View Full Version : Nation of Nothnedrin (IC Thread)

2012-02-09, 11:21 PM
Kingdom Level Rules:
The Kingdom has three important parts: important people, buildings, and resources. Each turn has the king/queen using their resources and people to solve problems that arise during the turn. For this game, a turn will last one game week; though I will try to make enough interesting stuff happen that you will be occupied until the next turn comes up (nothing is worse than a slow/boring game).

For this game, your kingdom's level starts at 10. It may raise further later.

Important People: Your kingdom will have important people equal to one half of the kingdom's level. Notable people have two skills that are related to their profession. A druid might have nature and heal, while a diplomat might have diplomacy and perception. The King can choose to assign the initial people, they may be injured, killed, or otherwise removed from the game due to events.

Buildings: Your kingdom can have important buildings equal to one half the kingdom's level. Additionally, these buildings range in level from one to five. For each level of building, it requires two materials per turn to operate. Each level of a building provides either a +2 bonus to one resource or +3 to a skill for the kingdom. For example, a lvl 2 Arcane College would use 4 materials per turn, provide a +3 to arcane checks and a +2 production to luxuries.

Resources: There are five resources. Population, which is equal to kingdom level, luxuries, materials, weapons, and food. A Kingdom can select two of the non-population resources to specialize in. You can assign your population to produce each of the four resources. Resources the kingdom specializes in are produced at twice the rate as the other resources. Each unit of population assigned to a resource generates one unit of that resource per turn (two if specialized).

Gold: The Kingdom will also have a gold fund. This is from taxes levied on the merchants in the game, and is a slush fund used to lure adventurers to quests that solve problems that arise in the kingdom.

Skill Checks: A Kingdom can make skill checks per turn equal to one half its level. Skill checks are used to resolve kingdom-level challenges, though sometimes there will be more challenges than skill checks...and a failed skill check is still used.

More specifics will be given once the game starts, there are some specific rules that only really matter when certain actions are taken (like how to upgrade buildings and raise armies).

This first turn you must decide on a few things:

First; decide which two of the four resources to specialize in.

You may decide on two buildings of up to lvl 2. You may choose what bonuses they provide.

You must decide on what kind of special people to recruit. You can be as specific as you'd like. You may recruit two people this turn.

You can also decide on a few things about your nation. What has happened in it since the end of the great war (about 10 years ago). What kind of government does it have? What other info would be useful to a player coming to your nation?

Any questions for me?

2012-02-10, 12:14 AM
What effects do the resources have?

And can the king personally leave the city to say, diplomise with other nations or rally troops? Do we have an army? Can we expand the city? (eg. Conquer the surrounding area) or look for artefacts for the good of the city? And what race can we make our people to be?

2012-02-10, 07:47 AM
Aas a king your character can do anything a normal character could, but are limited to one major action a turn (leading a battle, negotiating a treaty, killing goblin tribe). The mechanic will make sense after the first turn.

Resources are used to upgrade buildings, trade and solve challenges. For example, if there are bandits raiding nearby you ccould pay them off with 1 luxury per turn and solve the problem temporarily or you could raise an army (1-2 weapons per turn) to fight them off. or you could send your intimidating barbarian Guard Captain (a specia person) to try to intimidate them away.

Most nations are human or elven or a mix; you can be an ethnic homeland for another race if you want..

2012-02-10, 08:33 AM

Nothnedrin is...unique. Not in terms of population (which consists of a good mixture of humans and elves), but rather it's political structure. It's weird and convoluted. Those in power are of a specific circle, with one being the highest and 9 being the lowest, all of which are in command of the King. While 9th Circle people can be found throughout the city, 1st Circle people are almost never seen, to the point of becoming a myth. No one, not even those part of the circles know what is the exact function of the circle and the duties of the others. It is a mystery, even to political observers, and it appears that only the King knows what's going on.


Nothnedrin specializes in luxury goods and materials, to cater to the needs of the needs of the rich and the work of the needy.


The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important People

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Is it ok so far?

2012-02-10, 12:29 PM
Looks good so far. As soon as I have your character we can start your first turn.

2012-02-10, 12:49 PM
Realized there's at least one more thing to do:

I need to know your nation's stats and what skills they have bonuses to. Basically when you send out someone to make a check or have something happen that requires a check, the Kingdom itself rolls a skill check as if it were a player. Things like your buildings provide bonuses to that check. So here is what I need in addition to the above:

Attributes: assign this array to the kingdom: 14, 12, 12, 10, 10, 10

Skill Bonus: Assign a +2 bonus to three skills for this kingdom

Starting Resources: divide 20 points between food, weapons, luxuries and materials. Food and Luxuries have a per turn upkeep of 1/2* population and 1/3 * population per turn. Materials have an upkeep of 1 per building size per building (so 2 lvl 2 buildings require 4 materials per turn to upkeep them).

2012-02-10, 06:53 PM
I'll use the same character, upgraded to level 10.

Carriac Wil (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=366316)

I'm guessing Nothredrin is a reflection of it's king, so...

Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Char: 14

The people rarely utilize any physical force for a living, and tend to depend on wit and cunning to make forge alliances or outwit foes.

Skill Bonus:

For most living in Nothredrin, the main aim in life is to be part of the Circle, for it confers benefits and access to restricted areas. However, entry into the Circle is a mystery. Some talented people never enter the Circle, while some seemingly worthless people could enter with ease. There is rumored to be tests to enter, but these tests appears weird and random; Entry into the 5th Circle could entail killing a lich for one, but bringing back 5 dead chickens for another. That doesn't stop people trying though, and they utilise various means and ways to find a way in.
4 Food
6 Luxuries
6 Materials
4 Weapons

The players can try to be part of the Circle if they want. It is not restricted to residents alone!

2012-02-10, 11:08 PM
A little bit more about the King.

Years ago, during the great war, The Duke Of Nothredrin lay dying on his throne, assassinated by his own heir, Carriac.

It was not a coup, it was not rebellion. It was a test, and Carriac passed. In his dying breath, the Duke whispered to Carriac, words that none would understand, but yet would give Carriac to power and courage to save Nothredrin from destruction: "The King hails the Bishop"

Since then, Carriac, under the title of 'The King', dismissed all the previous array of advisors and established a new political system, the Circles of Power. Under his direct influence, he choose who went into which Circle, and who did what, never sharing his motives, never sharing his designs. Whether it be to prevent spies from figuring out what was going on, or an obscure master plan, it succeeded, and Nothredrin survived the war forging alliances, defecting from one group to another, and always staying one step ahead of others.

