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View Full Version : We Welcome You, Earthplaygrounders-Let's Play Alpha Centauri

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 10:13 AM
So. Having recently purchased Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri from GoG.com, and stumbling upon this (http://lparchive.org/Sid-Meiers-Alpha-Centauri/) Let's Play, I have been inspired to do my own. So, here's the deal.

First off, much like the linked one, this LP will be narrated from within context, though the faction switching will not be used.
Second, I will be playing on Talent difficulty-for starters, anyway. Talent being the game's "moderate" difficulty-easier would be boring, and I don't have the MAD SKILLS to steamroll Transcend or anything, so yeah.
Whenever a sufficiently important circumstance arises, such as the discovery of a new faction, the faction government will turn to the Unity Representative Council-(You, the Playgrounders)-some of the project's most trusted men and women, the individuals intended to keep the Unity crew under control-and the only ones with the authority to override even the descisions of Captain Garland himself. The council will, upon such circumstances arising, will have five days to vote on one of the provided options. In addition, if one option receives an overwhelming majority, which will initially be set at four votes, voting will close immediately, and said option will be put into place.
Any Council member may make a proposition to the Council, the contents of which may vary from simply renaming a settlement to the design of a new unit to the complete redirection of the government. Every 50 turns, a Council Referendum will be held, updating the Council members with the latest developments on Planet and allowing a three-day period dedicated to making and voting upon said propositions. Any proposition must, at present, have three votes to pass.
Council members can vote in opposition to any proposition still in the voting period, or to an ongoing proposition (i.e. all Synthmetal Sentinels must hold at their home base), in which case three votes, without opposition, secures an immediate veto. If the vote is opposed, a 2:1 majority secures a veto or defeats the motion. If a veto motion is defeated, that proposition cannot be vetoed until the next referendum.
Under the Unity chain of command (and the suggestions of one Exectutive Officer Yang), the faction leader reserves the right to veto one proposition every referendum that they perceive as detrimental to the faction's performance.
I at no point guarantee that all my interest in this LP will not at some point spontaneously evaporate, but anyone with a copy of the game and a knowledge of how to share save files is free to take over.
I don't have Alien Crossfire. Just putting that out there.

Now, with that out of the way, the Unity Representative Council will now vote for the first time, on the following topic:

What faction will the Council follow?

Supplemental datafile:

Gaia's Stepdaughters
Gaia's Stepdaughters, the brainchild of famed eco-political activist Lady Deirdre Skye, are the scholars, caretakers-and if need be, staunch defenders-of Planet's fascinating ecosystem. Their government and followers are dedicated to preserving Planet's ecology, and preventing a repeat of the ecological nightmare of Earth(+1 Green; grants a 25% chance to capture native life and boosts their performance), which has also resulted in careful use and preservation of resources. (+2 Efficiency; reduces energy lost from colonies far from the capital) However, their dedication to environmental preservation starves them in military and authoritarian power. (-1 Morale, -1 Police; Human military units start weaker and are less effective in reducing Drone numbers), and an economy that disregards the environment is unthinkable to their people. (Cannot use Free Market) In addition, their experience with work tending to Earth's biosphere transfers well to Planet's native flora. (+1 Nutrients in xenofungus)

Human Hive
The Human Hive, held in the tight iron grip of Chairman Shen-Ji Yang, is the result of a unity between social experiment and spiritual virtue, equal parts communism and Confucianism, where the law is martial-and that law is one's nation before oneself. The oppressively collectivistic nature of the Hive encourages hard work and healthy population upkeep (+1 Industry, +1 Growth; Units/structures 10% cheaper, bases grow 10% faster.), though the brutally controlled economic climate stifles the faction politically and economically. (-2 Economy; -1 Energy at every base-Cannot use Democracy) On the bright side, Yang's brilliant political mind-and his people's natural submissiveness-eliminates Efficiency penalties from Police State and Planned economy civics, and his bases are built underground-perhaps to keep the public in check, but it does have the double-effect of providing easily-defensible territory. (Free Perimeter Defence in every base)

University of Planet
The University of Planet forms the scientific capital of Planet, headed by Unity Chief Science Officer, Academician Prokhor Zakharov, whose dream is to make his society a great beacon for reason and discovery amidst the stifling ideologies of some of Planet's other factions. The University's status as a hub for the well educated and scientifically minded brings some truly astounding discoveries to the fore (+2 Research; new techs discovered 20% faster-extra free tech at the start of the game), though the nation's passion for inquisitive thought and scientific publishing makes them vulnerable to espionage (-2 Probe; enemy spy operations 50% cheaper and likelier to succeed) and utterly opposed to religion (Cannot use Fundamentalism), and the faction's lower classes are less than pleased with the usually... liberal ethical restrictions applied to their researchers. (One extra disgruntled lab rat Drone for every 4 citizens)

