View Full Version : [AFMBE] Rebuild - (IC)

The Federalist
2012-02-13, 05:14 PM
What you know from the news or other reports: The greatest harm can result from the best intentions. The world is learning this the hard way. Nearly a month ago, the first marketable cure for cancer finished its clinical trials. It met with critical success. Everyone, even those on deaths door had no signs of any cancerous cells within three days. The wonder drug had arrived. The drug was great. In fact there were no side effects at all. That is until about two weeks ago. A man treated with the drug decided to go hiking. He was bit by a rabid dog. Something in the drug accelerated the encephalitis effects of the rabies and the man barely made it to the ER. There was nothing to be done for him. He was dead within 6 hours of the bite. He was back up destroying things and infecting others by the 7th hour.

Patient Zero as he was called started in Atlanta. The epidemic matrix shows that within 4 days there were "infected cadavers" as the CDC called them, on 6 of the 7 continents. Some countries blamed others for using biological warfare and soon the nuclear apocalypse was in full swing to go along with the zombie apocalypse. The East and West coasts were the hardest hit by the nuclear devices. The south and parts of the mid-west were left mostly untouched aside from Chicago and Dallas. The "Infected" however are everywhere.

What you know about your current situation:
Somehow, for some reason, you have been holed up with 13 other survivors in a little mechanics garage just South of Memphis for the last week or so. Supplies are running low and you have to decided what to do now.

The town you are in is Southaven and the garage is on Stateline Rd. As the name suggests it is the border for Tennessee and Mississippi. West bound lanes are in TN, with the East bound lanes in MS. The garage is Haggard's Garage, on the MS side of Stateline Rd, named for the owner John Haggard.

The Garage isn't large, just 3 bay doors, and one customer entrance. It's made of solid concrete and the doors are heavy metal doors from the 60's, not the new light aluminum crap the doors are made of today. Good thing too. The door is a heavy metal door, with dead-bolts and no window. Thankfully Haggard's worked more on reputation than advertising. If he hadn't he would have had one of those nice big windows that said Zombies Eat Free! It does have an interior ladder that can be used to access the roof.

He has had enough food, from the vending machines mostly, to keep everyone alive for the last week or so. Speaking of keeping people alive. Here are the people you have been trapped with.

John Haggard: A huge, mountain of a man, and the owner of the shop. He is in his mid-forties and is still rather fit. He has the physique of a bouncer, or maybe an NFL Linebacker, weighing in at 6'4" 260lbs. He makes sure everyone is taken care of but has never been seen joking around. He carries his shotgun up to the roof every morning an accesses the situation. He can occassionally be seen sipping out of a flask he keeps in his shirt.

Beth Lynch: Haggard's sole employee. She is a fiery twenty something who is very athletic. Her knowledge of cars rivals that of Haggard's and she is also one of the best drivers in the south, racing on the dirt tracks. She is fiercely loyal, but loves one thing more than life itself... her 1970 Dodge Challenger R/T that is covered int he far bay of the garage. Beth is about 5'9" 130lbs.
http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/ramage8504/Jennessen.jpg and her http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q299/ramage8504/BethsCharger.jpg

Ryan Jameson: Ryan is from LA originally. He is young actor who was recently in his first big time film. It was a small part but it proved that he could make money. He flew back to Memphis to visit his family when thing went to hell. He is always smiling and quick to help. Ryan is genuinely a good guy.

Addie Welsch: Addie is a rather attractive young mother who used to be a legal assistant. She is scared to death for her 2 month old infant that never leaves her arms.

Vic: Little is know about this man. He offers little but is quick to help when asked. He carries a machete across his back and looks as if he had to use it to get here. He only arrived two days ago and was the last to let in.

Present: Haggard's Garage, Stateline Rd. Southaven, MS. 0718, 06/29/2014

Haggard makes his way down the the ladder, shotgun in hand. "Alright everyone, gather round." He waits a few moments for everyone to make their way to him. "Alright, the situation is bad. We have enough food to get us through lunch tomorrow, and water and soda to last us three more days. There are some walkers that I can see from a few blocks away, but if we are quick we can get the doors open and shut again. We need food. We need to keep some people here for safety, but some of us are going to have to go out there. Any volunteers to go scavenge?"

2012-02-13, 07:15 PM
Matthew raises his hand quickly.

