View Full Version : AvB - Speed's Alchemy and Tool Wagon

2012-02-08, 10:53 AM
You see a wooden wagon parked right in front of you, with various odds and ends displayed for sale, with a big banner on the side of the wagon (shown above). The primary shop-keeper "Speed's Helper", clad in a rickety, old, and dinged up full armor with helmet, shuffles around busily. A mini-version of Speed's Helper often called "Mini-Helper" with a pair metallic wing flies around and appears to support the big one by picking up small things in a small spaces on the cart. In front of the cart, strange-looking quadpedal thing, often called "Dog", but obviously *not* a real live looking dog, sits silently, and you think it is watching you.

The assortment of display of the wares are pretty strange. It is a mish-mush of crystals, flasks, jugs, pots and pans, sticks, bags filled with unknown substance, and on the side of the cart where there is a counter, a beaufully woven basket with a sign "Tip?" hanging.

Exit (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=205378) back out to the City Streets.

2012-02-08, 10:54 AM
Space saved for future use

2012-02-08, 11:17 AM
A hobgoblin and skeleton approach, the skeleton clad in a beautiful chain shirt adorned with Speed's logo.

Hello again. We like that callback crystal; what else might you have to punch up our painbringing?

2012-02-22, 11:30 AM
"Hello again. I'm glad you are happy with the product.", Helper nods slightly. Mini-Helper is sitting on the edge of the counter on the side of the wooden cart, his armor legs dangling.

"Let me see...painbringing, you say? You did say you are not particularly interested in things that last only once or twice. There are other types of crystals that can be attached to weapons or armor that you might be interested then. I will tell you first that you can only install one such device per recepticle. So, if you want, for example, attach another kind of crystal onto your sword, you will have to detouch the crystal that is currently on the sword first.", pointing to the Skeleton's shortsword.

"The budget tier of the crystals...there are ones that causes minor elemental injuries, like fire or acid. Also there is one that cures minor injuries to yourself whenever the weapon drinks the blood. As for crystals that can be attached to your armor, it offers various minor protections, such as lightning, projectiles, or assault against your mind. Any of those interesting to you?"

2012-02-22, 12:03 PM
Let's hear about the minor elemental crystal. I have a couple weapons of my own that could be augmented.

The hob pulls out a magical dagger that is a match for Bennett's, as well as a nonmagical spiked chain of quality.

2012-02-22, 04:29 PM
"The elemental assault crystals come in Fire, Cold, Acid and Electricity variety. The budget option is simple. They add very minor damage to the weapon, of the respective type. 600g for each of them. There are upgrade option later, but they do become respectively expensive, and the quality of the weapon also must be correspondingly higher. I do not have them constructed at the moment, but I should be able to deliver one or two tomorrow.", Helper speaks as it examines the dagger and chain, and nods as it hands them back to Wilstaff.
Pretty simple. 1 point of damage added to the weapon (of the elemental type). Next grade, it becomes 1d6 damage (And price bumps up to 3000), and next grade...interestingly, it adds *effect* on top of that 1d6 damage (For example, electricity one dazzles the target), but price bumps up to 6000.

2012-02-22, 04:40 PM
Budget for now. Got enough for the next grade but not enough that I could spend it without missing it.

I think a crystal of acid would be a welcome thing indeed. Would you accept half the payment now and half on delivery of the crystal?

2012-02-22, 04:46 PM
Budget for now. Got enough for the next grade but not enough that I could spend it without missing it.

I think a crystal of acid would be a welcome thing indeed. Would you accept half the payment now and half on delivery of the crystal?

2012-02-24, 03:42 PM
The armored figure nods in agreement, and sticks the gauntlets out with open palm, "That is agreeable. It shall be delivered tomorrow. Perhaps I will start the maintainance of your crew's equipment at the same time? Anytime they are not busy is the best time for the work."
Speaking of which...how are we handling the other work? Shall we do it on Fight Night thread, or separate independent new thread, or just in PM? Not sure how much RP-ing you want to do with that one...

2012-02-25, 01:47 AM
Like I said before, it's as much or as little RP as you desire. My main desire for having you do it was just because the matter of who would do cleaning and maintenance was causing infighting with some Watch members. Handwave it if you like, or pass it off to one of your subordinate...things, or you can RP the heck out of it (and in doing so possibly earn a bit of XP, the way you do for RPing the heck out of pretty much anything in AVB). As for the where, I'd say your thread. Now, for dropping off the 5% cut of your earnings, that should probably be in the Fighting Ring thread since it is public (this one is also good for the same reason), and is just something you can do every in-game week or so.

30 platinum pieces are counted out and handed to Helper.

A pleasure as always, Iron Man.

The pair walk off to await their new toy.

2012-02-27, 11:22 AM
"Thank you, Mr Arena Manager.", the armored figure nods, and the Mini-sized Helper waves at the departing customer.
Well, I shouldn't start a new thread then. Already have some weird timing thing going on with 2 threads going on and rather tough to figure out what to do with the timing of equipment stuff...I'll keep it simple, and consider you got your delivery, and Speed's Helper created 3 Unseen Crafters (Infusion on things like soft cloth, canister of oil, etcs to clean equipment, so they will simply automatically keep the equipment in shape) and left them at Wilstaff's barrack (The crafters will keep working for 6 days)

2012-02-27, 01:12 PM
Sounds good.