View Full Version : [WoT] Prophecies of the Dragon

Indeed It Is
2012-02-14, 01:23 PM
The Wheel weaves and all that junk.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-14, 01:34 PM
It was a bright, pleasant day on the Almoth Plane. The sun was shining bright, casting its warming rays on the plane below with only a few light wisps of clouds in the otherwise blue sky. The warmth was welcome as it was unseasonably cold for early autumn and there were patches of snow on the ground. There was a slight wind blowing in front the east that stirred the dust on the road, but aside from the five riders on the road there were no other travelers in sight. They were traveling north towards the village Ostin Falls on the border between Toman Head and the Plane and were perhaps four days ride from the town.

2012-02-14, 02:26 PM
It was a good day as Rageld rode down the road. He rode ahead a little watching the road and surrounding area. There was always a chance of danger on Toman Head and bandits are always a constant worry these days.

2012-02-14, 02:40 PM
Amalise rode cautiously along the track enjoying the wind and the wide open space. Even 5 weeks into her journey she was still enjoying herself, particularly after 6 long years virtually a prisoner in the Tower.

Now mere week away from her destination she was a bit more catious. The riders ahead could be anyone. A worry for a young women in a fine dress and no weapons. Slowing slightly she concentrated, a flower opening. The light hitting the petals..

With a faint thrill the saidar flowed into her, giving her some extra courage. The light seemed brighter too. Ad did the clatter of hooves and the smell of horse sweat.

Riding closer to the figures she waited to see their intentions.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-14, 02:54 PM
Sayrnin strode purposefully walking along, giving Sharn a break. She'd covered many leagues on her travels recently and she could tell that it was wearing for him. But she was nearly on Almoth plain now and her search could start, though she dreaded what she might find....

Up ahead a familiar bright glow surrounded one of the figures, a finely dressed woman with a regal bearing. Sayrnin almost reached for the source herself but regained her composure.

If she is this open about her powers she must be Aes Sedai She thought frantically No wilder would do it where anyone could see her.

But what was an Aes Sedai doing alone, riding in such a dangerous area? Already Sayrnin's curiosity was getting the better of her and was overcoming her panic. They would have no reason to expect she had come here, so she just had to be careful that's all. It would look suspicious to leave the road now.

Resolved, she continued on, drawing her cloak around her to provide some measure from the breeze that seemed distinctly chillier than it had a moment before.

2012-02-15, 02:50 PM

The sudden breeze chills the young brunette and she turns up the corner of her hood. As she does so she turns slightly and see's another women walking a horse along behind her.

Glancing back to the men ahead she wheels her horse around. It would be unfair to leave some poor women to the tender mercies of bandits she thinks to herself. "I'm not scared, just being helpful to fellow women in need- the justification foxed in her head she trots to the other women.

As she gets closer something about the walking women looks familiar. The gait and the long hair both reminding her of someone she knows, a light touch of saidar as the power flowed into her giving her a thrill- in the Tower it was not permitted to hold the source so much- her eyesight sharpened and she recognised the southern features.

"Sayrinin. Is that you? What are you doing here? Do the Sisters know that you are out of the Tower."

Guiltily she realised she was still holding the Power. A beacon for any Sisters nearby. The pang as she released the power like a physical tug at her. "Why are you all the way out here?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-15, 04:16 PM
Sayrnin froze. The Aes Sedai was coming towards her. She lowered her head instinctively but new it wouldn't help- the woman would discover her in moments.

Then she heard a familiar voice. Amalise?

"What are you doing here? Do the Sisters know that you are out of the Tower."

Did she not know that Sayrnin had fled?

"Amalise? Yes, the sisters know I left, I had a mission, but it wasn't something to be shared."All true words. "But what are you doing here? It's dangerous right now.

She nervously wondered whether the woman had been raised Aes Sedai, but she still wore the ring on her left hand. Sayrnin absently let her hand trail to her pouch where hers was concealed.

2012-02-15, 04:28 PM
Amalise pulled the horse to a halt. Pleased to see a fellow Accepted of the Tower. "I am sent on a mission for one of the Sisters. Similar to you I assume? the question hanging in the air.

She smiles. "I have mind of the danger, though I have ridden the plains within sight of the Dragonwall, I am not altogether unacostomed to the peace of the sword".

She looks around, at the men further up the road"Maybe we could travel together, as you say these roads are dangerous."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-15, 04:38 PM
Well that was definitely the wrong approach to take Sayrnin mused. She hasn't changed much then.

"I'll be glad of the company."

She swung up on her horse and kicked him on, noting distinctly how out of place she looked in her travellers clothes next to Amalise's finery.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-15, 04:41 PM

Standing in his stirrups to get a better view of the road head, Kuran squints into the wind as he sees Saryinin walking her horse and the other riders ahead. He had left Ebou Dar the same time as the woman and so far she had rejected his offers to travel together. Considering his own experience with Ebou Dari women he'd thought it prudent not to push the issue further. However, she was a woman traveling alone, Tower training or not, and if he just happened to be traveling in the same direction she was and saw she was in trouble he could help. And as luck would have it, he was going the same way.

