View Full Version : Shattered Galaxy IC

2012-02-09, 08:57 PM
IT HAS BEGUN! You're civilization is thrust into a time of darkness and chaos, the galaxy is a dangerous and terrifying place full of wonders and horrors you have yet to dream of!

How will you ensure the survival of your race?

So far we have:
Dark Blue = Captain Obvious
Orange = Arcane Stomper
Red = Thelonius
White = Gunther
Light Blue = Locnil
Purple = nopslipe (he didn't claim a territory yet)

The galaxy: The Galaxy (http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t174/Starhawk11/ShatteredGalaxyRedoTurn1.jpg)

2012-02-10, 01:20 AM
Wow threads get drowned here fast.

The game has begun guys you can start anytime

2012-02-10, 02:37 AM
"In an amazing turn of events, the Grand Chancellor has not vetoed the space program despite an overwhelming majority of his supporters opposing this project. He has this to say"

"Space is the future, the last frontier. Will our people be among the great pioneers in the annals of history or shall we be recorded as a backward looking people who shunned all forms of advancement?"

"Next up, Public Health Or Public Poisoning? The Fluoride Controversy."


Population: 9000000000
Solar Bonds: 6371750000
Neo Steel: 610000


Load all Legionaries with a 50/50 split in Support and Combat into 5 Centurion Landers and explore all the systems in my home grid

Get 4 Lunar Destroyers Exploring G2

Get 1 Lunar Destroyer to explore my home system.

Begin Construction of 1 Small Slipways (1.5)

Begin Construction Of 2 Explorator Class Vessels (0.5)

Begin Training of 10000 Support Legionaries (0/1)

Begin Upgrading Smelter (0/1.5)

2012-02-10, 03:16 AM
Fiori Rising

There was a quiet rattling sound, which slowly built in intensity as the moments drew on. It was the thunderous shriek of explosions that had been rendered into dull crumping sounds by the powers of both distance and time. Massive artillery emplacements, stretching for kilometers at a time in a myriad of trenches and camouflaged firing pits, roared their approval to the heavens as they belched fire and smoke in equal measure. For the irradiated surface of their homeworld, the Fiori had made do with the same policy they had lived by for millenia: Survival of the fittest.

It was a trait that had bled into everything there. The flora, which had been carefully cultivated in great abundance in the clan arcologies, had become thick in stalk and bearing of especially sweet smelling fruit to attract potential carriers for its seeds. Only the most hardy of plants were allowed to reside within their gardens, and these plants had learned- in a crude fashion- how to adapt to that. The fauna had done likewise- where other worlds might have cuddly creatures of soft fur and gentle dispositions, the wildlife on this world (what remained of it, anyways) was both furious and extremely vicious. Armored plates, chitin, and sharp horns were the standard of this world's "unintentilligent" inhabitants. Even those that couldn't claim sapience possessed a cunning intelligence that could rival it. Everything on this world was either an omnivore or a carnivore- and, in more lean times (except for the Fiori, who found such things as delicatessen), even cannibal.

Yet above it all, the survival of one species had dominated this world's stage- a dominance that was asserting itself on itself. The Fiori. The physically brutal and mentally ruthless culture they had bred on this world was one that refused to lay dormant, even on the eve of their total unification. Things had boiled down to two very clear factions, locked in one last pointed battle: The forces of Warmaster Uvenk, the holder of the singular position of master of the unified (a loosely-used term if there ever was any) Steel Clans and the remnants of those outsiders who had not conformed.

Considering the fact that Uvenk's faction held every advantage one could hope for in the field of battle, ranging from control of orbit to the massive Tomkah tanks that even now were rolling across the field of battle (produced in the massive factories that his faction also controlled), the war had waged for a full year.

To other species, a siege such as this- where there was a clear and direct objective to be taken (The arcologies of the other side, wherein their women bred and their warriors were trained to fuel the fires of conflict)- would last no more than a few weeks, perhaps a month. After all, after the primary line of defense was broken through, victory was a simple matter of making a complete breakthrough!