Morgan Industries
Morgan Industries is, at its core, capitalism personified. Led by CEO Nwabudike Morgan, funder of the Unity project, and backed by their leader's vast business expertise (and wealth-100 extra starting Energy), the faction aims to utterly dominate Planet's economic scene. The faction's economy benefits greatly from its nigh corporate nature (+1 Economy; 1 extra Energy at every base-double income from inter-faction trade), though the extravagant tastes of the citizens stifle military development (-1 Support; Each base can only support one unit before production starts to slow down), result in extravagant, high-maintainence housing (Max population without a Hab Complex is 4 instead of 7) and provoke fierce opposition to economic meddling (cannot use Planned economics).

Spartan Federation
The Spartan Federation does well to live up to its militarist namesake, long since lost to the mists of time. Flocking to the command of Colonel Corazón Santiago, the Spartans comprise the hardiest and most dedicated survivalists on Planet, (+2 Morale; troops start with a higher combat bonus) who, despite their right to freely bear arms, are an orderly and well-disciplined society (+1 Police; military units negate more Drones), if one with a dramatically inflated defence budget (-1 Industry; units/buildings 10% more expensive) and vocal opposition to "cushy" economic policies. (Cannot use the Wealth value) Their high military budget, however, lends itself to phenomenal military engineers (No extra cost for prototype units) and hardware. (Start with Scout Rover instead of Scout Patrol)

Sigh...Lord's Believers
Stupid Fundies who I won't be playing as. Moving on.

The Peacekeepers
The humanitarian paragons of the Peacekeepers make up the followers of Unity Chief Surgeon Commissioner Pravin Lal, a man dedicated to the preservation of human rights and U.N. law-and, perhaps, the only sensible person amongst the Unity crew. His freedom-loving society attracts the social elite (1 extra Talent for every four citizens) and civically-minded (Needs Hab Complex at pop 9 instead of 7) of Planet's citizens. In addition, his factional constitution and government-a near-carbon copy of the United Nations of old Earth-give his votes extra electoral weight (double votes for Planetary Governor and Supreme Leader elections), although bringing with it mounds of bureaucratic red tape. (-1 Efficiency; all bases far enough from the capital lose a bit more Energy)

An Eighth Faction?
Rumours amongst the Unity crew speak of a visionary-some would say legendary-savant of old Earth aboard the Unity, a genius beyond his time. A few even claim him to be a reincarnation of one of the great wise men of history-Nikola Tesla, Aristotle and Nicolaus Copernicus are all candidates. Some say that, despite his political ineptitude (No civic bonuses or penalties), he holds some critical insight into the core workings of the universe. (Start with Singularity Mechanics, a very advanced tech) A few even claim he walks aboard the Unity-fewer dare to place a name-Sid Meier.

Let voting commence!

Current vote tally:

University of Planet: 4-Winners
Spartan Federation: 1
Peacekeepers: 1
Human Hive: 1

2012-02-11, 11:31 AM
I vote for the mysterious Eigth Faction. Can I do that? (If not I vote University.)

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 11:41 AM
You can totally vote for the Mysterious Eighth Faction.

2012-02-11, 11:43 AM
I like the mysterious eighth faction. I usually end up making my own, anyways. If not, then I play the pirates from Alien Crossfire. Cities on the water? Yes, please!

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 11:45 AM
If I had the Expansion, I would probably be playing either the Cybernetic Conciousness (We are the Borg etc) or the Data Angels. (Free Datalinks? HELLZ YEAH!)

2012-02-11, 01:04 PM
If I had the Expansion, I would probably be playing either the Cybernetic Conciousness (We are the Borg etc) or the Data Angels. (Free Datalinks? HELLZ YEAH!)

Otherwise known as the faction of broken cheese and "How exactly do we constitute a faction again?" respectively :smalltongue:

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 01:07 PM
Sorry, shall I fetch the Manifold Usurpers? :smalltongue:

And sorry, are you voting here or just passing snide comments?

2012-02-11, 01:22 PM
I vote for the spartans, Go survivalists!

2012-02-11, 01:33 PM
"Passing Snide Comments?" I'll have you know that each of my painstakingly hand-crafted snide comments is personally delivered with the utmost care and attention :smalltongue:

My vote is for The Peackeepers since they suit the whole 'council' thing you have going and I don't really play as them very often.