He clucked his tongue and urged his horse forward at a walk to close the distance between them, eyeing the other woman approaching Saryinin a moment before he moves in to speaking distance. "Saryinin, Good Day.. seems we're still heading in the same direction.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-15, 04:47 PM
Well this was turning into quite a party. Kuran had foolowed her like a faithful dog, and she wasn't sure how much he knew about her background, but still it was a worry, especially with Amalise around.

For the moment she smiled, half way between a grin and a grimace and continued riding wondering which of these two would cause her more trouble...

2012-02-15, 04:57 PM
Amalise looked up in slight alarm, a tinge of alarm and a regret that she had released the source as the swarthy man arrived. At his words she relaxes, a friend of Sayrnin's.

"Interesting, he may be useful to have along with us" she thinks briefly watching the young man.

"Lights blessing on you Sir. I am Amalise. How do you know Sayrnin?

2012-02-15, 11:55 PM
A tall Arefellin man comes riding down the path quickly catching up to the rest of the group ahead.
Hello there.
He starts as he sees the ring.
An honor to meet one of the Accepted out here. Do you require my assistance in anything.

(Ignore my first post)

Indeed It Is
2012-02-16, 09:10 AM
"Indeed, Lights Blessing, Amalise." Kuran replies with a roguish smile of slightly crooked teeth, "I am Kuran De'Col. In truth, I am no more than an acquintance to Saryinin. I helped fix her mother's roof once back home. Both Saryinin and I just happened to leave Ebou Dar the same day and seem be going in the same direction and keep bumping into each other in our travels"

As the Arafellin approaches, Kuran's hand instinctively moves to the hilt of the thin bladed sword at his waist. He lets it rest there and waits for the woman addressed to respond, a single brow up his forehead.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-16, 10:13 AM
So Kuran hadn't revealed much, but that didn't mean he didn't know more.

Damn these Aes Sedai and their Daes'Daemar, they've got me thinking in circles now!

And the Arafellin was curious, he obviously knew a fair amount about the Tower if he could immediately recognise an Accepted over a full Aes Sedai. but why had he approached them?

Sayrnin remained silent hoping that she would retain her composure in front of Amalise whilst not having to tell the others too much.

Blood and bloody ashes! She'd got herself into a neat little tangle already.

2012-02-18, 08:42 AM
Amalise stiffened slightly at the Arafellian's words. "How could he tell the difference between accepted and Aes sedia? How has he come to know much of the Tower the thoughts flicking through her head.

Inclining her head she gave him a thin and wary smile. "Peace favour your sword Master...?" the question left hanging.

THe other man, swarthier and cleary from somewhere in Altara distracted her for a second. "WHat a strange coincidence that you bump into her again then Master Kuran" her thoughts flustered "Light! What are the chances of that. I shall have to watch these pair carefully. Alanna Sedai warned me of the dangers out here away from the Tower.".

"Come Sarynin, why don't we pause for some lunch. I have some food in my saddlebags. We can catch up. it has been some weeks since I have shared tea with you.
Looking at the men she includes them with a thin smile "You are welcome to join us also if you would not be uncomfortable.", Even if you don't seem to share a man's normal warieness around Aes Sedai the suspicious thoughts just in her head rather than spoken out loud.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-18, 08:56 AM
Kuran shrugs at the insinuation of his run ins with Saryinin being a coincidence. They really did seem to be traveling in the same direction after all and one road was as good as another to him.

His eyes do go a little wide though as Amalise does not dispute the title of Accepted that the Arafellin man addressed her with. He lets go of his sword and uses both hands to grab his reins and casts a glance towards Saryinin. It was rumored she had been to Tar Valon, but he'd dismissed such things. The last girl he knew that had been "taken by the tower" had really been with child by some sailor and simply moved away. He had assumed Saryinin situation was something similar, but had never asked. You did not ask such things of the women of Ebou Dar unless you wanted to another scar.

After a moment he clears his throat and adds his answer, "Lunch on the ground would be more comfortable than in the saddle. I'll gladly break bread with you all. "

2012-02-18, 11:36 AM
"My name is Rageld. And it would be a welcome pause in riding for me and old Rain here."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-18, 02:08 PM
So, it seemed Amalise hadn't forgotten how to use that Borderlander/Noble/Aes Sedai haughtiness that had been a hall mark of her character during their days in the Tower.

As it was it seemed this Arafellin was far to curious (and perhaps too knowledgeable as well she had to concede) for his own good. he would bear watching.

But primarily her goal would have to be to get Amalise on side, she could deal with the men easily enough, but she didn't much fancy being dragged by her fellow accepted to the nearest Aes Sedai, who surely couldn't be far.

Deciding on this, she heeled Sharn off of the road for a place to eat, out of the saddle and away from those interfering men.

2012-02-19, 02:15 PM

As she sets up some loose wood in the dry ground and readies her mess kit with a small pot and loose Tairen leaf for the tea she looks to the others before looking with a slight grin at her fellow Tower accepted.
"there are some advantages of being away from the Tower Sarynin"...

THe words followed by a glow springing up around her as she weaves delicate threads of fire around the small collection of sticks as they explode into fierly life. "What would the Sister's say!" she giggles in a girlish manner not normally seen in the Tower.

