View Full Version : [D&D 4e] War of the Gods I

2012-02-09, 04:26 PM
The echo of a heavy door slamming finally wakes you all up from your daze. As a Human, a Deva, and a Shifter begin to sit up on the cold stone floor of whatever dungeon cell you have been dragged into. As you begin to gain your senses again, you notice three strong Humans dragging a Dwarf and a Tiefling, both barely conscience, into their own cells and leaving as they talk amongst themselves.

"So how long did you wager?"
"First round. They seem pretty hungry."

As you regain your surroundings, you are all in your own small cells in a stone room. There is no window or light source, besides the lantern hanging by the door. All of your equipment has been stripped also, leaving you in ratty beige clothing.

The last thing most of you remember is you traveling between towns, when suddenly feeling a blunt blow to the back of your heads. The pain reappearing as you remember the wound.

2012-02-09, 04:49 PM
Samel, Deva Invoker

As the Deva slowly comes to, his eyes scan the cell, absorbing as much information as possible. With precise and exact movements, he holds his hands up in front of him, admiring the purplish skin for a moment. He takes a brief inventory of his vital signs and finds a small welt on the back of his head. Finally, he runs his tongue over his teeth, murmuring thoughtfully to himself, "Hmm, new teeth. I suppose I will never get used to that."

Observing the two other occupants of the room, the Deva extends a hand to the shaggy looking dwarf, "I am called Samel. It appears we shall be cellmates for the time being. What are you called?"

2012-02-09, 05:12 PM
Griund, Dwarf Battlemind

The dwarf slides up against the wall. "Oy, feel like my head's splitting. Haven't felt like this since that old elf's wine." He chuckles, then winces in pain. "A very good year, that stuff was."

He turns gingerly, examining his surroundings. "Eh? Oh, Griund. I would say it's a pleasure, but..." he smiles whimsically, then groans and slumps against the wall, "Well, your situation doesn't appear much better."

2012-02-09, 05:19 PM

"Griund. It is a pleasure. Do not worry about our current situation. While I cannot speak for your god, I know that Pelor will see to it that I am set free. After all, the sun always rises to drive away the darkness, does it not?"

Samel rises smoothly to his feet, as if the words were inspiration to act. Samel walks to the door of the cell and places his palms against it. With a small smile, he returns to the wall and takes a seat. "Yes, the sun always rises."

2012-02-09, 05:34 PM

"And in the evening it sets. It will rise again, but we may not." Griund coughs, spitting blood, then wheezes, "I've spent too much time around priests; starting to sound like one." He rises slowly, bracing against the wall, then stumbles forward. "I doubt the Platinum Dragon would much like my services there. I'm a soldier, not a clergyman."

2012-02-09, 06:00 PM

The Deva walks over to the bars between the two cells, and crouches so that he is at eye level with the Dwarf. "From my experiences, I can say that the Platinum Dragon definitely favors soldiers, especially those who fight for what is just. Fret not, priest of the battlefield. He who administers justice with each axe swing and hammer blow." A wry smile creases Samel's face briefly.

"That said, where are we? What were you doing out there?"

2012-02-09, 06:25 PM
As you start getting curious and looking around, you begin noticing where you are. It's a cold, damp dungeon cell. With no windows it's hard to tell if you are above ground or not. The room is outlined with ten 10' square cells, and all of them have bodies in them. While the five cells you occupy have only you in them, the rest have old, shriveled corpses laying on the ground. They are all similarly dressed, and without being able to examine their body, your best guess would be starvation or dehydration.


2012-02-09, 07:31 PM

From his position, Rock's been observing the others. Listening, for the most part. Warily eyeing them for the other. Finally, he releases a deep sigh.

"Save your sermons, priest," Rock growls, though not unfriendly. "You remind me of the man who insisted he bring us faith." The Longtooth grins at the memory, but decides wisely not to share what became of the man.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-09, 10:14 PM

Well, I'm not sure how I got here but we may as well get acquainted. I am Lucian. HE extends his hand toward the purplish humanoid.

2012-02-09, 10:54 PM
"So what are you all in for? Ow my head hurts."
His hair has blood matting it down. That man must of hit hard.

2012-02-09, 11:17 PM

"Apparently for taking a blow to the back of the head too seriously." He glaces around, his eyes rapidly adjusting to the light. "Doesn't look like a ransom operation; too many bodies, not enough restraints..." he smiles, "And no sense of proper targets. Black market gladiator ring, maybe? Feed the victor, let the loser starve?"

2012-02-09, 11:44 PM
The door to the cell suddenly opens as two large Human males walk in wearing leather armor and holding maces in their hands. The door slams behind them as they glance around the room, noticing you're all up, then one starts to talk.

"Alright. The hounds need a good feeding, so who wants to go first?"


2012-02-09, 11:48 PM
How about the dwarf. Nice and slow. Though probably too tough.
I back up a square. And look for a weapon though a rock would do.

2012-02-09, 11:51 PM
The cell is as clean as you would expect a cell to be. One of the Humans walk over to your cell and unlock it. Your rogue senses can tell from how loud the click is that these cells are really old.

We have our first volunteer!

2012-02-10, 12:12 AM
Wow these things are old. I'm surprised they haven't fallen over yet with how rusted they are.
(I delay.)

2012-02-10, 12:15 AM
"So what? You gonna break your way out through solid metal bars? Now lets go. See how well you do."

2012-02-10, 12:17 AM
"No the dwarf might be able to though."

2012-02-10, 12:27 AM
The guard locks up the cell and turns to head back for the door.

"Any of you going? You only eat if you win."

2012-02-10, 12:30 AM
I'm only going if we all go at the same time.I tilt my head.With weapons. Or you could let me go free.I make a pretty smile at them and flutter my eyelashes.

2012-02-10, 12:37 AM

Samel draws himself up to his full height, an impressive six and a half feet tall. In a soft, yet strong voice, he says, "I will fight, but only because I do as the Sun Father wishes. If we win, you bring food for each of these men." You sense that his boldness comes not from arrogance, but from pure unbridled faith in Pelor.

Ready Sun Strike on guard after any cell door is unlocked.

2012-02-10, 12:38 AM
"I didn't think there was much choice in the matter. Sure, let's see what you pups have for an old dwarf."

Ready Action to smash the door open with Iron Fist as soon as it's unlocked.

2012-02-10, 12:43 AM
As the guard starts to walk away I try to palm the keys. Unless he's holding them.

2012-02-10, 04:51 AM

The Shifter stares at the guard. He feels ill at ease with this new information. Battle slaves, then. A sickening notion to keep a noble Shifter captive for amusement.

