View Full Version : Character Significance Classification

2012-02-06, 12:23 AM
Partly as a counterpoint to the Number of Character Appearances threads, because I feel there is more to a character's plot significance than appearance count, but mostly because I just happened to write it out while I was thinking about something else.

Tier 1--recurring across all strips and plot arcs, has some or many strips from his/her viewpoint, critical role in the main plot. Examples: the Order, Xykon, Redcloak.

Tier 2--recurring across many strips and plot arcs, may have some strips from his/her viewpoint, active role in main plot and/or critical role in side plot. Examples: Nale+Sabine, MitD*, Miko
*While MitD appears in all plot arcs, he hasn't really done anything yet. I'm putting him here mainly in anticipation of future strips. MitD is also the main sidekick of Team Evil the way Thog is the main sidekick of LG; I placed each one tier below their counterparts to show this.

Tier 3--similar to Tier 2, but may not appear in as many strips, or may not have recurring role; may be narrated exclusively as an opposing viewpoint; or may affect the plot through exposition or as a counterpoint to the main action/characters. Examples: Shojo, Hinjo, Tsukiko, Thog*, O'chul, Qarr, Right-Eye, Celia, Eugene, Ian, Tarquin**
*Thog is down here because while he is an awesome recurring LG member, he doesn't have an active role in the plot; instead, he always reacts to inducement from other characters. Nale/Sabine are the "brains" behind LG.
**Tarquin may move up to Tier 2, depending on future strips.

Tier 4--Typically has only one instance of significant sustained interaction, usually in a side plot. Examples: Niu, Therkla, Kubota, Bozzok, Crystal, Old Blind Pete, Mama Black Dragon, Zz'tdri, Jirix, Gannji+Enor, Kazumi+Daigo

Tier 5--Mooks with names. Might as well be nameless except that interaction demands they be called something. No significant impact on plot. Examples: Yikyik&co, Leeky, Pompey, Team Peregrine

Tier 6--Nameless mooks that appear more than once, have dialogue, or have some other distinguishing feature. Examples: That Guy With the Halberd, Hobgoblin Cleric #2, Team Harrier

Joke Tier--Comic relief. Examples: the roaches, Goblin Dan.

Background Tier--Characters that don't make much of a personal appearance in the comic, but have a major impact on the structure of the narrative. Examples: The Dark One, The Order of the Scribble*, IFCC, The Oracle
*Subject to change, especially since I haven't read SoD

This isn't a perfect system, of course. Lots of characters have ambiguous placements. Just looking for feedback and opinions from fellow GitPers.

Per Gift Jeraff's suggestion, frequently paired characters (such as Gannji and Enor) may be presented as a single unit.

Gift Jeraff
2012-02-06, 12:47 AM
I think I agree with all of those (except maybe Enor, because he is essentially to Gannji what Scruffy is to Belkar, so I group them as a single "character unit"). Also, at the moment, I think Niu would be tier 4 or 5; her overall role might just be the bringer of bad news, but time will tell.

Other characters:
-:roach:: I'd say the roaches exist outside of any tier--they're just sorta there. Or maybe a special category with the lawyers and the flumphs.

-The Dark One: His relationship with Team Evil is somewhat similar to the IFCC's relationship with the Linear Guild, so I guess that'd make him 2 or 3.

2012-02-06, 12:55 AM
I think I agree with all of those (except maybe Enor, because he is essentially to Gannji what Scruffy is to Belkar, so I group them as a single "character unit"). Also, at the moment, I think Niu would be tier 4 or 5; her overall role might just be the bringer of bad news, but time will tell.

Other characters:
-:roach:: I'd say the roaches exist outside of any tier--they're just sorta there. Or maybe a special category with the lawyers and the flumphs.

-The Dark One: His relationship with Team Evil is somewhat similar to the IFCC's relationship with the Linear Guild, so I guess that'd make him 2 or 3.

Oh, right, I was gonna move Niu but forgot about it. Thanks. I don't think Tier 5 does her justice, since she's now significant as the sole survivor of Redcloak's massacre.

Some other characters I've had trouble placing are the Order of the Scribble. Among other things, including SoD changes their rankings, but I haven't read SoD.

2012-02-06, 01:29 AM
I'd say Kazumi and Daigo make more sense as tier 4 then 5. The whole point of their subplot is about getting away from mook-status, and having a subplot in the first place would seem to put them on a higher level.

Also, Thog strikes me as somewhat difficult for this system to place - he is (was?) essentially nothing but muscle for Nale, yet has too much of a personality to languish in the depths of tier 5. But the comparison to the MitD doesn't work either, except inasmuch as both are their group's comic relief; the MitD will all but certainly have a major role to play in the endgame, while Thog, assuming he even gets there, will not.