To the Fiori, every inch of land was a grueling affair. Anti-aircraft batteries, some automated and others not (and some, like those fed their deadly missiles and railgun shells by chain gangs of youth and slaves, better off never seeing the light of day). Where man had become "Civilized" in the art of killing, the Fiori fought with all limbs and every ounce of their craftiness, intellect, and raw brutality. Shells freely rained down on the habitats of soldiers and children alike in a curtain of fire. The trenches of the independent clans were a swamp of blood, entrails, broken vehicles, spilled fluids of every shape and kind imaginable, spent casings, and other such detritus of warfare. Tunnels, both mid-construction and collapsed, spanned the last stretch of battlefield. The clans were fighting back towards their Arcologies. Massive artillery bastions of their own making were set up here, mortar pits and minefields and razorwire (electrified, of course) all dutifully arrayed to hold back the Steel Clans.

Yet even as the quadruple-barreled autocannons of the bunkers sprayed torrents of explosive shells at the invaders, and Fiori fought Fiori in close quarters combat (to deadly effect, of course), the outcome of the battle was known. Uvenk's clans simply had too many warriors, breeding too fast, to ever be overcome by their weakened alliance. The death blow was simply long in coming.

Warmaster Uvenk had not yet claimed his absolute dominion, but already the tithes were being laid out, the appropriation of materials and manpower arranged. The clans had their own matters to look after, but still the demands of an ever-growing species were laid at his feet.

Demands that he would, in his foresight, lay out the groundwork to meet. To begin with, there was the matter of ensuring that the day of his usurpation would never arrive...

Tax Rate at 10. Morale -20%, Morale: 10%.

-200mil LC, -100k Neo-Steel for a Master Sector Base, centered on the Warmaster's continent on the homeworld. A bastion of military security! T-Minus: 4 Turns

-80mil LC, -200k Neo-Steel for four Small Slipways in the Planetary Shipyard. T-Minus: 1 Turn

-650mil LC to construct 6 levels of Smelteries on the homeworld, to assist in the smelting of Neo-Steel! Let it flow! T-Minus: 1 Turn

-39.9mil LC, -30k Neo-Steel to build 3 Clanships, using the following stats array. T-Minus: 1 Turn

Crew: 100
HP: 100
Armor: Neo-steel (1)
Engines: Class 3 (3)
FTL Drive (1)
1x transport module (5)
Cost: 13,300,000 LC, 10,000 Neo-Steel
Transport capacity: 4,000 personnel or 200 vehicles
Time to build: 1 turn

The five current top-notch transport ships will be loaded with a mixture of infantry and vehicles (3,000 Infantry, 20 Light Combat Vehicles, 20 Light Transports), and each one given a combat vessel to escort it. These 1-1 task groups will then use their high-power FTL engines to travel to all systems within the sector and proceed to scout them accordingly.

2012-02-10, 03:43 AM

After generations of hiding and living in the shadow of past glory, the discovery of the Reach VX-367 and its cache of technology has singal the start of the new era. The unification of the system was swift and bloodless as people of Reach prepared to venture into the galaxy once more.

Secret Actions:

Fleet Movements:

[I can jump diagonally in the map, correct?]

I load [5] Infectors with [2,000] Explorers, [20] Rovers, [20] Grav Tanks each. I send each to one of the following coordinates:

Their orders:
1. Locate largest or most valuable Worlds
2. Construct Garrison [Wasp Launchers x2] on those worlds.
3. Explore the world with ground troops.
4. Infectors are to return to homeworld, once their Warp Drives recharge.

[B]Shipyard Construction:
1. Build 2 Infectors
2. Build 1 Infestor [Infector with Cryo-Module]

Vehicle Production:
1. Build 100 Rovers
2. Build 50 Grav Tanks
3. Build 5 Small Production Lines

Recruitment Center:
1. Recruit 50.000 Troops [Thebian Way]

Taxation: Level 10

2012-02-10, 11:39 AM
As the first new ships in two centuries rose into the sky even the ever busy workers of mining fleet 22 took a moment to watch them ascend on trails of fire. But only a moment as there was still work to be done. Always work to be done.

