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2012-02-10, 05:12 PM
The sun beats high above you, it's rays cascading down from the worlds high above to the small town of Oakridge, far from the reflections of Golden Palaces, and of Gold and Jewels. Miles past the 12th Wall, it marks one of the few cities in the unconquered territory, and a go between for various traders seeking swift routes through points in the Empire. You have come here for one reason or another. Meeting Partners, Adventure, Solemn duty, but you can appreciate this place, for what it has. Quiet, peace, but also, as some whisper, a secret hidden in the bliss of this plains settlement. This you do not know however, you know you stand on the wall of a plain little town, with business.

You guys don't show up at the same time, so just decide when you want to show up, and I'll engineer ways to get you guys to meet up. I'll play it on the fly. Have fun, I know I will :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-10, 05:45 PM
I start a walk about town. Noting the various places of interest, specifically the store with hard to find items.
sorry, I get a start on this as soon as the gates open. No profit from wasted time.

2012-02-10, 07:13 PM
I wake up with the sun, already frustrated with the oncoming day. Not looking forward to a day of pushing papers and settling minor disputes, I slowly prepare myself for public appearance in the city hall. I perk up when I step outside and notice the clear weather; some of the local farmers had been most unpleasant about the recent rain. Surely they'd be in a more cooperative mood with the sun out, I think to myself as I begin my walk to the center of town.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-10, 07:32 PM
I spot the outline of a town through the trees. I come to the edge of the woods and stare out from the cover of a tree. ahh good I think to myselfhopefully I can replace my chisels here. without further thought I step toward the town.

2012-02-11, 01:40 AM
Settling into a comfortable spot in the trade center, I take in the sites and prepare for my daily ritual of seeking out the like-minded to join my cause. I rehearsed my speech many times last night and am feeling particularly optimistic this time. Surely, in this proverbial lone-flower-in-a-desert, I will find what I've been looking for...

I close my eyes and breathe deeply, listening to the bustle and hum of commerce... the daily strife of common men.

You can do this... I think to myself. Let's go.

I reach deep within my inner power to summon the soft sound of a tinkling of chimes to herald the beginning of my speech. (Prestidigitation SLA used)

"Citizens! Hear me! Wake up! Do you not hear the drums of war? Do you not see the ever-growing silhouette of the imperialist regime hunched at your very doorstep? Does that darkness not devour the light from the threshold of your very homes? Can you not smell the stench of corruption? Or taste the bitter bile of deceipt? Would you submit, drowsily, to abject slavery at the hands of an elitist aristocracy that would have you and your children crushed under the weight of their ever-growing greed, avarice, and prejudice?

"I beg you to hear me! Oakridge is the delicate flower that would be crushed under the mighty weight of the Golden Veil! You may say to yourselves that you are free men! But that freedom can be taken from you. It can be stripped as bark is stripped from a switch! Every day that you remain unconcerned with the change in the wind, the Empire grows stronger... gets ever closer to its goal of world domination! WAKE UP, I implore you! Do not let this intruder into your homes! Shun the shadow of imperialism, and defend your freedom! The time for action is now! The time to remember that you are vibrant, alive and free is now! The dream is turning into a nightmare, so awaken; stand and face the world that now leers at you and marginalizes you! Face it with straight backs, set jaws, and a passion that burns in your hearts so brightly it scatters the shadow! The line must be drawn here! The people must shout, in unison **ENOUGH!** (Ghost Sound SLA)

I pause to let the crashing echoes of the Ghost Sound scatter and fade, then survey the market to see how many eyes are on me.

"Enough of your greed. Return to your kingdom and leave us as free men, or face the tip of a free man's spear."

Presumed Skill Checks (not sure if this is how it works... Let me know if I'm breaking protocol)
Perform: Oratory (to see if I made any GP)
27 (Freaking nat 20! :smallbiggrin:) plus whatever bonuses you wanna give me for combining my SLAs with my speech for dramatic effect. :smallsmile:

Spot Check: (To see if anyone seemed particularly interested in my words.)

Sense Motive Check: (To see if that interest, if any, means trouble or not.)

Listen Check: (when I'm listening to the bustle and hum, I'm trying to catch a hint of political dissent.)

Diplomacy Check: (To see if I convinced anybody)

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-11, 01:56 AM
Hearing the sound of bells I walk into the bazaar. There is a tiny person standing and making an empassioned speech, but I only hear the second half. "... Remember that you are vibrant, alive and free...." I repeat to myself. I feel the color of my eyes shift to a dark blue as I step forward towards the little fleshie.

2012-02-11, 06:33 AM
I was walking to the city, after i confirmed that this is Oakridge. Moradin's bein' nice tae us today. Thank ye father 'o gods!

I was looking for the Inn when i saw people, if there are any people going to hear Bel, going somewhere. If there are, i follow them. If there are not i am looking for the Inn looking if there are any dwarves. If not i ask someone like a guard, where is the Inn.

If i see Bel and hear her speech i will totally go and talk to her.

2012-02-11, 10:28 PM

You see a small crowd of townsfolk surrounding you as you speak, most of them seem awestruck by the magic and your well prepared speech has captured the thoughts of a crowd of about 15 persons. You hear murmurs as your speech ends. Two figures standout in the crowd, after they have dispersed to contine with work.
You see what appears to be a man, his form lined with crystal and gems, with joints of wood and eyes of a deep shade of blue. Second is a dwarf, dressed in flowing robes of rich brow, with a sophisticated flair. He seems to be pensively considering the statements you made, stroking his beard in approval, stroking the blonde highlight at the tip. Shortly beyond your dispersing crowd you see another Dwarf trekking towards you, you see the dwarf wears a set of heavy armor, and carries a bandolier of spears and heads towards you swiftly.


You step into town as you feel the magical echo of intense volume end the speech as two creatures stand by, what seems like a gnome standing proudly by a man forged of metal stone and crystal, along with a second dwarf richly dressed in traditional dwarven colors of brown on a flowing robe,


As you grow captivated by this short mantra of liberation, you step to the gnome who made that profound speech as you stand by a Dwarf with a brown beard tinged by blonde,
staring at her with considerate gaze.


You find that there is both a general shoppe, and a very simple looking Inn, along with why appears to be a merchants house and a small Healing House.


You hear the ends of a passionate speech by a New Gnome in town square, passing by the town well. The last echo of the message passes as you see a Dwarf you know to loiter about the bar dressed in his usual sophisticated trite Dwarven Garb. Next to him stands a seemingly starstruck man in very heavy and restricting full plate, with eerie and magical dark blue spheres for eyes.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-12, 12:50 AM
Shifting my feet self conciouslly, I look at the small one. "What did you mean when you said alive?" I ask in a quiet rumbling voice

2012-02-12, 04:44 AM
Warforged! My mind screams! I jump back reflexively and reach for my whip as the towering construction closes in on me. Weapons of the Empire... oh gods, oh gods! They've come for me!

But I release my grip on my weapon handle when I notice that the thing doesn't seem to mean me any harm, but is rather only curious about my speech. I keep my hand near my whip, but relax my pose, and try to look as non-threatening as I can.

"For whom are you asking, warforged? Who sent you? These are free lands, yet. I am no longer standing on imperial soil, so you are beyond your jurisdiction."

2012-02-12, 05:53 AM
"Hmm" I think to myself, stopping to look at the minute orator. "I might want to keep an eye on this one. Might cause trouble somewhere down the line." Ignoring the starstruck man I approach the gnome while adopting a friendly expression. "Passionate words from someone so young. I would care to know the name of someone that speaks with such strength."

Skill Check (just doing what's been done, lemme know if we need to change how this works)
Diplomacy, to come across as friendly and trustworthy:

2012-02-12, 06:10 AM
I would like to talk to the noble dwarf first, but he's already talking to others, so i approach the small group.

"Good mornin' ye all 'ave! Moradin' took care 'o weather faer us today, huh?? Guess we a' ur here tae congratulate that young gnome. Can i have yer name lad? Ye seem really interesting and yer speech wer heartful."

I also say to the noble dwarf, btw who is he? :O

"May Father's blessi' be with ye brotha. Where are ye from?

2012-02-12, 06:19 AM
I also say to the noble dwarf, btw who is he? :O

You won't know until you ask. It's the same as meeting any stranger on the street; you won't know anything about them unless you approach them and say "Hi! Who're you?" or the like.

2012-02-12, 06:25 AM
You won't know until you ask. It's the same as meeting any stranger on the street; you won't know anything about them unless you approach them and say "Hi! Who're you?" or the like.

No no i meant whose character is it xD Is he and NPC or i missed something? That's the point :smalltongue:

@Everyone should we keep the OOC at the other page or just keep it here with an OOC note on it?

2012-02-12, 06:46 AM
I shift my gaze from dwarf, to dwarf, to warforged to assess the situation. The clergy wasn't working for the empire, last I heard. Maybe this one was purchased as a guardian for them or something.

Speaking in Dwarven, "I am Ellyjobel Ningel, from the Ningel Clan, in the lands of the Veil. I thank you for your words and take them as a compliment. My words are strong, because strength is needed in dark times. Strength to overcome fear and despair... Perhaps one day, my gift for words may be used to say gentler things."

I curtsy low to show deference. "It's an honor to meet the divine servants of Moradin. By your dress, I'd say you two were of the clergy. What brings you here, and with such," I gesture over at the warforged, "unusual company. I wouldn't have thought the empire would lend out such a fine piece of craftsmanship. I've certainly not seen a warforged like him before."

2012-02-12, 07:14 AM
"Ah! I see yer aware 'o that dwarven language of oors. I appreciate that mi'lady. Ma name is Mjolnir Brightshield! A proud son 'o the legacy 'o Brightshields. What is yer fear aboot child?"

I spoke at Dwarven.

2012-02-12, 08:43 AM
The Dwarf in Brown, gives a swift Chuckle as Bel implies Him being a man of the Church, and tosses a slight stiff nod to Henalrait.
That assumption, is an honor Madame, but I am tied down to no Church, perish the thought.
he says with a light whimsy to his voice, carrying the air of a socialite

However, I was captivated by your speech all the same, and knowing this town, you've got some of them on your side. I might even say I'm with you, wholeheartedly. Let us meet in the Inn for lunch later, talk of this Rebellion you have in mind. I'm quite fond of the thought. I know a secret you might want to know, a political move let's say. And to answer your question oh Bearded Brother, I'm just a local, spending sometime outside of his Inn Room listening to this fair gnomish woman speak.

Roll Spot/Sense Motive

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-12, 12:15 PM
I take a few steps back and raise my hands, I don't think the whip would hurt very much, but I didn't come looking for a fight. "I mean you no harm small one," I say also in dwarven after everyone has stopped talking. "neither am I hear with the beared ones. The don't care or know much about any Empire, I just wanted to know what your speech was about..." my eyes swicth to a pale green as I glance around nervously.

2012-02-12, 01:45 PM
"Ah, Dwarven. A simple, unassuming language and one I have never been fortunate enough to learn." I take note of the fact that everyone seems to be speaking Dwarven with the gnome. "Could the Dwarves be organizing some kind of rebellion or coup within the Veil? Something to make note of."

I feel like something might be getting mixed up here, so to make sure we're on the right foot: Henalrait the Cleric is an elf.
This socialite dwarf character, do I know anything about him other than that he loiters around the bar? Does nod at me because he recognizes me as part of the governmental system or does he actually recognize me as an individual?

2012-02-12, 01:49 PM
[roll0] My sense motive.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-12, 02:10 PM
I glance about nervously, suddenlly aware of the crowd that has formed around us. "I'm going to the Inn. I'm sorry for bothering you." I say nervously switching between dwarven, common, and elven. I stride off in the dirrection of the inn without waiting for a response from anyone, including the littelest one that spoke with fire.

2012-02-12, 02:43 PM
I can't help but feel flattered by the attention. I ease my stance further and smile widely at the possibilities of gaining new allies for the cause. Striking the most heroic pose I can, while holding one fist high in the air, I announce to Mjolnir in Common, "Well met, Mjolnir, son of the Brightshield Clan. My fear is fear. I fear that the free lands of this realm are too afraid to stand up for the injustices encroaching on their borders. That they will cower and shrink while the enemies of freedom grow bolder and stronger. Alas, I am no warrior, nor queen of men, but I have my words. And with my words I do my part to speak courage into the hearts of the masses..."