2012-02-06, 01:46 AM
I'd say Kazumi and Daigo make more sense as tier 4 then 5. The whole point of their subplot is about getting away from mook-status, and having a subplot in the first place would seem to put them on a higher level.

Also, Thog strikes me as somewhat difficult for this system to place - he is (was?) essentially nothing but muscle for Nale, yet has too much of a personality to languish in the depths of tier 5. But the comparison to the MitD doesn't work either, except inasmuch as both are their group's comic relief; the MitD will all but certainly have a major role to play in the endgame, while Thog, assuming he even gets there, will not.

Thog is significant not only as recurring muscle for Nale, but also as a character-developing counterpart to Roy in the EoB arc, and an enabler of Elan's own character development in the second LG arc. I can't see him going below 3, due to both his frequent appearances and his impact on the main cast, even if he doesn't affect the main plot by his own initiative.

Kazumi and Daigo, by contrast, have literally no impact on the main plot, and only a minor impact on the Therkla/Kubota side plot. In fact, I would say that they're the best example of Tier 5; they would be utterly insignificant if they hadn't been named.

2012-02-06, 01:43 PM
Thog is significant not only as recurring muscle for Nale, but also as a character-developing counterpart to Roy in the EoB arc, and an enabler of Elan's own character development in the second LG arc. I can't see him going below 3, due to both his frequent appearances and his impact on the main cast, even if he doesn't affect the main plot by his own initiative.

Kazumi and Daigo, by contrast, have literally no impact on the main plot, and only a minor impact on the Therkla/Kubota side plot. In fact, I would say that they're the best example of Tier 5; they would be utterly insignificant if they hadn't been named.

Leeky Windstaff strikes me as a far better example: though he wasn't devoid of a personality, he was essentially just the new divine caster for the LG, and vanished from the plot without impact. Other examples I immediately thought of when reading the description were General Chang and his nameless hobgoblin counterpart from the Siege of Azure City.

Kazumi and Daigo, on the other hand, may not have had any real impact on the plot, but they had their own, still-ongoing mini character arc, and at least one strip from their perspective. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0587.html) I'd be surprised if we ever saw Leeky again; I'd be surprised if we didn't see the two of them again.

2012-02-06, 01:47 PM
A pretty good and well thought out list, with clear reasoning for certain placements. I would not disagree with the tiers in number for the most part.

Allthough I would also Raise Daigo and Kazumi up a bit due to their relative prominence in the Azure City Refugee arc, providing motivation for Kabuto, some good interactions with the other characters, a couple of POV strips AND a complete in character story arc. They do, in fact, have a story that progresses in each of their appearances. For me this fact, despite the lack of impact on the MAIN story makes them tier 4.

Though again I place Redcloak, Xykon, Elan and Roy in a tier of their own. It may seem odd but these 4 are the prime movers of everything in the story. By story arcs devoted to them Elan and Roy have the most. Roy ties into and drives the whole of each major story arc for the order, either directly or indirectly. Elan ties into the majority of subplots and has major interactions with the second tier of main villains. They are the most important of the order. And I should not need to explain why I put Xykon and Redcloak in a tier above all other villains, right? THEY are the main villains and without them we have no plot at all. And even if the IFCC are the ultimate chessmasters it is the personal story of these 2 villains that drives events.

If you disagree with a whole tier for these guys I understand, but I do think these 4 characters are a cut above even the rest of the order in importance.

2012-02-06, 08:35 PM
I think the main character's love interest is at least a tier above Gannji and Enor.

Morgan Wick
2012-02-06, 08:41 PM
This is largely based on the Character Appearance Thread:

Protagonists/Main Characters: The Order.

Main Antagonists: Xykon, Redcloak, possibly Nale.

Major Characters: MitD, Miko, Sabine, Thog, Demon-Roaches, possibly Hinjo, possibly Celia, maybe Tarquin.

OOTS Mascots (outside the progression): Mr. Scruffy, Blackwing.

Secondary Characters: Shojo, O-Chul, Lien, Qarr, Eugene, Tsukiko, Right-Eye.

Bit or Recurring Characters that might become Secondary: Malack, Ian, Jirix, the IFCC, possibly Niu.

Bit or Recurring Characters: Kazumi/Daigo, Zz'dtri, Gannji/Enor, Thanh, Banjo, Therkla, Hilgya, possibly Roy's Archon, possibly the Empress of Blood.

Minor/Joke Characters: Yikyik and family, Jones/Rodriguez, Julia, Tsukiko's Booted Wight, Windstriker, Crystal, Kubota, Kilkil, Thor, Bozzok, the Flumphs, Geoff, Leeky, Pompey.

Significant but Background Characters: The Order of the Scribble, the Snarl, the Oracle, the Dark One.