Sorry, shall I fetch the Manifold Usurpers?
At least they have the excuse of being, y'know, aliens. They're kind of meant to be overpowered, hence the name of the expansion.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 01:39 PM
Well... Fair point. Now, the current vote count stands at:

Spartan Federation: 1
The Peacekeepers: 1

C'mon thread, start snowballing!

2012-02-11, 01:42 PM
We appear to have stumbled into a three-way. Tie. A three-way tie. Get your minds out of the gutter, people!

2012-02-11, 01:52 PM
Let's not break the tie: University of Planet, for great SCIENCE!

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 03:20 PM
Request for science: APPPROVED!

Spartan Federation: 1
Peacekeepers: 1

2012-02-11, 04:35 PM
Otherwise known as the faction of broken cheese and "How exactly do we constitute a faction again?" respectively :smalltongue:

All the expansion factions are broken cheese.

Anyway, we should do this for Science! After all, Sister Miriam is going to hate us whoever we are, so we might as well be the devil incarnate.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 04:51 PM
All the expansion factions are broken cheese.

Anyway, we should do this for Science! After all, Sister Miriam is going to hate us whoever we are, so we might as well be the devil incarnate.

... I'll take that as a vote for the University of SCIENCE!.

2012-02-11, 04:55 PM
All the expansion factions are broken cheese.
Free Drones weren't too bad, as I recall (Data Angels were actually a bit under-powered on release irrc, but suffered from the "How exactly are they a faction?" problem). Pirates are pushing it, but the cyborgs do kind of take the cake for having probably the single least weakening 'weakness' of the factions ("Oh no! However shall I overcome the disadvantage -1 Growth puts me at when all I have is a research bonus equal to the university's and an equally substantial bonus to efficiency? Woe is me").

2012-02-11, 04:58 PM
SCIENCE! Best way to win.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-11, 04:59 PM
One more University vote for an overwhelming majority, folks.

2012-02-11, 06:50 PM
Huh. I was just thinking about making this LP the other day.

Even with Alien Crossfire, I always play with the original seven factions because I find them much better balanced and love the atmosphere of the original game, which the gimmicky new factions detract from. My vote goes for the Hive.

2012-02-11, 07:57 PM
I say go University! With the boons of science we will crush all those small-minded luddites who oppose us, and at the same time usher in a new utopia of thought for our citizens! Although the 8th faction has me interested. But University it is, brother.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-12, 03:00 AM
And so, the Unity Representative Council has found its home in the researcher's haven of the University of Planet. Knowledge will flow like a river, and all (and we sadly mean all) shall be able to drink from it. We shall face disciplined survivalists, iron-fisted communists, stupid fundies and all manner of psionic nasties. And we shall succeed how?

With superior use of SCIENCE! Will begin playing sometime soon, expect update 1 within a week.

2012-02-12, 05:49 AM
That's the spirit!

2012-02-12, 06:27 AM
Aww, but University is the boring twink-faction that people always play, and here I was just about to vote for the Peacekeepers as well :smallfrown:

2012-02-12, 07:29 AM
Aww, but University is the boring twink-faction that people always play,
Probably inevitable that it was going to win a majority vote, really :smallfrown:

2012-02-12, 08:01 AM
I dunno, Morgan and Gaians are much better in some ways. Gaians can get one of the earliest diplomatic victories through REXing and food from fungus. Morgan can win an energy victory with ease, techs even faster than university AND has more money - the only problem is slow early growth.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-12, 08:30 AM
Eh, the votes have been cast. Network nodes for everyone!

2012-02-12, 10:49 AM
I dunno, Morgan and Gaians are much better in some ways. Gaians can get one of the earliest diplomatic victories through REXing and food from fungus. Morgan can win an energy victory with ease, techs even faster than university AND has more money - the only problem is slow early growth.

They usually require more advanced techniques to be twinkish though, whereas University are the first obvious choice due to the "techs = victory" mentality that most 4X gamers have (rightly) learned.

I'm sure the game will be interesting all the same, would just have been more interesting for me if it had been with someone other than the most played/abused faction. No matter

2012-02-12, 11:06 AM
FYI: I never won a game with the University. Something about the faction just don't mingle well with my playstyle. Hive or Spartians for me!

And only earthplaygrounders are invited to join? Damn, why am I always excluded from these things? :smallfrown:

2012-02-12, 09:10 PM
Chief Researcher Selpharia submits a white-paper that shows overwhelming evidence that members of the "Believers" faction are in fact what is scientifically termed "doody-heads" and hypothesizes that maximum amusement value would be gained from eradicating them as fast as possible, pausing only to rename their settlements to nouns or phrases demeaning their ideology.