"what are you doing out here then?" she asks as the tea begins to boil happily on the pot.

using a 0 level weave (-1 not affinity, +1 strong talent) to start the fire

2012-02-19, 02:49 PM
I wheel Rain off the road and dismount. I pull rations from my pack.
"Would you mind if I sat by your fire?"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-19, 02:49 PM

Seeing Amalise embrace the source yet again caused a surge of envy to rise in Sayrnin, but she watched as Amalise wove, watching the wood catch alight.

Damn this patchy training She thought. Being taught by Yellow Aes Sedai had it's advantages, but they had neglected to teach her much of what Amalise, as an aspiring Green would have taken for granted. She concentrated on Amalise's weave, hoping that she could discern it's making.

Weavesight check: [roll0]
I get -5 on that as I don't have an affinity for Fire, so 21

She sat by the fire and removed some of her rations, not bothering to see if their companions joined them.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-21, 12:04 PM

Kuran guides his horse off to the side of the road and dismounts before retrieving a loaf of bread and some cured meat from his saddle bag and settling down by the fire to munch away.


Spot checks please.

Kuran Spot Check:

2012-02-21, 12:09 PM
Spy check.
You can't edit in rolls.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-21, 12:11 PM
Kuran Spot Check (with the right dice)

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-21, 12:12 PM
Spot check: [roll0]

Also did I learn the fire weave? That was what the weavesight check was for.

2012-02-21, 01:57 PM
Amalise looks at the other Accepted wryly noting the studied expression. To help she concentrated on the fire making it dance and hop about slightly...

Book says DC20 to learn a weave you can cast (lowest would be 1 for you. 0 level +1 for no affinity) so you should learn it!

And Spot [roll0]

Looking at the two men joining them she continues to hold the source close, still unsure of them, especially the Arafellian. "Of course you are welcome. Please tell us something about yourselves. Sarynin and I are old friends. What brings the pair of you so far from home onto the Almouth Plain?"

2012-02-21, 03:18 PM
I had business in Tarabon, I am merely returning home.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-22, 06:17 PM

"And home is where? I have never been to the borderlands, and know little of them." Sayrnin turned to the rough looking man and attempted to engage him in some conversation, she would be just as graceful as Amalise.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-22, 09:40 PM
Kuran's eyes move back and forth over the others as they talk, waiting for his own turn to tell his tale while munching on his food.

For Rageld and Amalise

You see a faint footpath leading further away from the road and the glint of metal on the ground reflecting the day's sun.

2012-02-22, 09:44 PM
"Very little indeed. I am Arefellin, these swords are also Arefellin." I glance over and see something.
"If you would excuse me for a moment."
For DM.I step over to the glint of metal.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-23, 06:01 AM

Well that was unsatisfactory. Sayrnin had made an effort and he had just been rude. She'd hoped it was because she wasn't wearing her serpent ring, but hd a feeling that this man just did not have the proper respect for Aes Sedai.

Loathe as she was to encourage Kuran, she realised that talking to him was probably the safest move.

"So Kuran, I know that we have both been headed this way since Ebou Dar, but I can not recall you ever telling me your reason. Why travel so far?"

2012-02-23, 03:36 PM
Amalise smiles at the Arafellian. "Where in Arafel do you hale from? I have been to the Fortress in Shol Arbela to King Paitar's Court and found it a nice city. Certainlny a welcome break from Fal Sion's harsh walls".

Turning to the other man... "What is Ebou Dar like> I have hear terrifying things about the city with duels and fighting at all times?" she smiles briefly at Sarynin, "Sarynin here has not been as forthcoming as othersabout her home."

Indeed It Is
2012-02-23, 07:31 PM
The Arafellin sees that the glinting metal is from the clasp on a small belt pouch laying in the path. From where he is he can see the path leads to a small clearing.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-23, 07:36 PM
Kuran swallows a mouthful of bread and wipes his mouth with the back of his sleeve before looking towards Sarynin and patting a pocket on his jacket, "I've been charged to deliver a letter to a merchant in a village a little further out on the Plains. The town after next I believe."

He turns to Amalise and gives her his crooked tooth grin, "Oh, Ebou Dar is just as terrifying as they say, but wonderful as well. Greatest city of the south. Light knows there are duels. A few scars keeps a man honest.

2012-02-24, 07:31 PM
"Heh, I've been there once. Terrifing at first but i liked it."
I pick up the clasp and try to make out any markings.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-25, 02:54 PM
Sasyrnin Maylin

"Certainly it is a great city, and all those duels 'keep men in their proper place'" she said, quoting something her mother had once said."Well at least you have a good reason to be so far from home, I had half begun suspecting you were following me." She flashed him a smile that showed she was only half joking.

Indeed It Is
2012-02-28, 02:58 PM
The clasp itself is unremarkable and of a simple, but functional design. The pouch has some weight in it and upon further inspective reveals five small coins (5 marks). Further up the path is the clearing and perhaps, is that blood mixed in with the new fallen snow?

2012-02-28, 03:27 PM
Amalise watches the Arafellian bend down and pick something out of the ground. With the power enhanced senses she can faintly see the glitter of something.

"What is it? Is there something amiss?" she calls to the Borderlander.