Caught up in the momentum of my own speech, I envision myself speaking before a colosseum full of cheering crowds as I try my best to pose like the statues of great heroes I have seen in my travels. Suddenly, the bubble of my imagination bursts as I remember that I'm in the town center of Oakridge with two Dwarves, an Elf, and a Warforged staring at me.

"To, um, answer your question, that is. And, friend Elf, my apologies. I get carried away sometimes, and fear I may have spoke in the wrong language. I do not speak the language of your kin, but it is a most beautiful dialect that I should love to learn some time." I curtsy again. "To answer your question, I am Ellyjobel Ningel, of the Veil, a Bard who speaks on behalf of change... and, um" seeing his stately dress, I nudge my coin cup with my toe, "for change."

I take a closer look at the Warforged as he walks away, and an expression of curiosity shapes my face. I run to catch up with him. "You don't know anything about the Empire?" I ask, somewhat incredulously. "Could you perhaps be a rogue Warforged? Or have the ravages of constant war damaged your memory?" I mutter softly. I snap out of my musings and gaze into the glowing eyes of the construct. "Hm..." I say clearly. "I've never known a Warforged to lie. Very well, I'll answer your questions and the questions of your Elf friend here. Perhaps, if my newest host here would have us all for lunch, we can discuss this in greater detail. I seek brave souls who share my disdain of the Empire's recent conquests. My words alone cannot stave off the swords and spears of the Golden Veil, but perhaps if we as a people organized, there may be a way to put an end to this madness.

If my generous host would have you, we can speak in greater detail of strength, fear, freedom, and," I take another opportunity to gaze into the green-glowing eyes of this most curious Warforged, "what it means to be alive."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-12, 03:18 PM
Hearing Ellyjobel's last statement I stop in my tracks. I stand in the middle of the road and stare at my feet. My eyes become a steely determined gray as I compare the shoes of the others to my blackened and worn feet.

2012-02-12, 03:34 PM
You recognize the dwarf largely from around the bar, he commonly likes to socialize with the common folk and seems to commonly avoid most governmental sections of this Hamlet, it would seem he just recognizes your prescence. His behavior as a socialite is not unfounded, no one sees how he acquires his luxury, by this towns standards/, but he carries a mild societal clout in town, for his smile, wealth and knowledge supposedly of the outside


You notice nothing about the Dwarf that makes you feel off, though you see his gaze linger a little when the name brightshield is uttered on your part.

The well dressed Dwarf says, with a smile as soft as a dwarven face could allow

Well It'd be a pleasure to host a band of strangers, and introduce them to this fine village, I hope you enjoy the Boars Head Mead as much as I do, though it is as stiff as wet clothes compared to proper dwarven mead, don't you agree Brightshield?
And such interesting company is surely best met over lunch, yes?
Henalrait, I know you are normally chained to your office, but please, is it not your duty to assist here, as a servant of the Veil, to introduce new folk to this fine space?It'll be my treat, don't fret, it'd be a shame to spend tax gold on food, no?

He ends with a sardonic grin on his face as he rummages momentarily for his coin purse.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-12, 07:22 PM
While I looking at the ground I see the fire speaker, nudge a small cup with her toe. I reach into my bag and pull out a small copper statuette. I place it in the cup and give a quick glance around to see if we were getting ready to go

2012-02-12, 08:54 PM
I venture into the general shop. Rapping once upon the counter top once with my knuckles I lean upon the counter. Salutations my esteemed colleague I see that are well equipped for providing the locals with various odd and ends. I was wondering if you knew of any odd jobs that might be needed by strong hands. As you can see I am not shy of dangerous work. While rapping on the table I pretend to accidentally drop a silver piece.

2012-02-12, 08:57 PM
" 'O course brothah! A dwarven lunch is as God's food faer me. Ye didn't tell us yer name though. I also surely wanna spare some 'o my gold tae thah great speecher over there."

"Shall we go after 'em tae thah inn?"

2012-02-12, 10:09 PM
Well, I sell a lotta basic supplies, and some armor you find on your travels, but if your looking for work, a guy from the Veil and some local adventurer's went missing a while back, we'd be mighty thankful to find out what happened to ten.talk to Garon at the Ol' Boars head, he'll know more about it.

The Dwarf laughs a little too loud and says

My apologies, I was hoping we'd introduce ourselves to each other over lunch, they call me Gorvald QuickSmith, Brightshield.

2012-02-13, 12:35 AM
"To answer your question, I am Ellyjobel Ningel, of the Veil, a Bard who speaks on behalf of change... and, um" seeing his stately dress, I nudge my coin cup with my toe, "for change."

Genuinely amused by this character, I take out a silver piece and place it in the cup. "I can admire such passion Lady Ningel, even if I do not share it. Is it not true what they say, 'Evil thrives when good men do nothing'? A motto to live by, certainly."

I turn to Gorvald at the sound of his offer. "An interesting day today is," I think to myself. "As far as I know, this man has never been one for politics, yet he's well-liked around town. Befriending him could be helpful." Bowing slightly, speaking in my most eloquent voice I say "Sound logic if I've ever heard it, Sir QuickSmith. I would be honored to dine with such an interesting array of companions."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-13, 01:20 AM
Upon hearing the words of the one called "Henalrait" and the clink of coin "Stars watch over you elf, I didn't mean to slight you. I'm just not good with.....words." I say in elven. Switching into common I continue,"You need not waste your coin on food for me, but I would like to join you for the conversation if you'd have me."

2012-02-13, 03:15 AM
"And may the Protector watch over you, my friend. I would gladly enjoy your company."

2012-02-13, 12:26 PM
"Then it's settled! My cup is full, but my belly empty. Spare me a moment..." I say excitedly as I rush over to my things and gather them up, tossing them in my pack.

"To the Boar's Head!" I point roughly in the direction of the inn and march happily off in that direction. Finally, I think to myself. I knew today was my lucky day. I barely notice if anyone else is coming along. I'm caught up in a victorious euphoria. Nothing can possibly go wrong, now!

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-13, 12:42 PM
I smile despite myself and lift my gaze to the little speaker. Her enthusiasim is infectuious. I look around at the others who had spoken. it appears that just the five of us are going. I relax, comforted by the knowledge that we were leaving the crowd behind, and step after Ellyjobel. My eyes warming to their usual deep blue as I quickly fall in step just behind her.

2012-02-13, 03:42 PM
Does that name sound familiar somehow? Or does it ring a bell

"Nice tae meet ye! Let's eat, i'm starvin' like a dwarf seeks fresh air trapped in a mine! Shall we find also thah gnome? I can barely see them goin' tae thah inn. Drinks on me!"

2012-02-13, 04:40 PM
'Fraid not. Just another name, do you have ranks in any knowledges? You could compare it to Dwarven Clans you've heard of maybe, if you have a skill in Knowledge Local/History/Nobility.

Gorvald steps in line behind you all counting some coin, and looking like he is pondering on how much he might have to spend over lunch as he steps forward the same grin sliding onto his face like last time. Swiftly hopping forward like a cat to the front of the line, he stands at the front of the door, opening it for his new acquaintences, smiling slightly to each of you.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-13, 10:32 PM
I hope were not moving too far ahead of Deadenstien and EggKing, do they know how to subscribe to threads?

I walk into the bar and choose a spot around where everyone is sitting to stand and listen to the dwarf who wasn't covered in weapons.

2012-02-13, 11:33 PM
I ask him for directions and thank him as I venture towards the Ol' Boars Head.
When I arrive I circle the building checking all the windows and exits. After that I head inside and survey the main room.

2012-02-14, 01:30 AM
Nope, i did not. I consider Mjolnir as a not so high member of the classes. With all the fancy things that comes with.

"Thank ye. Yer kindness is big enough."

When we enter the inn i search for Bell and builder and i suggest to go and sit with them, if that's ok with them actually.

2012-02-14, 01:04 PM
I set my pack down in the corner next to our table and then stand next to my chair. "So," I say to the Warforged next to me after we stand around for a few awkward seconds, "I can't just keep calling you 'Warforged.' What's you name?"

I see the rest of the group coming through the doors and wave them over to my table.

What does the Boar's Head Inn look like? I chose a table in the back corner of the room so it would be quieter so that we could talk... in case it's crowded, but I honestly don't know what I just walked into.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-14, 02:10 PM
I look down at the little gnome slightly confused, "why do I need a name? I am who I am, and I am how I act. If you had a different name, would you speak your words with less passion? Names are trivial compared with who we are." my eyes turn to a curious green.

I hope I'm not coming off as deliberately obstude, its a genuine question from his point of view.

2012-02-14, 02:58 PM
I reel back as if slapped. "Wh-wh-wha? What? What do you mean 'trivial'? I, myself, have 6 names! Names tell our story. It tells of our heritage, our experiences, our homelands, and even a bit about our personality. A name is an honor to have in my culture. My clan is the Ningel clan, which has a rich history that precedes even the birth of the Empire itself. We lived amongst the woodland animals in elaborate burrows long before the city walls rose around us. My mother named me Bellamil because even at birth I had a loud, clear voice, like a bell. My father named me Ellyjowyn after my famous cousin, Ellywick, to grace me with her free spirit and never-ending thirst for knowledge. Together, they named me Ellyjobel to combine the spirits of both names. But I am known by my friends simply as Bel. All these names mean something to me. And they mean something to those who gave me the name. I shall likely earn a dozen more names before I die, and at my funeral all my names will be spoken and the stories behind them told. I am not simply 'Gnome' and I would be insulted by those who would marginalize me by a simple racial description. I take pride in my names and strive to live up to them. So, in a way, you could say that I would likely not speak with such passion if I had any other name."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-14, 03:18 PM
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or your heritage. However, if I understand correctlly, you were given your names yes? I have been given no real names. I was deginated Builder24632 by my creators, but that was a job and number designation and not a name. My unit had no need of names because we all new our jobs and if we needed anothers attention we just called for help, and the one best suited for the task would go. It would also seem pretentious to take a name for myself, nor did I haave any reason to when I wandered the wilds. So by your logic and my own, I am nameless. I stare down at the gnome,No, not just gnome...Ellyjobel.

2012-02-14, 04:35 PM
I look at the Warforged contemplatively for a moment.

"Hm... a builder and a wanderer, you say? Who did you build for, and where are you from?" A name is in there somewhere, I think to myself.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-14, 04:40 PM
I shuffle my feet self conciouslly, "I was an engineer in a prototype combat unit. I built for my squadmates. I'm from beyond the golden wall. Whoever built it was a great architect, gold is terrible for building and sculpting. Its too soft to shape without either magic or great skill."

2012-02-14, 06:20 PM
"Hm... you sound like you know a lot about craft work... How about for your first name, Daliskorel? It's Gnomish for 'skilled crafter.' 'Dal' meaning 'skill' and 'skor' meaning craft or art. And after seeing that beautiful bird you made for me, I'd say you're quite an artist! In my culture it's an honor to be named after your abilities. And for your last name, Urduraneaus, the Black-Armored Giant!

"Daliskorel Urduraneaus. It's a powerful name. You may have to shorten it for the Humans. They grow impatient with Gnomish names, which is why I'm known as Bel amongst my friends. You could be Dalis, Korel, or Urdur, or just Builder. Though, I think that your most recent accomplishment should be noted. You've come a long way. I think Longstrider is a good nickname. What do you think, friend? Your name is how people will know you. How would you like to be known?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-14, 06:48 PM
"Daliskorel Uduraneus... I like it," I say with a smile, "its a good name, however I agree that its quite a mouthfull. I like the sound of Longstrider and Korel.... I would like to be known as Korel. I say feeling the name settle onto me like a familiar cloak. "Thank you Ellyjobel Ningel... and thank you for calling me friend." my eyes warm to low smoldering orange.

2012-02-14, 09:56 PM
I smile warmly and say, "Well that's what we are now, aren't we?" Assuming to know the answer and therefore not pausing to hear a response, I look back over at the dawdling Dwarves and Elf and wave my arm wildly. "Yoohoo! We're over here! Come sit with my friend Korel and me!" I turn back to Korel and huff indignantly. "My goodness, they take long enough."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-14, 10:13 PM
I silently place myself behind and slightly to the left of Bel's chair. "Good things come to those who wait." I say with a laugh without taking my eyes off the men at the door. I'm most interested in what the dwarf called Quicksmit wants."

