View Full Version : Ein Arris [Gurps 4E] [IC]

2012-02-13, 05:21 AM
Chapter 1. Hiring On

It seems that everyone in Khedris is applying for positions in Halmaro’s caravan, but of course not everyone will be accepted. Halmaro wants competent help, and rather than rely on verbal interviews he has arranged a series of practical tests for potential employees.

You have no trouble finding Halmaro’s recruiters; they are wearing red-and-white sashes, and are surrounded by hopeful applicants. You are each told the same thing however, which is that everybody is to meet at Caravan Square tomorrow where there will be a day of "Placement trials" before the caravan gets underway. How well you do in the trials will determine if and where you are placed in the caravan. You're also assured that there will be plenty of food and drink available at the trials.

Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

The recruiter indicates to you that almost everyone who is any good should be able to get a place in this caravan. It’s so big that the transients and indigents who normally camp by the river in Caravan Square are being displaced – something no one can remember ever happening before!

Jitik Kijeek

You learn from the recruiter that Big Red (Halmaro) is looking for a few good fighters and scouts. The team he had intended to use is overdue from a mission in Ajir.

As you are approaching Caravan Square you can't help but hear the noise. In fact, it can be heard halfway across the city! Caravan Square is usually a quiet park with an occasional caravan forming up. Today it's a swarming mass of people, animals and more people.

As you arrive you are told to see the recruiters for the jobs you are interested in applying for, and directed to the correct areas as appropriate - Guards over there, Animal Handlers over there, Entertainers here, Cooks here and so on. You are even encouraged to try out for as many jobs as you feel capable of doing - the less people Halmaro has to take to fulfil the job the better for him.

2012-02-13, 08:37 AM
A raven haired woman makes her way through the crowd. Her body shows the honed practices of a warrior and her long lashes highlight intelligent green eyes. If not for her hawklike nose and perpetual frown, she might be called pretty. She wears dusty traveling robes and carries a finely made backpack. An elegant scabbard hangs from her belt.

Awkwardly, Abal moves through the crowd. More than once she was almost knocked down in the chaos and she had to ask for directions again from more than one stranger.

When she finally arrives, Abal swaggers up to the recruiter for caravan guards and flashing a cocky grin, greets him. "Hello, my name is Abal al-Areej. I wish to sign up for your caravan. You will soon agree. Please point me to your trials."

2012-02-13, 09:55 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

A man dressed in wide desert clothing and desert camouflage cloak came to Caravan Square and after a second of looking around headed straight to recruiters, easily evading whatever people happened on his way. Despite cloak, some of his possessions, like a large sword, a crossbow and a backpack were either clearly visible or easily guessed.

"Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza al-Haady al-Bahah. I would like to apply to the caravan as a guide, guard (either melee or ranged), assistant medic or assistant mercahnt, depending on what's open and what would pay more."

2012-02-13, 11:25 AM
Hamish Bearpaw

A large brute of a man, with rippling muscles strides through the crowd. Anyone unfortunate to not get out of his path suffers a bump from his broad shoulders. He wears flowing desert pants above rough sandles but what is the most striking about his appearance is the leather vest he wears for it has been decorated with many tribal designs in blue and red. The designs continue accross his arms and the sides of his head below his short cropped hair.

Just point me to the guards He asks the head recruiter before following the mans directions.

2012-02-14, 05:38 AM
The man you approach just sighs and points you towards an area with a large number of people milling around

Pay is the same regardless. You can apply for more jobs o'course, and if you get multiple jobs you get paid more but thats the only way to get more than anyone else. Everythings open, and you get what you're good enough to get...

Guards? Guards are over that way the man says, pointing towards what is by far the busiest area in the square

2012-02-14, 06:18 AM
Mirdas carefully dismounts (as one must, when lacking a hand) his camel and leads it and his mule slowly behind him through the crowd to someone with some semblance of authority. "Greetings. I shan't waste much of your time. I am Mirdas ibn al-Anbari. I am a skilled, perhaps the most skilled, merchant and diplomat in the city. Ask any trader you can see here; they will tell you my word is better than gold. I also dabble in the... mystical arts. I am quite good with camels, as well as packing and unpacking goods. I have an expert knowledge of cheeses, wine, and spices of all kind. I know Lantara like the back of my hand. Every trade route, watering hole, every whore's den and cockfighting arena," he taps his head with his wooden hand, "They're all up here. I can also act as an interpreter of the Shandassa language. Now tell me, good sir, when do we leave?"

2012-02-14, 08:13 AM
If I believed everything I heard, we have the most skilled, most proficient people in the entire world here with us today. You'll have to join the trials like everybody else...

2012-02-14, 09:23 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

"Umm... so? You are not the one who records applicants?"

Anyway and anyhow, Tareef is getting his schedule times or numbers (or uses whichever way all this is organized here) for guiding/scouting, fighting, shooting and field medicine, guessing he would not need more than three jobs.

2012-02-14, 09:31 AM
Abal begins to slip through the crowd towards the waiting area. She sizes the others up.

2012-02-14, 03:00 PM

Hamish gives a curt nod of his head before shouldering his way through the crowd to where the guards applicants are gathered. Spotting the person in charge, he begins to shove his way towards that individual.

2012-02-15, 03:35 AM
If I believed everything I heard, we have the most skilled, most proficient people in the entire world here with us today. You'll have to join the trials like everybody else...

Mirdas shrugs. "Very well, then. The trials it is."

2012-02-15, 02:32 PM
A young child wanders up to one of the sashed men.

"Which way to the medic trials? I'd like to try my hand with the linguists and cooks as well, assuming there are any cooks to be involved in this gaggle."

2012-02-15, 07:26 PM
Jaas slips through the crowd with little effort; here, surrounded by a multitude of nameless, sweaty faces, he is in his element. With a round, vaguely pleasant face, short-cropped beard and utilitarian travel attire, his appearance is entirely unremarkable. The only feature that at all distinguishes him are his eyes, dark and clever, constantly scanning his surroundings.

Approaching one of the red-sashed recruiters, Jaas offers a winning but humble smile. "How do you do this fine day? Would you mind terribly to point me in the direction of the singing trials?"

