannot call a favor from a Chapter Master of an Adeptus Astartes chapter on a whim.

As I have said before, keep your options open. Do you have any further questions, or shall we part ways?

The Archmagos' silicon-neural pathways are brimming with questions. Requests to the cache of knowledge sitting just behind the Custodian, other forms of "forbidden" knowledge kept secret from Mankind by The Emperor, but these are lines of inquiry best asked after all is said and done.

Magos Levan Arkinger will be around as a DMPC unfortunately, however i'll try my best to keep him out of the PC's way as possible. He's still statted and can still do stuff as normal, so it's not like he'll outshine the PCs as DMPCs usually do. At least, not any more than he would have if he were just a regular PC. I'll try to keep him on like...the ship or something, but if you want him to be in the party, feel free to ask IC.

2012-02-05, 02:28 PM

The assassin nods soundlessly as he paces slowly around the back of the room. Listening to the Custode's words. He looks back to the Inquisitors waiting to see what they will say.

As he waits he sidles over the closes thing he has to a peer in the room. Lady killer, will you stand ready for the coming conflict. It has been many months since I have worked in tandem with a Temple Trained colleague not of my own Temple.

I found the old OOC thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=223441) if you want to still use that as has all the old PCS on it

2012-02-06, 06:52 AM
"I believe that we must show patience, comrades.

Our first actions should be entirely clandestine tasks of research. We should access all historical records possible on individuals of note, such as the Primarchs and others of interest and prophecy, such as Cypher.

Doing so will not attract any attention, and will ensure that we are armed with knowledge for any coming battles. I assume that the good Custodian has libraries of information that we could peruse away from prying eyes. Myself and Sister Marachena also have access to many tomes that would draw few questions.

Second, we should see about quietly investigating any leads found during our research. Every effort should be made to keep this secret, so as to prevent our being stopped by hostile elements.

From that point, we should then establish a power base; allies, friends, supplies and similar. We need the Imperium to support our endeavours, lest the Emperor return to find his realm shattered by our own recklessness.

At this point, we should be able to develop a plan for the Resurrection, should it even be possible."

Inquisitor Atticus seems focused and determined, and although his body language seems to indicate that he is willing to accept criticism, or an alternative plan, he seems dead-set on this course of action.

2012-02-06, 08:38 PM

Kylissa simply nodded to the V556's question, her eyes on Atticus for now. Speaking in a low voice, pitched for her fellow assassin's ears, "Aye. May my blade mark a velvet path to the those who stand in the way of our Lord Emperor's return. In the past, I have found product's of Temple's programs as deadly as one would expect."

Invisible was the internal smile as she finished the thought. ... even if one's expectations leave something to be desired ...

Darn those little inter-agency biases! Still, Kylissa will be probably find more in common with V, than anyone! As for the continuation of politiking, I think K is pretty much done, except for listening. She's not exactly what you'd call a social butterfly ....

Emperor Ing
2012-02-06, 10:49 PM
Your caution and wisdom do you credit, Lucien Atticus of the Ordo Malleus. Though it is among my deepest regrets to remind you that the time for patience is dead. It is my estimation that we have a maximum of three years before the Warmaster makes an attempt for the Cadian Gate, God willing.

Behind me is a collection of tomes hand-picked by my brothers and I detailing the Primarchs and the legends surrounding their existence. He steps to the side, jesturing with his las-halberd guardian staff at the large pile of books that threatens to crush the metal table under its sheer mass. I am afraid it is not nearly as complete as you might like, however our time is limited, and knowledge is power. We cannot risk what you could learn falling into the wrong hands.

You hear an incoherent, yet clearly angry chatter coming from a micro-bead within the Custodian's helmet.
Yes, the Lord Castellan is a very insistent man. If you have any final questions, please ask them now. Else now is our time to part ways.

2012-02-07, 10:30 AM
Lucien Atticus strokes his chin, realising a potential opportunity, if a risky one.

"We know that the Archenemy's forces will attack in approximately three years. Hmm...

If we can prove this, which I'm sure you can, we could attempt to call a Crusade of grand proportions unto the Cadian Gate. With that, it will bring certain individuals, Adeptus Astartes Chapters and similar which we will need access to, to our very location.

Now, if we could quietly, and meticulously prove this without doubt, we could call the majority of Imperial forces from the galactic East to the Cadian Gate, and let the xenos Tau and Tyranids fight amongst themselves. Perhaps offer the Tau the sectors that they are currently fighting for, with the condition that they stave off the Tyranids, with a promise not to punish them in the future. I know this is distasteful, but it may be necessary.

If we can organise a delay of the forces of Abaddon the Despoiler for long enough, we can go about succeeding in carrying out our mandate from Terra. When He arises from the Golden Throne, we can easily crush Abaddon and his Black Crusade, and then defeat any xeno, heretic and daemon that dares to try its hand against humanity.

Basically, I am suggesting we do two things simultaneously. One; we openly and militantly see about fortifying the Cadian Gate, making friends and allies where and when we can, buying ourselves as much time as is possible. Two; we conduct research diligently and clandestinely.

If possible, we must get the assistance of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica, so that we can operate in various locations at once.

We should get acting immediately, so if anyone had any opposition or alternative ideas, please speak now."

2012-02-07, 10:38 AM
Seeing that the group has mostly settled on its course of action, Drake turns to the Custodes and asks, "My Lord, is there aught that the power of your office can provide us with in the way of logistics in this mission? While I'm sure that the Inquisitor has his own channels, every bit will make our success more likely."

2012-02-07, 12:06 PM

As Kylissa whispered to V556, she paused as the Custodian spoke. One hand dropped casually to her hip as she digested what the man said. She listened to Atticus' response, but her eyes remained on the Custodian. As the Inquisitor asked for questions, she spoke quietly.

"Beware the public massing of forces; such actions, while seemingly required for the defense of the Gate, could leave the Emperor relatively vulnerable. News of a coming assault could be a ploy by the Great Deceivers, intent on allowing us to marshall out forces here for their own purposes."

Once she finished, she leaned over to the Vindicare, whispering, "Caution ... what manner of Custodian uses the phrase, 'God willing?'"

I don't know if that was a slip or a clue, but I thought religion was viewed as superstitious mythology ... if I misunderstood, I'll go back and edit.

