View Full Version : Character Story Development and Optimization

2012-02-11, 09:43 PM
Drow Cleric Archer,Chao Hu Wiz, HaOrc Drunken Master, Ithillid, HaOrc Thief, Gnome Summoner, Child Halfling Bard.

I'm a newby and one of few inexperienced players. Constructive criticism, wisdom and experience is very welcome.

All good/neutral for good games. All for 3-3.5ed probably. generally 25 point buy or higher, low level games. 6-8 group games, probably moving from group to group, dm to dm [4 tables a night, 6-8 session blocks].

Hoping to pull other players into more roleplaying, less hack and slash. Want to [SORT OF] optimise all characters WHILST STICKING TO BACKGROUND.

For instance, Drow cleric archer can not be cloistered cleric as wouldn't fit back story of enlightened prison guard. But lets get the characters fleshed out and polished first. Pretty much everything up for change, unless stated, but comments always welcome as others will search and find. Please suggest models for those that need them.

No idea if plots will ever play out, just doing it for myself.
I want to work out feats and skills ahead of time, subject to change as cenario develops.

What do you think?

Please forgive the quality, first draft written at one am, up as babies screaming.


0:Emen Lonk female 1/4 orc warrior.


Origin Script:

31 years ago a soldier, my true father was fighting for his country. He was odered to wipe out an infestation of Orcs. After fighting valiently on the front line, killing the grown male warriors, he moves through the battle ground to find Less honourable comrades slaughtering the women and children. Disgusted he threatens and dismissed them, saying he will finish and kill the final child. He finds he can not kill an innocent, especially as it looks so small and weak compared to the other slain children. She looked that way because she was a Half Orc. I am a half Orc. He rescued me and fled from the army, running as fast as he could, knowing it was the only way to save my life. He taught me everything I know. Eventually I started hiring my self out to adventurers. This was a hard learning experience. I am used to being an outsider, but I was surprised by the level of trechery I encountered again and again. I learned to be smart, so I still live. I am not used to being accepted like this.

"what happened to your father"

*long pause, BLANK looks down, gripping the handle of her greatsword before looking mournfully at PERSON*

He was strung up and labelled a agent of darkness. He was slaughtered for caring for me.

*Blank turns her head to the side and walks away, pretending to inspect SOMETHING*

A Deceptively kind and caring soal, with a hatred for her own ruthless streak, she is truly her adoptive fathers daughter. Although, unbeknownst to her at this point, she owes her temper to her biological father. She looks for gold for a safe and quiet life, acceptance from those who share her ideals and information on the orders that led to the slaughter of her entire tribe, and almost her self as an infant.

What effects does her becoming close to male fighters effect the dynamic of the group and their relationship?

Eventally becomes clear that biological father was an evil prince, who cruel and bored decision let to his three head guards kidnapping and restraining the 1/2 Orc mother to be as the Prince did his wicked deed. Emen then vows to hunt down the Guards to take vengence, and find out where the Prince is.

How will she, a monster, fight the crown. Will her new friends support her dangerous and impossible quest?

2012-02-11, 09:44 PM
drow usurper. Chaotic Good.low class prison outcast guardemplored by npc pc player characters, one of which is cleric of GOD. cleric barely fails to persuade drow to free them. due too circumstances, comanding soldiers walk in, startle her and talk her around, leaving the prisoners locked up. Minor intervention from god, persuades drow and she frees them, world view shattered she flees the drow world, eventually catches up with NPC PC's, joins them and trains to become cleric of GOD. in future discovers pregnant with child of GOD. GOD is god of hating drow.

Group roll: Plot element, Ranged damage, healing, buffing.


2012-02-11, 09:45 PM
B: Chaotic neutral elderly male human wizard.

Secretly a gnome, cursed to take human form by evil sorceress. Homeland extremely zenophobic and racist and hating of humans due to past actions. Eventually time travels to cause said events, which get misunderstood and mis taught over time. On mission to return to his normal form, find artifacts of extreme power, find sorceress and take revenge. Desperately needs to find way home too wife and family. scrys for them constantly.

Frustrated, alienated and alone he acts out in ways he thinks harmless to entertain himself and hurt people the way he had been hurt. He picks a party member starting with the dumbest or meanest, and slowly twists their world view. he convinces them they are insane, that the other party members are out toget them, that everything is about them and the attacks are attempt on theyre life alone, inducing mad paranoia.

Refusal to admit scale and impossibility of task.

Group Roll: Plot element, Spell caster, magic detector, creator of magic items. Cause of much fun and roleplaying!

2012-02-11, 09:46 PM
C: GrandSon of drunken master, lawful neutral, when drunk, human mother becomes pregnant with half orc. when ostracised, malnourished the 1/2 orc child is born smaller than average. Mother dies in child birth, grandfather there just too late too save her. Over his only childs body, bleeding out in the cold rain, holding a screaming monster, he vows to take revenge on those who's actions led to mother/daughter death.

1/2 orc male learns too become neutral good drunken master, following fathers mad mission of revenge and bloody misguided justice. what should he do? what is the opinion of his team mates? how will this make him react to there stories?

Group Role: Plot element, Melle combat, meat shield, guiding compass [to vengence!]


2012-02-11, 09:47 PM
D: SOMETHING Ithillid falls through a portal. Neutral Good. Lukily he isn't imidiately slaughtered by a party of PC's. In the large city with its huge varyance of species and dark mysterious underworld he survives and strives to learn about the magic of the land, what hispowers are, who ihe is and where he came from. Having to deal with evil characters, and appearing tobe evil to all he meets leads to many complications, and slowly unravels the truth of who,a nd what, he is.

Group Role: Plot element, spell caster, conection to underworld resources. spy.


2012-02-11, 09:52 PM
E: younge half orc thief orphan, Chaotic neutral. used to using his wits and size to stay ontop does a good deed in a tight spot. he is noticed by a party of heroes and becomes swept up in there adventure, amazed at how much gold is in his future. Instinctively he steals from those that he trusts the least, and even those he is closet too on occasion, but he returns those items to those he trusts when he can. lineage is unknown, but clues keep appeaing. seems his birth was due to the evil actions of a dark prince. The result of his actions led to slaughter and ruin, and evidence leads to suggest he was being guided by someone, but who and for what purpose? Vengence for his mother must be had. Asuming he can stay alive long enough.

Group Role: Rogue/bard., sneak, move, stealth, scout, Good asassin?


2012-02-11, 09:53 PM
F: Gnome summoner, chaotic good, obsessed with pranks and pushing boundaries. out for the fun off pushing characters,especially lawful good, into actions of haste and wickedness. Out for the fun of it all. Long green hat, implies may have taken it from a mute elf boy he once fought after finding him abusing chickens in a market square. Any other jokes/references wanted please!

Group Role: Spell caster, source of roleplayng.


2012-02-11, 10:25 PM
G: human child half bard knife thrower. bard? lost and bewildered in horrifying scary world. hunted by X type of monster as spell cast on her when infant to save her life marked her. older than she looks, halfling ancestory a secret, something of a con artist about her.

Group Role: Roleplaying elent, ranged damage, rogue or bard.