2012-02-14, 10:18 PM
In the heat of your conversation your senses, for just a moment snap back into the space your in, allowing you to grasp what is going on in the bar, it feels warm, a thin smell of oak and autumnal brew fills the room, as if everythig served was apple cider of rich eleven grain. The tables are simple and the room is thinly occupied, with occasional workers and friends drinking alone or chatting in pairs. Occasional eyes are drawn to you, the bartender, and local farmers occasionally seem to eavesdrop in on you, and the drop out as quickly.
The sounds of clatted mugs and poured drinks are all that are really to be heard above the conversations here amongst the 6 or so patrons in a bar designed to hold about 20 at most.While you see a thin but sturdy stairway hide away at the corner across from your table, reflected across the bar leading to the Inn houses above. A thin haze of summer time smoke clings to the room, hovering and enjoyable with nuance to the senses.

You see Quicksmith close the door, and as the rest of the group gravitates as it will, you see him take a seat by Bel.

I'm glad you already made yourselves at home here,it's quite good to know you've chosen a good spot. Now, once the others get here I'll start getting us introduced, though I see you two are hitting it off quite well already, I hope you enjoy excitement, that's all I'll say for now. So, how about some Drinks?

He says with a wink as he grbs a chair fort with, and sends a smile to one of the barmaidens, calling her over like honey could lure flies.

2012-02-15, 12:53 AM
After surveying the room I walk up to the bar. "Hello good sir I would like to speak to garon. I hear he may have need of my services."

2012-02-15, 01:34 AM
"Drinks would be welcome. Thank you kindly." I move forward and gracefully pull up a chair next to the warforged. "So, tell me about yourselves my new friends."

2012-02-15, 01:38 AM
Standing next to my chair I bare a look of growing disappointment...

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-15, 01:55 AM
I pull a thick but short peice of wood from my pack and begin absent mindedly carving into it, while waiting for discussions to start. I give Bel a look, worried about her discontent. Speaking softly I answer the elf, "my name is... Korel. I'm a builder, I've come from the other side of the wall. What about you? Your the first elf I've seen since I first crossed over to here.

2012-02-15, 04:08 AM
With a slight nod I say "A pleasure, Sir Korel. I am Henalrait Grandarrow, servant of Correlon Larethian and humble social worker. Oakville is not my home town, but I'm enjoying it's... rustic charm all the same. I agree, not many of my kind live here, but I strive to be a beacon of elvish virtue that I might make my kind proud."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-15, 10:19 AM
"A noble endevour sir Henalrait. You said this wasn't your hometown? Then if I might ask, what brings you here?" I say glancing up and pausing from the figure taking shape in my hands.

2012-02-15, 04:42 PM

The man gives a slight smirk and says
You're looking at him. Don't know why I'd need a snaggle-tooth hanging around, even if he ain't tryin' to kill me.
But, I could use a guy to hang around and keep an eye on customers. Those guys He nods to the slowly growing crowd in the back corner
Keep an eye on 'em for now, listen in, and we'll see whether you're worth a guard job here, if not I can tell you something worth your while, long as you buy a drink.

You see a female human with red hair and a bright nights worth of stars on face like freckles. She comes over and asks in a quiet, shy voice what you'd like to drink.

2012-02-15, 05:41 PM
"Put gently I... upset certain people that are better kept happy, but I certainly can see the silver lining to this cloud. For example, there are always new friends to make."

2012-02-15, 06:39 PM
"Nice tae meet ya all!" I bot a bit. "I am Mjolnir Brightshield, proud son of the Brightshields and proud servant of Moradin. I was astoned by yer speech my little friend. I would like to hear more. I find ye really interesting. What are your names?" I turn to Korel. "I've never seen someone like ye again lad. You seem a really interesting and complicated... I dae not want tae say structure but i can't, for now at least, think aboot something else."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-15, 07:45 PM
My eyes flash to a curious green. "what do you mean? Why would you need to keep certain people happy? And what did you do to make them mad?" if I could have blushed, I would have. My ignorance of organic social customs was glaring me in the face. Hearing the Mjolnir's words I again show my ignorance. " I'm sorry but I don't understand your question either, are you asking if I'm a structure?" I say quietly. I've talked more today than I have in months, and I really should stop now.

2012-02-16, 12:03 AM
I'll take both.
I pay for my drink and with a Hide/Move Silently check make my way to the nearest empty table to the crowd.
@DMMy Hide is 5, and my Move Silently is also 5.
If my rolls count my Hide roll is 25, and my Move Silently roll is 10.
So I'm noisy, but hard to see, huh:smallfrown:?

2012-02-16, 05:46 AM

They have to roll spot/listen to catch you

Please Roll Listen and Spot checks

2012-02-16, 09:37 AM
Looking a bit flustered, I finally pull out my chair and sit down, fumbling with my dress the entire time and muttering,
"What's -umph- a girl have to do *tugs on dress* to find a gentleman *scoot, scoot* in this town *tugs on dress again*."
Listen: 21
Spot: 17
I didn't add any circumstance penalties.

2012-02-16, 11:07 AM

[roll0] Spot

[roll1] Listen

"There are always gentlemen somewhere lad. And it's nat so hard tae find 'em. I see many 'o us around here. Why would ye need one?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-16, 11:36 AM
listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1] woot! Crit on my spot check!
And I forgot to add my wis modifer of plus 1

I look around the room for threats now that everyone has sat down. "can I help Bel?" I say as I put my carving away so I can pay attention.

2012-02-16, 12:12 PM
"Yes, thank you, Korel," I say with relief in my voice as I gather up my dress to have my seat pushed in. "It's not as easy getting in and out of chairs in a dress as it is in leather pants or breeches. And you're right, Master Brightshield. It appears that a gentleman was standing next to me the whole time."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-16, 12:41 PM
I push Bel's chair in, and continue looking around the room. "Your welcome." I say with a slight smile, glad I could be helping out my new friend.

2012-02-16, 03:25 PM
Bel(and other characters who make their rolls who'll be edited in later)

You hear a creaking set of footsteps on the oak floors, your well trained bardic ears hint that it approaches you from the left, your eyes, distracted by your various conversation guests do not see whatever approaches your table, but you can tell that it is attempting stealth.

2012-02-16, 05:56 PM
"I am really sorry i didn't help ye first. My trip must hav' tired my mind. Ye have a fair "bodyguard" yourself capable naet only bein' "big" but be a gentleman anytime too."

2012-02-16, 06:29 PM
"Well you see, the people that I made upset have a certain amount of authority over my position in the world. The happier they are with me, the better they treat me. Unfortunately, the reverse is true as well."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-16, 06:56 PM
"I think I understand...but why did you have to do what they say? Unless they physically forced you, then you had a choice right?" I ask the elf. Hearing Mjolnir refer to me as Bel's bodyguard makes me feel a bit surprised, but I decide not to comment on it.

2012-02-16, 09:34 PM
Distracted by the sound of someone creeping around us, I glance over in the direction of the noise for a moment, and then quickly turn my attention back on the conversation. I smile politely at Mjolnir and then snap my attention to Henalrait. "And so, you view your time here in Oakridge to be some kind of punishment then, Master Henalrait?"

I lean against my chair slightly to the right, as if adjusting to get more comfortable. I take casual glances to my left to see if someone is attempting to eavesdrop on our conversation. I also casually drape one hand over my pack to keep it safe. After all, pickpockets are not unheard of in the borderlands.

Readied Action:
If I feel a tugging at my pack I intend to stand and yell THEIF! If I'm aloud to do more than than that, then I'd like to attempt a slap in the direction of my pack to knock loose the grip of whomever is touching it.

2012-02-17, 08:43 AM
"He knows so little of the world. It's surprisingly charming," I think to myself. "I did what they said simply because they were in a position of authority that was above mine. Think of it like this... rather than using pain to control the people under them, they use power. Power in a more political sense, mind you. Those who please them get more power over others and those who displease them get less..." Turning in the direction of the gnome, I say "...which is unfortunately what happened to me. Yes, I believe it was intended as some form of 'punishment', if you will, but I'm certainly happy to be here nonetheless."

Technically Henalrait is most certainly NOT happy to be here. Do I need to roll Bluff or is this just a social interaction and Bel believes it if she wants? If it IS a Bluff check, I got a 7 on my roll (yeah, she'll totally believe THAT)

2012-02-17, 08:58 AM
This is what going to work does; completely missed the Spot/Listen check thing. Dunno if it counts now and if it doesn't that's fine, but if it does my rolls are:

2012-02-17, 11:27 AM
Sense Motive (JIC):

Bardic Knowledge (To see what more I may know about Henalrait):

"Or perhaps, you may just be viewing this the wrong way. I think Oakridge provides an excellent opportunity for a man of your talents. A representative in the political arena could save many lives in the coming years. The aurum wall of the empire seems to expand by the day. There are many here who anticipate and oppose the Golden Veil's insinuations of dominance. In fact, your very presence suggests a threat upon that freedom, but as a voice of reason in the imperial council you could be the greatest ally this city has."

Looking over at Gorvald, "Of course, perhaps that is what you were alluding to back at the market center, Master Quicksmith. You mentioned a 'political move' earlier. I'd like to hear more," I lean forward and speak more softly, "provided it's safe to talk about amongst prying eyes and," I glance over to the left, in the last known direction of the sneaking sound I heard, "straining ears."

Bluff (To Deliver a Secret Message):
Secret Message:
I imagine it's obvious, but I'm suggesting that I'm aware of someone sneaking around us, and we should pay attention to whatever he or she is doing to my left.

2012-02-17, 03:45 PM
Sitting down I take a sip of my drink and quietly listen at the group next to me. First I'm matching faces with names, Secondly I'm finding out what the main reason for all of them being in here is.

2012-02-17, 05:57 PM
Quicksmith smiles and says

Thank you my friends for joining me, and I'm glad to learn more about my latest, how can I say, clients, I'm sure you'll hear more from me as well. For any good business man deals in...information. There's an interesting rumor and a taste of adventure floating in on the gossamer wings of fall. A band of adventurers ran off into the Great Divide, a days travel to the West. They were a band of 3 local heroes and an imperial scout, Sir Bragdher I believe, a knight who enlisted the 3 to help him solve a mystery about that chasm. Goblins, every summer, sell an apple to us that can cure any disease supposedly, and they sought to know the truth. They've been gone for 2 months.
It'll earn you immense favor in town if you discover the truth and find them.

And then he says lightly in Dwarven

And if your lucky they might join your little rebellion, if you're interested.

He ends that with half a wink and a fifth of a smirk.
I personally won't come along, I'm quite well worth too much, but just tell the folk that I started you off here, as a business favor among friends he says with a grin, and I make friends quickly, even amongst strangers.


Secret Message Response

He tosses a wink of reassurance, an odd wink. Almost, over confidence seems to dangle on that wink. You feel like he recognizes the creature sneaking and doesn't seem to mind in the least.

Bardic Knowledge

You recall hearing a rumor of him being exiled from the Empire cast out for giving a local lord an intense illness at some gathering that he planned. The effects were tragic and had an intense backlash.

2012-02-17, 06:56 PM
@DMI cast lullaby. They have to beat a will save of 13 or receive a -5 on spot and listen, and a -2 on saves against sleep effects. I need to make sound to cast the spell so I hum. I then make another hide/move silently to creep away. I got a 24 for hide and a 16 to move silently.

2012-02-18, 06:37 AM
This just got 10 kinds of interesting. I'll say they get a +5 Listen because you're casting a spell, before the spells effects take place

Everyone Else

and a Will Save.

2012-02-18, 12:43 PM
Spot (To see the Somatic compoment):
16 (not including any bonuses for already looking in his area)

Listen (To hear the Vocal component):
24 (including the +5)
If I hear it, do I recognize the Lullaby, since it's a spell I know, or do I need to make a Spellcraft check?

Will Save:
4 (Srsly?! :smalleek:)

Countersong (PHB, pg. 29):
11 (:smallfrown: At least I got the bad rolls out of the way before combat.)

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-18, 12:52 PM
Will save [roll]1d20+1

While Quicksmith is speaking I glance around the table to judge the others reactions. When he says the last part in dwarven I look between him and Bel. "I will go if you all decide to go." I say sheepishly in a low grumbling voice.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-18, 12:54 PM
will save [roll0] shoudlve been +2 not +1 my bad

2012-02-18, 02:16 PM
DM:Here's the thing, as an Elf I'm immune to sleep effects. Would this count? It's not technically making me go to sleep, but it's getting me halfway there. I figure if I can't be put to sleep, I can't be made sleepy either, right? Dunno, your call.

