View Full Version : [3.5] Paladin Optimize

2012-02-13, 11:50 AM
It seems like all my friends want to DM so I'm churning out character concepts like crazy. My current idea is Paladin 4/Boneknight 10/???. I'm not quite sure what to do with this build but I like the flavor of it. I've read both the Cleric AND Pally Handbooks I could find, but most of the tips and ACFs are at higher levels. I know I'm going to be a melee front runner, so would PA, Leap Attack, etc etc be standard?

My stats are 15, 15, 15, 15, 17, 18. No flaws allowed but almost all 3.5 material.
Starting at 3rd level.

TL;DR Help me pimp my paladin.

2012-02-13, 03:13 PM
61 point buy? Jebus.

I'm not sure what to do with the Bone Knight levels, but you might be able to get some decent debuffing going with the Paladin of Tyranny + Dreadful Wrath + Fearsome Armor + a Sudden Stunning weapon, then going a Power attack-heavy route, picking and choosing from Spirited Charge, Law Devotion, Shock Trooper and maybe Divine Might. Once you have a decent pool of spells per day, Battle Blessing is required for most Pallys. That should fill your limited feat slots pretty quickly.

2012-02-13, 03:24 PM
61 point buy? Jebus.

I'm not sure what to do with the Bone Knight levels, but you might be able to get some decent debuffing going with the Paladin of Tyranny + Dreadful Wrath + Fearsome Armor + a Sudden Stunning weapon, then going a Power attack-heavy route, picking and choosing from Spirited Charge, Law Devotion, Shock Trooper and maybe Divine Might. Once you have a decent pool of spells per day, Battle Blessing is required for most Pallys. That should fill your limited feat slots pretty quickly.

Our stat generation is almost always very generous. 4d6 drop the lowest and re-rolling 1s . My friend legit rolled not a single stat below a 17!! And the Bone Knight levels were for the immunities that are given while being able to keep my CON score. We know for a fact that we will be dabbling in Barovia when we hit the right levels for it, but it's not the focus. Knight of the Raven seemed attractive but the campaign as a whole won't be undead centric.