2012-02-07, 01:42 PM

THe vindicare listens to the arguements and nods his had at the suggestions of research and beginning to summon forces to a crusade. It seems prudent.

At the other assassin's words he leans into her and whispers back... "I do not Sister. But I shall watch him carefully. Something about this does not ring true- maybe the interpretations of the Emperor's words have brought us here to root out blackness from within.... he pauses, a hand stroking the hilt of the pistol slung at his waist "For either of us I doubt it would be the first time."

Then looking at the others he'll ask the two Inquisitors, "Where best shall those of the Temples be deployed. I have doubts that myself or my Temple Sister... he motions to the other assassin... "Would be useful in research, our skills are more proactive in nature".

2012-02-07, 01:44 PM
"I would suggest espionage and retrieving information that is closely guarded by others," offers the Malleus Inquisitor, "however, being secretive organisations, you will likely know more of your capabilities than I."

Emperor Ing
2012-02-09, 12:54 PM
Yes yes, though there is something I have to know. The Tech Magos speaks to Atticus How long do you think it will take to travel the void to these Chapter Masters, Lord Admirals, or even any sort of these individuals' higher subordinates to convince these Adeptus Astartes chapters, Battlefleets, or Imperial Guard regiments to reinforce Cadia? Is it erroneous to assume your plan is to defeat Warmaster Abaddon, then use the centuries between the 14th and 15th Black Crusade to search for the Primarchs?

2012-02-09, 02:00 PM
"We travel to the strongest Astropathic Choir we can find, with the support of as many of our allies we can muster, and we have them send the messages we need to have sent."

Emperor Ing
2012-02-10, 06:53 PM
However extensive my knowledge may be, my knowledgeable connections to the Adeptus Astra Telepathica are limited. Do you have such a choir in mind?

2012-02-11, 06:33 AM
"I have an idea of where we can go, yes," states the Inquisitor, quite obviously.

He either plans to use a nearby choir, or pull strings with his contacts.

Lore Mastery TN 81 [roll0]

Thorian contacts may make this significantly easier (See sheet's contacts section)

2012-02-12, 06:35 AM

The assassin shrugs soundlessly. Not knowing where any Astropathican choirs are located. "It would seem a alogical frist step."

As to the disposition of himself and Kylissa he nods agreeing with the suggestions of stealth and silent death. It is what he does.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-13, 01:50 PM
((I just realized I changed Magos Arkinger's text color. Oh well. If it's hard to read I can change it back.))

Hmbzt. Adapt your plans to accomodate the non-existance of such Choirs. Do not allow yourself to be dependent upon the fickle will of others.

Now then, Lord Esdras, you said the Omnissiah had a plan to scourge the impurities of their souls just as effectively as his more human half sought to do with flesh and blood.
The Magos quotes Houstoun, mimicing his voice with uncanny accuracy. I am going to inquire as to the source of knowledge regarding Our Lord Who Transcends Flesh that leads you to your conclusion.

I don't have time for theological discussions I am afraid. Should our paths cross again under less urgent circumstances I could explain the facticious nature of the Cult Mechanicus in the grand scheme of The Emperor, beloved by all. There is an incomprehensible angry squawking again.
To wrap this up, remember this. The Bell of Lost Souls tolls for those lost when The Emperor, beloved by all, shut off the Astronomicon. You know what is at stake, and I know that the Great Enemy is wise on our plans. Do whatever you need to do to bring about the greatest daemonhost.

I am not one for speeches, but I felt it needed to be done. It sounds like you are moving towards reinforcing the Cadian system against the 14th Black Crusade's second wave. An idea which I am warming up to, as it takes centuries for the Warmaster to marshall a new Black Crusade. Giving you time to search for the Primarchs. I must lend you in on a secret: The Imperium is dying. It is civilization that has devoted innumerable resources to fighting against its own death throes. Even if the Warmaster does nothing to continue the 14th Black Crusade, the Imperium has only centuries before it is ripped asunder.

I will keep a mighty astropath in my company in case you further require my assistance. Take the literature I have provided on the table behind me at your leisure. Until then, I must depart. He makes the last remark as the billowing cape marks his exit out of the room.

((If I missed something, and I probably did, lemme know and I will ret-con it into this post.))

2012-02-13, 02:23 PM

Standing there, the Moritat simply watched as the Custodian departed and two of the chosen started to review the various books and scrolls on the table. At this point, it seemed there was little to do, since espionage and extraction without a target was not a mission, just a concept.

Moving slowly to one of the view ports, she gazed down on the remains of Cadia, wondering at the scope and potential span of upcoming events. Could this take centuries? Would the galaxy be engulfed by another Black Crusade by the time they had progressed far enough along to ressurect the Emperor? How many of those in this room would still be alive?

And what was her role to be in all this? Simply carving a swath through those that would oppose them, or something more ... substantial? Only time would tell.

Turning back to the rest of the group, she spoke softly. "Where do you recommend we start our investigation? Data retrieval is a delicate task, but one is performed best with advanced preparation."

Emperor Ing
2012-02-13, 04:05 PM
((Just to clear things up The Astronomicon is STILL TURNED ON. Houstoun meant to say that people died during those brief moments when it was off.))

2012-02-14, 06:24 AM
"We should first peruse the documents at our disposal," states the Inquisitor, nodding to Sister Marachena, indicating that she should get started with their research.

"It is also important that we maintain secure communications. We need Astropaths, Astropath Transcendants if at all possible, or Primaris Psykers with telepathic talents.

I would recommend that I use my contacts within the Imperial Navy, specifically the Battlefleet Calixis, in order to gain access to Astropathic Choirs.

I believe that the good Inquisitor Malva and I can possibly pull strings with our contacts and Acolytes, too..."

He turns to Cassandra, asking her a direct question,

"Do you have Acolytes with psychic talents? Preferably Astropaths? Or do you have friends within the Inquisition that can assist us?"

Had to edit my sheet a bit, had made errors previously. Didn't realise you can only have one rival and one enemy. Turns out, I get more XP this way.

When I wrote the character, I also didn't realise that the Battlefleet Koronus isn't a fleet, but an arm of the Battlefleet Calixis, so I think my contacts may apply to that whole fleet? According to the Ascension book, this is the case.