He eyes the others, curious at their eagerness to go forthwith. Perhaps he can inspire some bravery in them.

"I will go, then," Rock growls, raising from his position. He makes to say more, but decides that threats, at this juncture, have little use. Better to smash faces.

2012-02-10, 08:19 AM
As the guard turns away from the cell, he believes he hooks the keys back on his belt, which happens to be your finger curved up. He practically hands you the keys.

"What do you think?"
"Take the Dwarf. We'll come back for the rest after he croaks."

As both guards are now standing near the door, the second guard takes his keys (the first still unaware his are missing) and unlocks Griund's cell.

2012-02-10, 09:04 AM

As soon as the latch is loose, the dwarf slams his fist into the door, hoping to knock the human off balance!

Not sure if either roll is needed, but figured I'd provide them just in case. :smallwink:
[roll0] to hit (unarmed) the door (vs AC)
[roll1] damage
Placed in spoilers out of force of habit. If preferred, I'll refrain from using spoilers in the future.

2012-02-10, 09:25 AM
The door swings back and slams into the Human, smashing into his face. As the Human gains his feet and looks at you, his nose his pouring blood, and his rage is clear in his eyes.

"Kill Him!"


2012-02-10, 09:44 AM

The interest is clear, and an opportunity present. Following the squalid... whatever's words from earlier, Rock chances to try and break the prison door.

Strength check to break door: [roll0], alternatively it's an attack roll against door.

2012-02-10, 09:50 AM
The gears inside the locks are rusted and old beyond repair, and the lock shatters as your foot connects.

2012-02-10, 09:56 AM
I open the lock with the keys.
Wow, they need more training. That was pathetic.

2012-02-10, 10:20 AM
Initiative Begin

Griund and Samel are up first.


To keep combat moving fairly fast, I will post the group of players who can act. You can post in any order you wish as long as your name is currently up. I will only name the players who are between enemy's turns.

2012-02-10, 10:38 AM

The dwarf's eyes glow white, and he smiles cruelly at the human before him. "Let's begin, shall we?" Griund punches without mercy, his fist glowing white like his eyes.

Minor Action: Battlemind's Demand, mark Human at H2
Standard Action: Iron Fist, targeting H2. Effect: Until the end of his next turn, Griund gains resistance to all damage equal to his WIS mod (+4).

Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-10, 10:58 AM
Full Initiative

2012-02-10, 11:02 AM
*First post

The shot connects. The bandit stumbles on his feet as he mutters something under his breath. From what you can catch, it has something to do with a Halfling.

2012-02-10, 12:43 PM

The towering figure extends his arms as a staff of pure sunlight appears in his outstretched hand. As the dwarf's fist crunches against bone, a beam of radiance shoots out, hitting the guard squarely in the chest.

Move: Shift back to J4
Standard: Sun Strike vs guard in H2
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage, and I slide the guard back to G1
Minor: none

2012-02-10, 01:13 PM
The bandit notices the light just in time to side step and avoid the blast.

Bandit 1
Stagers back a few steps after losing his balance from dodging the ray of light, then steps forward with a swing of his mace at Griund's head.

Attack:[roll0] vs AC

Rock and Donn

2012-02-10, 02:34 PM
You really need to pay more attention to your training. That's assuming you actually got trained instead of just being selected for your size.Move:I go to F3
If grabbing one of the second guards daggers is a standard then end turn. If it's a minor then Acrobatic Strike to G2 and attack the first guard.
Wow that is complicated. Sorry. :smallredface:
Thievery for grabbing the dagger just in case. [roll0]
Attack roll. [roll1] vs. AC
Damage [roll2]+[roll3]
Looks like I have a dagger now. :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-10, 02:49 PM
You fail to grab the dagger from the bandit. Good news is, he didn't notice you trying to steal it.

Dark Elf Bard
2012-02-10, 03:33 PM

Mind Thrust vs will
[1d20+5] [25]
9 psychic damage to Bandit 1

2012-02-10, 05:49 PM

Eager enough to follow the others in the throng of battle, Rock charges in with a feral roar. He invokes the power of one of the runes, knowing the symbol by heart.

Move: Towards nearest enemy I can reach without provoking OAs.
Standard: Word of Exchange, invoking the Rune of Battle/Fury/Not The Protection One, nearest enemy I reached without provoking OAs.
Attack roll: [roll0], damage is... unarmed is 1d4, right? [roll1]. There should be some effects on hitting the target, but I can't check since I don't have the sheet with the listed abilities here.

Sorry for the confusing/subpar work here, but I figured I wouldn't let stuff up and I should be home tomorrow proper. :)

2012-02-10, 07:42 PM
The bandit manages to barely avoid your attack. The look on his face clearly saying he forgot about you.

Human Bandit 2
The bandit quickly turns on Rock and sweeps his mace around at him.

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] Damage

2012-02-10, 07:43 PM
Lucian, Griund, and Samel

2012-02-10, 08:12 PM
Brushing the blow off, the dwarf grins. "Ha! That's all you've got?" He swings at the human again.

Standard Action: Iron Fist against Bandit 1, gain resist damage all until end of next turn (+4)
Move: None.
Minor: None.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-10, 08:32 PM

"The spirit of the Platinum Dragon is strong inside you! Now let's see what Pelor can do." Samel once again extends his fingers as a beam of pure radiant energy shoots out, hitting the guard in the chest.

Standard: Sun Strike vs guard in H2
Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage, and I slide the guard back to G1
Minor: none

If my attack misses, I will use my racial - Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes - and add [roll2] to the attack. But only if it misses.

2012-02-10, 09:03 PM
Your light ray connects with the bandit as memories from your past life rush through your head.


2012-02-11, 12:59 PM
As he keeps trying to stand up strait, the truth is that the blow to the back of his head was simply too severe. Between the concussion and the internal bleeding, his eyes close and he falls over, dead before he even hts the ground.

Human Bandit 1
With a low growl, the bandit steps back into his position and takes another swing at Griund.

[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] Damage

Rock and Donn

2012-02-11, 02:03 PM
Move: Shift to G2
Standard: Unarmed attack against bandit 1
[roll0] [roll1]
Minor: if the attack knocks him unconscious then take a dagger.

2012-02-11, 02:21 PM
Your punch lands a good hit to the bandits back, but he manages to hold on by the skin of his teeth.

2012-02-11, 04:27 PM

The Shifter, well, shifts north, while continuing the unarmed Rune assault.

Move: Shift to F-4.
Standard: Word of Exchange on enemy at G-3.
Attack: [roll0], damage: [roll1].
Enter Rune state of Destruction: regardless of Hit or Miss, next ally to Hit the target does 4 more damage and gains 4 tHP, before the end of my next turn.