2012-02-07, 06:06 AM
I think the main character's love interest is at least a tier above Gannji and Enor.

Who are we talking about here?

2012-02-07, 06:17 AM
Who are we talking about here?

Celia (moved since Kish posted).

I'll reply to some of the comments when I have a spare hour.

2012-02-07, 06:53 AM
Ah, I see. Yeah, makes sense as her role in DStP was pretty significant. Outside of that though she is unimportant, so going beyond Tier 3 would be nonsensical.

2012-02-07, 02:14 PM
Significant but Background Characters: The Order of the Scribble, the Snarl, the Oracle, the Dark One.

I think these either need a special tier for "plot devices" or something similar. The Oracle serves a critical role driving the plot in certain directions yes but does not do so with any motivation in doing so. What I mean by that is he tells fortunes (that so far all have been true) for cash, not out of intrisinc value of the predications or care for those asking.

The other 3 are have never directly appeared in-comic (except in SoD) and have only appeared in flashbacks or referred to. Their actions, powers and what not do drive the plot at different intervals but in almost all cases are doing so indirectly. The Snarl drives the plot indirectly as everybody is trying to free him or keep him imprisoned. The Scribblites actions drive where the antagonists and protagonists travel and what actions they take in the ultimate pursuits. The Dark One is the most directly invovled of them as he is the one who ordered RC to complete The Plan. And even then he has yet to make a personal appearence (like Thor).

2012-02-07, 02:39 PM
This is largely based on the Character Appearance Thread:

Secondary Characters: Shojo, O-Chul, Lien, Qarr, Eugene, Tsukiko, Right-Eye.

Significant but Background Characters: The Order of the Scribble, the Snarl, the Oracle, the Dark One.

Isn't Right-eye more of a Significant Background character then a Secondary Character, he only appears in SoD which is Redcloak's background story and drives the plot forward in that book more than Qarr or Tsukiko have in any of the books they've appeared in.

Unless by Background Character you mean people who appear solely in the mythos of the Oots universe.

2012-02-07, 03:32 PM
I think I would promote Celia all the way to Tier 2. She's not just Roy's love interest, she also had a major influence on the plot (talked Haley into leaving Azure City, initiated the Greysky City subplot leading to Haley's character development and who knows what further repercussions). She was actually a party member for a while.

Plus she's appeared in three separate books.

The IFCC - we all assume they're going to play a major role, but so far they've only participated in a side plot, and they've had barely a dozen strips of onscreen time.

How would you classify the Dark One? Virtually no onscreen time at all, but plays a major part in the story.

2012-02-07, 03:54 PM
Tier 3 isn't the level where characters stop having a major impact on the plot. Look at O-Chul, Qarr, and Eugene. Celia was basically only relevant during the Greysky City arc--granted, she was a main driving force in that one arc, but it's not on the level of Nale's involvement in the story.

(Miko's kind of a special case, because despite not being in the comic as long as Celia, she is a driving force of the main plot for the entire time she's in the strip, and she's personally responsible for the destruction of Soon's Gate to boot.)

IFCC is probably going to go in a Tier S of heavy-hitting background players along with the Dark One. I just haven't got around to it yet.

Isn't Right-eye more of a Significant Background character then a Secondary Character, he only appears in SoD which is Redcloak's background story and drives the plot forward in that book more than Qarr or Tsukiko have in any of the books they've appeared in.

Unless by Background Character you mean people who appear solely in the mythos of the Oots universe.

I would contrast RE and the Order of the Scribble with the others because they take an active role in the comic. We don't have all the Scribble yet, of course.

Morgan Wick
2012-02-07, 05:34 PM
Isn't Right-eye more of a Significant Background character then a Secondary Character, he only appears in SoD which is Redcloak's background story and drives the plot forward in that book more than Qarr or Tsukiko have in any of the books they've appeared in.

Unless by Background Character you mean people who appear solely in the mythos of the Oots universe.

See the post above yours. Right-Eye gets bumped up a few tiers for being a major character in SoD, unlike Lirian and Dorukan. Funnily enough, he's also not that critical to the plot, only for understanding Redcloak.

2012-02-07, 05:55 PM
I'd certainly bump the Katos up a tier. T5 seems to be more along the lines of Trigak, Leeky, Grukguk & Vurkle, Evisceratus, Goblin Dan, et al.

2012-02-07, 06:31 PM
Okay, so Right-Eye ended up in T3 and the Katos got bumped up a tier. I also got started on Joke and Background tiers, and moved the IFCC to the latter. Am considering an internal division of Tier 1 to emphasize Roy, Xykon, and Redcloak per Omergideon's suggestion (I think Haley, Elan, and V are on an equal footing just below that, with Durkon a relatively distant last).