2012-02-15, 02:52 PM

The vindicare mutely shakes his head at the requests for contacts with psykers. The assassin did not like those strange beings, the null rod at his belt a tool to help remove them and their ilk.

Joining the moritat at the window he gazed down at the broken and fire ridden world beneath. "Even creatures of our skill would not have prevailed down there" a silent whisper to the fellow assassin. "I hope in this endavour the single bullet or the lone knife thrust may help prevail and save what can be saved."

2012-02-15, 10:43 PM

The Reaper shifted slightly as the Vindicare approached her. While subtle, it kept the man in her peripheral vision while giving her arms space to draw any number of weapons she might have. It wasn't the first time she had done so, but was more obvious to her fellow assassin that it might be to others - hell, it was probably the same way he reacted to anyone getting close. Old habits die hard, but hard habits often died old ...

Nodding to the man's words, she glanced back at the Inquisitor's at the table. "Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, but I find more comfort in the weight of a balanced blade than the feel of a full inkwell." Looking back to the shattered world, her eyes grew distant for a moment. "Unfortunately, the nature of our foes is similar to that of the mythical hydra. I do not think there is a single thrust that could end this conflict ... unless it is the adversary's blade into the heart of the Emperor.

Before this is done, I think we shall bathe in a river of blood ..."

As Kylissa grew silent, her last words seemed to radiant a certain ... anticipation?

Nothing dastardly here; just perspective and some flavor for the Moritat Reaper.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-17, 05:12 PM
In an almost humorous display, the Magos is seen carrying a large heap of books. A lot in his arms, several amongst the dozens of clawed optical mechadentrites, and even more balanced on top of his servo-claw which has books balanced on top of them as well.

It is relative. If we are to marshal forces to fight Abaddon, we would be wasting precious time in research. If we are to rouse The Emperor to join in the defense of Cadia personally...either way, we should get moving to your ships. At least one of you must have an astropath at your beck and call, correct? I say we have spent too much time dithering already. If lines of communication must be established then a rendevous with the Battlefleet Calixis must be achieved as soon as possible.

2012-02-18, 06:41 AM
In an almost humorous display, the Magos is seen carrying a large heap of books. A lot in his arms, several amongst the dozens of clawed optical mechadentrites, and even more balanced on top of his servo-claw which has books balanced on top of them as well.

It is relative. If we are to marshal forces to fight Abaddon, we would be wasting precious time in research. If we are to rouse The Emperor to join in the defense of Cadia personally...either way, we should get moving to your ships. At least one of you must have an astropath at your beck and call, correct? I say we have spent too much time dithering already. If lines of communication must be established then a rendevous with the Battlefleet Calixis must be achieved as soon as possible.

Atticus responds delicately, but with purpose.

"We can do both, learned Magos. Sister Marachena, for instance, would be wasting her time on the battlefield when we have a Temple Assassin available. If I must rendezvous with the Battlefleet, I may be spending weeks in transit, weeks that could be spent reading.

An economical use of our time and resources can ensure that we will manage both. There shall be no rest for the virtuous.

Regarding Astropaths, yes, of course, both vessels under my command have the presence of an Astropath.

I plan on informing the Admiralty of the Battlefleet Calixis that we shall be returning shortly. I will be requesting the assistance of the entirety of Passage Watch 27-Est, the so-called 'Battlefleet Koronus' in which I once served.

I believe they will acquiesce to my request, considering my past service. I will attempt to make them more inclined to assist, should it be necessary, by striking at their enemies in the Expanse, and allowing for vessels to be spared. I will, simultaneously, attempt to convince my fellows in the Inquisition to redirect the fictitious Margin Crusade from the Jericho Reach to the Cadian Gate.

I will operate as quickly as is possible, Terra willing.

Now, however, I wish to meet with Lord Creed."

2012-02-18, 08:17 AM

At mention of the Inquisitor requistioning an entire battlefleet the assassin's face twists into the rarest of things, a smile. "A mighty Lord amongst the inquisition he must be indeed to outrank the Segmentumn Admirals". The whispered words quiet enough for only Kaylissa at the porthole beside him to hear.

Clearing his throat above the near silent whipser he will ask Atticus, "Where in the expanse do you intend to stike Inquisitor? It may be that those of us with less offical contacts may be best put to use in that regard".

2012-02-21, 08:34 AM
"I intend to strike at heretical Chaos pirates operating in the region, with a lightning strike, so that vessels can be spared for use elsewhere...

It won't be a permanent solution, but it will buy time for ships to be spared for our vital mission.

..and yes...yes... that is a fantastic idea. I agree. We will devise a plan en route.

Our first point of call, however, should be the Tricorn Palace, on Scintilla, so that I can have a quiet word with some of my more sympathetic Inquisitorial allies. Several Inquisitors, myself included, could see the false Margin Crusade redirected from the Jericho Reach to Cadia.

Of course, this will lose various planets to the Tau, most likely, in the Reach, if we play this correctly. This is terrible, but a much lesser evil than allowing the Cadian Gate to fall.

If we operate quickly, we could have a whole crusade army, with support from the Battlefleet Calixis, holding the line at Cadia. This will be the perfect force for our Lord Emperor to lead the Second Great Crusade, too."

Emperor Ing
2012-02-21, 12:09 PM
The Tau are not to be trifled with. The Magos warns, floating through the Fortress back to the ships. Omnissiah preserve us if you don't know what you are doing.

((Should I fast forward to the warp jump?))

Emperor Ing
2012-02-23, 03:11 AM
((And since there's no objections...))

The scattered remnants of one of the greatest assemblies of martial forces in the entire galaxy remains as it was when Abaddon the Despoiler lost the Planet Killer. The gravity well of the same world where Lorgar Aurelian was first converted to Chaos Undivided did more to the mighty flagship of the Warmaster than any Imperial battlecruser was ever able to inflict after centuries of seemingly unending battle. The sacrifice of an entire world may have saved the Imperium, as the loss of one of the remaining Blackstone Fortresses as well as such a mighty voidship will do much to blunt the advance of the second wave of the 14th Black Crusade. Or will it be the 15th?

