View Full Version : Ur-Priest and Sublime Chord combination

2012-02-14, 10:04 AM
Hi there. How does one combine both into a single character? Does it work -getting 9s in from the Sor/Wiz and the Cleric spell list?

What if you can gestalt (but standard gestalt rules apply - no dual PrC, no dual progression classes)

2012-02-14, 10:37 AM
Mystic Theurge, basically. It advances divine and arcane spellcasting at the expense of doing nothing else useful. Dip both classes, then advance with MT. It's a fairly standard trick. Be a bard at low levels for the skill points and casting needed for the prestige classes.

2012-02-14, 10:45 AM
It works, but it also makes you MAD (needing Cha and Wis for spells.) Savage Bard (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#bardVariantSavageBard) is the easiest way to get the fort save you need - this allows you to enter UP early enough to get 9ths on both sides pre-epic.

Savage Bard 8/Ur-Priest 2/Sublime Chord 2/MT 8 should do the trick.

2012-02-14, 10:47 AM
Bard 7/Mindbender 1/Ur-Priest 2/Sublime Chord 2/Mystic Theurge 8

Bard 6/Mindbender 1 has the prereqs for Urpriest. Bard has all the skills you need and Mindbender gets you the base fort save earlier than straight bard. Telepathy is a nice bonus.

Take two levels of Ur-Priest for turn undead and then another level of bard. The bard level is for the skills you need to get into Sublime Chord.

Take two levels of Sublime chord for song of arcane power (which should be usable on your Ur-Priest spells too). Finish the build with 8 levels of mystic theurge advancing Ur-Priest and Sublime Chord. You already have the prereqs for MT.

You have to be neutral or chaotic evil. Iron will and Spell Focus: Evil are the only feats you need. One of your Bard spells must be charm person. You need intimidate 4, diplomacy 4, sense motive 4, bluff 6, Know: Planes 5, Know: Religion 8, Know: arcana 13, Listen 13, Profession: Astrologer 6, Spellcraft 8, and Perform: Any 10...

That is 81 skill points by 10th level. You get 66 skill points from your classes, so you would need at least a 14 intelligence to get into all prestige classes on time (12 int if human).

Bard 1 intimidate 4, diplomacy 4, sense motive 4, bluff 4, Know: Planes 4, Know: Religion 4, Know: arcana 4, Listen 4

Bard 2 bluff 1, Know: Planes 1, Know: Religion 1, Know: arcana 1, Listen 1, Spellcraft 4

Bard 3 bluff 1, Know: Religion 1, Know: arcana 1, Listen 1, Spellcraft 2, Perform: Any 2

Bard 4 Know: Religion 1, Know: arcana 1, Listen 1, Spellcraft 1, and Perform: Any 4

Bard 5 Know: Religion 1, Know: arcana 1, Listen 1, Spellcraft 1, and Perform: Any 2, Profession: Astrologer 2

Bard 6 Listen 1, Know: Arcana 1, Perform Any: 1, Profession: astrologer 4, anything 1

Mindbender 1 Knowledge: Arcana 1, anything 3

Ur-Priest 1 Knowledge: Arcana 1, anything 3

Ur-Priest 2 Knowledge: Arcana 1, anything 3

Bard 7 Know: Arcana 1, Listen 4, perform: any 1, anything 2

That should get you into each PRC on time. You will get dual 9ths at level 19.

You need Int 14(12 if human), Wis 19, Cha 19

2012-02-14, 10:50 AM
This could make a beastly NPC Lich with Evolved Undead. I like it! Thanks guys.

2012-02-14, 09:50 PM
Try this (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19868490/The_Arcane_Hierophant_Examined). The arcane hierophant is a much better class than Mystic Theurge but it requires some finagling to get without druid levels. Also I can't find it but there is a build for an Ur-priest and Beholder Mage character wondering around on one of these forums. All though your DM might not allow Beholder mage, because he's probably doesn't want you to break his game.

2012-02-15, 09:35 AM
1. I can break Beholder Mage just fine without Ur-Priest, I do not wish to TPK my party, and that PrC is basically a "Rocks Fall" ending to a campaign.

2. As you may have guessed, I am the DM.

Also, I meant Unholy Toughness, though Evolved Undead is also cute for the Cha bonus.

2012-02-15, 09:53 AM
For dual 9s in both Sor/Wiz and Cleric with gestalt, you can use this build I created for my gestalt game:

Cleric 20//Wizard 3/Geomancer 10/Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7

It also ties both of your spellcasting classes to either your int or your wis, reducing the effects of MAD, making your important attributes CON, WIS/INT, instead of CON, WIS, and INT

It also allows you to wear that shiny +5 fullplate with no Arcane Spell Failure.