View Full Version : Mysteries of the Moor [IC]

2012-02-12, 07:29 PM
Welcome to the tavern Ragrulf's Folly. This is the place to start your adventure. With 50% more shadowy corners. 1 Cookie to whoever gets that reference.
Here you will find men and women from all walks of life. Good luck adventurer you'll need it.

2012-02-12, 08:54 PM
Aeric Silverleaf

A man of average appearance sporting a light beard of light brown and short cut hair that reveals his slightly pointed ears, sits back in a booth near the inns fireplace, clearly unafraid of showing his face. He wears an explorer's outfit in shades of red and tan and a set of armor with a theme of waves and wind. A cutlass sits on his left side, a peace chord tied over the hilt. He drinks deeply of the ale in his hand and surveys the room with a bored look.

2012-02-13, 01:19 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

A short, wild-looking man sits near the rear of the tavern, his back to the wall. His small orange-brown eyes peer out from a forest of thick brown hair, heavy mutton chops on the bottom and shaggy locks on top. His features are heavy and brutish, with a large nose and mouth. He, too, looks around the room, but with an impatient, cagey air. A long, curved blade sits on one hip, while a longbow is slung from the other and a heavy-looking pack sits at his feet. Clearly waiting for someone, the man looks to be in the establishment against his preference.

2012-02-13, 08:00 AM
Travan Naivin

A small but muscular elf with pale skin and hair sits at a table nearest to the door. He sits facing the entrance, his bearskin cloak hanging across the back of his chair. Even in this temperate clime, Travan wears the rest of his heavy clothing. A few beads of sweat can be seen on his brow if one looks closely enough. Far from uncomfortable from this, he seems very at ease; as though the sweat is reminding him that the heat he feels is real and not the result of delusion inducing cold. His scimitar hangs semi-loosely at his left side and ready to be drawn at the first sign of danger.

2012-02-13, 09:42 AM
Giselle Hurnal

In through the doors of the establishment enters a hooded figure. Despite the black cloak concealing most of the person’s features, her petite yet curvaceous body betrays her gender. The hood manages to conceal most of her brown hair, and the darkness obscures her face, safe her soft peach lips. Though it is unable to disguise her build, the cloak does hide most of her physical features, baring her long brown boots, the bag slung over her shoulder, and the guard of a sheathed blade.

After surveying the room, she notices a burly figure at the rear of the facility. She strides to the end of the tavern, and takes a seat next to him, leaving her bag at the base of her chair, and crossing her slender legs.

2012-02-13, 11:33 AM
You smell him before you see him, a gaunt man in ill-fitted leather, with a travel-cloak covered in mud and leaves. A massive, beautifully carved and fitted composite bow - taller and in far better condition than himself - is unstrung, and you note painfully that it's being used as a temporary walking stick. A backpack hanging with far too many lanterns dangles from his back on its worn straps, half of them unfilled. He enters the tavern with a perfect tempo, "Shuffle, Shuffle-Thump. Shuffle, Shuffle-Thump. Shuffle, Shuffle-Thump." By his hair and face, you can tell he spends much of his time outdoors, under the sun. By his wind and rain-worn skin, you see that the sun sometimes ran and hid from his attentions.

The man pauses to survey the room once, briefly upon entry, and with a delighted demeanour, his shuffling and thumping quickly brings him beside the man with the grumpy face. He orders a milk from the barmaid when she rounds his way. Turning to the man, he remarks, "I see you've been waiting for the fish a while! I heard it was delicious. Fresh, too, they say! Imagine, fresh fish, here!" He looks around, scrutinizing the room, imagining fresh fish, here.

2012-02-13, 10:53 PM
Aeric Silverleaf

Intrigued by the woman who has entered the bar, Aeric will make his way from his current spot to a seat next to her. He leans over and says with a smile so what is your story? You seem a bit out of place in this place. I mean, obviously you can take care of yourself, carrying a sword like that, but it still is something new, and I can't resist new things. As he finishes talking, Aeric will lean back and down the rest of his ale, ordering another, and looking towards the women with a look asking if she would also like one.

2012-02-13, 11:06 PM
Sitting in one of the spare shadowy corners, a grey haired man takes a sip of his ale, watching the conversations play out.

Finally finishing the glass, Eileifr stands, revealing his suprising height, as well as the sword carried at his side, and picks up the glass, heading to the bar to return it and gather another drink.

2012-02-14, 05:51 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

The short, gruff man seated in the corner watches the hooded woman approach casually. He makes no motion or sound until after she sits. Canavr's features immediately soften, though it'd be hard to describe exactly what changed from one moment to the next. He opens his mouth to speak, but before he can utter a word a young half-elf sits beside him. The newcomer ignores the shorter, aging man in favor of his hooded companion. Canavar waits patiently for the half-elf to pitch his woo, and then makes a speech of his own. "Then I suggest you work on improving your self-discipline, because this conversation doesn't end well for you." Canavar's voice is deeper than it has any right to be, given his size. It rumbles forth with a terrible calm holding back something much darker, like a natural disaster in the making. "You're not getting what you're after; not here, not now."

2012-02-14, 08:41 AM
The woman turns her head slightly, and gives a cautious glance towards the stranger that approached her. While her overlay still provided much cover for her face, her luminous blue eyes easily break through the darkness it provided.

At the sound of the words of the man next to her, a jolt of surprise and fear flows down her spine. Knowing better, she averts her eyes from the half-elf. She returns her gaze back to a forward position, her face obscured by her hood once more, only looking towards someone when the barmaid asks for her drink.