That is for the historians to decide. What happens now, and what will happen in these next short years will decide not only the fate of the eons-old Imperium of Man, but will shake the status-quo of the galaxy down to its foundations. This may be the Warmaster's last Black Crusade, for either the forces of Chaos will be utterly destroyed, or the Cadian Gate will be lost, and Chaos will destroy the Imperium from without as its poxes fester and rot the Imperium from the inside.

Standing in front of the viewing window of the Gethsemane, the group of The Emperor's hand-picked watch the spectacular display of Imperial fabricatum.
One minute until Warp Jump.
Commodore Sarah Finch echoes over the vox. Although she is a mere feet from the assembly, her voice still rings through the wall-mounted vox casters.
Almost on cue, vines of energy crawl just off of the hull of the Gethsemane as its void shields are culled into compliance with the Enginseers' prayers, shimmering a brilliant blue that fades into nigh-invisibility.
Thirty seconds to Warp Jump.
The Commodore's voice calls a brilliant weapon of Mechanicum artifice to be fired from arcane weapons mounted within the ship. These weapons were never meant to rip the hulls of voidships. Rather, its targets are the very fabric of space and time itself. The lance of energy terminates in a rippling hole in reality, creating a splash along the void like throwing a stone in a pond. In its center is a screaming vortex of eldrich energy. A similar phenomenon can be seen at the Sirius.
Fifteen seconds to Warp Jump.
On cue, a new shimmer heralds the machine spirits of the Gellar Field being brought to life as the vortex seems to grow in size.
The field dims, hiding almost invisibly within the void shields. Or prehaps it's the other way around?
The maw lurks ever closer.
A crew member on the bridge sneezes.
Fingers of eldrich energy arc out from the Warp.
Already they are testing the Gellar Field. The energy battering itself against the protections of the Mechanicum.
The great maw of the Warp is already consuming the prow of the vessel.
The hands of the Beast cannot crush it, the mouth is forbidden from chewing. The only recourse is to pull the cruiser in, and swallow it whole.
The awesome eldrich energies of the Warp are visible. Screened through the Gellar Field, what would normally cause the destruction of one's very soul by simply glancing may be gazed upon with no repurcussions.
...unless you are unprepared.
The last second serves no other purpose than to bring about the swallowing whole of the Gethsemane by the Warp itself as the Cruiser's warp drives become active, and the raw energies test themselves against the Fields as though a great fire of not only hues, but of emotion, dreams, failings, and thought. To describe it is to describe the color purple to a blind man.
Warp Jump initiated. Estimated time of Arrival to the Golgenna Reach: 3 weeks.
Only if the warp is looking favorably upon this journey.

2012-02-23, 08:13 AM
"Let's get to work," states Atticus flatly, as he peruses the various tomes left to him by the Custodian, as well as going through various texts written by Thorian Inquisitors, attempting to corroborate and double-check the Custodian's suggestions and plans.

After all, he is still not trusting the so-called Adeptus Custodes, yet, even with visions from the Emperor. His duty to the Emepror was not one of meek trust, after all. To accept anything as truth without rigorous fact-checking would be a betrayal of the Emperor's trust.

With that, he sets about reading to fact-find, indicating that the others with similar talents, such as Magos Arkinger, and Sister Marachena, should do the same, although he doesn't make the mistake of ordering anyone around.

Occasionally, he will stop, to speak to those less talented in research, specifically the two assassins.

"There will be need of your specific talents upon reaching the Tricorn Palace. There will be Inquisitors, specifically those following the Amalathian philosophy, who will be afraid of the possibility of positive change. They will need to be convinced of our position, or possibly removed from the equation entirely.

I can provide a list of individuals in the Inquisition and Ecclesiarchy that we will want to be watching, in case we need to have them terminated."

Scholastic Mastery check TN 81, perhaps with bonus for available texts, used for research

Forbidden Lore Mastery check TN 81, perhaps with bonuses for Rival: Amalathians, as well as contact with Thorians and Inquisitorial position. This is to reveal potentially hostile Inquisitors that we'll want to eliminate.

2012-02-23, 03:43 PM

The assassin watches the approach of warp space with a grim expression. Hand resting on the hilt of the null rod as if the small rod would protect him from the oncoming warp.

He did not like the warp, the unknown and the daemons. He preferred them in real space. Preferably down the barrel of his exitus rifle.

As the Inquisitor speaks about the rival Inquisitors the assassin nods happily. Cheerful- if that word can be used- about a the chance for inter-organisational politics. "It shall be as you say Inquisitor. A list of targets and any known salient facts about them will suffice. I will confer with Kaylissa and we shall formulate some contingency plans for dealing with any osbtacles to our plans."

THat said he'll lean back against the bulkheads watching out into the twisting multi-hued chaos of the Immaterium. Training would come later, but the voyage would be 3 weeks, plenty of time to keep his skills perfected. Possibly he would train with the other assassin. THe Moritat may have a different school of thought but other methods of killing would still result in a dead target.

2012-02-23, 10:25 PM
"Lord Atticus, Have you seen this." Sister-sage Marachena hands Atticus a time, indicating a passage.

Scolastic lore [roll0] vs 101 to help Atticus

Sorry for being AWOL, didn't see the relaunch of the game.

2012-02-24, 03:28 AM
"Lord Atticus, Have you seen this." Sister-sage Marachena hands Atticus a time, indicating a passage.

Scolastic lore [roll0] vs 101 to help Atticus

Sorry for being AWOL, didn't see the relaunch of the game.

"No, Sister. Good work.

Have you any thoughts on potentially problematic Inquisitors, or problematic persons involved with the so-called Margin Crusade? I feel the Amalathian wing of the Tricorn Palace may not be terribly enthused about what may soon happen."

The Inquisitor seems happy to let the others do as they wish, acting as something of a facilitator if required. The Emperor chose them for a reason, after all.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-24, 01:12 PM
@rb780mn & Bluntpencil
The excerpt the Sister-Sage is referring to is a piece by a suspiciously unnamed remembrancer following the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade who, in summary, is citing the unusual vulnerability of the homeworld of the Thousand Sons and how the entire world was not only taken by surprise but was almost completely defenseless. At least until the Wolves landed planetside. According to the nameless remembrancer, (s)he thinks that this was a sign of loyalty to The Emperor up until the very end, before it seems that the remnants of Prospero's last city, Magnus, as well as the remaining fragments of the Thousand Sons, all vanish without a trace.

