View Full Version : Draw your Friends I! The Console Port.

2012-02-14, 12:46 PM
Draw your Friends I!

Welcome to a new iteration of the Draw your Friends game/competition, the game/competition were you draw for a friend.

I'm one of your hosts, araveugnitsuga, you may call me Pink-Haired August.
Our other host, and the one that managed to convince me to run DYF again is Eleanor_Rigby [nickname pending].

That's nice but...
What on Earth is "DYF"?

DYF stands for "Draw Your Friends"; it's a GitP forum art exchange in which each participant is given a randomly selected fellow-participant to draw for, everybody does their artwork in secret and then PMs it to the host (not to their recipient) and then after the deadline has passed (about a week, though there's space between the sign-ups and the actual challenge begining as well) the art is released and everyone has a chance to guess who made what for whom. The guessing stage is not mandatory but can be quite interesting. After the guessing stage there is a final reveal where the hosts announce who really did make what for whom.

General Guidelines and Previous Incarnations of DYF:

Each round usually has a loose theme, which is not mandatory, looking at the archive at the bottom will probably provide a good idea of how they go.

You don't, strictly speaking, have to 'draw' your friends, in fact, wacky formats are pretty much encouraged, so photographs of sculptures (do macaroni pictures count as sculptures? they're definately allowed either way) are also allowed and the art style is not set in anyway so digital and traditional media are both fine.
Probably the most typical gift in DYF is an avatar based on the a pre-existing avatar, but work does not need to be avatar sized and it doesn't need to include features of your recipient's existing avatar either. It still can, it just doesn't have to.
Since it's an online challenge, you do of course need to have a way to get your gift online for your recipient but that doesn't mean it has to be digital art.

If it's Called "Draw Your Friends" Does that Mean I Can't Play if I Don't Know the Other Players?

It most certainly does not.
We call it Draw Your Friends in the hopes that the people who draw for each other become friends, as opposed to the pre-supposition that everyone playing will already be buddies. A lot of people sign up for multiple rounds and often people do know each other, or consider each other friends already, but that's not how it has to be. Besides - someone could sign up for a challenge that has eight of their friends and one stranger on the participants list and end up being randomly assigned the stranger - and that wouldn't be a Bad Thing.
Even if you are quite (or very) new in these parts you can still sign up, DYF participants can be surprisingly resourceful, so you needn't worry too much on that account either.
(I guess I should also say at this point that there are rules about the discussion of how long members have been on the forums so this is a subject that shouldn't be talked about a whole lot)

On the Origin of the DYF Challenge:

The challenge was originally started and revived by The Grandmaster of Friendly Administration, Fin and I then came on board as a co-host and eventually took over hosting the challenge entirely. As of now I've got myself a co-host which helpfully helps me in running the game.

About the Workload and What Do I Do Miss the Boat?:

Please don't sign up unless you think you can commit to the challenge, although one should also bearing mind that in DYF it really is the thought that counts - you don't need to pull your hair out for a whole week fretting over whether it's something your recipient will like. If you put thought into it, chances are they'll like it!

Themes are announced after sign-ups and after people are assigned their recipients and are completely optional. The first eight to volunteers get the places, barring any sudden disappearances. If there's demand for it, there will probably be a 'wishlist' that people who miss out this time can sign up for.

For those not able to participate in a round the wishlist provides you with a way to ensure you do in the next round. Those expressly asking to be put in the wishlist and not having participated in the latest round get signed into the next one from the get go.

Provisional starting date is a week after sign-ups finish.