2012-02-16, 08:11 AM
After a lot of rushing around and chaos, eventually things calm down and the trials get underway. Lots of people are seen competing in several different trials, either in an attempt to get multiple jobs to get better pay or just in an attempt to ensure they get a job of some kind at all. Trials are done in a series of rounds, each job being hired for done in its own way. Every trial has 5 rounds, where you either win or lose each round. At the end, the number of people that are required will be hired in order based on the number of rounds that were won. The more rounds that are won, the more likely you are to be hired.

Merchants aren't a hired position in the caravan, but are welcome to join along if they want. Anything you buy or sell on the journey is totally up to you, with no cuts taken by Halmaro.

Melee Guard trials are done in combat. Ranged Guard trials are done with archery. Everything else is done with skill contests between you and the person you are paired up with

Melee Guards
There is a big, bald man standing at the front of the crowd appraising you all.Ok - as you can clearly see, there's lots of you wanting guard jobs. And by lots, I mean too many. So what we're going to do is, we're going to have sparring rounds to demonstrate what you can do. You against us, fake combat. Three touches and you've won the round. Three touches against you and you're out. Is that clear? Go grab some stuff, and queue up for your rounds. The man points to a big pile of wooden swords, and there is a large open area off to the side that has 10 armoured guards in it also with wooden swords, obviously the men that you will be sparring against.

Ranged Guards
At the front of the crowd of people wanting to be considered as ranged guards there is a tall woman with long dark hair. Ok then, if we're ready. Archery practice will be used to select people for this job. We have a range set up, and you will be expected to show you can hit a target under pressure. Does everybody have their own bows? If not then we have spares... Once she finishes talking the starts to head off to a large building at the side, inside of which there are 3 man-sized archery targets set up, and a line drawn 100 yards away from them. Right. The rules are, you get 5 shots. You get 2 misses. If you miss the target 3 times out of 5 then you're gone. If you hit the target 3 times or more then you win this round. Understand?

A short, spry looking man heads up this crowd. Your challenge is simple. You'll be competing in translation against each other. You split off into pairs, and each pair has a document in Shandassa that you will translate into Lantrai. The person in each pair that does best wins

A short, young woman is in the front of this crowd. Ok - you are to split off into pairs, and your challenge is to entertain the rest of the crowd. The member of each pair that is deemed the most entertaining by the rest of the crowd wins the round.

Field medicine for you lot. We have some volunteers with fake wounds, similar to what you'd expect to find on such a trip as this. You will split into pairs and each pair will be treating the same wounds. The person who does the best wins the round

What you will be doing is to cook dinner. Split into pairs, and each pair cooks the same dish. The best dish from each pair wins.

For this you will be playing lookout. In pairs, and the person who spots the fake bandits we have arranged first from each pair wins the round

2012-02-16, 08:37 AM
Shandassa! Oh no, that's one I haven't heard before. Well, I think there are enough people that I can sneak off without getting too embarrassed.

The short man appears to have lost interest in the translator trials and wanders over to the medic area.

2012-02-16, 08:55 AM

Fake swords? Bah, fake or real thats not even a real weapon. Give me an axe and then we'll talk. Hamish looks around taking in the other trials as well. He considers for a moment then decides that he will try for a second position in addition to the first, that of medic.

2012-02-16, 09:18 AM

Other weapons are available if you feel incapable of using a sword. I'm sure I can find an axe somewhere you can pretend to use

2012-02-16, 09:33 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef was somewhat disappointed by apparent lack of scouting trials, but soon this misapprehension was fixed and he proceeded to wherever he was to spot those "bandits".

After spotting all of the "bandits", some sooner and the others later, but generally being some distance ahead of his competitor in trials involving movement, Tareef moved to section where people were to display thair field medicine skills. There Tareef did no attempt to beat others at diagnostics and such, insead doing just what he knew he can do - bandaging all the "wounds" as quickly as possible and then taking some extra time to display treating shock.

Third trial Tareef participated in was shooting. And at 100 yards, this was going to be difficult for him, so he pre-loaded his crossbow, removed all of the better bolts from the quiver, placing them on the ground to avoid accidentally losing them, took a deep breath, waited for a commad to start and aimed his crossbow at one of the targets, continuing to aim until he's sure he got all out of it, even if others shoot earlier, then shot and started to reload, quickly placed second bolt and started aiming anew...

After all five bolts were shot, Tareef picked up bolts he left on the ground, and went to get back all the bolts he shot before heading for melee trial.

2012-02-16, 09:37 AM
WOW...do I feel fortunate!! I have learned a lot of practical things, thank you!

2012-02-16, 10:12 AM
The first round of medical "patients" stagger out complaining of headache, and are drenched in sweat with their hearts pounding. Nothing folks in this heat haven't seen dozens of times: too much time in the sun.
The taller of the two medics announces "Dehydration." The dwarf frowns, as if disappointed by something, and walks over to his patient. He announces "Heat exhaustion. If not cooled, the patient will soon suffer dehydration and stop sweating. But by then the damage will be done: he will smell like an old sock." The short man then flashes a mischievous grin, and takes his patient by the hand. He continues to examine the patient as he walks him to a near by trough that sits in the shade. A watchful doctor would realize that he is still checking him out for other illnesses. As they arrive, the man bends over to splash water on his face. He then turns and says "I don't smell like a sock, ya short bastard."
A quick shove later, the patient, caught off guard by the short medic's only slightly below average strength, is toppled in the trough. "Well, I'd give it another 5 minutes and a good lather. Then you won't smell like a sock." The short man walks back to the open area with a simple swagger, awaiting the next trial.

2012-02-16, 10:46 AM
Abal approaches the pile of swords, testing the weight of them. She takes out a pair of two long and slender sticks, quickly moving them through a few graceful and efficent practice motions.
Confident that they will suffice, she walks out towards to the open area and points a wooden sword at two of the guards. "Gentlmen, if you please."

2012-02-16, 03:12 PM

Pretend to use? You dare to insult me? Maybe I should just take your head with a real axe, of course maybe I will just break your arms with a wooden one. Hamish then spits at the man's feet.

2012-02-16, 03:18 PM
As Jaas makes his way toward the trials for the potential wedding entertainers, he overhears one of the trial overseers—a small and energetic-looking man—instructing the group before him. Though the square is filled with a jumble of competing voices, Jaas's ears are keen, and he can easily pick out the man's words as he walks past.