But after the war, things remain the same, and Carriac is not letting on what is happening. It appears that his plan is not yet complete...

2012-02-11, 09:46 PM
Turn 1:


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +5
Arcana (Int) +14 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7 X
Diplomacy (Cha) +9 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +6
Endurance (Con) +5 X
Heal (Wis) +6
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +6
Perception (Wis) +6
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +5
Streetwise (Cha) +9
Thievery (Dex) +5

Important Buildings

The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important Personage

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Luxuries produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 4 - 5 Upkeep = -1
Materials: 6 - 4 Upkeep = 2 + 2 (Myra's Portal) = 4
Luxuries: 6 - 3 Upkeep = 3 + 2 (Workshop of Art) = 5
Weapons: 4

You have used 0 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 3 challenge): Amalish soldiers have been spotted around one of the border villages. This bodes ill for peace, as the presence of another nation's soldiers in your nation diminish the feeling of sovereignty. The situation will have to be dealt with, and the sooner the better.

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): A spy has been caught in your map room, taking notes and copying some correspondence you had not yet seen. Your bodyguard killed the man before you could question him, but his presence along is foreboding. Where there is one, there will be more.

Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge): The ten year anniversary of the end of hostilities is coming up. This also means the ten year armisist is expiring. While the larger threat comes from your bigger neighbors, the smaller nations that neighbor you are a more immediate threat, as there will be little recourse but open and brutal war unless a new treaty can be worked out.

The Tenth Circle (lvl 1 challenge): There are rumors that a group of men and women is gathering, calling themselves the tenth circle. You aren't sure their purpose, but they must be dealt with in some way.

The Portal Shimmering (lvl 1 Challenge): An anomaly has appeared in Myra's Portal. Occasionally, people entering it will merely appear on the other side on this plane, while rarely, one will be torn apart, body parts flying in every direction. In either case, a slight shimmer can be seen in the portal immediately before the anomaly. Something must be done, or the portal will become unusable.

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

If you have any questions, please ask.

2012-02-11, 09:59 PM
Can I Arcana all the challenges?

And is it the same as the rules you showed us? (i.e. fail by 5+, important person removed, DC is hard of that level)

2012-02-11, 10:11 PM
By the way, I'm spending my population like this:

5 on Food
2 on Luxuries
3 on Materials
0 on Weapons

2012-02-11, 10:19 PM
Going to rule you can only use each skill once per turn (so you can arcana one of the challenges, and it needs to make sense)

And yes, fail by 5 and your person could be in danger of being removed.

2012-02-11, 10:29 PM
I'll play safe first, then see how it goes from there

The Portal Shimmering (lvl 1 Challenge):
Myra's portal is Myra's problem, and as such, it is only natural that she should go and solve the problem. Arriving at the sceen, she ignores the pieces of dead people and lifts her scepter, the the jewel blasting forth a bright light to stablize the portal.

[roll0] The important person adds another +5, right? If so, just add that +5 to the roll :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-11, 10:41 PM
Myra's actions on her portal seem to stabilize it for now. It stops its shimmering and seems to be safe for the moment.

Yes, a person adds +5 to the check.

2012-02-11, 11:06 PM
Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge):

Zero sits in his chambers, practicing his lute, when he receives a summons from the King himself. After a private audience with the King, he departs at once, travelling to the other cities to score a peace treaty with Nothredrin (I don't care if they go and treaty with Linlam or the other city, the main importance is that they don't attack Nothredrin :smallbiggrin:)

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-11, 11:14 PM
Zero sends messages back that he is making great successes with extending the peace treaties. Surely this means that the legal safety of your nation will continue for now. Challenge Defeated

You have used 2 of 5 skill checks, and both your important people.

2012-02-11, 11:20 PM
Wait, the portal isn't stablised permamently?!


Streetwise check to find out more about the 10th Circle, and more importantly their leader. If they mean harm, kill them. If not, bring them to my private chambers, where we'll have a discussion. In fact, bring the leader to my private chamber for some electrical torture :smallbiggrin:.

Streetwise: [roll0]

2012-02-11, 11:30 PM
Meanwhile, I'll solve the spy problem.

Spies (lvl 2 challenge):

The King spreads rumors that the guards are sick and the map room is temporarily unguarded on a specific time. However, it is a trap, and all the guards are hidden and ordered to capture any intruders alive.

Bluff: [roll0]

2012-02-11, 11:45 PM
The portal challenge is defeated, so for this turn it won't be a problem. That's not to say that things can't happen with it in the future.

Your spies are unable to uncover any further hints of the 10th circle. The circle is being very cautious and secretive, and will certainly undercut your authority just by existing unless something is done about it. Skill Check failure

The King's attempts to lure a spy into his trap fail miserably. There are no spies that come to the map room. It might be because there are no other spies, or it might be because the spies caught on to the trap. Skill Check Failure

(just so you know, taking care of a problem personally triggers an adventure, not just a skill check).

Turn 1: Mid-turn Recap


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +5
Arcana (Int) +14 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7 X
Diplomacy (Cha) +9 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +6
Endurance (Con) +5 X
Heal (Wis) +6
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +6
Perception (Wis) +6
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +5
Streetwise (Cha) +9
Thievery (Dex) +5

Important Buildings

The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important Personage

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Luxuries produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 4 - 5 Upkeep = -1 +5 production = 4
Materials: 6 - 4 Upkeep = 2 + 2 (Myra's Portal) = 4 + (3 production x 2) = 10
Luxuries: 6 - 3 Upkeep = 3 + 2 (Workshop of Art) = 5 + (2 production x 2) = 9
Weapons: 4

You have used 4 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 3 challenge): Amalish soldiers have been spotted around one of the border villages. This bodes ill for peace, as the presence of another nation's soldiers in your nation diminish the feeling of sovereignty. The situation will have to be dealt with, and the sooner the better.

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): A spy has been caught in your map room, taking notes and copying some correspondence you had not yet seen. Your bodyguard killed the man before you could question him, but his presence along is foreboding. Where there is one, there will be more.

Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge): The ten year anniversary of the end of hostilities is coming up. This also means the ten year armisist is expiring. While the larger threat comes from your bigger neighbors, the smaller nations that neighbor you are a more immediate threat, as there will be little recourse but open and brutal war unless a new treaty can be worked out.Challenge Defeated

The Tenth Circle (lvl 1 challenge): There are rumors that a group of men and women is gathering, calling themselves the tenth circle. You aren't sure their purpose, but they must be dealt with in some way.

The Portal Shimmering (lvl 1 Challenge): An anomaly has appeared in Myra's Portal. Occasionally, people entering it will merely appear on the other side on this plane, while rarely, one will be torn apart, body parts flying in every direction. In either case, a slight shimmer can be seen in the portal immediately before the anomaly. Something must be done, or the portal will become unusable. Challenge Defeated

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

2012-02-11, 11:57 PM
The Tenth Circle (lvl 1 challenge):

The King spreads rumors that anyone affilated with the 10th Circle, if they don't own up now, will be found out, and will hanged and quartered. And that's the best scenario.

Intimidate: [roll0]

Meanwhile, I'll spend 2 luxuries to supress the Spy threat by putting a doubling the number of guards and installing some extra security measures.

And I'll solve the border incursion business myself.
Carriac will temporarily leave the city, but will still direct his Circles with telepathy and other magical devices.

2012-02-12, 12:28 AM
The intimidation seems to work. A number of people from various classes and positions flee the city. All of them foreigners who are not part of any circle. You presume they are from the mysterious tenth circle, and do not want to risk being killed for their membership.

Turn 1: Pre-Adventure Recap


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +5
Arcana (Int) +14 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7 X
Diplomacy (Cha) +9 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +6
Endurance (Con) +5 X
Heal (Wis) +6
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +6
Perception (Wis) +6
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +5
Streetwise (Cha) +9
Thievery (Dex) +5

Important Buildings

The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important Personage

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Luxuries produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 4 - 5 Upkeep = -1 +5 production = 4
Materials: 6 - 4 Upkeep = 2 + 2 (Myra's Portal) = 4 + (3 production x 2) = 10
Luxuries: 6 - 3 Upkeep = 3 + 2 (Workshop of Art) = 5 + (2 production x 2) = 9 - 2 Suppression = 7
Weapons: 4

You have used 5 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 3 challenge): Amalish soldiers have been spotted around one of the border villages. This bodes ill for peace, as the presence of another nation's soldiers in your nation diminish the feeling of sovereignty. The situation will have to be dealt with, and the sooner the better. The King is handling this personally

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): A spy has been caught in your map room, taking notes and copying some correspondence you had not yet seen. Your bodyguard killed the man before you could question him, but his presence along is foreboding. Where there is one, there will be more. You are suppressing this with heavier guard presence, paid for by 2 luxuries.

Treaties Expiring (lvl 1 challenge): The ten year anniversary of the end of hostilities is coming up. This also means the ten year armisist is expiring. While the larger threat comes from your bigger neighbors, the smaller nations that neighbor you are a more immediate threat, as there will be little recourse but open and brutal war unless a new treaty can be worked out.Challenge Defeated

The Tenth Circle (lvl 1 challenge): There are rumors that a group of men and women is gathering, calling themselves the tenth circle. You aren't sure their purpose, but they must be dealt with in some way. Challenge Defeated

The Portal Shimmering (lvl 1 Challenge): An anomaly has appeared in Myra's Portal. Occasionally, people entering it will merely appear on the other side on this plane, while rarely, one will be torn apart, body parts flying in every direction. In either case, a slight shimmer can be seen in the portal immediately before the anomaly. Something must be done, or the portal will become unusable. Challenge Defeated

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

2012-02-12, 12:30 AM
Turn 1 Adventure

Carriac rides out to find the enemy soldiers. Soon enough, he finds those that reported the sightings, farmhands on a village near the border. Several of the young men who spotted the soldiers have disappeared since, leaving concerned parents behind. Only one of the boys remains in the village, and he seems unwilling to leave, even to show you where the soldiers were spotted.

2012-02-12, 12:41 AM
I should really fill up on how my character looks like, shouldn't I?

Carriac asks the parents if they know anything, and if they don't Carriac goes back to the boy.

"Please lead me to them if you want to save your friends. Your friends will die, if they are not already dead, if we do not hurry." Carriac tells the boy, purposely modulating his voice such that it displays some degree of urgency and, but yet not to much to put the boy in a panic.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-12, 01:15 AM
The boy seems unwilling, until you mention that his friends will probably die. Reluctantly, he does lead you a short distance away. He takes you to an abandoned farmhouse, and tells you that the soldiers were camped in an empty field to the west. His friends had been searching the farmhouse for anything useful when they saw the soldiers.

2012-02-12, 01:21 AM
Telling the boy to return, he enters the farmhouse in hopes of any clues.

If the farmhouse has multiple levels, he climbs up and sees if he can get a good look at the soldiers.

2012-02-12, 01:34 AM
The farmhouse seems to have been long abandoned. The dust is disturbed, probably from the boys investigating it recently. Reaching the second story, you can see the indicated field through a broken window. Smoke rises towards the sky from a little further in the distance. The soldiers may not be camped in the field any longer, but chances are they aren't far off.

2012-02-12, 01:44 AM
Carriac leaves the farmhouse and follows the smoke on his horse, moving at a brisk, yet unworried, pace, wearing his signature mask as he climbs aboard his steed, his twin staffs laying across his back.

I've filled up my character sheet on my character's appearance, since you didn't say anything. :smalltongue:

If you need it though:

Carriac is...unique in appearance, and is easily distinguishable from afar as the The King of Nothredrin. His standard attire is a blue outfit, complete with a black cloak, on the back of which is a desgin of nine concentric circles, the centre of which is a crown. His clothes slightly resemble robes. However, the thing that stands out are his weapons; few students of the Arcane actually wields dual staffs, but Carriac is one of them. Each staff is lean and similar in appearance, save for one feature; one has a red crystal at it's tip, and the other, green. He occasionally wears a white mask as well. When his mask is removed though, people wonder why he bothers wearing one- he is quite handsome, with chiseled features and strong, blue eyes.

2012-02-12, 12:41 PM
It is not very hard to find the encampment. Just off the field, where the woods get thick again, six tents and three fires are evident. Sure enough, men in Amalish uniforms can be seen, though there is no sign of the two boys that are supposed to be prisoners. The soldiers have not seen you yet, but it is doubtful if they are willing to kidnap children that they will meet you with a kind reception.

