View Full Version : Keep the Keep rweird v.s. Zeb

2012-02-08, 05:20 PM
Ladies and Gentlemen, this marks the beginning of an epic battle. Its story lives up to the tales of The Gentleman of the gods and At the Beginning was the End. In this tale, a single man, wielding the powers Arcane stood against an entire army. There was no fear in his eyes when he was hired, nor when he saw his foe.

On par with his power, Barbarians from the mountains, plains, and even the wastes congregated under one warlord to destroy the fortress that the Mage defends. These warriors were battle-hardened, and laughed at the weak defense of the fortress.

As the story begins, we view the Army approaching, only one day away, and the Mage is making last minute arrangements...

2012-02-08, 07:26 PM
...as King Wallace travels deeper into the dark cave, he begins to here voices ahead embroiled in what sounds to be an argument...
I dont care what ye say ye daft gnome, offering to sell me tha gems for 10,000 gold dont make them worth that much!

All i'm saying mate is that you let the free market decide which gems will work for raising the dead and I got some right here..


As king Wallace rounds the next corner, a flickering fire reveals a mohawked Dwarf chasing a well dressed gnome around a suave looking halfling and a small campfire whilst glass beads tumble from the gnomes belt-pouch.

uh I was lead to believe that the great wizard Hannibal Smith was here..began king Wallace.

Hannibal? He's out, something about a left-handed smoke-shifter to bring the plan together... huffs the gnome as he dodges in between the fire and his silent halfling companion.

Quite Murdock, I think he wants to offer us a job says the dwarf without pausing in his pursuit.

well actually I was told that here I could find a wizard to defend one of my holdings against the onslaught of

I'll take the case!!! exclaims the gnome as he stops suddenly.

Don't worry chaps this shouldn't take longer than two shakes of a dwarf's beard. Nevermore is the cart loaded? You know it is. Squawks a raven perched on a handcart off to the side. Well then you sir have just hired H.M. Murdock to protect your horde from the Keep! as he grabs the handcart and proceeds towards the king and cave exit...

But its to defend my keep against a barbarian horde!?! Sputters the king

Dont worry your highness with me in charge those blokes wont know what hit em! As they begin walking away Murdock asks the raven so nevermore, you think we can swing a knighthood outa this?

From back in the cave What just happened thar?!?

Well it looks like that "crazy" fool just managed to get a job and away from you B.A.

2012-02-10, 04:47 PM
rweird and faithful viewers:
Meanwhile...the Army advances. The warlord approaches the fortress from a distance.

"Warlord, we have come to some difficult terrain ahead," says one of the scouts as they approach the warlord, trying to catch his breath, "there are three paths, the first is through the plains, but we heard that there are beasts and the visibility is low in the fields. The second, is a swampy area, but it will probably slow down the troops, and the third is through the mountains." The young scout looks up at the Warlord with admiration, waiting for an answer.

The troops have stopped for an hour to eat, and to take a break from marching. Now the Warlord can discuss his options before moving forward.

2012-02-10, 06:14 PM
DM(s) and Viewers (AKA Everyone but Zeb)
"Take the route of the plains, but be watchful. Unless..." the warlord breaks off "Is there a mountain path? If so, could the wagons and war machines get through?"

2012-02-11, 11:28 AM
As H.M. Murdock finishes trudging up the the hill he stops for a breather near the summit and surveys the fortified position from which King Wallace hopes he will turn the tide in the war.

Well nevermore I think we have seen bigger but this could work.


No need to shout sir we were informed of your arrival we await you instructions in the study.

As he moves into the keep nevermore the raven mutters, I don't think they are at your level of defensive paranoia.

Well it seems we have our work cut out for us.

2012-02-11, 11:46 AM

"Yes sir, as I said, there is a mountain path. It seems that the war machines and such will all be able to pass along without much trouble. And Sir, the scouts are going ahead to map the area surrounding the castle."

"Umm, yeah. There's a map around here somewhere.." The worker doesn't have much intuition when it comes to war, and you can see why it was necessary to hire someone.

2012-02-11, 12:51 PM
DM(s), rweird and Viewers (AKA Everyone but Zeb)
"How do the distances compare mile wise?"

2012-02-11, 02:01 PM

"The mountain pass would be the shortest travel, distance-wise, but the plains would be smoother movement. Overall, either way will get us to the fort around 1st Watch."