"—a document in Shandassa that you will translate into Lantrai—"

Jaas pauses. It would be nice to have an extra job within the caravan, and as a fluent speaker of both Lantrai and Shandassa, translating is definitely in his wheelhouse. He makes a mental note to thank Khalid (who had coached him in the Shandassa tongue) upon returning to Khedris. Assuming Khalid is speaking to him then, that is.

The energetic little man instructs everyone to pair up, and then moves to a small table some distance away, calling the first pair forward. The pair stands in front of the little man's table, just out of earshot, and the two take turns reading aloud from a sheet of parchment. After a moment of deliberation the little man tells the more competent translator to stand off to the side and await the next round, while the loser trudges off defeated.

Jaas takes his place in line next to a surly-looking man wearing a dirty tunic. "Mind if I pair up with you?" Jaas says cheerily in perfectly-accented Shandassa. The tunicked man scowls.


Feeling energized by the translation exercises, Jaas now heads to his original destination: the entertainment trials. Here the overseer is a young woman, and like before, they are divided into pairs. A rudimentary platform has been raised, and the pairs of prospective performers must stand and attempt to entertain the crowd; the better of the two moves on to the next round.

Jugglers, acrobats, singers, dancers, sitarists, drummers, flautists, violinists, and magicians without number take the stage. Many of the performers have a glimmer of raw talent, but very few are extraordinary. One unfortunate "magician" has his trick go awry, resulting in his pant leg catching fire and him being summarily laughed off the stage.

As the other half of Jaas's pair finishes, he steps onto the platform. The crowd quiets as he clears his throat, and he barely manages to keep from smirking. Here goes nothing.

In this arena his voice is his weapon—one he's spent a long time honing. In a rich tenor that belies his appearance he begins to sing a classic, Lantaran tragic ballad, unaccompanied by music.

"The wind soft-kissed her ebon skin;
the stars were in her eyes.
My dearest love, since you have gone
there is no more sunrise …"

2012-02-20, 09:46 AM

Hamsih turns and walks away from the man at the Guard Trials. Moving to the medic area, he begins to work his way through the queue. He bandages small wounds and sets broken bones, he treates heat stroke and dehydration. Before long he is standing with the winnners with a large grin on his face. He then walks back to the man at the Guard Trials, Found that axe yet?

2012-02-21, 07:32 AM
Ah, Mr Axeman. Yes, I've got one for you as it happens. And you're up next in fact, against Isnal. We've also got looking down at his list of names, and raising his voice to be heard over the crowd Hons, Jaissis, Abal and Tareef up for this round, if you're still here that is?

2012-02-21, 08:09 AM

I hope he has lots of padding for his sake. Hamish says with a grin.

2012-02-21, 09:03 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

"Right here, sir! Ready and waiting!"

2012-02-21, 03:48 PM
Abal looks eys the named combatants up and down. "Only one?"

2012-02-22, 07:25 AM
Well, don't just stand there. You know the rules, get in there and see if you're as good as you think you are!

The other two men who have walked up grab their prop swords and head into the square with the competitors, who are stood looking slightly battered but unfazed by the challenge

2012-02-22, 08:10 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef nods and makes one step towards his opponent, gauging his stick's reach and waiting to strike at first opportunity.

2012-02-22, 10:58 AM

Hamish steps into the "ring" and hefts his shield and this "axe", testing its weight and balance. He then proceeds to evaluate his oponents defences, looking for an opening.

Evalutate Maneuver

2012-02-22, 12:07 PM
As each of you approaches to within 10 yards of your individual opponent, they raise their wooden broadsword up to be ready, whilst evaluating you to see how much of a threat you are likely to be

2012-02-22, 12:07 PM
Abal steps into the dueling area. She moves the two wooden blades casually into form and takes up a defensive position. "Lets see what you can do. Give me your best shot."

All out defense: Parry with each hand.

2012-02-23, 01:40 AM
"Going to just stand there, are you? Well, come on then!" Abal leaps forward, her blades coming in high and low.

Attempting to disarm his sword
Effective skill: 14. He has a -1 to defend against the attack. If I win, we roll a weapon skill quick contest.
[roll1] Effective Skill: 18

I will dual weapon attack technique to also target his hand that is holding the sword. [roll2] Effective skill: 14. He has a -1 to defend against the attack.
Bokken damage is going to be [roll]1d+3

2012-02-23, 02:49 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef made one more step forward, still waiting to strike at first opportunity.

I'd rather skip next N exactly same steps and have him either attack or 3 yards away.
BTW, what that guy has, other than broadsword? Shield type? Armor?

2012-02-23, 08:06 AM
Abal - Turn 2
Seeing you leap towards him, the guard attempts to shift to the side to avoid the obvious blows before swinging his sword around to catch you as he goes past.

Failing to dodge the flurry of incoming blows, even as he landed his own, the guard recovers himself from the melee and offers a hand in congratulations to you.

Dodge defense roll: [roll0] vs 8
Attack roll: [roll1] vs 17

Disarm quick contest if I didn't dodge is irrelevant, since if I didn't dodge then you've already got three touches(!!), but doing it anyway:
Abal - [roll2] vs 18
Guard - [roll3] vs 16

Tareef - Turn 2
Seeing you hang back, the guard steps in swinging his sword in an attempt to catch you off-guard, landing a heavy blow that goes straight through any defences you could hope to put against it.

Attack roll: [roll4] vs 16 (Critical)
Active Defense: Parry

2012-02-23, 08:40 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Before the guard came close enough to launch his attack, Tarif thrust his, much longer, stick at guard's belly but missed, then got hit by still enevitably closing guard, with no chance of defending, and swung at whatever location would be left open.

Wait action triggers: [roll0] vs 14 for [roll1] (using ST 7 for actual damage)
Attack action: [roll2] vs 14 for [roll3] (using ST 7 for actual damage) at hit location [roll4]

2012-02-23, 12:49 PM

Suddenly Hamish swings his weapon in a vicous arc aiming for his opponents weapon arm.