"Do you serve any juice here? If not, might I please request some water? Thank you." Despite the lightness and modesty of her voice, both the way she carried herself and a hint in her tone betray symptoms of the upper-class.

2012-02-14, 12:37 PM
"Grumpyman, you gotta stick to the script!" he says, elbowing mister grump'n'rumbles in the side, "Right now, he just wants a little chat-up - You're supposed to jump in when he gets handsy, be the dashing hero!" Thomas' breath is as rank as the rest of him, and it wafts out and over the nearby area with his wheezing laughter. You swear you can see it. Heck, you swear you can taste it. "And you mister elfman - you're supposed to flirt shamelessly from across the room, before cautiously approaching - with roses! No, I don't know how you got roses this time of the year. That's the beauty of it!"

All the while, slapping his knee and sloshing his milk on himself, you can see where his odour was acquired. Charming.

2012-02-14, 03:23 PM
Aeric Silverleaf

I can see how my words could have been misconstrued. I was merely asking how she came here, nothing more. If you're saying she will not tell me, so be it, perhaps you can tell me the Half-Elf will say to the grumpier man, to make the lady more comfortable, I will stop that line of questioning, and I apologize for making her uncomfortable. I did not think how I may have come across with that line of questioning. I will pay for your drink though, as I did offer to. I hope that introducing myself will not be misconstrued, my name is Aeric Silverleaf.

2012-02-14, 05:41 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

For a moment, Canavar seems more overwhelmed than his shapely companion, but he recovers quickly. "She can do whatever she wants, elfling. It's you that I'm worried about. You," he says, turning to the most horrendous stench he'd ever encountered on a living creature. "Are even worse. At least I know what he's trying to get out of this; what could possibly possess you to assault my senses and my conversation?"

2012-02-14, 07:22 PM
Taken aback - and indeed, looking a bit hurt, Thom intones - "Well, you're obviously sitting next to the queen, which makes you the king!" he says, now manic, pointing at each of you in turn. "And he's the rook. Which makes me the knight. And over there in the corner being dark and mysterious is the bishop, but I'm not quite sure how diagonal he's skewed." A little louder with each declaration, "And that makes all the rest of you pawns!" He's obviously pleased with himself for figuring all of this out first. "But I have no idea what any of it means, do you?"

2012-02-14, 09:07 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

An eyebrow raised, Canavar can't help but respond to the question. "It means that you're on the wrong side of the board."

2012-02-14, 10:14 PM
"Well I never said which knight I was," he feigns shock. "But the players should be here soon..."

2012-02-14, 10:42 PM
Bishop? Diagonal? Travan thinks, confused.

"Your words are strange to me, human. Exactly what is the meaning behind them? He replies, intent on understanding the man's unfamiliar words.

2012-02-14, 10:42 PM
Aeric Silverleaf

Aeric sits while the two argue about chess, wondering to himself well, I did want something interesting to happen, and I guess this does count as interesting. He takes a drink of his Ale and says to the girl next to him, so, quite the protector you have there. He seems fond of you.

2012-02-14, 10:55 PM
The woman had rarely ever had a moment such as now to appreciate how interesting a floor looked.

As she stared into the ground, she found herself mentally encumbered; she was conflicted between a desire to show basic ettiquite towards Aeric, despite the fact that she knew it to be a rather foolish decision, and the wish to speak out on her own behalf, in words that might be easier to hear, even though her companion was performing a valiant job of overseeing her.

If that wasn't enough, she found herself fighting as hard as she could to repress the fit of giggles planted by the repugnant yet humorous man. She managed to keep herself contained, and continued to sip her drink.

2012-02-14, 11:00 PM
Well, you're quiet. Nothing wrong with that. At least you're more pleasant smelling than the funny one next to your friend Aeric will say with a small laugh at the mans antics. Even one as unschooled in etiquette as he was could tell when he was making someone uncomfortable. He resigned to drink quietly and sit next to the quiet woman.

2012-02-14, 11:10 PM
The woman gently set her drink down for a moment. She turned her head to steal another look at the half-elf, then immediately returned her gaze to its previous position.

She retrieved her glass again, and then brought it to her lips. She paused before taking a sip. "... Thank you...” she murmured in her demure voice, modesty and politeness finally outweighing self-concern. She immediately continued to sip.

2012-02-14, 11:23 PM
Don't mention it Aeric will say, a small smile crossing his lips as he takes another drink of his Ale and continues to watch the insane man talk to the girl's companion and the buff elf.

2012-02-15, 12:52 PM
"Well you're all the way over there," he says over the heads of the others, "And you're certainly not a pawn," he says, looking around, "and we've covered the other bases... Or did you mean literally? Because they're bits in a game! You must have heard of it, it's called Chest. I'm not very good at it, but I'm sure the barkeep would have a set or two. He can show you! Or I could show you!"

2012-02-16, 09:11 AM
Canavar kizarmis

Looking like he's about to go mad, Canavar takes a moment to visibly calm himself down before speaking. "Maybe this wasn't such a good place to meet." he says to his companion. "Would you like to go to some other place?"