Sign-up List [14/14 places filled]

Teutonic Knight
Elder Tsofu

Wishlist [0/http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/math/b/e/4/be4c703ed73456618ed283b892c6715a.png]


The Archive:
Series 1

The Thread were the Idea was born (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=76847)
Draw your Friends! I (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=182167)
Draw your Friends! II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183802)
Draw your Friends! III (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185521)
Draw Your Friends! IV (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=187666)
Draw Your Friends! V - Grittier and Edgier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190795)
Draw your Friends! VI - High Fantasy (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=193002)
Draw your Friends! VII - Nature (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196141)
Draw your Friends! VIII - In Time (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=200351)
Draw your Friends! IX - Music (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=201938)
Draw your Friends! X - Around the Globe (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204209)
Draw your Friends! XI - Outta Eldritch (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=206695)
Draw your Friends! XII - 8-Bit Insanity (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209890)
Draw your Friends! XIII - Literally Literature (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11743429#post11743429)
Draw your Friends! XIV - Puntastic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=12523876#post12523876)

Elder Tsofu
2012-02-14, 03:31 PM
Do you think we might get our pms before the weekend, or at least Tuesday? Because I'd like to join if we do. :)

2012-02-14, 03:33 PM
Do you think we might get our pms before the weekend, or at least Tuesday? Because I'd like to join if we do. :)

If it fills before or during Monday you'll get it on Tuesday.

2012-02-14, 03:33 PM
Here! Here Choose me.


Eh.. Count me in.:smallcool:

Elder Tsofu
2012-02-14, 03:41 PM
If it fills before or during Monday you'll get it on Tuesday.

... should be doable - count me in then. :-)

2012-02-14, 08:54 PM
I'm interested, as long as it doesn't begin before Friday.

(I wonder how rusty and terrible at this I am now that I haven't drawn anything for a year or so).

2012-02-14, 09:33 PM

Teutonic Knight
2012-02-15, 01:38 AM
Break's coming, so I can draw. And comic. :smalltongue:

2012-02-15, 01:52 AM
I want to draw!

2012-02-15, 02:58 AM
(Wow, we even get Felyndiira back ?
That round certainly feels more deserving of the tile of 'revival'. We just need Fin)

2012-02-15, 10:53 AM
Yay, I definitely want to do this, just to confirm. :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-15, 11:26 AM
Oh hey, I probably ought to subscribe to this thread if I'm co-hosting, eh? I'm new enough to the gig that I still feel like I have to say "IN!!!" in order to get a place... :smallredface:

[Glances through sign-ups]... it sure is a pity nobody's interested in playing these things anymore... :smallbiggrin:

Now. Fhhaaarrrs me DYF banner...? [starts to scrabble through computer folders]

2012-02-15, 03:30 PM
Pick me pick me!

(if there's still room)

2012-02-16, 07:39 AM
me too!

John Cribati
2012-02-16, 07:55 AM
Sign me up!

2012-02-16, 07:58 AM
If there's space, I'd be glad to be in again.

...This time I'm gonna be all tricky and try to make my style look less WILDLY OBVIOUS. xD

2012-02-16, 08:38 AM
If my mathematical powers haven't failed me, I think this leaves us with one open slot.

Also, Mazeburn: make your style less WILDLY OBVIOUS if it pleases you, as pleasing oneself is largely what this game is about, but bear in mind that your style is charming and well loved by the playground masses (or so one would assume from responses to your commission threads when you had those). :smallsmile:

[Waves enthusiastically at all the other thread attendees, trying not to look too creepy]

I feel compelled to point out, btw: in the OP araveugnitsuga's kind enough to credit me for being the one to nag him into starting DYF up again, but I wouldn't have got the pluck to ask him in the first place if it hadn't been for PMs from one of my gift givers from an earlier round. So, thanks to the PM correspondant - you know who you are. :smallbiggrin:

[reads post] Does everything I say always come across as part of a hippie love-in? :smalltongue:

2012-02-16, 09:53 AM
Miss ER, would you care for a higher quality larger image of l'il ER balloonist for yonder banner?

2012-02-16, 11:59 AM
Miss ER, would you care for a higher quality larger image of l'il ER balloonist for yonder banner?