Across the battered plains of Lexington II the sounds of mining rang out as vast smelter complexes produced the raw materials for the ever hungry shipyards. In the shipyards themselves new keels were already being laid down by the orders of the Elders.

And in the Hall of the Elders plans were being forged and reforged. Arguments became more and more heated until finally cooler heads prevailed and a consensus was reached. Orders went out to the workers. Now that the initial designs had been proven the shipyards would be expanded to meet the requirements of the new fleet. Already new designs were being tested to replace the old Imperial schematics that no longer met the needs of Mining Fleet 22.

It had been a long time coming, but finally Mining Fleet 22 would be able to return to its appointed tasks.

-Set tax rate to 10

- Send one Scout Miner to explore the home system

- Send the other four Scout Miners to explore the other systems in this sector. One to a system unless there's less than four systems, I can't see the map on this computer and I don't remember.

Production Queue
Starting Resources
Population: 9,000,000,000
Manpower: 100,000
Neo-Steel: 500,000
Ore Credits: 2,000,000,000

- Start building seven more light slipways.

Time to Completion: 0.75 Turns

- Start building three buses
- Start building three prospectors
- Start building three miners

Time to Completion: 1 Turn

(Technically they get built in a sequence, but I figure it's easier to keep track of if I just say they all get built at once and become available in a turn.)

2012-02-10, 07:50 PM
WOW you guys had some great posts.

Generating your encounters now I'm just waiting to see if anyone else posts up so we can make sure they get taken into account as well.

This is turn 1

2012-02-11, 11:13 AM
Within the Planetary Council Hall
Pristine, replicated leather boots clicked sharply against the shaded crystal floor. The person to whom those boots belonged gave every appearance of the polished, cool, urbane archology moderator, yet she was, to the last part of her soul, inwardly agitated. Those boots stalked, one by one, into the complex where the council was to be convened. They paused, abruptly, as the gravity levellers propelled her skywards, even as bio-psychologic scanners ascertained her identity. The First Technocrat silently nodded in acknowledgement as the last moderator to arrive floated into place. With only silence heralding its arrival, a holographic display, representing AI-001, the overseeing, original AI of the planet’s technological systems, flickered into being.

The First Technocrat was the first to speak.

“Has anyone stargazed recently?”

A few traded bewildered looks, but by and large the moderators assembled understood what he was talking about. “Sir, we have to conclude our decisions, fast. I still believe that inner-core stabilization is the best means of-“ The First cut her off with an upraised hand. “We have already determined that Dyson is at it’s maximum safe population, Teresa, and no amount of inner-core stabilization will change the fact that the inside of a planet is too dangerous a place for our people to be, no matter how over populated the surface becomes.”

“ And sending them into the deep, unknown reaches of space is supposed to be safer?”

“Perhaps some in this room have forgotten our original goal. We are not the Technocracy. We are the Trade Technocracy. This government was founded upon the ideals of not only utopian society achieved through science and technology, but also on peaceful contact with alien species, and of lucrative trade with them, as the way forward. That was the outline I posited to the people of the Solar Empire a century ago, and to this day I maintain that it remains valid. We may have abandoned our exploratory goals in concession to One’s wisdom, but today even our luminous friend admits it’s designs of a planet-contained society are no longer viable.

The AI’s display flickered briefly in response.

“The stars that so few today even care to gaze upon… They should have been ours long ago. Yet we do not even know what their systems are like; what planets, if any, orbit around them.”

One’s display flared blue. “Exploration was the height of impracticality back then. A far more efficient method, the one we eventually agreed upon, was to restrict ourselves to a single planet, keeping our fleet close for defence, and focus on building the infrastructure of our society.”

“And yet we have never been attacked, nor have we any news of the galaxy beyond this biosphere.”

“That is hardly One’s fault.” Teresa argues “It merely advised the best way for us to organise ourselves, and we agreed with it.”