Actual Rolls:
Will Save (if necessary)-13 (way too close for comfort:smalleek:)

2012-02-19, 05:28 AM

Spot: [roll0]
Listen:[roll1] ((I added a +5 Extrav said))

2012-02-19, 05:30 AM
And another listen check to see if i listen what Quicksmith said in dwarven.

2012-02-19, 09:18 AM
Everyone but Torik


Never saw anyone use Countersong before.:smallbiggrin:
You manage to hear the light and drowsy hum begin to play as your head slowly starts to sink and nod slightly as you feel a lethargy over take you. You are not asleep, but slightly drowsy and impaired as the song you hear washes over you like a warm blanket. As you listen you recognize that it come from the creature which you still cannot find in the shadowy back corner of the bar you reside in. You try to reinvigorate the party with a speech but sadly it does not work as this listless feeling still masters you.


You hear a dreary tune but your keen eleven mind shrugs it off as you Quick Smith and Bel's heads start to nod a little and their eyes faintly flutter like butterflies settling for the night.


You hear a faint and dreary tune hmmed from seemingly nowhere as you feel a faint urge of sluggishness and urge for sleep which your dwarvish blood swiftly shrugs away like a flat ale. However, you see Quicksmith and Bel a tad off and a tad drowsy, as their eyes flutter and movements grow slower.

Korl (Builder)

You hear a faint and dreary tune hmmed from seemingly nowhere as you feel a faint urge of sluggishness and urge for sleep which your mechanical mind soundly disregards. However, you see Quicksmith and Bel a tad off and a tad drowsy, as their eyes flutter and movements grow slower.


So what's next? You see two of the band fall into a state of lethargy, and the gnome seems to hear you, but her movements show otherwise, and the richly dressed dwarf follows.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-19, 10:23 AM
As the feeling washes over me and passes I realize something is wrong. When Quicksmith and Bel suddenlly show signs of being affected by something I go into combat mode. "Someone is attacking us." I tell the others as I prepare for a fight.

spot to find who cast it [roll0]
Listen for the same [roll1]
Concentration check to gain psionic focus [roll2] its a DC 15

2012-02-19, 01:10 PM
Continuing Countersong (Counterspeech):
"It's a *yawn* Lullaby, Korel. A Bardic spell. It would appear there is another Bard in our midst who would like to remain unnoticed, perhaps the very person *yaaaaawwwnnn* that was sneaking around us earlier...."

Echoes of thoughts bounce around in the back of my mind-- warnings that some trickery is afoot and that I should be on the alert. I slouch over the table and rest my chin in my palm. What were we talking about, anyway? I think to myself, as my mind drifts. I notice Korel stand defensively near the group and attempt, once again to regather my senses. I shake my head and try to focus my thoughts.

"Try to maintain your wits, everyone... *yawn* Not all Bard's use their abilities for, shall we say, noble causes. Mind your pockets and purses, and listen to the magic in my words."

Counter"speech": (To free myself and anyone else under the compulsion):
19 (17 if this now counts as a sleep affect) Either way, that breaks the DC this round.

2012-02-19, 02:10 PM
@DMDamn a +0 in listen, I guess Torik is deaf from his instrument. I rolled a :smallsigh:a 9:smallsigh:for listen. If I hear anything they have said since I started walking away I will use counter song,bardic ability, giving my self at least another six seconds of lullaby adding to my stealthy escape and counter song to block any spells slung my direction.

2012-02-19, 08:45 PM

You can't counter a countersong my friend.
I'm confused about what you're trying to do here.
I understand a premptive counter song but I'll rule that definitely gives away your position. Being a Highly, Highly auditory magical effect.
Second; I'm confused, you can't multi-task your concentrations, are you trying to keep the apparently failing lullaby going or are you trying to pull counter song as you run away?
You got to choose one. Please PM me ASAP, then post below your plan. Thank you :smallsmile:.
And no.
Countersong is not a Sonic/Language dependent affect, it is solely a countersong, but keeping it up to act as a backup save is very nice.
So I will ask you to now Roll Perform as a result to determine the save your countersong gives you.


You suddenly notice and find the apparent source of your partners exhaustion.
A Half Orc, Crouching and slinking through the shadows, with a crowbar in his hand, with a voice echoing throughout the bar as he tries to stealthfully slink away to safety, now that you've found him.
His voice carries a magic similar to that of Bels.
Quicksmith gets up, the lethargy in his bones seemingly gone, and Bel's lightheadedness and drowzyness also flies off into the recesses of her mind.
So you stand before this Half Orc, ready to begin.

2012-02-20, 12:53 AM
You can't counter a countersong my friend.
Please no offense but I'm fairly sure you can. It's it's basically two counter-spell nullifying a counter-spell right? If I'm wrong I'm wrong. Any way continuing through the shadows I draw my crowbar and take a large sip of ale.

2012-02-20, 01:51 AM
Sensing danger I look around, seeking the source of the humming that put the rest of the table (Korel excluded) into a stupor.

Listen (to detect the source of the humming/enemy countersong, whichever he's doing) - 18

Readied Action:
If I succeed on identifying who is casting the lullaby/enemy countersong, I want to ready the spell "Command" (1st-level, DC 13) to cast on him if he tries to flee or do anything openly hostile such as approach with a weapon.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-20, 11:18 AM

2012-02-20, 01:43 PM

I continue to use Countersong until it's my turn. (Even if the magical effects of Countersong are nullified, I can still keep it active by speaking, and it can be used for skill checks, like Diplomacy or Intimidate.)

"Mr. Quicksmith, if you know what this is about, then tell us immediately. If this is some trick of yours, then you have tangled with the wrong woman! I'll suffer no magical compulsions of the mind today. I suspect that you know the sneaky little rat that's been crawling around us, so you have some explaining to do or this conversation is over."

Diplomacy Check (To keep the situation calm and get some answers):
20, same score if it's Bluff instead... this is kind of in between. Should I roll Bluff and Diplomacy?

Seeing the Half-Orc poised with a crowbar in his hand, my indignation turns to one of both fear and outrage. As stealthily as I can, I reach under the table for my whip while trying to mask my emotions behind a diplomatic wall of calm authority. Assessing the situation, I see that Korel and Henalrait seem to feel similarly threatened by the other Bard's actions, but I'm not sure who the real threat is amongst the rest.

Sense Motive (To get a hunch of who my enemies/allies are amongst Quicksmith and Mjolnir. I'm mainly trying to figure out if Torik is working for one of them, but detecting their trustworthiness.)
25 (DC for Hunch = 20)

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-20, 01:56 PM
readied action to manifest minor creation to make marbles under whoever attacks first as long as its not me or Bel. Sorry EggKing and Kalekgos, but I've barely even talked to Mjolnir and Henalrait hahaha besides Korel is confused about what's going on but doesnt want to use lethal force until he understands what's happening, so no one is getting hurt by me yet anyways

2012-02-20, 03:48 PM
Blugh, 6.

No worries man. Do what you gotta do. Our characters just met, so I can't really blame ya.

2012-02-20, 06:28 PM
I step out of the shadow and raise my mug in a friendly greeting.
"Why hello there friends,
I think this started off wrong,
Why not sit and drink?

We'll talk of heroes,
Or maybe of some villains,
Let us loose ourselves."
After speaking I take a big swig. Putting on my biggest smile.

2012-02-20, 09:30 PM
Quicksmith gives a hearty laugh as the Half Orc swigs from his mug, dIrected at Bel.
Oh Bel, what'd make you think I'd hire a man like this?
I sensed his large orcish feet, and have experienced thugs with twice the skill and brains in my past than him, and we outnumbered him in spades.
Do not take my confidence with such fear oh Madame, if anything, we may have found a new friend and partner if I say so myself. He seems to have guts, potential, and a keen bravado, not unlike myself when I was young and my beard had more blonde ale to the sheen than it does now. So tell me, Why have you done this to us Mr...


Your hunch brings no conclusion draws nothing on the brightshield fellow, only determination and Dwarven virtues.
The same goes for Quicksmith, except for a bright flash in his eyes when the Half Orc was fully recognized, like a businessman finding a great deal.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-20, 09:36 PM
Still confused I glance around the table at the others without relaxing. "Tell me why have you done this." I say in a forceful growl, my eyes burning fiery red. I stare into the half orcs eyes, waiting for an answer.

2012-02-21, 01:16 PM
I consider Master Quicksmith for a while and decide that he's probably on the level. After all, Bards rarely take orders from anyone, and an orc-blooded is even less likely to find a friend amongst the dwarvenkin. Still resting my hand on my whip under the table, I turn to the Half-Orc.

"Yes. Please, explain yourself."

@ DM
Since I'm no longer talking, Countersong has to be dismissed.

Readied action:
To cast Flare on the Half-Orcs head if he makes any sudden moves.

2012-02-21, 11:18 PM
"I was merely curious at to the story of a group so...noisy. Speaking against the empire is rather dangerous. Tell me, what's your' story?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-22, 12:03 AM
"Mine is one that makes me uncomfortable with strangers using magic against me." I say in deadpan rumble.

2012-02-22, 12:09 AM
"Used on you not against you. I did have the drop, if I wanted to assault you with magic I would of chosen something a little more painful then lethargy."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-22, 12:14 AM
A good point, I think to myself, "Then why use it at all? If lethargy is as trivial you make it seem, then why even bother causing it?

2012-02-22, 12:21 AM
"Oh I never said trivial, just not immediately harmful. However the past is the past. You can not change it, but nothing bad happened so why would you?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-22, 12:26 AM
Maybe he's got a point. Maybe this is normal? I think to myself."But we can learn from it. And if you do anything like that to me again, I won't forget it."

2012-02-22, 09:54 AM
Looking from Gorvald back to the mysterious, grinning Half-Orc, and then back to Gorvald again.

"Very well," I say with a sigh. "We are still waiting for someone to take our order. I believe we have time. But I have two questions for you. First, what is your name? You know ours now, so that puts us at a disadvantage. And 2nd, what is your interest involving the Golden Veil? I fear that if you support the encroachments of the empire on free territories, then you will find unpleasant company here." Aggravation tinges my smile, as I attempt to sound polite. Probably nothing more than a common thug... stupid Orcs. Loose ourselves? More like loose our grips on our coin purses. Still, Bel, you knew you'd attract this crowd if you wanted allies. These are the kinds who disregard authority. If you want to have a revolution, you have to associate with rebels, I think to myself.

2012-02-22, 03:17 PM
"My name is Torik, fear not. I have no compulsion to alert any officials. Tell me about this "golden veil"."
Spinning a chair from the empty table I make a backwards seat for myself at the already crowded one.

2012-02-23, 08:46 PM
"I take it then, Sir Torik, that you're not from these parts? I don't mean to presume, but not knowing what the Golden Veil is means you're either a dullard or new to these waters, and I'm sure you're no dullard. Ah, where are my manners. Henalrait Grandarrow. A pleasure to meet you, especially considering violence was not involved."

2012-02-23, 10:53 PM
Stunned momentarily by Torik's question, I slam my slack mouth shut when I hear Henalrait speak. Tempted to break into my usual exposition about the horrors of the Empire, I instead bite my lip and lean back in my seat. Is this... "Torik" character toying with us? Clearly he knows of the Empire. What's his game? I think to myself.

My eyes flash from Grandarrow to Torik and back again, this time not so eager to take the lead in this discussion. I study the exchange between the two carefully.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-24, 02:16 AM
Hearing all of this, and realizing that I am out of my league in this area of words, I pull out my half finished carving. As I whittly it down and shape it I continue to listento what's going on. I don't trust this new comer, but I trust Bel, and she trusts Henalrait. I'm going to let them sort this out.

just a random Craft check to see if I'm making something good.


2012-02-25, 08:32 PM
Looking towards the elf, "if you're referring to the golden wall circling the city then I think it's best to show you. Take a look at my mug" Finishing my drink I pull a copper piece out and set it on the table. After that I set my now empty mug upside down over the coin. "If you imagine the coin is the city than this glass is the wall." Saying that I gently backhand the mug off the table.

Knowledge checksgeography-16,history-11,local-11,nobility-22

2012-02-29, 02:56 AM
"Is that to say you plan to remove the Golden Veil's presence from this city? Rebellion is treason, you know." I say to the ork, narrowing my eyes slightly and smiling.