2012-02-11, 05:22 PM
Your attack hits the bandit due to Donn's flank, and your rune of destruction remains active, granting all allies +1 to attacks against him.

Bandit 2
Spins around to swing his mace at you in return for the punch, all as he shifts between you and Donn quickly.

Dazing Strike
shifts to F3
If hit, you are dazed

Griund and Samel


2012-02-11, 08:58 PM

Standard: Iron Fist against Bandit 1.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

If it hits,
Move: To F2 via G1.
Minor: Battlemind's Demand, marking Bandit 2.

Edit: How fitting. A roll of a 1 after rolling a 20. :smallyuk:

2012-02-11, 10:22 PM

The Invoker watches his friend falter in the attack and tries to make up for it.

Once more he extends his hand, though this time two bolts appear, one headed for each of the two guards.

Standard: Hand of Radiance vs Bandit 1 and Bandit 2

Attack B1 [roll0] vs Reflex
Attack B2 [roll1] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll2] radiant damage
Move: none
Minor: none

2012-02-11, 10:38 PM
Your hand of radiance attack, which is total badass dual wielded, hits both bandits, killing bandit 1.

Donn and Rock


2012-02-11, 11:33 PM
See that's what training does. You could have been like him.
Minor: take dagger
Move: Shift to F2
Standard: Gloaming strike; shift to H0
[roll0] [roll1]+[roll2]

2012-02-12, 12:03 AM
Your dagger attack stabs into the bandit's back, leaving him badly bloodied but on his feet

2012-02-12, 08:57 AM

Dizzied by the blow to the head, Rock nonetheless lets loose a feral cry, swinging his fist at the enemy with fury.

Standard Action: Word of Exchange.
Attack roll: [roll0], damage: [roll1].
Entering the Rune of Destruction state, next ally to hit does +4 damage and gains +4 tHP.
I think Samel also should have done 4 more damage due to my Rune state previous turn.

2012-02-12, 11:25 AM
Bandit 2
Shifts to the other side of Rock and swings his mace at him again.

Bandit 2
Shifts to E4
[roll0] vs AC
[roll1] damage
[roll2] extra damage due to Combat Advantage

You were right, my bad.


2012-02-12, 11:32 AM
I'm assuming we all get to move now

Ooh, bad move.
Move: walk to E3.
Standard: Acrobatic strike to shift into sneak attack position in D4.
[roll0] [roll1]+[roll2]
Minor: none

2012-02-12, 11:57 AM
Your blade digging into the bandits back is the last he can take, and he falls over dead.

End of Encounter
125 xp each
8 daggers
2 maces
1 suit of leather armor

2012-02-12, 12:04 PM
I pick up 3 more daggers and grab a belt.
I then move too Samel to unlock his door.
Well that was easy. I'm going to look up ahead. Follow me in about a minute.
Stealth roll [roll0]

2012-02-12, 12:28 PM

The dwarf takes a mace off the bandit outside his cell along with one of the daggers. He offers a dagger to the deva. "Just in case."

2012-02-12, 08:40 PM
You manage to sneak through the door unnoticed, and perch yourself behind one of the four fire pillars around the room. The next room seems to be more built as a guard post for the cells. Its pretty small, the same as the cells, but this room has piles of old swords and armor thrown up against the wall. Most of it is too rusted and broken to be of any use.

The other end of the room has an old wooden table with what looks like a card game that got put on pause. The two that were playing are now talking with two others that just came in dragging a young male human behind them. He appears to be in the same situation you found yourself in a few moments ago, only he is still conscience (for the most part). The guards in the room throw the young man's equipment against the wall and talk among themselvs for a minute, all four with their backs turned to you, and talking too quiet for you to hear.


2012-02-12, 09:19 PM

The Shifter relaxes his stance, and eyes the others calmly.

"A jailbreak, then," he states, and with a grin adds, while picking up a mace, "Better than a sermon."

If possible, spend a healing surge.
Grab a mace, too.

2012-02-12, 10:08 PM
I move to the first room again.
"Four guys in the other room. We'll have to rush them.

2012-02-12, 11:05 PM

The dwarf nods and begins stripping a human of his armor. "Anyone want it? It reeks, but it'll get the job done." He turns and grimaces, then mutters, "Driving all women, children, and wildlife within a mile to flee the stench," with a hacking cough.

2012-02-12, 11:09 PM
Nah, I got my own out there. Besides if this goes right I won't need it at all. :smallcool:

2012-02-13, 01:26 AM

Samel thanks the dwarf for the assistance, and the dagger, though he holds it somewhat absentmindedly.

Samel then carefully opens his cell door and steps out into the room. "There will be plenty of time for sermons later," he says with a wide grin. Turning to his stealthy companion, he asks, "Was our equipment in there? I do far better with a stout staff in my hands than this thing," he gingerly holds up the small dagger.

2012-02-13, 02:03 PM
Yeah, they're just throwing it all in a pile. I'd have back here if was darker. Also we really need to go fast they've got another person out there. They'll bring back here soon so we need to move now.

2012-02-13, 03:00 PM

With a glint in his eyes, Rock interjects, "If they move toward us, however, would it not be more prudent to lay in waiting of them, and ambush them as they come?"

2012-02-13, 04:00 PM

"I am no tactician, but what if two of us were to don the clothing of those guards, and pretend to escort the other two of us out? Pelor has blessed me with the ability to create an image of pure light, so that might be able to possibly create the appearance that we are guards."

Samel looks around the room at the guards, then at his companions. "While I may be too tall, and Griund might be too short, perhaps we could be prisoners and the two of you could act as guards?"

Silent Image ritual

Silent Image
Component Cost: 10 gp
Market Price: 50 gp
Key Skill: Arcana (no check)
Level: 1
Category: Deception
Time: 1 minute
Duration: 1 hour or until discharged

You create an illusion of an object or a creature, or an effect such as fire. This illusion has only a visual aspect. A creature can use a minor action to make an Arcana check or a Perception check (DC 10 + your Arcana check modifier) when it sees the illusion. If the check succeeds, the creature discerns the illusory nature of the image. If a creature interacts with the illusion, the illusory nature of the image is immediately apparent, and the ritual is discharged.

2012-02-13, 09:12 PM

"Staying here doesn't get us any closer to the exit, but charging out just takes us closer to Death's gate. The deva's--Semu...Samel?--Samel's idea may be our ticket out, assuming his light show works. So, who wants the dead man's vest?" Griund holds up the armor like a merchant displaying his finest wares, a mocking look of expectation in his eyes.