2012-02-28, 04:13 PM
"Probably, just my luck too."
I walk over towards the clearing.
Stealth roll [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-02-28, 04:23 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

As she finished her food she heard Amalise and the Arafellin talking. Something seemed to be happening, and now he was walking away, trying to be stealthy.

Sayrnin embraced the source, letting its warmth and radiance wash over her, and stood, not wanting to be caught unaware.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-01, 09:46 AM
Rageld creeps along the path towards the clearing with all the stealth of a large bear, but finds the clearing free of any one to observe him. What he does find, however, is what looks to be an abadoned campsite.

There is a small fire pit dug into the earth with a few chunks of blackened wood sitting it in and ring of stones around it. Near there is a travel pack with its contents strewn about the ground nearby as though it was knocked over and then searched through by animals looking for food. Everything is covered in a light layer of snow, showing that the campsite had not been used for at least a couple of days.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-01, 09:49 AM
Kuran smirks at Sarynin with a shake of his head, "Following you? Light, no. Though I was starting to think you were hired to deliver the same message I was. Folks said you left Ebou Dar in such a hurry it made sense... why are you out here anyways?" He asks his questions as he doesn't see anything amiss, though his gaze flicks over to Rageld.

2012-03-01, 09:52 AM
"Someone was camped over here a few days before. That wasn't a peaceful night though."
I check the pack for food.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-01, 01:17 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Brushing off Kuran's question, Sayrnin followed rageld over to the camp and saw him rumaging through it's contents. A secret part of her wondered if there might be a clue in this camp to help her on her mission.

She searches for anything Sayrnin might recognise

Search Check: [roll0]


She also weaves strands of spirit, casting them out in a net to detect a familiar presence.

Trace-Lv0(1) (+1 for all affinities) discovers if he has been within 300ft in the last 12hours (30,000ft if he is carrying a gift from Sayrnin and/or doubled if he is experiencing intense emotions)

Indeed It Is
2012-03-03, 03:55 PM
Kuran offers a shrug to Amalise as Sarynin makes her way from their fire towards the clearing. He pops another bit of bread in his mouth before coming to his feet and heading off that way as well. A low whistle escapes his breath as he looks about the abandoned camp. "Someone left in a hurry?"

Indeed It Is
2012-03-03, 03:59 PM
Kuran spot check

Indeed It Is
2012-03-03, 04:03 PM
Sarynin cannot find anything of interest to her eyes and her weave returns nothing as well.

Rageld rummages through the bag and the bodies of two dead rats fall out. They seem to have died from numerous small bites and claw marks, perhaps by other rats fighting over the food that was in the bag.

(Spot and Search checks for anyone in the clearing)

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-03, 04:15 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Spot: [roll0]
Search: [roll1]

Looking slightly puzzled and forlorn as her brief hope was crushed, Sayrnin turns and attempts to search for clues with more mundane means.

2012-03-03, 04:51 PM
Amalise looks up at the rats, a gentle web if spirit slowly spreading outwards from her as she attempts to search for signs of shadowspawn.

Rats. Never a good sign she mutters.

2012-03-03, 06:44 PM
My thoughts exactly."
I start looking for tracks.
Survival [roll0]

Indeed It Is
2012-03-03, 11:37 PM
Amalise's weave is not able to detect any living Shadowspawn within the range of her power, but Rageld is able to see that the whole clearing is covered in the small footprints of rodents. No clear path to or from the clearing can be seen by the tracks, though it seems like a north eastern direction.

Sarynin's gaze moves upwards where she makes a gruesome discovery. Stuck in the limps of a tree is the corpse of man in the evening of his life. The cold has kept the body from rotting and from his position it looks as though he was dropped from above. His lifeless eyes stare wide from his head as though looking at some object in the distance and a hand ax lies at his belt, undrawn.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-07, 05:40 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Sayrnin lets out a yelp as she sees the old man above her. She pauses as she takes in the gory sight, but steeling herself advances to the man and weaves strands of Air, Spirit and Water in a complex web as she had been taught. She lays the weave upon the lifeless corpse, hoping to discover what befell this poor man.

Delve [Level 0+1 for all affinities= lvl 1]

Discover cause of death if he died within the last 24 hours (don't know if his exposure to cold would extend the time limit).

2012-03-08, 01:49 AM
Amalise gasps as she spies the body hanging in the tree limbs above. "Lights blessing upon you" she mumbles under his breath "Last embrace of the mother welcome you home".

Watching cautiously her eyes narrow slightly as she see's her fellow accepted casting a strange weave. The healing domain had never been one of her strongest suits and the complex knot of spirit was woven too quickly for her to follow.

Weavesight to learn Delve [roll0] VS 20

"We should bury him and then move on Sayrnin"

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-08, 05:34 AM
Sayrnin Maylin

"Yes, yes I guess we should... Could you help get him down?" She asked turning to the men.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-12, 11:45 AM
The body is in the tree too high for Sarynin to reach with her weave, but Kuran shimmies up the branches of the tree and manages to shake the body free from its perch so that it falls to the ground in a heap. Afterward, the Delve weave isn't able to tell Sarynin anything about the man's death. It would seem he died a few days ago and was only kept somewhat preserved by the cold.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-12, 11:47 AM
"What do you think caused him to climb the tree and stay up there like that until he died?" Kuran asks from his perch in the tree. Given his knowledge of the world he can't think of anything that could possible pick up a man and drop him into a tree despite the fact that that is what it looks like happened.