2012-02-29, 03:39 AM
"It's not treason in these parts, elf. For now, at least, Oakridge remains a free city, though if its," eyeing Henelrait, "dignitaries have come to establish offices here, I'd say that Oakridge's time runs short."

"If that is indeed what you're saying, Torik, then you have allies here. I seek like-minded individuals who still have the courage to value their freedom." I extend my hand to Torik and smile.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-02-29, 11:06 AM
I finish my carving and place it on the table. It shows a viper grappling a faceless figure,
. The snake is wrapped around the figure and poised to strike, but the figure has a knife against its underbelly. At least that's what its supposed to look like. In reality it looks like rough hewn bumpy figure that lost a fight with a rope. I look "Torik" dead in the eye with eyes the color of midnight. "I don't like you but apparentlly were going to work togther. The only way to be effective is through cooperation and trust, so I wll not try to cause any problems. However, if you raise a hand aginst me or anyone else in this group, I will end our problems one way or another."

2012-02-29, 10:39 PM
Quicksmith, watching all this, keeping his same grin, excited by the perceived "Trust" amongst the party members and says
Glad to see all this unpleasantness is finally out of the way
He says with a grin that stretched like the Walls of the Golden Veil
It's always good to find new assets for a mission as important as this. Well then, now that we seem to have it formalized, if the local hegemony,, as he says this, his gaze falls like gold coins into a jar, onto Henalrait approves of rescuing a band of town heroes and a Representative of the Imperial Guard. If so, we can either talk about Business or we can get settled in our Bed Chambers for an afternoons nap.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-01, 01:13 AM
Keeping one eye on Torik I say to Quicksmith, "I just have a few questions. What is the Imperial Guard? If were opposing the empire, why would we save an elite warrior for them? It doesn't make sense strategically." I fiddle with one of the crystals embedded in my chest, slightly uncomfortable being the one to speak first.

2012-03-02, 02:00 AM
Looking at the grinning dwarf with a sidelong glance I say "I'm certainly not opposed to the idea if that's what you're asking, Sir Quicksmith."

Turning to answer the stoic golem alongside me I say "You never know what kind of friends you can make. Look at us if you need an example. However, I would also point out the inherent goodness of rescuing someone in need if that reason does not suit you. Would you leave them to their fate knowing you could change it?"

2012-03-02, 08:40 AM
Bending down to pick up the glass I cast mending to restore it. "Now since our meeting was introduced with distrust I humbly extend my hand in friendship."
I offer a handshake to all who will take.

2012-03-02, 04:18 PM
I shake Torik's hand and smile warmly. "In friendship," I reiterate.

"You're just in time, anyway. Master Quicksmith has invited us here to lunch and we have only just sat down, still waiting for someone to take our order. I can't speak for the group, but I am famished and prefer friends, food, and wine to unnecessary bar fights with strangers. So please, join us as a friend then."

I look to Gorvald. "Shall we call over the waitress, then? I'm dying to sample the Boar's Head Mead that you recommended."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-02, 04:33 PM
I give Torik a slight nod, since he's to far for me to reach his hand. Answering Henalrait I say, "I doubt that protecters of the empire of the empire would call us friends. But information doesn't require friendship I guess."

2012-03-03, 07:13 PM
"Friends, maybe not. Still, I would rather have them know us as their saviors than any alternative, wouldn't you?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-03, 08:04 PM
"I guess so, but what's to stop them from finding us later? They will know a little more about us and could go to someone against us."

2012-03-05, 09:48 PM
Gorvald, beaming at the new found business associates he has made, says
Why of course, a healthy dwarven stomach is never full, but a strong one is never empty!
He taps on the table with great confidence and near instantly, as if by magicks arcane, a woman with hair of strawberries and freckles like stars dancing across a pale face that reminds you of the sloping autumn that the bar, and the land seems to capture. She asks delicately, like a wind through willow trees
What, will you be having to drink, I hope we can provide proper service to such, new guests she says with a calm feeling, and a smile that should be preserved in amber.

Gorvald pipes up swiftly calling for a Dwarven Ale deep as the Mines, and gives ample time for each of you to call out your orders

OOC: You can post those below, Spoilers are optional. Largely, I'd enjoy us progressing on and I feel It's my fault it's been going slow :smallredface:

and says with the same damn grin
Gentlemen, and maidens, now that we've finally got this nasty business sorted out with our new companion and food and drink are brought and baked, we can finally and heartedly talk of the finer underpinings of the best of morning liquers, Business. he ends it with a smile that could be used to shear sheep and trim Tarrasque hides with it's incisive sharpness.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-05, 10:24 PM
I stare uneasily at the grinning dwarf. "Nothing for me." I say to the woman, her beauty completely wasted on me. Continuing to stare at Gorvald, particularily his teeth, I say "And what exactly is your interest in these people were supposed to find?" I begin tapping my stony fingers on the back of Bel's chair, unsure what to do with my hands since I used the last of my wood.

Ooo good descriptions :smallwink: makes me wish my character wasn't asexual

2012-03-05, 11:58 PM
Making sure not to take my eyes off Gorvald I tell the woman "I'll take some bread, salted pork, and mead". After all an Orc knows better than to lower his guard while dinning with strangers.

2012-03-06, 01:40 AM
I smile at the waitress warmly and say, "Thank you, I'm sure you will. To drink, Master Quicksmith here has recommended the Boar's Head Mead, and I think I'll take his advice there. But for a meal, what is the chef's recommendation?"

2012-03-06, 02:54 PM
I suppose i enter right after the waitress. "Yer inn seems really nice in most 'o thae places i've been 'till now. Hope thae rooms will be thah same tae! By the way i would like tae have just an ale. And did i hear something aboot chef's recommendation? I'm on it too! Hungry and thristy as a wizard for books. Hahahaha!: I laugh to myself and hope that someone else finds this funny too.

I go and sit to my previous sit. When the waitress leaves i ask towards Bell and our construct friend: "Has anything interesting happened while i waz in therah?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-06, 03:15 PM
"This one with the large teeth used magic on us, and then joined us and the one who smiles a lot gave us a buisness proposal." I tell the armored dwarf. I cease tapping on Bels chair and begin scrathing numbers into the table and doing some math.

2012-03-06, 08:58 PM
The womans eyes fall on each of you, as you give your orders. A matrons care seeming to flow in each short gaze, as she takes your orders to heart before saying to Bel and Brightshield

Well, we have a fine set of pork if you'd fancy it. Smoked in the back room, and been waiting for a chance to cut it open.

Directing her gaze to the finely carved Warforged, and says, with a curious tone that could remind you a bird gazing over seeds

You sure you don't want anything, a man as armored as yourself, must be tired from wearing that all day, and marching his way here.

Quicksmith notes Brightshield's prescence, and seems startled for a second, his smile turning from the grin to a smirk. Waiting for orders to finish he then says to the Ethnic Dwarf.

Brightshield, I'm sorry you missed all of the interesting parts while you were gone. Where were you, I must be getting farther in years than I thought, even by a Dwarven count, I never really saw you come in my friend. Your compatriots can reveal the details as necessary because now, you see, we have something to plan

He then, with a jerk and a twist of his head, like a marksmen true, strikes a gaze on Korel.

Well, to answer your question My shining friend, these people are important as town defenders, and further, I dealt them most of their magic goods, as such they are an asset of mine as it is, and the Knight that joined them before they vanished is important to get back due to being from the Main walls of the Empire. Further, we can get quite a good name with the people rescuing the heroes, and thus becoming heroes yourselves, with me as a possible sponsor. For future endeavors for the good of the people, of course.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-06, 09:36 PM
I turn to face the woman, my eyes gently but swiftly growing into a light green. Cocking my head to the side I say, "Wearing....what?" thinking to myself, Maybe I offended her. I should placate her by showing her I'm already taken care of.

I manifest minor creation to create a large wooden tankard filled with pure alcohol in my hand.

2012-03-06, 10:14 PM
She seems startled at this, seeing your eyes glow green as the tankard is born from nowhere. A stunned look falls on her face for a second, as she is trying to figure out what she's looking at.

We-well, I'll be. Never seen somethin' like you before. Well listen, that drink you have there, on the House.

She says with a nervous chuckle

You just enjoy that there, and I'll be back in a minute to get you your food
She says with the sunshine returning to her eyes.
You also hear her mutter something about not drinking the herbal mixes before bed as she tends to the other customers.

2012-03-07, 11:46 AM
Well, we have a fine set of pork if you'd fancy it. Smoked in the back room, and been waiting for a chance to cut it open.

"It sounds delicious! I'll have the pork and the honey-wine, then." Turning to Mjolnir, I smirk. "Welcome back! You're just in time to welcome our newest acquaintance, Torik."

I notice Korel's awkward conversation with the barmaid with a bit of amused curiosity, but then flinch noticeably in surprise when a tankard pops into view in Korel's hand. "Fascinating" I breathe once I regain my composure.

2012-03-07, 12:26 PM
Smoked pork fer me tae!

I was kinda stunned from Korel's creation. "Wow, nice one. Can ye do it with ale tae?" I say to him.

I whisper to Korel: "By thah way, Korel is it right? What kind 'o magic an' why? I suppose it wazn't faer harm.. Or else he would be down now, right?"

"An' what kind of proposal? Tae much infarmation!" I say to everyone.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-07, 12:48 PM
"I'm sorry, but I don't think I could make an ale. Your welcome to have some of this though." lowering my voice I add, "I'm not entirely sure what kind of magic it was. Bel said it was a lullaby spell, but I wasmt affected by it. As for why, I don't know." Seeing Bel flinch I stammer out an apology Oh! I'm sorry, I should have said something first..."

before anyone tries drinking this, just know that its pure alcohol. As in if there's an open flame nearby were in trouble haha. I would expect at least a Fort save for trying to drink it. Korel is immune to poison so I'm not worried about sipping some.

2012-03-07, 01:00 PM
Sparing a glance to the fascinating ability of the armored fellow I ponder.
thoughtsPerhaps this man could be of some use to me.
@DMBardic Knowledge check 14 to see what I can know about the others. I'm not just checking their names to see if I know anything I am also looking at their clothes, possessions, races, and anything that will help.
And what the hell a appraise check 22 on the wood carving, I probably get a negative, what five or ten, because I can't pick it up without asking.

2012-03-07, 07:28 PM
I whisper to Korel "I'll keep my eyes open..."

I will drink it Korel if it smells good. How does it smell then? :smalltongue: And i am also a dwarf. I am ok with poisons :smallwink:

2012-03-08, 07:20 PM

It smells of a strong scent of alcohol, the smell causes your nose to spike and recoil internally, with none of the warm flavors and hints of dwarven brew, but all the liquid courage is quite pure and potent.
Drink at your own Risk. :smallwink:


You'd estimate the statuette to sell for about 10 gold pieces on a good day,
and you recall the following (everything that isn't common knowledge)

Gnomes: A Superstitious people that hold their fey ancestors in high regard and placate them with mild rituals and often hang about in the backstreets, whether it be forests or slums, to simply escape the chores of city life and keep the old ways.

Elves: Also recently osmosed into the Veil, they have done the best they can and have done a fine job of taking their scholarly attitude and sense of pride, using it to gain political positions and are often seen as bureaucrats of a lower level, though much more the minority than Dwarves and Men. They are often town recluses, forming their own ethnic sub communities and are quite compliant and flexible, while doing only what they have too and are chastised for low work ethic outside of flighty politics.

You have heard a sliver of this Bel woman, a Gnomish maiden who protests and rallies against the higher crust and Imperalism of the Veil.
The rest is a mystery.

2012-03-08, 11:29 PM
Eyes beaming with excitement at the display of unusual magic, I smile at Korel. "It's quite alright. It was a surprise, but a pleasant one."

I turn to Gorvald after the waitress walks away to focus on the business at hand. "Tell me, Master Quicksmith. Can we know what these adventurers look like? Do we have any images that may bare their countenance? And where did you say they were last seen?"

2012-03-09, 05:54 AM
I drink it. All of it :smalltongue: Like a dwarf :smalltongue: Tell me if i need to make a saving throw or something :smalltongue: And if i'm sober after that of course i will follow the conversation of the adventure.

"A mug in thah hand’s worth two on thah shelf. Tipple it down an' refresh yerself!" I say to Korel as i drink his creation.

I pray to god so it's something good xD

2012-03-09, 03:54 PM

Fort. Save against poison. Roll it. :smalleek:.

