View Full Version : The Madness of the Low King IC

2012-02-14, 12:44 AM
You all are riding southwest along a rutted cart road, returning to your home village of Pikedale, after completing an errand in the costal town of Innsmouth. On your left, about a quarter mile away, the brooding façade of the Teifwald forest stands like an emerald thunderhead. On your right, the vast plains streatch of into the horizon, impeded only by the gods’ footstool; the Shaettan Plateau, rearing up in the distance. The sun is high, beating down on the dry summer landscape.
You’ve been traveling for 4 days straight, and your supplies are nearly run out. You are unconcerned, though, because at your rate of travel you should be home by nightfall. And so, despite your weariness and saddle sores, you press on all through the day, and eventually come to the narrow bridge spanning the deep dry river bed of some alternate branch of the Habuh river.
Halfway across the bridge, you look down into the dry river and see movement among the scrub and log debris. There appears to be a struggle of two small figures, and as you watch, feeble cries for help drift to your ears.
Fairly self explanitory. But perhaps Im wrong, feel free to ask questions in the ooc. DAYONEGO!!