View Full Version : Nation of Alatarus (IC Thread)

2012-02-09, 11:18 PM
Kingdom Level Rules:
The Kingdom has three important parts: important people, buildings, and resources. Each turn has the king/queen using their resources and people to solve problems that arise during the turn. For this game, a turn will last one game week; though I will try to make enough interesting stuff happen that you will be occupied until the next turn comes up (nothing is worse than a slow/boring game).

For this game, your kingdom's level starts at 10. It may raise further later.

Important People: Your kingdom will have important people equal to one half of the kingdom's level. Notable people have two skills that are related to their profession. A druid might have nature and heal, while a diplomat might have diplomacy and perception. The King can choose to assign the initial people, they may be injured, killed, or otherwise removed from the game due to events.

Buildings: Your kingdom can have important buildings equal to one half the kingdom's level. Additionally, these buildings range in level from one to five. For each level of building, it requires two materials per turn to operate. Each level of a building provides either a +2 bonus to one resource or +3 to a skill for the kingdom. For example, a lvl 2 Arcane College would use 4 materials per turn, provide a +3 to arcane checks and a +2 production to luxuries.

Resources: There are five resources. Population, which is equal to kingdom level, luxuries, materials, weapons, and food. A Kingdom can select two of the non-population resources to specialize in. You can assign your population to produce each of the four resources. Resources the kingdom specializes in are produced at twice the rate as the other resources. Each unit of population assigned to a resource generates one unit of that resource per turn (two if specialized).

Gold: The Kingdom will also have a gold fund. This is from taxes levied on the merchants in the game, and is a slush fund used to lure adventurers to quests that solve problems that arise in the kingdom.

Skill Checks: A Kingdom can make skill checks per turn equal to one half its level. Skill checks are used to resolve kingdom-level challenges, though sometimes there will be more challenges than skill checks...and a failed skill check is still used.

More specifics will be given once the game starts, there are some specific rules that only really matter when certain actions are taken (like how to upgrade buildings and raise armies).

This first turn you must decide on a few things:

First; decide which two of the four resources to specialize in.

You may decide on two buildings of up to lvl 2. You may choose what bonuses they provide.

You must decide on what kind of special people to recruit. You can be as specific as you'd like. You may recruit two people this turn.

You can also decide on a few things about your nation. What has happened in it since the end of the great war (about 10 years ago). What kind of government does it have? What other info would be useful to a player coming to your nation?

Any questions for me?

2012-02-09, 11:40 PM
I know where the three smaller kingdoms are, but where are the two super powers in relation to that. Is the no man's land larger than the three kingdoms. Do I border one of the super powers, both of them?

So we just make up buildings? Does that production bonus mean that for instance if we assign one population we would get three of that resource rather than just one, or four if specialized for it.

Also Alatarus will specialize in materials and weapons.

2012-02-09, 11:49 PM
You can make up the buildings. The bonus resources are generated whether or not you assign people to it or not. So a Woocutter's Guild can generate +2 materials whtehr or not you have people assigned to materials.

Each of the smaller nations is about a quarter of the size of the larger nations. The no man's land then is about three quarters the size of the larger nations, and they lie to the east and west of the small nations.

2012-02-10, 07:58 AM
What's the terrain of Alatarus like?

2012-02-10, 12:31 PM
Alatarus is heavily forested, with hilly plains on its eastern edge. Towards the north it has a mountain range that is its shared border with Linlam.

2012-02-10, 12:36 PM
Wait Linlam is north of Altarus. I thought Altarus was in the north.

2012-02-10, 12:51 PM
Realized there's at least one more thing to do:

I need to know your nation's stats and what skills they have bonuses to. Basically when you send out someone to make a check or have something happen that requires a check, the Kingdom itself rolls a skill check as if it were a player. Things like your buildings provide bonuses to that check. So here is what I need in addition to the above:

Attributes: assign this array to the kingdom: 14, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10

Skill Bonus: Assign a +2 bonus to three skills for this kingdom

Starting Resources: divide 20 points between food, weapons, luxuries and materials. Food and Luxuries have a per turn upkeep of 1/2* population and 1/3 * population per turn. Materials have an upkeep of 1 per building size per building (so 2 lvl 2 buildings require 4 materials per turn to upkeep them).

2012-02-10, 02:48 PM
Ok I think this is everything.

Altarus specializes in materials and weapons.