" I'll go . We may need to pick a lock if we don't wanna make noise breaking through doors. And maybe the scent of rotting corpses out there will make me appreciate a little more the smell of sweat and oil this place is packing up... "

2012-02-13, 09:32 PM
Jules does nothing.

2012-02-13, 09:39 PM
He looked about the gathered. They were a good looking lot, but what about those poor souls stuck outside? "I would like to be apart of this trip. I believe I can be of assistance out there."He looked about the group again. Good looking group indeed.

The Federalist
2012-02-13, 09:58 PM
Beth speaks up."I'll go... Haggard, you gotta stay, make sure one moves in while we are gone. Addie, you get a pass. Carlos, you probably shouldn't go either. Everyone else, it's your choice." She checks her pistol in its holster.

After a moment Ryan steps forward. "I'm not much good with a weapon... but I can keep an eye out."

Vic stands in place saying nothing.

OOC: Carlos is still free to go, I am just RPing.

2012-02-13, 10:43 PM

*Scott sat quietly off to one side - as much as he could with this many poeple cramped into the building. The heavy smell of oil and metal didn't bother him so much, and even the acrid smell of sweat and fear were something he could deal with, but the constant confinement was like a burr in his spine. He could ignore it and push it away for a while, but there was little to do but wait most days, and it left plenty of time to think. Time to think about life. Time to think about their situation.*

*When Haggard makes his way back down the ladder and explains the situation, he simply nods in agreement. It had been something he'd taken note of - an inevitability, to be sure, though hearing it said out loud certainly cemented it in the mind. He didn't wait to see if anyone else would volunteer, stepping forward with a hand raised.*
"I'll go, to be sure. I'm able-bodied and I've had a couple thoughts on items we can use - things for the little one, if possible."

2012-02-13, 11:06 PM
Jules steps forward, saying,"I believe I can be of assistance."

2012-02-14, 03:50 AM
Michelle raises her hand as well. ''I'll go too. i owe it to all of you for taking me in when i passed out outside the garage.''

Ricky S
2012-02-14, 06:41 AM
I dont know the area but I can provide a strong arm if you need it. Plus more eyes watching for walkers is definately a good thing. Rick stands up his jeans covered in dirt and grime, speaking in a light Australian accent. Beth, if we scout out a large amount of food can we use your car to get it back here. Or you use your car... Is you car available?

The Federalist
2012-02-14, 10:53 AM
Beth's face tightens into a forced smile at Rick's suggestion of using her car. "This many bodies, and to bring food back, we should probably use the work truck outside."

It's as good of an excuse and any, though Rick gets the feeling that she doesn't want to take a chance of messing it up. It would be really hard to get parts or a new paint job for the car, and it is in immaculate condition.

Haggard tosses his keys to Beth and she catches them in a gloved hand. Well fingerless gloved. Perfect for driving... and shooting.

"I'll go back on the roof and give overwatch, at least until you guys get in the truck. And keep an eye out for looters. They may be more dangerous than the walkers. They can still use guns."

Vic walks to the door and speaks with a very heavy African accent. "I'll close door behind you."

Beth takes point heading out the door. She has the keys in her left hand paired to the pistol she is holding with her right hand. She is wearing army surplus camo pants, a yellow tank top, and a leather jacket. The jacket appears to be very light, like it is used to protect the skin from rocks and other debris than for warmth. Her combat boots don't quite seem out of place either. She has a backpack that seems to have a few items in it.

Ryan is in the middle of the group. He looks very out of place, wearing a nice suit. Well, the tie is off, and so is the jacket, and the sleeves are rolled up, but it probably cost $2000 dollars before all of this happened. He is wearing some old work gloves Haggard gave him and carrying a metal base ball bat.

Beth gets to the truck and fires it up. It's a and old Ford F-250 pick up truck. It runs on diesel, has four doors and a big bed. Thankfully it also has a heavy grille and bumper on the front along with an electric wench.

Ryan jumps in the back seat. There are two more empty seats in the front and in the back. Anyone else will have to jump in the bed of the truck.

The day has a funky orange glow to it, but most do now that the world is a wasteland. It's about 10 degrees warmer than a normal Mississippi Summer day, which is to day is a humid and suffocating 115 degrees. At least the truck has a decent AC. The garage stays relatively cool because it is all concrete and the roof reflects a lot of the heat.
OOC: I need to know where each of you are sitting and what you are bringing with you.

