View Full Version : IC ~ Age of Worms ~ Windtalker

2012-02-13, 01:23 AM
The City of Diamond Lake is bustling with life. The miners have come from the tunnels deep underground to spend their meager earnings at the taverns none so famous as the Feral Dog. You all are however enjoying the night at the Emporium. The town you are learning on your first day is known for its mining. The place where you are enjoying the night is famous for several oddities from a woman with three eyes to a two headed calf.

2012-02-13, 01:52 AM
Elrohir was simply enjoy the spectacles in the Emporium. The two headed calf odd but not awe inspiring. The elf moved in and out from the area having little trouble keeping himself from bumping into others. "I think it is time for me to find a place to sit and relax." Elrohir was dressed in a black robe with blue trim his silver hair pulled back neatly and his eyes sharp with alertness.

2012-02-13, 01:23 PM

Stone walked around the nice tavern, not a sign of emotion on his face. His large arms flex about in his sleeveless torso. He made it sleeveless, since he enjoyed the elements on his bare skin, yet being nude is mostly frowned upon. His leggings were made of great fabric. He draws his hood down, keeping his kempt, cropped hair fit to his head. He sat at the will of Elrohir, granted he did sit far off, in retrospect.

2012-02-13, 03:12 PM

The man walked through the crowds quietly, looking back and forth from person to person as he passed them, as though he was looking for someone. He traveled from place to place, before he started muttering to himself. "What was i looking for again?"

2012-02-15, 03:10 AM
Today was that day of the month when Kreisham allowed himself to spend some of his modest soldier's pay in one of the town's taverns. The "wonders" of the Feral Dog didn't intrigue him much, but something else has caught his attention as he was maneuvering between the patrons with two tankards of ale in his hands, looking for a quiet table at which to consume them. A slender graceful elf and a hulking muscular human sitting not far from each other, both armed and carrying a purposeful look on their faces. He has clearly not seen them in town before.

Kreisham approached the big man, keeping the elf in his field of view. He smiled slightly but took care not to display his powerful canines which he learned unsettled most people.

"Good evening, friend. I don't want to be a nuisance, but our town suffers from lack of new faces. Mind if I ask what brought you here?" He sat opposite the man, placing one of his tankards in front of him and motioning at it as a gesture of goodwill.

2012-02-15, 01:26 PM

The man came to the tavern, stepping inside quietly. His whip strapped to his belt on one side, his morningstar on the other. He made no attempt to hide who he was, a Cleric of Calistria, and looked through the crowd. He was looking for something, that much was obvious, but what he was looking for seemed not to be in sight, or so he thought. Closing his eyes for a second, he stood there and thought, until one of the others bumped into him. He stumbled forward, knocking over one of the barmaids, and turned to find the one who had knocked him over. Growling softly, he placed his hand on his whip, staring intently in the direction the man would have gone, and then stepped forward, grabbing the man by his shirt. He spoke evenly to the man, an air of vengeance in his tone. "Apologize for your transgression, or by Calistria, i'll make you regret it."

2012-02-15, 05:46 PM
Elrohir looks to the man who is getting overly angry about being bumped into and arches a brow. "My friend it is a crowded Emporium if you do not expect to be bumped perhaps you should go back to your temple." Elrohir then shrugged before helping the bar maid. "Now then if you want to cool off you are welcome to have a seat. I would not suggest starting trouble here they have very skilled guards."

2012-02-15, 06:12 PM
The Emporium goes silent soon when you are all moving about and severla guards come in escorting a man. The man looks of some importance and is being greeted warmly. The Players would know him as the mayor of Diamond Lake interacting with the people and smiling all the while.

Anyone with Knowledge Local Please Roll.

2012-02-15, 08:43 PM

He pushed the man away and growled a bit. "I only demanded what was proper in the situation. If you let one get away with something such as that, they will walk all over you from that point on." Yoshiaki turned, to rest his gaze on the mayor, watching him intently as though it was the most important thing he needed to do this point in time.

Knowledge Local: [roll0]

2012-02-16, 06:18 AM
Kresham eyed the mayor with some interest. "Our mayor seems to be in an unusually bright mood today, I wonder if he bears good news?" he says somewhat naively.