I might indeed benefit from one of those yes. :smallredface:
I'm fairly sure I do have a higher quality large image somewhere in the dank depths of my folders, this was really more of a first draft so that I could get the idea of the placements... Kasanip's picture needs to be put in with more care too: those little black dots are quite irritating and not a part of the original image.

I liked the idea of including text but it's debateable about how readable it is: to me, most of the names are fairly recogniseable for fellow artists - but a lot of the names, like Kasanip's in that pale yellow and Elder Tsofu's in the spindly font aren't too legible and whilst you can figure from the length and the colour that araveugnitsuga's credit says araveugnitsuga, it does cover up other people's images. I think the smaller version of the banner will probably have to be text free.

Also: the images aren't displayed in order of any sort of preference, my criteria for arranging them was mostly to do with scale of original image, shape of original image, transparency and direction of gaze.

This banner was fun to make but I ended up feeling like something of a heretic. It's tough when you want to show your appreciation but you're as slapdash with presentation as I am! :smalltongue:

TLDNR:I'll PM you if I can't find a copy of the larger, higher quality, image to use. Thanks for offering. :smallsmile:


ETA: I found it! It looks a lot clearer now. I've removed the text now because of the scale and so forth.

2012-02-16, 07:09 PM
Also, Mazeburn: make your style less WILDLY OBVIOUS if it pleases you, as pleasing oneself is largely what this game is about, but bear in mind that your style is charming and well loved by the playground masses (or so one would assume from responses to your commission threads when you had those).

I'm not sure if that was the style or the FREE ART, but either way. ;D Hopefully shall have time to start one of those up again soon, actually, it's nice to give back to this place.

[reads post] Does everything I say always come across as part of a hippie love-in?

...Entirely! But it's part of what's so wonderful. :smallbiggrin:

Yay, looking forward to this starting again. :)

2012-02-19, 02:57 AM
So...is the thread full yet? When do the names go out?

2012-02-19, 03:04 PM
So...is the thread full yet? When do the names go out?

This round had 16 places, but we seem to have stalled at 15 for some reason. :smallredface:

From what Pinky said further up in the thread I think we should have the PMs out the day after the list fills up. :smallsmile:

2012-02-19, 03:23 PM
If i may, I'd like to suggest we start the game soon at 15 then.

We don't need an even number if i'm not mistaken, and while there' s no particular reason to believe anyone else will comme in anytime soon, the longer we wait the more risks there is someone will start to loose interest or become too busy IRL.

2012-02-19, 03:36 PM
If i may, I'd like to suggest we start the game soon at 15 then.

We don't need an even number if i'm not mistaken, and while there' s no particular reason to believe anyone else will comme in anytime soon, the longer we wait the more risks there is someone will start to loose interest or become too busy IRL.

Yeah. This is my problem. I don't know for sure if I'll be able to do it, seeing as it looks like it's going to start this week... While I had this weekend clear, I don't have a clear weekend for the next few weeks, which will be too long.

So I'm going to have to step out again. Sorry. :smallfrown:

2012-02-19, 09:14 PM
Yeah. This is my problem. I don't know for sure if I'll be able to do it, seeing as it looks like it's going to start this week... While I had this weekend clear, I don't have a clear weekend for the next few weeks, which will be too long.

So I'm going to have to step out again. Sorry. :smallfrown:

These things happen, Castaras.
Sorry to lose you all the same though. :smallfrown:
I'll make a mental note to PM you about the next round if I'm still co-hosting. (Which I probably will be) Alternatively, I could bug you with PMs about new rounds until one came up that you were able to play in.
Whichever works best for you. :smallbiggrin:

If i may, I'd like to suggest we start the game soon at 15 then.

We don't need an even number if i'm not mistaken, and while there' s no particular reason to believe anyone else will comme in anytime soon, the longer we wait the more risks there is someone will start to loose interest or become too busy IRL.

smuchmuch has raised a valid point though, as evidenced by the post that followed it.
I think it might be best that if the list doesn't fill up on Monday we start with 14, or 15, otherwise I'm given to understand (from the posts upthread) we're likely to lose at least Elder Tsofu as well...