2012-02-16, 10:55 AM
As you start to discuss leaving the door slams open and a group of people come in as a cheer rises up from the patrons of the bar. The large warrior in the front goes up to the bar and slams down a Platinum piece.
"Drinks for everybody."
With that he holds up a large spear.
"We just took down the ogre lord of the old queen ruins. Me and my adventuring companions."
With this he launches into a long story of adventure.
His companions are an elven mage, a dwarven lockbreaker, and a human ranger with a hawk companion. The warrior himself is a human. All of them are in their adventuring gear still.

2012-02-16, 02:47 PM
Thomas giggles in squirmy, fitful, uncontrollable bursts.

2012-02-16, 03:12 PM
"Many thanks, friend!" Eileifr says to the adventurer as the bartender refills his drink.

As he returns to his table, he pauses as he hears the snickering, turning to see Thomas.

"Might I ask what you find so entertaining?" He asks, heading to near the archer.

2012-02-16, 04:45 PM
"You might," he says with another giggle.

2012-02-16, 04:48 PM
Well aren't we just proud as a Roc during mating Aeric will say quietly to the woman next to him. He is happy to accept the free drink though, and he pays for the others he has drank so far, as well as the young woman's drink. Any argument from her will be met with him not allowing her to pay for it.

2012-02-16, 05:17 PM
The woman was tempted to speak again, but her attention was interrupted by the group that had just entered the bar. Her glance breaks away from its previous focus and follows the team as they make their way through the bar.

After a moment of study, she recognizes who she was watching. Despite being taught otherwise, she finds herself staring at them, her peach lips ever so slightly agape, and her cup resting in her hands.

She eventually catches herself, and shakes her head, accidentally revealing a few strands of her long, light brown hair. She unlocks her gaze from the adventurers, and returns her view back to its normal position, but not without a couple of continued glances. Her hearing focuses as she tries to make out the details of what must be an interesting story.

2012-02-17, 01:35 AM
"Typically, when asked if one might ask a question, it means that the person asking is actually asking the question they asked if they could ask." Eileifr says with a bemused smirk on his face. "At any rate, what is it that you find so amusing?"

2012-02-17, 06:53 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

The short, grumpy man in the corner looks incredibly uncomfortable. Still, Canavar orders another mug so long as its not on his tab. The situation must really be getting to him, because as soon as his ale arrives he attempts to swim in it.

2012-02-17, 09:10 AM
The woman remembers what she intended to say, and turns to her comrade. She speaks to him, her dulcet tones almost inaudible due to her unwillingness to speak much further beyond a whisper.

"I apologize for the displeasure. If you are uncomfortable, I would be perfectly willing to follow you to a more appropriate location."

2012-02-17, 10:59 AM
"Is that so?" Tom replies, raptly intent on the bishop now. "And what does it mean if I forgot why I was laughing when the other adventurer started laughing?" Conspiratorially, he whispers, "...do you think he stole my laughter?"

2012-02-18, 12:42 AM
Spot check naow
DC 15You see a man walk over to the mage and start talking to him. Sense motive DC 15He is very desperate. He needs the mage for something.The mage makes a dismissive gesture and the man stomps to the bar.

2012-02-18, 07:36 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

Canavar debates internally for a moment before responding to Giselle. He can tell that something big is about to happen and he doesn't want to miss it, but on the other hand, his ward could get hurt in the chaos. "It's hardly your fault, but, yes, it might be best to leave now. I'm not sure what's going on, but this place is getting weirder every moment."

2012-02-18, 10:35 AM
"You can't leave just yet," Thomas intones, quite hushedly, "One of the players has just arrived, and had words with their bishop. The opening move is about to be played, can't you feel it? Like watching a twig being snapped under-foot in dense forest. How exciting!"

2012-02-19, 09:10 PM
Travan turns his head to face the admonishing ranger and replies, "My apologies, but I meant no offense to you and yours. My only intent was to remain aware of my surroundings." Seemingly mollified, the ranger returns to his companions.

Seeing an opportunity for adventure, Travan makes for the bar and strikes up a conversation with the man so easily dismissed by the mage. "You know, there are other adventurers to be found. Ones that would not consider your task to be beneath them. I certainly would not."

2012-02-19, 10:03 PM
The ranger "Fine just don't do it again."

2012-02-20, 11:30 PM
If Giselle's gaze could be felt, she would have been able to drill holes into the section of the floor she had been staring at since she first sat down. Yet her gaze continues to find their way back to that spot after addressing her companion. Despite not locking eyes with him, she speaks to the smelly man.

"...we're not really... exciting..." She responded, her shyness still holding back her tone. "...hopefully you will have fun..."

With that, she stood from her spot, and gathered her bag. She had all but turned around to leave, her black cloak flowing about her, when she stopped. She turned around again, and performed a curtsey.

2012-02-21, 07:04 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

The petite woman's companion gets up to leave as well, striding over to her to whisper "I understand the need for these rituals as well as anyone, but you shouldn't be drawing attention to yourself like this."

2012-02-21, 03:48 PM
Daisuke "You would do this. Do you have some friends? I don't think you could do this alone."
Sorry for the delay, Daisuke.

2012-02-21, 11:51 PM
"Why don't you elaborate on what task you have in mind. And after, I'm sure that we can work together to find those sympathetic to your cause." Travan says, already having some individuals in mind, but knowing not to make too many presumptions of them.

2012-02-22, 12:27 AM
Traven "Our village is being attacked by spirits. We can't do anything about them we need help." He is really desperate.