“I do not blame anyone. I do, however, wish for us to end this policy of isolation, and finally reconnect to galactic society at large.”

“ I have already made preparations. Our fleet – now mostly obsolete – has already been primed and set to go. Notices for colonists have been posted, and expeditionary groups have already been organised.

One blazed an ominous red. “First Technocrat, and Council. Shoulds this measure be passed, I feel I must insist that military forces – what little you have allowed to remain – must accompany the expeditionary groups.” Murmurs of agreement resonated around the complex.

The First Technocrat sighed at the cynicism of those around him, and closed his eyes. “I thought you might. So all, in favour…?”

The meeting went on for some time, and the vote was far closer than he would have liked, but eventually the whole of the Technocracy – moderator and administrator, civilian and citizen, eventually braced themselves for a new Space Age.

Regarding the IC stuff... would you believe it actually goes on further than that? I was trying to explain the rather odd abstractions found within the rules but I only posted about a third of it... I figured you guys probably wouldn't want to read it all at once anyway. So, I guess my IC stuff for the next couple of posts is settled then:smalltongue:

Tax rate: 10
All five light combat ships will each be sent to a different solar system within the same sector to do prelimary explorations and locate colonisable planets and unexpected anomalies. A light transport ship will accompany each combat ship, each with exactly 1 fifth of the Technocracy's military forces. Tey are not to disembark, unless colonisable planets are discovered, in which case they will land to examine the planet, or unexpected situations occure which require them to disembark.
Build Orders:
3 Technocracy Futuremakers. (Details will be PMed to you later)
7 Small Slipways
-Cost: 140.000.000 Techpoints; 450.000 Neo-Steel
-Time 1 turn
Recruit Depot: 50.000 ground troops are to be trained, using advanced conditioning methods and training simulatons (Theban Way) to make sure that they will be the finest the Technocracy can present to the galaxy.

2012-02-11, 11:40 PM
Wow you guys post epic stuff! :)

I'm going to have the research stuff up on the OOC thread later tonight in regards to researching ship sizes and vehicle sizes :)

So just as an aside for people building larger than small slipways DONT OR I'LL KEEL YOU!

No seriously though change them to light slipways for now when the research tree is posted you'll just have to research the next size of ship before you build the larger slipways :)

Also I'm going to post the encounters up as I have everyone but Locnil's generated so I'll post them all when his is generated and we shall call this end of turn one :)

2012-02-12, 02:23 AM
End of first turn, your survey ships have arrived at their destinations. Below are the reports:


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 44 asteroids in system 2 of which contain Duramite worth 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?

************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable an anomalous reading is coming from the surface

************************************************** *******************
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 45 asteroids in system 3 of which contain duramite at 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable you detect a vein of Thaspurnium from orbit
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 70 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************
Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 84 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************


************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-1
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 75 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-2
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 98 asteroids in system

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
System E-10-3
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 62 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-4
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 87 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 82 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

Captain Obvious

Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 68 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

************************************************** *******************
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 64 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 92 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush

2012-02-12, 02:24 AM
End of first turn, your survey ships have arrived at their destinations. Below are the reports:


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 44 asteroids in system 2 of which contain Duramite worth 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?

************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable an anomalous reading is coming from the surface

************************************************** *******************
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 45 asteroids in system 3 of which contain duramite at 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable you detect a vein of Thaspurnium from orbit
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 70 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************
Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 84 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************


************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-1
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 75 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-2
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 98 asteroids in system

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
System E-10-3
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 62 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-4
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 87 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 82 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

Captain Obvious

Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 68 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

************************************************** *******************
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 64 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 92 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush

2012-02-12, 02:34 AM
End of first turn, your survey ships have arrived at their destinations. Below are the reports:


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 44 asteroids in system 2 of which contain Duramite worth 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?