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials

Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy

Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

In the wake of near constant warfare between their neighbors the halflings of Altarus have grown cautious and wary of outsiders. They maintain a careful watch on the neighboring kingdoms and at the same time have established treaties with their neighbors. Not secure in just treaties Altarus is scattered with small dug in forts and its renowned lumber production is mainly used in repairing and building new forts. Still despite the low level paranoi the Altarus people are a pleasant bunch. And the constant security patrols have kept the country side relatively monster free.

Kingdom Statistics
King Errich (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=367122)

Kingdom Attributes
Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skill Bonuses
Stealth: +2
Diplomacy: +2
Insight: +2

Resources (Upkeep)
Population: 10
Food: 6 (5)
Luxuries: 4 (3)
Materials: 4 (4)
Weapons: 6

2012-02-11, 10:33 PM
Is there anything else I need to do?

2012-02-11, 10:42 PM
Is there anything else I need to do?

Working up your first turn, I don't need anything else yet.

2012-02-11, 10:55 PM
Turn 1:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 6 - 5 Upkeep = 1 + 2 (Willow Farms) = 3
Materials: 4 - 4 Upkeep = 0 + 2 (Willow Farms) = 2
Luxuries: 4 - 3 Upkeep = 1
Weapons: 6

You have used 0 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 3 challenge): Amalish soldiers have been spotted around one of the border villages. This bodes ill for peace, as the presence of another nation's soldiers in your nation diminish the feeling of sovereignty. The situation will have to be dealt with, and the sooner the better.

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): A spy has been caught in your map room, taking notes and copying some correspondence you had not yet seen. Your bodyguard killed the man before you could question him, but his presence along is foreboding. Where there is one, there will be more.

Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge): The ten year anniversary of the end of hostilities is coming up. This also means the ten year armisist is expiring. While the larger threat comes from your bigger neighbors, the smaller nations that neighbor you are a more immediate threat, as there will be little recourse but open and brutal war unless a new treaty can be worked out.

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault.

Wood Rot (lvl 1 Challenge): Most of this year's wood production from the Willow Farms has rotted much quicker than normal. The farmers and woodcutters there are mystified by the strange rot, and are sure it is unnatural.

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

If you have any questions, please ask.

2012-02-11, 11:11 PM
Ok first population allocation
Food: 4
Materials: 2
Luxuries: 5
Weapons: 0

Border Incursion
A threat to the kingdom's sovereignty being no small thing Errich the Grey himself will mount his riding pony (Halflings have unimpressive mounts) and lead a delegation out to see what the Amalish soldiers are doing in his kingdom.

(Should I roll anything for this now or does it just get pushed back till after the turn.)

The king's guards will be instructed, for the umpteenth time I'm sure, that while the safety of the king is important we also want to interrogate the spies. And we can't do that if they're dead. That done agents of the Shadow Hall will begin investigating the capitol to see if anyone knows anything about suspicious personages in the area.

Streetwise [roll0]

2012-02-11, 11:56 PM
Challenges you handle yourself become a mini adventure that are taken care of after everything else (to fill the time between turns here, as we have to keep a rough pace with the players in the other game).

The Shadow Hall easily finds part of the spy ring, killing several spies, and capturing another. The captured spy is being held in the dungeons, refusing to talk, though he has not been truly put to the question. Challenge Reduced to lvl 1

2012-02-12, 12:08 AM
Treaties Expiring
Given the king's authority in this matter the best diplomat in the nation Matheus Hill is assigned to the task of reforging the treaties with the neighboring kingdoms. He is sent out with orders to try and negotiate a permanent peace treaty this time and not just an armistice as this is no time to be worrying about the smaller kingdoms when Amalish soldiers have been seen on the border. If he can get an actual alliance that would be even better.

Diplomacy [roll]1d20+17[roll] (+5 from sending a person right?)

Wood Rot
The Willow's Farm lumber crop rotting is no small thing. Willow's Farm serves as one of the major sources of lumber in the kingdom and its lumber harvest is counted on to keep the kingdom supplied and strong. Druid Gremph is sent to personally check on the trees in the area and see if some kind of blight is starting to affect Altarus's forests.

Nature [roll]1d20+10[roll]

2012-02-12, 12:11 AM
Trying to roll again.