2012-02-13, 09:17 PM
I'll do it. I don't think any of you could pull this off.":smallamused:

2012-02-14, 01:56 AM

Samel looks to the one who has called himself Donn, "Donn, what a fitting name. May Pelor's brilliance shine upon you. That's one. Rock, is it? Think you can be a guard as well? Griund cannot because they've already seen him fight. And I'm sure they don't have any on their roster with skin like this" Samel pulls his sleeves back to reveal purple grey skin.

"In order for this to work, I will need some metal . . . something to burn to create the heat shimmer that will work this illusion. Did the guards have anything on them? A mace perhaps, or a few daggers? Ahh yes, those will do." He spies some of the guard's weapons and brings them over to lay in spoked wheel pattern on the floor.

Samel lays the bodies of the guards down in front of him. "Now it is important that you remember this is a silent image only. You cannot speak, you cannot touch your face, you cannot blink. If I had better materials to work with I could make this stronger, but this is the best we can do for now. "

Samel closes his eyes, and a deep rumbling sound starts from his chest. The weapons before him begin to glow softly, then brighter until they are a white hot. Shimmers of heat begin to rise from the metal as it slowly pools into molten steel. Samel waves his hand over the face of the first guard, then over the face of Donn. As his hand passes over, the man's face appears transformed into that of the guard. Samel does the same with the second guard's face, and when he is finished, the Shifter also appears transformed. As he finishes the ritual, all that is left are the blunt wooden handles from the weapons, and a pair of naked guards.

"Remember what I said. No speaking, no touching, no blinking. Any interaction with the image will break the illusion. Now Donn, care to lead the way?"

Anyone who attempts to break the illusion, such as the guards, has to use a minor action to break a DC 19 on an Arcana or Perception check. Or they can interact with the illusion, which will break it automatically. Since the illusion is the face, hopefully they won't be kissing or slapping Donn or Rock anytime soon :smalltongue:

2012-02-14, 09:35 AM
No speaking, that will make it more difficult.

2012-02-14, 10:31 AM

Behind the illusory mask, Rock grins. "Then perhaps this will prove a good test in quiet reverence, " he states, eyeing the other two. "If you two are to be our prisoners, I suggest you get moving. It was a while ago they came to get us, and I fear our keepers will grow suspicious if we take too long."

2012-02-14, 11:57 AM

Samel nods, and slumps his shoulders down, putting his face into a frown and appearing broken and devastated. He stumbles groggily toward the door, whispering "a prisoner probably wouldn't open the door for himself."

2012-02-14, 12:18 PM
I nod and open the door. As I enter the second room I nod at the prisoners and smile. Trying to rush us through fast.

2012-02-14, 01:53 PM
As you all enter the room, the guards turn at the noise of the door opening and nod at you before three turn back to the new prisoner still tied up by the table. The last one still turned towards you starts to talk.

"'Bout time lads. You better hurry and get them to the pit. Tim's starting to look hungry."
One more of the guards quickly turns to the other guard.
"Tim? Nah man, his name is Jim."
What are you guys goin' on 'bout? 'Is bloody name is Adim."

The guards quickly start arguing among themselves, completly ignoring you all and the prisoner beside them.


2012-02-14, 02:51 PM
The new prisoner, seemingly forgotten for the moment, seizes the opportunity immediately. With something between a grunt and a menacing roar, he lunges at the guard between him the wall, attempting to shove him aside to reach his equipment.

The following attacks assume this is the first turn of a new combat, and therefore take combat advantage into account due to Rayth's Superior Reflexes.

Standard: Bull Rush
Attack: [roll0] v Fort. against the guard in E2.
Success: Push the guard to D1 and shift into E2

Whether Rayth is successful or not, he spends an action point to do the following. (Accepting opportunity attacks if he's still in F2.)
Eldritch Bolt
Attack: [roll1] v Reflex against guard in E4
Hit: [roll2] damage

Edit: Can't spend an action point in a surprise round, so the Eldritch Bolt is rescinded.

If Rayth ends up next to his things, he spends a minor action to retrieve his wand.

2012-02-14, 06:45 PM
Well he has spirit don't he.
As the new prisoner attacks I pull one of my two daggers and throw it at the guard in F4 using Gloaming Cut. He then moves to H9 and hides with his rogue talent. [roll0]
Attack roll [roll1] [roll2]+[roll3]

2012-02-14, 11:47 PM

"And there goes our cover." The dwarf moves with blinding speed to the guards next to the table. He eyes the two guards boredly.

Speed of Thought: Move to F5.
Minor Action: Battlemind's Demand, Augment 1. Mark guards at F4 and E4.

2012-02-15, 12:43 PM

"What sense a disguise if we're to discard it at once?" Rock questions, but without awaiting an answer he charges forward with a roar, swinging at the enemy.

I'll assume the mace used was mine.
Standard Action: Charge to G-5, attack F-4
Roll: [roll0], +1 bonus for Charge. Damage: [roll1]
I should still be in my rune state, I think.

2012-02-15, 05:37 PM

Samel raises his hands above his head and intones, in a calm and steady voice, "May the light of Pelor judge you."

Suddenly a shaft of brilliant light descends from the ceiling, enveloping each of the guards. The light is so bright that it is actually painful to the guards, and causes their flesh to sear and their vision to blur.

Standard: Brilliant Beacon - Area Burst 1 centered on F3 (hits each Guard)

Attack Guard (E2): [roll0] vs Will
Attack Guard (G3): [roll1] vs Will
Attack Guard (E4): [roll2] vs Will
Attack Guard (F4): [roll3] vs Will

Hit: Guard takes 10 ongoing radiant damage (save ends)

Miss: Guard takes 5 radiant damage

Effect: The burst creates a 3x3 zone of brilliant light that lasts until the end of my next turn. Enemies in the zone take a -2 penalty to attack rolls, defenses and saving throws. I can move the zone up to 6 squares with a move action, and I can sustain the zone with a minor action. The zone ends if I end my turn within the zone.

Move: none

Minor: none

edit: I just realized that my Covenant of Preservation lets me slide one of my allies 1 square. Rayth - want to slide into a safer spot?

2012-02-15, 07:11 PM
1) If my Bull Rush was successful (very unlikely), I should be in E2 now and have picked up my wand.

2) If it wasn't, then yes! Slide me to G1 where they can't flank me without provoking an opp. attack. (I don't know what the trigger was for that ability of yours; wouldn't it be great if it happened before I provoked opp. attacks from both guards with my Eldritch Bolt?)

Edit: Just realized that if you slide me, it's not a shift, and I'll still provoke opp. attacks from the guards. That said, I'll still end up in a better position. So …

If my Bull Rush wasn't successful, and if it's correct that I'll take opp. attacks for the slide but not for the Eldritch Bolt, then I slide to G1.

