View Full Version : [DnD 3.5] Do you have to charge in a straight line?

2012-02-11, 03:14 PM
My group kind of shifts around a bit on whether or not you have to charge in a perfectly straight line.

Can anyone tell me if it's really required or not, and a source for this answer?


2012-02-11, 03:18 PM
SRD link: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#charge

Though you can get around it...Like being a level 10 Urban Barbarian (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) or taking the Psionic Charge feat.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-11, 03:29 PM
Well, you have to make a perfectly straight line. The squares don't matter, so it can be at an angle, but it has to have a straight, unobstructed line unless you have something that bypasses that requirement (like a feat or class feature).

2012-02-11, 03:29 PM
See, I've read that, but I never saw the phrase "straight line". I know you can't charge through allies, or over obstructions.

The main concern is when there's an enemy far away, not around any allies, but isn't "technically" in a straight line from the player.

2012-02-11, 03:31 PM
While it still must be in a straight line unless you have the above methods, you can also use leap attack to ignore obsticles in a couple of squares. Has to be a minimum of 10 feet.

I also think there is a maneuver in ToB, Bounding Assault irrc, that lets you make two jump checks as part of a charge (but it never sais you have to be travelling in a straight line). I'm AFB, so I can't give more specifics then that, sorry.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-11, 03:32 PM
See, I've read that, but I never saw the phrase "straight line". I know you can't charge through allies, or over obstructions.

The main concern is when there's an enemy far away, not around any allies, but isn't "technically" in a straight line from the player.

Like I said, it has to be a straight line, but the squares don't have to be straight. The diagrams in the PHB show it has to be a straight line.

2012-02-11, 03:37 PM
I also think there is a maneuver in ToB, Bounding Assault irrc, that lets you make two jump checks as part of a charge (but it never sais you have to be travelling in a straight line). I'm AFB, so I can't give more specifics then that, sorry.

Someone has been watching Turkish Star Wars. :smallamused:

Edit: but just because it doesn't mention the straight line rule, doesn't mean it super-cedes it.

2012-02-11, 03:38 PM
See, I've read that, but I never saw the phrase "straight line". I know you can't charge through allies, or over obstructions.

The main concern is when there's an enemy far away, not around any allies, but isn't "technically" in a straight line from the player.

You must move at least 10 feet (2 squares) and may move up to double your speed directly toward the designated opponent.

It doesn't directly say 'straight line', but that's the functional result of this bit- every square you move has to put you closer to your charge target, or else you aren't moving directly toward the opponent.. which means you basically have to travel in a straight line unless you have some other ability that modifies your charge.

2012-02-11, 03:40 PM
Someone has been watching Turkish Star Wars. :smallamused:

I wish. Those monsterous translations are hilarious.... I'm just sleep deprived.

EDIT: My wife looked up Bounding Assault for me. It says you make a double move with a +2 to hit, but it counts as a charge for determining if feats or abilities will apply to the attack. So yeah, because it's not a "charge" in the traditional sense, no straight line needed.

EDIT: Trying to clean up my crazy, sleep deprived grammer.

2012-02-11, 05:05 PM
I also think there is a maneuver in ToB, Bounding Assault irrc, that lets you make two jump checks as part of a charge
Weird, I always assumed you could do this by default.

This reminds me of a charging tumbling (at -5 to get full speed) sneak attack rogue, which IIRC is legit because you're still moving at full speed.

2012-02-11, 05:33 PM
Weird, I always assumed you could do this by default.

This reminds me of a charging tumbling (at -5 to get full speed) sneak attack rogue, which IIRC is legit because you're still moving at full speed.

I was getting Bounding Assault Maneuver mixed up with something else. Don't even know... sounds like Leap Attack X2, but whatevs.

Never seen that rogue build though. Was there a mechanic that let the sneak attack work after first round on that one?

2012-02-12, 12:00 AM
See, I've read that, but I never saw the phrase "straight line". I know you can't charge through allies, or over obstructions.

Per the Rules Compendium, you can use a Jump check to leap over obstacles during a charge (Leap Attack not required).

Unfortunately, the Rules Compendium doesn't say if allies count as obstacles, or even defines what constitutes an obstacle.

2012-02-12, 02:00 AM
There's the skill trick Twisted Charge and the feat Fleet of Foot, that both allow 1 direction change during a charge, among other methods.

2012-02-12, 06:19 AM
Also, the PHB2 teamwork benefit Crowded Charge allows charging through allies' spaces, even if mounted.