Kuran Perception while up in the tree:

Peering off across the clearing the Ebou Dari man points to the northeast. "I think I see a building.. looks like a short tower that way."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-12, 12:07 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Sayrnin rubbed her arms against chill, still not quite used to being so near a dead man. At Kuran's question she thought it must e a channeller, but they couldn't lift something that high most of the time.

Against her better judgement, Sayrnin turned to the others and said;"I guess we should go and investigate it. Something strange has happened here, and they might know something about it."That, or be involved, a voice in mind suggested, but she pushed it aside and tried to look determined.

2012-03-12, 02:28 PM
Amalise looks sadly at the man before nodding to Sarynin. "Yes Sister, we should investigate. Maybe the men will help?"

She glances back towards the men before coughing slightly "Excuse me good sirs. Will you assist two women of the Tower?". Assuming that they will agree she'll turn back to the Altaran lady...

"I shall hold close to the source, Saidar is a comfort here". Then she begins to stride towards the small building with a purposeful stride, her mind racing as she cleaves to the souce lest something attack her... It feels very different to being in the Tower.

2012-03-12, 05:16 PM
"No true Arefellin warrior would deny a student of the white tower in a situation like this."
I attempt to be stealthy again. [roll0]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-12, 06:20 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Well, if they hadn't known before, they did now, Amalise had definitely revealed Sayrnin was an Accepted, but now wasn't the time to mope.

"All right then, thank you for your aid." She turned to Amalise, exchaging a look, before drawing deeply on the True Source, filling herself with the sweet power of Saidar.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-15, 02:39 PM
Kuran climbs down the tree and drags the body off to the side of the clearing to be dealt with later before moving up with the women and the Arafellin.

Heading in the general direction of the tower, the group goes perhaps two hundred feet before the trees thin out and turn into rolling hills covered in sparse trees and brown, winter grass. Visibly at the top of a hill close to a quarter of a mile away is a squat stone structure consisting of a small building with a three story tower protruding from it.

As the group emerges from the trees nearly a dozen ravens take flight with loud caws from a tree some fifty feet away and head towards the tower, settling on its roof shortly there after.

2012-03-15, 04:07 PM
Amalise curses under her breath at the ravens, her fingers curling slightly into a protective sign against the light. "Light give me courage" she mutters under her breath as she strides forward towards the Tower across the whispering grass.

Approaching within ~50ft of the tower she pauses again, strands of spriit spiralling outwards as she searches for the taint of the Dark One. Glancing back to Saroynin she whispers a quiet "Stand ready".

Casting sense shadowspawn again.

Also off at Warhammer event all weekend so won't be able to really post until Monday.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-15, 04:18 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Sayrnin follows Amalise as they head for the tower. She stops a few paces behind the other accepted as she weaves threads of spirit. Sayrnin watches the flows, fear and excitement racing through her blood at the prospect of what is to come.

Weavesight: [roll0]

2012-03-16, 09:27 AM
"Ravens just what we need."
I'm going to circle around and check the tower from all angles.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-19, 08:54 AM
Amalise's weave is able to register some faint resonance of the Shadow. Faint individually, but of a strength to give the sense of numbers. However, at this distance the weave is only reaching the outer edge of the tower and not inside or the upper floors due to the sloping hill.

Rageld circumnavigates the tower struct and does not see anything from the other sides that he could no see from the other. It is obviously abadoned and in a state of disrepair, but looks sturdy and to be in no danger of failing. Ravens line the top of the tower several seem to watch the Borderlander's progress.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-19, 08:56 AM
Kuran fidgets with the hilt of his sword nervously. Fighting a duel with a man in the streets was one thing, but this old tower and the body back at the campsight just felt wrong. "What is it? It's just some ravens... probably found a good spot for nesting... I've seen seagulls and other birds do it in the on top of buildings in the harbor back home."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-19, 09:03 AM
Sayrnin Maylin

"Some among ravens serve the shadow. Amalise, what did you discover? We have a duty to find out what killed that man, and what this tower is, otherwise we leave more people in danger." Sayrnin knew what she said was right, she just wished she didn't feel so nervous about it.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-19, 01:06 PM
"Ravens serve the Shadow?" Kuran replies with a half-hearted scoff, his usually confidence ebbing and it show in his tone, "That's Grandmother talk. Next you'll say a Fetch lives in that tower."

Right? Of course.. everyone knows that those stories are just that, stories. he thought with a glance towards the two women.. Accepted, apparently. They both have got some education and feel like they can toy with him, that must be it.

2012-03-19, 04:11 PM
Amalise nods at Sarynin, "I can feel the taint from here." She looks at the southlander a surprised look on her face. "I assure you, the halfmen are real. We have seen many of them in the Borderlands."

She looks at the others, "I am going into the tower. I will find out what has struck down that man."- and a whisper under her breath "light give me strength".