2012-02-14, 12:50 PM
" All right now here we go! See if you can get my Motorcycle running when we come back "

With that Matthew grab's his Satchel and Shotgun which he spins in his nad and gets in one of the front seats.

"Let's roll!"

2012-02-14, 01:39 PM
Along with her backpack, Michelle brings a police baton, that looks slightly worned, with the name Henrik edged into the top of the handle.

''Alright everyone. let's stay alive and together, alright?'' Michelle says as she heads for the truck bed.

I would just like to meantion that, Michelle haven't told much about herself, just her name and where she's from (denmark). she mostly just cried the first few days after colapsing outside the garage, when she first arrived at our hideout, because of the loss of her friend (this she told to whoever comforted her).

2012-02-14, 03:14 PM
Jules picks up his bag, containing all of his remaining possessions, and steps into the back seat.

2012-02-14, 06:24 PM
The priest moved quickly and with purpose. His small piece of the bay had been turned into a private chapel of sorts. His eyes darted over the raggedy sleeping bag and well used rucksack, a nice dirty ACU pattern thing, more yellow now. He ruffled through it for a minute before frustration led to him dumping it's contents. He through it over his shoulder and dug through the pile. He sat and traded his nice sensible shoes for a beat up and stained pair of desert tan boots....like gloves for his toes broken in. He came rushing back to the group carrying a nice wooden bat, his claw hand, and a nice boonie cap. Smiling he would pull himself up into the back of the truck. He felt akward like he had taken to long getting there. Before he sat he strapped a holster to his thigh securing a pistol belt around his waist. "A man can never be to prepared in these dark times."

He looked over the group oiling into the vehicle. His gaze falling on Michelle, the name on her baton caught his attention. "Vengencw is a dark thing child. I understand the need, the urge, but do not let it consume you. Better to honor Hienrich's life then to die full of rage over his death." He awaited her response. He knew the message would like be poorly received, but neccesary. Her rage might cost them more than her life, it might cost the little group the lives of other members.

2012-02-14, 06:46 PM
''Oh hello father, um, the name on it is my father's name.... um what do you mean by vengence? he died when i where little, it's his old baton.'' Michelle seems confused about why she should be vengeful about something that heppened almost 19 years ago.

2012-02-14, 07:03 PM
"I'm sorry child, I thought hue rich was the name of the friend you
Lost before you got here..." face twisted....akward....he had read this wrong. He smiled...or tried to.

2012-02-14, 07:07 PM
''It's quite alright father, it's been a long time and he is always with me in here'' at the word 'here' she places her free hand over her heart.

2012-02-14, 07:13 PM
"Yes, I understand that. I keep many memories of those I love deep in my heart." his discomfort melted away as he settled down and got as comfortable as possible. What brought you to the states anyways? Tourist?"

2012-02-14, 11:04 PM

*Scott wears his thick jeans and combat boots, as well as a white cotton a-shirt with a lighter long-sleeved shirt overtop. His knife was at his waist, and while his shoulder-holster was empty, he wore it anyways - always a chance that he'd find something to store in there. His rifle went over one shoulder - solid and dependable.*

*As the group moves out, Scott falls into step, pulling up the rear and pausing by the door long enough for it to close behind them before leaping easily into the bed of the truck. Not the most secure of positions, but it would have to do.*
"All aboard captain - maybe we should make clear our priorities - food and water first, supplies second, correct?"
*Leaning against the cab, he scans their surroundings with a wary eye - the walkers seemed to come from nowhere, and it never hurt to keep a wary eye out.*

The Federalist
2012-02-15, 08:40 AM
Beth deftly maneuvers the truck out of the parking lot and at a pretty moderate clip down Stateline Rd. She spends most of her time weaving between the sea of cars that were left stranded, some empty, some with dead, others with walkers strapped to seats by their seatbelts, still unable to free themselves to wreak havoc upon the living.

More than once Beth deftly puts the huge bumper to work, moving a vehicle out of the way so as not to become a stationary target.

She drives about a mile and gets the group to a large grocery store. It's a Piggly Wiggly. The parking lot is empty aside from three or four vehicles parked in the fire lanes, almost as if they are set up to keep people from ramming the barricaded windows. It's obvious someone tried to make a stand here. You have no way of knowing whether or not they survived or if they are still inside.

Beth pulls into the parking lot, somewhat toward the front, but no where near the other cars. "Alright, I'm going to stay with the car, make sure we don't get cutoff or marooned. Ryan, stay with me, watch my rear. Can the rest of you check out the store?" The former actor nods but says nothing.