I've had overwhelming success as the University military teching early and then crushing everyone around me and using the resultant breathing room to get fun things like Virtual World and other fun techs. Also, alien artifacts are tremendously good for the University

2012-02-13, 12:10 AM
Aww, but University is the boring twink-faction that people always play, and here I was just about to vote for the Peacekeepers as well :smallfrown:

Same. :smallbiggrin: I always loved playing Peacekeepers, despite their inherent disadvantages.

2012-02-13, 03:56 AM
Eh, I like SCIENCE but I prefer the Gaians. :smallsmile:

Thanks for the reminder though - I managed to find an old box set copy of Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire for cheap, need to get it working. :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-13, 07:23 AM
I believe it's too late, SCIENCE! as already won.
Okay, you guys can unhook the mass mind control device, need tweaking, though.

(One extra disgruntled lab rat Drone for every 4 citizens)

(I'm not familiar with the game. What are 'drones', Space Marxists revolutionaries ? (at leas tthat's how I understand it from the description of the factions))

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-13, 07:35 AM
A Drone is the series equivalent of an unhappy citizen-displeased, blue-collar city dwellers with an as of yet unexplained compulsion to stage mass riots if there is not an equal ammount of Talents-the happy citizens. No ammount of SCIENCE! has been able to determine the source of this compulsion, seeing as if they were in reality that unhappy, they would logically riot no matter how many other people were happy. The Free Drones are the Space Marxists, and an independent faction. In the expansion pack. Oh, and the SCIENCE! is a running gag, not mind control. Yep. Total free will in action.

In other news, I've been playing a test game with the same settings I will be using for the LP (Large random map, default settings, Talent, University) and things are fun. Using the power of SCIENCE!, I have enslaved the Believers-with what is, to me, outdated technology, have the only space program on Planet, a pact with the Gaians and generally good relations with the other two factions that still actually exist, and crank out triple digit energy credits every turn while maintaining a research rate of one tech every three turns. Orbital Power Transmitter spam is fun. In any case, I will probably get started with the actual LP either this evening or tomorrow. Stay tuned, fellow SCIENTISTS!

2012-02-13, 12:04 PM
A Drone is the series equivalent of an unhappy citizen-displeased, blue-collar city dwellers with an as of yet unexplained compulsion to stage mass riots if there is not an equal ammount of Talents-the happy citizens. No ammount of SCIENCE! has been able to determine the source of this compulsion, seeing as if they were in reality that unhappy, they would logically riot no matter how many other people were happy.

I guess drones just represent the general level of unhappiness and dissatisfaction in the city (and the faction in general). If there are more happy citizens, than it's sill a stable base, since the majority of the people support what goes on, and if it's the other way round, the support for the local commander is not strong enough to effectively run a society. Drones probably revolt all the time, or spray slogans on walls, throw bricks through windows etc. and they are likely fought by the police in whatever ways the current society offers, but the causes of dissatisfaction don't go away with the people. Or rather they do, but if you're that kind of society, the people, like the problems, tend to disappear... permanently.

2012-02-13, 12:06 PM
Get The Weather Paradigm early. Your economy will thank you.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-13, 12:20 PM
Sorry, what was that? I can't hear you over the sound of my VIRTUAL REALITY SYSTEM THAT I NEED TO RUN A STABLE SOCIETY! :smalltongue: Also, Gaians.

2012-02-13, 01:50 PM
The advantage of SCIENCE is that you can ensure your masses have the very finest opiate.

2012-02-13, 02:07 PM
The advantage of SCIENCE is that you can ensure your masses have the very finest opiate.

It also helps in producing the very finest nerve stapling technology.

What? :smalltongue:

2012-02-13, 02:26 PM
Well, the good scientist giveth, and the good scientist, he taketh away.

2012-02-13, 02:54 PM
You are serverly underestimating the Believers. Trust me, they kick six kinds of butt on the higher difficulty levels. The six other fractions butts, that is.

But University is ok on medium difficulty. The problem with higher difficulty levels is the research cost is very high, thus eating away your advantage and drones are more frequent and you don't need that on top of your inheirent drone penalty.

I propose that we go for a tech win as opposed to a conquest or other kind of victory. It seems appropriate, yes? Vote on this?

And just ignore the Belivers, When played by the IA, they will fall behind and be easy to mop up later. So too the Spartans. The Hive is much, much more dangerous. We can probably ally with the three others.