[roll0] vs 13 (+1 from Evaluate, -2 for targeting arm)
If I hit and he doesn't manage to defend, damage: [roll1]

2012-02-24, 07:19 AM
Hamish - Turn 2 (0 v 0)
The guard sees the swing coming, and just manages to get his sword in the way to avoid being caught by it. The swing is enough to catch him out of position and his own return attack goes wide of the mark

Parry roll: [roll0] vs 9
Attack roll: [roll1] vs 14
Active Defense: Parry

Tareef - Turn 3 (1 v 1)
Being out of position, the swing to the undefended part of the guard makes it through his defences and catches a glancing blow on his ribs, but is quickly followed by a swipe back at your legs in return.

Parry roll: [roll2] vs 10
Attack roll: [roll3] vs 15
Active Defense: Parry

2012-02-24, 07:53 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef made a step back, dodging incoming blow, then thrust his longer stick at guard's torso and stepped further back.

Dodge and retreat: [roll0] vs 13+3
Attack and step: [roll1] vs 14 for [roll2] (using ST 7 for actual damage)

2012-02-24, 12:58 PM
Tareef - Turn 3 (1 v 1)

This time the guard just manages to get his sword round in time to deflect the incoming blow, before closing in again and following along the length of the stick to strike at the arm holding it.

Parry roll: [roll0] vs 10
Move and Attack roll: [roll1] vs 11
Active Defense: Parry

2012-02-25, 11:22 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef followed the same tactics, stepping back dodging the blow. He changed his attack somewhat, trying to trick it around guard's defenses, then stepped further away, but making sure he will still have enough space behind.

Dodge and retreat: [roll0] vs 13+3
Deceptive attack and step: [roll1] vs 14-2 for [roll2] (using ST 7 for actual damage); defense at -1

2012-02-25, 12:19 PM

With his first strike defeated, Hamish again brings his axe around from the other side this time, hoping to take out his foes leg.

[roll0] vs 12

2012-02-25, 03:24 PM
Hamish - Turn 3 (1 v 0)
Failing to get his sword across in time, the guard catches a strike to his leg knocking him off his swing enough that it goes wide of your arm instead.

Parry: [roll0] vs 9
Attack: [roll1] vs 13
Active defense: Parry

Tareef - Turn 4 (1 v 1)
Obviously getting fed up with your tendency to step back and keep out of range, the guard goes for a different tactic of charging in swinging, hoping to catch you off enough to get his blows through.

Parry: [roll2] vs 9
All out attack - Feint
Feint: [roll3] vs [roll4] (Fails)
Attack: [roll5] vs 15

2012-02-25, 07:47 PM

Hamish grinned as he started to break through his opponents defenses.

damage on last hit:[roll0]
Attack: other leg this time: [roll1] vs 12

2012-02-26, 01:41 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Guard charged, swinging his sword, and Tareef once again stepped back dodging the blow. In real combat he would probably cut an arm off any opponent who would be standing defenseless in front of him, but this was sort of sparring, so Tareef did not want to hurt anyone, and one scoring blow was not enoug, so... Tareef once again swung at random location and stepped further back.

I think that feint shuld roll both 3d6s
Dodge and retreat rolled OOC: (3d6)[12] vs 13+3
Attack and step: [roll0] vs 14 at [roll1] for [roll2] (ST7)

2012-02-27, 07:21 AM
Hamish - Turn 4 (1 v 0)
Expecting it this time, the guard gets his sword in to block the axe swinging at his leg before swinging in to strike at your own leg in return.

Parry: [roll0] vs 9
Attack: [roll1] vs 13
Active defense: Parry

Tareef - Turn 5 (2 v 1)
Not giving up his attacks, the guard feints again before swinging his sword in to strike at your chest.

All out attack - Feint
Feint: [roll2] vs [roll3] (Wins - you defend at -4)
Attack: (3d6)[12] vs 15

2012-02-27, 07:30 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

As the guard repeated his reckless attack once again, Tareef dodged once more, this time attempting a fancy salto backwards as he was pretty positive he has won this round. Easily evaging guard's attack, despite all the feinting, and landing on his feet, Tareef swung at guard two times, both of which hit.

"Nah. This way you were an easy target."

Acrobatic dodge and retreat: [roll0] vs 13+3 (further +2 or -2 depending on [roll1] vs 12) and -4 from feint (total 14)
All-out attack 1: [roll2] vs 14 at [roll3] for [roll4] (ST7)
All-out attack 2: [roll5] vs 14 at [roll6] for [roll7] (ST7)

2012-02-27, 08:14 AM

Receiving the third - and fourth - touch, the guard pulls himself up straight and gives a slight bow towards Tareef. That is some fancy footwork you have there. Never have I seen somebody who can dance so well out of the way.

Seriously. Is it actually possible to hit you? ;)

2012-02-27, 08:45 AM
Abal shakes the guards hand before tossing the swords back in the pile standing aside to watch the rest of the fights.

Watching Tareef's fight, she finds herself in agreement with the guard. That one was quick.

2012-02-27, 10:43 AM

Annoyed that his last attack was so easily avoided, Hamish steps forward and brings his shield up to block before attempting to strike at his opponents torso.

Block: [roll0] vs 13 (not sure if I get the slip bonus on this one or not)
Attack: [roll1] vs 14

2012-02-28, 07:13 AM
Hamish - Turn 5 (1 v 0)

Seeing that Hamish was starting to get worked up with the fight, the guard just managed to knock his latest swing out of the way before slicing in for his chest again

Parry: [roll0] vs 9
Attack: [roll1] vs 13
Active defense: Parry

2012-02-28, 08:27 AM

Hamish begins working around to attempt to get to his opponents back as he again brings his shield up to block.

Block: [roll0] vs 15 (13+2 for sidestep)
How are my opponent and I positioned, does this put me beside him?
Attack: [roll1] vs 14 (torso)

2012-02-29, 07:40 AM
Hamish - Turn 6 (1 v 0)

Getting more and more frustrated at your success in blocking his attacks, the guard tries some more fancy attacks in an attempt to misdirect your blocks and get an attack through

Parry: [roll0] vs 9
All out attack - Feint
Feint: [roll1] vs [roll2]
Attack: [roll3] vs 13

You will have been 1 yard apart before, but if you want to actively try to get around the side/back of him you can - understanding of course that he'll try to get you back where he can see you in his turn...

2012-02-29, 08:29 AM

Seeing the Guard opening up his defenses, Hamish steps to the side again and attempts to end this trial.

Block with sidestep: [roll0] vs 15
All out Attack, Double:
[roll1] vs 14
[roll2] vs 14
No option to defend for him as he all out attacked.