2012-02-16, 05:40 PM

Pushing the lager away from his hands, he curled his fingers back together, and just scoped the room out. He kept no expression, grim or jubilant. He returned gaze to the man opposite himself, and simply nodded as a form of addressing. He turned his midnight black eyes towards his strong arms, down to his tight wrists, and finally to his clobbering fists.

2012-02-16, 09:37 PM
"I understand but no need to stoop to their level is there?" Elrohir spotted the mayor and then arched a curious brow this was unusual wasn't it. He shrugged it off and gave a polite nod before sitting back down no need to stir up any trouble when the whole city seemed to be in a good mood.

Knowledge Local

2012-02-16, 10:18 PM
The mayor greets people happily before soon moving to a backroom and out of sight.

Knowledge Local DC 10
Those who know of the mayor have often seen him roaming about the emporium but not as recently as of late. It may have something to do with one of the mines collapsing.

2012-02-19, 02:03 AM
Elrohir looks the others over and arches a brow. "Hmm odd to see him so eager to be out and about." He then moves back to his seat and keeps an ear open for rumors. He shifted his robes to get comfortable hoping to find something of interest in the town other than wives tales.

2012-02-19, 08:28 PM

He moves around to the wall, leaning against it to watch the mayor quietly, interested in what the man would have to say.

2012-02-19, 08:46 PM

Please make me a Perception Check.

The mayor seems to be talking low to a dwarf male and a halfling female. the oices are real low and several guards are around the outskirts keeping a look out.

2012-02-19, 08:47 PM
Perception check: [roll0]

2012-02-19, 08:52 PM
He looks to the cleric over in the corner trying to sneak peaks in on the mayor and laughs a bit seemed the fellow really did like to live a little dangerous. "Seems like a good chap just a little ill tempered." He spoke to himself before downing a little of his wine and placing his book upon the table to study a bit.

2012-02-19, 08:57 PM
Perception check: [roll0]

Nice Roll!!

The mayor is looking for people to explore a empty cairn or burial tomb that was opened up with the mine shaft collapse. He is looking for a excavation team he sent in a few days earlier that has not returned.

He wants this blunder to go away and is willign to pay good money for discreet work.

2012-02-19, 09:02 PM

Curious about what he's hearing, he approaches the mayor quietly, stepping into his field of view at the last moment. Under his voice, he began to speak to the mayor, hoping to catch his attention without arousing attention. "I heard you were looking for help. I'd be willing to help you, of course. It would appear that i am meant to help you, even. Shall we speak somewhere...with less interference?"

2012-02-21, 09:49 PM
He moved to see the other fellow talking to the mayor. He it seemed he was much more bold than Elrohir thought."Fool is going to get himself killed." He waited going to offer assistance if needed. "I wonder what could be so vital that he would endanger himself knowingly like that?"

2012-02-21, 09:52 PM
The mayor arched a curious brow and then looked toward Yoshiaki "What could you offer you have a party of men willing to do the job quietly?" He waved the guards with drawn blades off and waited for the man to speak his peace. "Do not waste my time lad I have little of it.. I will hear you out however."

2012-02-21, 09:58 PM

"I may not have a party of men available right now. But i could round one up. I've noticed a few men within this bar alone, some of whom aren't native to this region, and i could arrange a small group that could help you. It seems like it would be in your best interests to use men that aren't local, to keep this on quiet, don't you think?" He looked across the tavern, resting his gaze quietly on some of the men of which he spoke of not just a moment ago, before turning back to the mayor to await his answer.

2012-02-25, 01:52 AM
The mayor looks to you and the others before nodding. "Meet us here with a group tomorrow and we will talk..no funny business you hear?"

He then gets up and leaves quietly through a side entrance.

Sorry have been busy moving.

2012-02-25, 08:06 AM
As Yoshiaki returns, Kresham puts a finished tankard aside and eyes him with interest.
What was it about? By the looks of it, you've been talking to mayor about us here? He seemed worried by something.