2012-02-12, 05:49 PM
"Soldiers of Amalish!" Why have you come? Give me a satisfactory answer, lest I reduce you to bones!" Carriac roars, his voice booming across the plains.

Casting Prestigation to make my voice loud and scary.
Intimidate: [roll0]

2012-02-12, 05:50 PM
You see men going for crossbows, but none fleeing. They give no answer either, just douse campfires and prepare for a fight. Clearly these are either professional soldiers, or very hard veteran mercenaries.

2012-02-12, 06:54 PM
"Fools! You dare attack The King?! Your king will have your families executed for this slight!"

Carriac carefully scans the plains, hoping for an advantage.

Bluff: [roll0]

Perception: [roll1] to find out if they're defectors and if there's anything that can help, eg. where the boys are or any explosive barrels...

History: [roll2] to know the surrounding area for any spots where I can get an advantage.

2012-02-12, 07:00 PM
"You are no king of mine, impostor." One of the soldiers yells. "We are servants of the Empress, may she live forever, and these lands are rightfully hers. Come forward and be recognized!"

You cannot recall any useful places around the area for a tactical advantage, and these men seem adamant to defend their camp. You think you spot movement inside one of the central tents, which could be where they boys are being kept.

2012-02-12, 07:39 PM
"I never said I was your king. I am The King. The King of Nothredrin. And what would your Empress say if she finds out YOU are on MY lands, kidnapping MY people and threatening ME?

Carriac says as he calmly walks forward, his hands ready to draw his staff.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-12, 08:57 PM
"I do not speak for the Empress, but we are here to claim these lands back. Your nation is an abomination, left to fester for ten years. We are the arm of the Empress, and will take back what is ours by force." He nods towards the tent in the middle. "Your spies are in that tent. You may have them back, we have branded them so they will not be mistaken for innocent folk next time."

2012-02-12, 09:16 PM
I'm going to get into combat aren't I?

"In your zealous endeavors, you have harmed innocent folk. They are not part of my Circle. And do not claim land that is not yours. We have the treaties to prove that this place belongs to us. If your Empress truly believes that this is not the case, she would have attacked after the Great War, when we were still weak and recovering. Ask her. She will tell you the same. Leave now, or face both MY wrath and YOUR empress's."

2012-02-12, 09:19 PM

The soldiers behind their leader start to mutter to each other, but the captain puts a hand up. "We will not leave. Drive us out if you wish, but we will not leave."

2012-02-12, 09:26 PM
"Ask the Empress right now. Send someone, use a magical spell to tell her, I care not. If you really take over this place, what do you think happens next? My kingdom will attack you. The other Kingdoms, when they realize the empress has broken the treaty, will unite together, and destroy her kingdom, since, if she can attack one kingdom, why not another? And this would be seen as a dishonest grab for land and power."

2012-02-12, 09:55 PM
"We have our orders, signed and sealed by the Signet of the House of Firavan. We need no other proof this is where we should be. Gather your army to drive us out if you wish, but since you have not done so already, I question your ability to. I tire of talking to a man who is full of so much hot air."

2012-02-12, 10:02 PM
Just a question: can my character really handle them all solo?

2012-02-12, 10:06 PM
there are 12 soldiers, all professionals, and you are a clothie...probably not.

2012-02-12, 10:11 PM
What level are they roughly? How much do hp do they have? I want to see how many I can one-shot...

2012-02-12, 10:33 PM
That is not information your character would have. Individually they would be no trouble to you, and you could probably kill a few, but they would overwhelm you if you were by yourself.

2012-02-12, 11:58 PM
"And so I shall. Release the innocents" Carriac said hauntingly.

He leads them in the direction of the abandoned farmhouse, with Carriac on his horse.

However, as soon as they travelled a distance, Carriac cried out:

"Branding innocents, harming them! You shall pay, by order of the King!"

Ten squares away, I'll cast Dancing lightning at the nearest cluster of enemies. The captain if possible.

Attack: [roll0] VS Reflex
Damage: [roll1] lightning damage, adjacents take 11 thunder damage. I think. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong :smalltongue:

Move action: move as far as I can on my horse (minor action to climb it if possible, if not, shooting on still horse first) and boys running (double move for them)

2012-02-13, 12:39 AM
(are you running from the battle, or do you intend to continue fighting? Just wondering if I need to make a map or not)

2012-02-13, 01:52 AM
If they pursue, I plan to make my stand at the abandoned farmhouse, dealing damage to them as we move, as I can move faster than them on my horse, and I'm ranged :smallamused:.

Acutally, I think I can wipe them out with this tactic :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-13, 01:58 AM
They ignore your bluster, and your attack, though some are injured by it. They fire off a volley of crossbow bolts after you, one hitting one of the boys, dropping him to the ground, bleeding profusely. They make no attempt to follow you, and the other boy continues to run with you.

2012-02-13, 02:16 AM
Pushing the injured boy onto the horse, Carriac tells them to run away, then focuses his attention on the Captain.

"You will harm no more innocents!" Carriac yelled, his staffs glowing as they let off a burst of light.

Casting Dazzling Ray on the Captain.
Attack: [roll0] VS Will
Damage: [roll1] radiant. Even roll on attack = penalty to attack rolls equal to dex modifier

2012-02-13, 02:22 AM
Crossbows twang again, even with the dazzled captain, four bolts hit Carriac (15 damage, let me know if you want to interrupt them). Soldiers move forward out of the camp, closing the distance swiftly (they will be in charging range next round).

2012-02-13, 03:35 AM
If it's not too much to ask, can I have a map? (even though I might be running. Hope you din't get angry at that :smallfrown:)

And is there any indication if the captain is bloodied? And is it possible to know the range of these crossbows?

2012-02-13, 03:47 AM
The captain appears barely bloodied.

Red guy is the captain, the archers are crossbowmen, and the sword-wielding ones are melee soldiers.

standard crossbow has a range of 15/30

2012-02-13, 05:22 AM

I just realised. Attack and damage, do they use the mod+1/2 level or just the pure mod?

Also, I forgot to factor this in:

Chaos Burst: Your first attack roll during each
of your turns determines a benefit you gain in that
round. If you roll an even number, you gain a +1
bonus to AC until the start of your next turn. If you
roll an odd number, you make a saving throw.