With that she srdies forward heading for the door of the tower, riding dress held just above the ground as she pads forward.

2012-03-20, 01:00 AM
"Just a moment, let me go in first. I'm trained for this kind of stuff.
I draw both my swords.
"Let's hope there are no trollocs. Not my favorite thing to fight in a small group."

Indeed It Is
2012-03-20, 02:10 PM
The group heads slowly and carefully up the hill keeping an eye out for danger, but are able to make it up to the tower door without being molested. Indeed, the only noise on the plan than that of their own movement is the rustling of feathers and a few caws from the ravens around the tower.

Upon closer inspection the tower looks to be several decades old with crumbling mortar and most and plants growing up the side. The door of stout iron bound wood and is in surprising good condition.

The building attached to the tower is of stone in the walls, but the very peak the wooden roof has caved in.


If opening the door: Rageld, please roll group initiative using your init bonus (we'll alternate who rolls for the group). I'll post again after the Init roll

2012-03-21, 10:40 PM
Initiative go team go. [roll0]

Indeed It Is
2012-03-23, 08:31 AM
Team DM Init Roll:

The hinges of the door are rusty, but functioning and the door starts to open with a hard shove. The iron hinges make a screech and groan of protest at the movement, but before the door can be opened completely the ravens above let out a cacaphony of caws and all take to the air. They stream down on the group with an amlost gleeful tone to their calls and suddenly the group is eveloped in a flurry of feathers and flesh-seeking beaks.

In addition to the ravens, nearly a dozen rats squirm there way out of holes in the ground near the towers base and swarm the group as well. Their little claws cling to fabric and skin as they try to climb their way up feet and legs to find a soft place to bite.

Everyone takes 1 damage

Rats - 12
Ravens - 20

Initiative is with the Shadow. It's now your turn

2012-03-26, 02:34 PM
Amalise curses loudly as the ravens and rats swarm over as she moves to bat them away staggering some 10ft away from the source of the rats and ravens before she tries to weave a vast web of air to ensare all those in the air and ground around her....

A vast web of air surrounding her and the others lashes out as she seeks to bind as many of the fell creatures as possible...

Using a 1st level slot --> 3rd level effect for Harden Air (+1 air affinity, +1 strong talent) to throw a 10ft cube of harden air around us as much as possible to hold as many rats and ravens as possible.

DC 16 to avoid.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-26, 02:54 PM
Sayrnin Maylin

Sayrnin sees the giant weave of air being woven.
Weavesight: [roll0]

Seeing the success of Amalise's weave, Sayrnin attempts to replicate this.

Level 0 harden air + 1 level Air Affinity.

She uses it to create a 3ft dome to try and hold as many rats as possible. Ref: DC 14 to negate.

2012-03-27, 02:57 PM
"Light damned vermin."
I move away from the swarms if possible.
Reflex saves if neccisary.

Indeed It Is
2012-03-31, 10:42 AM
"Bloody Ashes! What in the Light!?" Kuran exclaims as the vermin swarm over the group and peck, claw and bite. With rapier in hand he lashes out at the rats around him and falls back away from the tower.



Indeed It Is
2012-03-31, 10:48 AM


The two Accepted aim to encase the rats and ravens in flows of Air. The 10' cube of air is able to encase most of the ravens as the flap about, while the smaller dome of air is able to trap two of the rats that weren't currently clinging to a person.

Rageld moves away from the swarms, but a few rats cling tenaciously to his pants and go for a ride while clawing and biting.

Kuran moves off as well, rats acting as passengers, but manages to wipe one rat away with his sword.


Round 2

The remaining ravens swoop in again on Kuran and the remaining rats that were clinging to clothing and flesh bite and claw.

An almost human figure with large batlike wings suddenly swoops off from the top of the tower and glides to the end of the house attached to the tower, some 50'. As it flies a sweet, mesmerizing song escapes its lips and flows to Amalise's ears (Will 19 to save again song or become Captivated and move towards the Draghkar making no other actions)

Everyone takes 1 damage

Rats: 9 free, 2 caught, 1 dead
Ravens: 4 free, 16 caught

Draghkar: 1!

PCs turn

2012-03-31, 11:21 AM
Seeing the Draghkar I charge immediately. Lashing out with my sword I cut it across the arm.
Attack roll [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-03-31, 01:44 PM

Seeing the Draghkar swooping towards them, terror assailed Sayrnin, but she controlled it with an effort, though she realised with despair she couldn't do anything. It was too far fr her to harm, and her Talents did not lie there anyway, instead she staunchly focussed on holding the rats where they were, and crept into the shelter of the doorway, hoping to keep out of danger.

2012-03-31, 02:30 PM
Amalise stares hard at the Draghkar, a lifetime of of teaching to hate the shadow coursing through her as she pushes away the subtle and oh so dangerous song.

Dropping the weave surrounding the rats, a minor inconvience she lashes massive arms of air around the fragile bird like creature holding it still and twisting it to face the ground- the back of its thin neck beside the Arafellian's heavy blade...

"Destroy it Master Rageld. No mercy for the Shadow" is all she says, her voice cold and emotionless as she held close to the source batting away the foul creatures siren song.