2012-02-20, 02:35 PM
PMs have been sent

This round's theme is:

[Brought to you by Earth's tilt]

The deadline for this challenge is:

February 27th 2012 - 11:59 GMT 0

Best wishes, and Good Luck!

Elder Tsofu
2012-02-27, 02:36 AM
If I remember correctly there was this tradition of stating that you were done, and that it was only X time left for the ones not so.

Done, 2 hours and 20 minutes to go. :smalltongue:

2012-02-27, 02:38 AM
Hey guys,

I'm sorry I wasn't able to make the pic until now and I won't be able to make it until this evening. I got a new job.. well to be true my first real job and totally forgot about that. I would ask for aa 24 hour expansion of the deadline. Please.

2012-02-27, 04:56 AM

My calendar and time pieces have been telling me it's the 27th here in GMT-ville anyway which would mean you're not late yet, Zefir and nor is anyone else who's not submitted yet. [taps possibly defunct calendar]

Perhaps your count should have been 26 hours, 20 minutes, Elder Tsofu?

[Squints at deadline clock and begins to strap on skates]

Oooh. No pm on that is there? I just tend to assume midnight for some unfathomable reason... :smallredface:

But congrats on the job anyway, Zefir. :smallsmile:

[Eleanor_Rigby stands up, suddenly realises she doesn't know how to skate and falls over]

2012-02-27, 11:46 PM
So it occurs to me that since we have quite a numbe of people this round, quite a few old timers, including some people we haven't seen in a while, It's the occasion to ask:

There has been talk of making a DYF gallery thread. (Hasn't been done yet but any moment, i'm sure I'llstop procrastinating hard and actualy make it.)
Just in case, I figure it is common courtesy to ask: Would you give the authorisation to show the entries thathave been made for you/by you for these contest ?
(Idealy they should be rehhosted as to not destroy your bandwith, in cae you are worrying about that.)

2012-02-29, 06:56 PM
Oh crap. :smalleek:
I completely forgot about this. :smallredface: I guess I'm making an avatar today.

2012-02-29, 08:08 PM
So it occurs to me that since we have quite a numbe of people this round, quite a few old timers, including some people we haven't seen in a while, It's the occasion to ask:

There has been talk of making a DYF gallery thread. (Hasn't been done yet but any moment, i'm sure I'llstop procrastinating hard and actualy make it.)
Just in case, I figure it is common courtesy to ask: Would you give the authorisation to show the entries thathave been made for you/by you for these contest ?
(Idealy they should be rehhosted as to not destroy your bandwith, in cae you are worrying about that.)

I don't mind.:smallsmile:

It's March 1, did this become forgotten?

I hope the pm was received too.:smalleek:

2012-02-29, 11:40 PM
You should link the new thread in the old one. I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't know this thread existed until now, would have liked to sign up. Put me on the wishlist I guess.

2012-03-01, 03:34 AM
(Wellt here was an exension asked, and I believe Pinky has technical difficulties with his computer, hence why the long delay)

2012-03-01, 03:35 AM

{colsp=2}Entry 1



Entry 2

Entry 3

Entry 4

Entry 5

Entry 6

Entry 7

Entry 8


Entry 9


Entry 10


Entry 11


{colsp=2}Entry 12







Entry 13

Entry 14
No Submission

There was an unofficial extension of sorts. Apart from the request by Zefir, there was also a considerable number of entries missing (amongst those mine due to my external hard drive dying with everything inside of it, and then chrome turning on me and crashing each time I downloaded or uploaded something), so E_R and I decided to give a bit of tolerance to participants, hoping that everything would be in by Wednesday, which wasn't the case. So here is all that was submitted.

Hopefully the missing participant will send it before the reveal.