Diplomacy [roll0]
Nature [roll1]

2012-02-12, 12:34 AM
Matheus Hill is dispatched to reaffirm the treaties that are expiring, and in a bit of excellence on his part, manages to renew the treaties with almost no difficulty. It seems that nobody wants a war now, or perhaps they just aren't ready for one, and because of that, the treaties are ratified simply. Challenge Defeated

Druid Gremph is not as successful. He examines the wood rot, and consults the primal gods that he believes in, but gets no answer. None of his natural remedies or studies of the growing world do any good, the rot continues to grow. He does suggest that if it is not natural, it might be magical in nature. Skill Check Failure

2012-02-12, 01:49 AM
The spy is questioned lightly then left to sit apparently to stew for a bit. Actually this will be to allow the spy time to utilize several apparently overlooked tools left near his cell to escape. Shadow Hall agents will be on standby nearby to quietly follow him back to wherever he goes. Hopefully to report to his masters. The agents will then infiltrate what ever base he enters for more information

Stealth [roll0]

Wood Rot
Altarus is not known for its wizards, but there are still a few in residence. On the recomendation of Druid Gremph they are sent out to investigate the wood rot, and see if there is any magic going on. And if so to undo whatever spells have been placed and restore lumber production.

Arcana [roll1]

Forts in Disrepair
Unfortunately money is a bit tight right now, and no clerks can be spared to take a look at the books. So more soldiers are armed and sent to hold the forts as a stop gap measure. Hopefully with the new treaties that will be enough to keep the kingdom safe until funds can be redirected to repair the forts.

1 Weapon to suppress

Edit: Just to save some time if those two fail, then I'm going to use 1 weapon to beef up the castle guards for the spies, and cover the lumber shortage with 1 material from elsewhere for the wood rot.

2012-02-12, 12:49 PM
The wood rot problem does indeed to be an arcane disease of some sort, perhaps a natural thing, or perhaps incursion from an enemy. It is very hard to say, but the problem is removed by a liberal application of cure disease and dispel magic.

The spies, however, are very elusive. The one you capture manages to easily escape and loose his tail, and will certainly be back. The important thing is that he knows he was caught, and increasing security will be necessary.

The forts are reinforced to make up for their disrepair.

Turn 1: Mid-turn Recap


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 6 - 5 Upkeep = 1 + 2 (Willow Farms) = 3 + 4 production = 7
Materials: 4 - 4 Upkeep = 0 + 2 (Willow Farms) = 2 + (2*2 production) = 6
Luxuries: 4 - 3 Upkeep = 1 + 5 Production = 6
Weapons: 6 - 1 Challenges = 5

You have used 5 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 3 challenge): Amalish soldiers have been spotted around one of the border villages. This bodes ill for peace, as the presence of another nation's soldiers in your nation diminish the feeling of sovereignty. The situation will have to be dealt with, and the sooner the better. Handling this personally

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): A spy has been caught in your map room, taking notes and copying some correspondence you had not yet seen. Your bodyguard killed the man before you could question him, but his presence along is foreboding. Where there is one, there will be more. Challenge Reduced to lvl 1

Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge): The ten year anniversary of the end of hostilities is coming up. This also means the ten year armisist is expiring. While the larger threat comes from your bigger neighbors, the smaller nations that neighbor you are a more immediate threat, as there will be little recourse but open and brutal war unless a new treaty can be worked out. Challenge Defeated

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault. Challenge Suppressed with 1 weapon

Wood Rot (lvl 1 Challenge): Most of this year's wood production from the Willow Farms has rotted much quicker than normal. The farmers and woodcutters there are mystified by the strange rot, and are sure it is unnatural. Challenge Defeated

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

If you have any questions, please ask.

Because the spies have been reduced this turn you do not need to suppress them in order to keep them at the same size.

Anything else you want to do before your adventure?

2012-02-12, 01:28 PM
No I think that's it.

2012-02-12, 01:52 PM
End of Turn Adventure

Errich has decided to handle the border incursion himself, seeking out the enemy with a delegation. It isn't hard to find where they are at, the village that reported the sighting is easy enough to find. However, the three boys that spotted the soldiers have all disappeared. Their parents say that they went out to keep an eye on the soldiers and have not been back since. They fear the boys are dead, or captured by the enemy.

You are directed to the north, to an abandoned farmhouse. It is easy enough to find, and is in terrible disrepair. However, there is no sign of the boys or soldiers around the farmhouse. The farmhouse has been broken into recently, the long trails of dust disturbed by recent activity.

2012-02-12, 08:01 PM
Climbing down from his pony Errich considers the farmhouse. He dearly hoped the boys were still alive, it was always painful to see his subjects killed due to the actions of his uncaring larger neighbors.

Waving his followers back Errich approached the farmhouse alone. Errich is getting older, but he still remembers the days of his youth when his own father sent him to train with the agents of Shadow Hall. Slipping into the shadows around the farmhouse Errich cautiously peers through an opening to see if anyone is still inside.

2012-02-12, 08:54 PM
The farmhouse is abandoned, nothign but a spider stirring in his web in the corner. The hous has been stripped of anything useful.