2012-02-29, 08:49 AM

As the third hit lands, the guard again recovers his footing and offers a hand to you in congratulations.


Everybody who won at least one of their trials is told to report for work at the caravans the next morning, and invited to a party going off at the Usurper’s Beard tavern on the edge of Caravan Square, where food and drink are provided free to all new employees of Halmaro.

As you all arrive at the tavern, you are told that weapons are to be checked at the door for safe keeping, and will be returned to you later on. Inside, in the main room, there are a number of tables and a bar down the left hand wall. A game of darts is going off in the corner by the windows, with some people crowded around watching the game.

2012-02-29, 08:58 AM

Hamish grudgingly checks his weapons at the door before moving into the tavern. Seeing a game of darts taking place, he moves over to watch and possibly join in.

2012-02-29, 09:21 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef had little interest in partying - he did not drink any alcohol, did not like to meet new drunk people (which was quite probable, given the all-inclusive nature of this enterprise), especially large quantities of new drunk people, did not like to part with his weapons... really, there was nothing at the Usurper’s Beard that could interest him beside the food being free, but with today's performance, Tareef concluded he is quite in a position to pay for his own dinner in some quieter place. So he went to some other, well-known, tavern, greeted well-known personnel and patrons, and made his order, just like he usually did.

2012-02-29, 10:44 AM
Abal graciously accepts the invitation. It has been a long time since she was able to attend any parties of social signifigance. She recalled the dancing fondly of her childhood however.

Upon entering, excitement led to panic and overwhelmed, she quietly retreats to an empty table to observe, eat and drink saftely.

2012-02-29, 11:00 AM

After treating scorpion stings, injured legs, and general cuts and bruises, and a particularly well-acted hallucinogen victim, he stands victorious in the medical trials. He notices the tallest person he has ever seen. As curiosity is his nature, he follows a while and watches part of the guard trials.
He then goes to the cooking trial. His preparation seemed to be successful, but one of the judges was severely allergic to an ingredient. Thinking quickly, Jitik ran back to the medical area, grabbed a tincture and a needle, and ran back. He was able to treat the needle, and stick the cooking judge; however, as the judge didn't take kindly to "being poisoned" or "getting stabbed", Jitik was quickly expelled from the cooking trials.


After wandering around the various trials, and listening in on the language trials, Jitik goes to the Usurper's Beard. He immediately notices the incredibly tall man from the medic trials over by a game of darts and walks over. "You did very well in the medic trials today, good work. Where did you learn to treat wounds?"

2012-02-29, 11:12 AM

Amongst my people you learn to look after yourself or you die.

2012-02-29, 11:41 AM

"Your people? Who are your people? And are they all so tall?"

2012-02-29, 11:49 AM

Are they all so tall? Hamish lets out a barking laugh. Yes, all the members of my tribe are tall. We live out in the wastes and travel where the winds take us. My clan is known as the Swiftfoot tribe.

2012-02-29, 05:06 PM

"I am a traveler as well, though I am sure travelling would be different with a tribe. So why did you leave your tribe and come to the city? It seems like it would be a lonely sort of thing to do."

2012-03-01, 07:41 AM

As you sit at the table in The Golden Camel and are awaiting your food to turn up, a young man comes up and sits down at the table next to you. I couldn't help but notice you were from the trials earlier. How come you're here and not at the party with everybody else?

Hamish / Jitik

Stood by the darts talking, you can't help but overhear an older man - early 40s - with pale skin and brown hair trying to convince some people to take a bet on the darts game going on, but the people in question are doing their best to ignore him


You sit at a table in the corner, with your food and drink and quietly watching the crowds. As you do, an obviously very drunk man all but falls into the chair next to you. Hey there Vildo. Long time no see! Hows life treating you? I've not seen you around here in - well, must be 5 years or more! What're you up to these days?

2012-03-01, 08:10 AM

At the age when one must become a man in my tribe, they send us out alone to get an experience of the rest of the world. When I have seen what I want to see I can go back or not if I so choose. Noticing the man trying to convince others to gamble, What do you make of that one?

2012-03-01, 09:18 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef nods, then shrugs. "Well, apparently because I did not want any company..." That, Tareef thought, should be enough of a subtle hint for the man to either get down to business or get lost. Anyway, Tareef was not in hurry.

2012-03-01, 10:46 AM

I think he should get more sun or his bones will soften. But I think his paleness also suggests he has the money to back those bets he's trying to make. Too bad I've never been one for throwing money away.

2012-03-01, 02:02 PM
Abal shifts uncomfortably."Sorry sir, but you have me mistaken. I am not Vildo. My name is Abal al-Areej. I wish you the best of luck in locating Vildo.""

2012-03-02, 05:23 AM

I apologise. You hold yourself apart from the crowds, and you looked to me like someone who would maybe be interested in earning some extra coin. Forgive me if I'm mistaken and I will take up no more of your time


Still slurring his words, the man continues Don't be daft. O'course your Vildo. Why are you lying to me? You ashamed to see me again or something?

2012-03-02, 05:55 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef nods. "Only completely legal business, lad. Only legal business."

2012-03-02, 05:59 AM
Abal's eyes narrow and her lips turn into a frown. "I am not Vildo, sir. I do not know you. Nor do I wish to know you. Go away!

2012-03-02, 07:26 AM

Well, of course. I'd never want to suggest you do anything illegal at all. Simply a bit of extra work on the side, whilst you're out on the trip to Ein Arris. The money is very worth your consideration I feel


Starting to raise his voice and get visibly agitated, the drunk responds with: Well, aint that just something. After all these years and you refuse to even know me! Whatever are folks coming to these days!

A few people around are starting to stare at the scene the drunk is creating...

Hamish / Jitik

The man looks over at you, hearing your comments and responds Whats up? Scared of losing your last pennies? Well, to look at you I can understand why you'd need to keep them

2012-03-02, 07:56 AM
Abal looked at all the people watching. She started to sweat and felt a lump in her throat.

"I don't know you! Sod off and leave me alone!" she shouts.

2012-03-02, 08:05 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

"Then I will consider it. Oh, what's your name?"

Wondering what this business might be, Tareef was ready to hear the proposal in full, making no interruptions.