"Priorities should probably be... (1) Water (2) Non-perishable food (3) Medicine / First Aid supplies (4) Weapons (5) Other items of use. My only special request is grab as much Similac or baby formula as you can for Addies baby. Breast feeding takes a lot energy and it will save us food in the long run."

Ricky S
2012-02-15, 09:05 AM
Oh I didnt realise that there was a work truck outside. That is far more practical Rick says to Beth before getting on the truck.

Once they arrive at their destination Rick jumps off the truck Ok everyone lets do this as quickly and safely as possible. No one go alone. If you need to search an area take a buddy with you.

He draws his 9mm pistol and holds it at the ready before venturing forward towards the store. His eyes peeled for signs of any walkers.

2012-02-15, 11:30 AM
Matthew get's off the Truck and follows Rick towards the Store, Shotgun in hand.

" All right let's see what we can get! "

2012-02-15, 11:37 AM
Jules draws his knife and mutters,"I hope I don't die." He then sets off into the store, right behind Matthew.

2012-02-15, 02:36 PM
He leapt from the back of the truck. His eyes darting about now...taking in the empty town. Death...the whole place was dead. He could feel it. Deep in his soul. No more joy in this place. He tightened the grip on his bat and cinched the straps on his bag. "never thought I'd be robbing the piggly wiggly" He would wait near the truck and scan the area again before moving towards the store.

2012-02-15, 03:52 PM
''Does any of you know if there is any portable shower cabins here? cuz we seriously need one.'' Michelle is far from comforable here, not knowing where what is.... heck of a vacation this ended up to be. With a sigh, she follows whoever looks most at home here. ''Does any of you know this store? cuz i haven't got the first clue to what it is and where the items needed would be? I would be a bit more comfortable if i could group up with a person that knows a little bit about this city.'' She throws a quick smale as she looks at all of you.

2012-02-15, 05:28 PM
Jules faces Michelle, saying,"It's a grocery store. But look around, you might find something."

Turning back around, he tells the others,"I'll take the pharmacy."

2012-02-15, 05:52 PM
''Mind if i join you on your quest for magical elixirs, jules?'' Michelle asks jokingly, but still willing to go get the medicine.

The Federalist
2012-02-15, 07:06 PM
As the group approaches the barricaded Piggly Wiggly, a shotgun barrel pops out from one side of what is mostly likely the door, while a rifle barrel pops out of the other side. The voice of an older gentleman can be heard coming from behind the shotgun barrel. "I suggest ya'll be moving on. We don't take kindly to looters. If ya want, we'll trade you supplies, but don't be thinkin' of trying to get in here forcefully."


Looks like you guys have three options here, unless you can think of more.

Trade for what you need.
Shoot your way in.
Find another place that isn't already barricaded up.

2012-02-15, 07:12 PM
As the group approaches the barricaded Piggly Wiggly, a shotgun barrel pops out from one side of what is mostly likely the door, while a rifle barrel pops out of the other side. The voice of an older gentleman can be heard coming from behind the shotgun barrel. "I suggest ya'll be moving on. We don't take kindly to looters. If ya want, we'll trade you supplies, but don't be thinkin' of trying to get in here forcefully."


Looks like you guys have three options here, unless you can think of more.

Trade for what you need.
Shoot your way in.
Find another place that isn't already barricaded up.

What about the convince them to join our group option?

The Federalist
2012-02-15, 07:26 PM
OOC: That's an option. I just gave the three obvious ones.

2012-02-15, 08:38 PM
Ty rolls his eyes in frustration. He's been playing solitaire ever since the supply group left, using a battered pack of cards he found in Haggard's desk drawer. So far he has yet to win.

Shuffling the cards once again, Ty is aware that the repetitive losing is putting him in an even further bad mood. He glances around at the others who had stayed behind.

The skinny Mexican kid. A mother with a newborn. That creepy African dude who arrived a few days ago, rarely talking but always carrying around that damn machete.

Ty purses his lips. I'm young. I'm able-bodied. So why did I just sit there like a bump on a log when Beth was taking volunteers? He had attempted to rationalize it at the time—too many people going would make stealth out of the question, after all. And people needed to stay behind and protect the garage in case it was attacked. Plus less people in the truck would mean more room for supplies.

