View Full Version : [PF] Explaining the game? One-shot advice needed

2012-02-05, 03:13 PM
Hello again Playground,

we still haven't started the campaign our DM said he would run for us (my GF and me) and 2 new players found via internet.

The problem I have is, we are going to meet them next saturday/sunday. But our DM doesn't know if he can attend and both players are not familiar with PF. They played 3.5 a lot but wanted to test it before saying if they will play with us or not.

Now I have said, I would DM a testplay-One-shot for them and my GF, if our normal DM can't attend. The problem with this is...I'm a newbie DM (dmed a eberron campaign that was not that serious and some one-shots that were...meh).

I would like you to give me some advice on "free" modules I could run/prepare or some general advice on what I have them do if I want to show them the differences to 3.5 without going through a trainings-course adventure...

Back to my problem with DMing is giving the PC's motivation to do what they are tasked (giving Plothooks) and introduction... so far I would make it easy for me and let the PC's be in an adventure guild.

Yeah, that's it, do you have any advice/recommendation/ideas for me?
I would be delighted.

2012-02-05, 11:27 PM
Typically for one shots, isn't "because it's there" enough motivation?
Make / find a dungeon map and throw in some skill checks and monsters that use Combat Maneuvers and you should be fine.

2012-02-06, 12:00 AM
"We Be Goblins" is an excellent free one shot that typically takes 3-4 hours to run. It has a good mix of combat and skill challenges. It gives you everything you need to know about Pathfinder goblins in order to run the mod. My only gripe with it is that it includes an alchemist pre-gen, but does not include the rules for bombs, which are in the Advanced Player's Guide. If you've only got 3 players, drop the alchemist form the party.

2012-02-06, 02:27 AM
Thanks so far,

the thing about the Alchemist's Bomb ability wouldn't be a problem, I've got UM, APG, CRB, B1 and UC (although it's at a friends place right now).

Will look into the "We Be Goblins" one when I'm back home.

2012-02-06, 04:39 AM
Well your players already know 3.5, so pathfinder is going to be quite annoying at first. Some things are obviously changed like skills and combat manoeuvres, but many things are just changed very slightly with just a word left in or left out, like: 10 ft reach no longer threatening corners, tremor sense nerfed, that you retroactivly gain skill points for int increases etc.

But to give you some dming advice, make sure you and your players expect the same things from the game is prio 1. Thus if you want more roleplaying or more combat or whatever, state it upfront. Same with any houserules you make.
And of course the best way to become a better gm is practice and then look at what mistakes / great things you did and try to improve. Tell your players you're a new dm and don't be afraid to try new things.

2012-02-06, 06:41 AM
Not a PF player myself, but I assume there's some conversion guide around like they did when 3.0 upgraded to 3.5?

If the main reason for the one-shot is getting familiar with the updated rules, design your session around some of the biggest changes. I recall combat maneuvres changed quite a bit.

Also, you can simply let the other guys know you're not the regular DM, quite new at it and what the intention for the one-shot is. Keep it light on roleplaying and have it focus more on the mechanical differences between the two editions.

You could always have an epic level wizard guide your characters through the wonderful world of PF dropping them into situations where the rules have changed.

2012-02-06, 11:16 AM
There is a conversion guide, but it is incomplete. Mostly because they changed how almost every rule worked (though mostly tiny changes, you wouldn't notice on first glance).