Further down, it suggests that the elements that would eventually manifest themselves in the Istvaan system intercepted and manipulated The Emperor's order to Leman Russ, transforming it from a different order, possibly to arrest Magnus for some sort of heresy, to a liquidation order.

The Magos seems preoccupied in his own tomes, going through multiple simultaneously, though it's doubtful he's actually reading them, more like recording picts of the text.

((No lie, i'm in awe at your collective ability to roll so poorly. Regardless, you'll have plenty of chances to reroll. The better the result, the more obscure or relevant information you will find.))

2012-02-26, 03:18 AM
"Lord Inquisitor, until there's battle to be waged, I'll be in the armoury improving and maintaining my kit. Contact me when you have need of a fighting man's talents, because I'm of little use for research and investigations."

With this said, Drake makes for the armoury to prepare for any upcoming action to be performed after re-entering the Materium.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-26, 02:46 PM
Whatever labels have been given to these vessels, it does little to distract from the sheer size. Although most vessels had redundant armories for this reason, it is still a way's walk from the bridge to the nearest armory. Several signs direct him to the armory. Along the way he runs into numerous crew members going about their business, adepts doing whatever it is that they do, a trio of ultramarines, the occasional techpriest, and sometimes some sort of security officer. Regardless, the Stormtrooper resolves an issue of clearance with a gaunt paper-pusher at the armory to get his two overcharge packs.

2012-02-27, 08:09 PM

Turning her gaze away from the flashing colors, the lithe assassin stepped to the large pile of books to peruse a few select titles, hoping she might find something of value to their cause. It was highly unlikely that she would discover anything the two Inquisitors couldn't, but she might find information they were not looking for.

Scholastic Lore (Legends / Occult) TN 50: [roll0]
Forbidden Lore (All) TN 70: [roll1]
Common Lore (Ecclesiarchy / Imperial Creed / War) TN 50: [roll2]

Sigh ... perhaps if I attacked one of the books? I mean, out of 6 rolls, I can only get one below 50? Yeesh ...

Once completed, Kylissa would take her leave to return to her quarters to meditate on what she had (or had not) learned.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-27, 11:43 PM

The most the Assassin is able to divine that is more than common information is an excerpt from a debate between The Emperor and Lorgar regarding the former's divinity. According to Lorgar, it is preposterous that a single man, even one as extraordinary as The Emperor, is able to wield the raw power, intellect, strength, and vision, as well as be able to guide millions upon millions of ships through the Warp by ways of the Astronomicon without being a God.

According to The Emperor, the notions of supreme beings, dieties, and other such superstitions are outdated notions that were used in ancient times as ancient man's way of moving towards reason. Because there is no phenomena in the universe that cannot be explained through science, the belief of dieties has no place in a galaxy that is soon to be dominated by such an enlightened race as Humanity.

Ironically, The Emperor doesn't directly deny His alleged divinity.

The Magos speaks up, his soft metallic voice cutting through the silence like a plasma blast in the night.
The weaknesses of flesh are incompatible with focused study for extended periods of time. Iron discipline can only stave off the inevitable for so long, and this silence speaks volumes of your progress. Do what you will, though I would recommend you take some form of break from your studies. Survey your crew, convene with the Machine Spirits, do whatever it is that you wish, though I advise that you take a break. Return in an hour or so as focused and motivated as your Emperor requires you to be.

2012-02-28, 06:33 AM
Atticus nods to the Magos, unhappy with the lack of progress so far.

"You are correct, yes. Perhaps you have cogitators that would be able to automate this to a degree?"

He then retreats to his quarters, to go through his paperwork regarding his Inquisitorial contacts in the Tricorn Palace.

Emperor Ing
2012-02-29, 02:40 AM
I am already doing so. It isn't hard to notice the Magos using his dozens of limbs to comb through numerous books simultaneously at rapid pace. It's easy to wonder if he's actually reading anything.


Looking through his private notes, Atticus should take into account that many inquisitors aren't always there. In fact, to expect certain individuals to be there is almost absurd. He is reminded that for this reason the Inquisitorial Representative holds their term on the High Lords of Terra for only 5 years. His notes take this into account with a name, their Ordos, their faction (or at least suspected faction,) brief description, and side notes (which mostly contain the modus operandi of the Inquisitor in question.)

One thing that Atticus CAN note is a certain conclave of "Armchair Inquisitors." For some reason, a few inquisitors are rarely seen outside the Tricorn Palace, guiding their extensions of The Emperor's reach through a network of subordinates carrying out their orders. Skimming through the list, Atticus is able to identify some of these Armchair Inquisitors he can expect to encounter.

Inquisitor Atrio Washintus
Ordo Hereticus

Greatly aged, skeletal build. Distinct lack of cybernetics. Walks with a cane. Has a deceptively warm demeanor that is prone to anger, even among fellow Inquisitors.

Is rarely seen outside the Tricorn Palace, maintains power and influence through Interrogator and Acolyte cells in various stages in a complex chain of command.


Inquisitor Enth Bergarian
Ordo Hereticus

Due to battlefield injury, the Inquisitor is confined to a large life-support device. Miniaturized tank treads enable movement and vox implants enable speech. Suffers from the sin of hubris.

Almost never moves beyond the confines of the Tricorn Palace. Makes heavy use of astropaths to relay orders and receive information from subordinates on and off world.


Inquisitor Marnia Selest
Ordo Xenos
Anomolian Beholder

Has cybernetics which are prone to mysterious malfunction. May have relation to psychic talent. Impatient and prone to use of excessive force and/or violence. Will place hand on bolt pistol during polite conversation.

Constant malfunction and maintenance of cybernetics has crippled the Inquisitor, forced into residence within the Tricorn Palace. Uses own limited astropathic abilities to relay information and orders to and from the Palace.

2012-02-29, 07:46 AM
Atticus notes that of the Inquisitors often present at the Palace, there is something of a lack of Malleus representatives. Considering the nature of their mission, involving the very nature of divinity, one would assume that Malleus operatives would be most useful.

As it stands, he thinks removing the Amalathian would be wise, possibly getting the Istvaanian and the Anomalian Beholder angry enough at her to unplug her life support.