2012-03-02, 08:38 AM

The proposal is really quite simple. I am working for Katsaya, who no doubt you already know of. Your job will be to keep your eyes and ears open on the trip - especially around Tsorvano and Halmaro - and report anything interesting that you see or hear to Katsaya. For this, you will receive $500 now and another $1,000 on your arrival to Ein Arris if your information proves to be useful.


Actually shouting now, You know what, screw you! If you're too good for me, after all of the time we spent together then screw you! and he throws what little is left of his current drink in your face. Or tries to - his aim is rather impaired and instead the drink goes all down your left arm

2012-03-02, 08:58 AM
Abal looks down at her arm, stands up and as she makes eye contact with the drunk, attempts to punch him in the balls!

Extra Effort roll for Mighty Blow
[roll0] T:10

All out (Accurate) groin hit!
[roll1] T: 11

Damage if hit
[roll2] (+2 if I got the extra effort bonus)

2012-03-02, 09:17 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

Tareef kept silent for a while, thinking about the proposition.

Trying to remember as much as possible about these Katsaya, Tsorvano and Halmaro and they relations towards each other. [roll0] vs 10 for Area Knowledge (Small Nation, assuming all these people are important enough; otherwise, at -1), especially if that Tsorvano would be somewhere in chain of command after Tareef gets hired by Halmaro, but not only that - just everything he can.

2012-03-02, 09:36 AM

You like to bet do you? Care to wager on the outcome of the fight that just broke out over there? I think she can take him, what about you?

2012-03-02, 10:06 AM

The short man looks sullen, but because he is desperately aware of his poverty he says nothing. Thankfully the fight breaking out shifts his attention. I think I've seen that woman somewhere before. But where? He then rummages through the days observings and realizes she was at the guard trials, but he didn't see how she performed. "Eh, I for one will pass on that bet."

2012-03-02, 12:02 PM

Mirdas steps inside, checking his knife. He looks at the fight breaking out. "Perhaps I should keep this, eh?" he jests with the doorman before stepping inside.

He gets a drink and watches Abal.

2012-03-02, 12:12 PM

Halmaro is the master of the Merchants Guild, and is in charge of the caravan
Katsaya is Halmaro's wife
Tsorvano works for Halmaro and has done for many years


Not even seeing the punch coming, the drunk gets a sharp strike to the groin, doubling over for a fraction of a second before coming up swinging and striking at your chest for a strong if shaky blow.

Perception: [roll0] vs 10
If passed - Dodge: [roll1] vs 7
Swinging back at you: [roll2] vs 3
Damage: [roll3]

2012-03-02, 12:38 PM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

"Hmm... you mean that sort of "interesting"?"

2012-03-03, 05:32 AM

So, are you interested or not?

2012-03-03, 05:45 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

You see, unless someone somehow provides me with similar position in the caravan, I plan to work for that same Halmaro you propose I tell you about. And there we will have a conflict of interests, which might result in me acquiring a reputation of a man who spies on his own employer. Not good. So, either find me a similar-paying employer or go search some other guy. Besides, I prefer not to deal with nameless persons, regerdless who are they referring to.

2012-03-03, 10:52 AM
Abal stands there, watching the drunk flail at her. "Walk away."

Taking the wait manuver to step out of his reach and kick him if he keeps attacking.

2012-03-03, 01:13 PM

Hah! Think you're so tough, do you? Well, you don't scare me! And the man comes charging in again...

Intimidate [roll0] vs Will [roll1]


Well, fair enough. You're choice. Be seeing you. And the man gets up as casually as he sat down and wanders off out the door

2012-03-03, 01:35 PM
Abal steps back and kicks at his chest.

[roll0] T: 8

Damage: [roll1]

2012-03-03, 01:53 PM

With the kick at his chest going nowhere near, the old drunk sees an opportunity and attempts to shove you off balance whilst your leg is in the air, unfortunately missing himself and staggering a bit in the process

Shove: [roll0] vs 9
Damage: [roll1] * 2 as Knockback
If knockback roll is at least 7 [ST-2, -4 from the high kick that missed] then [roll2] crushing damage

2012-03-03, 02:05 PM
"I said go away!" Abal shouts as he attempts to push her over. She attempts to end this quickly with a few well placed blows.

All out attack (Double) to chest
[roll0] T 10 Damage: [roll1]
[roll2] T 10 Damage: [roll3]

2012-03-04, 06:14 AM
As you're watching the fight that broke out, an attractive comes up and stands next to you. Oh, I just hate to see people fighting like that! Whatevers going on?, looking down at your left arm she carries on with You look like you've had your share of experience in fighting. Why don't you go and stop this before they kill each other?

You can see that the strain of the combat is starting to sober the man out slightly, in how he is standing straighter and not wavering on the spot quite as much. You are quite surprised at how he manages to knock your blow aside and land a punch of his own square in your chest...

Parry: [roll0] vs 10
Attack: [roll1] vs 12
Damage: [roll2]

2012-03-04, 10:28 AM

Upon seeing the drunkard rally, Jitik is surprised and slightly delighted. "Haha, that's something! It's been a while since I have seen a bar brawl. Well mister Swiftfoot, are you still glad you made that bet with this gambling degenerate?" As he indicates toward the pale fellow.

2012-03-04, 10:53 AM
Hamish / Jitik
We'll see who's the degenerate when I win my money from you...

I'd mis-read Hamish and Jitik's posts earlier :( The "gambling degenerate" would have taken Hamish up on that bet... I'd read it as Hamish betting Jitik about the fight...

2012-03-04, 11:26 AM
Abal winces and coils her muscles. She didnt want to fight but it was now a thing about honor.

Wait to step back and if he pursues, all out attacking double him.

2012-03-05, 03:15 AM
As you're watching the fight that broke out, an attractive comes up and stands next to you. Oh, I just hate to see people fighting like that! Whatevers going on?, looking down at your left arm she carries on with You look like you've had your share of experience in fighting. Why don't you go and stop this before they kill each other?

"And tear my eyes from you? Not for all the pepper in the south." He props his head up with his hand under his chin and gazes wistfully into her eyes. "And tell me, is you name as beautiful as your face?"

2012-03-06, 09:14 AM

And just how deep are your pockets?

2012-03-06, 09:41 AM
Tareef Ubay ibn Hamza

As his casual would-be employer left, Tareef returned to doing nothing while his order is being processed. As often, he was not in hurry.