2012-02-16, 09:58 AM
The guards stumble around, partially blinded, and kind of curious wtf just hit them. When they realize the guards were a trap and the prisoners are attacking, they lose it and all of them let out a blood hungry roar as they drive their maces.

Takes 10 radiant damage
Attack: Takes a swing at Griund [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Saving Throw: [roll2]



2012-02-16, 10:29 AM

Griund responds with a quick stab of his dagger.
Standard: Iron Fist against guard at F4. Griund gains resist all 4.
Attack: [roll0] vs AC
Damage: [roll1]
Move: None
Minor: None

2012-02-16, 11:03 AM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

The other prisoner is more enraged than ever, and clearly disoriented at whatever just slid him across the floor. He recovers quickly, however, and blue energy curls away from his fingers toward the guard that still stands between him and his wand, then rushes at him again.

Standard: Eldritch Bolt
Attack: [roll0] v bandit at E2
Damage: [roll1] force damage

Move: Move to F1

Rayth spends an action point to try another Bull Rush:
Attack: [roll2] v bandit at E2
Success: Push bandit to D1 and shift to E2

If the Bull Rush misses and the attack roll was greater than 10, Rayth uses Heroic Effort to add +4 to the attack roll. (Make sure to tell me if it was used, so I can note it.)

If Rayth ends up in E2:
Minor: Retrieve his wand

2012-02-16, 11:05 AM
I meant to say "If the attack roll is 10 or greater," so presuming the Bull Rush missed with the 10 roll, I do want to use Heroic Effort to bring it to 14.

2012-02-16, 11:10 AM
Your dagger almost misses, but the bandits blind state causes him to lose his balance and stumble right into your attack.

Your attack manages to miss the bandit, but your bull rush successfully shoves him out of the way (no heroic effort). You finally get your wand back in your hand.

2012-02-16, 12:57 PM
"Well here we go again. This is the start of a dangerous friendship, isn't it." :smalltongue:
Move: Go to H4
Standard: Duelist's flurry against adjacent enemy. Attack [roll0]
Damage 4+[roll1]
Slide the enemy to G4. Shift to G3.
Wow miss. :smallfrown:

2012-02-16, 01:19 PM
The blades slash across the bandits gut to your amazement.

Attack: [roll0] vs Rayth
Damage: [roll1]

Attack: [roll2] vs Donn
Damage: [roll3]

2012-02-16, 01:29 PM
"See look at that. If they actually trained they would be a challenge."

2012-02-16, 04:05 PM

Samel watches as the guards writhe under his brilliant beacon of light. He holds his hands out once again. "May the light of Pelor cherish and protect the weak." he says in the same calm, steady voice. The pillar of light erupts as radiant swords slash out at the guards, then take up a position in front of his allies, shielding them from harm.

Standard: Blades of Astral Fire - burst 1 centered on F4

Attack Bandit 2 : 1d20+4 vs reflex
Attack Bandit 3 : 1d20+4 vs reflex
Attack Bandit 4 : 1d20+4 vs reflex
Hit: 1d6+4 radiant damage
Effect: All allies in the burst (Griund and Rock) get a +5 bonus to AC until the end of my next turn

Move: none

Minor: Sustain Brilliant Beacon (-2 to attacks, defenses and saves for all enemies in zone)

edit: and since I used an Encounter power, one ally can slide 1 square. I don't care, so whoever wants it can have the free slide.

2012-02-17, 07:35 AM
While the 2nd bandit manages to avoid the blades, the 3rd and 4th get blasted in the back, injuring the 4th and killing the 3rd.



2012-02-17, 10:38 AM

Ignoring the wounded and battered bandit, Rock shifts deeper into the fray, throwing a punch at the other bandit.

Move: Shift to G-4.
Standard: Attack Bandit at G-3, Word of Exchange, Rune of Destruction. Next ally to hit it gains 4 tHPs and does 4 damage..
Attack roll: [roll0], damage: [roll1]

2012-02-17, 11:24 AM

"Might I suggest we keep one alive so that he can escort us out of here? I'd hate to have to kill every person we meet. It would be a terrible waste of life."

2012-02-19, 11:13 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

"Now you bastards are going to find out who you're dealing with," the other prisoner growls as he gives a flourish of his wand. A shaft of energy appears above his other hand, and within moments it coalesces into the form of a longsword, but a blade seemingly of shifting light rather than steel. He thrusts it forward, and the air around him seems to warp as he does so.

Minor: Manifest Starshadow Blade

Standard: Wield the Warp
Attack: [roll0] vs Fort. against bandit in D1
Hit: [roll1] psychic and radiant damage, and bandit is teleported to F3

Rayth uses Heroic Effort to add +4 racial bonus to the attack roll if it would miss, and if the original roll was at least a 6.

2012-02-19, 11:24 PM
"Impressive magic you have there."
Standard: I use Acrobatic Strike and risky shift to get flanking on bandit 4 attack[roll0] damage[roll1]+[roll2]
Move: I shift again with risky shift to get out of melee range preferably behind cover.
If behind cover then stealth check.[roll3]

2012-02-21, 07:17 PM

Dropping his weapon, the dwarf grabs the dead bandit's mace and lunges for the nearest foe.

Free: Drop dagger
Minor: Pick up mace of bandit at E4
Move: Move to F4 (I assume that's a dead bandit)
Standard: Iron Fist against bandit at G3. Gain resist all 4 until the end of next turn.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-21, 11:16 PM
Your punch to the bandit's gut causes him to choke as he spits up blood. Your rune of destruction is also left glowing on his stomach.

Your starshadow blade severly wound the bandit, leaving him severly bloodied.

Your shift and acrobatic strike get you behind the bandit, and the knife in his back almost kills him. After you remove your blades, the rune of destruction detonates killing him.

Repost is allowed.

2012-02-21, 11:50 PM

Grabbing the nearby mace, Griund turns his attention to the remaining foe.

Similar to previous post.

Free: Drop dagger
Minor: Grab mace

If D2 is a legal move space for Griund,
Move: Move to D2
Standard: Iron Fist against bandit at D1.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Critical! 12 points of damage

Given that roll, I can only assume the above is not true. :smalltongue:

If D2 is not a legal move space for Griund,

Move: Move to E3
Standard (as minor): Battlemind's Demand, marking bandit at D1

2012-02-22, 12:47 AM
"Hey, Rock fist bump." :smallcool::smallbiggrin:

2012-02-22, 11:51 AM

Exp: 125
Total: 250
Left: 750

2012-02-22, 12:17 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

The unknown prisoner, still caught in the heat of battle, wheels to face the remaining people in the room, sword up and ready to strike again. He falters when he sees startlingly different forms than the guards that were there before. He takes a step back, still cautious. "What is this? Who are you?" he demands.