But as he sits there playing solitaire, a single word echoes in his mind, resisting all attempts to silence it:


Ty throws down the cards. He would go up on the roof to help Haggard if he thought it would actually accomplish anything; his baseball bat, while satisfyingly weighty in his hand, was no sniper rifle. If the supply group were attacked, there was nothing Ty could do about it.

He instead shuffles over to where Addie is sitting and rocking her child. While they had exchanged basic pleasantries (or perhaps not-so-pleasantries, considering the world was ending) over the last two weeks, he realizes that he knows very little about her aside from her being a mother and a former legal something-or-other.

Ty seats himself beside her. "They'll be back soon, the supply group," he assures her, more for his own peace of mind than hers. When Addie says nothing, he changes the subject and nods toward her baby. "I just realized … What's this little guy's name? I never heard you say."

2012-02-15, 08:44 PM

*As the truck comes to a stop, Scott brings up the rear again, watching to the right for any walkers as they unload. He'd barely hopped out of the bed when the survivors show themselves, and his first reaction is to hit cover, but he stops himself - defensive positions wouldn't do well for any attempt at bargaining.*

*Instead, he adjusts the rifle slung across his back and holds his hands up, speaking loud enough to be heard clearly, despite the risk of attracting walkers. The guns trained on them were a much higher risk of death than walkers that might be around.*
"Hold fire - we're not taking anything by force - we're just trying to make it by like you. What do you say we talk at a more reasonable level - like the human beings we still are, rather than yelling?"

The Federalist
2012-02-15, 09:39 PM
Back at the Garage:
Addie smiles at Ty and answers quietly so as not to wake the sleeping infant. "Jeff, after his father."

Before anything else can be said, Haggard calls down to the remaining group.

"Don't be alarmed, but we have a group of walkers... looks like about 5 of 'em. Firing up the truck must have lured them here. The are moving towards the door. Keep quiet, don't get scared. I would shoot them but don't want to lure in more. You guys, looking for something to take them out with quietly."


At the Piggly Wiggly:
"Nothing to talk about, either ya go something to trade, preferably fuel, ammo, or weapons, or you don't and you should just head somewhere else." With that, the weapons pull back through the barricades.

2012-02-15, 09:47 PM
Matthew Speaks to them from where he is

" How long have you been in there? Our group has some ammo fuel and the likes but wouldn't it be better to group everything we have together instead of exchanging it? Wouldn't it make more sense to get together into a Larger Community? It would be easier to fend those things off if we can get everyone together in one place... "

2012-02-15, 09:56 PM

*With a glance to his companions, Scott shrugs and lowers his hands to his sides, stepping forward slowly, while lowering his voice to more reasonable levels.*
"There's plenty to talk about, but I understand your reluctance. You're holed up with food, and supplies, and we've got wheels and manpower to gather more -why don't we work something out? We tell you what we need - water, maybe a propane burner to boil it with. We need food that's going to keep - there should be plenty of it in there, and medicine if you have any to spare. Plus, we've got a woman with a baby - any diapers, wipes or formula you have would go a long way to keeping an innocent alive."

*Running a hand through his hair, he shakes his head.*
"As far as what you need, tell us, and maybe we'll have a good to chance to find it - or better, like my associate here said - why don't we pool our resources, and better our chances?"

2012-02-15, 11:29 PM
Ty feels a lurch of fear in his stomach, but it quickly passes. It's one thing to go looking for trouble, but when trouble comes to you, fear becomes a non-issue. There's only one thing you can do.

"You should go hide," he tells Addie quietly. He grabs his baseball bat from the corner and takes position by the door.

2012-02-16, 12:11 AM
With nothing for him to do, Jules walks back to the truck and stands watch.

Ricky S
2012-02-16, 06:09 AM
Rick holsters his pistol for a moment and then approaches the survivor in the looted piggly wiggly We need baby formula, one of our fellow group members has a baby in need of food. We can sort out our own supplies later but can we please have formula for the child?

2012-02-16, 08:20 AM
Michelle chooses to stand on watch, making sure no walkers will creep up on them without notice, from the roof of the truck

The Federalist
2012-02-16, 08:39 AM
Piggly Wiggly

Whispering can be heard on the other side of the barricade. After a few moments the man on the other side speaks again.

"Look, we all have to do what we think best. I got a family to think about. We have enough food to last us at least a year or so. We come out there... well their ain't no telling. We ain't no charity either, but I have children of my own and well, it'll just go to waste other wise. We ain't go no use for it. I guess for not shootin' first like others, we can give ya this at least."