2012-02-11, 02:27 PM
DM(s), rweird and Viewers (AKA Everyone but Zeb):
"Take the plans route, but be on watch. Anything you see might be a sorcery cast against us."

2012-02-12, 02:09 PM
...well gentlemen after reviewing your maps and defenses I have good news and bad news: The good news is that I'm here now, the bad news is that the only pipe tobacco here is what I brought with me, and thirdly...um...

*Cough our defenses?

Ahh yes those then number C "Diversion, Distraction, Division!"

DM, Viewers, anyone who isn't rweird

Place the catapult in the east tower to counter any siege they might bring from a distance, whilst the balista in the west tower is to be used against any flying threats as well as rams or siege towers if they approach. I will conceal them with spells later.

Before Hannibal called us into the war against the Kobolds my friends and I endeavored in more leisurely magical pursuits, those of the arts and I still maintain some of those skills.

H.M. pulls out his Marvelous Pigments (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#marvelousPigments) and draws two massive standing folding signs upon which is written "You are not wanted in the realm of King Wallace, you will be meet with lethal force due to your invasion of this land. Bye now." He then shrinks them down to about 5ft by 5ft and then casts Sepia's Snake sigil and explosive runes on them before covering them with a normal cloth.

Next he adjusts a silent image until it is a boulder that fits perfectly flush in the barbican. Using that as a guide he then paints one and shrinks it placing it in the barbican to be expanded later if needed.

Then he summons up a mount and goes for a ride into the lands around the keep laying down powerful enchantments and his traps upon the land whilst maintaining communication with the keep via Nevermore and spells.

Night has fallen by the time he returns casting his last defensive enchantments as he proceeds to the basement, "Wake me if we are attacked, maintain the normal watch but be rested for our work continues at dawn.

Sir wouldn't you prefer the master bedroom?

Nope not secure enough, I shall henceforth command from the basement, or wherever else, if I feel like it!

2012-02-12, 03:05 PM
The silence of the night soon approaches, and with it....

rweird& Big Brother

You arrive late in the evening. The men are tired from the march, but should be fine after some rest. You've approached from the East and scouts tell you that there are two forts, that are identical. Both are surrounded with flames and on top of hills. Currently your men are setting up camp. Most of them will refuse to go into combat until morning. Make your final preparations.

Zeb& Big Brother

Late at night, around the second watch, one of the servants comes into the basement, "Sir, the enemy is camping over the hill in the East, they don't appear to be approaching yet."You got in about 4 hours of rest so far, you need 4 more.

2012-02-12, 06:09 PM
DM(s), rweird and Viewers (AKA Everyone but Zeb):
"Two keeps, one of them is an illusion. In my experience, boulders usually go through illusions but don't for real objects..." He turns to the clerics. "Any idea what those spells are?"

5th level clerics spell craft to identify the spell (DC 20+spell level):
The flames:
Cleric 1: [roll0]
Cleric 2: [roll1]
Cleric 3: [roll2]
Cleric 4: [roll3]

The False Keep:
Cleric 1: [roll4]
Cleric 2: [roll5]
Cleric 3: [roll6]
Cleric 4: [roll7]

2012-02-12, 06:27 PM

"We're unsure of them, Commander. They're such powerful magics we really can't be sure..." as the first four are finishing their sentence, another runs up, "Commander, I've identified the fires. They are most likely the result of a firewall spell, manipulated some wizard."So, you are unable to determine which fortress is the real one, and there is a firewall surrounding both.

It is now 6th Watch. 3 till morning..

2012-02-18, 02:06 PM
Zeb: No real hard timeline. But we will call this time W1. The ring gate reaches the tower at W2.

Rweird: ok, he posted. You are good to enact phase 2. We will call the time you arrived at the firewall W2 and then you go up to the tower following your plan. First I need Reflex saves for everyone in your mob.

2012-02-18, 02:16 PM
DM and viewers

Once my ring gate gets to the wall I take out my pipes of the sewer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#pipesoftheSewers) and summon up some rats to teach these scouts not to be so curious. (With nevermore aiding another I cannot fail on my perform check, DM can determine the number of swarms and the distance/time for them to arrive. Wild area near people = rats)

Am I correct in assuming I have rested but not yet prepared new spells.

2012-02-18, 02:41 PM
Zeb:That is a proper assumption. You get [roll0] rat swarms at W3, they are at the top of the tower near your guards, just being rats.