2012-02-22, 12:48 PM

"I'd ask you the same, if it weren't that you appear as ignorant as the rest of us." He points to himself. "I'm Griund. Seems we're in some sort of fight arena for others' amusement." He kicks one of the guard's bodies. "Don't think this is quite what they had in mind, though." He smiles mirthlessly.

2012-02-22, 01:11 PM
"Whoever he is he's in the same boat as us. And that makes him an ally. At least till we're out."
I'm grabbing my gear.

2012-02-22, 01:51 PM

Samel lowers his hands as the beam of light winks out. He shudders for a half second, then regains his composure. "Thank you for your assistance. I am Samel, chosen of Pelor". Samel extends his hand in a friendly gesture while walking over to gather his belongings.

2012-02-22, 02:20 PM
"So you're prisoners too, are you?" Rayth lowers his weapon. He glances around at the bodies of the guards. "The cowards. They'd never have captured me in a fair fight." With a bright shimmer, his sword vanishes into the air. He stows his wand away securely in his coat, then quickly checks his pack to make sure the rest of his belongings are in place.

As he shoulders the pack, he says, "I'm Rayth. So, shall we figure out how we're going to get out of here? I'm not waiting for the next batch of guards."

2012-02-22, 04:15 PM
As you continue to search around and gather your equipment, you coe across a small black bag, and 1 chainmail set of armor that is not rusted and ruined.

2012-02-22, 04:39 PM

The Invoker picks up the suit of chainmail and examines it, trying to discern if it has any special properties or if it is simply an untarnished set of armor.

"What is in the bag?" he asks of the others.

2012-02-22, 07:00 PM
I slice open the bag.
"Fun tip, if you want to know something investigate it."
I pour the contents of the bag onto the table.

2012-02-22, 11:05 PM
The contents rolls onto the table, and landing right in the middle of the stack of 10gp from the poker game, is a small, round moonstone, which you could roughly value at about 50gp.

2012-02-23, 12:19 AM

The dwarf, who has been putting on his scale mail, looks up when the items fall on the table. "Must have been lousy gamblers if that's all they've got left from their marks...or really preferred capturing fighters to merchants. Fools either way."

2012-02-23, 12:35 AM
"Fools, but fools under orders I'd suspect."
AnimaWould I have heard anything about this during my thieving times?

2012-02-23, 09:43 PM

The Shifter snaps to, as if the battle just now called forth some unpleasant memories. He nods gravely to the others, understanding some talk has been made, but not keen on showing he has no clue what was discussed.

"The sooner we leave, the better," he growls, fetching his equipment from the pile. "I've no wish to remain in this place any longer than is necessary."

2012-02-23, 09:50 PM
"Sounds like a plan. Quick question though, do you want to cause some damage?" :smallamused:

2012-02-23, 10:09 PM

"Meaning?" The Shifter frowns.

2012-02-23, 10:17 PM
"Meaning let's break their entire operation down. Simple really. I don't like this and from appearances neither do you."

2012-02-23, 10:37 PM

The dwarf feels the balance of his longsword and nods. "Sounds good to me. The fewer of these cretins around, the better."

2012-02-24, 12:43 AM

Samel, still holding the chain armor in his hands, says to the others, "I have no desire to unnecessarily end life. I wouldn't have a problem freeing other prisoners or reporting these people to the local magistrate, but needless killing is not something I am particularly interested in."

So . . . is this armor special at all or is it just ordinary chain armor?

2012-02-24, 12:54 AM
"It's not that simple though is it. If we don't do something by the time someone does who knows what they will do by then. We really are saving lives in the long run. Innocent lives too."

2012-02-24, 02:26 AM

The tall man sighs and shakes his head. "I understand that you would feel this way. If I cannot change your mind, perhaps I can at least save you from being killed. That is one way to prevent needless death, no?" he says, a small grin appearing on his face.

2012-02-24, 02:31 AM
"That it would and I at least would be very appreciative."

2012-02-24, 07:07 AM
Rayth sighs. "You want to shut the place down? Fine. I wouldn't mind some payback anyway. But let's be quick about it." Then he slides the coins and the gem off the table into his waiting purse. "No reason not to take this with us."

2012-02-24, 03:27 PM
The armor doesn't appear to have any special qualities. It is just a normal set of chainmail that is still in usable condition.

Through all your travels and evesdropping, you have not heard of anything about this place or abductions.

2012-02-24, 05:42 PM

The Shifter crosses his arms, shakes his head.

"And the villagers said I was a reckless one," he sighs. "Regardless, I feel vengeful. Let's be about it."

2012-02-24, 07:27 PM
"Hey they say that about me too." :smallamused:

2012-02-24, 10:03 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

"What's the layout of these rooms look like?" Rayth asks the others as he nevertheless steps into the room of cells from which they came. "Any windows or other doors? Anything useful? Someone might want to have a careful look out the front door, to get an idea where we are."

Any obviously pertinent features of the room?

Rayth would not say it, but he wants someone else to have a look because he's not great at taking in details. (Perception -1)

2012-02-24, 10:06 PM

Griund glances around the room, looking for anything of interest.

+4 to perception to help Rayth out. :smallsmile:

2012-02-25, 12:13 AM
Neither of you can really find anything. There are no windows, doors, or even any large enough cracks to see out of. This entire place seems to have been quite well built, either above or below ground.

2012-02-25, 01:28 PM
"There is the way they came."
I look out of the door opposite of the holding area.
Stealth just to be safe.

2012-02-27, 08:42 AM
As you poke your head out around the door, you can see a long hallway perpendicular to the cells. To your right is a large stone door about 20 feet from the door. To your left is a long hallway, about 50 feet from the cells and turns at the end.

2012-02-27, 08:45 AM

The Shifter eyes the rogue. "Anyone to see?"

2012-02-27, 01:35 PM
No one. Door to the right and a turn in the passage on the right.
I sneak over to the door and put my ear to it.
Perception check. [roll0]

2012-02-27, 08:58 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

Rayth stands poised by the door, watching Donn's progress intently. He glances at the others. "If it's empty and we can get the door open quickly, that's where we should go," he says. "We should stay out of the corridors as much as possible, and maybe we'll find something a little more useful in that room."

2012-02-27, 09:39 PM

The dwarf grunts and nods in agreement. "Shall we?"

2012-02-28, 02:19 PM
Nothing can be heard from inside. You can't even hear a footstep past the door.