2012-03-08, 12:16 PM

Doubting your ability to win this bet? Is that why you won't discuss the amount?

2012-03-09, 02:55 AM
Hah - got you running scared now, have I? You always were a coward when it really counted!

She giggles a bit, I'm Melisandre. You really think I'm beautiful?

Oh, you're still here? And wanting a bet now that things have changed, eh? I'll bet you $10 that she won't win, hows that sound?

2012-03-09, 05:01 AM
"What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Abal steps in and swings a few blows in frustration.

Step in
All out attack (double)
[roll0] T 10 damage: [roll1]
[roll2] T 10 damage: [roll3]

2012-03-10, 05:36 AM
She giggles a bit, I'm Melisandre. You really think I'm beautiful?

Mirdas gazes into her eyes. "Oh yes. Your eyes twinkle like all the stars of the heavens. Will you be traveling with the caravan?"

2012-03-11, 02:43 PM

Fine, but if you don't pay up, I will break your arms.

2012-03-12, 11:45 AM
Managing to block one of the attacks before being caugh by the second, the man catches you a glancing blow in return, and is starting to look visibly tired from the brawl now...

Parry: [roll0] vs 10
Attack: [roll1] vs 12
Damage: [roll2]

Oh yeah? I don't think so somehow... But worry not, I always honour my debts, as I hope you do?

Turning around to face you, and moving in a bit closer, she says quietly in your ear No, there was no space for me on there. Unless you know a way of getting me on there?

2012-03-12, 09:58 PM
Abal winces, she too was getting sore and tired. She weaves back and forth, waiting, biding her time.

Wait to step back and puch him if he advances

2012-03-13, 09:19 AM

Aye, I honour my debts. But cross me and you may find I am more to handle than you expect.

2012-03-13, 04:11 PM

Curiosity and astonishment cross Jitik's face as he listens to the conversation. "Wait, wait... That might just be a bet I'd be willing to take. You mean that you think that this goliath of a man couldn't break your arms? Surely you would agree he is physically capable, unless you believe your bones to be made of iron?"

2012-03-14, 07:27 AM
Turning around to face you, and moving in a bit closer, she says quietly in your ear No, there was no space for me on there. Unless you know a way of getting me on there?

"Did you try to get on as a merchant? I'm sure room could be found for you. If you aren't going on the caravan, then what are you doing in here? Here for the show?"

2012-03-16, 07:27 AM
At this point, one of the local guards comes crashing into the tavern having seen the rucus going on, and charges up to you two to pull you apart. What on earth do you think you're doing here! We'll be having nothing of this sort on my watch!

Merchant? I'm no merchant. I'm more of an... entertainer, you could say...

2012-03-16, 08:06 AM
Not resisting the seperation, Abal continues to shout. "This deaf twit needed educating!"

2012-03-16, 09:07 AM

I'm pretty sure she had him beat when that guard stepped in.

2012-03-16, 03:59 PM

Way I see it, they were both still standing. She didn't win at all, just like I said...

2012-03-17, 02:54 PM

In fact, I think you had the guards interfere to end the fight prematurely because you knew she was winning.

2012-03-18, 06:01 AM
Merchant? I'm no merchant. I'm more of an... entertainer, you could say...

"That's a matter of semantics, don't you think?" Mirdas strokes his beard. "Do you know anything about selling spices?" He smiles a sly smile. "I'm sure having you at the negotiating table could be... beneficial."

2012-03-18, 03:58 PM

Well, I think its a good time to call it a night. I'll grab some more food and hit the road. Jitik, looking board, wanders toward the bar, orders some fruit for the way out and waits for it to arrive.

2012-03-19, 07:22 AM
I did no such thing. I just happen to know how the guards around here frown on fights like this... Maybe you should learn the same?

You both need educating, by the looks of it. It'll be the cells for you both tonight, see if that don't teach you a lesson

With another giggle, Why, are you offering me a job?

2012-03-19, 07:52 AM

I think you are a liar and a cheat.

2012-03-19, 05:25 PM
With another giggle, Why, are you offering me a job?

"Perhaps a... partnership. I already have my inventory. Neither of us would get anything unless we could move the merchandise. What languages do you speak?"

2012-03-19, 05:49 PM
Abal glares. "Give me a chance and a sword, I'll teach you how to use one." she states. She however will not actively resist.

2012-03-21, 07:21 AM
You can think what you like, just so long as I get my money...

Languages? What.. Just Lantari. Why? What did you have in mind?

I'm going to choose to ignore that threat right there, for your own benefit

2012-03-21, 08:19 AM

Your money? You think I will pay you for a bet you cheated on? You can either pay me or maybe I will just beat you within an inch of your life for cheating.

2012-03-21, 08:23 AM

Your money? You think I will pay you for a bet you cheated on? You can either pay me or maybe I will just beat you within an inch of your life for cheating.

2012-03-21, 08:53 AM
The man just laughs at that, Do you even know who you're talking to? Maybe I should just go and tell Halmaro about your insolence and see how he likes that?

2012-03-21, 09:12 AM

Maybe you should just go and do that you blowhard. Or maybe you will try and it will be very difficult to get there with broken legs.

I'm not even going to bother with the self control roll, he laughed at hamish....

Hamish rushes forward and lowers his shoulder to the man's midsection, hoping to tackle him to the ground.

Not sure what to roll against here, I have both brawling and wrestling.

2012-03-21, 09:22 AM
Languages? What.. Just Lantari. Why? What did you have in mind?

"Having a beautiful woman at the bargaining table would be quite beneficial. The people I will be selling my wares to will be speaking Shandassa. Luckily, I know Shandassa. I've been taken on as one of the translators here. It will be no problem to tutor you on the journey. Perhaps we could discuss this more in my tent? I have some very good wine."

OOC: Greed and Lecherousness. What fun to play! Also, my guy has a reputation as keeping his bargains, so she can probably figure that he means it (which he does).

2012-03-23, 04:12 PM
Seeing you come charging at him, the man steps to the side only too slowly to get out of your way, knocking him back into the wall. That's it! Halmaro and Tsorvano will hear of this in the morning. You'll never work for the Merchants Guild again! You'll see!