2012-02-18, 02:48 PM
DM only:
If this has the Evil, Good, Law, or Chaos descriptor or the effect is caused by a lawful, chaotic, evil, or good creature.
Warlord: [roll0]
Cleric 1: [roll1]
Cleric 2: [roll2]
Cleric 3: [roll3]
Cleric 4: [roll4]
Ranger 1: [roll5]
Ranger 2: [roll6]
Ranger 3: [roll7]

2012-02-18, 03:28 PM

If this has the Evil, Good, Law, or Chaos descriptor or the effect is caused by a lawful, chaotic, evil, or good creature. What do you mean by this?

2012-02-18, 03:33 PM
DM only:
I had my TN clerics cast protection from good, evil, law and chaos on each of the people.

2012-02-18, 05:29 PM
rweird:Did you include that bonus? Because it doesn't have any of those descriptors.

2012-02-18, 05:31 PM
DM only:
No, however if the mysterious power was cast/an ability of a Good, Evil, Lawful, or Chaotic, creature I also would have the bonus.

2012-02-18, 05:59 PM
Rweird:Sorry, it wasn't. So here's the damage. Cleric 1&3, Ranger 2&3 take 10 damage. Everyone else takes 5 as jets of flame shoot out from the sides of the wall.

Zeb:Your guard sends a message to you that someone triggered the burning hands traps, but they can't see anyone.

2012-02-18, 06:38 PM

Move the swarms to the wall above the trap activation. inform my troops to be alert adn if they see/hear anything they may fire at will. Ballasta operator is told to aim for 1 round b4 taking a shot(the +2 for spending a round aiming offsetting the -4 penalty for shooting.)

2012-02-18, 06:40 PM
DM only:
Clerics Spellcraft to identify (DC 15+spell level):
1: [roll0]
2: [roll1]
3: [roll2]
4: [roll3]

2012-02-18, 06:59 PM
SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/skills/spellcraft.htm)
25 + spell level: After rolling a saving throw against a spell targeted on you, determine what that spell was. No action required. No retry.
So, all clerics fail.

Zeb: Such preparations have been made.

2012-02-18, 07:08 PM
DM Only:
After that, may we continue? How far does the wall of fire shed light (I'd assume more that 20 ft. (torch)) And, how far was that emitting cone from the keep?

2012-02-18, 07:35 PM
Rweird: You may continue. The fire came from the walls themselves. I'll give you a scene description when you reach the tower.

2012-02-18, 07:37 PM
I continue as I dictated in the OoC topic. How far are we away from the walls before we continued? How far does the wall of fire shed light?

2012-02-21, 08:43 PM
Hello, is this dead?

2012-02-22, 12:05 AM
Hope not...

2012-02-22, 10:10 AM
I haven't heard anything from Madara lately.. i'll PM him

2012-02-22, 11:50 AM
He was active in other threads yesterday though.

2012-02-22, 05:38 PM
Yep, still alive. Sorry, I thought that we were waiting for one of you, but I guess it was me. :smallredface:

Let's get this show on the road!

rweird: I need will saves as you pass by the wall of fire. As for distances, we'll say 50ft. away.

2012-02-22, 07:05 PM
Do i get the bonus from protection from Good/Evil/Law/Chaos?

2012-02-22, 07:18 PM
rweird:This time, yes.

2012-02-22, 07:48 PM
We are silent, Invisible, and 30 ft. above the wall of fire when we pass over it if that effects anything.
The saves:
Warlord: [roll0]
Cleric 1: [roll1]
Cleric 2: [roll2]
Cleric 3: [roll3]
Cleric 4: [roll4]
Ranger 1: [roll5]
Ranger 2: [roll6]
Ranger 3: [roll7]

Spellcraft Checks to identify the effect if magic (DC 25+spell level):
Cleric 1: [roll8]
Cleric 2: [roll9]
Cleric 3: [roll10]
Cleric 4: [roll11]

2012-02-22, 07:54 PM
Rweird: The wall disappears, everything is suddenly black.

2012-02-22, 07:56 PM
Area Dispel via wand on the ground where the keep was.


2012-02-22, 07:59 PM
rweird No change in your surroundings. How are your men communicating? If they're invisible, they might get separated.

2012-02-22, 08:01 PM
We are all holding on to another one of us. Does my spellcraft tell me anything?

2012-02-22, 08:03 PM
rweird:Sure...the firewall was illusionary. But now you have no light, how will you proceed?

2012-02-22, 08:12 PM
The same way I specified earlier.