Chaos Power: You gain a bonus to the damage
rolls of arcane powers equal to your Dexterity modifier.
The bonus increases to your Dexterity modifier
+ 2 at 11th level and your Dexterity modifier + 4 at
21st level.

Unfettered Power: When you roll a natural 20
on an attack roll for an arcane power, you slide the
target 1 square and knock it prone after applying the
attack’s other effects.
When you roll a natural 1 on an attack roll for an
arcane power, you must push each creature within 5
squares of you 1 square.

2012-02-13, 12:46 PM
Attack rolls use 1/2 level + ability + impliment + misc

Damage rolls use ability + impliment + misc

The bolts that hit you would still hit you, even with +1 AC.

2012-02-13, 05:52 PM
Carriac shot a burst of magic at the captain, and satisfied that he had revengef his people (for now), he heads back (regally).

Casting Chaos Bolt at the captain.
Attack: [roll0] VS Will
Damage: [roll1] psychic damage.

Moving away as far as I can to the right.

2012-02-13, 06:30 PM
(Are you really leaving now?)

The captain remains on his feet despite the damage, and the crossbowmen take formation around the camp, readying themselves for action.

2012-02-13, 07:07 PM
I can't take them all down solo, and I think I have wayyyy too many skills for teleporting. Unless....is the captain near death? I think I can take him down then run for my life. Is it possible to spend one weapon for reinforcements?

2012-02-13, 07:29 PM
I can't take them all down solo, and I think I have wayyyy too many skills for teleporting. Unless....is the captain near death? I think I can take him down then run for my life. Is it possible to spend one weapon for reinforcements?

well, you could probably kill the captain, but you would be pincushioned as the bows have superior range than your powers. You cannot call in reinforcements by using resources mid adventure, but in the future you could but only if you decide it before heading out.

2012-02-13, 07:46 PM
That's why I have so many immediate interrupt powers. :smalltongue:

Will killing the captain solve or suppress the problem? Or none at all?

2012-02-13, 09:29 PM
That's why I have so many immediate interrupt powers. :smalltongue:

Will killing the captain solve or suppress the problem? Or none at all?

It is already supprrssed. Killing the captain and a few others will reduce it by 1 level, wiping all of them out will defeat the challenge.

2012-02-13, 09:59 PM
Carriac stops his tracks, halted by the sight of blood. What angered him was not the fact that they dared attacked a king. What made him furious was that try DARED attacked his people. People who were innocent.

Changing his mind, he walked back, anger in his eyes. He would make the captain pay, even if the only thing he could do is fire one more shot.

Better make that shot count then.

Casting Chaos Bolt again at the captain.
Attack: [roll0] VS Will
Damage: [roll1] psychic damage

2012-02-13, 10:12 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my primary attack roll, I make a secondary attack on H12.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 10:19 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on J15.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 10:25 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on K15.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 11:34 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on L14.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 11:37 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on M14.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 11:40 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on O14.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 11:45 PM
Since I rolled an even number for my secondary attack roll, I get to make another one. This time on L12.
Please let me know if I did anything wrong :smalltongue:
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-13, 11:46 PM
I know I shouldn't, but I just have to...

You, sir, have the devil's own luck. Damn. :smalleek:

2012-02-14, 12:05 AM
(if it's okay with you I'll resolve this in a summary)

Carriac's mighty magic kills several of the soldiers, and sends the rest scattering, leaving behind their tents and some of their equipment. The bodies are enough evidence that soldiers at least in the livery of the Amalash army were in your territory, but it is doubtful that this will be the end of things.

2012-02-14, 12:21 AM
And a critical on the last roll too! :smallbiggrin:

Carriac fires a signal into the air with Prestigation, and the sky lights up with 9 concentric circles, the rest fading except the outermost one. The crown in the centre dissolves and reforms into a single gold blade pointing upwards, calling the guards to come.

With the guards, Carriac takes everything, and drags the bodies back, sending a message to the Empress of Amalish, with news on what had occurred, injuries sustained, words traded, and questions about the House of Firavan.

2012-02-14, 11:11 PM
Waiting for the last nation to finish and I'll post the next turn.

Would you be interested in actual army combat (tactical stuff) or a more abstract system

2012-02-15, 12:32 AM
Errrrr....what? Can you elaborate please?

And what are the spoils of that battle? Equipment and all :smallbiggrin:
What did the Empress say to my questions?

2012-02-15, 12:49 AM
Errrrr....what? Can you elaborate please?

And what are the spoils of that battle? Equipment and all :smallbiggrin:
What did the Empress say to my questions?

Spoils; there's not that much, some military grade equipment (enoguh to arm about 4 men, so nothing in terms of *resources*) and a few tents. The men have left behind to papers or other intelligence sources that you find, and there are none on the captain, he has seemingly committed his orders to memory.

There was no response from the Empress, though what that means is troubling in and of itself.

And I was asking in case there is a war. Would you want to do something similar to the beginning of the turn stuff, where you make rolls, assign leaders, and things of that nature, or would you want a grittier, map and command system where you'd command armies tactically in battle. Really just the difference between me crunching numbers and you fighting the battle

2012-02-15, 01:27 AM
I wouldn't mind either, really.

The first option makes things more streamlined and a lot less complicated.

The second option allows for tatics and luck. Stuff like flanking or purposely rearranging troops can allows for strategy and counter strategy which can't be expressed in mere +1s or +2s. On the other hand, if it's players VS players, it can get bogged up...

2012-02-15, 07:06 AM
I wouldn't mind either, really.

The first option makes things more streamlined and a lot less complicated.

The second option allows for tatics and luck. Stuff like flanking or purposely rearranging troops can allows for strategy and counter strategy which can't be expressed in mere +1s or +2s. On the other hand, if it's players VS players, it can get bogged up...

Yeah that's why I'm giving the option. In all likelihood your opponents would be the two larger nations (which are NPCed at the moment, though that might change). I don't want it to be a simple "ok, you're small you loose" situation either.

2012-02-15, 09:33 PM
I see...

By the way, I forgot to put my rituals into character. How much personal money does a level10 have again?

And what are the rules for using rituals in the mass combat system?

2012-02-15, 09:43 PM
I see...

By the way, I forgot to put my rituals into character. How much personal money does a level10 have again?

And what are the rules for using rituals in the mass combat system?