2012-03-01, 03:45 AM
Pinky, it's nice you want everyone to see the fine details of your creation but may I recomend you put the huge screen stretcher in a spoiler ?
(Also, you sir, are a shameless showoff :smalltongue:)

2012-03-01, 03:47 AM
Pinky, may I recomend you put the huge screen stretchers in a spoiler ?
(Also, you sir, are a shameless showoff)
Says the man that regularly does a minimum of three pieces per round, all highly detailed and insanely full of references.

The most screen widening part has been re-spoilered and given an appropriate warning.

Teutonic Knight
2012-03-01, 04:53 AM
Ok, whoever did mine (kinda recognize the style, but too tired to put serious thought into it) clearly knows their stuff. Tales, Shin Megami Tensei, and MMORPGs and who knows what other hidden references there are, all in one fanart complete with Aria's low and oft overlooked ponytail.

Very well done sir, or ma'am. :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2012-03-01, 02:13 PM
Hehe, fantastic! :smallbiggrin:
I was like, hey that's mine! - not that can't be it since that other one is clearly mine! - but but who'd have the third one then?!

2012-03-02, 07:47 PM
I absolutely adore mine. Feels like I ought to wait until the reveal before I go parading it around the forums but it was pretty tempting to do so on first seeing it, I've gotta say. :smallcool:

And I'm pretty sure homework was done by my gift giver there too...

Good work people. Good work. :smallbiggrin:

So it occurs to me that since we have quite a numbe of people this round, quite a few old timers, including some people we haven't seen in a while, It's the occasion to ask:

There has been talk of making a DYF gallery thread. (Hasn't been done yet but any moment, i'm sure I'llstop procrastinating hard and actualy make it.)
Just in case, I figure it is common courtesy to ask: Would you give the authorisation to show the entries thathave been made for you/by you for these contest ?
(Idealy they should be rehhosted as to not destroy your bandwith, in cae you are worrying about that.)

I've given permission for this to happen with my DYF stuff at least once before, but I'll repeat again here just for clarity. :smallsmile:

2012-03-03, 09:11 AM

Thank you for the bonus picture! :smallredface: It seems like there is a fun story. It is difficult for me to understand what is happening in this comic! But maybe it is a dream of Fri? Was it recommended by Fri to tell this story?

Suddenly there is inspiration to draw comic and characters more! :smallsmile:

Entry 9

I think this is also a Mary avatar! Thank you very much! But I don't know who is the artist? :smallsmile:

2012-03-05, 03:42 AM

I like it and I assume it's for me. Why?

Hmm maybe the giant hammer with crystals on it is a good hint.^^

2012-03-05, 06:02 AM
Thank you for the bonus picture! :smallredface: It seems like there is a fun story. It is difficult for me to understand what is happening in this comic! But maybe it is a dream of Fri? Was it recommended by Fri to tell this story?

Suddenly there is inspiration to draw comic and characters more! :smallsmile:

I think this is also a Mary avatar! Thank you very much! But I don't know who is the artist? :smallsmile:

I have absolutely nothing to do with it!

And there's only one person in the world who could draw that (and who would draw me like that!).

Thank you. It made my day.

2012-03-05, 05:47 PM
Thank you for the bonus picture! :smallredface: It seems like there is a fun story. It is difficult for me to understand what is happening in this comic! But maybe it is a dream of Fri? Was it recommended by Fri to tell this story?

Well it's a follow through of the little comics way back there

And it is meant to be a little confusing. Things get weid and the little joke/reveal is that it's Fri's dream all along.
It's quite rushed on the end though (I mean look a tthose fingers in the last pannel, urg.
(the change in style on Mari with the lack of shadowing and simlified lines is wanted though, since I believe Fri is a fan of Hergé and I wanted to amke a small reference to that.))

Why a dream ? Well, on the moment that seemed as good a way as another to finish this and hmm Well Mari is a traveller so I though dreams are a strange place and it'd be great if we could explore them... and... uh... I really wanted to make a Yume Nikki homage somewhere?