A board lifts up and the man drops a plastic bag with 4 tins of similac to the ground. He then drops two large packs of diapers followed by a 24 pack of bottled water.

"That water is a show of faith. Bring us some fuel, and we can really trade."

Haggards Garage
Haggard (on top of the roof) gets the attention of the zombies and pulls them towards the other end of the shop, away from the metal door. Vic steps outside, machete in hand. Addie has put little Jeff down in a make-shift crib and is manning the door.

2012-02-16, 10:00 AM
"You know," Jules interrupts,"there are enough abandoned vehicles around here. We could try siphoning fuel from them."

2012-02-16, 10:03 AM
" I understand. We wont push it thanks for the formula and the diapers we'll bring you the fuel in short. Also we may be planning on making sort of a secure zone in the future . You know? Barricading the block . Securing the city block by block. If you want a part in it one of you can come over to our group and check how things are. Of course one of us may also be willing to come and see how are things on your side as well. What do you think? "

The Federalist
2012-02-16, 03:27 PM
Piggly Wiggly
"Look, you just came up here, brandishing weapons and we didn't shoot you on sight. Let's be thankful for the small miracles before we start trying to dig the Grand Canyon with a spork."

2012-02-17, 12:41 AM

"Agreed - not shooting each other is a good way to start things, and your show of good faith helps more than a little. We'll do the best we can to find some gas."
*Moving forward to pick up the supplies that had been pushed out, he hefts them into the backseat of the truck, putting the water with them.*
"Just a thought - the bottled stuff should probably be saved for the little guy, if we can manage it - he doesn't have the immune system to handle any of the nasties that might be floating around."

*Shutting the door quietly, he shrugs and looks around at the others.*
"Maybe it's just me, but seems like we've got some fuel to gather. I'm not familiar with the area, but I know trains use deisel. Had a bad spill went a loco went in the river back home years ago. Gas, well, when in doubt - a hose and bucket will have to do. Gas station?"

Ricky S
2012-02-17, 09:55 AM
Thanks piggly wiggly manRick says before he hops back onto the truck. I think looting a train station is a great idea. I mean who else would think about getting gas from a train? And there are sure to be shops at the train station that we could get into. Does anyone know how to pick locks? It is probably the safest bet as it is the quietest.

2012-02-17, 10:58 AM
" All right then . 2 more things before we go. 1st) Would you happen to have a Map of the city in there that we could borrow? and 2nd) My name is Matthew Smith. Would you share your name with us so we dont have to call you Piggly Wiggly Man anymore? ^^ "

2012-02-17, 12:30 PM

*Shaking his head, Scott chuckles at Rick*
"We're not going to find gas on a train, omae - they run on deisel. Big difference. Great for our truck - not so great for standard engines."

*Turning his attention to their surroundings, he looks back towards the garage and fights the knot in his stomach away. Loss of communication made it all more nerve-wracking. Maybe if they were lucky, they'd find some kind of portable radio they could put to good use. Even cheapies would be better than the total isolation they had now. He'd just have to keep his eye out as they searched.*

Ricky S
2012-02-18, 07:09 AM
Rick shrugs his shoulders. I cant say I have any real knowledge on the subject. If you need me to shoot someone or detain them for questioning then I am your guy Rick surveys the area for any walkers approaching. We should probably move soon I feel we have been sitting here for too long.

2012-02-18, 12:11 PM
"Agreed," Jules audibly mutters.

2012-02-18, 03:40 PM
''I see no walkers yet, but i agree, let's get moving.'' Michelle looks ready for doing something.

The Federalist
2012-02-19, 03:00 PM
The Piggly Wiggly man is gone from the barricade and doesn't respond with his name.

The group decides to jump in the vehicle feeling they have spent too much time out in the open. As they group climbs back into the truck they think they hear something.

Perception + Notice check + Situation Awareness (if applicable) of 8+ reveals: Two gunshots coming from the direction of the garage.

Perception + Notice check + Situation Awareness (if applicable) of 5+ reveals: 15+ Walkers making their way towards the vehicle from the side of the Piggly Wiggly.

2012-02-19, 03:43 PM


*Turning his head towards the corner of the building, Scott slams his hand down hard on the side of the truck to get his companions attention, keeping his voice low.*
"Oi! Heads up people - incoming! I think there's trouble back on the home-side too. We need to go!"