That being said, there may also be the likes of Lord Zerbe ruling over the Palace, too, and probably many other Inquisitors that could be recalled under certain circumstances.

2012-02-29, 04:47 PM
As the ship drifts through the warp the Vindicare spends much time in the observation dome a shadow in the the heart of the chamber unseen by most as he enjoys meditation on the possibly execution of the rosette wearing lords of the Tricorn Palace.

Finishing his meditations and stretchs he moves ghostlike through the vessel searching the only one he views as an equal on the large ship...

Conceal [roll0] TN 153
Silent Move [roll1] TN 153

(Hopefully) Appearing as if fomr nowhere by the beside the Moritat he whispers quietly "Greetings Sister. I would have words with you of training and of possible plans for courdes of action should we be called upon to execute our duties in the Emperor's name once we reach our destination". He looks around "No matter the targets of our orders".

2012-02-29, 06:46 PM

Awareness ... yeah, right ... on your worst roll I'd still need to roll below 20 in order to see you - I'll roll just to see how blind I am. (TN70: [roll0]). Now where did I put those eyes again?

Again, I need to work on my efficiencies, cuz you're gonna be a much better assassin than I am ... probably in hand-to-hand as well as ranged!

The lithe woman sat perusing a book in what had become the library aboard the ship. Cross-legged, with her hands in her lap, she leaned forward slightly, eyes scanning the book. The arrival of the vindicare was unheralded, catching the Reaper off-guard ... one moment she was alone, the next moment the dark clad assassin was whispering in her ear.

Her legs flexed, almost vaulting her across the table, a thin blade in the hand nearest V556. Blinking for a moment, the strange film that covered her eyes disappeared as quickly as it came, along with the knife. One thing was certain ... whatever had passed through her wasn't fear.

Nodding her head in acknowledgement to her counterpart's skills in stealth, she nodded in response to his statements. In husky, low and lilting tones, she answered, "That would be wise. But where general plans are adequate for lesser problems, these conflicts will require detailed assessments." Pausing for a moment, she looked piercingly at the masked man. "Have the most concerning 'issues' been indentified?"

Emperor Ing
2012-03-03, 08:47 PM
The Bridge
Several of the crew members give the pair of assassins, particularly the Vindicare, odd looks. Many of them wondering if the assassin just teleported. Regardless, they leave the pair largely unmolested. The Captain can be seen gazing with a sort of mild fascination into the immaterium.

The Inquisitor's Quarters
Atticus may realize that Lord Inquisitor Zerbe is a difficult man to arouse from his duties. Although he certainly could it is terribly unlikely he would aquiesse to such a request let alone take the time to hear it. Furthermore, drawing other inquisitors from their duties is supremely risky.

Fortunately the Tricorn Palace will likely have multiple other off-duty inquisitors (or at least the closest thing to "off duty" an inquisitor can get) discussing tactica, philosophy, trading stories, acquiring information, or most of anything else, roaming about the Palace. Though who could they be would be a mystery. The Palace kept near-flawless records of its comers and goers, but it's all but completely impossible to access them remotely.

As the Inquisitor contemplates this, he hears a knock on the door to his chambers. A higher pitched male voice muffles through the door. My Lord, I have found something of great importance you must know of immediately.

2012-03-04, 02:05 AM
Atticus is glad to have the intrusion, really. This research wasn't going as well as it should, not at all. He gets out of his chair, and admits the newcomer, after going through the usual security rites.

"Of course, please, elaborate. What do you have for me?"

2012-03-04, 02:27 AM

Nodding her head in acknowledgement to her counterpart's skills in stealth, she nodded in response to his statements. In husky, low and lilting tones, she answered, "That would be wise. But where general plans are adequate for lesser problems, these conflicts will require detailed assessments." Pausing for a moment, she looked piercingly at the masked man. "Have the most concerning 'issues' been indentified?"

THe Vindicare almost smiles beneath the thermographic spymask at the Reaper's discomfort. "It was merely a matter of principal little sister. I will go to Inquisitor Atticus to request blueprints of the Tricorn Palace so that we can assess ingress and egress routes and various safe and kill zones should we need them".

A quick nod and a turn he vanishes again as his suit masks visual and thermal signatures and he vanishes into the background. Again he slips through the ship like a ghost heading to Inquisitor Atticus's quarters. A hand reaching to the powerblade on his back as he voices in the Inquisitor's chamber. He watrches the guards searching a stranger before opening the door and he takes the chance, sneaking along the ceiling above the guards before relying on the stealth suit's camouflage as he rolls downwards and across using the flip belts partial gravity nullification to do along dive to the top of one of the bookcases in the Inquisitor's chambers. - No sense wasting good practice. And a good opportunity to see the passive sensors applied y a typical Inquisitor. Information like this would be handy when he got to the Trcorn Palace" The thoughts pleasing to the Vindicare.

Concealment [roll0] VS 153
Move Silent [roll1] VS 153
Acrobatics [roll2] VS 132 -reroll if 1st roll is >75 [roll3]

Emperor Ing
2012-03-04, 08:25 PM
The Inquisitor's Chambers
The Inquisitor stands face to face with a scrawny, seemingly dazed man in Adept robes. He looks at the Inquisitor with an almost soulless gaze. The Adept repeats again:
My Lord, I have found something of great importance you must know of immediately.
The Inquisitor is quick to notice a small compact laspistol appear from under the Adept's sleeve as it slides right into the Adept's hand. This perceptive spotting provides the micro-seconds necessary for the Inquisitor's muscle-memory to ready a reaction to this obvious threat as the Adept aims the laspistol.

Let's stir the pot a bit. Roll Init.

2012-03-05, 01:51 AM
THe assassin pauses in the act of bounding up onto gthe book shelf amazed at the lucky timing of his security test. Years of training bring up exitus pistol in secods, the micro-thin red dot sight tracing in on the assassin's gun arm- taking him alive may be useful...

Quick draw- aim - attack
[roll0] TN 109 aiming for gun arm-no penalty
damage [roll1] PEN 9 [roll2] for the extra damage, 1d10 per 2 DoS for the accurate quality

- Well... 38 PEN 9 to the arm. Taking him alive may prove difficult now.

2012-03-05, 02:24 AM
Assassins? Here?

Atticus was going to have words with the Commodore, that was for certain. As this thought rushes through his mind, however, he coolly collects his thoughts, fear being almost unknown to him.