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-13, 03:05 PM
Voting on victory conditions.... I'm not terribly sure if we will vote on those. Transcendence is nigh-default for the University, Diplomatic will require significant good-relation-making with the other factions-which will probably come from giving Fusion Lasers to the Spartans and such wonderfully self-preservative methods and an economic victory is virtually impossible. However, a Military victory is quite a possibility. Our tech advantage can give us fast access to advanced weapons, fusion reactors, space programs etc. In other words, it might be possible to, for example, have a core net of bases churning out Nessus Mining Stations while cities closer to the front churn out singularity-firing flying tanks and such wonders. But this is a discussion for later times, when SCIENCE! reigns supreme.

2012-02-13, 03:45 PM
I definitely want to see a conquest victory. Make sure to check the box that allows you to permanently destroy people.

2012-02-13, 04:24 PM
What is this about the masses? Everyone knows the best use for science is impact rovers!

2012-02-13, 04:44 PM
Go for whichever Victory is fastest. My experience in SMAC has shown that you've usually taken control of the game by midgame (air power) and the rest of the game is a grooming exercise.

2012-02-13, 06:58 PM
Could switch to one of the other factions in the scenario editor and fight ourselves. That makes for much more epic lategame wars, since you're not guaranteed to roflstomp the AI with advanced tech.

2012-02-14, 09:24 AM
I dunno, Morgan and Gaians are much better in some ways. Gaians can get one of the earliest diplomatic victories through REXing and food from fungus. Morgan can win an energy victory with ease, techs even faster than university AND has more money - the only problem is slow early growth.

Even that isn't such a problem.

In my experience, Morgan is one of the most powerful and quickest-expanding factions in the game if you approach him with the right mentality: basically, use all your extra energy to hurry construction whenever possible from the very start of the game. I had trouble playing him at first because I always wanted to conserve energy for emergencies, but if you give yourself enough of an advantage early on by spending to the maximum extent possible, you'll be bringing in so much energy per turn by the time any other faction might pose a threat that you can easily pay to pump out military units at an overwhelming rate. And since higher difficulties make it more important to focus on keeping your drones from outnumbering your talents from the very beginning of the game, Morgan's smaller population limit is less of a disadvantage. (Lal, in turn, will have a hell of a time trying to take full advantage of his larger population limit early in the game, even with the extra talents.)

Agreed about Zakharov having less of an advantage on higher difficulties, especially with his extra drones mucking things up. Regardless of the victory condition you're shooting for, I'd rate Morgan, Skye, and Yang as the easiest leaders to play on transcendent. (Although it can vary depending on other factors such as starting position and map size, of course.)

Cyborg Mage
2012-02-19, 03:33 PM
Sorry about how long the update is taking, guys. Being fair, I have all the screencaps and am just being a bit lazy about actually typing up the stuff I need. I've had two projects to work on for school over the half term, got a download of Alien Crossfire which I was playing, then moved on to TF2-which it seems I am not as terribad at as I thought I was. That said, I'll try and get things done over the coming week/end.

2012-02-19, 05:26 PM
Even that isn't such a problem.

In my experience, Morgan is one of the most powerful and quickest-expanding factions in the game if you approach him with the right mentality: basically, use all your extra energy to hurry construction whenever possible from the very start of the game. I had trouble playing him at first because I always wanted to conserve energy for emergencies, but if you give yourself enough of an advantage early on by spending to the maximum extent possible, you'll be bringing in so much energy per turn by the time any other faction might pose a threat that you can easily pay to pump out military units at an overwhelming rate. And since higher difficulties make it more important to focus on keeping your drones from outnumbering your talents from the very beginning of the game, Morgan's smaller population limit is less of a disadvantage. (Lal, in turn, will have a hell of a time trying to take full advantage of his larger population limit early in the game, even with the extra talents.)

Agreed about Zakharov having less of an advantage on higher difficulties, especially with his extra drones mucking things up. Regardless of the victory condition you're shooting for, I'd rate Morgan, Skye, and Yang as the easiest leaders to play on transcendent. (Although it can vary depending on other factors such as starting position and map size, of course.)
True, sideways growth largely negates this problem for Morgan, but it means you need to ICS unless you can get a lot of land. I usually build out as far as possible and then fill in the gaps so my bases are all 3 squares away from each other. Then once rec commons are up everywhere (or I have the human genome project) swap to free market and wealth for huge energy on the base square. The way I play Morgan, HGP takes precedence over the weather paradigm.

2012-02-24, 02:27 PM
I just read that LP that is linked in the OP. I'm quite impressed. I wonder what difficulty he plays on.

2012-02-24, 05:14 PM
I say either outright war oder transcendence while keeping the other factions in their place, which is very much below you. Because war means ACTION!