************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable an anomalous reading is coming from the surface

************************************************** *******************
There are 5 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 45 asteroids in system 3 of which contain duramite at 10,000 each
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable you detect a vein of Thaspurnium from orbit
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 70 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************
Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 84 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************


************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-1
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 75 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-2
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 98 asteroids in system

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
System E-10-3
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 62 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

************************************************** *******************
System E-10-4
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************


Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
Home System
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 87 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 43 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 82 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

Captain Obvious

Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************
There are 7 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 68 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

************************************************** *******************
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 64 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 92 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of none
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 1 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush

2012-02-12, 02:37 AM

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 6 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 61 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 2 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 4 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 40 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 8 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 82 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 1 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Comfortable

************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 9 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Arid

Do you wish to generate a system?
************************************************** *******************
There are 9 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

There are 92 asteroids in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 8 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Gas Giant with a condition of Barren
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Methane with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 4 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Oxygen with a condition of Comfortable
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 5 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Arid
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 6 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush
************************************************** *******************

2012-02-12, 03:23 AM

The Fiori were once a festering wound upon their world. Now? They had become a ruptured abscess, vomiting the toxic bile of their world across the stars. The Steel Clans had put their name to the test- the construction of the new slipways, and starships, weapons, construction vehicles, and countless other pieces of materiel had been an almost nonstop flow. Warmaster Uvenk was unchallenged from his throne- or rather, those who had challenged him had faced just as abrupt an end as those he had crushed before. Even as the stronghold of the Fiori was being constructed, they still focused on expansion. Worlds had been reported as inhabitable- worlds that were not nearly as hostile as the radioactive wasteland their homeworld had been. Worlds that were verdant, untouched paradises- lands full of wild game and had very little in the way of natural predators. Gaia planets, humans might have once called them.

Even now, on one of these Gaia planets, the Fiori were now making landfall. The first planet that had not had their kind as natives- but would soon be overrun with them. Massive prefabricated buildings, much akin to barracks, soared from the heavens above as the troops and colonists descended from above. Black smoke tainted the skies as hulking warriors in ornate battledress continued to descend from above. They were the waste of God. They were the reincarnated of all things foul and sinful. They were the avatars of everything disgusting and putrid in existence, and they reveled in this. It was in their zealous worship that they would die, to be reborn in the land of the divine and cured of the blackened state of simply existing.

Death held no fear for them, it was to be embraced and granted unto others. The orbital craft would slow their descent and land with all the violence and fury of whales dropped from geosynchronous orbit. Gravel exploded upwards as retrorockets fired, gravity webs flaring to life as the initial layers of the future Fiori colony activated. Colossal pistons, some weighing megatonnes in weight, slammed back and forth as the geo-engines began to reshape the surface of the landing zone. Lasers bored clean through the planet's crust to reach deep-seated pockets of water and precious mineral deposits, already located via orbital scans. Even now, cargo vehicles and construction craft fled the remains of the landing craft, Fiori infantry and colonists hanging off their sides like infants from the hips of their mother. The massive twenty-meter-tall ground vehicles trundled on relentlessly, wildlife and fauna in their way being crushed underneath treads and high-traction tires.

Soon, the Fiori would raise their young here, build their industry. Build their very existence. Nothing would stop them here, nor anywhere else they decided to lay claim to. They had the worlds they desired. All that remained was a matter of simply spreading to the worlds they wanted to inhabit. Building infrastructure- building space ships and arcologies and all these things that would fuel the juggernaut that was their dominion of space.

Even as construction continued on their homeworld, Warmaster Uvenk smiled. A feral gesture- brought about by the endless delight of knowing that their species would continue to expand onward and onward, into the immense expanse of eternity. All brought in motion by, and under, his guidance

Current LC: 2,020,100,000

-600mil LC, 50,00 Neo-Steel to construct an Arcology in System E-10-2, on the lush size 9 world with an oxygen atmosphere.
T-Minus: 2 Turns

-600mil LC, 50,00 Neo-Steel to construct an Arcology in Home System, on the size 5 Arid with an Oxygen atmosphere.
T-Minus: 2 Turns

-400mil LC to the research of Medium-sized starships
T-minus: 5 Turns

-30mil LC to research Medium Vehicles.
T-Minus: 5 Turns

-10mil LC to the research of Heavy Troops.
T-Minus: 3 Turns

-Master Sector Base: T-Minus 3 turns.