2012-02-25, 09:52 PM

"There's business to be done for those who can keep a quiet. As it so happens, i suspect you might be able to fit the proper profile. You, and that man." He then pointed to stone across the table. "And possibly this one too." He gestures across the way towards Erlohir, before raising his voice. "Hey, you, with the robe" He waits until the elf acknowledges his presence before continuing on. "Come join me for a drink. Your company would be appreciated."

2012-02-25, 09:55 PM

Stone followed the conversation with his hearing, never with his eyes. Listening solemnly, Stone finally turns to the man having just spoke about himself. Standing up to his full height, a staggering six feet and six inches even. He turns on his heels nicely, and began to march towards the speaking man. A boulder expression run across his face before he came face to chest with the smaller man. "Stone." Stone shared a glance with the man, and then extended his strong right arm and hand to him.

2012-02-25, 10:43 PM
"What can I do for you?" Elrohir arched a curious brow before standing and moving with the man to another table to have a drink. "Looks like you have a lot of work to do then indeed... unless you are offering me to take part in this job." Elrohir then ordered another red wine and looked to the other chaps. "What can I help you with?"

2012-02-25, 10:48 PM

"I was right to consider you for this. Now, if you all are curious, i was just speaking to the mayor about an issue he has been having." He lowers his voice, to ensure that nobody outside the table hears it. "An excavation team appears to have gone missing, in an offshoot of the mine that recently opened up. He's looking for a few of us to venture in, and find the missing men. But to be quiet about it. I think the four of us could handle it easily. Assuming you have no qualms with working with each of the rest of us." He smiled, and held out his hand to each of the three men in turn.

2012-02-26, 02:40 PM

Being the first to extend a hand to the young political machine, Stone engorges the smaller man's hand, and shakes it with a stoic look of pure neutrality. He steps back after the shake, and tossed a piece of his bread into his mouth. He picked his pack off the ground, and then made way back to the circle, standing waiting.

2012-02-26, 03:13 PM
"I have no qualms but you know that the history of the place would ... " He thought before "Well the ancient burials or graves were all about this place..you do not suppose their might be some around here..or this to be one do you?" Elrohir watched the others curious what they might think.

2012-02-26, 06:55 PM

"As it so happens, thats exactly what it is. Hence why i felt the need to collect some of the stronger looking men, or in the case of you..." He gestured to Elrohir with a smile, "Well learned ones, to enter alongside me. I'm to meet with the mayor with a few others, probably you three, tomorrow around this time. To speak more about this."

2012-02-26, 07:35 PM
The group seems to be getting on well the barmaids keep your cups full and you enjoy the night.

If you wish to do anything before morning time tell me otherwise I think perhaps advancing to day number 2 should occur soon.

2012-02-26, 07:57 PM
I'm fine. Nothing I really need to do.

2012-02-26, 08:08 PM
Elrohir continued to drink and learn what he could about the others."I am myself a wizard new to the area." He took a drink of that red wine his robes still neatly groomed. "I am a sort of student of the arcane ..my skills are around making people believe the unbelievable..well that is my field of study. I myself try to disprove the unbelievable. I say what better way to know how to do such than to show it through smoke an mirrors."

2012-02-26, 09:03 PM

"I personally am a cleric of Calistria. Yoshiaki Sagami, if you will. I travel to and fro, getting involved anywhere where my god wills i should be." He smiles, and finishes his own drink, setting it softly on the table as he waits for the others to introduce themselves.

2012-02-27, 03:50 AM
The half-orc shakes the extended hand. "Kresham Gull, a ranger around these parts. I come to the town once in a while to not let myself forget the ways of civilisation. As it happens, I've traversed several of the mine shafts and know my way around. I'll be glad to join your impromptu rescue operation, if you need a scout."
I'm happy to go ahead with the timeskip

2012-02-27, 09:07 PM
Guess i'm ready to move on too.

2012-02-27, 09:39 PM

You wake in the morning with the rain. The day is drifting on the town is being cleaned by the gods of nature. You are suppose to meet the mayor in a few hours for more information. The group has time to meet and dicuss their plans. You know that soon you will be underground digging through only the Gods know what.