Haven't come up with the rules for rituals yet. You get money equal to the cost of an item of your level -1

2012-02-16, 07:27 PM
By the way, are level 3 challenges normally so hard? I could have sworn that, if not for my epic dice rolls, I would have lost. Terribly.

I can't imagine what a level 5 challenge is like :smallfrown:

2012-02-16, 07:52 PM
By the way, are level 3 challenges normally so hard? I could have sworn that, if not for my epic dice rolls, I would have lost. Terribly.

I can't imagine what a level 5 challenge is like :smallfrown:

Should one man be able to wipe out an entire squad of soldiers?

a challenge level is not the same as a character level. A lvl 5 challenge would disrupt your nation to the point that if it got any higher, it will cause riots, revolts, and destruction. So lvl 3 is about the highest "safe" challenge that there will be...

2012-02-16, 10:43 PM
But man, are they stubborn! They don't react to my diplomacy and stuff.

And realistically speaking, if I publically announce this information, Amalish would considered as having broken the treaty, especially since they attacked my people on my land. And since they have broken the treaty, the other nations have to retaliate as

1. There must be some form of punishment for breaking the treaty to reinforce it.

2. Amalish will be seen as trying to get the upper edge over the other big nation, which WILL retaliate, logically speaking.

Which I explained to them. They don't listen to reason, do they?

Unless they're not really Amalish troops. In which case, the Empress should have replied... :smallsmile:

2012-02-16, 10:56 PM
But man, are they stubborn! They don't react to my diplomacy and stuff.

And realistically speaking, if I publically announce this information, Amalish would considered as having broken the treaty, especially since they attacked my people on my land. And since they have broken the treaty, the other nations have to retaliate as

1. There must be some form of punishment for breaking the treaty to reinforce it.

2. Amalish will be seen as trying to get the upper edge over the other big nation, which WILL retaliate, logically speaking.

Which I explained to them. They don't listen to reason, do they?

Unless they're not really Amalish troops. In which case, the Empress should have replied... :smallsmile:

Or they were ordered by the Empress to stay there even if spotted. Then you attacked them, and pissed them off :-p

Trust me, I'm thinking these through, carefully selecting the reactions.

2012-02-17, 02:34 AM
If so, I send this message to the two PC nations.



We may be at odds in terms of governance of kingdoms, but it is imperative that we come to a truce, for recent events that have transpired lead me to think something bigger is occurring. Something that could lead to another Great War.

Recently, I have found soldiers of Amalish in my territory, and they have taken, and branded, innocent people of mine. They have dared to attack me, and in response, I have dealt with them. Severely.

They claim my land is theirs, and that, although they are not working under the Empress directly, they are working under House Firavan. I have tried to contact the Empress, but she did not reply. This is extremely troubling. If you have come into contact with any similar situation or have heard of House Firavan, please tell me immediately. Lolthlinlam may have to be contacted if it is true that Amalish is breaking the treaty.

-The King of Nothredrin

2012-02-18, 08:41 PM
Turn 2


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +5
Arcana (Int) +14 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7 X
Diplomacy (Cha) +9 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +6
Endurance (Con) +5 X
Heal (Wis) +6
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +6
Perception (Wis) +6
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +5
Streetwise (Cha) +9
Thievery (Dex) +5

Important Buildings

The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important Personage

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Luxuries produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 4 - 5 Upkeep = -1
Materials: 10 - 4 Upkeep = 6 + 2 Portal = 8
Luxuries: 7 - 3 Upkeep = 4 + 2 Workshop = 6
Weapons: 4

You have used 0 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): Though the captain has been killed, and the soldiers scattered, there is no doubt now that someone is behind the incursion. You do not know where those soldiers are, but chances are they will return, and maybe in greater numbers. It must be dealt with before they return in force.

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): You have unsuccessfully traced out the spies in your capital. While you have decided to increase your guards, that doesn't mean that the spies have gone away. They still must be dealt with in some way.

Treaty Troubles (lvl 1 challenge): You look over the treaties that have been made on your behalf, and notice something missing. There is no provision requiring the larger nations to come to your aid if the other attacks you. Your diplomat assures you that each has agreed to do so, but it is not in the treaties, and thus is not legally binding. It is very troubling.

Tomb of Arathan (lvl 1 challenge): Rumors have become numerous that in the hills there has been a mystical tomb uncovered. It is said to hold great items of power and dark secrets of old gods. While it is not neccesary to do anything at this point, they are just rumors, the items of power might be useful, and who knows what horrors a tomb of an ancient age might hold to unleash on the world.

Mysterious Deaths (lvl 1 Challenge): Three members of the first circle have been killed in the last few days. Their deaths are varied, one died in a house fire, another bled out after a duel, and the third fell to an illness. It seems like an anomaly, but with the recent rising of the tenth circle, and spies in your capital...things may be more than they seem.

You have 5 skill checks to use to resolve the challenges. You may handle one challenge yourself (it will be a solo adventure that will take place after we resolve this turn). You may choose to make skill checks with some, and find out the results before choosing to spend skill points in other places.

If you run out of skill checks, you can suppress a challenge by spending one point of a resource per challenge level. This prevents the challenge from growing this turn, but does not defeat it.

You may assign special people to a skill check, but they are in danger if they fail the check by a certain amount. They can only be used in one check per turn.

2012-02-18, 09:04 PM
Border Incursion
Carriac calls for Myra, and asks for her to use her magic to find this leader, and to bring him to him if neccesary. Kill him if not. She is authorised to use some of my guards to assisinate him if needed.

Arcana: [roll0]

2012-02-18, 09:29 PM
Myra returns shortly after being sent out, a young noblewoman in bonds with her. She is one of the nobles owning land on the Amalish side of the border, and stands to benefit greatly if your lands are taken over by Amalin. The woman says nothing to you. Challenge reduced to lvl 1

2012-02-18, 09:44 PM
"Take her away. You may use any magic you have to extract information from her. Maybe 'Suggest' that it's more beneficial for her to help us."

That said, Carriac calls for Zero, and tells him his mission. He is to spread rumors about unguarded maps, when in truth, a trap is set. Hopefully, Zero could do it more successfully, and the spies wouldn't suspect someone would use the same ploy twice.

Bluff: [roll0]

2012-02-18, 09:48 PM
It takes a few days, but another spy is caught and waiting for you in the dungeons. She remains very quiet during your initial conversation, but she might have useful information.