The five search groups will explore the remaining system of E10, and the four systems of the adjacent E11 sector.

The three newly-built Clanships will load up with 4,000 colonists each (12,000 people total) and transport 8,000 of them to the E-10-2 Arcology to not only assist in meeting the minimum population needed for staffing and construction, but also to assist in making the population boom a bit more quickly. 4,000 to the Home System Arcology.

6 Smelter levels on Homeworld. +180k Neo-Steel per turn.
4 Small Slipways on Homeworld Planetary Shipyard
3 Fiori Clanships

2012-02-13, 07:29 AM
"Tonight, we have renowned economist Professor Boothe speaking on the effects the space program is having on the economy. Professor what do you have to say on the effects the space program is having on the economy?"

"So far the space program is having a temporal detrimental effect on it. But I'm sure when the products starts rolling in the economy will improve dramatically."

"I see, what do you think about the plans to weaponize the scouting drones and rock-clearing systems of the ships?"

"I believe it is a waste of resources that could have been used for other purposes."

"Thank you professor. after the break, we will learn more about his opinions on this administration, the colonization incentives and the planned centralized construction of the colonies."
<breaks to commercial>


Population: 9000000000
Solar Bonds: 4505220000
Neo Steel: 270000


Send 5 Centurion Troopships and 1 Lunar Destroyer to all other planets in home grid.

Begin Construction of 1 Small Slipways (1/1.5)

Begin upgrading 1 Smelter (1/1.5)

Begin Researching Medium ship construction (0/5)

Begin Construction of 1 Small Slipways (0/1.5)

Begin upgrading 5 Smelters (0/1.5)

Fill up and send 1 Explorator to

Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 7 atmosphere type Venusian with a condition of Lush

and build 1 archology (0/3)

Fill up and send 1 Explorator to

Home System
There are 2 planets in system
************************************************** *******************

The planet is a size 3 atmosphere type Carbon Dioxide with a condition of Barren

and build 1 archology (0/3)

Begin Construction of 3 Centurion Landers (0/1)

2012-02-13, 12:10 PM


Pending... Is this Turn 2? Can we build stuff?



Infector jumps back to the home system.

Planet-6 [6] (Arid, Carbon Dioxide)

I land my troops and order them to investigate the planet for anything useful.


Infector jumps back to the home system.

Planet-1 [5] (Oxygen, Arid)

I land my troops and order them to investigate the planet for anything useful.


Infector jumps back to the home system.

Planet-1 [9] (Oxygen, Comfortable)

I land my troops, build Garrison [Wasp Throwers 2x] and order soldiers to investigate the planet for anything useful.


Infector jumps back to the home system.

Planet-7 [9] (Venusian, Lush)

I land my troops, build Garrison [Wasp Throwers 2x] and order soldiers to investigate the planet for anything useful.


Infector jumps back to the home system.

Planet-9 [6] (Venusian, Lush)

I land my troops and order them to investigate the planet for anything useful.

2012-02-13, 01:50 PM
I'll get a proper IC post up just as soon as Word stops acting up so I can retrieve that piece of fluff I wrote.

Build order: Raise another 50.000 Theban Way troops
Cost: 400.000 techpoints
Time: 1 turn
Build order:Construct 10 Technocracy Futuremakers
Home System Survey Fleet

Expedietionary Force I-5-1
Troopships are to land and disembark ground forces on Size 7 Methane Lush planet, to be named in datalinks as Chiron. Surveys are to be done all over the planet to mark out suitable building spots for Archologies, and to discover the soruces of the anomalous readings.

Expedietionary Force I-5-2
Troopships are to land and disembark ground forces on Size 8 Oxygen Thaspurnium Comfortable planet, to be named in datalinks as Prometheus. Surveys are to be done all over the planet to mark out suitable building spots for Archologies.