2012-02-27, 10:41 PM
Elrohir looked around the town for a bit before moving back to the Emporium. He would order himself a drink and wait for the others. He was dressed in a simple black robe with gold trim. That book and backpack close to his side. "Well let us see what this new fellow is going to get me in to."

2012-02-28, 07:40 AM
Making his way to the tavern, Kresham double-checked if all his gear was in order. Satisfied, he entered the Emporium and was relieved to see Elrohir already there. Not the finest of mornings for digging through the dirt, the half-orc greeted him with an ironic smile. Where's your big friend? I bet the Calistrian will be the last one to arrive. I'd say it's a bit uncommon for a man of his occupation to offer aid to the community. The reward promised by the mayor must be a lucrative one indeed.

2012-02-28, 07:50 PM

Boots so large as to make the earth almost quake, Stone steps down the road, and goes back to the community to which he became familiar with the night before. Enjoying the rain on his almost dead skin, Stone scoops the water up, and rubs down his short grey hair. The rain feels wonderful, yet no look of trusting blight grows on his scowling face. He hears talking in the tavern, and assumes it be the men from the night before. Stone thinks for a moment, but fails to go in, simply for the lack of people skills.

2012-02-28, 10:13 PM

He stepped inside the Emporium, yawning a little, before looking for the people he had talked to the previous night. He looked around repeatedly, before realizing he couldn't remember what they looked like.

2012-02-29, 12:13 PM
What is the man looking for? Why does he act as if it wasn''t him who arranged the meeting? Kresham wondered to himslef before calling out loudly: Hullo? We're right here, Yoshiaki!

2012-02-29, 12:44 PM

He approaches the group now, and sighs a little. "My apologies, i have a hard time with smaller details, like what people look like."

2012-02-29, 06:27 PM

Becoming content in his outside walk, Stone walks into the tavern soaking wet. He wrinkles his hair, and drains out the water. Stepping up to the group, he sits with fingers curls, and biceps rolling. He doesn't talk, but the thud of his massive figure sitting down is all the attention grabber he needs.

2012-02-29, 11:28 PM
Elrohir looked to the others and nodded politely "Well hello to the both of you. I think the mayor is running a little late." He pointed to the booth where his new companion spoke to them. "So how about a little breakfast while we wait?" Elrohir was nose deep in a book until the others arrived. he shut it slowly placing it into his pack.

2012-03-01, 12:25 AM
The mayor comes in right on time as promised a small group of guards following him. He looks to you and motions you to a small private room. He waits for your groups to come inside and then speaks.

"Well now you were not lying ..you do have a decent looking group here."

"I want to know what is down there attacking and snatching miners up. I say anything you find down their is yours. I am willing to pay 200 gold to each of you if the job is kept quiet."

2012-03-02, 12:00 AM

"Told you i could. And we're more than willing to. As soon as possible" He motioned to allow someone else to take the lead, not wishing to lead the way himself.

2012-03-02, 12:12 AM
Elrohir looked to the mayor before moving to the small room . He himself was not worried about getting stabbed or the like. "First thing we need to know is where the mine is located." He nodded then spoke again."And we will need a note for the foreman to let us come and go freely." Elrohir looked to the others and spoke one last time. "We will also need a small advance in our payment for supplies and such."



2012-03-02, 05:17 PM
Kresham doesn't feel he can trust this man fully. He decides to give a shot to his suspicions.
If I may ask, what is the reason for insisting on such a discreetness? The miners must know that their fellows are disappearing, this fact can hardly be hidden. Do you perhaps have a reason to believe that someone in the town might be somehow linked to these disappearances?
Sense Motive:[roll0]

2012-03-05, 12:03 AM
Fly: You sense nothing unusual. Perhaps it is election time and he does not want any blemishes.

"Fair enough I will give you each a hundred gold pieces to get you on your way."

Doombringer you bargaining pays off everyone gets 100 gold.

2012-03-07, 12:41 AM

Looking at the offer, he takes the gold he should have received, and hands it back to the mayor. His larger than life hand encloses the mayor's fist around the gold, and a solemn look tells it all. Stone shall not accept any part of the payment, until he has completed all of his job. Standing back to what looks like military posture, Stone waits for the others to be done, before he moves on with them.