2012-02-22, 01:37 AM
"The other player's arrived! Quickly, to the squares! To the squares!" Thom tugs at the others as he passes them, notably excited. At the door, he stops, and strings his bow - unheedful of those sending looks his way, and he takes his first step out the moment his bow's draw has been tested once, twice, THREE! - He's off in a sprint!

...Only to return a short minute later, "Where are we off to, now?"

2012-02-22, 04:38 PM
Just a minute princess Aeric will call out to the woman as she begins to leave. He will quickly make his way over towards her and say You never gave me your name

He doesn't know Giselle's real identity, he was just trying to find a way to address her without knowing her name

2012-02-22, 08:06 PM
Giselle turns to her companion, and whispers to him.

DC 15 Listen Check for anyone except Lyndworm trying to listen in.
"It may be wiser to forgo such acts, yes. However, things are much different now than they were when I first traveled. Especially since I have your protection."She smiled at him.

The smile slightly fades when she heard Aeric's words. She manages to keep her composure, despite her heart skipping a beat at the label she received. Without turning to lock eyes with him, she responds.

"... my name is Suzanne." she replies, doing her best to avoid betraying anything more in her tone.

To Falconknight06, and anyone else paying attention to Giselle.
Bluff Check: [roll0]
After her responce, she attempts to lock eyes with Canavar, hoping he could catch on without needing to have clarified.

2012-02-23, 02:43 PM
Well, Suzanne Aeric will say quietly to the woman, clearly showing he knows she is lying, but not pushing the point, perhaps I could accompany you and your companion as you leave the bar? Things are getting a bit too crowded in here for my tastes.

2012-02-23, 07:02 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

"Just where is it that you think you'd be following us, lecher?" asks the wild-looking man aggressively. "I'm not a big enough fool to allow you to follow us around, and it should be obvious to anyone legitimately interested that Suzanne doesn't reciprocate." Canavar gently places an arm around his companion's shoulder, an unmistakable sign of both possession and protection. "I already regret coming to this place this evening. Don't make me make you regret it, too."

2012-02-23, 07:17 PM
Well it seems to me that you are trying to hide something, and the fact that I figured that out means you are not doing a very good job, and you could probably use all the help you could get. Lechery is not in fact why I've offered, but rather to give you the cover you need to storm out of this establishment without anyone wondering why you would leave so abruptly. What better reason than to escape some odd fellow who won't leave you alone. Now, shall we begin our little play? Aeric will say quickly and quietly to Canavar, preparing himself for a desperate "follow the damsel" act.

2012-02-23, 07:29 PM
"Which part of a village getting attacked did you not understand?" Thomas shouts, "Now, lead the way!"

2012-02-23, 07:41 PM
Thomas His eyes grow wide. "Thank you, thank you! he's starting to regain hope.

2012-02-23, 08:07 PM
Her heart beating furiously against her chest, Giselle intended to speak to Aeric, when her protector interjected for her. She considered adding to his view, in addition to trying to figure out exactly how much her mysterious paramour may know about her, when the scented individual's words ran through her thoughts like an arrow.

Giselle allows her focus to guide her, and approaches him. "Um... pardon me..." she says. "But what did you mean?"

2012-02-23, 08:57 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

Somewhat intrigued by the crazed man's shout himself, Canavar moves closer to him right alongside "Suzanne." He stops a bit earlier, however, about halfway between the half-elf and the young woman. He eyes the former warily, but doesn't speak.

2012-02-24, 06:31 AM
"Tell me, friend; what manner of spirits plague your home? Any information you can give would be of help in ending this threat." Travan pushed further, looking to gain all of the details before setting out.

2012-02-24, 12:58 PM
Daisuke "They're ghosts and they only attack at night. But they become solid on the monastery grounds. They haven't attacked the monastery yet but there are more every night."

2012-02-24, 01:17 PM
Ghosts that become solid in certain places? Have you heard of something like this before? Aeric will whisper to Canavar, clearly past the whole situation from earlier

2012-02-24, 06:49 PM
"Ghosts, you say?" Eileifr starts with a smirk. "Well, I happen to know a thing or too about fighting them."

With that, a strange aura appears around his arm, fog roiling off of it.

"They tend to fold after a few hits, for some reason."

2012-02-26, 03:09 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

"No, I haven't," says Canavar, eying the half-elf distastefully. "Which probably means that these creatures aren't anywhere close to natural."

2012-02-27, 12:34 PM
The warrior trying to tell his story screams, "All of you SHUT-UP." :smallfurious: Everyone is watching you all.

2012-02-27, 12:58 PM
Finally starting to realize what was going on, Giselle intended to speak to the heroes assisting the man with the ghost problem, when Garald's shout fills the room. Despite the need, nay the requirement, for a low profile, Giselle could not allow herself to remain silent.

"As experienced a hero you must be, Garald," she started speaking "and as exciting a tale as your latest quest was, not only is this a public establishment, but there is a gentleman here who has a problem that could desperately use assistance. And his rights are just as important as yours." Her words are calm and dignified, yet hold a tone of tranquil fury. Her normally shy nature was temporarily erased as duty and compassion took hold.

"If you truly wish to speak your peace without interruption, I suppose I can oblige you, although it is truly unbecoming of someone of your stature to be so rude." she finishes speaking to him, and walks over to the counter.

"Please pardon my outburst." Giselle says to the bartenders "Hopefully it will not preclude me from receiving continued service here. I was under the impression that this facility had private booths available. If so, and if it is not too much trouble, might I please request one for..." she asks as she turns around and counts, noting Canavar and Aeric, and the enthusiasitc archer, as well as the two gentlemen already assisting the man in need. "... seven people, if you would be so kind. I will gladly pay for such a service, as well as the refreshments for all involved."