2012-02-28, 02:24 PM
Donn I check for traps/locks.
Thievery if necessary.[roll1]
If nothing is there open door. If I disable the trap open door. If I fail to disable trap ow.

2012-02-29, 07:32 AM

The door swings open with no trouble at all. As the door opens, you see that the hinges only open one way.

The room beyond the door is a complete mess, and a frightening sight. The floor is covered in a coating of blood, bones, and brushes. Almost set up as a den to some beast. The ceiling is a complete slaughter house. There are over 20 bodies just hanging from the ceiling. Most are in pieces and seem to have been meals.

2012-02-29, 08:57 AM

Following behind the rogue, Rock glimpses briefly into the room, but quickly turns away.

"Not what we want to find ourselves in," the Shifter growls. "I find alarming revelations in that room. The guards' words lead me to imagine we were meant to fight some creature... and if this room is any indication, it is a most wretched creature."

He points down the hall. "Unless there is any purpose to entering that room, I propose we head down the hall instead."

2012-02-29, 09:20 AM

As you turn away from the room, a low moan comes out from the room.

2012-02-29, 09:31 AM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

As soon as the door had swung open at Donn's touch, Rayth had darted across the hall to enter quickly and sidle against an interior wall, reluctant to stay in the corridor any longer than necessary. He had been frozen with sickened shock at the sight of the room, recovering himself enough to take in as many details as he could.

Now he turns, intending to leave the room. When he hears the moan, he whirls again, instinctively manifesting his magic blade with a flash. "Is someone there?" he calls warily as he peers around the chamber to look for the source of the sound.

What the heck, Arcana check to see if Rayth recognizes the handiwork of any magic creature: [roll0]

Manifest Starshadow Blade.

Perception check in the room: [roll1]

Edit: Arcana was supposed to be +8 (guess I hit the wrong key), so that's a roll of 18.

2012-02-29, 10:03 AM

Arcane: The room is almost over powering with an elemental essence, but none of the hanging bodies show signs of arcane damage.

Perception: With a quick glance around the room, you immediatly spot a hanging body at the back. It is a young elven woman who does not appear to have been harmed yet.

2012-02-29, 10:21 AM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

"There!" Rayth calls to his companions. "Give me a hand." He moves carefully across the room, avoiding the hanging bodies as best he can and trying to avoid looking at them. When he reaches the woman, he cautiously extends a hand to feel for warmth and the strength of her pulse. "Can you hear me?" he asks her. He remains wary, but prepares to cut her down as soon as someone is in position to support her.

2012-02-29, 10:47 AM

Upon closer inspection, the girl actually appears to be an Eladrin. She still has the body of a child, about the body of a 16 year old human girl, but she is likely older than most of you (physically Samel). She is extremly beautiful, even among the Eladrin, and she is completly unconscience. Nothing you guys do can wake her up, but she is still breathing, no matter how shallow.

2012-02-29, 01:05 PM

The Deva kneels next to the girl, placing his hands over her chest. "May the light of Pelor bring you back to us." he murmors, as a warm glow radiates from his palms. Sensing it is not enough, he turns to the others, "I could use some assistance here. Simply place your hands as follows and let your warmth and life essence flow into the girl."
Heal check [roll0]

Maybe you guys can 'aid another' and try to do a heal check - of you get over 10 you can assist the roll. Or someone else can try and do better than my crappy roll of a 7 :smalltongue:

2012-02-29, 01:17 PM
"Is no one else worried about the fact we're standing in a room full of goddamn dead people."
I start looking around to see if anything else besides the people are here. I make sure to stay by the door to make sure It doesn't close.
Perception check. [roll0]

2012-02-29, 01:19 PM

"I may not look it, but I know something of ways of the body."

Aid Another: Heal [roll0]

2012-02-29, 01:21 PM

There is nothing in the room beside the dangling half-eaten corpses, the girl, and the coating marking the room as a den.

2012-02-29, 02:10 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

Rayth merely continues to stand and warily scan the room, his sword at the ready against his shoulder. "You don't want my help, holy man. Healing is … not my strong suit." He glances down at the girl again. "If you can't wake her soon, we need to get her out of here regardless. I feel a strong supernatural force in here. Even going back where we came would be better."

Heal modifier is -1, and I don't think Rayth would try.

Also, I'm assuming we went ahead and cut the girl down, and she's not still dangling while Samel is working on her!

2012-02-29, 04:45 PM

"I feel it too. Let us get her stable and get her out of here. We can question her later."

Samel scoops up the woman in his arms. "Lead the way."

2012-03-01, 06:08 AM

The Shifter flat-out refuses to enter the room, observing the entire ordeal from the door opening, his arms crossed.

"Another to add to our numbers?" he remarks, but Rock doesn't appear to be bothered by it. "I know a thing or two of medical assistance, but I will not enter that accursed room."

2012-03-01, 09:31 AM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

"Nor will there be a need for you to," Rayth says as he maneuvers his way back through the hanging bodies to the corridor. He stands watch there, eyes darting one way and then the other, as he keeps one hand on the door leading back to the prison cells, making sure it stays open wide for Samel. "Quick, get her in here."

2012-03-01, 09:48 AM
"You take care of her I'm going to look up ahead."
Perception check [roll0]
Stealth check [roll1]
Just in case.

2012-03-01, 11:35 AM

As you peak around the corner, you see two more guards in front of a large statue and a t-intersection. These two guards are easily twice the size of the other ones.

2012-03-01, 01:30 PM

The dwarf looks over the eladrin, searching for any familiar marking or sign of the source of her condition.

Anything I might recognize? A symbol of a clan/religion, features of a particular group of eladrin, etc.? Also, do I find any sign of what happened to her?

Just in case (use or dismiss as you please. Just covering bases in advance):
Religion: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Heal: [roll2]
Perception: [roll3]

2012-03-01, 02:40 PM
How bright is it and how is it being lit.

2012-03-01, 04:00 PM

While there are no obvious marks of religion or that you could remember, one thing stands out. A small amathyst earing hanging on her left earing. The amathyst itself has some wierd marking carved on the inside, likely by some sort of magic, and the metal around it is a high quality platinum. It is fairly small, and easy to expect these small time bandits would know nothing of platinum, and probably brushed it off as steel. While her breathing and pulse have returned to normal, likely lost due to the blood rush to her head, she still refuses to wake up. Likely too weak to, but other then that, she is in no immediate danger, and will likely survive.



The etire hallway is lit by sur rods sticking out of the walls. The hallway is easily as bright as a plain at high noon.