Why Fri ? Well (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9382339&postcount=105).... (and that's not the weirdest if i remember well). And he made a drawing of kanome with a squirrel based on one of his dream. which had rather amused me at the time and from here the ball went, I guess.

And no Fri didn't knew, I just asked him permission to use him for a little something. gues si kinda wanted to keep it a surprise

And there's only one person in the world who could draw that (and who would draw me like that!).

Er.. sorry, no offense meant ?

2012-03-05, 07:19 PM
Why is that an offense? That's a praise!

link (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11470474&postcount=58)

and now everything makes sense! (I didn't know (or forgot) of that one)

2012-03-06, 08:14 AM
I knew it was to continue the Halloween comic, because it is danger deer at beginning. I recognized squirrel to be from Fri's dream of Kamome. I remember it was inspiring for me too and for Kamome.

For Mary, it is inspiring too. In a long time no sketch was made of this optimistic character and story because I didn't have such a feeling. I want to return to this character and story again.:smallsmile:
To travel in dreams would be very interesting, I think.

Of picture of Fri, it is from the picture with aviator goggles. Somehow he tries to steal the charm point of Kamome! http://i1015.photobucket.com/albums/af275/umbrellako2/kmm986786542456.png

2012-03-07, 07:14 PM

{colsp=2}Entry 1 by smuchmuch for Dr.Epic


http://i917.photobucket.com/albums/ad15/smuchmuch/avis/Draw%20%20your%20Friends/DocEpicpwap.pngBonus by smuchmuch for Kasanip

Entry 2 by Akrim.elf for Dogmantra

Entry 3 by Teutonic Knight for Eleanor_Rigby

Entry 4 by Felyndiira for Teutonic Knight

Entry 5 by Herpestidae for Szilard

Entry 6 by Mazeburn for Akrim.elf

Entry 7 by Elder Tsofu for Zefir

Entry 8 by Kasanip for araveugnitsuga


Entry 9 by Zefir for Kasanip


Entry 10 by Szilard for Felyndiira


Entry 11 by Eleanor_Rigby for Herpestidae


{colsp=2}Entry 12 by araveungitsuga for Elder Tsofu







Entry 13 by Dogmantra for smuchmuch

Bonus by araveugnitsuga for Mazeburn



I for once would like to apologize for the delays, my hard-drive death was later on crowned by chrome crashing each time I downloaded or uploaded anything, concluding in an epic conundrum due to me having uninstalled internet explorer from my pc. Also, I'd like to apologize for the delays in the reveal which was fueled by the lack of an entry and me losing the original who drew who drew list.

With that out of the way, I absolutely love this round's results. The one for me in particular is rather lovely and amazing, the background oddly familiar (reminding me of a Night of the Flowering album cover art). The kimono is absolutely wonderful, as well as beautifully seasonal. I absolutely love it.

Be waiting for the next round which will be properly linked in this thread when ready.

2012-03-07, 09:34 PM
(ahah, I suspected mine was made by a dogman of the tra persuasion because of the sunglasses but I wasn't sure.
I don' t suppose I could get them as separated and avatar sized BTW ?)

(Also, blarg ! sarting to make bonuses do we, ?!Pinky, I ope u realise this means war ! Pistols tomorow at dawn)

2012-03-08, 05:39 AM
Yay! Thanks for the bonus one. <3 Soooo cute. A suit of armour has to be freezing in the snow, though! xD

2012-03-08, 05:49 AM
I like mine as well. Just sad I need to wait until I reach my home PC to use it...

2012-03-08, 07:12 AM
(ahah, I suspected mine was made by a dogman of the tra persuasion because of the sunglasses but I wasn't sure.
I don' t suppose I could get them as separated and avatar sized BTW ?)

Sunglasses make the BEST disguises. Don't you know?