Challenge reduced to lvl 1

2012-02-18, 09:56 PM
Treaty Troubles
Carriac calls the other nations to revise the treaty.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2012-02-18, 10:00 PM
Mysterious Deaths

Carriac intends to find out more about these...incidents.

Streetwise: [roll0]

2012-02-18, 10:05 PM
By the way, what does it take to construct a lvl2 or lvl3 building?

2012-02-18, 10:14 PM
By the way, what does it take to construct a lvl2 or lvl3 building?

2 skill checks per building level and at least 2 building materials per building level. Basically when you make a skill check, you spend 1 material. If it succeeds it counts towards building construction. If you do not, it is wasted. Once you make 2 successful skill checks, you get the building of lvl 1 (and it requires materials for maintenance at that time). You then upgrade in the same way, requiring 2 skill checks and at least 2 building materials to upgrade to the next level.

IC: The Ambassadors refuse to revise the treaties. You sent a trusted emissary to make the treaties, and they expect them to be upheld. (skill check failed)

2012-02-18, 10:28 PM
I spend a luxury to placate the Ambassadors, and to keep the channels open for negotiation, and to show my sincerity.

I spend another luxury to bolster defences to protect people of my Circle.

I'll use my last skill check to build a level one building (I'm not sure it's a 1d20 + what), using 2 materials.

And I'll handle the Tomb of Arathan with Carriac personally, and bring some guards along...

2012-02-18, 10:40 PM
What kind of building are you trying to make (especially the bonus you want from the first level)

2012-02-18, 10:49 PM
The UnderMarket

Selling all sorts of cheap items, people always wonder how the UnderMarket manages to sell and earn, especially since the items sold cost less than the price for materials. Take, for example, food. Food is sold at ridiculously low prices, but those from the Circle who know the secret shun the food, as it is acutually taken from corpses, cured and modified to feel and taste like real food, with low risk of disease (from the curing). In fact, all the items being sold have a similar means of production....

I'm planning a +2 to food for the first one. Bluff for the second, and if there is a third, materials.

2012-02-18, 11:19 PM
Okay, the initial step of setting up the black market will require setting up the underground mechanics of it, storehouses, dead drops, etc. This should use Stealth, but if you have a better idea, let me know.

2012-02-18, 11:42 PM
It's not really 'underground'. The main thing here is the innovation of the people to 'cheat' others and get them to buy the seller's goods...:smallbiggrin:

2012-02-19, 12:00 AM
It's not really 'underground'. The main thing here is the innovation of the people to 'cheat' others and get them to buy the seller's goods...:smallbiggrin:

"cheating" like that is usually streetwise, which you used this turn, or thievery. Diplomacy might work but you've used that as well. Like I said, if you can convince me to use it, then you'll get it.

Either way, setting up the logistics of it is what needs done at this time.

2012-02-19, 12:34 AM
....which I can't do this turn. Darn it.

Mysterious Deaths
Well, I try to initimidate the killers of the 1st Circle to flee as well, using the same tatic.

Intimidate: [roll0]

If it fails, back to the one I said, using luxuries to protect my people....

how much of an armed guard do I get for my solo challenge? :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-19, 12:12 PM
Turn 2

Gifts are sent to the Ambassadors to appease them for the moment. Perhaps this will better their mood.

More money is spent to hire mercenaries to guard against future assassination. You aren't sure if you attempts at intimidation work or not, but chances are they have not.


Str: 10
Con: 10
Dex: 10
Int: 12
Wis: 12
Cha: 14

Skills (X indicates important person in the field)
Acrobatics (Dex) +5
Arcana (Int) +14 X
Athletics (Str) +5
Bluff (Cha) +7 X
Diplomacy (Cha) +9 X
Dungeoneering (Wis) +6
Endurance (Con) +5 X
Heal (Wis) +6
History (Int) +6
Insight (Wis) +6
Intimidate (Cha) +7
Nature (Wis) +6
Perception (Wis) +6
Religion (Int) +6
Stealth (Dex) +5
Streetwise (Cha) +9
Thievery (Dex) +5

Important Buildings

The Workshop of Art (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 luxuries)

Many flock to this massive building in their free time; with magical aid, it can paint a picture on a person's mind, or of a person's mind. These works of art, some abstract, some weird, all beautiful, are placed on the gallery for public viewing.

Myra's Portal (Lvl 2, +3 Arcana, +2 materials)

A couple of years ago, a wizard called Myra managed
to establish a permanent portal to another plane, one rich with resources. Apparently monsters too, for Myra was found dead inside, although no one found any monsters to date. Even now, wizards are still studying the mysterious portal to see how it works and what maintains it.

Important Personage

Myra the Undead, 7th Circle

Being a valuable asset, Myra was revived - as an undead and she retains most of her memories and mental faculties. She constantly wears a black cloak to hide her unnatural paleness, and caries a scepter, the tip of which is a brilliant jewel (Arcana and Endurance)

Zero the Musician, 5th Circle

A musician trained in every single instrument available, with such talent that could make trees sway to his songs, he is an invaluable asset. With his glib tongue and professional manner that comes with being a musician, he is a great diplomat, and a mighty bluffer. (Diplomacy and Bluff)

Mini Stats
Buildings: 2 of 5 max
Important People: 2 of 5 max

Resources (Materials and Luxuries produce 2x from population; you have 10 population to assign to production)
Food: 4 - 5 Upkeep = -1
Materials: 10 - 4 Upkeep = 6 + 2 Portal = 8
Luxuries: 7 - 3 Upkeep = 4 + 2 Workshop = 6 - 2 Challenges = 4
Weapons: 4

You have used 5 of 5 skill checks for this round

You may spend resources to try to recruit additional important people (food, luxuries or weapons) or materials to begin construction of new buildings (though this requires several succesful skill checks)


Border Incursion (lvl 2 challenge): Though the captain has been killed, and the soldiers scattered, there is no doubt now that someone is behind the incursion. You do not know where those soldiers are, but chances are they will return, and maybe in greater numbers. It must be dealt with before they return in force. Challenge Reduced to lvl 1

Spies (lvl 2 challenge): You have unsuccessfully traced out the spies in your capital. While you have decided to increase your guards, that doesn't mean that the spies have gone away. They still must be dealt with in some way. Challenge Reduced to lvl 1