Knowing that he can't risk burning his books that he was studying, he doesn't draw his flame pistol, but instead draws his power-stake from his side, whilst the power blade on his forearm instantly extends from its sheath.

He lunges forward with the power stake, attempting to end this quickly.

All-Out Attack
TN 82 [roll0]
Damage (not sure of modifiers, rolling the d10) [roll1]

2012-03-05, 12:46 PM
Marachena's hand drops to her weapon, but she pauses, realizing the vindicare seems to have eliminated the threat.

Emperor Ing
2012-03-05, 01:18 PM
My Lord, I-
Just as Atticus brandishes his power stake, the would-be assassin is almost horizontally bisected by a round from an invisible ally that effortlessly destroys the assassin's arm. The corpse falls to the ground in a pool of blood and nearly eviscerated flesh. The laspistol falling to the ground, the assassin's hand still clutched on the trigger. Atticus hears the gun click unusually. As if it was supposed to go off, but the gun jammed.

2012-03-06, 08:17 PM

"It was merely a matter of principal little sister. I will go to Inquisitor Atticus to request blueprints of the Tricorn Palace so that we can assess ingress and egress routes and various safe and kill zones should we need them".

A quick nod and a turn he vanishes again into the background.

Raising an eyebrow, Kylissa stared in the direction the vindicare had left, wondering about the technology the suit must use to render the assassin almost invisible. I wonder if there will be an opportunity to gather a similiar outfit for my uses ...

2012-03-07, 01:56 AM

THe gun clangs onto the ground and goes "click". The Vindicare dives forward, foot lashing out to kick the laspistol back out of the door before anything untowards happens...

Not sure what sort of roll you want
Acrobatics [roll0] TN 132 re-roll if <75 [roll1]

2012-03-07, 06:35 AM
Atticus raises an eyebrow at the Vindicare assassin, who had obviously been sneaking around.

He doesn't bring the matter up, knowing that if the assassin wanted to kill him, he's be dead already, most likely. They, the Assassin Temples, were the Emperor's blade in the night, after all.

"Well done, brother. You do your Temple proud."

With that, ignoring the assassin's intrusion, he sees about inspecting the gun of his assailant.

"Why didn't it fire...?"

Forbidden Lore (weird tech or something) [roll0] TN 81

Emperor Ing
2012-03-07, 12:32 PM
Atticus at first finds nothing bizarre about the gun, and its charge pack is at full charge, but as the Inquisitor comes to realize that he might be looking too hard, he notices that, by some miracle of the God Emperor, the laspistol jammed.

((There's actually no reason that the laspistol should have fired when it hit the ground, I just wanted to do that because I pre-rolled the assassin's attack roll and he got a jammed gun. I was very surprised by this.))

2012-03-08, 09:22 AM
"The Emperor Protects..." chuckles the Inquisitor, passing the jammed laspistol to V56.

2012-03-08, 10:44 AM
"Indeed he does, Lord" agrees the sage, as she makes the Aquilla across her chest.

2012-03-10, 02:48 AM

Slipping the lethal exitus pistol back into his holster the assasin glides across the floor towards the dead man. No expression or even part of his face visible beneath the spy mask. One the Emperor's faceless killers.

"Emperor protects" he mutters to the Inquisitor as he examines the mechanism of the laspistol before roughly turning the body over and examining it for any suspicious signs.

[roll0] TN 81 and free reroll for Spymask [roll1]

You were lucky Inquistor that I was on my way to see you. I was hoping you could provide Kaylissa and myself with detailed plans of the Tricorn Palace." The words cold and emotionless as he continues to strip and the search the corpse ignoring the blood and gore of the ruined arm and torse.

"Maybe Sage you could cross reference the identity of the assassin with known associates on this vessel. Kalylissa and myself may need to visit some of them." The tone of the voice indicitative of the nature of the visit and its no doubt fatal result.

2012-03-10, 06:11 AM
"Take his associates alive. They have knowledge of the Great Enemy, who appear to know our purpose."

The Inquisitor's tone is cold, grim, and very disturbing.

"When you bring them to me, they will talk."

Emperor Ing
2012-03-12, 04:31 PM
Outside the Inquisitor's Chambers
The doors from just outside hiss open, revealing a security enforcer armed with an autogun.
Hey, What's going on here, nobody's allowed-oh! I'm...my apologies milord. I heard a gun shot and...erhm... He eyeballs the assassin's corpse. Erhm...Milord?

2012-03-13, 11:16 AM
The Inquisitor groans, then waves the assassin away to find the associates of the would-be-assassin.

"As you were... word of this doesn't spread, understood?" says Atticus to the guard. He doesn't want the assassin's friends to be notified of his demise too quickly.

Emperor Ing
2012-03-14, 01:11 AM
Erhm, Yes. Of course milord. The guard salutes, and walks out.

((Hay guise, it's impossible for me to post stuff if you're not doing stuff.))

2012-03-14, 02:00 AM

THe vindicare ghosts back through the ship a silent smile on the inside of his mask. On the hunt, the thrill of the chase, it was what he lived for.

Seeking out his fellow this time he knocks and announces himself before he moves to enter Kaylissa's chambers. "There has been an attempt on the Lord Inquisitor's life. The assassin did not succeed. However we have several of his assocciates to detain".

What did the assassin find on the body with his Search check?
I don't have the skills to find the assassin's assocciates, so was waiting for the Sage to try and fill me in on who I should be apprehending.

Emperor Ing
2012-03-14, 02:19 AM

((:smallredface: Apologies, but please specify what you're rolling for in the future.))

Having searched his body, the ACTUAL assassin finds very little out of the ordinary. A small pocketful of Thrones, a wrapped ration being held onto for later, a notebook containing a seemingly random series of numbers and statistics that, after skimming through it briefly, proves to be useless.

Among other things, the Vindicare finds an ID card. Apparently this was an Adept Lorel Kassekston with a pict of the now-dead individual. He works on one of the lower decks of the vessel. He also finds some unusual mark on the side of Lorel's abdomen: Some sort of wavy three-pronged fork only slightly larger than a small coin that reminds him of some sort of serpentine creature. Perhaps the most disturbing of all is underneath his right sleeve, a poorly constructed bionic forearm can be seen crudely grafted onto Lorel's elbow. Judging by the large block-shaped cavity in the arm, that is how he was able to smuggle the laspistol past security, and concealing such an arm underneath the sleeves of Adept robes is trivial. Considering the laspistol itself is of a compact design, moving it around quietly would have also been trivial.