Quicksmith says, his file starting to twinkle away like the stars as morning comes, as he gets a look of business in his eye. You feel a sense of authority start to whisper through the silence

One of them, the Town Wizard: She goes by Sharwyn, one of the Elves that used to hang around here, had a kind affinity to light purple clothing and is very quite, introverted. Has Long Black hair and is pale as morning mist.

Talgek, Warrior that came out here looking for a quiet place to live off of some adventurering money, unfortunately he got wound up in with the band so decided to un-retire. He has short blonde hair, almost silver in sheen, that hangs around his ears, and likes to carry a blade as long as his arm.

Karakas is one of them, he hung around town looking for game animals and easy coin. Took a liking to them, he has a brownish shade of hair, skinny as a tree and lithe like a jungle cat.

Finally, The Knight of the Imperial Guard: Sir Braford, he wears gilded armor and carries a helmet that covers all but his mouth and eyes, like holes in a sheet. He came in wielding a gift as it were from one of the Governors of the Veil.

They ran off to the Chasm some Days journey out, the rumors are that there is an Ancient ruin that holds potent magic and dangers.

2012-03-09, 04:15 PM
Raising an eyebrow I respond. "So you wish us to endager our lives searching for a group of adventurers that went missing looking for some treasure? How much is their return worth to you, and would we be permitted to collect what we find down there?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-09, 06:47 PM
After handing Brightshield my mug, I turn and listen to Quicksmith and Torik's exchange without a second thought. Torik's questions seem important and my curiosity had been sated, so I held my "tongue" as it were.

2012-03-09, 08:18 PM
[roll0] Cross fingers..

2012-03-09, 09:10 PM
Just as Quicksmith is about to answer your question you hear the sudden, and rich clatter of armor and it's occupant. It sounds like an explosion as Brightshield, armor and all collapses in an unconscious heap as pure alcohol drips down his beard like a dying river, that bubbles as he gurgles in his rich stupor, as bodily fluids lurch and creep up over his lips, as if his innards are as drunk as he.


Yeah, someone failed a fort save. Bad. That was Ethanol, 100% Alcohol. You're out cold :smalleek:

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-09, 09:22 PM
Just as Quicksmith is about to answer your question you hear the sudden, and rich clatter of armor and it's occupant. It sounds like an explosion as Brightshield, armor and all collapses in an unconscious heap as pure alcohol drips down his beard like a dying river, that bubbles as he gurgles in his rich stupor, as bodily fluids lurch and creep up over his lips, as if his innards are as drunk as he.


Yeah, someone failed a fort save. Bad. That was Ethanol, 100% Alcohol. You're out cold :smalleek:

OH SWEET MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!! :smalleek::smalleek::smalleek: what have I done?!?!?

Panicing I grab Brightsheild as I stammer "is..is he alright? The alcohol will return to the astral plane after 1 minute, so he should be ok after that right??"

2012-03-09, 10:07 PM
"is..is he alright? The alcohol will return to the astral plane after 1 minute, so he should be ok after that right??"

Only if he survives for that long. I would suggest a pitcher of water, an empty bucket, and forced vomiting.

2012-03-10, 01:17 AM
After seeing Mjolnir collapse, I leap from my seat. "Gods!" I look at Korel, eyes wide in panic, "What was in that mug? He looks poisoned!" Not waiting for an answer, I look around the room frantically, "Someone send for help; we need a cleric immediately!"

@DMIt probably is not easy to leap to a stand in this dress. Am I going to need to roll a skill check?

Just in case:
If it's Tumble: 8
If it's Balance: 5

Hurray for a crap-tastic roll. :smallfrown:

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-10, 01:25 AM
"It was just alcohol I swear! I don't know what happened!" I say my eyes shifting colors randomly as I look around for something to help.

search: [roll0] if necessary

2012-03-10, 08:53 AM
It crosses my mind that if he dies we might not make it to the treasure in the dungeon. "Alright up, let's see if we can save this brave idiot."
Heal check 20. I have no bonuses this is literally the best I can do.

2012-03-10, 09:43 AM
Torik moves faster than he ever has, time seems to slow down as pressure compresses and molds it in your mind to save your fellow resource.
You hydrate him, force him to vomit up the alcohol as you can, checking his eyes and heartbeat. The Clock runs faster, each second a battle, and Brightshield unresponsively stays prostrated, then you feel a beat. Soft, quiet, clean.
Brightshield will not die of Alcohol Poisoning.

I treated It as treating poison, and the Fort Save was the DC, you did it perfectly

You trip over your dress, and scuff your knees as you fall, your cloths are just a tad smudged and dirty

Quicksmith looks over
everyone roll sense motive
With a worried look in his eye, sitting in his chair stunned by the rushed nature of these occurrence as if he's melded with the chair.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-10, 11:53 AM
Sense motive: [roll0]

2012-03-10, 12:25 PM
Ok, when i finally get to get up, pale i guess and sweat as hell i turn to Korel: "Lad.. Honestly... *Gasp*... Yer have tae mix that with ale!!!!"

After i finish telling that to Korel i make a little pray, to Moradin for helping me out with this, and i take off my armor.

"You'll excuse me, i need to take of that thing.. Do ye have rooms arranged or something? I gonna get one right naew.."

EDIT: I look around and see how everyone is like. "I guess i scared ya.. Never afraid that a drink will kill a dwarf! Thank ye faer assisting me though."

2012-03-10, 12:27 PM
Sense motive check: [roll0]

2012-03-10, 12:33 PM
The dice giveth and the dice taketh away
Sense motive :elan:1

2012-03-10, 12:58 PM
Sense Motive

Rising more carefully to a stand, flustered and panicked, I dust myself off and straighten my dress.

"Mjolnir, you...! You could've..! What in the nine hells...? OOH!" I sputter and grumble in disgust and mumble something incoherent about dwarves.

In an attempt to regain my composure, I turn to Torik. "Thank you Torik, that was very quick thinking. I suppose a lone adventurer such as yourself would need to know a trick or two about field medicine. It would seem this foolhardy dwarf owes you his life."

2012-03-11, 09:22 AM

You faintly notice that Gorvald was seemingly feigning any sign of shock, or exaggerating any reaction he might naturally have had.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-12, 12:57 AM
"Thank you Torik. I don't want to think of what could have happened if you hadn't intervened. I didn't know that organic bodies could react to alcohol like that." I say quietly to Torik, my trust for him finding a confusing equilibrium between distrust and comraderie. Hearing Mjolnir's suggestion I sit quietly staring at him. Why would he want more, when he collapsed from the substance? Chalking it up to simply a mystery of the flesh, I stand up and take my place behind Bel once more.

2012-03-14, 10:52 AM
I turn at Bell :"Why are ye so upset? Alchohol can't kill a dwarf!" And i laugh at that. "'O course lad here helped me an' i really appreciate that, but either way i would survive from a drink. I'm a dwarf. I'm born to drink alchohol." And i mumble to myself :"I can't drink that much though.." With a sad face.

2012-03-15, 01:30 PM
Looking towards Mjolnir while patting him on the back I give him a stern look, raise a finger in his direction and say. "That's one you owe me."

2012-03-15, 02:07 PM
"'O course lad! I nevah forget..."

2012-03-15, 09:06 PM
Looking a bit skeptical a raise an eyebrow towards this unlikely Paladin. "Are you sure you're ok? I think it would be a good idea to at least see a Cleric or Adept as soon as possible; just to make sure the poison won't have any negative after effects. I've never seen alcohol drop anyone so quickly before. I thought you were going to die for sure."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-15, 11:33 PM
I shuffle my feet self conciouslly. The sound of stone scraping on wood fills the room.

2012-03-16, 12:30 AM
Having been observing the situation with the utmost diligence this entire time, I decide (after careful deliberation) that now is a good time to speak. "Well! This has certainly been a harrowing adventure already. I can't even imagine how future encounters will go for us all. If we'd all like to call it a day, I can have our friendly paladin looked after and in tip top shape for tomorrow. Does this sound like a plan, friends?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-16, 12:41 AM
"Sounds like a good idea to me. I need to meditate on our upcoming mission. Thank you for looking after him" I say to the somewhat quiet elf.

2012-03-16, 10:02 AM
"I think I'll remain here with Gorvald for a little while more. Mjolnir will be in good hands with Henalrait. Besides, our meals haven't arrived yet, and gold has been sparse in Oakridge... I'll take what meals I can get."

I curtsy to those who are leaving and look over to Gorvald for a cue.

"Won't you stay with me a while, Master Quicksmith? I'm sure there is more you intended to say, and there are more questions I intended to ask."

Diplomacy Roll (if needed):
25 YES! *arm pump* That's enough to bump someone from Friendly to Helpful, Mr. DM.

2012-03-17, 09:45 PM
Why of course
He says, seeing as how the tension and panic has finally ceased

Tell me, what questions have you left? You know the basis of our mission, the grandeur and goodness of our quest, and may keep treasure you find, I fear largely that if the obviously most intelligent of this new squad feels lost or led down a faulty tunnel, that the rest could not either, and this little mission can't go wrong, particularly over miscommunication.

He says with an air of flattery and a touch of empathy, smiling now more in concern than anything, with a slightly worried crease on his nose.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-17, 10:36 PM
I walk upstairs thinking about what Quicksmith had said. For the first time in quite awhile, I'm excited about tomorrow. I walk into a room at random, obliviouslly caught up in my own head.

2012-03-19, 05:15 PM

As you haphazardly step into the room you chose, you see a human chomping on a raw green cigar, smoke choking the room in it's grasp as in the fog you see the hazy outline of a man, stalking about his room, like a jungle cat he sits on his haunches, a thin moustache and a red face, on top of a small skinny body that shouldn't be able to hold this much smoke in such thin lungs.
He hears you enter and says, with an odd look in his eye
Come here, have you seen her? You must know her, everyone who I ask seems too. Or Not. Come here anywhere, do you know of my Sweet Honeymilk?
He yanks you by the arm into the room and says
Take a look at this, not even in the smallest keyhole or closet!
His voice in both a bemused sense hof having misplaced his keys and absolute consternation. You now see the room has been torn apart, with chaos dancing on the floor in papers, lamps, beds, pillows, notebooks and all the room rearranged to suit violent weather patterns.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-19, 05:23 PM
Yanked out of my thoughts by the man yanking on my arm, I am shocked by his behavior. Humans are even stranger when their alone, I think to myself. "Umm no sir, I haven't seen your ....'Sweet Honeymilk'. I say. "Did you lose them, or it?"

2012-03-19, 05:46 PM
he stutters

Where do you think then? She ran away so long ago, after I fetched her a forest gift, and now, I stand alone, tracking for the heart of my Sweet Honeymilk. You wouldn't have came here unless you knew. I'm sure.
He gets fidgety and nervous as you watch him, biting his cigar like gears chomp at bits of loose flesh.
I know you know of her, tell me, what is her hair color? Where is she? Help me find her if that, you lying armored knight! I know you attended he wedding, Speak you Brute!
He takes your shoulders and shakes violently, and his eyes water at the edges, welling like a full glass of water, rippling like the first hole in a dam.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-19, 06:16 PM
Grabbing the mans shoulders.I lift him off the ground and hold him still. "Sir, I don't know who she is, but if there is anyway I can help you I will, but you need to calm down and explain what your talking about."

2012-03-20, 06:49 PM
The man kicks with impotent rage as he is suspended
Put Me Down! How can you keep me from searching, I thought you knew her! I must find my Love! You know where she is! I know it!
He suddenly calms with a starstruck look

You never answered what her hair color was...You never did...You're lying to me through this shade of deception and hiding the facts.

He hangs his head

Why, why do you torment me this way!

He howls, echoing through the Inn

You work for the people that made her leave! The damned crooks and liars and pariahs and those whispers of madness! Get me out of here! I can't trust you! Where is My Darling Sweet Honeymilk!

He tries to kick with even more power but with the same result as the tears course down his coarse face like rivers, eyes slammed shut like doors

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-20, 06:58 PM
I carry him back down into the inn where I hope at least a few of my compatriots are.
"This man is defective. I announce to the room at large.

2012-03-20, 11:57 PM
I pause for a moment wondering why Gorvald thinks the issue is settled and why everyone is leaving before eating. I watch Korel wander upstairs before answering Quicksmith.

"If these people are indeed an important investment to you then you wouldn't mind helping with certain provisions for our cause and mutual benefit.