2012-02-07, 11:28 PM
I think the order breaks down as such

Roy and Elan. Roy is main quest it taking down team evil. Elan is connected the other two significant villains. His dad and brother.

V and Haley. Both have had big arcs connected to their families which are still ongoing.

Belkar and Durkon are the least significant members of the order. They have never really had a big story.

2012-02-08, 06:15 AM
Further to Elan being at the "Roy" level of the order, count the number of Elan focuse strips and sub-plots in the comic. It may take some time but I would bet that of all the order he comes first or second. In terms of screen time and character development he has grown the most since the start of the comic. And 2 of Haleys major sub-plots (her father and speaking problems) also heavily involve or revolve around Elan. Unsuprising considering they are love interests, but telling. V himself has only had one major subplot, though it is ongoing and very well told so it gets points.

I would say that Belkar HAS been getting some subplot focus as well. His Mark of Justice storyline was pretty significant. Moreso that Durkon has had since DCF finished.


I would place the Elven insurgents of Team Peregrine into Tier 5. They matter for one plotline, and have names but nothing that stands out. You could replace them with anyone else almost and the effect is the same. Really beyond being elves, having names and disliking Goblins can you tell me ANYTHING about them? They are cannon fodder and little else. Even Thanth got more personal characterisation than that.

I agree with RE being Tier 3. He is not present and physcially active enough to deserve a higher rating in himself. In fact he gets this rating almost purely for his effect in informing the character of Redcloack. I would almost suggest a dual rating for him, Tier 3 for SoD, Background tier for the comic proper.

Put one more vote for the Oracle to go in the Background tier. Has occupied pretty much the same plot role as the IFCC.

Leeky's Half Elven compatriot (what was his name?) is Tier 5 as well. Beyond the name do we know or care anything about him?

And Celia is Tier 3. No Higher. She mattered for exactly 1 storyline. Just one. Tier 2 requires a major plot controlling role in multiple arcs and in all her other appearances Celia did not matter in and of herself. The story was never about her, only her role as love interest/plot device/information source. To me it seems a percet description. tier 2 would grant her much more importance to the plot.

Or put another way, if we were to drop Celia from the plot how much rewriting would be needed? Pretty much little more than discovering cloister some other way and a few hijinks from DStP removed. The main storyline is not gonna change too much. Tier 3 for her.

2012-02-08, 06:40 AM
Well Celia did force Haley leave Azure City which was significant because it led to Belkar activating his mark by killing the orcale and getting it removed. Along with Haley killing her rival, getting two new weapons and fighting the Thieves Guild. Also caused them to use sending to tell Elan and Durkon where to find them which reunited the guild. So I say that is pretty significant of course u could say that V when she received the Dark Power would have taken care of all that.

I would say Oracle and Right Eye can be moved to background tier. Oracle though is such a special character he might need his own special tier because quite simply there is no character quite like him.

2012-02-10, 02:53 AM
I would place the Elven insurgents of Team Peregrine into Tier 5. They matter for one plotline, and have names but nothing that stands out. You could replace them with anyone else almost and the effect is the same. Really beyond being elves, having names and disliking Goblins can you tell me ANYTHING about them? They are cannon fodder and little else. Even Thanth got more personal characterisation than that.

Heck, Thanh even had genuine character development... And come to think of it, I'm not sure any members of Team Peregrine were ever named. So would they even belong on tier 5?

An Enemy Spy
2012-02-10, 03:01 AM
You telling me Goblin Dan is a higher tier than the Order of the Scribble?

2012-02-10, 05:53 PM
Well Celia did force Haley leave Azure City which was significant because it led to Belkar activating his mark by killing the orcale and getting it removed. Along with Haley killing her rival, getting two new weapons and fighting the Thieves Guild. Also caused them to use sending to tell Elan and Durkon where to find them which reunited the guild. So I say that is pretty significant of course u could say that V when she received the Dark Power would have taken care of all that.

I would say Oracle and Right Eye can be moved to background tier. Oracle though is such a special character he might need his own special tier because quite simply there is no character quite like him.

Celia did two important things in that arc, motivating Haley to leave Azure City, and inducing Haley to go into Greysky City. That's it.

Oracle goes to background tier, sure. Right-Eye? To the best of my knowledge he plays a very active role in SoD. More importantly, he doesn't really fit with the other background tier characters: major players who aren't really fighting in the arena with the main characters, but influence the events around them.

Heck, Thanh even had genuine character development... And come to think of it, I'm not sure any members of Team Peregrine were ever named. So would they even belong on tier 5?

Yes. The team that goes into Tier 6 is Team Harrier.

You telling me Goblin Dan is a higher tier than the Order of the Scribble?

Uh, no. The Joke and Background tiers are not well-ordered.