2012-03-15, 12:08 PM
The vindicare found Kylissa on the bridge, staring out into the Immaterium, after having exhausted her attempts to aid in the search for answers. The indications, or implications, that the Emperor could be divine were staggering, given the centuries of Imperial effort to stamp out theology. What was troubling was that the Emperor never actually denied the claims of divinity ... and in a slip of the tongue by their host and you began to question the accepted 'facts' of the situation. And wondered what other truths might be out there ...

Looking up, Kylissa saw the V556 coming forward, making obvious effort to remain visible. She nodded to him, listening intently. "There has been an attempt on the Lord Inquisitor's life. The assassin did not succeed. However we have several of his assocciates to detain."

She nodded, ready to follow the other assassin. "I stand ready. Where do we start?"

2012-03-16, 03:09 AM

Ignoring the inconsequential humans on the bridge the Vindicare draws his exitus pistol, the incredible quality obvious, cocking it silently he smiles benetha the mask.

"Below decks. Here the sage has furnished us with a list. Would you prefer to hunt alone or in tandem?"


Emperor Ing, as the Sage hasn't rolled a check to look for patterns or associates, or indeed what the symobol means could you roll for him so that we know where Kaylissa and V556 are heading?


-I may not be able to post over the weekend. Off to compete at THrone of Skulls (Warhammer).

2012-03-16, 02:14 PM
Marachena accesses the ships records, searching for allies and associates of the late assassin.

Not sure what the best skill here is - but something int based I guess...

[roll0] vs 85 (int)

2012-03-16, 09:41 PM
Kylissa pondered for a moment before answering. "That depends - is haste a factor? If so, then we split. If not, then we use this to practice integrated tactics, yes?"

The Moritat Reaper would gather her gear, armed with her favorite blades and bodygear ... and ready to bleed out the foes of the Emperor.

Emperor Ing
2012-03-16, 09:52 PM
((I saw your post on the Sin of Pride OOC. Good Luck Have Fun Don't Die Kick Ass, and give a few nice, hearty WAAAAAGHs for me.))


The Sage is easily able to pull up records regarding the assassin's positions, including co-workers, supervisors, and other things. He was just a rank-and-file adept who, especially most recently, has been showing up late for his shifts.

2012-03-23, 03:31 PM

THe vindicare whispers in Kaylissa's ear, the voice harsh. "No confirmed targets, Merely bunk mates and shift workers. We can start there and work upwards. Also there is a triple fork. If you see the sign then they are likely a suspect".

With that he turns and leaves the bridge moving like a ghost as he begins to fade from view, only the occasional hand signal or muttered word keeping Kaylissa appraised of where the ghost like figure was.

Wasting no time he heads directly to the Adepts quarters, slowly slightly as he approached as he pulled out both exitus and eversor pistols. The twin tools of the bringers of the Emperor's will. "Approach with caution" he whispers quietly to Kaylissa as he creeps towards the room entering full stealth mode as with the flip belt he begins to gently roll and bound along the ceiling looking for any sign of trouble...

Conceal [roll0] TN ~132 odd I think
Move silent [roll1] TN ~132 odd I think
Perception [roll2] TN ~80 odd with mask reroll [roll3]

2012-03-23, 06:26 PM
Kylissa nodded and checked her own gear before following the vindicare. She moved fluidly, almost languidly, as they headed for the Adept's quarters. Once there, heeding the V556's warning, she drew her cloak over and activated an item on her belt. The edge of her shadowy outline took on a hazy, displaced look - clearly the effect of a holo-suit. She kept her hands empty, but felt the reassuring weight of her own tools to dispense the Emperor's justice. However, once she drew them, she intended blood to be spilled.

Holo-suit, synskin, camo cloak
Silent Move (TN 105): [roll0]
Concealment (TN 125): [roll1]
Awareness (TN 80): [roll2]

Emperor Ing
2012-03-29, 02:31 PM
The pair moves through the ship swiftly and silently. Easily slipping past legions of crew members, menial adepts, guards, and other humans whose contribution to the Imperium, however vital it may be, will go unnoticed in the grand scheme of things, and whose loss will be noticed by nothing, save The Emperor himself who sheds a tear for each one of His faithful lost. Nevertheless, this pair is effortlessly able to slip through security checkpoints into areas they may or may not be authorized to pass through into the belly of the ship. In these passages, thousands of pitiful, menial adepts toil days away at a time performing the vital tasks necessary to simply run the ships. They are organized into cells. The pair eventually comes upon the door the fated assassin apparently worked. Using the key card on the door's cogitor, they gain access.

Greeting them is an ancient of an adept, autoquils attached to long, thin mechadentrites scribe unknowable text into large tomes. However, without any body language that even acknowledges the assassins' existances, it's difficult to know if he even knows they are there.

2012-04-02, 01:40 PM

The assassin looks at the strange multi-limbed adept with curiosity, night mask scanning the room for any sign of suspicion or strangeness. Still keeping to the shadows and trusting the all concealing spy suit he begins a slow stealthy search of the room, mostly done by relying on the flip belt and hanging near motionless from the ceiling like an obscene dark mantis...

Stealth [roll0] TN 132
Search [roll1] or [roll2] TN 81

As he looks about he alos ponders where else the adept could have gone and from whence he could find information on the strange brand upon his body. A thougha rising about the communal showers for the menial workers where one could spy and watch for the distinctove tatoo. Maybe somewhere in surveillance videos... THe thoughs idling away even as he searched for clues.

2012-04-02, 04:30 PM
Kylissa waited patiently as the vindicare vaulted up and began to survey the room. She used her own time to focus on the adept, checking for any sign of life aside from the movement of quills. She also looked to see if the text was anything she had seen before.

Her pulse remained calm, but she remained posed to leap into action - while the adept seemed harmless, many an assassin had been unpleasantly surprised by underestimating their target.

Awareness (TN 80): [roll0]
Literacy (TN 50): [roll1]
Anything else?