*Keeping an eye on the group of walkers, he brings his rifle to bear, laying it over the roof of the truck for stability, but doesn't fire yet. If they were lucky, they'd be able to lead the group away from the survivors in the store with the noise from the truck without having to fire a shot. That would only bring more unwanted attention. If they were lucky.*

*Taking a deep breath, he trains his sights on the lead zombies, his finger resting lightly on the trigger, ready to squeeze.*

2012-02-19, 05:01 PM
Well he already saw them so i guess i don't need to roll XD

Mathew get's on the truck and ready's his shotgun!

" All right let's see if we can clear them out! "

2012-02-19, 06:26 PM
Jules glances at the mob heading towards the group. He then glances at the knife resting in his lap.

"Hell, no."

Ricky S
2012-02-20, 07:37 AM
Negative, dont fire. We dont have the ammunition to kill every walker we see and shooting will just draw more of them to us. Save it for when our lives are threatened. If we move on quickly we can avoid them all together.

The Federalist
2012-02-20, 08:15 AM
Beth deftly manuvers the large truck back to Haggards at a high rate of speed. The Walkers attempt to follow you and leave the Piggly Wiggly but are quickly left behind.

Upon returning to the garage there is a heated battle, and Haggard is trying to keep Vic taking his machete to Ty and possibly Carlos as well. "You nearly get me killed! Say let's go kill the dead, then stay inside!"

Haggard is holding him at bay trying to calm him. "It's alright Vic, I know it's F'd up, but I had your back, I got'em before they bit ya, your O.K. man, just calm down."

Ty and Carlos say nothing which only further infuriates the large machete wielding man.

Before the group has a chance to diffuse the situation dozens of Walkers can be seen rolling in from numerous direction, obviously attracted by the shots that should have been unnecessary. "Let's get inside. Now!!!"

OOC: IMPORTANT. PLEASE NOTE: Players who haven't posted in several days or who have not posted at all, or more than once, will soon find their character fed to zombies and/or an angry machete wielding man.

2012-02-20, 04:14 PM
Jules sprints into the garage.

2012-02-20, 06:56 PM

*Hopping out of the back of the truck, Scott heads back into the garage, only to stop partway into the door, gritting his teeth at the sight of the machete-weilding man facing off against their fellows. Without a second thought, he unlings his rifle, bringing it to bear while stepping to the side for a clearer shot.*
"Hey-hey-hey - easy now! We don't need to start fighting among each other - why don't we all just relax for a minute?"

*He lowers the rifle sligthly, but stays ready.*
"He says he had your back, you're still here - In HIS garage - I'm betting he's right. Let's just calm down. There are few enough people to work with nowadays, and more walkers all the time."

2012-02-21, 09:51 AM
Michelle is out of the back of the truck in a heartbeat. hurring inside teh garrage with the others, her baton ready to swipe at any walker who get's to close.

2012-02-21, 12:28 PM
Matthew jumps off from the vehicle and starts running towards the Garage!

" What are we supposed to do if we can't shoot them?! "

2012-02-21, 12:34 PM

*Calling over his shoulder to the others, Scott keeps his rifle trained, but makes sure he's completely clear of the door for them to get in.*
"Get in! Don't worry about the walkers right now. There's always walkers - they can't get through the cement and steel."

*Focusing on Vic once more, he shakes his head and growls lowly*
"We've got bigger problems - if you want to live like the rest of us, then let it go. We can't make it alone - no one can. It's only together we can survive. Understood?"

The Federalist
2012-02-21, 01:56 PM
"You lecture me?!?! We made plan to attack, three of us together, with Haggard up top. These two just stand and watch. I kill three before other two knock me to ground. Only Haggard kept me from death." The man is irate, now even more so. As the rest of the group files into the garage, Vic runs to the truck, hot wires it, and within seconds can be seen driving away, middle finger in the air as he speeds off. He does run over a few walkers as they shamble towards the Garage.

Seeing Vic drive off in the truck, Haggard and Beth both curse loudly. Haggard however turns to Ty and Carlos yelling at them for leaving Vic to the Walkers. After one more explicit laced tirade Haggards makes sure the door is locked and climbs up on the roof with his trusty shotgun. Beth gives the goods from Piggly Wiggly to Addie. At least something constructive has come from the day.

Assuming you go to the roof to look out, you can see nearly 30 walkers shambling around the garage in all directions. Gun shots, engines revving, and people screaming attract zombies apparently. Who knew?

