View Full Version : Character concept: Jailbird crimelord

2012-02-06, 04:42 PM
The idea is to have a character who is perpetually in jail, but is able to act as a crime lord while there. They are probably a caster, but have to hide that fact so they don't get thrown in an anti-mage prison. Any casting he does must utilize only things he could reasonably possess in prison, and be hideable from the guards. From this position, they should be able to exert the maximum possible influence on outside events.
This is a character who is more concerned with power than comfort, and uses their presence in prison to keep suspicion away from them. However, any ways of increasing their own living conditions while meeting he above conditions would be a good addition.
How would you build such a character?

2012-02-06, 05:14 PM
Still, Silent and Invisible Spell are all musts. He's probably a metamagic specialist.

2012-02-06, 05:36 PM
Disguise Spell with some unobtrusive performance like Oratory or Acting, plus Invisible Spell.

EDIT: Also, optimized bluff and diplomacy to pass messages on, and turn other inmates/guards into catspaws. Glibness helps.

2012-02-06, 07:02 PM
In Core? Definitely a Bard. the skill points and the class skills for the mundane tasks and they also got the magic to help augment them to unassailable heights.
I am imagining someone like Mr. Bridger from the Italian Job.

2012-02-06, 07:02 PM
I'd use a Rogue for this. Or a bard, but Rogue would fit the fluff and the concept and has the most skill points to make it work and worthwhile.

First premise; the character had a fair amount of resources BEFORE being put in jail. Some nest-eggs and favors and friends to call on that he didn't when his arrest came up. This means that he still has things and people at his disposal even though he's locked up and away.

Second Premise; the character has an amazing set of both mental and physical ability scores, mental being more important. This individual runs his organization via
-Other in-mates who have shorter sentences and can get out sooner to start doing what he needs them to.
-Guards who can be bribed or intimidated into following his directions.
-A normal support group that served him while he was on the outside and are still loyal to him.
-Skills focused on Intimidate, Bluff, Sense Motive, Diplomacy, and Gather Information.
-Improvised Weapon proficiency and or craft skills to create small, lethal weapons.

2012-02-06, 07:05 PM
Over-all result, a single individual who controls things within the prison through playing any other powerful folks against each other (gangs and groups inside the prison) and who continues to control things outside through leadership, reputation, and influence rather than through spellcraft or military power. Meanwhile, he's perfectly safe, getting 3 free meals a day and with a legion of guards and thugs at his disposal.

2012-02-06, 07:26 PM
Probably has some illusion spells to hide stuff. Maybe an illusory wall hides a cache of items or something.

2012-02-06, 07:46 PM
I'd use a Rogue for this. Or a bard, but Rogue would fit the fluff and the concept and has the most skill points to make it work and worthwhile.

I dunno. The Rogue only gets 2 more skill points per level, and most of their class features are for combat and defeating traps. The bard gets easy, hard to detect spellcasting once Disguise Spell comes online, and most of their class features lean toward manipulating others.

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-06, 08:23 PM
You'll absolutely need to fit eschew materials into his build, it would be a mite tough to explain why he needs a spell component pouch.

2012-02-06, 09:28 PM
Just gonna plug beguiler here. Massive skill list, good spell list of Illusions/enchantments and UMD for spells you don't have. They are a really fun class to play. You get silent and still spell as bonus feats (although it is at 5th and 10th level respectively, which might be a little too late for your tastes).

2012-02-06, 09:41 PM
Just gonna plug beguiler here. Massive skill list, good spell list of Illusions/enchantments and UMD for spells you don't have. They are a really fun class to play. You get silent and still spell as bonus feats (although it is at 5th and 10th level respectively, which might be a little too late for your tastes).

... if the crimelord has to hide his spellcasting lest he be thrown in anti magic jail, how is he going to have anything to UMD? :smallconfused: Even if he smuggled a scroll tube full of wands into prison stuffed up his backside, it's something that can be found and confiscated, and it might lead to uncomfortable questions, like a discern-lies'd "Can you cast magic?" or even an augury.

2012-02-06, 09:59 PM
Telepath Psion would be a decent choice, especially a Thrallherd, since no-one can detect whether someone is a thrall even through detect magic or the like.

Whoever it is needs long-range telepathy from something like Xorvintaal Exarch coupled with Mindsight to let him know everything that's going on in the city despite never leaving his cell.

2012-02-06, 10:52 PM
Another option... the Birdman of Alcatraz. Except one of them is his raven familiar, and is ferrying messages between him and his cohort.

2012-02-07, 01:15 AM
... if the crimelord has to hide his spellcasting lest he be thrown in anti magic jail, how is he going to have anything to UMD? :smallconfused: Even if he smuggled a scroll tube full of wands into prison stuffed up his backside, it's something that can be found and confiscated, and it might lead to uncomfortable questions, like a discern-lies'd "Can you cast magic?" or even an augury.

Eh, just be sneaky about it. Beguiler is still a good choice.