2012-02-27, 01:09 PM
After your outburst the Garald looks confused and Joryl chuckles to himself. Hildegarde is drinking and Holim sits in his chair. It looks like he is asleep.
The bartender smiles and leads you to a booth partially cut off from the rest of the room.
"I know the warrior is annoying but he is popular." He lights the lantern over the booth "This should give you enough privacy to talk."

2012-02-27, 07:55 PM
Aeric's face is one of shock and joy at the young woman's outburst. As the group sits at the table he'll say to her quietly well well, seems like you aren't as quiet as you originally seem. Good job!

2012-02-28, 01:10 PM
"Please forgive me for being so presumptuous." Giselle spoke to the trio at the bar. "But, if I am correct, I believe you" she motions towards the man "have a bit of a problem involving ghosts with your home, and you two" motioning toward the adventurers talking with him "intended to assist him, correct? I would be happy to help in any way I can, and I'm certain I know a few others who would also be willing to help. But before we move out, I would like to request any more information I can, if time is not of the essence. If no one objects, maybe we can speak at a more private setting?" she asks, throwing a dark glance from under her hood towards the "hero" obsessed with his story and his party members, before continuing to speak. "Would the three of you please accompany me to the prepared sitting arrangement?"

Giselle turns towards the private booth, and then speaks a little louder. "Canavar? Aeric? May you please join me? And hopefully the energetic knight would like to join the pieces on the other side of the board, and hear the rules of the game before he makes his move." she speaks, a hint of amusement in her light hearted voice.

As Giselle nears the booth, she nods to the bartender. "Thank you for everything." She hands him a platinum coin. "Hopefully this should cover all of our services, including those prior. And while Garald and his team are decent adventurers, it does not give him, or anyone, the right to be so impolite. If you don't mind my asking, could you please bring me a second drink?"

As she sits, taking a comfortable spot on the inside, Giselle hears Aeric's words. "In this sort of place, someone like me should lay low. But some things must be said." she quietly yet sternly responds. She then looks Aeric straight in the eye, and offers him not only an additional peak at her face, but the most sincere, sweet smile she could muster, before looking at the rest of those she called to the table.

2012-02-28, 07:05 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

Settling into the booth, Canavar is pleased to see his companion speaking with such enthusiasm, though he can't help but be a little worried for her in a place like this. Throwing a hand up to be seen, he orders a drink. Canavar sighs heavily before saying "Please, continue your story."

2012-02-29, 12:42 AM
From the doorway, the excited Tommy hurries over toward the group, "Something funny," he says, staring directly into the eyes of the lady, "Now where'we off to? Them ghosts ain't gonna spook themselves!"

2012-02-29, 01:34 AM
Intimidated by the peculiar individual, Giselle retreats as far as she can into the corner of the booth, all but completely obscured by her hood and cloak. The feelings that welled within her and granted her the courage to speak in this setting were finally swallowed by her sensitivity, and she fell silent, waiting for a responce from the others.

2012-02-29, 01:36 AM
Setting down the glass the bartended had given him, half full, Eileifr shoots a glare towards Garald.

"Hm. I had assumed, due to the fact that you just walked in here and bought everyone a drink, that you'd have at least some empathy. Bartender, I'll pay for this ale of mine before I leave." He says, still glaring at the adventurer, before breaking off the look and heading towards the table.

"Oh, and one more thing." He says, pausing in his step and raising his left arm.

"You haven't even heard loud yet."

And with that, he snaps his fingers, a shrill whine emanating from around his hand for several seconds, before he continues towards the booth.

"So. Let's get down to business." Eileifr says cheerily, thunking his mug onto the table.

2012-02-29, 05:15 AM
"Indeed, I do intend to help this man with his troubles. And it warms my heart to see that you do as well." Travan says, a faint smile on his face as he follows Giselle into the booth. After settling into the seat, he then turns to the man with a new set of questions.

"How long ago did these restless dead begin accosting your home? Can you think of anything at all that might have happened to have awakened their ire?"

2012-02-29, 01:10 PM

Aeric will return the woman's smile, clearly pleased that she seems to care about the plight of others. He will sit next to Canavar, sure to keep him between Aeric and the woman to help her feel more comfortable. He will then listen to the story of the ghosts that need taken care of

2012-03-01, 10:04 AM
"They started about a fortnight ago. They didn't do much till a week ago. Then they attacked a couple of people but they ran to the monestary and the ghosts turned back. Since then it has been getting worse. As far as I know no one from the village has done anything out of the ordinary.

2012-03-01, 05:25 PM
"...pardon me please ..." the woman asks, her whisper barely audible by those at the table. "... but where exactly do you live, good sir? ... how far away might a trip to your home be?"

2012-03-01, 10:12 PM
"If you start out first thing in the morning you'll be there by nightfall."

2012-03-02, 03:45 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

With a blank stare towards the man in need, Canavar asks "On foot, or on horseback? Or in a wagon-train? What's the terrain like, there? The more information we have on the situation, the better we can aid you."

2012-03-03, 03:42 PM
"On foot sir. We are right in the middle of the moorlands. You can see a long way on the moors. Then there's the monestary up on the hill."

2012-03-04, 02:18 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

"A monastery? I can't help but feel like that's going to come up again."