2012-02-21, 03:39 PM

*Swearing heavily as Vic takes off in the truck, Scott doesn't bother laying the man low - it would be a waste of ammo, and while it might save them a vehicle, how would it make the others react if they started dropping one another over angry words. It was no way to handle a group.*

*Slinging his rifle over his shoulder once more, he heads up to the roof, enjoying the brief bit of exertion required to climb the ladder. That was another problem with the tight quarters - almost complete lack of excercise. Running in place and other aerobics worked well enough, but got old.*

*As he clears the hatch to the roof, he looks out at the walkers and runs a hand through his hair with a sigh. He'd need to find something to cut it with soon too, but more pressing matters were at hand. Walking over to the edge to look out with Haggard, he motions out to the walkers.*
"There's a lot of them, but I've got an idea, if you're up for it. We get something, rope, cable - anything we can make a noose with. Bang on the inside of the door a bit and draw them close. Loop the noose and pull it tight, then haul them up here - we've got pulleys and such in the shop to make that easy. Once we get them hanging, we just bash-em and toss the bodies off the other side, and get the next one. Save ammo, and make a lot less noise. What do you think?"

2012-02-21, 03:44 PM
Following the group to the rooftop of the garage Matthew listens to Scott's suggestion while he sees the walkers pile up against the walls.

" You want to fish them? One by one?"

He asks incredulously.

2012-02-21, 04:18 PM

"Well, have you got a better idea? Sure, it'll take some time, but we get two or three people working the loops, since that will likely take the longest, another couple keeping watch and helping haul, all we really need is anything solid and metal to bash with. I don't know - any old metal pipe or crowbar or tire iron - you name it - and we've got ourselves a way to deal with the walkers."

*He shrugs and motions out to them as they scratch wildly at the cement walls, their moans carrying loudly through the street.*
"They're only going to attract more, but if we can get enough rope and an engine jack or something rigged up, we can just hook 'em and haul 'em up to keep them from making noise. It saves ammo for when we really need it."

"What are our other options? Holding up and hoping they just wander away? Sure - but we told those folks that trusted us with the baby supplies and water that we'd bring them fuel - and I intend to keep my word. Can we go out there and try to beat our way through them? Yeah, but chances are a lot higher that we'll lose someone when it's avoidable. Or we could open fire and hope not to attract attention. Hell, if we had a cinder block or something heavy and steel, we could just start dropping it on their heads and hauling it back up - whatever works, I don't care, but we need to think of something."

2012-02-21, 05:58 PM
" Yeah... Yeah you are right! "

Matthew turns towards the owner of the Garage

" Haggard! What do we have? Do we have some chains or something ? And there must be something heavy we can drop on them from here! "

Ricky S
2012-02-22, 09:38 PM
Rick follows Scott and Matthew onto the roof.

Rick speaks up after hearing the ideas.Scott, I like the idea of dropping a heavy item on them and then hauling it back up. It would be hard work for one person but with all of us working together it should be easy. I would suggest setting them on fire but I dont know how long it would take to kill them and they might spread the fire to other buildings. I dont know if we can deliver the fuel, now that the truck is gone. We'll either have to take beth's car or hoof it.

Rick climbs back down into the garage.

Rick says loudly to everyone at the garage. We should assign jobs that suite them, to each person. We should also divide the group into two groups. One will go out and scavenge and the other will stay here and defend the location. We need to work together. If you have a problem with someone stop, calm down and tell them. If you cant do this I would be happy to mediate any problems.

The Federalist
2012-02-23, 07:07 PM
Ok, I have officially begged, pleaded and asked for the last 72 hours for people to post.

I've had 5 post in OC but only 3 post IC.

I assume this means that only 3 people plan to continue playing this game.

That said, we have lost over half of the players in the first week.

I appreciate the great posting and consistency of the few, but I am going to go ahead and call this rather than wait another week or two for the posting to drop to only one or two people.

I am sorry this didn't work out and that I have essentially wasted your time.

When I do decide to run something in the future, I will be much more selective in who gets in and I truly hope a few of you rejoin then.

Thank you.

This Thread is official Dead.

2012-02-23, 08:03 PM
Shame... :smallfrown: I did like my Show off Bartender....:smallfrown:

Ricky S
2012-02-24, 08:17 AM
Well I am not surprised. I am kinda sad though. For once I would like to finish a campaign online.