I find it hard to believe that a 12 could pass though and I never directly interacted with the firewall. I see no reason flying over a firewall would make me disbelieve it when going through it in an anti-magic field or standing 50 ft. away wouldn't entitle me to disbelieve it. Also, when my clerics identified it as the firewall spell, why wasn't I entitled to a saving throw then, it had at least as much interactions as flying over it did.

2012-02-22, 08:23 PM
rweird:Always questioning...:smallsigh:

1.You never said flew through the firewall, so I assumed you went over.
2. The interaction was on account of trying to use its lighting.
3. When your clerics tried to identify it, I rolled the saving throws in secret.
4. You dispelled the Anti-magic to turn invisible. It did not reach this firewall with its small area.

Now then, time to move on.

2012-02-22, 08:35 PM
A cleric will step of the silence field, use light the disintigrate the center of the keep and dismiss the light. I question things that I don't understand, for example, making the save when I flew over, not when I tried to use the scroll. Please specify who the spoiler is to.

Caster Level check for the scroll (DC 12):
Wis to avoid mishap if on (DC 5):

2012-02-22, 08:48 PM
Second Attempt:
Caster Level check for the scroll (DC 12):
Wis to avoid mishap if on (DC 5):

2012-02-22, 08:50 PM
rweird: The cleric fails to use the scroll, and dismisses the light, stepping back into the silence. As he steps back, he hears the guards above say "I saw a light."

Edit: Is he staying out of the silence longer? And I don't think you can target the center of the keep, since you can't see it. Do you mean the center of the wall?

Zeb: Just messing with rweird, putting up the occasional spoiler. The guards send a message that they saw a light from their side of the castle.

2012-02-22, 09:00 PM
My second attempt would succeed. I don't know why a guard would be floating above the keep. I'm on the roof so they would have to have some means of flight. Spot to see the guards:
Cleric 1: [roll0]
If the other people are allowed to spot them:
Warlord: [roll1]
Cleric 2: [roll2]
Cleric 3: [roll3]
Cleric 4: [roll4]
Ranger 1: [roll5]
Ranger 2: [roll6]
Ranger 3: [roll7]

2012-02-22, 09:01 PM
Yay I'm helping, since swarms from the SRD
Unlike other creatures with a 10-foot space, a swarm is shapeable. It can occupy any four contiguous squares, and it can squeeze through any space large enough to contain one of its component creatures.
have my 3 swarms occupy a 60ft line above where the guard heard and saw a light, but behind the rampart.

2012-02-22, 09:06 PM
rweird:Despite the darkness, one of the rangers is able to spot guards in a makeshift guard-tower. However, he cannot convey the idea in silence.

2012-02-22, 09:12 PM
Where is the tower in relation to him? I don't think a tower that the guards stand in would be hard to make out though. We also should have been able to see that from the wall of fire.

2012-02-22, 09:21 PM
rweirdAbout 80ft away, if you've landed on the roof.
Zeb: Almost your turn.

2012-02-22, 09:52 PM

Double yay, busts out book and flips to map*

Defensive Review
So we have traps that go off for each creature that gets within a 15ft cone of any part of the wall. My previous modifications mean the towers are only reachable by catwalks from the balcony behind the walls. Both towers are still covered in Secure shelters which form the outside appear to be opaque (Black) spheres while allowing the guards inside to see out normally (and stay at a comfy temperature:smallsmile:) able to stick their hand or head out to flash or shout a message to the person on duty at the interior courtyard gate who then relays it to the guy on the stairs. And I sent one of my Ring Gates up to the tower closest to the incursion and from there I sent my summoned swarms to line the wall/roof/catwalk/balcony/whatever near where the light/sounds were.

Light conditions are whatever you say predawn is since my guards don't want the horde to notice we are different than the other keep.

I still have the spells leftover that I didn't cast but any I use are not slots that I can prepare new ones in.

2012-02-23, 07:02 AM
Is there any light from in the hole in the keep? Also, wouldn't both of my rangers that got 26 be able to see. We will try to dispel whatever is down there if we can't see anything.

Area dispel, targeting the hole, We move 20 ft. in the air before dispelling:

2012-02-23, 04:26 PM
rweird: I forgot something. Nevermind, you can't see the guards. Everything is black, also the roof covers the whole keep fyi. No visible holes(Granted that its pitch black).

2012-02-24, 06:09 AM
We go through the hole we made.

2012-02-24, 08:26 AM
ok, I get it now. I'll have some info up for you later.