2012-03-04, 06:53 PM
"Knowing how these things turn out, I'd say it's probably the cause of the ghosts, somehow." Eileifr mutters, listening to the conversation.

"Out of curiosity, is there pay for ridding you of these ghosts?" He asks, raising his voice from the mutter and looking to the man speaking of the ghosts.

2012-03-04, 09:34 PM
"... how difficult or swift would it be for a horse drawn carriage to make such a journey? And I still do not believe you revealed your home... or your name, good sir." Giselle piped in from her corner.

2012-03-05, 12:25 PM
Aeric looks at the man inquiring about payment with a noticeable lack of subtlety. He then says perhaps payment is better discussed after we've dealt with the problem

2012-03-06, 12:55 AM
"We have payment and your carriage will be perfectly fine."

2012-03-06, 06:00 AM
"To damn with payment," Thom says, throwing handfuls of glittering coins in all directions, "LET'S SAVE A TOWN."

1-200 gold has just been subtracted from Thomas' accounts

2012-03-06, 03:47 PM
Aeric will stare at the crazy man with a look of boredom as several coins hit his face. He will turn to the assembled group and ask Well, apparently the smelliest of us is willing to help. Shall we get a count of who else is in for this little adventure? Having a headcount at sea is always important, in case someone falls overboard. I can't see it being detrimental on dry land.

2012-03-06, 06:19 PM
At Aeric's words, Giselle speaks, still but barely over a whisper: The bit of nerve that had nearly regrown was scared away by the coin-attack. ".... I would like to help. And I'm sure my friend would assist us...."

2012-03-07, 05:01 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

"Of course I'll help!" exclaims Canavar, spiritedly. "Everyone deserves a home; what use is a man without one?"

2012-03-08, 03:53 AM
"No, not 'to damn with payment'. Adventurers have to pay for their gear too, you know." Eileifr grumbles, before motioning to the bartender that he'd like another glass.

"What? This is a perfectly reasonable expense, especially when getting ready to start adventuring with a new party. Which I have a gut feeling I am."

"But anyway, I'm in. Payment had better be good, though."

2012-03-11, 08:53 AM
"I believe that we have an accord, then. The sooner these wrongs can be set right, the better. For everyone involved." Travan says before rising to his feet.

"I shall return shortly. I need to retrieve the rest of my gear."

2012-03-11, 09:09 PM
"Bless you all. What do you need to me to do?"

2012-03-12, 12:24 AM
"... do you have any transportation of your own available, or did you have to journey here on foot?" Giselle asks after a moment of silence.

2012-03-13, 03:01 AM
"Honestly, nothing, at the moment. Maybe let us know where to find lodgings in your town." Eileifr says, before turning to the rest of the table.

"I believe I forgot to introduce myself." He says, as though it were an afterthought. "I'm Elieifr Anurlfsson, Spellblade."

2012-03-14, 03:28 PM
"I came up on foot Ma'am didn't bother me none at all."
Turning back to the Spellblade.
"We can put you up in Theovren's inn. Nice place run by a nice guy. He 'as put in a big part of the award."
He is obviously getting more comfortable around you.

2012-03-15, 05:20 PM
Brightening up, Giselle spoke a bit more, suddenly feeling very eager. "Well, if there's nothing too pressing that anyone else needs to take care of, we might depart once our friend returns. I happen to have transportation that would fit all of us. We could talk further on the way."

2012-03-15, 08:32 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

"I'm ready to go as soon as the friend-making elf returns." says Canavar, impatiently.

2012-03-15, 08:40 PM
Travan: [enter stage left] :smalltongue:

"And return I have." Travan says, the rest of his gear and weapons now worn upon his person. He rests his hand on the hilt of his scimitar and asks, "So, shall we depart?"

2012-03-15, 09:38 PM
"If we go now then we'll arrive at night."
He looks visibly nervous at that thought.

2012-03-16, 02:22 AM
Well if these creatures appear at night, we'll be just in time to help you out then won't we Aeric will say, standing and waiting for the rest of the group to begin moving out the tavern

2012-03-16, 01:26 PM
"Well, if we are in agreement, then we shouldn't delay any longer. If no one minds, I'll take us to our transportation."

And with that... Giselle pokes Canavar playfully in the arm a couple of times. There are some disadvantages to being the furthest into a booth seat.

2012-03-16, 03:07 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

Smiling gently, the man says "Of course. Let us be away, then." Canavar begins sliding out of the booth, Giselle's transport in mind.

2012-03-19, 04:30 AM
Travan nods, a smile on his face, and says, "Lead the way."

2012-03-19, 08:49 AM
Thom yips and does a few passable cartwheels out the door.

2012-03-23, 04:19 PM
Aeric makes sure to hold the door for the rest of the newly formed group of adventurers as they exit the tavern and head towards the elven woman's transport.

2012-03-23, 09:57 PM
The band of unlikely heroes gathers and starts their travels down the road to their first adventure.
Traveling a rather pleasant ride, you near the town after nightfall. Before you enter the town you hear the squeak of wheels from a path to the side.
The townsman speaks up. "Who's that coming down the old fir road?"
To those sitting on the outside.You see a wagon with some cloth thrown over the load. Three men are sitting on the bench on the front.Everyone hears the men shouting. As they stand up two of them turn to the load and raise two zombies. The third draws a greatsword. The one with the greatsword shouts and four ghosts rise from the ground.