Save in OOC thread
Arms of Air at level 3 so a weight allowance of ~200 pounds to hold the drakghar and move it up to 20ft to right under the Arafellian's sword and squash its face into the ground to drown out the song.

Bite me shadowspawn :smallsmile:

Indeed It Is
2012-04-05, 03:40 PM
"By the Light, what is going on?!" Kuran exclaims as the Draghkar swoops by admist the flurry of ravens and rats. He moves behind Sarynin, half pushing her through the door into the tower before turning to fill the door way with his body and lashes out at the rats and ravens.


Indeed It Is
2012-04-05, 03:45 PM
Rageld charges after the Draghkar as he swoops over and lands while Amalise manages to barely fight off the creature's seductive song. The Shadowspawn bends to the pressure of the Accepted's weaves and staggers forward, his song ended as it struggles against the pressure put on it by the invisible arms and lets out a high-pitched creenining as Rageld's sword hacks into it.

Sarynin maintains her hold on the captured rats and makes her way to the tower while Kuran helps on on the way and then takes up position at the door before skewering a raven on his sword.


Round 3

The Draghkar tries to turn and flee, but is not able to take flight with the added weight of the Arms of Air.

The rats and ravens continue to swarm, but are only able to rease Amalise and Kuran in their current positions.

Kuran and Amalise each take 1 damage

PCs turn

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-05, 05:47 PM

Sayrnin watches as Amalise easily turns to this new threat and is so brutal with her swift actions. The halo of light that surrounds Amalise was so bright, and Sayrnin felt awe and admiration at the other accepted's prowess, yet she was only holding it, whilst one man tried to kill it, one man against that creature of the shadow!
Sayrnin calmed herself, and drew as much of the source as she safely could, filling herself with its energy. She forced herself to recall a weave once shown to her in the privacy of the Yellow quarters, a dark thing, a perversion of the Healing art, but something sometimes necessary. She wove threads of Air, Water and Spirit and watched as they sunk into the Draghkar's flesh.

Level 1 Rend + 1 Level from having all affinities.
[roll0] (Fort half- DC 14/15- not sure if the bonus level from affinities counts towards save DC).

Also she has to let the cage of air disappear from the rats.

2012-04-06, 01:21 AM
Amalise continues to concentrate on the heavy weave of air even as she stumbles some 15ft further away from the tower brushing and wiping at the rats and ravens flapping around her.

Concentration [roll0] VS 16 for the damage

Struggling to hold saidar as it began to slip away from her as the bites and claws began to bother her, her eyes widen as the flow of air, spirit and water tear and twist at the foul shadowspawn.

Weavesight [roll1] Vs 20 to learn rend

Indeed It Is
2012-04-09, 02:47 PM
Sayrnin's weave tear into the Draghkar and it lets out one last shrieking wail before going limp underneath the pressure of Amalise's Arms of Air.

With the Draghkar's death the ravens scatter in a chorus of caws, flying off and out of sight in all directions while the rats scurry away and into the grass in search of burrows and safety.

Everyone gets 1000 XP!

Indeed It Is
2012-04-09, 02:49 PM
While the rats scamper off, Kuran gives a final kick at one of the rodents before turning in a full circle to be sure the pests have truly fully retreated. Once he's completely satisfied that the fight is over he moves out of the doorway to the tower so that Sarynin can walk by and he stares off at the Draghkar's corpse, "That... is not a man."

2012-04-09, 04:01 PM
Amalise readies the another heavy weave of air should it be necessary as she surveys the scene. "Lights blessing on us..." she whispers, grateful for her borderland unpbringing to give her the strenth of mind to resist the song of a draghkar.

Seeing nothing moving she sends out another heavy pulse of spirit as she quest for any more shadowspawn. Ignoring the myriad small bites covering her body she glances around at the others, "Are any of you hurt?"

0 level weave (my penultimate of the day) to cast Sense shadowspawn again.

Away form book. Does 1000xp mean we level up? Or is it 2000XP to gte to level 2?

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-09, 04:17 PM

Sayrnin shook herself. She had known what would happen when she used that weave, and it was a creature of the shadow, but still, such a horrendous way to kill anything, her whole purpose had been to Heal, but instead she found herself using her Talents to kill.

She turned to the rest, at least now she could serve a purpose. "Is everybody fine, any injuries? I can Heal you if necessary."

DrK- Yeah we are now level 2.

How are we doing HP?

2012-04-10, 03:00 PM
Amalise looks at the small scars and scratches before shaking her head. "The light bless me but I appear mostly whole and hale.".

Pulling at the holed and shredded dress she shrugs "At least the Sisters let me carry a spare Shall we see what lies within this tower?".

Woot level up!

Gaining [roll0] hitpoints

2012-04-10, 04:32 PM
Rageld looks down on the corpse staring at the creature killed moments before.
"Not a man indeed. Not a Trolloc either. Draghkar are a deadly foe. Be glad she wasn't kissed."
Rageld gives a puzzled look and chews his lip.
"They shouldn't be this far south. Bad news for all involved."

