View Full Version : Flesh Shaper

2012-02-05, 08:52 PM
Is there a way to make a character that works in melding flesh? By this, I mean taking living creatures and altering them into strange abominations with extra limbs and strange shapes and stuff. There are two ways I can think of to do it.
1. Grafts. Probably 2 levels of Chameleon for the floating feat, to change grafts up from day to day.
2. Cancer Mage with Warp Touch, Warp Touching people to alter them.

Any other ways the playground can think of?

2012-02-05, 09:00 PM
Fleshwarper PrC comes to mind.

2012-02-06, 02:51 AM
Flux Adept, Osteomancer, and Shaper of Form (PrCs from Dragon Compendium) all have abilities revolving around altering one's own body (SoF much less than the other two, though). And as DementedFellow mentioned, Fleshwarper (LoM) is entirely centered on giving yourself grafts.