2012-03-23, 10:57 PM
(OOC: Whoah, that's a lot to happen all at once. Initiative: [roll0])

Thomas, diligently riding on top of his new chariot, spots the men as they enter his view. His bow still in hand from the pub, he quickly sends an arrow flying into the great-sword wielding threat, while keeping a close eye on the two who raised zombies.

Study each zombie raiser.

Attack: Vital Aim for 5 tokens. [roll1], [roll2]

2012-03-23, 11:59 PM
"Speed up. I'll delay them." Eileifr says, standing and turning towards the wagon.

"MOLVA!" He yells, innate magic forming into his speech and striking out at the axle of the other wagon as he draws the longsword at his waist.

Standard action: Use Baleful Utterance, targeting the axle of the wagon with zombies on it. If it weighs less than 40 lbs and is non-magical (which I HIGHLY suspect it is...), it breaks.

Swift to activate Accelerate, targeting the party member with the lowest Initiative and boosting it by 3.

Move to draw sword.

2012-03-24, 02:26 AM
Canavar Kizarmis

Hearing the commotion outside, Canavar grabs his bow. "Gi-Suzanne, get ready. Something's happening." Calling upon the spirits of the nature, he calls out "Coirt ag cludach!" as his skin takes on the resilience of the forest itself.


Move action to draw the longbow. Standard action to cast barksin.

Canavar's Statistics:
Canavar Kizarmis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=367591)
Male TN Shifter Druid//Ranger, Level 5, Init +6, HP 36/36, Speed 30ft
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus +5
Scimitar +9 (1d6+4 | +3, 18-20/x2)
Composite +2 Longbow (40 Arrows) +8 (1d8+2, 20/x3)
Bite (Shifting Only) +9 | +7 (1d6+4 | +3, 20/x2)
2 Claws (Shifting Only) +9 | +7 (1d4+4 | +3, 20/x2)
Wildwood Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition Under the effects of Barkskin (50 minute duration).
Shifting Remaining: 3/3, Shifting Duration: 13 rounds
Canavar's Beast Spirit currently provides +2 Strength.

2012-03-24, 04:30 AM
Seeing that a group of ghosts appears at the behest of the man with the large sword, Travan draws his bow. He looses the nocked arrow with an almost casual air.


Ranged Attack on Great Sword-wielder.
Ammo Count: 19

2012-03-27, 12:32 AM
As soon as the shouts start Caravar readies for battle. Calling his powers to himself he toughen his skin. While the mageblade Eileifr breaks the wagon sending the men raising the zombies to the ground to late. The zombies are already active. Just then an arrow whistles out knicking the greatsword-wielder's arm. He charges Travan summoning two small portals on his way. One where he started and one where he ended. Ending his his charge he hits Travan squarely in the chest, shouting victoriously.
Travan Take 13 damage and make a Str check.

Next up is the rest of your group. I need Aeric and Giselle's actions.

2012-03-27, 01:10 AM
Giselle raises her palm into the air, and speaks a magical incantation. A wave of energy radiates from from her hand. It flows into each of her allies, increasing their speeds.

After she is done, she unsheathes her rapier, exits from the front of the carriage, and takes a look around; not simply to see her opponents and the situation, but also the area in which this battle shall take place.

Still figuring out my own spellcasting, but everyone (except for me, I suppose, since it's 1 per Level and I've only got 5 levels) should be 30 ft faster, be able to attack once more on a full attack, and gain +1 to Attack Rolls, Ac, and Reflex Saves (I believe for the next 5 minutes).

If any of the above is wrong, please let me know.l

Also, how should I roleplay verbal components? With less serious (at least in theme) characters, simply saying "Speed Up" would do here, but I'm not sure if that would work for Giselle. Wizards are odd.

2012-03-27, 02:54 AM
"This is not," Thomas shouts, loosing another arrow into the crazed swordsman, "What I'm cut out for," he finishes, another arrow on his hand, when he feels the magic Giselle is calling up.

"GHWA!" He manages to squack, before backpedaling as far as he can, falling off the carriage top.

Another Vital Aim Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1]

2012-03-30, 11:37 AM
I guess it's time to get to work Aeric will say with a grin as he jumps from the carriage and engages one of the fighters, his cutlass out. With a flourish, a bright blue glow surrounds his cutlass as he brings it towards the swordsman's leg

Hideous blow added to my cutlass attack to one of the swordsman



Eldritch Blast

2012-04-04, 10:45 AM
Words of power echo from the carriage as Suzanne grants her allies speed.
Thomas shoots two quick arrows from his bow toppling the man with the greatsword over. He immediately stands back up as a ghost disappears with a shriek. As he stands up Aeric's sword slashes across his leg. The ghosts then float forwards moving through their enemy's ranks. Spectral arms go out as Travan, Thomas, and Aeric are coated with a thin layer of frost.You three take three damage and are fatigued till the start of the ghosts next turn.
The men who fell to the ground stand up and command the zombies forward as they draw their crossbows and duck behind the wagon for cover. The zombies moan stand up and move forward. Only Thomas and Canavar aren't threatened by the zombies.

2012-04-05, 09:22 AM
Thomas continues scrambling away from the woman witch - and the zombies. He would be of much more use to the town from afar, anyways.

Full move away; if there's any nearby scrubbery or buildings, he'll conceal himself inside and attempt to climb to a vantage point.
Hide - [roll0], Climb - [roll1]

2012-04-05, 11:12 PM
Spinning his blade around, Eileifr smirks as it takes on a steely aura.