Treaty Troubles (lvl 1 challenge): You look over the treaties that have been made on your behalf, and notice something missing. There is no provision requiring the larger nations to come to your aid if the other attacks you. Your diplomat assures you that each has agreed to do so, but it is not in the treaties, and thus is not legally binding. It is very troubling. Challenge Suppressed with 1 luxury

Tomb of Arathan (lvl 1 challenge): Rumors have become numerous that in the hills there has been a mystical tomb uncovered. It is said to hold great items of power and dark secrets of old gods. While it is not neccesary to do anything at this point, they are just rumors, the items of power might be useful, and who knows what horrors a tomb of an ancient age might hold to unleash on the world. Handling this personally

Mysterious Deaths (lvl 1 Challenge): Three members of the first circle have been killed in the last few days. Their deaths are varied, one died in a house fire, another bled out after a duel, and the third fell to an illness. It seems like an anomaly, but with the recent rising of the tenth circle, and spies in your capital...things may be more than they seem. Challenge Suppressed with 1 luxury

You can spend 1 weapon and 1 luxury to hire a group of 5 guards of near your level (they will be lvl 9). You can select the guard's type (ranged/melee striker, controller, defender, leader), but I will be making up their stats.

What do you want your population assigned to?

2012-02-19, 05:54 PM
I'll do the same population assignment as the previous turn.

Yeah, why not? My guy's paper. I'll spend one weapon and one luxury...

I want a balanced mix. Preferably a little more defender :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-20, 10:09 PM
Your party:
Shielding Cleric of Pelor (Ranged Leader)
Guardian Fighter (Melee Defender)
Assaulting Swordmage (Melee Defender)
Control Wizard (Ranged Controller)
Commanding Avenger (Melee Striker)

Anything you want to do before heading off to the tomb?

2012-02-20, 10:16 PM
Umm...I don't think so...

2012-02-25, 10:36 AM
After a day's hard riding, you come to the site of the tomb. A mine shaft opens into the side of a hill, a recently dug mine, looking for coal, and inside is the barred entrance to the tomb.

Once inside the mine, you see the large doorway. It has been fully uncovered by curious miners...who were killed by bolts of lightning from the door when they finished its uncovering. THe bodies have been removed, but the door remains, a giant stone monolith with ancient runes written on it. The only ones you can read indicate that it is the Tomb of Arathan, and those that disturb the resting place of the Man-God Arathan will be struck down by fire and light.

2012-02-25, 07:46 PM
Vesth approaches slowly, attemping to read the runes.

Arcana check: [roll0], and asks the rest if they know anything.

2012-02-26, 06:52 PM
The runes seem to be spells of protection, warding away evil that comes to the tomb and tomb-robbers. To your knowledge, the spells are just superstitious, not really containing any power. However, it is possible that hidden under the mundane is a real magical layer of protection, as the dead miners can attest to.

Samos, the cleric, mentions that the old burial rights usually included such spells as a common warding. They are bastardizations of true holy spells of protection, and have no true effect, much as you thought. He supposes that the lightning might be from the addition of an arcane warding, though many of those are one-of traps, rarely powerful enough to trigger multiple times.

2012-02-26, 09:12 PM
Asking the fighter to lead, Carriac and his party enters the tomb, weapons drawn and senses keen.

2012-03-04, 11:01 AM
After a few moments of pushing against the door with his shoulder, Porthos, the fighter, forces his way into the tomb. The smell of mustiness and decay fill your nostrils. The room beyond is a stairwell leading down. It is surprisingly good repair, probably because of its high quality construction. The stairwell leads downward at least fifty feet before sight is lost to the dim light. Aramathaus, the wizard, creates a bright light from his wand, which does little to brighten the bottom of the stairs. Every ten feet there is a large statue of an armored man, in full plate, with lightning bolts marked on their swords.

2012-03-04, 11:35 AM
Carriac pulls out his floating lantern, and wills it to fly ahead of him.

Moving slowly behind it with the party, he observes the statues, and gestures for the rest to be careful...

2012-03-04, 04:08 PM
Roll a history or arcane check, whichever you'd like.

2012-03-04, 05:42 PM
Arcana check: [roll0]

2012-03-04, 05:59 PM
You find nothing odd about the statues, however, Aramathaus mentions that they represent the Swordmages of Kalindar, a sect of arcane warriors from an age long past that were the personal guardians of several powerful warlords and warpriests of the era.

2012-03-04, 11:40 PM
Carriac follows the lantern down the stairs, the rest of the party walking with him.

2012-03-11, 12:17 AM
As you continue down the staircase, you come to a larger room. The room is filled with skeletons, along with rubble from some wooden structures. There are several stout wooden doors that seem untouched by time.


2012-03-11, 06:21 AM
Carriac is currently very paranoid. And for good reason, after fending off several necromancers before. Willing the lantern to gently float into the room and nudge one of the skeletons, he fires a chaos bolt into it. If nothing happens, he orders his men to search the room, and debris, thoroughly.

2012-03-16, 04:12 PM
The blasted skeleton scatters along the room, and does not rise up to harm you. A thorough search of the room reveals nothing particularly interesting. The bones have been here for several hundred years, and the thin layers of dust everywhere are undisturbed. There are no cobwebs around, which only means there are no spiders, not an indication of age.

You notice the stonework on the wall is very precisely carved into the natural bedrock. You are certain at some point in the stairway down it switched from quarried stone to carved stone, but the design matches perfectly. Whoever had this tomb made spared no expense.

2012-03-16, 06:50 PM
Motioning for the others to follow him, Carriac opens the closest door on the left. (F12)

2012-03-16, 09:53 PM
The door resists your attempts to open it. A deep rumble surrounds you, and a voice comes from the door itself.

"A Second Life within the first,
Immortality without hunger or thirst
Seeing all with closed eyes,
Return to the first when you die."

2012-03-17, 08:05 PM
Carriac consults with his allies on what the voice could mean.

(I suspect it means I have to die somehow to get through....)

And if nothing comes out, I ask if the ritual 'Knock' is able to open the door.

If so, I use Knock.

If both options are unavailable, I open the door of H4.

2012-03-27, 07:30 AM
"Sir, it's probably a riddle. Death seems to be the simple answer, but that hardly gives immortality. Sleep is probably the right answer. I wonder if we have to fall alseep to get the door to open. Or perhaps we have to open it in our dreams."

2012-03-30, 08:03 PM
Getting the fighter and wizard to stand guard, Carriac gets the rest of the party to sleep.