2012-03-08, 08:26 AM
realy thanx, Mazeburn, for that nice avatar...
it look like me in real :)
is realy fantastic, thanx you once again
and again

2012-03-08, 08:28 PM
Just wanted to drop in to reiterate that everyone, Pink Haired August included, did great this round. I had more to say but I'm going through a little bout of childish self-doubt here lately so I've been keeping schtüm to an extent. :/

Looking at all the entries and discussion going on here has been cheering me up though! :smallsmile:

2012-03-09, 12:31 AM
I always seem to forget then remember that my name is an anagram for lizards. :smalltongue: Great avatar, thanks. :smallbiggrin:

Elder Tsofu
2012-03-09, 03:59 PM
Well, someone seem to have put quite some effort and thought into mine so I wonder if he would like to elaborate his thoughts regarding them? :smallsmile:

2012-03-09, 05:26 PM
Well, someone seem to have put quite some effort and thought into mine so I wonder if he would like to elaborate his thoughts regarding them? :smallsmile:

From the start I had wanted to do one for each season and did some preliminary sketches for each one. Summer was from the start going to be centred on a jet-ski and mostly going to be either coloured or black outline, but full colour, afterwards was spring which was going to be centred on gardening, I was considering spring and fall for some avant-garde technique or something. Fall had at least 5 preliminary versions, of those, one or two got made, and I ended up discarding both. Finally winter was decidedly going to be focused on Kiritsugu or in Kotomine, either a family dinner with some of the main Fate Cast (UBW ending but with Kiritsugu and Ilya alive) or Kotomine on a rocking chair looking outside with a dead Santa Claus behind.

After I finished digitalizing them my external hard drive died.

So I had to make them again. From my previous experience after seeing the end result I kept summer the same, based on Tsofu's wallpaper I did some minor edits to the sketch and simply went for black outline to get a neat look. Then came spring, the Ape character was pretty much set, and when I got doing the background I had already done everything in colour, so coloured outline it was, to go along with springs colourfulness. Fall was probably the one where my sketching got mostly disregarded, instead of using Tsofu's characters I did an Assassin (from the organized board games), I decided to use outlines to simulate the Halloween ambience, it was probably that took the most mental work, getting the tree to look right was annoying and building the bench took a lot of work so that there wouldn't be blood floating in the air.

Finally was Winter, which previously had taken the most time and effort to do, I had little time left and getting everything back together would have been physically impossible (I was [and still am] operating with reduced tools [back to Fireworks 10 {which loves crashing when there are more than three vector objects on the screen} instead of running CS5 from my external hard drive]). One of the sketches was Musuneko with a Christmas hat, an idea that quickly died due to Tsofu already having one very similar to that, so I decided to due Musumine Kirei, which eventually mixed with a Santa Kirei and resulted in Evil Santa Kirei done Musuneko style which I think came off better than my original image for Winter.

All in all I had fun doing them both times since I took different shots at each season and went for different styles each time, resulting in very varied results. Also, since I lost my templates with my hard drive death, I felt sort of liberated when doing body's shapes and sizes, since it became an exercise in what looks good instead of fitting it to OoTS-style proportions.

Elder Tsofu
2012-03-21, 05:17 PM
It was even more thought than I had imagined, you've done your research!
*Quickly looks out of window*

It pains me that you had to redo your work (even if you apparently enjoyed the process). I've lost... I think 2 files in total in my several re-installations and backups and I regret it still (since they of course turned out to be two of my all-time favourites). Can't really imagine losing my whole collection like you did!

And I must say that I was quite surprised that you even used Recette from my old banner!
Regarding assassins, I think this award describes me most aptly in those games:
...so it fits. ^^

My favourite is the spring one with the ape, it is gorgeous in its details and colouring. He also looks so at peace doing the gardening.

2012-04-13, 05:25 AM
Just dropping in to say, DYF is back (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=13062520#post13062520)! (Please post in the new thread, not this one to express interest etc.)