"HA! This is what I hoped for!" He says, strikign the ghost with all of his might, before rolling away from the threatening undead and somehow splitting into a handful of images.

Initiate Mountain Hammer on the ghost, two handed with a Longsword that has Kinetic Blast channeled, at a PA of 2.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]+[roll2], ignoring DR.

Tumble to avoid AoO's: [roll3]

Shape Figment of Light, giving me [roll4] images in my square.

2012-04-06, 04:34 AM
Surrounded as he is by his foes, Travan allows his bow to fall to the ground and draws his scimitar. Taking the sword into both hands, he strikes at the man who struck at him with the greatsword.

Dropping Bow and Drawing Scimitar.
Power Attack at -3 against Greatsword wielder.

2012-04-06, 04:36 AM
Critical Threat!!!

2012-04-08, 09:37 PM
Canavar Kizarmis

Sliding out of the carriage, Canavar takes aim at the greatsword-wielder. Releasing the string, he lets the arrow fly.

Move action to get out of the carriage. Standard action to attack the enemy with the greatsword.

Canavar's Attack:
Attack (Including the penalty for firing into melee):

[roll1] If the enemy takes damage, it counts as being flanked by Canavar for the purposes of adjudicating all other attacks for the next round.
Canavar's Statistics:
Canavar Kizarmis (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=367591)
Male TN Shifter Druid//Ranger, Level 5, Init +6, HP 36/36, Speed 30ft
AC 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16, Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +6, Base Attack Bonus +5
Scimitar +9 (1d6+4 | +3, 18-20/x2)
Composite +2 Longbow (40 Arrows) +8 (1d8+2, 20/x3)
Bite (Shifting Only) +9 | +7 (1d6+4 | +3, 20/x2)
2 Claws (Shifting Only) +9 | +7 (1d4+4 | +3, 20/x2)
Wildwood Chain Shirt (+4 Armor, +2 Natural Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 8
Condition Under the effects of Barkskin (50 minute duration).
Shifts Remaining: 3/3, Shifting Duration: 13 rounds
Canavar's Beast Spirit currently provides +2 Strength.

2012-04-10, 12:48 AM
The combined attacks from Canavar and Travan drop the swordsman to the ground again but he gets back up as another ghost disappates. He strikes out with his sword at Travan again. Leaving a gash on his chest.Take 12 damage and make a Str check.

2012-04-10, 12:58 AM
Eileifr's attack goes wide missing the ghost. Darting his way out of the fray he goes blurry as a group of clones run around him.
Travan falls to the ground as the man's sword throws you of your feet.

2012-04-18, 12:30 AM
Thomas scrambles into Set of brambles disappearing from sight.Your about five feet off the road.
Next up Gissele and Aeric.

2012-04-18, 12:11 PM
Giselle sees several enemies fighting her comrades. When she was within the walls of her home, she would be bound to allow the men stationed there to fight on her behalf. Among free men, this limitation would not affect her.

She breathes in deeply, her body, releasing a white aura. As she finishes her breathing, she rushes forward, pulling her rapier out of its sheath. Her cloak fluttered in the wind as she sprinted toward the swordsman who knocked down Travan. As she approached the man, she slowed, spinning on the heel of her boot as she points the blade toward the enemy's heart. Her rapier glowed with a grey hue as she thrusts it forward.

Tumble Check to avoid providing attacks of opportunity during the move:[roll0]
Emerald Razor (Touch Attack) Attack Roll: [roll1]
Damage Roll: [roll2]
Critical Confirm Roll: [roll3]


Move Action to approach in a way that would allow avoiding being attacked by the swordsman.

Standard Action to use the Emerald Razor attack.

Swift Action to use the White Raven Tactics ability (either on her or on Traven; I've yet to decide).

2012-04-18, 03:57 PM
Aeric will turn to the swordsman and say so, the ghosts give you power eh? as he brings his cutlass down towards him, it blade glowing with blue energy, I guess we'll have to keep cutting you down until they're all gone

If Aeric can move to flank with giselle, he will, and add +2 to my attack roll

Hideous Blow!

Luckily the +1 to attack for haste negates the -2 to my dex's effect on my attack




Crit Damage

Hideous Blow damage

EDIT: Woo, possibly 21 damage is my attack of 19 hits

2012-04-18, 06:19 PM
Aeric's sword flashes in eldritch might. Striking down the swordsman again. He laughs this time his smile growing wicked. Then Giselle's sword cuts his chest and he grimaces.
Pick your target now Giselle.

2012-04-18, 06:57 PM
Shaken by the look on the swordsman’s face as he takes several assaults, Giselle turns her gaze to Traven, still keeping her blade trained on her foe. “Rise, good sir. Quickly.” She speaks to him, the radiance she released earlier disappearing into him.

White Raven Tactics is officially used on Travan. His initiative has just been modified to equal mine -1, and he can take his turn again immediately.

2012-04-20, 05:01 PM
With a wild look in his eye, Travan leaps to his feet and renews his attack with a decidedly reckless air.

Standing up from prone to attack the sword-wielder.


AC: 17
DR: 2/-

2012-04-27, 11:37 PM
Travans strike lands hard against the swordsman chest and the last ghost disappates. He roars in pain and looks worried as a flash comes from under his armor. Seeing this the crossbow men run back the way they came as the zombies cover their escape, striking Aeric in the chest.Take 4 damage.Up next Canavar and Thomas.