Expedietionary Force I-5-3All forces deployed to this system are to recall. Nothing to do here.

Expedietionary Force I-5-4All forces deployed to this system are to recall. Nothing to do here.

2012-02-13, 08:08 PM
Now the foundries rang to the sounds of new metal plating being made. The shipyard workers laid new hulls faster than ever before. But the elders knew it wasn't enough. To regain their place in the stars the Mining Fleet must expand faster still. And there was no longer room to grow on the planet that had been their surrogate home for so long.

So the miners were loaded. The ships lifted. Soon Mining Fleet 22 would be more than a single planet. Soon it would become a fleet of worlds.

Load the buses with colonists and send them to J-8-1 VI, J-8-1 VII, and J-8-3 VII where I am going to build arcologies. I'm not sure if they can actually land them since the arcologies will take 1.5 turns to build, but they can chill in orbit until then I guess.

Load each Ore Tugs with one fifth of my forces. Send one each to J-8-1 VI, J-8-1 VII, and J-8-3 VII to land forces and explore. Send the other two to ferry my remaining ground forces around to the planets of my home system.

All my Imperial Scouts, renamed scout miners, will continue exploring the systems they are in.

My three prospectors will jump to J9 to explore the three systems there.

Last Turn's Budget
Expenditures Turn 1
Population: 0
Man-Power: 1,500
Neo-Steel: 530,000
Ore Credits: 285,848,000

Income Turn 1
Population: 0
Man-Power: 180,000
Neo-Steel: 600,000
Ore Credits: 2,969,967,000

Turn 2 Resources
Population: 9,000,000,000
Man-Power: 278,500
Neo-Steel: 570,000
Ore Credits: 4,684,119,000

Production Queue
Arcology on J-8-1 VI
Arcology on J-8-1 VII
Arcology on J-8-3 VII

Medium Ship Construction Research

9 more "Bus" class
7 more "Prospector" Class
14 more "Miner" Class

Turn 2 Resources
Population: 0
Man-Power: 5,800
Neo-Steel: 680,000
Ore Credits: 2,667,124,000

Population: 0
Man-Power: 180,000
Neo-Steel: 600,000
Ore Credits: 2,969,908,095

Total End of Turn 2
Population: 9,000,000,000
Man-Power: 452,700
Neo-Steel: 490,000
Ore Credits: 4,986,903,095

Turn 2 Force Distribution
Home System
Space Forces
1 Scout Miner (All Scout Miners redesignated Imperial Scouts from here on to avoid confusion.)
2 “Ore Tug” Class
3 "Miner" Class

Ground Forces
4,000 "Combat Miners"
40 "Tractors"
40 "Haulers"
4 "Rest Trailers"

Space Forces
1 "Imperial Scout"
2 "Bus" Class"
2 "Ore Tug"

Ground Forces
4,000 "Combat Miners"
40 "Tractors"
40 "Haulers"
4 "Rest Trailers"

Space Forces
1 "Imperial Scout"

Space Forces
1 "Imperial Scout"
1 "Ore Tug"
1 "Bus" Class

Ground Forces
2,000 "Combat Miners"
20 "Tractors"
20 "Haulers"
2 "Rest Trailers"

Space Forces
1 "Imperial Scout"

Space Forces
1 "Prospector" Class

Space Forces
1 "Prospector" Class

Space Forces
1 "Prospector" Class

2012-02-16, 10:10 PM
Yes this is the beginning of turn #2 guys :)

2012-02-18, 09:08 AM
Frowns hey guys Im very very sorry but personal stuff came up in RL that will be depriving me of any real internet time for the next week or so.

And the guys that were going to help me with the simulators had similar issues related to our employment that mean none of the simulators and encounter generators for this game are going to be finished :(

I'm afraid that means for now at least the Shattered Galaxy is dead I wanted to thank all of you for participating and I hope that you'll participate in other games I may set up in the future.

It just seems life was out to get me from the start with this game :(