Out one of the empty windowframes, you see smoke trailing into the sky out to the west. If there is a group of soldiers encamped anywhere, it would be there.

2012-02-12, 09:17 PM
Errich rides towards the smoke. However before he gets there he dismounts and goes the final distance on foot careful to blend into the shadows so that he can observe the camp before he makes a public appearance.

Stealth [roll0]

I forgot to ask, but do we get the standard magic items for character creation?

2012-02-12, 09:24 PM
The camp is a group of small tents with soldiers arrayed around it. There are three campfires there, and six tents. You can see perhaps a dozen soldiers, all armored and armed with a variety of weapons.

2012-02-13, 09:37 AM
Errich attempts to determine if he can identify whose soldiers these are?

History? [roll0]

2012-02-13, 12:44 PM
They are wearing the uniforms of the Amalish guard, though it's hard to tell anything else. They appear to be career soldiers, or hardened mercenaries by their swagger and talk, but either way it's clear they know what they are doing. They have set up camp on a slight hill, and have clear line of sight in many directions.

2012-02-13, 12:50 PM
Not wanting to give up the advantage of surprise just yet Errich circles the camp looking for any signs of the three boys, or that the soldiers have been engaging in violence.

Stealth [roll0]
Perception [roll1]

Edit: What horrible rolls.

2012-02-13, 01:08 PM
You manage to sneak around the sentries (or at least they do not raise an alarm) but find no sign of the boys.

2012-02-13, 01:28 PM
Just to be clear this is within the borders of Altarus still right?

Obviously he's not going to say it is if it isn't.

Deciding stealth wasn't going to get him any further Errich backs away from the camp and goes back to get his horse and the rest of his group. Telling them to stay on the alert he rides back up to the ecnampement.

Once in view of the sentries he yells, "Greetings, I have recieved word that a band of unknown soldiers is intruding on Altarus. I am King Errich. To whom am I speaking and what you are doing on my land."

2012-02-13, 02:29 PM
(yes, this is about 2 miles inside your borders.)

One of the soldiers, with two knots of rank on his shoulders, steps forward. "I am Captain Bennigan. I am here on orders of the Empress, may she live forever. The nature of those orders I am not at liberty to share with you. By my calculations we are well inside our borders, and it is you who are intruding. Our maps show your border starts three miles to the west, though we have not collected taxes from these farms in some time."

2012-02-13, 03:07 PM
Errich smiles. "Well they've already paid their taxes to me, and I wouldn't want some of my people to be taxed twice. I wouldn't appreciate paying double taxes, and I'm sure you wouldn't either." He chuckles at the thought, "Obviously there has been some sort of error in the maps. How about we sit down with some of my cartographers. Maybe call in some of your Empire's as well, and work this out peacefully."

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-02-13, 06:26 PM
"Talk with the emissary to the queen. Until then, we will not move."

2012-02-13, 07:51 PM
(Is that someone I should know?)

2012-02-13, 08:38 PM
(Its like an ambassador, living in an embassy in your capitol)

2012-02-13, 08:40 PM
(Its like an ambassador, living in an embassy in your capitol)

2012-02-14, 10:20 AM
"Not authorized to make those sorts of descisions eh. Well I know how that is. I'll go work this, just see that your not moving includes not trying to collect more taxes from my poor farmers."

Well I will continue to try diplomacy for now. I will go back to my capital, hopefuly that won't take to long, and talk to this emissary. But I will also leave word with all the local farmers. If the soldiers start anything I'm going to come back and kill them all in their sleep.

2012-02-14, 09:13 PM
Back at the capitol, it is not hard to find the Emissary. By the time you meet with him, he is already looking over maps in his office...maps that clearly depict the area you just were in as within the borders of Amalin.

2012-02-15, 09:42 AM
Errich is obviously bringing the maps that clearly depict that the borders are several miles the other way. (If we don't have any then that means someone has been messing with my maps and the spy issue should probably take top priority.)

"Greetings Emissary, you can see the problem. Your maps and mine disagree. Personally I think that my maps are the correct ones, but obviously you feel differently. So what do you propose that we do?"

What skill would I need to show that a map is fake?

2012-02-16, 06:28 PM
"These maps are copies of those laid out during the Great Peace, they are from the original source, so I do not see how there could be an error in my maps." His voice sounds as old as the man looks. "The only way to be certain is to look over the treaty, let me see if I can find a copy of it."

He goes back to a bookshelf cluttered with scrolls decorated in royal seals. You notice one with Lothlinlam and Amalin's crests on it, which he unfurls. "The easternmost border of the new nation of Alatarus shall be established forty farthings west of the Grey Sky Road until Fortmadding, and then be demarked by the stream Perdinod. It seems to be quite clear, the road is depicted on this map clearly."

He indicates the map, and there is indeed a road named Grey Sky Road. Comparing it to your maps, you notice that the border on your maps runs parrallel to another road, named the Old Grey Sky Road, whereas the road on your map that matches his is called the New Grey Sky Road.

2012-02-16, 08:23 PM
Errich attempts to remember his history about what exactly happened to the Grey Sky Road.

History [roll0]

2012-02-16, 08:42 PM
The road was remade a few years after the war, during the rebuilding. From this information, you map should be the correct one.

2012-02-16, 08:52 PM
Confident that his memories are sound, and thus his maps are correct Errich proceeds to argue the point with Emissary. He is careful to make it seem like a simple clerical error on their side that dropped the New, even though he realizes that this was most likely a completely deliberate incursion on the part of Amalin to sweep up a bit of territory.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-02-16, 09:04 PM
After an hour of discussion, the emmissary agrees to take the updated maps to the capital, and have them ratified. Hopefully this will put an end to the issues.

2012-02-16, 09:31 PM
Releasing his affable smile as the Emmisary leaves Errich sighs and sits back in his chair. This probe might have been dealt with with words, but next time the Amalin might be more forceful.

He would have to see to upgrading the kingdom's fortifications as soon as possible.

Next time I have to remember to use the power that gives me +5 to diplomacy.

2012-02-17, 08:06 PM
Turn 2:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 7 - 5 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4
Materials: 6 - 4 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4
Luxuries: 6 - 3 upkeep = 3
Weapons: 5

You have used 0 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): The nation of Amalin has sent soldiers into your nation to occupy land that is in dispute. You have shown that your maps are correct, and the land is rightfully yours. However, you have received no notice from the Empress that she recognizes your borders. No soldiers have been seen on the border area since, but the issue is not yet resolved.

Spies (lvl 1 challenge): No further leads have been found on the spies, but their presence has been felt. One of your best mapmakers has been killed, and his maps stolen. Though you have the best copies of them, the originals are very valuable.

Bandits (lvl 1 Challenge): Rumors of bandits on the trade road have been heard. Few merchants will admit to it, but many mercenaries have been hired as guards lately. If the problem isn't addressed it will become serious soon.

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault. (suppressed last turn with 1 weapon)

Forts need Upgrading (lvl 2 Challenge): Your inquiries to the upgrades of your border forts have met some problems. The stone needed would require a great investment of time and money to quarry yourself, and few merchants are willing to take heavy loads of stone through the trade routes when other more valuable goods can be found.

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

If you have any questions, please ask.

You have received a letter:

We may be at odds in terms of governance of kingdoms, but it is imperative that we come to a truce, for recent events that have transpired lead me to think something bigger is occurring. Something that could lead to another Great War.

Recently, I have found soldiers of Amalish in my territory, and they have taken, and branded, innocent people of mine. They have dared to attack me, and in response, I have dealt with them. Severely.

They claim my land is theirs, and that, although they are not working under the Empress directly, they are working under House Firavan. I have tried to contact the Empress, but she did not reply. This is extremely troubling. If you have come into contact with any similar situation or have heard of House Firavan, please tell me immediately. Lolthlinlam may have to be contacted if it is true that Amalish is breaking the treaty.

-The King of Nothredrin

2012-02-18, 01:32 PM
Border Incursion
Keenly aware of the letter he recently received from Northredrin king Errich will be sending diplomat Hall as a formal envoy to the kingdom of Amalin. His job is to inquire about the border situation and ensure nothing else is going on that might interfere with a peaceful resolution.

Diplomacy [roll0]

The agents of Shadow Hall will once again attempt to track down the spies. If possible, they are instructed to capture and question the spies as to who they are working for. But dealing with the problem is the most important concern.

Streetwise [roll1]

Population assignment
Food: 3
Materials: 3
Luxuries: 3
Weapons: 1

How much do I need to spend to recruit a person?

2012-02-18, 08:46 PM
Hall is sent to Amalin to negotiate away the problems. He makes a great headway into it, resolving the issues with the maps directly, and working closely with surveyors to bring both nation's maps in line with one another. Hopefully this eliminates the problem

Your spies find nobody suspicious, which is concerning. Especially when a few of them wind up dead in various alleys in your capital. There are clearly spies and assassins in your city, and who they strike next is unknown to you as of yet.

(takes 4 luxuries to recruit a person, provided you have an empty slot. If you loose a person, it takes 2 turns for the slot to open up. You also have to make a relevant skill check (one of the two you want the person to have)

Turn 2:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 7 - 5 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 3 production = 7
Materials: 6 - 4 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 6 production = 10
Luxuries: 6 - 3 upkeep = 3 + 3 production = 6
Weapons: 5 + 2 production = 7

You have used 2 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): The nation of Amalin has sent soldiers into your nation to occupy land that is in dispute. You have shown that your maps are correct, and the land is rightfully yours. However, you have received no notice from the Empress that she recognizes your borders. No soldiers have been seen on the border area since, but the issue is not yet resolved. Challenge reduced to lvl 1

Spies (lvl 1 challenge): No further leads have been found on the spies, but their presence has been felt. One of your best mapmakers has been killed, and his maps stolen. Though you have the best copies of them, the originals are very valuable. Skill check failure

Bandits (lvl 1 Challenge): Rumors of bandits on the trade road have been heard. Few merchants will admit to it, but many mercenaries have been hired as guards lately. If the problem isn't addressed it will become serious soon.

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault. (suppressed last turn with 1 weapon)

Forts need Upgrading (lvl 2 Challenge): Your inquiries to the upgrades of your border forts have met some problems. The stone needed would require a great investment of time and money to quarry yourself, and few merchants are willing to take heavy loads of stone through the trade routes when other more valuable goods can be found.

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

If you have any questions, please ask.

You have received a letter:

We may be at odds in terms of governance of kingdoms, but it is imperative that we come to a truce, for recent events that have transpired lead me to think something bigger is occurring. Something that could lead to another Great War.

Recently, I have found soldiers of Amalish in my territory, and they have taken, and branded, innocent people of mine. They have dared to attack me, and in response, I have dealt with them. Severely.

They claim my land is theirs, and that, although they are not working under the Empress directly, they are working under House Firavan. I have tried to contact the Empress, but she did not reply. This is extremely troubling. If you have come into contact with any similar situation or have heard of House Firavan, please tell me immediately. Lolthlinlam may have to be contacted if it is true that Amalish is breaking the treaty.

-The King of Nothredrin

2012-02-19, 01:19 AM
King Errich is furious. This has gone too far. The agents are ordered out in force. Errich wants the spies dead. No more trying to capture them alive. Just straight ambushes aiming to kill them all and sweep Altarus clean of this infestation.

Stealth [roll0]

Joeline Gremph is sent out on the trails leading a band of soldiers. Her job is to verify whether or not any bandits are actually in the area and confirm or dispel the rumors. If the rumors prove to be true the soldiers will track the bandits down and kill them.

Perception [roll1]

Forts in Disrepair
Several clerks are sent to evaluate the accounts of the officials in charge of keeping the border forts in good repair. If there are errors then they will be corrected. If embezzlement is the issue then the officials will be fired and fined the amount necessary to bring the border forts back into repair.

Insight [roll2]

Forts need Upgrading
King Errich will take care of talking to the merchants and arranging for the stone shipments personally. (I was going to build a quarry, but I don't have the skill checks for it now.)

Edit: Wow my agents are so pathetic. This is supposed to be what Altarus is good at, but I bet the spies are laughing at them right now.

2012-02-19, 12:42 PM
A search of spies turns up very little. A few men are killed, and turned over to you, but you have trouble believing them spies. Most look like low class peasants and street toughs. You do not believe they have gotten most...or any of the spies.

The Bandits, however, are easily found. They do not hide their camps, and it takes just a few days for an army group to ride in and wipe out the bandits.

The clerks sent to the forts find very little interesting in the books there. Either there is another set of books that is hidden, or the clerks themselves are being bribed.

Turn 2:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 7 - 5 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 3 production = 7
Materials: 6 - 4 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 6 production = 10
Luxuries: 6 - 3 upkeep = 3 + 3 production = 6
Weapons: 5 + 2 production = 7

You have used 5 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): The nation of Amalin has sent soldiers into your nation to occupy land that is in dispute. You have shown that your maps are correct, and the land is rightfully yours. However, you have received no notice from the Empress that she recognizes your borders. No soldiers have been seen on the border area since, but the issue is not yet resolved. Challenge reduced to lvl 1

Spies (lvl 1 challenge): No further leads have been found on the spies, but their presence has been felt. One of your best mapmakers has been killed, and his maps stolen. Though you have the best copies of them, the originals are very valuable. Skill check failure

Bandits (lvl 1 Challenge): Rumors of bandits on the trade road have been heard. Few merchants will admit to it, but many mercenaries have been hired as guards lately. If the problem isn't addressed it will become serious soon.Challenge Defeated

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault. (suppressed last turn with 1 weapon) Skill check failed

Forts need Upgrading (lvl 2 Challenge): Your inquiries to the upgrades of your border forts have met some problems. The stone needed would require a great investment of time and money to quarry yourself, and few merchants are willing to take heavy loads of stone through the trade routes when other more valuable goods can be found. Handling this personally

2012-02-19, 01:30 PM
Money is spread around to keep potential informants on the side of Altarus and not the spies. Also additional guards are hired to patrol important areas.

1 luxury to suppress

Border Forts in Disrepair
More lumber is sent down to the southern border forts to make the most urgent repairs while some way is found to allocate enough resources to repair them fully.

1 material to suppress.

2012-02-19, 02:13 PM
Bribes and additional investment is made to secure your nation against spies for the time being.

Lumber is rushed down to the forts to begin the necessary repairs. With luck, enough of it will reach the forts to prevent them from falling further.

Turn 2 pre-adventure recap:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +6
Arcana (Int) +6 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7
Diplomacy (Cha) +12 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +5
Endurance (Con) +5
Heal (Wis) +5
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +7
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +5 X
Perception (Wis) +5 X
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +11
Streetwise (Cha) +7
Thievery (Dex) +6

Important Buildings

1. Willow Farms: Building Level 2: Provides + 2 Food, +2 Materials
Willow Farms is large kingdom run farm on the edge of the forest that provides much of the kingdom's supply of food, as well as a supply of lumber.

2. Shadow Hall: Building Level 2: Provides + 3 Stealth, +3 Diplomacy
Shadow Hall is the center of the kingdom. It houses the shadow guild which is composed of numerous spies and diplomats, sometimes both at once, who maintain a watch on the two larger powers and keep Altarus's treaties updated in order to maintain its position of neutrality.

Important Personage

Matheus Hill, Diplomat
A noted diplomat to the elves he keeps Altarus informed and connected with the elven magocracy. Naturally not only is he a brilliant speaker, but to keep the respect of the elves he is also a noted wizard. (Diplomacy, Arcana)

Joeline Gremph, Druid
Leader of the Altarus druid Joeline keeps in touch with how the land itself is doing. She keeps the nobility informed of local events as well as likely future events such as potential crop failures or surpluses. (Nature, Perception)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Weapons produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 7 - 5 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 3 production = 7
Materials: 6 - 4 upkeep = 2 + 2 Farms = 4 + 6 production = 10 -1 challenges = 9
Luxuries: 6 - 3 upkeep = 3 + 3 production = 6 - 1 challenges = 5
Weapons: 5 + 2 production = 7

You have used 5 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): The nation of Amalin has sent soldiers into your nation to occupy land that is in dispute. You have shown that your maps are correct, and the land is rightfully yours. However, you have received no notice from the Empress that she recognizes your borders. No soldiers have been seen on the border area since, but the issue is not yet resolved. Challenge reduced to lvl 1

Spies (lvl 1 challenge): No further leads have been found on the spies, but their presence has been felt. One of your best mapmakers has been killed, and his maps stolen. Though you have the best copies of them, the originals are very valuable. 1 Luxury used to suppress

Bandits (lvl 1 Challenge): Rumors of bandits on the trade road have been heard. Few merchants will admit to it, but many mercenaries have been hired as guards lately. If the problem isn't addressed it will become serious soon.Challenge Defeated

Forts in Disrepair (lvl 1 Challenge): Several of the southern forts have fallen into disrepair. The money for repairs seems to have gone missing, whether to a bookkeeping error or because of embezzlement. Because of this, the necessary repairs have not been done, and the forts surely will not hold if placed under assault. (suppressed last turn with 1 weapon) suppressed with 1 material

Forts need Upgrading (lvl 2 Challenge): Your inquiries to the upgrades of your border forts have met some problems. The stone needed would require a great investment of time and money to quarry yourself, and few merchants are willing to take heavy loads of stone through the trade routes when other more valuable goods can be found. Handling this personally

Going to make the same offer I made to another player, you can recruit a group of 5 lvl 9 soldiers to accompany at a cost of 1 luxury and 1 weapon. You can select the role of each soldiers (ranged/melee striker, controller, defender, leader) but I will stat them. The recruitment lasts 1 turn, but we can keep the same soldiers (provided they don't die) to recruit later.

2012-02-19, 05:31 PM
Yeah sure I have enough to afford that. Not really expecting any fighting on this mission, but I might as well set up a group of mercenaries for future use. I want a leader, a defender, two controllers, and a melee striker so I've got someone to give me flanking.

2012-02-20, 09:45 PM
The party assembled is:

Whirling Slayer Barbarian (Melee Striker)
Swarm Druid (Melee Controller)
Lifespirit Warden (Melee Defender)
Control Wizard (Ranged Controller)
Bear Shaman (Ranged Leader)

IC: The merchants are easy enough to find and meet with. They seem primarily concerned with the safety and profit of the trade lines. It wouldn't do for them not to get paid after all their expenses, nor would it be worth it for them to be raided and killed just to deliver stones that aren't profitable to them.

2012-02-23, 09:21 AM
King Errich is going to meet with the merchants and discuss with them why this is not only profitable but in their best interest. Profitable because the crown will pay well for stone. After all other goods are only profitable because people are willing to pay for them. Stone is not profitable because no one really wants. Well now we do. Second this is in their best interests because it is going to upgrade the forts. That will secure the area, and while they are mainly oriented towards foreign threats it will also provide a base for patrols that will cut down on local bandits too. Making the trade routes safer. And just to make sure everything is going to be safe for the merchants after the talks are over King Errich will ride to personally inspect the trade routes in question.

OOC: Using befriend for +5 diplomacy
Diplomacy [roll0]

2012-02-25, 10:47 AM
The merchant King, as he is called because he owns so many of the caravans that travel from nation to nation, meets you in his great tent. For a temporary lodging, it has all sorts of magical and mundane comforts, even a pitcher that pours forth any liquid you wish, from finest wines to pure water. The fare he sets before you is indeed fit for a king, and far too much for a man with his mind solely on coin...or perhaps he has far too much coin for his own good.

"Sire, stone simply is not worth my time. You could not afford the opportunity cost of moving those caravans from what they are doing now. Amalin is practically begging for weapons, and at the price they offer, a caravan full is worth twice its weight in gold...horses, wagons, drivers and all."

2012-02-26, 06:42 PM
Errich blinks and looks at the merchant quizzically. "Weapons you say. Sold to Amalin after being brought across my lands. Tell me where do you buy these weapons?"

2012-02-26, 06:47 PM
"A lot of them came from Linlam. Easier to travel over the Dunnadin bridge than the Amatar, much wider and no toll, you see. The return usually brings grain. They have some sort of agreement for the trade, weapons for food, and we've been hired to carry it."

2012-02-29, 09:41 PM
"So then if they have an agreement then how are you making your money. If the Amalin are that desperate for weapons then they should be paying in additional food to the people they're actually buying the weapons from, not paying simple couriers their weight in gold. And similarly if you are carrying the goods for the governments on both sides then why are you being charged a toll. A government deal that both sides want to go through should be streamlined at the border, at least enough to not make it worth the effort to divert south as you have. What aren't you telling me Mr. King."

(Or whatever his name is.)

Insight [roll0]

2012-02-29, 11:01 PM
"The toll isn't from a kingdom, but rather the orc tribes in the area. They like to raid the occasional wagon train, but prefer to extort all of them a few hundred gold pieces for safe passage....I'd rather travel a few days out of my way to keep the money and not risk being one of the occasional raided wagons." He drinks deeply of his wine. "As to the other, I am being paid a great deal to transport both sets of goods, I am not selling them myself. Linlam needs the food and Amalin the weapons bad enough to pay a premium price for both to be moved."

2012-03-06, 06:26 PM
"Well then I will ask you outright then what would it take for you to be willing to carry my stone on your caravans. And before you say nothing would be worth the lost cargo space for food and weapons consider this. There are indications that Amalin is preparing for war, your own shipments indicate that. So not only is your refusal weakening my lands defenses, but it is also strengthening the very country I expect to be attacking in the next few years."

"So put yourself in my shoes Mr. King. If someone was aiding the ones moving into position to hurt you while at the same time refusing you any aid what exactly would you want to do to them."

OOC: Some subtle intimidation here.
Intimidate [roll0]

Edit: Ok these rolls are just getting annoying.

2012-03-10, 10:12 PM
"I suppose I might be able to put together a stone caravan...but the orc...they are a true problem, you see. I cannot have such a caravan attacked. It would ruin whatever investment I put into it. So I will make you a deal. You kill or scatter the orc, and I will ensure you get the stone you need."

2012-03-19, 03:59 PM
Hey I'm sorry to have to do this since it was fun, but I don't think I have the time to keep playing. You might have already realized that just from the pace of my responses, but I felt like I should actually say it so you know for certain.

2012-03-22, 10:40 PM
No problem, GL dealing with RL