"Can you provide us with any maps of the area in which we will be looking for the missing heroes? We don't know how far away these ruins are or what landmarks we should be looking for. Also we would need supplies for such a journey. I do keep armor around for traveling in but I ran out of food rations before arriving here. And it sounds dangerous, perhaps some healing items or a medic's kit would be helpful. And perhaps its the fear of the people here but no one has been very generous with their gold, I couldn't easily buy supplies on my own."

2012-03-21, 05:12 AM
He ponders over what you said for a second and says

The reason I can't provide a map is because no one has mapped it out. The towns defenders left to adventure into a chasm to the West, and no one has entered there or even headed down the westward path for the fear of monsters attacking them down the road.
If you'd like some gear and provisions, I'd be happy to oblige, the General shop has everything you need, and I'll let you take say...30 of my gold as a sign of good faith

His reflective grin has become more tempered as the conversation goes on, becoming a thin lipped smirk, hiding his then well displayed teeth.

The towns folk are a quiet bunch, and they are not given to paying strangers espousing on things that they don't think immediately apply.
These are good, though stubborn people, which is why I love this town, they make the best merchants here because no one ironically listens to a customers pitch.

His posture seem stiff like he's being interrogated, but the smirk still hangs gently at the top of his curved smile.

2012-03-25, 03:53 AM
I look over at Korell surprised. I open my mouth to respond to what he just said and for a change I don't know what to say. I shut my mouth without saying anything about his situation and turn back towards Gorvald, smiling at my good fortune. Thirty gold pieces will be helpful. "Thank you so much Gorvald, I promise to do everything in my power to show that your trust was well placed. And hopefully this will help with my reputation in town and the people here will opens their eyes and their purses." I wink and smile " Now I wonder how much longer till we get to eat, all this excitement has put a rumble in my belly" I rest my tiny hand on my belly to accentuate my point.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-25, 04:18 AM
Seeing that no one seems to care about the defective babbling man, I realize that humans just occasionally break and go outside to avoid another mishap to meditate and regain my psionic power.

2012-03-25, 04:08 PM
Gorvald looks shellshocked at the absurd situation, where the smoking man now gives a soft shriek and ran back to his room to continue his search.
Gorvald returns to his smiling state,

I do hope she gets here too, the food here is delicious and we can eat even mOre now that the others forgot.

Him giving a smirk like a jaguar of accountancy finding a freshly slain deal,

And I'm sure you'll do well amongst the town folk, if you're as good at making deals as I am Haha

Releasing laugh from his belly like some ruming avalanche.

You now see the red haired woman, with her hair sticking out at odd angles and a look of confusion on her soft pale features

Ain't used to getting' this much trouble around here. Screamin' people, Orcs in the Bar, Strangers with beards long as my legs. Sorry I'm rambling, here's your food

You see the smile slip on as the trays of food gracefully dance out of her hands

Where's your friends go? I hope they get to eat, especially the one in the armor, tell him I'm Autumn

She says with a smile, Daintilly stepPing back to the bar.

2012-03-26, 02:52 AM
Sense Motive to see why Autum would be espceially interested in making sure Korell is well fed.
17 though my ladies intuition makes me feel like I already have an idea :wink:

2012-03-26, 05:36 AM

Autumn seems to have a crush on Korel, or obviously, the wealthy mysterious well muscled man underneath the steel armor that she believes exists.
OOC: It's So Cute:smallbiggrin:. liken Isaac Asimov story!

2012-03-26, 10:29 AM
With the food here I dig in after giving a brief "Thanks" to my waitress.

2012-03-27, 04:16 PM
"Thank you Autumn, I'll see if he hasn't wandered farI smile picking up that the waitress is "interested" in Korel. "Let me see if Korel wants to join us for conversation during the meal, it would be nice to know more about my traveling companions." I say glancing at the half orc again. I poke my head outside the pub door to see if I spot Korel.
Spot check

Vixsor Lumin
2012-03-30, 01:50 AM
Hearing the door open I open my eyes and see Bel looking around. "Can I help you?"I ask, my eyes glowing a deep sapphire.

2012-03-30, 04:56 AM
"Korel, won't you join us for the meal? I know that your not eating," Much to the dismay of a certain young waitress "but it would be nice to get to know you if we'll be traveling together. Also I am doubting that the half orc will be much of a conversation partner" I say with a smile, inviting Korel to join the group.

2012-04-03, 10:35 PM
Gorvald gives a wave and says

Yes of course my glowing compatriot, please, join us, this food I'm paying for can't go to waste you know!

His permanent grin now slipping back nto the facial grooves they take shelter in day and night.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-03, 11:00 PM
"well ok, but I've actually never eaten before..." Korel says somewhat embarrased. Then he takes a seat, much to the dismay of the groaning chair beneath him.

2012-04-05, 02:11 PM
"Well this smells wonderful." I say preparing to tuck into my food as well. "So what brought everyone to Oakridge?"

2012-04-10, 01:16 PM
"Well this was all quite delicious, I don't think I could eat another bite if I wanted to." I say rising ready to leave. "I might like to stop by the shop this afternoon to pick up supplies for our journey. Sounds like the local heros have quite the head start and I wouldn't want to dilly dally much longer. Would anyone care to join me?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-10, 01:55 PM
I take a bite of my food, biting off the end if the fork as I do. "I will come with you. This "eating" seems like more like work, than something enjoyable." I was also reluctant to leave my new friend, and apparentlly one of the few people still interested in Quicksmiths job.

2012-04-10, 03:55 PM
"Will you be joining us Gorval, or would you prefer to just give us the gold and let us know where the shop is?" I say standing up.

2012-04-10, 10:55 PM
Gorvald looks you over and says, saring morosely at the food left cold by still silent friends

You go on ahead, considering we lost partners over this symbolic meal, I know a man more willing to look for a free supper.

he sets down the endorsement and says

Come back by sundown, we'll save some coin and just finalize our plans and such over several ales, and not a 4 course meal.


Gorvald walks over to your cart,as the sun burns 3:00 into the memories of the earth and ] grass, and says with a smile 5 miles wide

Hey There, how goes business there you wandering nut?

In a colloquial tone that just tells you he's got a game in his head playing out.

2012-04-10, 11:57 PM
"Business is always good where I am, because I go where the business goes, old friend!" I say with a hearty laugh as I reach to shake Gorvald's hand with my right hand and clap him on the shoulder with my left.

"By the gods, Gorvald, you haven't aged a day! How's business? Still working angles; stirring up your brand of trouble?"

2012-04-11, 04:11 PM
I pick up the coins and say "We will be back shortly Gorval, well equipped for adventure." "Can you tell me where the shop is at?" I ask while starting towards the door.

2012-04-11, 07:58 PM
Just before he leaves the Inn, gorvald says

Glad to hear it, good to keep my investments well protected. I'd say the best place here is just no more than 100 paces to the far end of town,it should be called the Sunshine Sales Depot.


Meanwhile, in the future present!!
Gorvald's regular toothy grin returns in full force

Well one must cause a little trouble to get the real rewards, no?
Now my fine friend, what would you say to some new business, one that won't have you hustled out of town, and both of us with a good, or at least more polished name. Like all games it takes some luck on our part, or rather, more yours than mine.
It's a little adventure I have planned for some new friends and I want someone I can trust on the team who'd be happy with free ale and food. What do you think so far? Old friend.

His teeth glitter with anticipation as his eyes sing a song of glory like sparkling golden coins.

2012-04-11, 08:59 PM
"Show me the fool who pays for food and drink when it's offered free of charge, that I may set up shop near him and make my fortune! I'll accept your hospitality and hear your schemes. You've never steered me wrong, except the one time..." I say to Gorvald with a playful look of mock menace. "I suppose I had that one coming though." I issue a full belly laugh and begin closing up my shop and hitching the cart to the mule. "Shall we go, then?"

2012-04-11, 09:39 PM

He smirks at you and says

Hahaha, that's why I like you Iz, you've got an enthused spirit, but we are not holding this, summit yet. not now. The team'll be back at the Inn at sundown. Wrap up your business old friend and I'll see you then. If you excuse me, this Dwarf has/some things to mull over, and gold to count. I mut say, I'm absolutely jubilant you go here when you did. It'll be just like old times. Now, a gift, for spending time that could have been a new customer with an old friend.

He lays down an emerald ring and says

Creatures like us, know what we want. We really are quite similar, you and I.

He says the last line as he starts to walk away, heading in the direction of the Inn.

2012-04-11, 09:55 PM
I take the ring, flick it once into the air, and with a smirk, snatch it and tuck it into a safe place in my clothing. My grin never fades as the wily dwarf walks away. I re-open my shop with renewed enthusiasm, my thoughts spinning with dreams of the adventure to come.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-11, 10:47 PM
I walk along side Bel and look for potential threats ahead of us. "All I require are some new tools. I wore out my chisels a week ago. Do you think I could afford them with Gorvalds money?" I ask looking down at the gnome

2012-04-12, 01:31 AM
I pause for a moment considering my large friend's request. "I don't know how much they would cost, but since you don't seem to need food or water I think it would be fair to get you some tools instead."

2012-04-15, 09:41 AM
Bel and Korel, you step forward to your 95th pace, and see the front of the Sunshine Sales Depot:
You see a small, almost shack, of a building. The roof seems to have a bias on which side of the house it'd rather be on depending on the wind. However, despite it's ragged condition you still see a great many sunflowers, circling around the entire building, withered, dead, and grey. Some cringe in despair, hunched like dead goblins.
Others just stand there, trying to recapture the beauty they can never keep in the death of a flower.
The door, however, looks finely carved and the only worthy representative of the shops worth.

What do you wish to do?

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-15, 11:22 AM
I step forward and open the door for Bel. As I hold it open I scan the inside if the building making sure its safe.

2012-04-15, 11:30 AM

You feel cold air fall onto your metallic "skin", you sense it contract slightly under the unnatural chill. You see inside the dark shack, lined with many items on the back wall. Inside you see a morose looking old man, a face that seems to be drooping down past his skull, he sighs faintly as he hears you open the door.

Good morning

He exhales morosely

Tell me... what would you like...*sigh*
We...well, I...have plenty for sale.

2012-04-15, 03:02 PM
I thank Korel for getting the door and step into the cool building. "Good morning," I say "We are in need of some supplies for an adventure. Things like rations, perhaps a lantern, water skins and my friend here needs some replacement tools," I pause looking at the rope holding all of Korel's belongings, "and maybe a backpack for him as well."

2012-04-17, 01:02 PM
Back at the plaza, I bark out to the crowd, "AL-chemical i-TEMS! RARE AND WONDERFUL! Don't LEAVE the CITY without them! Magical SCROLLS AND POTIONS! GET them while SUPPLIES LAAAST! At these prices, they WON'T LAST LONG! AL-chemical i-TEMS!..."

I repeat my spiel over and over, pointing at my sign with a description of my wares with my expandable pole in one hand, while I wave to passersby who make eye contact with me with the other hand.

2012-04-17, 11:53 PM

The sullen man sighs and says


As he hoists out plenty of items that match your qualification, about 12 bags of rations, a backpack, 2 - 3 waterskins, a bullseye lantern, 2 doses of Oil, and a handful of torhes.

That's what I got...
What kind of tools...? There's many tools out there I suppose...
I Hope you like what I have though, it's just nice to know that people care enough to visit and do business... I suppose.
The running gear though, it'll cost you somewhere at 35gp...

Ooc: By the way you are more than entitled to haggle :smallwink:.

2012-04-18, 02:44 AM
OOC, then haggle I shall.
Diplomacy Roll
Bluff Check

"Thirty five gold pieces?" I say feigning a look disappointment. "We were only given 20 gold pieces." I bite my lip during an awkward moment of silence, then I turn to Korel. "What do you think we should do?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-18, 02:53 AM
I don't know how much money we got and neither does Korel, does that make me auto pass any bluff checks? :smallbiggrin: Korel looks at Bel and says, "well then we need to go somewhere else right? If I understand correctly, then his prices are to high for us right?" He goes over the concept of money in his head as he picks up a water skin which is dwarfed in his giant 3 fingered hand.

2012-04-18, 01:54 PM
Bel and Korel

He looks at you somehow more sullenly than before

Those are the prices, she-...we...*Sigh*.

He waits a few seconds longer to continue than natural

I can't do that. I made a promise...
35 gold, and I promise you, this is worthy of he-...
Your money.