2012-03-01, 04:49 PM
I walk over to the rest of the group.
"Two more guards. Big ones. Let's hit them now before they get suspicious."
I then walk back out to the corner. I wait for the rest to come or not, then I move out from cover. I throw a shurikun with gloaming strike. Using the shift to get back in cover.
Attack [roll0] damage[roll1]

2012-03-01, 09:16 PM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

Rayth's eyes widen as it becomes clear Donn intends to attack immediately. "Wait, we haven't even …" His protest falters even as he begins to move down the corridor, as it is apparent it's too late to stay the attack. Rayth gives one uncertain glance over his shoulder, deciding to trust that the deva will take care to secure the girl. Then after Donn unleashes his first offensive, Rayth steps into the adjoining corridor, raising the sword still in his hand and steadying himself for the fight.

Rayth stops his free movement at H16.

Standard: Ready Action
Will attack with Eldritch Bolt against the first enemy that comes closer than H5. (That is, enters H6 or I6.)

(This'll be wasted if the enemies don't precede me in the Initiative order in the first full round. But it's about all Rayth can do with a single action and no attack that will reach!)

2012-03-01, 11:50 PM

Griund makes note of the item, nods apologetically to the unconscious eladrin, then rushes after the other two. Seeing the guards around the corner, he flies across the floor, then sets himself in the middle of the hallway.

Free Move: Move to G16
Free Action: Speed of Thought (Move a number of squares equal to 3 + your CHA mod (+1)) to H12
Move Action: Move to H7

2012-03-03, 05:40 PM

Samel lays the girl down as delicately as possible, using the bedroll from his backpack to prop her head up.

Turning to look down the hall, he sees Donn draw a shuriken to hurl at the guards. Sighing, Samel holds his hands out in front of him, intoning words of prayer to Pelor that this combat is swift and painless for all involved.

Standard: Ready Sun Strike against first enemy I can see.

Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage and I slide the enemy (I will choose to slide when/if this attack happens)

2012-03-04, 06:21 AM

The Shifter advances, seeing now any opportunity to tend to the lass wasted.

Move to F-15, do nothing for now.

2012-03-07, 07:27 PM

Your shuriken connects and sticks out of the bandits chest, and your attack is the only one that hits.

Bandit (I1)
Bandit (I4)


2012-03-07, 08:10 PM

Rushing toward the closest guard, Griund. "Begin!" he bellows. It is unclear whether this is a demand to his allies or foes, but his gaze locks coldly with the guard's as he swings his longsword with blurring speed.

Move Action: Move to H5
Minor Action: Battlemind's Demand. Mark Bandit (I4) until the end of the encounter, or until this power is used again.

Standard Action: Twisted Eye
Attack: [roll0] vs AC.
Damage: [roll1], and until the end of your next turn, the target takes a penalty to attack rolls equal to the number of your allies adjacent to it.

Action Point, Standard Action: Iron Fist
Effect: Until the end of your next turn, you gain resistance to all damage equal to your Wisdom mod (+4).
Attack: [roll2] vs AC
Damage: [roll3]

2012-03-08, 03:55 PM
Bandit (I1)

Charges at Griund, yelling at him with a blood hungry cry.

Move: to H4
Standard: Dazing Strike: [roll0] vs AC
Effect: The target (Griund) is dazzed until the end of the Bandits next turn. The bandit can also shift 1 square.
Damage: [roll1]
Shift: I3

Bandit (I4)
Bandit (I1)

As you get closer to the intersection, you can see that a larger hallway leads to two massive stone doors. The hallway has sections all along the wall that have been carved out. Inside them, you can see what appears to be bright red writing, but you are too far to make it out.

2012-03-11, 11:36 AM

The Shifter approaches, then takes up a defensive stance.

Move to H-11, then use:
Standard Action: Total Defence, +2 to all my defences.

2012-03-11, 01:16 PM

The Deva steps forward and extends his arms, firing a bolt of radiance at his enemies.

Move: Move to I-14
Standard: Sun Strike vs guard in I4

Attack: [roll0] vs Reflex
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage, and I slide the guard over to H4
Minor: none

2012-03-12, 07:47 AM

Your sun strike shoots so far off the mark, the bandit barely has to move to avoid it.

Bandit I4

Shifts his weight to the other side of Griund and swings his mace with a similar blood cry to his brother's.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage : [roll1]
Move: hift to I5


Bandit (I3)
Bandit (I5)



2012-03-12, 08:39 AM
Rayth Marwood, Human Warlock

Rayth charges ahead full speed, his glittering blade slashing forward with bright energy.

Move: Move to H10

Standard: Charge
Move to I6 and use Resplendant Blade against bandit at I5 (can be used as a melee basic attack)
Attack: [roll0] (includes +1 for charging)
Hit: [roll1] radiant damage

2012-03-12, 11:55 AM
I stride forewords quickly, striking hard.
Let's see if you last longer then the others.
Move go to I 10.
Standard attack bandit in I5 with gloaming cut. Shift to H7 with risky shift if I hit.
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1] ooh, it's alright.
Minor, do it with panache. :smallamused:

2012-03-12, 01:10 PM

Though dazed, Griund notices the bandit slipping by him and rushes backward, taking up a defensive position.

This is going to get a bit messy, thanks to Blurred Step being a Free Action rather than an immediate reaction, meaning it can be used while dazed.

Free Action: Blurred Step in response to bandit (I4) shifting to I5. Griund shifts to I7 (Blurred Step allows Griund to shift 2 whenever an enemy who is adjacent and marked by him shifts). Unless the bandit has reach, he shouldn't be able to attack from there.

Standard Action: Total Defense
Griund gains a +2 to all defenses until the end of his next turn.

2012-03-14, 10:46 AM
As Donn rushes forward attacking again, making the bandit bloody, the bandits realizes where the first shuriken came from, and gets pissed.

Bandit (I3)
Move: H6
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Bandit (I5)
Bandit (H6)


2012-03-18, 03:54 PM

Seeing little opportunity to enter the fray even deeper, the Runepriest draws a powerful sigil, empowering Griund; nearby allies get some of it, too. The Shifter readies himself to attack the moment an opportunity presents itself.

Standard: Ready Action: Charge Bandit (any) the moment I can do so without provoking an OA.
Minor: Rune of Mending, state of Destruction: Griund heals healing surge value HP, and everyone within 5 of me gains a +2 power bonus to damage rolls. Myself not included, sadly.

2012-03-19, 11:35 AM
Samel once again fires a ball of radiant energy at the guard

Move: none
Standard: Sun Strike vs guard in I5

Attack: 1d20+4 vs Reflex
Hit: 1d8+4 radiant damage, and I slide the guard over to I6
Minor: none