Dodge: [roll0] vs 8

Giggling again, she slips slightly closer to you again. Why, I hope you're not trying to take advantage of little old me?

2012-03-23, 05:33 PM
Giggling again, she slips slightly closer to you again. Why, I hope you're not trying to take advantage of little old me?

"Not with the business I'm not. Never with business. But..."

2012-03-23, 06:54 PM

Crap, crap, crap! I better go keep him from actually breaking that guys legs... funny as that would be to watch. Jitik quickly heads over, trying to look nonchalant but guilty.

"Hey, I knew I shouldn't have let you drink so much... Come on and let me take you back to your room." Looking at the gambler, "Sorry, he thinks he can drink more than he can really hold down." Jitik then bends over to help lift the colossus of a man and whispers "Look, I want to help you not spend the night in jail like those two. Just calm down and act a little drunk for me."

Acting: [roll0] vs. 11 ± modifiers?
Hopefully this guy is a little sauced himself.

2012-03-26, 09:06 AM

Hamish staggers upright and half-heartedly takes a swing at Jitik, Who you calling a drunk?

If an acting roll is required: [roll0] vs IQ-5 (6)

2012-03-26, 01:21 PM

Jitik leans out of the way of the swing (Hopefully that is sufficient for a half-hearted swing). "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean it. Lets just get you back to your room, I'm sure one of those girls we met earlier will be waiting. You didn't already forget about them did you?" Jitik then turns to walk away, motioning for the tall man to follow, then turns partially back and says to the gambler "Sorry again about that, he's usually not like this."

2012-03-29, 08:12 AM

"Hey, Swiftfoot! Down here! We're going back to your room..." Jitik waves his hands a little to get the tall man's attention. "Are you coming?"

2012-03-29, 08:39 AM

Sluring his words somewhat, Don't call me swiftfoot, I have a name you know.

Self Control roll, [roll0] vs 12

2012-03-29, 04:02 PM

"Sorry, I guess I just kind of assumed that'd be your family name from your tribe and all that. Anyway, are you coming?"

2012-03-30, 03:52 PM

Jitik gets a mildly frustrated expression. Well, this ruse is definitely dead.

Turning toward the tall man, Jitik says, "Ok, I can see you're getting angry so I guess I should just explain this all. I don't know your name because you never told me your name, probably since I never asked. I went with your tribe's name so that it would sound like I knew you since I was trying to convince our gambling friend over here that I know you and can vouch for you. But seeing how I'm doing a terrible job of convincing him of that..."

Jitik then turns toward the gambling man. "You'll have to pardon me for trying to trick you for this fellow's sake. He's not exactly from around here as I understand it and I think he should be part of the caravan. I can see you don't agree, so let me explain it as I understand it. Big Red is short on guards, and with this many goods he's going to need every last one. But of course, that has little to do with you, so here's how it works out for you...

"As you can see, our friend here is without guile, he isn't going to lie to you, not without you noticing at least. If you're a gambler for the money I think he has demonstrated that you might be able to get some winnings off of him, and if you're such good friends with Halmaro you'll probably be able to take a gambling tab out of his pay when the caravan arrives.

"On the other hand, if you're a gambler for the thrill, well, if you're a risk taker... remind me again why you wouldn't want him to come?"

Hopefully I'll get a +3 out for my pitiable nature out of whomever our GM should rule.

Diplomacy for Hamish
[roll0] vs. 6

Diplomacy for the gambler
[roll1] vs. 6

2012-03-30, 05:19 PM
Well now. All I ask is my money, and I won't mention any of what happened here to Halmero. Is that really too much to ask, if you really want your friend here to keep his job?

2012-03-30, 05:40 PM

"Well, I'm glad to see you can be reasonable. Here's your $10. It'll be sad to lose it as I'll not have any spare change to throw about gambling on such a long boring trip, but I think I'll get over it."

Turning back to Hamish, "You have a good rest of your evening now, and try not to get into too much trouble."

2012-04-02, 08:54 AM

After walking away, Hamish mutters under his breath. That cheat had better watch his back on this little excursion. Then with a sigh, Lets go see if the lady is going to be detained or not. Before heading towards where the guard was breaking up the fight between Abel and the drunk.

2012-04-04, 06:13 AM
By this point, the guard is just getting the two brawlers up and out the door

2012-04-04, 01:01 PM

Seeing the guard escorting his charges out the door, Hamish follows. Excuse me, but what will be the little lady's fate?

2012-04-04, 01:36 PM
Looking up as you talk to him, These two? It's the axe for them, first thing in the morning...

2012-04-04, 01:38 PM

Executed for a wee fight?

2012-04-04, 01:58 PM

Abal stops moving. "You said jail.. You did not mention an axe!" she hisses.

2012-04-04, 02:01 PM
At the look on both Hamish and Abal's face, the guard just starts laughing. I know, but how could I resist. Your faces were priceless. They'll go in a cell for the night to cool off, and that's all. We're not barbarians here you know

2012-04-04, 02:07 PM

Overwhelmed by the night's events, Abal's only response is giving a small whimper then proceeding to empty the contents of her stomach onto the floor. The joke was too close to reality right now.

2012-04-05, 01:12 PM

That was a cruel joke. Some poeple would be a mind to report you to your superiors.

2012-04-10, 03:49 PM

Looking toward the gambler, "So why do you like to gamble?"

2012-04-11, 06:11 AM
The guard just glares at you, and gets back to forcing the two prisoners out the door

Why? Why not? What's not to like? Assuming you've got the sense for it of course...

2012-04-12, 10:36 AM

Hamish follows the guard and his captives out the door, I think I will go see your commander.

2012-04-12, 12:06 PM

"What's not to like is losing money. The only "sense" that could stop that is future-sight, with dice and the like at least. That's just not a sense I have... So what's your job in the caravan?"

2012-04-16, 06:19 AM
Myself? I'm in charge of the advance guard. The smaller caravan that goes into towns to negotiate supplies and accommodation before the main caravan arrives. Speaking of which, I'm going to give my leave and get some much needed rest before we set off tomorrow... And with that, the man gets up and heads off

2012-04-16, 03:13 PM

I suppose I ought to get some sleep as well. Jitik leaves the bar area to retire for the evening.

2012-04-19, 10:25 AM

Hamish continues to follow the guard until he drops off his prisoners, always watching to see if he mistreats the lady.