OOC: Swore I posted your bit yesterday:smallredface:

As you hock your wares, you see various people wave akwardly, or smile genuinely, and a rare few, check their pockets, and shake their heads, walking away.
When amidst the fever pitch you hear what Sounds like business, but see no one.
Then you hear a knocking, and see no one.
Peering over you find what looks like a Halfling for a second but Is actually a small child.
He's wearing a small green cap and brownish rags, you can smell the dirt I'n his fingers on your cart

He gazes I'n awe at your wares and says, innocently

do yo have any toys...

2012-04-18, 02:51 PM
Sense Motive to see if he is a) enchanted or b) getting at something with his weird behavior.


"Surely the price isn't set in stone. Is there anyway we would work out a better deal?" I ask politely.

2012-04-18, 05:07 PM

He's not Being enchanted but seems to be stuck In some sort of intense sadness, his body movements and jowls suggest that he's I'n mourning

He looks at you and says, as he seems to stare not at you but at space with an absolute aloofness and misery.

No, she set the prices that way, and she ran this place best, so that's how I'll dO it .

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-18, 11:15 PM
Korel absent-mindedly began pouring water from the skin onto the floor, watching how the light caught it and flowed through the air.

2012-04-19, 12:44 AM
With genuine confusion I ask who "she" is.

2012-04-19, 01:17 AM
I take a glance in both directions to make sure that no one is trying to get their hands on the stuff in my cart and then come around to face the child, squat to get eye level with him and smile.

"No, my little friend. And you may want to keep your distance. Some of the things I sell can be quite dangerous." I tousle the hair on his head and stand back up, but on a second thought, I pause and look back down at the urchin.

"How'd you like to earn a copper piece though?"

2012-04-19, 05:52 PM

The old man looks suddenly shocked at this, and slips further into his chilling lugubriousness, slowly he starts to stutter

... N-...
My Dearly departed wife, and she was the soul of this place

He grows dreamy eyed, and stares past you, in more an upward direction, almost through the Planar divides to picture his wife.

She always tended the flowers and looked so beautiful...

You lose him again as he wanders through his memories, and you notice thin streams of tears down his cheeks


The child looks up with a dazzled look on his face, the idea of a single copper earned in a short time astonishes him greatly

Ooh! Those look like toys though... Can I play with the toys AND get the coppah?

He looks expectantly up at you

2012-04-19, 06:41 PM
"Son," I say a little more sternly, "these aren't playthings, and I don't want to be responsible if you should get hurt by them. These things are for adults only. However, I'm sure a copper piece can give you the money necessary to buy many kinds of toys at an actual toy store, and it won't require much work at all. If you can talk just two," I hold two fingers up in the air, "adults into coming to look at my wares, I'll give you the copper. Bring me 5 people, and I'll give you half a silver! If they buy anything, I'll give you two coppers for every item they buy. The more people you bring to me, the more items I'll sell. The more items I sell, the more coppers I'll give you. Understand?"

Diplomacy Check:
17 not counting any bonuses I may get for offering to pay for this service.

2012-04-20, 06:19 PM
"Oh I am sorry to hear that." I say. "When did she pass?" I touch his hand sympathetically.

2012-04-23, 03:10 PM

The child grows excited, andor we'd look of wonderment dances across his features

I'm Sure there's Mom, and Dad, and all the grand parents, and my rooster, and Jimmy...
Sure thing!

He dashes off listing more names as his heart sings a songof pure greed.


He slowly moves his hand away and says

I'm not sure anymore... It's all felt like ages to me.
This shop was her life, and I have to keep it like she wanted...

2012-04-23, 06:26 PM
Thinking myself quite clever, I form my Shapesand into a cone, speak into it to amplify my voice, and continue to bark out my spiel to the crowd.

2012-04-29, 10:45 PM
As sun sets, the 3 of you sat down, enjoying drinks, living in oldmemories, and growing acquainted with new friends.
As night settles, you realize the nature of your mission, to head further west to an abandoned ravine where the adventurers of this town went a full month ago,and with that you sleep well, or some rather, and prepare yourselves at the break of day.
And with that, you march out, your gear in tow heading towards the smell of adventurer, your emoloyeer being there In spirit, or rather spirits as he stayed at the Inn while you venture deep into chasms unknown for his PR.

so you finish wandering own this old Road westward.
At the roads closest point of approach to the cleft, several broken pillars jut from the earth where the ravine widens, into something more like a deep and narrow canyon. some of the pillars are straight, but most are slanted at odd angles. Others have apparently fallen into the indiscernable depths and darkness below. A few similar ones sit across the the side of the ravine.

The Sun hangs at a healthy Zenith like a pendulum on a string. What do you wish to do?

2012-04-29, 10:55 PM
Starting over then

"Well this looks like where we are supposed to be. What do you make of it gentlemen?" I say surveying the area with a hand held out to block the sun from my eyes.

Vixsor Lumin
2012-04-29, 11:07 PM
"We should study the area and see if we can find their trail." Korel said staring up at the noon sun. He looked around trying to see anything that could help them.

2012-04-29, 11:46 PM
I make my way closer to the ravine, stepping extra carefully as I get closer. I peer down to see if I can see the bottom.

2012-04-30, 05:53 AM
Bel and Korel

Bel part II
as You walk toward the ledge, you see the pillars coated I'n Goblin Graffiti, translating out into poorly spelled threats, even for goblin tongue, and grammatically erratic warnings for 'All Here ye enter who'.

you then see that Swinging low into the darkness, through which your eyes cannot tell the faintest hint of this chasm having a floor, a singular knotted rope.

2012-04-30, 06:39 AM
"Easy Duncan," I call to my mule as we ease to a stop. "What do you see, Bel?" I chime in with a smile. "Have we arrived at last?"

2012-04-30, 04:56 PM
I turn to face my companions. "Well this looks like the place, and we have a couple of clues. There is some graffiti in goblin over hear, and I see a rope leading into to ravine."

2012-05-02, 01:19 AM
"Duncan can't climb ropes, little friend. Is there no other way down?" Izmael asks as he steps closer to examine the situation himself.


Vixsor Lumin
2012-05-02, 01:26 AM
Looking down at his extensive frame Korel says nervously, "Do you think it will hold me?"

2012-05-02, 01:46 AM
Bel considers both men's questions and comments for a moment before answering. "I don't know the answer to either of your questions, but I think we can answer them by poking around some. That one rope might not even be safe for someone as light as me."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-05-02, 02:03 AM
"Well, if we want to go that I have a rope." Korel says

2012-05-02, 02:14 AM
"Let us inspect the area up here first. I don't want to get half way down and have goblins come and cut our rope." I decide.

2012-05-02, 05:15 AM

As you step over, you notice that the rope looks particularly strong with a quick glance as you step in what you notice to be a campfire circle, it's long been extinguished and you notice them scattered across the ledge area.

2012-05-02, 11:41 AM
"If you ask me, I'd say this was some kind of campsite for a goblin raiding party. Perhaps these pillars here held up a bridge before it was washed away by floods, burned by the goblins, or just crumbled under the gnawing bite of time," Izmael contemplates as he reaches into his cart for the jar of Shapesand.

"There are campfires spread across this ledge, which suggests that there may be more than one way across... or down."

Wisdom Check DC16 (to shape the Shapesand into a Spyglass)

Izmael frowns when the Shapesand resists his will, but shrugs it off as a minor inconvenience. "The rope is sturdy, Bel. But I don't see how we could use it to get my cart or my donkey down in there." Izmael breathes a long, frustrated sigh. "If only I'd bought that scroll of Flying when last I was in town."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-05-02, 12:14 PM
"Do you think there are any goblins nearby?" Korel says as he looks around. He calms his thoughts and focus's his energy.

Spot check [roll0]
Take 20 on concentration to gain psionic focus

2012-05-02, 03:44 PM

You sense no Goblins I'n the area.

2012-05-02, 08:03 PM
Since Bel doesn't know what Korel knows, search check to see signs of them recently

Bel pokes around the area looking for clues to when the goblins might have been there last.

2012-05-02, 08:58 PM

From your intense searching you see no goblins are by the ledge, and no motions from the rope suggest anything coming up.
You believe yourself relatively safe from goblin assault.

2012-05-02, 09:19 PM
"I suppose we seem safe for now so lets see about finding a better route around." Bel says heading towards the rope.

2012-05-03, 12:11 PM
"Give me a day, and pitch in for the cost, and I can scribe a scroll of Feather Fall. Then we can just hop in the cart and float our way down in relative comfort. We could make camp here. This seems like a suitable place for a campsite anyway. I'll prepare the scroll and we can all float down in the fresh light of dawn. Unless someone has a better plan," Izmael offers while he fusses over the items in his cart.

"Korel, how's your night vision?"

Vixsor Lumin
2012-05-03, 12:30 PM
"I see about as well as a human at night, but I don't need to sleep. How much would it cost to make a scroll?" Korel says absentmindedly

2012-05-03, 02:07 PM
"That's a good question." Bel says turning towards Izmael, "How much will this cost us? I haven't got much gold left. I wasn't expecting to need it out here."

2012-05-03, 03:34 PM
Looking at both of them Izmael smiles warmly. "Not much, my friends. Only 25 gold pieces. Split 3 ways, thats only 8 gp a piece. I'll even pay the remainder cost, since I'm the biggest reason why we can't go down that rope."

Turning his gaze directly onto Korel, "I was hoping that you could keep watch, and keep me awake, while I work on the scroll. As soon as I can turn this," he point at his jar of sand, "into a spyglass, you can watch the horizon for me and even see if there's an easy way to get into the ravine tonight. Well, do we have a deal?"

Take 20 on Wisdom check to form a Spyglass.
Concentration check (if needed) to work through the night.
Fortitude save vs. Fatigue the next morning.

2012-05-03, 06:35 PM

You will be able to work through the night but will be exhausted in the morning, having not worked that late nin years has knocked the wind out of you so to speak.

2012-05-03, 08:29 PM
"That is all my money and more." Bel says. "Maybe we can find more coins around here while you are working though. The day is still quite young."

Vixsor Lumin
2012-05-04, 01:12 AM
Korel's eyes flash to an embarassed pink. "... I have a few bits of copper...."

2012-05-04, 01:27 AM
Liking the pink for embarrassed.

"Sorry Izmael, we just weren't planning on needing money out here." Bel shrugs. "Not that I had much in the way of coin before coming to town."

2012-05-04, 04:34 AM
Izmael looks a bit crestfallen. "Well, there is a necessary minimum cost to make a scroll. I don't make the rules... I just abide by them. Korel, please take this spyglass and see what you can see. I can probably scribe the scroll on credit, but you'll both owe me your debt when you come upon some measure of wealth to repay it. Still, I'd rather not waste my coin needlessly. If there is a better entrance to the ravine, I'd rather do that."

Izmael tosses the spyglass in the air with a flip, catching it on the broad end, and hands it, narrow-end first to Korel. "It enhances your vision and makes objects appear to be twice their normal size. No traveler should be without one. Minute details become obvious and distant abstract shapes become clear and discernable forms when you look through this marvelous device." Izmael says, clearly reciting a sales spiel he's given a million times. He then shrugs and smiles more sincerely. "It will help with your search, Korel."

2012-05-04, 05:59 AM
Bel grumbles inouditiably something along the lines of "Wouldn't even need feather fall if it weren't for the cart and donkey...." Then peers into the darkness of the ravine and does feel a little bit safer knowing they will have a controlled fall.

2012-05-05, 07:15 PM
So as the sun begins to set and your night goes on, you hear the endless scratching of pen to paper as Izmael works through the scroll, and as the campfire sinks down to a cinder, Izmael finishes his scroll. The moon has barely climbed over the horizon, casting a faint glow over the plains and still revealing little about the deep ravine that you hover over now, ready to descend.

2012-05-06, 05:43 AM
Looking up from his work space, Izmael blinks his bloodshot eyes, stretches and offers an exhausted smile. "It is done," he says as he packs up his pen and ink. "Those who wish to take the easy way down, please hop aboard my cart."

Izmael gestures to his cart like a host inviting friends into his home, then puts the scroll close to the candle to make it easier to read.

Use Magic Device: DC 21 Here goes nothing...
+2 for having the Scribe Scroll feat: Eberron Campaign Setting, pg 32.
[roll0] (I'm afraid to look.)

:smallsigh: Crap.

2012-05-06, 07:13 AM
Izmael tries to activate the Scroll, staring at in and reciting words he learned for these magical purposes, and suddenly, the Cart is filled with feathers, soft as the moon light that shines on your cart.