Indeed It Is
2012-04-11, 11:30 AM
On HP: Either roll or just take the average. Your choice

Indeed It Is
2012-04-11, 11:38 AM
"Kissed? Why would..." Kuran says with a confused look and then shakes his head, "No matter... at leasts it is dead." To the question of wounds, he shakes his head, "I am alright.. nothing that won't fade in a few days."

Everyone is covered in lots of small, minor cuts that while nothing major on their own, give the appearance of being far more bloodied than they really are.

2012-04-11, 02:44 PM
"I ment what I said. The kiss of a Draghkar is deadly. It can steal your soul with its kiss."
I move towards the door keeping my head down and scan inside.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-11, 03:22 PM

I think I read that Linking isn't taught to Accepted, but can't remember- could someone clarify before I suggest linking with Amalise.


Sayrnin ignored their talk about shadowspawn, she was tired and needed to get this done so they could leave and rest. She advanced into the Tower checking to see if any of the creatures remained.
With a quick thought she turned to Amalise. "Could you perform that Weave again? To see if there are any more shadowspawn here? I think I got it, but you seem to know these things better than me." She admitted.

2012-04-11, 04:18 PM
Amalise looks down at the Draghkar with disdain. "To know its kiss is to suffer a fate worse than death. We have done well destroying but strange that it is so far South. Worrying times indeed when shadowspawn breach the Borderlands.

At her sister's question she nods. "Of course Sister, hear, watch carefully.". That said she'll spin the careful weave of spirit once more to search out for more shadowspawn...

I'll do it very slowly and carefully to give any bonus I can to Saryonin. Even if its just the +2 assist to weavesight.

Indeed It Is
2012-04-12, 09:08 AM
Kuran shakes his head once more at the fallen Draghkar before moving in to the tower with Rageld, his sword still held in his hand at the ready.

Indeed It Is
2012-04-12, 09:10 AM
The weave to detect Shadow Spawn only gives a weak response, most likely due to the rats buried deep within their holes near by.

The inside of the tower is a dirty stone floor strewn with broken bits of old rotting furniture, some old bones that appear to be from those of small animals and a set of stairs leading up to the second story.

2012-04-18, 12:35 AM
Rageld attempts to slip quietly up the stairs looking for threats.
Move silently [roll0]
Hide [roll1]
Spot [roll2]
Listen [roll3]

2012-04-18, 12:56 AM
Amalise looks up at the Arafellan as he climbs the stairs, "Take care Master Rageld. Hve faith that you should you slip I will catch you."

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-18, 04:40 AM

Sayrnin nods at Amalise, ready to weave should it look like the arafellin was in danger.

Should he move out of sight, she will follow him at a VERY safe distance.

Indeed It Is
2012-04-19, 01:50 PM
Kuran pokes around through the bones and debris on the first floor while the Arafellin heads upwards.

Indeed It Is
2012-04-19, 02:05 PM
The old stairs shift under Rageld's weight as he moves up them, but they hold together while he makes the ascent.

The second story is much like the first. A large circular room with supports leading up to the flat roof. A rotted out, broken ladder lies on the floor underneath a trap door that would give access to the roof, but from the looks of the supports hold the roof up it is not someplace you would want to go. Windows line the walls to give a good vantage point of the surrounding country from any angle and potential overlapping fields of fire.

Broken pieces of wood, the remains of old furniture, are strewn about the floor, but Rageld's sharp eyes catch the dull glint of metal under a pile of debris from a stray beam of sun coming in through the window.

2012-04-19, 02:40 PM
Wary of rats Rageld shifts the pile of debris with his sword to get a closer look at the metal.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-19, 02:42 PM

After Rageld moves out of sight, and with no loud noises indicating danger, Sayrnin follows cautiously and approaches him, looking around wearily.

Search: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
Listen [roll2]

Move silently: [roll3]

Indeed It Is
2012-04-26, 08:36 AM
OOC: Sorry for the delay, I completely missed that you guys has posted.

Carefully shifting through the debris with his sword, Rageld is able to uncover three old gold coins printed in an unfamiliar fashion. Whatever was stamped on them is worn to be only faintly recognizable as a face.

Sarynin makes her way out the stairs and sees the same scene as Rageld.

Kuran and Amalise stay downstairs and Kuran's search somes up empty.

al'Lan Mandrag
2012-04-26, 09:15 AM

"Rageld, let's think. That Draghkar must have been here for a reason, and we aren't a target worth warranting its attention, which means it was here for someone else, maybe that man who was killed in the tree, or it was here for something."

Reluctantly she glances upwards.

"I think we should check the roof, that ladder doesn't look safe though, so maybe... [Shouting] "Kuran, could you come up? It's alright, we're safe. [Speaking again] "Maybe he could give you a leg up?"

Sayrnin, shook her head. Why was she getting involved? It's true what they said, you never escaped the Tower.

2012-04-26, 01:40 PM
Amalise looks upwards at the Arafellan, Prepare yourself Master Arafellan" she whispers before reaching out with a long tendril of air and gently lifting the man up through the cracks and onto the roof.

Steadying the man with the heavy thread of air she holds the weave concentrating on it to form a gentle net around the Arafellan lest he slip or fall...

Using my last 1st level weave to power a 3rd level Arms of Air that can move 200lb around. So should be enough for Rageld unless he's a fatty :smallsmile: