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PairO'Dice Lost
2012-02-14, 01:36 PM

The rising sun shines brightly over the walls of the Temple of the Four Seasons. Today is the summer solstice, and the Sunspire Mountains are ablaze with light. The Temple apprentices have risen early for their morning's exercises, and the many experienced adepts are taking the novices through their paces. In the shade of the east wall, one Initiate is putting the newest arrivals through their paces. "Excellent form," he tells one novice approvingly as the latter's blade shows the barest flicker of flame. "That was a perfect example of Single Candle in the Night. I believe you are ready to learn the intricacies of the Blistering Flourish." To the west, some of the more advanced students spar under the watchful eyes of the senior students. Calls of correction and admonishment ring out every so often: "Vargos! Remember to retreat back into Black Doubt after your assault!" and "Your coordination needs work, gentlemen. If you both wish to attack her with Bounding Assault at the same time, you must first assume the Dancing Blade Form!" and even "Excellent kata! Now, between the fifth and sixth strikes, we will add in Leaping Flame...."

To the south, three beings stand on the steps to the inner sanctuary, overseeing all that transpires. These three, the Grandmasters of the Temple, rarely intervene in the training, preferring to focus on one-on-one tutoring with their most promising students. Still, they will lend a hand where one is needed. Grandmaster Tsikul, a lithe asherati from the nearby Great Golden Desert, sometimes appears out of the sandy training ground floor to give her opinion on the readiness of lower adepts to advance through the ranks; Grandmaster Sapier, a scholarly illumian from the Isles of Dawn, can always be relied upon to gently correct a stance or position an arm properly when a student is struggling. Grandmaster Sovornost, a nimble raptoran native to the Sunspire Mountains, often hovers above the Temple's large-scale exercises, coordinating novices during the more intricate scenarios. Today, though, their attention is focused on the north wall of the Temple, where a large gate leads to the outside world, inscribed with the Temple's motto of 'Perfection through Transcendance, Power through Knowledge, Strength through Purpose'.

The Grandmasters' attention to the gates is rewarded as a disturbance outside causes the novices to pause in their exercises. A bloody and bedraggled--but fiercely smiling--adept leads a handful of others through the entrance and straight up to where the Grandmasters stand. "Grandmasters!" the adept calls out, loud enough for all in the courtyard to hear, "We return successful from our mission! The adepts of the Temple of the Unconquered Sun were fierce opponents, but they were too late! The prize is ours!" He motions for another adept to come forth, and she does so, a long, thin wooden case in her hands. "At long last, Supernal Clarity is in deserving hands once more!" He opens the case with a flick of his wrist and draws out the sword inside it with the same motion. The rapier Supernal Clarity gleams in the sunlight, and time seems to freeze as the gravity of the moment silences everyone there. An eternity later, the moment is broken by the shouts and cheers of the adepts as they congratulate their brothers and sisters on their mission. The Grandmasters smile, well pleased.


It is several hours later, just after the noon meal. Four of the most senior adepts have been called into the inner sanctuary to meet with the three Grandmasters in private. After the appropriate rituals have been observed, Grandmaster Tsikul steps forward. "Adepts Abd, Four, Belcor, and Torog, this day is one of momentous import. For the first time since our founding, we possess all four of the Nine Swords that correspond to our disciples, the same number that our enemy Temple does. Our adepts have never been more skilled or stronger than they are today. Today, we begin what should have begun long ago: the eradication of the Temple of the Unconquered Sun and the unification of its relics and its students under our banner. You four will lead that mission. Though there are others among us who have devoted their lives to mastering a single discipline, you four are unsurpassed in your mastery of each of your chosen paths, and have been judged worthy. Thus, today, we finally bestow upon you four the honor and recognition that you deserve for the skill and integrity you have demonstrated in service to this Temple. Please kneel." She turns and takes a sword case from Grandmaster Sapier. "Adept Torog Three-Mountains, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Spring. We return Unfettered to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power flow into you as life from the new earth; strike with the crushing force of an unstoppable avalanche. Wield it well." Unfettered expands as Torog places it in its sheath; the greatsword is as light and strong as it was the day Torog arrived at the Temple and handed it over to Grandmaster Tsikul for safekeeping and study.

"Adept Abd al-Aziz," she continues, "you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Summer. We return Desert Wind to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power emanate from you as the desert haze; strike with the scorching fury of the howling sirocco. Wield it well." Abd's desert attire flutters in the warm breeze caused by the opening of the scimitar's case as he accepts his sword. Taking yet a third case, Tsikul continues, "Adept Four of Nine, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Autumn. We return Kamate to its rightful owner, he who wielded it in the Battle of the Nine Swords. Let its power surround you as the furious storm; strike with the intricate precision of the falling leaves. Wield it well." Faint goblin voices chant the bastard sword's name as it is moved from the case to Four's sheath; like Unfettered and Desert Wind, Kamate seems not to have aged a day while in the Temple's care. "And finally," Grandmaster Tsikul declares, taking the final case, "Adept Belcor, you are Adept no more. Henceforth, you are Master of Winter. We give to you Supernal Clarity, which has been without a wielder since the Treachery. Let its power settle upon you as the crystalline frost; strike with the focused purity of a single ice crystal. Wield it well." Supernal Clarity seems to take forever to lift from the case, yet it is swinging in its sheath at Belcor's hip in the blink of an eye; the rapier seems undamaged by its mishandling by the rakshasa thief, and is as sharp as ever.

Grandmaster Sovornost speaks for the first time. "Rise, Masters of the Seasons, and kneel to us no more. As Grandmaster Tsikul said, you are to spearhead our mission to reconstruct the true Temple. The first step in this mission is to ensure that the Temple of the Unconquered Sun does not know what has transpired today." He pauses, and when he continues his voice is solemn. "Our victory today was not without cost. Eighteen of our strongest adepts left one week ago to retrieve Supernal Clarity; five returned. It is only because the Unconquered Sun adepts they encountered there had already weakened and distracted their quarry that our adepts were able to force it to flee and retrieve the Sword, and it is only because the Unconquered Sun adepts were weakened themselves that our adepts were able to return alive. It is because we anticipated this that you four were not included in this mission: now the four of you are fresh and rested and will have the advantage over our opponents, and--more importantly--should they manage to return to their Temple before you can find them, they do not know your faces, and will assume incorrectly that the adepts on that mission were our best. Go now, find the Unconquered Sun adepts and the rakshasa thief and slay them all, to silence the former and punish the latter."

This is the IC thread for the Masters of the Nine Swords game; the OOC thread is here

2012-02-14, 02:10 PM
Torog Three-Mountains kneels throughout the ceremony, as unmoving as the very mountain itself. He is clad in forest-green training robes, his head bowed as the great honor is bestowed upon him.

The blade of my people, in my hands again. I can feel the strength of the earth flowing back into me. It is finally time...too long have we waited. The traitors will finally be broken. The temple will be restored. I will find peace.

At the grandmaster's command he rises. "We will not fail. Our foes will be crushed and scattered as dust." With that he momentarily closes his eyes, black plates forming from the ether. He now stands fully-armored, the high-polish of the black enameled steel reflecting the light from the high sun.

"Point me to them and they shall bear the weight of the mountain."

2012-02-14, 02:37 PM
Post based on now-disappeared DM postlisten [roll0]

Torog looks around, feeling constricted in the caves, preferring the open air of the temple or the mountaintop. He speaks in a low, gravelly rumble, trying to keep his booming voice from carrying. "Initiate, did the traitors you fought specialize in any school, or where they generalists? Did any blend magic with their styles? Where they carrying any artifacts or magic items of note?"

"If they have a leader yet alive, we ought strike him first, break the morale of the others while removing the greatest threat. Fellow masters, if you agree, I will seek to crush their leader as we join battle. I ask not for my own honor, but to speed the success of our mission."

IE a charging, power attacking dungeon crasher might be able to take out a foe in the opening round, if no one gets tricky.

2012-02-14, 03:11 PM
The warforged stands rigid, like the statue that it so closely resembles sae for the equipment hanging off the sentient creature. As he is named Master of Autumn he strides forward, a blur forming around his form and the ground crashing under the massively heavy impact of the vanguard treads.

The voice, like rusty blades creaking together, "I am honoured Grandmasters.". Inside his metal shrouded form he can feel the pride in his achievement. No longer a mere tool for the Temple he is now accepted as an equal amongst them.

At the talk of the mission he nods to the master's. "I will not pause in my quest. I will not rest before I crush them. Weak or strong the Tiger, the Shadow and the Spirit are as wheat before the Iron Scythe" .

With that he turns to face the others. "Fellow masters, when do we leave?"

2012-02-14, 03:51 PM
It was only 30 minutes after noon meal and he was back in the training grounds honing his skill.



A slight change of his feet and bend of the wrist altered the arc of his blade making the air around it erupt in flame as he twirled his scimitar around like a roiling typhoon.

The maneuver done with he stops, placing his hand on his scabbard he replaces his weapon slowly, controlling his breathing as he did, his heart beat slowed and he moved effortlessly through the ending Gi, standing in his defensive stance and placing his hands together.

Holding the finishing stance he heard a shuffle behind him. Very well then, I am done.

Turning and looking to the person who was waiting on him he saw a younger adept, a mere novice in the art, it was obvious that he was nervous in the presence of such a senior adept, but Abd never let it get to him. He was a student of the desert and of the Wind, there was no room for pride.

Finally waiting too long for the adept to speak he speaks in kind "Well adept? what can I do for you brother?"

The young man, barely a week over his naming day handed him a rolled parchment with the seal of the Grandmasters.

Interesting Abd thought to himself but said nothing otherwise as he watched the young boy run off and talk to his friends on how he met him no doubt.

Smiling at the thought of it all he walked towards his cell to begin his sparring exercises to cool off. Once done he would peal of the wax seal and read the summons to the Grandmasters in one hour.

And so it begins

An hour later he moved to the chamber before the inner sanctuary, he saw three others there and was not surprised. He nodded to Torog a mountain of a man, a gentle being he was but terrible to behold on the sparring mattress. Next was Four, he was an enigma to Abd, he respected his prowess and lethality with the his chosen discipline but other than that he did not know how to deal with the machine like man. And then there was good ole Richard a veritable genius of a man he would spar with him about facts and rare pieces of knowledge, he enjoyed it even though he usually lost to the man.

Moments later he was inside the Inner sanctuary and kneeling before the Grandmasters receiving Desert Wind, the moment seemed to blur together. It had been a while since he had touched the weapon and his spirit jumped at the occasion to touch it again.

Master of the Summer? Tis fitting indeed

Upon being called to do so he stands and bows to the others "Congratulations my brothers, I am honored to be among you as we are." he says smiling with genuine satisfaction.

He looks to the Grandmasters and bows low, following Four's comment he reiterates it "Indeed, I too am Honored"

Turning and regarding the comment about being ready and heading out, he lets his hand rest on the pommel of his new blade. "I will need only a few moments to pick up some trinkets Master of Autumn, not long."

2012-02-16, 02:38 PM
4 of 9

THe warforged moves smoothly outside, joints cracking as adamantine grinds on adamantine. As he moves his body begins to quicken and flow as he settels in the Stance of Absolute Steel; the natural set of his black steel body.

Beginning to move the relic slowly about he begins to move through the forms of the Iron Heart, the Wall of Blades sliding into the deadly Finishing move and back into the manticore parry. The heavy adamantine figure graceful despite his bulk, the natural magical stealth built into his form blurring his outline...

He practices by himself, focusing inwards until one of the other new masters disturbs him and its time to leave....

He's got his bag. He doesn't need food :smallsmile:

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-02-19, 06:21 AM
When everyone has completed their preparations to leave, the Grandmasters summon you all to the main gate of the Temple, where all of the students have gathered to see you off. Everyone in the Temple has all been told of your ascension to the rank of Master, and murmured congratulations follow you as you walk through the crowd to the gates. Standing there with the Grandmasters is Adept al-Wazra, one of the adepts who was among the survivors of the original mission. She will be leading you to the location where they last saw the Unconquered Sun adepts, and you will pick up their trail from there.

In silence, the Grandmasters bow to you, and the gate opens with a wave of Sovornost's hand. The students cheer as you exit the gates, calling out best wishes for your excursion and hopes for a quick return. Adept al-Wazra waves back at them and leads you to the closest entrance to the Bottomless Caves of Khazar, the twisting labyrinth of caverns below the mountains.


The journey from the Temple to the site of the last battle took the remainder of the afternoon and evening and most of the night; the dawn's first light saw the four of you and al-Wazra descending into the Caves for the first time. A good half a day later, you five came across a campsite that seems to have been used by the Unconquered Sun adepts. Another one appeared a few hours later. The campsites have come closer and closer together as your search continues, both physically (as they seem to have stopped more frequently as time went on) and temporally, as you grow accustomed to following their trail. Plenty of blood dotted the winding mix of footprints, making it relatively easy to follow. You get the sense that you are swiftly closing in on your quarry.

Adept al-Wazra informs you of what she knows as you travel. All of the adepts showed knowledge of Tiger Claw; some used the Shadow Hand style as well, while others used a few Setting Sun maneuvers. She doubts there are any divine spellcasters or Devoted Spirit adepts among them, as if they had any healers there would be less blood on the trail, but their leader did at one point cast a volley of magic missiles at her fleeing comrades to down some before they could all escape. There were roughly four dozen Unconquered Sun adepts when she last saw them, but enough of her comrades sacrificed themselves to let the rest escape that she doubts that there are more than two dozen left alive, and not in very good condition at that.

Soon enough, you come upon a small encampment. Firelight flickers around a corner, throwing shadows upon the wall, and the sound of several indistinct voices echoes down the tunnel. Adept al-Wazra confirms that they are the voices of some of the Unconquered Sun adepts, including their apparent leader.

If you want to scout around some side tunnels, make Listen/Spot checks, ask al-Wazra more questions, etc., do those now. Once everyone gets their scouting in and has a plan for battle, we'll roll initiative and begin.

2012-02-19, 06:48 AM
The forged was mostly silent in the long walk. His gliding adamantine body crushing through the terrain on massive spiked treads, a constant shimmering around his plate disrupting the details of his armoured form.

"Were there any adepts of note amongst them displaying the more difficult to master techniques?"

I.e are there any guys with level 6+ moves present? :smallsmile:

As they reach the corner of the tunnel, fires flickering on the wall the massive forge turns to the others. "I was not designed for stealthy operations..." his voice drops slightly lower... "Only 1 of my kind was...".

Glancing at the rest of the party, particularly at the massive goliath of the Stone Dragon. "Master of Spring. Shall we assualt directly whilst the more subtle Masters of summer and Winter flank and destroy any mages or supporting elements that linger behind them. Particularly the shadow hand adepts."

Drawing Kamate from its sheath he holds it cooly sliding back into the steel stance of light movement... "I am ready to assault when you are".

In absolute Steel stance

Moves Readied:
Wall of Blades
Manticore Parry
Admantine Hurricane
Iron Heart Surge
Finishing Move
Dazing Strike

2012-02-19, 02:26 PM
Re-posting from before:
listen [roll0]

Torog looks around, feeling constricted in the caves, preferring the open air of the temple or the mountaintop. He speaks in a low, gravelly rumble, trying to keep his booming voice from carrying. "Initiate, did the traitors you fought specialize in any school, or where they generalists? Did any blend magic with their styles? Where they carrying any artifacts or magic items of note?"

"If they have a leader yet alive, we ought strike him first, break the morale of the others while removing the greatest threat. Fellow masters, if you agree, I will seek to crush their leader as we join battle. I ask not for my own honor, but to speed the success of our mission."

IE a charging, power attacking dungeon crasher might be able to take out a foe in the opening round, if no one gets tricky.

2012-02-20, 11:22 AM
Abd stops and looks to the others as they speak, his covered face masking anything that might be portrayed be him, he liked it that way, it was the way of his people.

"Calm yourselves brothers, I shall go and see what they look like, ready your newly received weapons for you shall need them shortly. I shall signal you with flame and then tarry here no longer and pursue with haste!"

With that he fades into the darkness and moves as if a shadow amongst the darkness.


He intends to move to the side and then initiate a surprise attack, but the layout of the opponents will be a big factor, could we get a map of some kind?

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-02-27, 02:54 AM
Adept al-Wazra bows as she answers her Masters' questions. "The lesser adepts exhibited knowledge of Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand, Master Spring. They seemed to come out of nowhere when they first attacked, and easily tore three of my companions to pieces before we could react, so I believe they are quite skilled...but no, Master Autumn, I do not believe they are as skilled as I, and I have only recently mastered the Ring of Fire. Against such adepts as yourselves, they should stand no chance. Only their leader used any magic--that I saw, at least--but given the Unconquered Sun philosophy, he is likely to be much more skilled than the lesser adepts in whichever disciplines he favors, which may not be Tiger Claw and Shadow Hand. In fact, I never saw the leader fight, or even saw what weapon he used, as he slew any of my companions who came close enough to size him up. I suspect he wanted to keep his strengths secret, the easier to defeat us."

As she whispers this to you four, you spread out to approach the cave from both directions. You can soon see into the encampment clearly, thanks to the flickering campfire in its center. Small piles of equipment--tents, bedrolls, piles of supplies, discarded clothing--are scattered throughout the cave with plenty of space between them. There are two exits to the small clearing on the other side of the encampment from you; it looks like this clearing was originally just a meeting of two tunnels that was expanded with time. Eleven humanoids of various races are sitting or standing around the fire, eating and talking; all carry at least one weapon in hand and ready for combat, and those who are only talking carry two. All, that is, except for one tall, bearded man in the center. His heavier armor, commanding gaze, and stern expression mark him as their leader, and al-Wazra confirms this impression. He is speaking with two of the lesser adepts away from the rest, and though he nods or gestures at times in response to their words he is otherwise silent.

The green blocks are piles of equipment, and count as difficult terrain (light rubble), as does the fire pit in the middle. The purple A's are lesser Unconquered Sun adepts, the olive L is the leader, and the other letters are the respective PCs. The entire area in the center is lit normally, while the tunnels have shadowy illumination.

2012-02-27, 08:25 AM
Torog Three-Mountains, Master of Spring

Upon hearing the scouting report, Torog replies, "They are wise to keep their leader surrounded. It shall be more difficult to strike him. The plan remains though, we will over-run the lesser adepts and eliminate their leader. Let us go. May your steel strike true."
When the attack is about to begin, the man, already of significant proportion, grows yet bigger, threatening to overwhelm the boundaries of the tunnel. As he crouches, he melds into the shadow, reappearing in the room. The entire southern wall is darkened by his shadow as he brandishes his great blade.

before battle, using Unfettered to cast enlarge (CL5, 5 minutes), (not limited to humanoids)

first round (or surprise round), using shadow jaunt to teleport to the four squares starting down and right from the leader, adjacent to the two adepts and covering one square of difficult terrain.

Activating Robilar's gambit, all foes get +4 attack, +4 damage & provoke AOO's for attacking, swift to activate armor of displacement 50% miss chance for 5 rounds

AOO's for conveniance, taken in order they are provoked (max 4 AOO's:

AOO1[roll0] (-5 PA)
damage [roll1] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
bullrush check on hit [roll2] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

AOO2[roll3] (-5 PA)
damage [roll4] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
bullrush check on hit [roll5] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

AOO3 [roll6] (-5 PA)
damage [roll7] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
bullrush check on hit [roll8] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

AOO4 [roll9] (-5 PA)
damage [roll10] (19 base + 10 PA + 2 armbands of might)
bullrush check on hit [roll11] (+11 str, + 4 Imp bull rush + 2 armbands of might +8 size (large w/ powerful build)

2012-02-27, 01:28 PM
Moving through the passage Abd see's the group that the Adept al-Wazra had talked about, he smiled under his desert garb and was confident the darkness will cover his movement up.

Deciding to take the initiative and to 'signal' the other Masters Abd assumes the stance of the Rising Phoenix, his feet slowly levitate a few inches off the ground a pillar of heated air surrounds him as he takes off towards the room full of enemy Adepts.

Moving so fast his enemies barely have time to react as he positions himself and twirls Desert Wind producing a conflagration of flame smothering several of the enemies caught unawares.

Initiative: 28
Swift: Assume Rising Phoenix stance
Move: Move adjacent to the top right adept (movement 50, ignore terrain)
Standard: Initiate Wyrm's Flame
[roll0] DC 26 FF Ref for half damage
(+1d6 desert Fire + 8 Insightful strike)

2012-02-27, 02:20 PM
4 of 9 Master of Autumn

THe warforged pauses to focus himself before launching nimself forward sliding gracefully along the cave floor as the world explodes in a fire and the massive Master of Spring appears in a puff and swirl of shadow hand.

The Master of Autumn is unperturbed as he races towards the nearest adept ready to return any strike with lethal counter, his form shimmering and masked by protective magics.

Grr Torog stole my space :smallwink:

In Absolute steel stance. Move adjacent to nearest enemy adept (double move).

In Robilar's Gambit. THough will not take any AoO this round using them to power Stormguard warrior for next round.

Have 50% miss chance due to ring, speed enhancement and moving 10ft.

2012-02-27, 06:13 PM
Beclor moves forward from his hiding place in the passageway, drawing Supernatural Clarity as he moves. When first rounding the corner, his eyes fall upon the group of adepts he had been warned of. Their leader stood apart however, and Belcor leveled a hard glare at the man.

Belcor's movement carried him to rest in front of an Unconquered Sun adept, which he promptly struck at with Clarity, his weapon guided by mental insight.

Initiative [roll0]

Then a Duel of Wills with the leader, Unnerving Calm allows a concentration check for it, so [roll1]

Then move action to get next to the closest adept, who is the bottom far left one.
Standard Action, Greater Insightful Strike
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3] x2

2012-03-01, 02:32 PM
4 of 9 continues to glide forward in the shimmering magical field surrounding him as he rolls past the slow moving adept in front of him rolling onto the stony ground. The massive vanguard treads digging deep and biting into the rocks as he spins acclerating faster and faster as the adamantine Hurricane strikes...

Move to the difficult ground on the other side of the unreactive adept so that he and the leader are flanking me.

THen adamantine Hurricane Vs flat footed opponents.
Power attack 6 Vs adept [roll0] damage [roll1] if 41 confirms extra 42 damage
Power attack 6 Vs adept [roll2] damage [roll3]

Power attack 6 Vs leader [roll4] damage [roll5]
Power attack 6 Vs leader [roll6] damage [roll7] if 36 confirms extra 35 damage

Dodge Vs Leader (AC 37 Vs leader, 36 Vs others +50% miss chance)
Elusive Target- negate leader power attack
Elusive target- Leader will miss me and attack the adept

Robilars Gambit (enemy get +4 to hit/damage)
AoO as needed against anyone (including Battle Mastery):-
-- all AoO should be +5 damage due to Battle Mastery
attack [roll8] damage [roll9]
attack [roll10] damage [roll11]
attack [roll12] damage [roll13] if 35 confirms extra 41 damage
attack [roll14] damage [roll15] if 45 confirms extra 44 damage
attack [roll16] damage [roll17]
attack [roll18] damage [roll19]

Against first attack from an adept that hits me I'll try Manticore Parry to move the blow to hit the leader... [roll20]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-02, 02:46 AM
The adepts around the leader finish speaking, and he answers them in a deep, gravelly voice. "I remain unconvinced. When we return to the Temple, you may present your case to the--what the--!?" His words are cut off in an angry cry as he spots Belcor and Four rushing towards him from different directions. Four lands on the pile of gear between the leader and another adept not party to the conversation, expertly balancing on a now-crushed tent. The Master of Autumn's expert bladework separates the adept's head from his shoulders before he can react, but the leader avoids this fate, ducking below the swing. The backswing hits him, however, and leaves a large gash in his left arm. The leader looks up at Four, glaring daggers at him, and the same glare falls upon Belcor as the Master of Winter thrusts Supernal Clarity into a nearby adept's stomach, as if to say you may threaten my adepts, but you mean nothing to me.

The leader ignores his adept's shocked cry of pain as the rapier is withdrawn from his gut and returns Belcor's hard glare with one of his own. His vision quickly swings to his left as he catches sight of Abd with his peripheral vision. The Master of Summer lights most of the piles of equipment on fire, leaving them to slowly smolder to the ground. Most of the adepts caught by his maneuver, including the leader, manage to twist away from the worst of the flames, but two are not so lucky, and are incinerated where they stand, leaving only boots behind.

Ref saves vs. Wyrm's Flame
Leader: [roll0] vs. DC 26
Adept 2: [roll1] vs. DC 26
Adept 3: [roll2] vs. DC 26
Adept 4: [roll3] vs. DC 26
Adept 5: [roll4] vs. DC 26
Adept 6: [roll5] vs. DC 26
Adept 7: [roll6] vs. DC 26

Picking himself back up after the flames wash over him, the leader grimaces at the loss of so many adepts in so short a time. His adepts are supposed to be the ones doing all of the killing! He barks out a few phrases in a guttural tongue, then backs away from the Masters. When he is close to the wall with his back to it, he drops into a crouch. With his right hand, he draws a kukri from an ornate sheath at his belt, holding it slightly behind him in an offensive position, ready to strike. He makes a slashing gesture with his left hand and spits out a few words in draconic, and a blade of crackling electricity about the size of a short sword coalesces out of the air into his waiting palm; this weapon he holds in a defensive position in front of him.

The leader Withdraws to the northwest area of the map, drawing a weapon as a free action and casting a spell as a swift action as he goes.

"Naresh, Hurekh, split up and return to the Temple! We must warn them of this new threat! The rest of you, surround them, Formation Six."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-02, 03:04 AM
While the leader backs away, the adepts spring into action. Two of them start running toward the tunnels, one to the northwest tunnel and one to the northeast. They vanish from sight after a few seconds, as do all the other adepts. Moments later, the remaining adepts reappear flanking the Masters, dual kukris in hand, and do their best to kill their hated foes. Four reacts quickly to the ambush, wounding the adept attacking him as the adept overextends himself and deflecting the blow, but the other two Masters suffer a few gashes and scrapes where the adepts' blades find the weak points in their armor.

As soon as the Unconquered Sun adepts fade back into view, Adept al-Wazra seizes the opportunity, hoping to finish off the one Four wounded. Running down the twisting passage where she was hiding, she bursts into view and leaps towards the adept behind Four. Her spear ignites with flame as she thrusts it at the enemy adept, but he dodges at the last second, leaving her two-handed strike to plunge into the cave floor. The Unconquered Sun leader watches all of this with a practiced eye. Torog soon interrupts this appraisal, fading into view directly in front of him and looming menacingly.

Adept attacks
vs. Abd
Attack: [roll0] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll1] plus 50% chance (1-50 on [roll2]) for [roll3] sneak attack damage
Attack: [roll4] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll5] plus 50% chance (1-50 on [roll6]) for [roll7] sneak attack damage

vs. Four (Manticore Parry cannot be used, as there are no other adjacent enemies)
Attack: [roll8] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll9]
--Robilar's Gambit triggers, successful hit
--Negated by Wall of Blades
Attack: [roll10] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll11] Duplicate roll

vs. Belcor
Attack: [roll12] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll13]
Attack: [roll14] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll15]

al-Wazra's attack: [roll16]; Damage: [roll17] plus [roll18] fire damage

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-02, 03:18 AM
Map--Round 1
The orange squares are squares of equipment lit on fire by Wyrm's Flame; passing through them deals 1d6 fire damage.

2012-03-02, 05:32 AM
With enemies on both sides, Belcor calls upon training outside his primary domain, and with a slight flourish, the tip of Clarity bursts into flames. With a now flaming weapon, Belcor lashes out at his enemies on either side in an attempt to murder the both of them.

Swift Action: Inferno Blade
Full Attack

Attacks 1,3 target the adept in front, Attack 2 targets the other adept.

Attack 1 [roll0] Damage [roll1] Fire Damage [roll2]

Attack 2 [roll3] Damage [roll4] Fire Damage [roll5]

Attack 3 [roll6] Damage [roll7] Fire Damage [roll8]

2012-03-02, 08:16 AM
Finding himself alone with the leader, Torog smiles grimly behind his dragon mask. "Let's see how you fair, traitor. None of your lesser students stand between us. Feel the weight of the mountain!"

Unfettered falls repeatedly, the heavy blade driven by mighty strength, the force of the avalanche bearing down. He moves with shocking speed, the blows unrelenting.

50% miss chance vs Torog is still up.

Round 1 action: full attack w/ PA 5, taking a 5' step to stay in reach when needed

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]
bullrush check [roll2] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll3]

attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]
bullrush check [roll6] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll7]

attack [roll8]
damage [roll9]
bullrush check [roll10] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll11]

Then swift action, moment of Alacrity to move up in the initiative count next round (initiative set to 20), which will place him acting before the enemy for round 2 and all subsequent rounds).

If possible (otherwise let me know and I will post new actions):

Round 2 action: PA 5, full attack
attack [roll12]
damage [roll13]
bullrush check [roll14] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll15]

attack [roll16]
damage [roll17]
bullrush check [roll18] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll19]

attack [roll20]
damage [roll21]
bullrush check [roll22] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll23]

You put him between Torog and a wall on purpose, right?

Oh, yeah, Robilar's gambit.
attack [roll24]
damage [roll25]
bullrush check [roll26] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll27]

attack [roll28]
damage [roll29]
bullrush check [roll30] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll31]

attack [roll32]
damage [roll33]
bullrush check [roll34] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll35]

attack [roll36]
damage [roll37]
bullrush check [roll38] (push toward wall)
dungeoncrasher damage [roll39]

2012-03-02, 04:44 PM
Abd is not surprised when the Adepts come at him, what did surprise him was the blade in his back twisting an awful melody of pain.

Grunting in pain his face scrunches up as he forces the feeling down into his blade, suddenly it lights up with a flash and Deserts Wind has turned into pure magma, the air super heated as the fine scimitar cuts through it.

Striking with a purpose he goes at the two adepts who striked him, his blade flashing in the cave like a miniature sun.

Swift: Inferno Blade
Full round attack: Attack one until he drops then move to other. Start with adept closes to fire pit.
Free action: 5ft Diagonally up and right
Stance: Rising Phoenix
HP's: 91/146

[roll2] (Desert's Wind)
[roll3] (Inferno Blade)
[roll4] (Rising Phoenix)

[roll7] (Desert's Wind)
[roll8] (Inferno Blade)
[roll9] (Rising Phoenix)

[roll12] (Desert's Wind)
[roll13] (Inferno Blade)
[roll14] (Rising Phoenix)

2012-03-03, 02:05 AM
The Master of Autumn glance at the dual wielding kukri armed adept and a growl of displeasure arrives in his throat as he twirls around with a massive over hand chop as he moves to finish him in a single blow...

Activate Finishing Move
activate wand wraithstrike as swift [roll0] VS 20

- if it works power attack for 15
[roll1] Vs Touch damage [roll2] + [roll3]

- if the wand doesn't work power attack for 6
[roll4] damage [roll5] + [roll6]

Then move casually into the centre of the room standing in Robilar's Gambit

As the adept is brually bloodied he moves into the centre of the room readying against more attacks...

Move 15ft away
Enter Robilar's Gambit stance

AoO's - No wraith strike
[roll7] damage [roll8]
[roll9] damage [roll10]
[roll11] damage [roll12]

AoO's - With wraithstrike
[roll13] Vs Touch damage [roll14]
[roll15] Vs Touch damage [roll16]
[roll17] Vs Touch damage [roll18]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-05, 03:39 PM
The Unconquered Sun Temple boasts that their adepts are superior to Four Seasons adepts, and perhaps this is why the adepts felt secure in using a tactic that would bring them within reach of the Masters' weapons. Most of them will never make that mistake again. The adept in front of Belcor dances back out of the way of his strikes by a slim margin, and the one behind him moves forward to compensate, at which point the Master of Winter skewers him in the chest and drops him. The adept glares furiously at Belcor and counterattacks with all his strength. Twin cries of pain rise from the east as the Master of Summer fries the two adepts next to him, lighting the clutter below him aflame as he does so. The Master of Autumn's powerful blow bisects his target at the shoulder.

Adept al-Wazra calls out "Masters! I am no match for the leader; I will go ahead and attempt to pursue the escaping Unconquered Sun adepts." Suiting actions to words, she rushes up to the northeast tunnel and runs out of sight.

Over by the Master of Spring, the leader is proving more troublesome than his underlings. A slight smirk creases his face, and he laughs away Torog's threat as he easily avoids the goliath's strikes. "Traitor? No, false Master, it is you who has betrayed the True Temple's path, as have your compatriots. If you are truly the inheritors of Reshar's legacy, I would not be able to handle you four so easily, would I? Speaking of which...." He stares down the Master of Spring, waiting for a pause in Torog's assault. Suddenly, the leader's eyes narrow into tiger-like slits and he bursts into motion, ducking past the Master of Spring toward the other three Masters.

He flicks his wrist in a certain way as he does so, and his sword of lightning extends from a foot to several yards in length. He rushes through the room, taking a slash at every Master he passes, some more than once. The force of his blows threaten to unbalance his targets, and he seems to take great joy in attempting to shove you all around. Ending up opposite his starting position, he flicks his wrist again and his blade shrinks to its original size, at which point he drops back into his defensive crouch. "So much for the vaunted skill of Four Seasons adepts."

The last adept uses Rabid Wolf Strike against Belcor, then 5-foot steps away.
Attack: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1]

The leader moves to two squares above Four, then to the southeast corner of the bonfire, then two squares south, then to his current position as part of his movement. (I really should have put row and column coordinates on this map. :smallsigh: Next time.) He automatically passes the Tumble check to avoid AoOs, and he initiates Dancing Mongoose when standing next to the bonfire. You recognize the transformation the leader undergoes as the mark of a Bloodclaw Master, but you don't recognize whatever technique he uses to move and attack you all.

Attacks vs. Torog
Attack: [roll2]; Damage: [roll3] plus [roll4] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll5] vs. Torog [roll6]
Attack: [roll7]; Damage: [roll8] plus [roll9] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll10] vs. Torog [roll11]

Attacks vs. Four
Attack: [roll12]; Damage: [roll13] plus [roll14] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll15] vs. Four [roll16]
Attack: [roll17]; Damage: [roll18] plus [roll19] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll20] vs. Four [roll21]

Attack vs. Abd
Attack: [roll22]; Damage: [roll23] plus [roll24] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll25] vs. Abd [roll26]

Attack vs. Belcor
Attack: [roll27]; Damage: [roll28] plus [roll29] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll30] vs. Belcor [roll31]

None of his attacks are made while within the reach of any of the Masters, so while he Robilar's Gambit none of the attacks can land.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-05, 03:41 PM
Map--Round 2

2012-03-05, 04:01 PM
TWO full attacks and not ONE hit? Its on. Also, Torog has displacement up, so 50% miss chance

[roll1] low misses

also, previously forgot the +2 Str from enlarge person. Added now.

Torog easily resists his foes clumsy trip attempts. He turns, reassessing the threat. Armored sinews flex, propelling the mass of flesh and metal into the air as he strikes at the opposing master.

leap attack moving 35' down and 5' right, jump check [roll2], jump ignores difficult terrain (he moves as far as possible before jumping, so it should be an auto-pass. Goliaths make standing jumps at no penalty

leap attack gives triple PA damage, using shock trooper for accuracy (so AC = 31-16 (14 shock trooper, 2 charge)=15

PA for full (14)

attack [roll3] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
damage [roll4] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
bullrush check [roll5]
directing him into the wall, [roll6] damage

Robilar's gambit
AOO1 [roll7] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
damage [roll8] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
bullrush check [roll9]
directing him into the wall, [roll10] damage

AOO2 [roll11] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
damage [roll12] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
bullrush check [roll13]
directing him into the wall, [roll14] damage

AOO3 [roll15] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
damage [roll16] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
bullrush check [roll17]
directing him into the wall, [roll18] damage

AOO4 [roll19] (28 + 1 (str from enlarge) +2 charge
damage [roll20] (19 base, 14*3 for PA)
bullrush check [roll21]
directing him into the wall, [roll22] damage

2012-03-05, 04:04 PM
Leaking caustic fluids the Warforged vaults to his feet, massive servos of black steel powering him to his feet as then levels the Blade at the enemy leader and brings forth the power of Kamate and a massiv blast of lightning zaps towards him...

Lightning [roll0] Ref DC 14 for half

With vanguard treads my resist trip is better and I get +5 on opposed rolls for Warblade. I still lost once... just not as badly :smallwink:

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-05, 04:50 PM
Concern and a little bit of fear breaks through the leader's confident façade as he sees both a crackling bolt of lightning and a gigantic goliath hurtling through the air toward him. He jerks out of the way of the lightning as best he can, then whips up his magical weapon, which streaks through the air to intercept Torog's lunge.

leader Ref save vs. lightning: [roll0]

AoO 1: [roll1]; attack misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll2]
If it hits, Torog must make a Ref save [roll3] vs. 10 + damage rolled (10 + [roll4]) or stop moving.

AoO 2: [roll5]; attack misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll6]
If it hits, if previous AoO stopped Torog, attack deals [roll7] damage and attempts to trip Torog (leader [roll8] vs. Torog [roll9]), else Torog must make a Ref save [roll10] vs. 10 + that damage or stop moving.

EDIT: Torog stops moving, drops prone in the 2x2 square directly west of Abd, takes the damage from AoO 2, and takes extra fire damage from the fire in that space which I'll roll in the OOC thread.

The weapon strikes the Master of Spring in the chest, stopping his charge cold and battering him with the sudden impact. The goliath drops to the ground with a massive, resounding crash, crushing part of the bonfire beneath his bulk. The leader's knowing smirk is back, all trace of fear erased from his expression.

2012-03-05, 07:06 PM
Abd watches in amazement as the opposing master effortlessly ignores the best efforts of his fellow masters.

What indignity is this! He thinks to himself and then the man runs through the room faster than the eye, with his strange weapon.

He ran to Abd and tried to hit the floating Master of Summer, but could not find the right hole in his defense before he moved on striking at another Master.

Shaking his head at the tenacity of this one man he whispers to the wind "May the Desert Wind take you far from here"

And with that he sets foot onto the floor and takes of flames spurting from his heals as he moves. He moves past the opposing master with ease and then back again through his space landing on the other side of him delivering a strike.

Swift action boots of speed
full round action, initiate Salamander Charge, Auto succeeds on Tumble checks (+29) to avoid aoo's, movement with haste is 70 (140 w/ charge)
He takes [roll0]
[roll2] + [roll3]
AC vs Leader is 38 for this round (38 + 1 haste + 1 desert dodge - 2 charge)


2012-03-06, 10:38 AM
Thoughts of who to engage, the leader or the adept plague Belcor for a second. In the end, even the weak can be dangerous when backed into a corner. Belcor takes a single step putting the adept back within range of him, and the attacks, hoping to use a weak spot to finish his young enemy.

Ruby Nightmare Blade

Attack [roll0]
Concentration [roll1]

Damage [roll2]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-08, 04:25 AM
The last remaining adept hesitates, obviously torn between running from those who effortlessly slew his fellow adepts and helping his own master slay them in turn. His jaw sets as he decides on a course of action, he takes a step forward...and Supernal Clarity's tip pierces him through the throat as Belcor executes his strike with textbook precision. The adept drops with a gurgle and a look of shock, and then there were none.

Abd, meanwhile, has more success than the Master of Spring at approaching the enemy leader. The Master of Summer's agility proves better able to avoid the lashing lightning blade than his comrade's force, and his sudden charge takes the leader by surprise. Even Abd cannot seem to strike the canny leader head-on, but he comes closer than the others--Desert Wind passes within a finger's breadth of taking off the leader's nose as the leader ducks beneath the blow, and the blade takes off an irregularly-shaped chunk of his long beard and the flames left by Abd's passage scorch his clothing. He stands up from his duck and touches the hand holding the kukri to his now-defaced beard, then to one of the many holes burned through his vest and trousers.

He drops the confident swagger and glares daggers at Abd. "That...that was too close. And you," he continues, this time to Torog, "you are too dangerous. I, of all people, should know the value of long reach and a strong arm," he says, twirling his lightning blade for emphasis. "It's time we finished this." Looking between Abd and Torog, the leader takes a deep breath, belts out a scream of rage, and attacks them both, his arms moving almost faster than the eye can see. The roar of a tiger accompanies the swings of his kukri as he slashes at Abd with it, while the crash of a thunderstorm accompanies his thrusts at Torog with his lightning blade, every strike growing louder and louder in a crescendo of violence as he dances between strikes in a lethal rhythm. When he finishes his assault he steps forward into a crouch, then springs across the cave much faster and farther than you'd expect from a humanoid of his size and build, returning to his defensive stance upon landing with a ghost of his former smirk. "Then again, every moment you spend here is a moment that my apprentices have to return to our Temple, so please, continue your efforts. I have all day."

The leader makes a full attack against Abd and Torog, then initiates Sudden Leap (Jump check: [roll0]) to get to the northwest tunnel, auto-passing the Tumble check to avoid AoOs for his movement.

Attacks vs. Abd
Attack: [roll1]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] (x3 crit) plus [roll4] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll5] vs. Abd [roll6]

Attack: [roll7]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll8]
Damage: [roll9] (x3 crit) plus [roll10] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll11] vs. Abd [roll12]

Attack: [roll13]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll14]
Damage: [roll15] (x3 crit) plus [roll16] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll17] vs. Abd [roll18]

If any of the above trip attempts was successful, subsequent attacks and confirms gain +4 for Abd being prone, and the leader gets a free attack:
Attack: [roll19] (subtract -5 if the trip was the second attack or -10 if it was the third)
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll20]
Damage: [roll21] plus [roll22] electricity

If at least two of the above attacks hit, Abd takes an additional [roll23] damage.

Attacks vs. Torog
Attack: [roll24], misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll25]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27] plus [roll28] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll29] vs. Torog [roll30]

Attack: [roll31], misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll32]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll33]
Damage: [roll34] plus [roll35] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll36] vs. Torog [roll37]

Attack: [roll38], misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll39]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll40]
Damage: [roll41] plus [roll42] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll43] vs. Torog [roll44]

If any of the above trip attempts was successful, subsequent attacks and confirms gain +4 for Torog being prone, and the leader gets a free attack:
Attack: [roll45] (subtract -5 if the trip was the second attack or -10 if it was the third), misses on a 1-50 on d%: [roll46]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll47]
Damage: [roll48] plus [roll49] electricity

If at least two of the above attacks hit, Torog takes an additional [roll50] damage.

Also, Four and Abd were tripped last turn and I didn't think to roll conditional attacks in the last post, so here are the leader's Improved Trip attacks from that:

Attack vs. Abd
Attack: [roll51]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll52]
Damage: [roll53] plus [roll54] electricity

Attack vs. Four
Attack: [roll55]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll56]
Damage: [roll57] plus [roll58] electricity

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-08, 04:29 AM
Map--Round 3

2012-03-08, 08:35 AM
As the leader's third blow strikes, the Master of Spring activate a small amulet around his neck, sharing the pain with his foe.

retributive amulet, enemy takes half the damage dealt (forgot I had that, 2/3 charges left)

He then springs to his feet and advances slowly.

move just outside of reach.

2012-03-08, 03:45 PM
THe Warforged looks at the leader, his smug arrogance an affront to the Temple that he had been created to serve. Slipping into the battle leader's charge to inspire his allies he pounded forward rolling in a deadly arc leaping up bringing Kamate down in a massive sweeping chop.

Swift- move to Battle leader's charge
Full - charge with a tumble that is auto passed (+18 modifier)
- attack power attacking for 4
Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]

2012-03-09, 01:30 PM
Recoiling back from the vicious strike, Abd manages to avoid the worst of the attack only feeling the skitter of electricity once.

Levitating only a few feet of the ground he zooms over the packed earth just below the fire and sweeps Desert Wind wide causing an arc of flame to conjure and fall into a small sphere of flame. It seems to hover for a second before jetting towards the opposing Master.

"We must finish this now, My friends!" he says to the other Masters.

Move to below the fire (within 30ft of the master)
Standard action to initiate Fan of Flames
[roll1] + 7 damage from Desert Wind (forgot to add it) = 36 fire damage
AC vs Master 40

2012-03-09, 05:41 PM
Moving in a final attempt to kill their enemy, Belcor prepares himself mentally and then moves for the kill. Bringing Clarity back in a single driven stab, Belcor lashes out at the man, attempting to end his life.

Diamond Nightmare Blade
Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]
Concentration [roll2]
Damage is 4x is Concentration beats AC

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-16, 09:27 PM



Two blades fall upon the Unconquered Sun leader in a furious pair of blows, Belcor and Four working together in flawless synchrony, and the two Masters immediately duck out of way of a burst of flame and a flash of light that erupt from the other two Masters to sear the leader's flesh. When the coordinated assault of the four Masters ends a few seconds later, the leader is left with several seeping wounds, severe burns on his arms, and not even the barest trace of a smile left on his face. For once, taunts and jeers fail him, and he merely breathes heavily as he looks warily among the four of you.

Finally, he spits out a fierce declaration: "You haven't won, merely delayed the inevitable. Your adept is surely slain, and our Temple will hear of this. By this time tomorrow, your temple will be under a full-scale assault." He makes a quick slashing gesture with one hand and vanishes from view. Your keen hearing detects the very faint sound of leather boots padding against the stone floor in the distance.

The leader casts something defensively, then moves to the west.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-16, 09:29 PM
Map--Round 4
Time to play a little game of Find The Invisible Bad Guy! :smallwink:

2012-03-17, 01:36 PM
"He cannot escape so easily." Torog touches his dragon-helm, then follow the footsteps.

see invisibility from the dragon mask.

2012-03-18, 02:34 PM
Supernatural senses allow Belcor to track where the man begins to move at first, once he leaves the radius of those senses however, Belcor relies on his hearing to track the master and attempt to find him.

Listen [roll0]

Spot as well actually [roll1]

2012-03-18, 03:59 PM
THe Master of Autumn curses quickly as the man vanishes and flees, spinning his blade around before following the others down the tunnel hunting for the fleeing Master...

I have no perception skills.
Standard action -refresh moves
Move action follow the others.

2012-03-18, 06:03 PM
Abd grimly smiles as he watches the ball of flame burn the opposing combatant, and then watches in satisfaction as his brothers coordinate flawlessly to defeat him.

He must be a true master regardless of his philosophical outlook, he was handling us all with almost casual ease, not such a small thing, especially with their new equipment.

Glancing down he looked to Desert Wind, the scimitar gleamed in the flames that illuminated the cavern, it seemed to glow in response as if it enjoyed the rising inferno of the debris burning.

Sighing, he rose from the cavern floor, knowing that they must extinguish this man who had risen to such a great degree of mastery of a sublime discipline.

What a shame He thought to himself. The thought was fleeting, like the ides of March and he lent forward, his feet kicking up a nimbus of super-heated air pushing him forward as he zoomed after his brothers after the master they must squash under them.

The circle requires us to move forward, and as we do we pave the way for others to claim a place in it.

Rising Phoenix stance.
Move 50ft. after his brothers.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-19, 12:21 PM
You all rush down the tunnel, Belcor in the lead followed by Torog--squeezing through an opening which is uncomfortably small for his larger form--followed by Abd and Four. The Master of Spring, with his enhanced vision, sees the fleeing Master duck behind a rock formation; the Master of Winter listens carefully to his footsteps and determines that he has stopped right in the center across from you four and is standing still and quietly speaking.

A moment later, a stronger-sounding voice echoes out from behind the formation: "It appears that I was...mistaken in my assessment. You are certainly skilled, perhaps as skilled as some of our Unconquered Sun Masters, if not...if not more so." His tone is one of grudging admiration, and he sounds like he does not want to admit that you have bested him. "I believe the most honorable act for me in this instance is...to surrender. You seem like honorable men yourselves, and you have proven yourselves to be worthy opponents to me. If you satisfy me that I will not be mistreated and that I will keep all of my possessions, I will surrender to you."

Belcor and Abd
While this man is an accomplished warrior, he is not an accomplished actor. The two of you detect some insincerity in his voice when he speaks, not regarding your own skill or his willingness to surrender, but regarding you satisfying the terms of his surrender. He sounds like he is stalling, perhaps hoping his adept will return to the Unconquered Sun Temple to warn them while you four talk with him.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-19, 12:22 PM
Map--Round 5

2012-03-19, 01:15 PM
Torog moves to flank, taking the Northern position, blade ready in case of treachery. He gestures to the others, one to follow him and two to block the other path. "Throw down your weapons. You are in no place to negotiate terms."

2012-03-19, 03:55 PM
THe master of Autumn strides forward still in a massive clanking form of shimmering energy, blade in hand ready to strike. The warforged heading to the southern end of the small rocky outcrop where the leader is hiding.

The heavy gravelly voice barks out "Drop your weapon and step forth. You will surrender or you will die".

2012-03-19, 08:08 PM
Abd double moves to the south with the Master of Autumn, clearing the rocky outcrop.

Holding Desert Wind he readied himself for what the master had in order for them.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-23, 06:09 PM
There is silence from behind the outcropping for many seconds. Just when you think the enemy Master might be ignoring you, he responds: "So much for honorable opponents. If that is the welcome my offer receives, better to take a few of you down with me." No sooner has he finished speaking than he comes charging out from around the outcropping towards Torog--not shouting, this time; only the sound of boots pounding on stone echoes through the cavern. Despite his silence, there is fury in his stance, and his strikes with his weapons are no less rapid for his seeming willingness to surrender only moments before...yet he seems to be holding back, fighting cautiously as he anticipates a counterattack.

The leader initiates Girallon Windmill Flesh Rip and Pouncing Charge. He is also using Combat Expertise.

Kukri: [roll0]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] (x3 crit) plus [roll3] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll4]

Kukri: [roll5]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7] (x3 crit) plus [roll8] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll9]

Kukri: [roll10]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll11]
Damage: [roll12] (x3 crit) plus [roll13] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll14]

Kukri: [roll15]
Crit confirm on a 15-20: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17] (x3 crit) plus [roll18] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll19]

Magic Weapon: [roll20]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22] plus [roll23] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll24]

Magic Weapon: [roll25]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll26]
Damage: [roll27] plus [roll28] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll29]

Magic Weapon: [roll30]
Crit confirm on a 20: [roll31]
Damage: [roll32] plus [roll33] electricity
--Free trip attempt: leader [roll]1d20+7[roll] vs. Torog [roll34]

If a trip attempt is successful, all further attacks are at +4 and the leader gets a free attack against Torog:
[roll35] plus attack roll of tripping attack

If at least two attacks hit Torog, he takes [roll36] additional damage.

Based on how many attacks hit in total, Torog takes the following additional damage:
2 attacks: [roll37]
3 attacks: [roll38]
4 attacks: [roll39]
5 attacks: [roll40]
6 attacks: [roll41]
7 attacks: [roll42]
8 attacks: [roll43]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-23, 06:16 PM
Map--Round 6

2012-03-24, 04:31 AM
"Liar" the huge warforged mutters to himself before he leaps into action. Skirting the edge of the rockface in cove to avoid the whipping magical blade before he tumbles out into the open flipping around in a giganitic double spiral, the magic of his wraithstrike wand tranforming the blade into a translucent barrier of brutal force...

Hug the rock face for cover to avoid the AoO then tumble the last 10ft (auto-Pass - +18 modifier)

Activate wraithstrike wand [roll0] Vs 20

Activate Adamantine Hurricane
-With Wraithstrike (power attack for 10)
Attack 1 [roll1] Vs touch damage [roll2]
Attack 1 [roll3] Vs touch damage [roll4]

- Without wraithstrike (power attack for 4)
Attack 1 [roll5] Damage [roll6]
Attack 2 [roll7] Damage [roll8]

2012-03-24, 04:33 AM
THe Master of Autumn, finishing the devastating hurricane motions a hand... "Bring it" as he prepares Robilar's greatest Gambit

Touch attacks from Robilar's gambit

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Attack [roll2] Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Attack [roll8] Damage [roll9]
Attack [roll10] Damage [roll11]

2012-03-26, 07:42 AM
(This is tricky. Torog drops unless he drops the leader first. Displacement already ran out. Trip is a non-issue (flying).)

immediate to activate retributive amulet (1/2 damage reflected back from first attack)

attack [roll0]
damage [roll1]

attack [roll2]
damage [roll3]

attack [roll4]
damage [roll5]

attack [roll6]
damage [roll7]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-26, 12:34 PM
It seems the leader has made a major tactical error in ignoring Torog's companions with his last-ditch assault. As the Master of Spring braces himself for the leader's blows, the Master of Autumn strikes. Whatever magical healing the leader must have used while hidden allows him to duck and weave with renewed vigor, but not fast enough to avoid the warforged's impossibly-fast blows that slice through his armor as if it weren't there. He doesn't drop, though, and continues his charge, launching blow after blow at Torog...and after all the time and care the leader took to stay out of reach of Torog's weapon for fear of a counterattack, it is fitting that he is felled by the goliath's blow. Torog's amulet flashes, he feints with one blow and thrusts true with the next, and the leader falls to the ground, his body skidding past Torog due to its great momentum.

The lightning weapon vanishes as the enemy Master drops, yet though the Master splays awkwardly on the ground, hand open, the kukri seems welded to his palm for a few moments more before it drops out and hits the ground with a clatter. The man's animalistic features fade, and as he lays there you can just barely detect the rise and fall of his chest and the faint rattle of breath.

And he's down for the count. The leader is at -4, if anyone wants to either stabilize him and take him hostage or deal the finishing blow.

Torog's second counterattack dropped the leader, thanks to Four's timely intervention, so Torog only takes 80 damage from the full attack.

Also: You have retrieved Tiger Claw! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nmgon9MH6Fw)

2012-03-26, 12:41 PM
Torog leans heavily against the wall as he returns to his normal dimensions. He is battered and bruised, moving stiffly. "I have little strength remaining. Continue after the adepts, do not let them reach their temple. I will follow as best I am able."

2012-03-26, 01:31 PM
Even with the fight over, Belcor knows that his fellow Master is right. They must continue on and stop the adepts from getting reinforcements.

"Master of Autumn, perhaps you should stay with him and help him continue on. Myself and the Master of Summer can hunt the adepts as they run. What say you?"

2012-03-26, 02:06 PM
The Master if Autumn nods in agreement. I am not as swift as you and would only slow you. Before you leave, what of this one?

He gestures at the stricken tiger master. I seek death for him. He is too dangerous and plays tricks with magic that he would surely escape if we take him back.

He will wait for the others to pitch in before doing anything and remain behind with Torog while the others Chase the fleeing adept.

2012-03-26, 02:15 PM
"You are right. I'll finish him quickly. Master of Autumn, take his blade for safe keeping. I am not fit to defend it at present."

If no one stops him, Torog will remove the masters head with one quick blow.

2012-03-26, 03:06 PM
Belcor will speak before Torog can end the man's life.

"While I too seek his death for the good of our temple. If you two are to stay back and allow Master of Spring time to heal, then perhaps you can also interrogate him?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-03-30, 06:48 PM
Torog's blade pauses mid-swing, leaving the enemy Master alive, if only just. The Master of Winter quickly patches him up to prevent him from bleeding out before turning to join the Master of Summer in pursuit of their foe.

The ground of the cave is hard and rocky, and the bits of gravel and rubble around aren't enough to show where the adept went for sure. Because the other adept escaped through the north tunnel in the main chamber, you assume the Unconquered Sun Temple is to the north, but he could have taken that route purely out of desperation.

Survival checks to find tracks (DC 15):
Belcor: [roll0]
Abd: [roll1]

Belcor and Abd: So, north tunnel or south tunnel? Choose wisely....
Four and Torog: If you'd like to take whatever precautions you deem necessary and start the interrogation, be my guest.

2012-03-30, 11:18 PM
The master of autumn stands above their fallen for no pity or mercy on his mind. The Unconquered Sun master was a tricky and unpleasant being.

With rough hands he quickly sets about stripping the unconscious body naked, searching cloth and jewlery for anything dangerous or magical. That done he ventured into his pack and began the slow process of binding the man from head to toe on a cocoon of rope finishing with a leash around the man's neck. Hopefully with mouth jammed shut with a rag and arms pinned to side he would be unable to cast magics.

That all done he finally turns to his fellow master - Do you wish to wake him now?

2012-03-31, 12:19 PM
Torog, keeping his blade poised, nods. "Anything but the truth, he dies. No idle talk, no deceit, no wasting time."

sense motive is +6

2012-04-02, 01:04 AM
Agreeing that north sounded best, Master's of Winter and Summer begin running down that path looking for the adept who ran from battle.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-10, 03:51 PM
Spring and Autumn

Four steps over to the fallen Master and slaps him across the face a few times to rouse him. The Master coughs a few times and lifts an arm to rub his face...or tries to, before the ropes encasing him stop him from moving more than a fraction of an inch. His brow furrows, and he slowly opens an eye, focusing blearily on each of you in turn and then on the tip of Unfettered hovering uncomfortably close to his eye. He looks down at himself and notes his lack of clothing and equipment, but his expression doesn't change--I may be naked and unarmed and vulnerable, his expression seems to say, but I'm still in control and you don't scare me. He shuffles around a bit, wincing at the pain of his wound, and nods minutely, satisfied that his wound has been treated and he isn't going to bleed out any time soon.

He closes his eye again and sighs. "Tnntj tngk tss jst m pt gsssv?" he mumbles through the gag. "Jst tnts wtv pn nnv. Wtj mnt tgng ts ggv, swgn tg tst yg gnnymn?"

After a few moments of thought, you manage to puzzle out what he's saying: "Don't you think this is just a bit excessive? Just the hands would have been enough. Would you mind taking this gag off, so we can talk this out like gentlemen?"

[I'll assume Four took 20 on the Use Rope check with Torog Aiding Another for a total of 27, in case it becomes relevant later.]

Summer and Winter

The two of you rush down the dimly-lit tunnel to the north and soon find your choice validated: you note several signs of the enemy adept's passage--disturbed patches of gravel, dirt sliding down ledges, and such--that he was in too much of a rush to conceal. You run for a good minute through winding tunnels full of side passages until you finally reach a wide-open cavern. The lighting here is slightly better as shafts of sunlight make it down from the surface, and with this light you can just barely make out a humanoid figure on the other side of the clearing, running full-tilt away from you.

Between you and the figure is a maze of stalagmites, which is likely what slowed the adept enough for him to lose his lead. To your right is a sheer cliff that leads to a tunnel higher up in the wall; the climb seems like it would be dangerous, which is likely why the adept didn't take that path, but the tunnel looks like it could be a shortcut to wherever the adept's path leads. Farther ahead, a small crevasse leads to a rickety pathway over a chasm that also looks like it could be a good shortcut for someone brave (or foolhardy) enough to risk it.

Survival checks to find and appraise alternate paths:
Abd: [roll0]
Belcor: [roll1]

So, which path is each of you taking? The long, safe path; the short, difficult path; or the short, dangerous path? Choose wisely, young grasshoppers. :smallwink:

When you've decided on your paths, I'll put up a map showing the paths and everyone's positions.

2012-04-11, 12:55 AM
The master of Autumn stares down at the cocoon at his feet.Before speaking slightly "Tell us of the others. Which direction is your Temple? How did you find the Tigerclaw?

looking at the beautiful kukri even the warforged can admire the forge and cast of the steel. "Tell us now or you shall lose your sword hand."- the words flat and without expression.

2012-04-11, 07:29 AM
Torog stands still, moving only to tug the gag down enough to let the man speak before returning to his position, ready to strike.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-11, 08:20 PM
Spring and Autumn

The Master spits out threads left in his mouth from the gag and licks his lips to moisten them, a look of disgust on his face. "That wasn't so hard, was it? You could have just asked nicely. The Temple of the Unconquered Sun, the true successor Temple, of which your own is merely a pale reflection, is that way," he says, twitching his head so that his nose points vaguely in the direction that Belcor and Abd ran off. "I could give you better directions if I had a map of the area, but I doubt one of those exists. As to how I obtained Tiger Fang, well, I was not the one who found it."

The Master smiles absently, as if reliving a pleasant memory. "A small group of our adepts tracked down its then-current wielder. They did not say who or what possessed it, nor anything else about the expedition, save that it was somewhere in the Incarnadine Empire to the north. They returned it to the Temple and, in her pride, their leader declared that she was the only worthy wielder of Tiger Fang, and anyone who thought himself more worthy to wield it should speak or forever hold his peace. Well, I stepped into the ring with her, and a few minutes later I was its only worthy wielder." He scowls, and notes, "None of you is a worthy wielder, by the way. You all cheated, sending four against one when a true test of individual skill would require a duel. Kill me if you must, but I would sooner see Tiger Fang languish deep in your Temple's archives than see one of you wield it."

2012-04-12, 09:07 AM
The Master of Autumn stares down at the prisoner. "I care not for rules or fairness. The only rule of war is victory. No matter how it come about."

The metallic figure returns to examining the delicate tiger-engraved blade spinning it around slowly before looking up. "It is a fine weapon. Though not match for the Way of Iron or the Way of Stone. As was proved."

Looking down at the ground he motions- "You may twitch. Draw a map in the dust or describe it to us".

2012-04-12, 10:19 AM
Abd smiles as he sees the cavern with the stalagmites, his feet inches above the floor, super heated air pushing out to the side and rushing up past his face, warming him from the damp and cold underground cavern system.

He saw the two other options but cared not, he would zoom through this obstacle without thought and catch up to this acolyte from the opposing temple.

Smiling he looked for a second to the Master if winter, for all accounts his opposite, but in opposite perhaps his greatest ally to complement his abilities.

Activating his boots of speed he move forward, leaning at an unnatural angle he zooms forward on a column of intense heat.

"I will pursue straightforward, you move as you wish, I promise to save some of him for you though!"

Abd will use his boots of speed.
+20 speed up to 9 rounds. He will use what is necessary to catch up,if he can.

2012-04-12, 10:40 AM
Torog grunts. "Should we waste time with him? His map will be lies. We have the blade. It will no longer be defiled by traitorous hands. Kill him and be done."

2012-04-13, 12:21 PM
As the Master of Summer takes off with speed that Belcor had not witnessed before, he takes only seconds to decide what he must do. His ally may be faster now, but the Master of Winter knew he would be able to regain lost ground if he hurries. Without another thought, the Master ran for the chasm in an attempt to get ahead of the young adept and perhaps catch up to his fellow Master.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-18, 02:46 AM

The erratic light from your unorthodox mode of transportation throws strange shadows on the wall, turning the maze of stalagmites into a headache-inducing kaleidoscope of images. The adept shoots a look back at you, an expression of fear on his face, and puts on the speed, his legs pumping as hard as they can. You make it into the tunnel soon enough; you're obviously much faster than the tiring adept, but the cavern is wide and he had a good (though quickly narrowing) head start. Though you can't see him past the sharp curves of the tunnel, you can hear the echoes of his labored breathing as you rush after him, and in just under a minute you've gotten within sight of him on a straightaway. From the way he puts on a last frantic burst of speed as he reaches the turn at the end of the straightaway, you judge that there is another clearing ahead.


As the Master of Summer chases the adept at full speed, you dash for the narrow crevasse, squeeze through, and come upon the rickety stone bridge over the chasm. It slants down to the right and is very crumbly, so despite your tentative steps you almost tumble over the edge, but with a flail of your arms you manage to right yourself and sidestep across the rest of the bridge as fast as you can. You continue jogging ahead through a surprisingly-straight tunnel, having to duck your head as you advance to avoid the jagged ceiling, and you soon reach a ledge that opens up into another small clearing. A large river runs through it, likely the same river that carved the chasm, and the fast-flowing water echoes strangely in the gloom.

The clearing is very dimly lit, though the light is slowly brightening...after a few moments of observation, you can tell that the light is coming from a tunnel across from your ledge, where Abd is chasing your foe. You barely get yourself situated as the adept emerges from the tunnel, heading in your direction; it looks like he's aiming for a narrower part of the river to cross. It doesn't look like he has any idea of your presence.

Map--Round 18
The groups of dots are stalagmites (difficult terrain, cover), the entire room is lit with shadowy terrain, the river is rough water. Any square with gravel (the little gray dots) in it is a lightly obstructed surface.

Abd is 120 feet of movement away from the adept. 7 rounds of Abd's boots of speed are currently used up.

Belcor's ledge is 8 feet up the wall, he can drop without taking falling damage.

Balance checks for Belcor:
First move action: [roll0] vs. DC 22
Second move action: [roll1] vs. DC 22
Third move action: [roll2] vs. DC 22
Reflex save to catch himself if he fails one check: [roll3] vs. DC 20
Two or more failures means he falls.

Belcor's Hide: [roll4] vs. adept's Spot: [roll5]
Belcor's Move Silently: [roll6] vs. adept's Listen: [roll7]

Spring and Autumn

The Master of Tiger Claw snarls and visibly twitches as Four demeans his honor and skills in the same breath. "How dare you? Victory over honor and fairness? Treachery over skill, too, I'd wager!" To Torog, he barks "You associate with this honorless worm, and yet you call me the lying traitor! I would no sooner help you two or your Temple than I would a beggar, a coward, or a thief, after those remarks!"

He glares at Four a moment longer, then spits at him in anger and frustration; the Master of Autumn easily dodges the glob of spittle, which lands pathetically a few inches before his heavy wood-and-metal foot.

2012-04-18, 04:27 AM
"Where are you Abd. I'm here with him, but where are you?"

Sitting upon his perch, he sees the adept begin to run towards the narrow part of the river. Belcor knew that would be his time to strike, when the adept drew near to cross. He could in theory end the battle before it even begone. The question was how. He didn't posses anything to merely slow the young one. He possessed only a weapon and knew how to use it for it's intended purpose. Changing his stance to help with the terrain, Belcor dropped to the ground below and took cover behind the nearest group of stalagmites. The adept would draw near to cross and Belcor would strike.

2012-04-18, 07:15 AM
Torog gives the man a clean cut, sending his head rolling away down the slope of the tunnel. Then, to be safe, crushes his jaw under an armor foot. "Just to be certain. Can't have him talking. Let's find the others."

2012-04-18, 10:00 AM
Abd smiles as the adept looks back to see him zooming towards him like a crimson comet from the heavens.

His grin fades as he watches the adept take a right and disappear from view. Cursing to himself he continues to move as he is hoping to catch the man.

Will not use Haste anymore.
8/10 rounds used.
Speed is 50, double move 100.

2012-04-18, 12:38 PM
Torog gives the man a clean cut, sending his head rolling away down the slope of the tunnel. Then, to be safe, crushes his jaw under an armor foot. "Just to be certain. Can't have him talking. Let's find the others."

The robotic Master of Autumn looks up at the goliath with a blank expression. It is good to be rid of him. He would only slow us down and endanger our mission. As you say, let us catch the others".

That said he will stow the dead man's pour and head off after the two lighter heroes.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-25, 11:26 AM

The adept hustles along the unstable shore of the river, constantly looking up, down, and across it as if to judge distance. He looks to the wall once or twice with an annoyed expression, as if to complain that there isn't enough room for him to get a running start. Eventually he reaches the narrow neck of the river and backs up for a bit of a running start; when he stops and turns back to the river, he stands barely three sword-lengths away from where you are hidden behind the stalagmites.

The near-darkness around you brightens as Abd steps out of the tunnel, the column of fire that carries him bringing near-daylight to the clearing. The adept shoots a worried glance at him and prepares to jump.


When you enter the clearing, you see the adept several yards away, standing next to a cluster of stalagmites and looking ready to take a running leap across the rushing river that bisects the clearing. You assume the ever-capable Master of Winter is in the area as well, having arrived through a small crevasse partway up the wall, but you don't immediately see him. The adept shoots you a worried glance and prepares to jump.

Spring and Autumn

Leaving the enemy Master's body to rot, you easily pick up your compatriots' trail and start after them. You don't hear or see any sign of them or their quarry, so it looks like it will be a long trek to catch up with them.

Map--Round 19

2012-04-26, 05:44 AM
While the adept could in theory provide information, Belcor knew that it was too dangerous to allow the possibility to escape, and so his attack needed to be fatal. Once the adept neared Belcor's location, he moved out from his hiding spot to attack. Approaching with his mind focused, Belcor attacked the adept, with his most dangerous sword strike.

Using Diamond Nightmare Blade
Concentration check vs Adept's AC [roll0]
If it works, damage is 4x
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]

2012-04-26, 06:54 AM
The master of spring rushes down the tunnels, the sound of is heavy footfalls and heavy armor echoing off the stone walls.

run action till he catches up or has to stop to not get tired

2012-04-26, 01:50 PM
The Master of Autumn pounds along beside the goliath, massive metallic body scraping the walls as the pair of them race to catch up with the nimbler and faster colleagues who are hunting their prey.

As Torog, run after the prey.

2012-04-26, 07:51 PM
Turning the corner the Master of summer grimaces as his feet lower to the floor and shift into a more offensive maneuver, once again his feet become a blur of movement as he rockets across the cavern closing in on the adept, as he does Flames burst into supernatural light behind him, leaving a trail of fiery light.

[roll1] + [roll2]

AC vs enemy 37

Swift action to move to Fiery Assault
Full round action to Salamander Charge
He will move through the adepts square, Tumble check auto passes, and land on the other side of him.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-27, 03:41 PM
Winter and Summer

The adept's eyes widen even further and he scrambles to leap across the river, but a quick, precise rapier strike to his knees from the shadows stops that plan cold. He stumbles to a halt right before he'd pitch over the banks, swinging his arms frantically to balance himself, giving Abd a perfect angle to charge in and nearly roast him alive. It seems this adept is a bit more skilled than the others you faced, perhaps the enemy Master's second-in-command or the like, so while he is scorched and badly bleeding he is still alive. His head jerks back and forth searching for his hidden attacker, to no avail.

Coming to a rapid decision that jumping across the river won't help him against opponents who can fly on columns of flame and apparently freakin' teleport ahead of him or something, the adept grits his teeth and dives headfirst into the river. The current rapidly obscures him from sight, but obviously you know exactly where he's going...though where (or even if) this river eventually reaches another opening you're not quite sure.

The adept (barely) auto-passes Tumble check to avoid provoking AoOs from Belcor and Abd.

If you want to dive in after him, I'll need a Swim check and a Constitution check from each of you; if you want to hop across the river and continue that way, I'll need a Survival check.. I'll put up a map detailing the river's path and/or the tunnel depending on which way either or both of you take.

Spring and Autumn

Following three trails is much easier than following one, and you are easily able to track your fellow Masters' progress.

It'll take you four rounds to catch up to the shortcut into the clearing where the others are, unless someone starts getting creative and bashing through walls.

2012-04-27, 03:44 PM
Unwilling to be hindered by anything as insubstantial as mere stalagmites, Torog starts simply bowling through them, shoulder down, taking occasional swipes with his mighty blade.

X hammer maneuvers should be able to clear a path

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-04-27, 03:54 PM
Winter and Summer

Faint echoes of the sound of shattering stone reach your ears, sounding as if millions of geologists suddenly cried out in horror and were suddenly silenced. You judge that Four and Torog can probably hear you now with some effort, if you wanted to shout your plans to them before springing into action.

Spring and Autumn

Goodbye stalagtite, goodbye stalactite, goodbye wall, goodbye another wall, goodbye thousand-year-old rock formation, goodbye very surprised bats and rats and scurrying critters. The stone passageways indeed cannot stand up to a Master of Stone Dragon.

Ahead of you, you hear the echoes of what sounds like it might be a rushing river; if the other Masters are there, hearing them over that sound will be a bit of a pain.

You are now only two rounds away.

Both groups
Anything anyone says will require a DC 20 Listen check from the opposite duo to make out correctly, otherwise only creatively-misinterpreted echoes will get through.

2012-04-27, 04:10 PM
Abd's eyes narrow as the Adept dives headlong into the river, his feet twitched and he was about to dive in after the crazed man, but thought better of it at the last moment.

Hearing the rumbling sound of what he at first thought was an underground quake he turns and smiles under his red silk scarf.

Ah yes, the Master of the Stone Mountain, at home it would see

Yelling at the top of his lungs he shouted to the two masters who were moving with a slightly different approach style.

And with that he would take off running.

I can't recall if rising phoenix allows him to traverse over water, I think it does...(i'm AFB) if it does he'll shift into that stance and continue chase above ground.


2012-04-28, 01:00 AM
The adamantine master of Autumn crashes alongside the stone dragon as they plow a path through rock and wall. A mere minute or so of rock crushing later they stagger out onto the bank to see the master of summer on a column of flame.

At the words "RIVER" the forgedooks to the other 2 for a direction before taking a massive running leap into the water, happily sinking down and taking out his everbright lantern to illuminate the icy waters. That done he begins running as fast as he can after the swimming adept...

2012-04-30, 08:00 AM
Seeing his metallic compatriot taking to the water, Torog continues over ground, activating the magic of his mask, glowing softly as he glides through the air.

2012-04-30, 03:46 PM
I hate myself for just now realizing that my last attack against the adept was actually a critical.

Belcor had been so unsure of what to do, Abd could give chase on a column of air, but he had no such ability and the others were still a little ways away. There was nothing they could do.

Shifting the way his weight to stand differently, Belcor now moved on top of the river, giving chase slower then Abd could, but he'd still follow behind as best he could.

Step of the Dancing Moth, allows Me to move on water, it does however drop my movement down to 20 feet and I can't run. I can however take a double move action.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-05-05, 04:49 AM
Spring and Summer

Both of you easily clear the river and hustle to the opposite entrance. The tunnels branch off again into a twisting tangle on the other side of the clearing, but after a quick reconnoiter, Abd is able to take a look at the grade and curve of the different tunnels and figure out which one to take. The walls are narrow, the light is dim, and it's just a generally unpleasant place to be, but you can still hear the sound of rushing water, and it sound like it's getting louder.

Survival checks vs. DC 20 to pick the right tunnels
Abd: [roll0]
Torog: [roll1]

You estimate that you'll intersect the river again after 2 rounds if you keep running at full tilt.

Autumn and Winter

Four hustles along the bottom of the water while Belcor dances along the surface. Though the turbulent water makes the Master of Autumn's movements more sluggish than usual, he still moves at a good pace seeing as both he and the Master of Winter are helped along by the strong current.

The adept doesn't try to get to the bottom or swim along at first, instead just going along with the flow as he twists around to look at you both. The look he gives you is partway between scared and exasperated--really? You had to follow me down here?, it seems to say. He waves his arms in a broad motion, then again, then a third time, as if trying to tread water. Suddenly, the water darkens despite the presence of Four's lantern, and part of that darkness shoots toward the 'forged while the adept disappears in a cloud of inky blackness, appearing a split-second later farther downriver.

The adept initiates Shadow Garrote at Four (touch attack [roll2] for [roll]5d6[roll] damage) with his standard, then Shadow Strides with his move.

I'm counting moving along the bottom of the river as difficult terrain, though I'm ruling you can still run since you're going with the current. The current adds +10 feet to your speed in all movement modes, and if you don't move under your own power, you still move 20 feet each round on your turn. Basically, this round Belcor double-moves for 60, Four runs for 70, and the adept floats for 20 then Strides for 50.

2012-05-05, 09:39 AM
Master of Autmn

THe massive hulking forged grimaces underwater as a shadowy coil crushes against his armoured frame before the perpetrator vanishes and appears furter down river.

Undeterred the massive warrior pounds forward, each step aided by the rushing current, the heavy vanguard treads digging deep into the rocky ground giving excellent purchase on the slick river floor.

The vanguard treads ignore difficult terrain as they are giant spiky metal boots. Its all the fashion for robots...

Gaining on the hapless adept he clutches Kamate in his adamantine fists eager for a chance to sate his desire for vengeance.

Run after the guy Not much else I can do yet. I'll keep doing that till I get within striking range...

2012-05-05, 12:15 PM
Nearing the split, Torog keeps running headlong, gesturing for his companion to take the other without slowing for speech or consideration, continuing to lay ruin to anything in his path.

2012-05-05, 12:51 PM
Belcor can only continue his chase. He had put himself in this position and so now he resigned himself to what would happen. He continued to move after the adept as he already had.

2012-05-05, 11:00 PM
Abd shoots down the tunnel with almost reckless abandonment, or what appears to be so. Those with a keen eye can clearly see he is the epitome of focus and calm as he rockets through the tunnel on the superheated air beneath his feet.

Let us end this, this adept was too flighty and he wanted to finish this business. In the end, the Desert claims all. He thought to himself grimly.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-05-14, 05:12 AM

The seconds tick by agonizingly slowly, but you are definitely gaining ground on the enemy adept. He dashes away through shadow, then does it again, but he simply cannot keep far enough away. The adept's frantic movements seems to indicate that he knows this and is not happy about it in the slightest. He pauses to coast with the current momentarily, bubbles escaping from his mouth one by one, then gathers himself once more, looks straight up, and vanishes in shadow, not reappearing beneath the water.


The Master of Autumn runs implacably after the adept underwater, slowly leaving you behind as you rush across the surface. His figure continually blurs as he ducks in and out of shadow, but the blur that is Four easily gains ground--er, water. One last burst and the adept vanishes from sight below the water, but you notice a blur ahead of you as the adept appears above the water. You can make out another clearing ahead, though you can't quite tell its boundaries; it's hard enough making out the outline of the tunnel opening when the only light is Four's underwater lantern, though you think you might see the barest flickering of a torch up ahead.

Soon enough, you arrive at the opening yourself, and find that you finally have enough headroom to stand upright once more. It's about damn time; above the water's surface, the tunnel was more cramped than a novice's quarters back at the Temple, and that's saying something!

Spring and Summer

The two of you dash through the twisting tunnels, taking whichever branches appear to keep you closest to the sound of rushing water. Branch after branch after branch after branch, the chaotic arrangement is starting to get on your nerves when, finally, you come to a tunnel that opens into a clearing instead of yet another gods-damned tunnel split. You see water rushing through the center, for some reason glowing with an inner light, which is the only illumination in the room aside from Abd's pillar of flame. The light grows brighter, then you see a moving globe of light come out of the river tunnel to more clearly illuminate the area. Suddenly, in a burst of inky tendrils of shadow, the adept you are chasing appears a foot or so above the river's shore, dripping wet and gasping for breath. He drops to the ground with a thud and looks about to make a run for it...before he notices the heat and light and looks up at the two of you.


Time seems to freeze as the adept takes instant stock of the situation, his eyes darting around frantically. Two adepts in front, one behind on the river, one behind under the river. No way to get past the ones on land, no chance of outrunning the river ones if he dives back in. No exit there, none over there, none back there, no--wait! Aha! That's a...no, false alarm, no exit there. Sigh.

The adept tosses his weapon to the floor as he drops to his knees, and the weapon clatters in harmony with his metal greaves against the stone floor as he clasps his hands behind his head. "I...surrender unconditionally. I know when I'm beaten," he says with the utmost reluctance, hanging his head in shame at being caught.

2012-05-14, 07:04 AM
Torog dart forward and pins the man so the others can thoroughly disarm him. At least we'll take one prisoner from all this. Could prove useful. May even be able to turn him back to us, given time. Not that we'll be trusting him anytime soon.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-05-14, 07:14 AM
Five shuriken, three daggers, and a sling with two bullets find their way out of boots and belt pouches and sleeves to join the adept's sword on the ground. He doesn't try to resist at all as he is pinned and frisked by the Masters.

2012-05-14, 08:50 PM
Abd stands on his column of flame and smiles, watching as his fellow masters disarm the adept they had all been chasing. His smile was bittersweet however, as he thought about adept al-Wazra and her dealings with the other adept that had run off.

If it had taken the four of them to catch this one, he prayed she had chosen the easier of their runnaways....

"Masters, we must find al-Wazra...if we can, the other adept is close to getting word to the temple. I have no care for this ones life, he is of the other temple and deserves neither mercy or his life."

2012-05-15, 06:59 AM
Torog keeps a hand on the adept's shoulder as he sets him down. "Then go, Masters. I will bring this one behind. I have hope that he may yet be useful, perhaps winning his life. Pursue the other, aid al-Wazra."

2012-05-15, 03:53 PM
The Master of Autumn slowly hauls himself out of the river pulling himself onto the bank, water streaming out of his body onto the rough floor. "Your Master is dead. The tiger's claw is ours. Swear to our Temple before yours is destroyed and swept into the annals of history as a small camp of bandits."

He looks at the others before agreeing with Torog. "Stone and adamantine will slow you down. We shall walk this one out of the caves towards his Temple."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-05-15, 06:16 PM
The enemy adept flinches at the cold, ruthless tone in the Master of Summer's voice, and his shoulders slump as he expects to be beheaded at any moment. At the mention of his own Master's death, he closes his eyes and swears under his breath. At the mention of being useful, his face twitches with inner turmoil over his loyalties, but eventually he shrugs and says, in a resigned tone, "Yes, I can show you to the true Temple. Er, sorry, no offense, I meant my Temple. Old habits, you know." He glances between the Masters of Spring and Autumn, and when it seems no one is about to kill him for the slip, he continues, "And I...I swear loyalty to the Temple of the Four Seasons, and to...whoever you people are, and...your masters, if you have any?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-06-05, 11:41 AM
After swearing his oath, the adept's hands are bound to prevent him from initiating any maneuvers, and he leads the way deeper into the cavern. The next hours pass slowly, as the four Seasonal Masters lead their reluctant ally through the winding caves, the Master of Autumn keeping an eye on him while the other three spread out and search side paths for any sign of Adept al-Wazra or her quarry. The Master of Spring is very helpful in this with his ability to remove obstacles like stalagmites and, well, walls, while the Masters of Summer and Winter are able to pass over streams, gaps, and other annoyances to search farther afield than Torog. The enemy adept is sullenly silent through this process, not willing to volunteer any more information than is absolutely necessary.

Eventually, though, the four of you pick up signs of al-Wazra's chase. None of you are particularly skilled with tracking, but the large scorch marks and imprints of spear heads scattered through the tunnels are hard to miss. As you all well recall from your time as her instructors in your respective disciplines, al-Wazra has been one of the Temple's most promising adepts for some time, but she was never one for subtlety, and for the first year or so "collateral damage" might as well have been her middle name.

Soon enough, small spots of blood join the scorch marks; it seems al-Wazra caught up to the other adept before he could make it to safety, fortunately. Continuing on, a few minutes later you hear the step-shuffle-thud...step-shuffle-thud of someone walking in an irregular rhythm with the aid of some sort of support, and you turn a corner to see al-Wazra limp along the tunnel towards you, one hand on the wall and the other hanging onto her spear for dear life. Many small wounds are visible on her bare forearms and shins, and one large red blotch on her side and the expression of pain on her face signify a deeper wound that she is bearing with some effort. A wide strip of cloth is bound around the wound, and the cloth appears to have come from the same sort of long tunic that your captive wears complete with Unconquered Sun emblem, so it appears that al-Wazra was successful in her mission after all.

The enemy adept is being escorted in front of you, so he is the first to come face-to-face with al-Wazra. Your pupil, seeing another enemy walking towards her, grits her teeth and growls, stepping away from the wall and falling into a lunge with her spear in the hopes of taking out this new enemy before being slain. "NonoI'mwithyourmastersdon'tkillmeplease!" the disarmed and defenseless adept shouts in one breath, taking an involuntary step backwards and bumping into Four's breastplate, and al-Wazra barely arrests her strike as the rest of you round the corner. "Masters! It...is good to see...you, I...was not sure if...I would fine you in...time. The...adept has been...slain as ordered," she pants, dropping into an awkward bow while leaning once again on her spear. The adept looks quickly between her and the four of you to gauge your moods, and he slowly reaches into a belt pouch, making no sudden moves. "I, uh, have a healing potion, if that'll help," he says, holding a small vial of blue liquid out to al-Wazra while keeping as much distance as possible between him and her.

She yanks it out of his hand, uncorks it, holds it up to her nose, sniff suspiciously, determines it not to be a trick, and gulps it down. None of her visible wounds disappear, but the grimace of pain fades from her face and she stands a bit straighter. "Thank you," she growls grudgingly, in the manner of a paladin thanking a demon for a favor. Turning back to you four, she bows to each individually and motions back the way she came. "The enemy and I were well-matched, almost...too evenly, and it was a very near thing. One misstep either way and...it might have been he who triumphed," she reports, still breathing heavily. "I tried to hide the body as...best I could, but I was not able to conceal...the signs of our battle as well as I'd have liked. But I believe I...did find the way to the enemy Temple."

The adept and al-Wazra work together to scrub the scorch marks and blood off the tunnel walls and fill in the holes made by weapon blows as best they can while they both lead you through the tunnels. The adept stays ahead of Four, pointedly not looking in al-Wazra's direction for fear of provoking her, while your pupil walks in the back with the others of you. Even al-Wazra gets turned around quite a few times, and without the enemy adept you'd be completely lost--and even with his guidance, you doubt you could keep track of the many twists and turns. "Everyone has to memorize the route to the Temple before training begins as our first test," the adept admits proudly, in a rare moment of offering information voluntarily, "and I was one of the fastest; it only took me two weeks to get it down." Half an hour passes, then you notice the tunnel smoothing out and sloping upwards to a small ledge. The sunlight, even dim as it is here, is a welcome relief from the oppressing darkness of the cavern complex with only Abd's fire and a small lantern to provide illumination.

You creep up to the ledge and look over it. Below you, a large cluster of buildings lies at the bottom of a small clearing. It resembles your own Temple, for this is the Temple of the Unconquered Sun, and both successor temples tried to imitate the original Temple of the Nine Swords in architecture and layout as much as possible. You are far too high up to make out any details, but you can definitely tell that there are some buildings for quarters and some for instructions, and several small figures appear to be practicing out in the open. Looking up, you can see why the Temple was situated here: the top of the cavern is open to the sky, and the setting sun can clearly be seen through the opening, even as deep as you are. In fact, you guess that this is the caldera of an extinct volcano, for the opening is too large and too smooth to have been hollowed out for this Temple in a reasonable amount of time; the enemy Temple went to ground too soon after the Shadow Tiger War for them to have created this from scratch without discovery.

"So there you go. The stronghold of your hated enemy," the adept says bitterly. "You're welcome. Not exactly the main entrance, but I didn't promise to show you that; I'm a coward and a traitor, but I'm not stupid. I bet you want to kill me now, huh? Despite my oath? I mean, I could yell out and warn them or something, right? Or at least I could if they could hear me from here. It didn't sound like you have any intent to be merciful, even though I can still be useful to you--Hells, you" he says, pointing to Belcor "are the only one who didn't threaten me or the Unconquered Sun Temple with your first words." He pulls himself up, willing to face death bravely, if that is your decision now that he has served his purpose, but you can see in his eyes that he's really really hoping you were serious with your offer for him to join your Temple.

2012-06-05, 12:32 PM
Torog holds up a black-steeled hand to hold the others from any action. "You have kept your word, we shall keep ours. It is time to go home and report our findings, to return the recovered blade." And visit the healing hall.

2012-06-05, 03:32 PM
The warforged looks down upon the Temple of the enemy. His reddish eyes twinkling in the metallice sockets as he can feel the presence of 7 and 3 of 9. 2 of the Prime's who betrayed the Temple.

"We should stay a while and observe their numbers. If they are not too great we could end this threat before it even begins. At the very least we wait for a patrol to leave so that we may eliinate them and in doing so gain more knowledge about this foul place."

He looks to the prisoner. "Keep silent and you may yet live. Insult the True Temple and you will die without pause."

2012-06-05, 09:22 PM
Uncertainty with what to do regarding the enemy temple's adept had long plagued Belcor. Killing the youth simply for what side he found himself on after the true temple, the original was destroyed seemed not only overly harsh but simply cruel. And neither of those were words, Belcor wanted used to describe his actions.

"Master of Autumn, this young one has kept his word, and as such we shall keep ours. He shall pass unharmed back to our temple, where our Masters, will decide if he may gain instruction in our ways. As for assaulting the temple, I fear it would end bleakly. Considering the high members of the original temple split apart into the two temples that now fight each other, it would be wise for us to assume that they would have Grandmasters on par with Grandmasters al-Surt, Sapier, and Sovornost. None of which I would personally wish to face in combat. The man we fought before tracking this adept was simply a Master of their temple, a man who should be of equal footing as ourselves, and yet I sadly remember him nearly killing the four of us at once. A battle against their entire temple and the four of us would be reckless and suicidal. However, my time spent with Grandmaster Sovernost and Sapier has raised a question with Me that our friend here can answer.

Belcor who so far had spoken purely to Four, now turns to the captured adept.
"How many Grandmasters and Master does your temple contain? I am to assume that the man we fought back there, was the Master of Noon, yes? How many more are there? And what do you know of Grandmaster Mesker. We know he is of your temple but what do you know of his skill or that of your temple's other Grandmasters?"

While he knew it was many questions, he assumed the adept would have time to answer them all. And Belcor would study what was said. With the group of Masters present, it should be easy for them to discern if the adept attempted to lie.

2012-06-08, 01:23 PM
Abd stands to the side and listens to his wise companions. He nods as they speak and strokes his beard.

"These are wise words, wise indeed. It is not wrong to assume they would have Masters at a level as our own. The very same Master we just dispatched was a match for all four of us, it would be wise, and prudent to assume others were commanding the temple below us." he pauses and thinks for a moment "It is the patient predator that waits and watches, in the end the prey will come. I think if we waited and watched it would help our cause, but to engage them would be folly. But on the other end we have accomplished our mission: to prevent the information of our assault for Supernal clarity. We should head back and move onto the next step of the plan."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-06-09, 02:09 PM
The Master of Autumn's wish is soon granted. The controlled chaos of the practice session below gives way after a few minutes, the clusters of adepts parting to let a small party of perhaps a dozen warriors pass by and leave the Temple. They enter one of the many small tunnels branching off from the main basin and disappear; the tunnel is facing away from your own Temple (at least you think so, you're still a bit turned around), but given the labyrinthine nature of these caverns, who knows what their final destination is?

Your captive, seemingly eager to be as helpful as possible to persuade the more bloodthirsty among you to let him live, quickly volunteers an answer to Belcor's question. "We have three Grandmasters, just like the original Temple and, I assume, your Temple. We have seven Masters: Dawn, Tierce, Noon, Vespers, Dusk, Night, and Vigils. Our Masters don't just focus on a single discipline; we don't limit ourselves like that." A note of arrogance creeps into his voice as he expounds on the virtue of the Unconquered Sun way, sounding as if he's reciting a long-memorized creed. "Where you focus only on one discipline, our adepts and Masters focus on either three disciplines or two disciplines and a form of magic, since we believe that we should seek self-improvement in any way possible and that combining blade forms with magic can unlock even greater understanding."

"Not like your Temple. I don't see why you have only four Masters, named after the seasons, focusing on only one discipline each. I mean, the symmetry of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and...Winter...would be...." He trails off, looking from Torog, to Abd, to Four, to Belcor with widening eyes. That note of arrogance? Gone. "Oh. Oh. That...oh. Oh sh*t." The adept cringes and shrinks in on himself at the gaffe; he obviously isn't the sharpest sword in the armory. When he continues speaking, he does so in a rapid monotone, using short choppy sentences and not looking any of you in the eye.

"The Master of Noon was unusual. He focused on only Tiger Claw and leaned more on magic. Two magics. He trained to take on many enemies at once. The other Masters are more varied. You would probably have more luck against them, four on one. Well, maybe. Don't know much about them. I was apprenticed to Noon, I haven't really seen what the others can do. I can guess, though. Each Master trains their students in similar styles to their own."

Since no one has killed him yet for impertinence--though Adept al-Wazra looks like she dearly wants to--he relaxes slightly. "As for the Grandmasters...only the Masters are allowed to speak with them, so I don't know anything beyond their titles and what I've heard. Our Grandmasters are the Grandmaster of Blades, the Grandmaster of Strife, and the Grandmaster of the Void. Grandmaster Mesker is Blades and, well, he's scary. I haven't been allowed to watch him fight anyone, but he oversees the advancement ceremonies for adepts to become Masters, and by his rules either you're worthy to advance to Master or you die. One time, seven adepts were testing for Master at once. They all went into the arena, and Mesker walked out thirty seconds later...alone." The adept actually shivers at that. "Good luck facing him."

2012-06-11, 07:43 AM
"Blending styles may be a road to quick power. We choose to perfect one style, to know the full beauty of a single form in its entirety. To master each form is the essence of our art. Blending them diminishes each, only learning a few techniques. But come, whatever goal they have set out for, it would not do to be found here. If they head toward our temple, we must beat them. If elsewhere, we are not in enough strength to stop them. Perhaps they have a lead on another sword? If so, we may be able to strike them on their return, if we move quickly."

2012-06-11, 11:04 AM
The hulking warforged looks at the helpful adept a grim expression on the black metal features. "Where are the patrols. How often are they?"

He looks at the others- "They will have more pressing and a recent news from within and can fill us in on what our friend here has missed."

2012-06-13, 12:12 PM
Abd cringes as his fellow masters look to take advantage of the situation.

"While I agree we should take advantage of any situation, I think we should return to the Grandmasters, they tasked us with a mission and it is complete. Any evidence that patrol finds of the scuffle will be minor and here say, if that is what they are looking for."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-06-19, 09:49 PM
The captive adept opens his mouth as if to argue with Torog regarding purity and effectiveness of martial styles...but then closes it, looking disgruntled. Even this less-than-perceptive adept has been threatened with death enough times to finally learn the wisdom of silence. Tonelessly, he answers Four, "Patrols are usually sent out every three hours or so if the Masters are expecting trouble, every six hours or so otherwise. Since the Master of Noon didn't return by the appointed time, they're probably doing them every three hours now." He looks around at you all and shrugs. "Look, I have to agree with...um, I never got your name actually," he says, motioning at Abd. "The Desert Wind master, I mean. I have to agree with him. You're all wounded, the patrol would just be made of initiates or adepts who wouldn't be very useful to you, and I'm not about to help you fight the Unconquered Sun Temple. Maybe later, if you convince me your Masters have the right philosophy and approach, but not now."

He pauses, then admits ruefully, "Also, if any of them saw me with you, they'd assume I sold them out--which I did--and would try to kill me first--and they have every right to--or at least have the Grandmasters send some assassins after me. And I didn't surrender to you people just to die to them, so I'd really rather you didn't try to fight them right about now. Unless you want to leave me somewhere under guard and go fight them yourselves. Heh. Like that would ever happen."

Adept al-Wazra glares at the enemy adept, but not as fiercely as she had before. "Much as it pains me to admit it, Masters, I am forced to agree with the captive. We are in no position to fight, the Master of Spring and I least of all, and we have little to gain here. The Grandmasters' orders were clear: find the Unconquered Sun party and stop it from returning to their Temple. We have done so." The words are spoken grudgingly: as hotheaded as she is, al-Wazra never likes to go against the wishes of her Masters, even implicitly. She bows her head in submission, then steps back to let you all make a final decision among yourselves.

2012-06-20, 11:58 AM
"Let us return and let their patrols search in vain."

2012-06-23, 12:40 PM
"Agreed" Says Abd, simply.

He stood with one foot up on a rock, leaning on his raised knee. He looked every part the desert prince, but you could tell he was troubled, the need for vengeance from his fellow Masters was worrisome, but he could not confront them about it here.

He must get them home, to their own masters and in the privacy of their temple.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-06-24, 02:16 PM
The captive adept lets out a breath he didn't realize he was holding and gladly leads the four of you back through the twisting, winding tunnels to the encampment where you first encountered the Unconquered Sun force. Along the way, your group stops a few times to cover signs of your passage, and once you reach the encampment you take all of the remaining Unconquered Sun gear both to cover your tracks and in the hopes that some of it might prove useful. Despite the stops, though, with the captive adept to guide you back to the clearing and al-Wazra to guide you back out of the mountains, you make excellent time.

It has been roughly three and a half days since you first set out on your journey, and having spent three of those days underground with very little light all among you except Four squint and shade your eyes against the piercing light of the noon-day sun when you emerge from the darkness; the warforged's eyes, of course, automagically adjust to admit a comfortable amount of light. The captive adept starts complaining about having a headache within a few minutes of your emergence, which is understandable (if very irritating) given that he has gone a week or more without seeing the sun. His whining subsides eventually, and the rest of the half-day walk back to the Temple is completed in relative silence.

You come across a sentry when you are within ten minutes of the Temple's outer wall, and she immediately races off to inform the Grandmasters of your successful return. Thanks to that sentry, every single inhabitant of the Temple is turned out to welcome you home when you reach the gates. Grandmaster Sovornost calls for order over the cheers of adulation and tells the assembly that you are all tired and hungry, but that there will be a feast in your honor tonight once you have been debriefed and are recovered from the ordeal. You are ushered inside past the ranks of well-wishers to a small room where the temple laborers have hastily brought out good food and drink for you--they know how tiresome field rations can be after a few days--and while your parched throats are satisfied Grandmaster Sapier says some blessings over all of you to cleanse and heal your wounds.

Well, not all of you. When he comes to the captive adept, he pauses for a closer inspection. In the chaos of the celebration, no one really noticed that the adept wears the slightly-different uniform of the Unconquered Sun; they most likely assumed he was one of the original members of al-Wazra's contingent, rescued from captivity. "Well, well, well...what have we here?" the Grandmaster of Unity asks in his grandfatherly baritone. His manner is warm and friendly, his grasp on the adept's shoulder is light and gentle, and his smile appears genuine, setting the captive adept at ease...yet the illumian sigils hovering around his brow have darkened from their customary golden-orange to a light crimson and have started to rotate faster, signifying suspicion and slight anger.

Your Temple's Grandmasters wear the same sort of uniforms as the rest of the adepts, everyone's rank being given only by variations in the Temple emblem on said uniforms; as far as the captive adept is concerned, this man is just some random Temple healer, which is probably why he's allowed an enemy Grandmaster's hands so close to his throat. Grandmaster Sapier turns to the rest of you as Grandmasters Tsikul and Sovornost file into the room, so the captive adept doesn't see the coldness in his eyes. "I see you've picked up a new friend. I, for one, would love to hear all about your journey. I think a good, long, detailed story is in order."

2012-06-25, 07:19 AM
Torog smiles broadly and removes his helm to feel the warm sunlight on the mountainside. Finally, room to move. His steps take a certain lightness despite his bulk.

He maintains a humble mien during the effusive greetings, too aware of the wounds he took subduing the enemy master. He gives his full report when bidden, leaving room for the other masters to report on the details he did not himself witness, sparing no praise for Adept al-Wazra's efforts.

2012-06-26, 01:33 PM
The Master of Autumn pays no heed to the sun, the foor or the wine content to merely resume his place within the courtyard of the Temple available to train any that desire knowledge of the way of Iron.

As the grandmasters inquire of the details of the story he takes a step back. His impassive metallic face showing no real expression as he allows his more verbose companions to speak for him and recount the tale.

His only passing comment... "The enemy master was skilled. We feel humbled and would seek vengeance against their temple to demonstrate that our way is the purer way. The right way."

2012-07-05, 11:26 AM
Abd moves with the other masters keeping mostly to himself, he was still a little injured and was looking forward to the rest, albeit what little of it he could get.

Moving into the more private area with the grandmasters he dropped the veil from his face and breathed in the cool clean air.

Waiting for Torog to finish, he speaks and only adds things the Master left out or he was not a part of.

He then nods in assent when the Master of Autumn comments on the opposing grand masters capability.

2012-07-05, 04:00 PM
Belcor felt he would have little to add, as he didn't wish to include his dissenting opinion of how certain others had acted on the mission. However he needed to talk about his and the Master of Summer's chase through the caves.
Explaining in as much detail as possible, Belcor recounting the paths and how himself and Abd had split up to corner the fleeing adept. As well as how the chase had continued for past what it should have.

"Grandmasters, if I may, I would like to suggest that we don't take to battle with this other temple so quickly. I feel that an attack on them, would be a very unwise idea. They just lost a master of their temple and as such will be on high guard, meaning any more attacks will have a lower chance of success. Grandmasters, as I'm sure you know, to have a war with this other temple would be the cause of many deaths among adepts and students, which is something I feel we should avoid. Since we now know where they are, perhaps a message should be sent. Allowing the temples to maybe coexist. If would stop so much bloodshed if the temples would stop their war.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-07-06, 04:13 PM
The three Grandmasters listen silently to the reports and clarifications. The captive adept, when he realizes exactly who are surrounding him, closes his eyes and holds as still as possible, presumably following the "if you can't see them, they can't see you" approach to stealth, or possibly just expecting to be beheaded at any moment.

When the debriefing is done, the Grandmasters confer silently among themselves, their long, close friendships allowing them to know each others' opinions quite well and their telepathic bond helping out with the more complex concepts. Soon enough, the three nod decisively as one and the Grandmaster of Unity steps forward.

"Master of Autumn, as much as we wish to see our adepts avenged and your honor restored, we agree with the Master of Winter that a war with the pretender Temple would be costly in lives and material. Our own Temple is quite exposed should we lure them to our home territory, and the pretender Temple would enjoy a similar advantage in an ambush against them; to fight somewhere in the middle would allow the enemy adepts to use their superior knowledge of the cave systems to the east against us, and it would be unlikely for us to be able to draw them out to where we can use our knowledge of the mountaintops against them. Any option would lead to a slow, drawn-out war, and though we disagree with the pretenders' methods and views, either side losing too much knowledge and too many masters would be an insult to the True Temple's memory and a blow to the world's knowledge.

"However, a peace agreement is similarly untenable. In the years since the fall of the True Temple, there have been temporary cessations of hostilities, but one or the other Temple--and yes, we have been the cause of some of those renewed conflicts, to our shame and regret--always starts the fighting anew. The last time we sued for a permanent peace and a restoration of the True Temple...well, one of their Grandmasters led an assault against the peace delegation, and both sides have been soured on the prospect since then." The Grandmasters bow their heads momentarily in remembrance of the slaughtered party and anger at the pretender Grandmasters.

"The Grandmasters of both temples are far too set in their ways for peace; we three have lost far too many students at the hands of the other Grandmasters to coexist without taking their positions, and perhaps their lives, from them, and we are sure they feel the same about us. No, one or the other Temple must prove victorious, or at least the leaders of one Temple must be removed. Unless...."

The Grandmaster of Enlightenment steps forward and takes up the thread of conversation. "The original temples from which the True Master, Reshar, learned the Nine Disciplines still exist. They are small, and without the deeper understanding and talent of the True Temple's masters they are likely weaker than either of the Successor Temples, but if they could be persuaded to join us, perhaps we could conquer the Unconquered Sun and reforge the True Temple. At the very least, bringing together adepts of our disciplines to carry on our traditions and increase our numbers would be a worthy goal, particularly since we would be vulnerable to the same sort of tactics if the Unconquered Sun had the same idea.

"This, then, is your next mission: to serve as envoys to the lesser temples and collect allies to our cause. You will, of course, have the choice of when and how to carry this out, and even the choice of delaying this mission in favor of other matters, but keep that goal ever in your sight."

2012-07-08, 09:28 PM
Torog nods, bowing as he speaks. "Which of the old temples lay closest to the traitors? If they embark on a similar plan, that would be the first place. Best to learn if we are in a race before we are behind."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-07-10, 10:37 PM
After a moment of contemplation, the Grandmaster of Lore replies, "The closest temple would be either the Talon Enclave in the Ironwood Forest to the south, or the Oasis of the Winds in the Great Golden Desert to the north. Which one is closer would depend on where exactly the exits to the Unconquered Sun's tunnels lie." Grandmaster Tsikul gives the captive adept a pointed look, and after a moment of awkward silence he opens his eyes and squeaks, "I don't know, I've never been to either of those. Only the higher-level adepts are allowed to leave the Sunspires without a Master's company, and I was never sent on a mission out there."

2012-07-11, 01:04 AM
The Master of Autmn looks to his fellow seasons. "The grind of the desert and expanse would be nice." He looks at Abd, the Master of Summer, "With the power of the Desert Wind alongside us how could we fail to convince them that they should join their strength with us."

Looking back to the grandmasters the warforged couldn't to grind out words "Maybe the adept we capture would know the best way throgh the tunnels?"

2012-07-11, 06:59 AM
Torog grits his teeth, thinking of the sun beating down on his black plate, the sand working its way into every joint and through the padding beneath. An unpleasant journey, but a wise choice. "I agree. They will be more given to listen to a master of their own style. How soon can we depart? We should begin preparations at once."

2012-07-11, 10:45 AM
Abd looks to the others and smiles ruefully, he was hoping to bring up the temple, but they had done it for him.

Ah how it would be nice to return to the Golden sand.

"I would agree, with Desert Wind, what could go wrong?" he says with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, as if he knows it would go wrong.

"I am ready to leave at once."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-07-12, 09:02 PM
"Then it is decided. The celebratory feast will have to wait, but it shall be all the more enjoyable should this next mission be successful." The Grandmaster of Unity puts a hand on the captive adept's shoulder once more. "Take half a glass to prepare yourselves and replenish supplies if need be; we wish to speak with our new adept in the meanwhile."

The half-glass passes quickly; aside from the healing and new rations you've already received, you require very little additional preparation. When the time is up, the Grandmasters return with the captive adept, who is now wearing the uniform of the Four Seasons Temple and bears a very prominent rune on his forehead. One of the temple servants gives the adept a look of distaste and hands him a length of cloth, which he self-consciously uses to cover up the mark. "We have ensured his loyalty for the time being. I am sure that your exemplary mercy thus far and ongoing willingness to treat him as any other Four Seasons adept will soon bring him to the point where he fully believes in our cause, but in the meantime we shall be cautious. Trust, but verify."

The entire Temple is turned out once again to see you go. The youngsters gathered in front, who just barely come up to your waist and look adorably fierce in their tiny training uniforms, are upset that they won't be getting any special feast-day desserts tonight, so they are quick to wish you an easy and very fast journey back in time for the next feast. Adept al-Wazra will not be joining you; she will be spending the next week in mourning for her fallen comrades. In any case, Master Abd knows the Desert better than any guide, so an adept escort is unnecessary.


Eight days. Eight long days. Eight long, boring days. Left, right, left, right, right, straight, right, left, up, straight, left, left, down...Torog, perhaps, can feel at home in the endless stone tunnels, but even the enemy adept who is used to spending his days underground is getting annoyed at the constant trudging.

Of course, "enemy adept" is no longer the appropriate designation for your traveling companion. On day two, he awkwardly introduces himself as Dorvyn and asks for your names--"...since we're, y'know, friends now, I guess?"--before going back to grumbling about the long journey.


On day nine of your pleasant trip, you finally see full sunlight once more. You leave the cavern complex around midmorning, Abd taking the lead. Dorvyn starts sweating almost immediately from the heat and the exertion, but not so the Masters of the Four Seasons; Abd grew up here, Four can't sweat, and Belcor and Torog have exerted themselves harder when training some particularly dull novices. Torog can tell, though, that spending too long in the sun will turn his armor into a pressure cooker, so the five of you stick to the shade (such as it is) as much as possible.

Two hours into the desert, you crest a large dune and find yourselves a short distance away from a caravan. Three or four dozen camels and elephants and various attached transports are winding their way through the sands, guarded by two dozen or so worgs with riders, several krenshars with riders, and two hippogriffs circling above. The hippogriff riders notice you and, judging you to not be an immediate threat to the caravan, swoop down to meet you.

"Greetings, welcome, salaam, shalom, and salutations!" exclaims one of the riders with great exuberance. The speaker is a relatively tall goblin with a long white beard, dressed in blue and gray robes covered with pockets and pouches. His Common is spoken with a thick accent. "My name is Ibrihim al-Kali ibn Josef ibn Walid, and I am the Master of Shade! Whether it's hats, cloaks, kerchiefs, hoods, fans, umbrellas, parasols, or blankets held over your head, I sell whatever you might need to avoid Pelor's burning punishment! Every single garment is an authentic, unique, hand-crafted Wind Dervish creation, I guarantee it! My lovely wife Shazra is the Mistress of Refreshment! Only the finest, most delicious beverages and the juiciest, tenderest fruits can be found among her wares! You poor, weary, hot, and thirsty travelers must be headed to the Oasis of the Winds! Come, join our caravan, there is safety in numbers! And on the way, you may feel free to sample our wares!"

All of the foregoing is said in one long, effusive breath, and the goblin's smile is wide enough that his shiny white teeth could be used as a signal mirror. The female hobgoblin seated behind him on his hippogriff could be considered "lovely" if one were a goblinoid, or perhaps if one took a particularly hard blow to the head, but her many veils shield her, ahem, beauty from view, so it's hard to be sure. Still, the fresh water she offers you to drink is as cold and refreshing as advertised.

"So, what do you say? Care to join us?"

Sense Motive
Four: [roll0]
Torog: [roll1]
Belcor: [roll2]

Everyone but Abd
You can tell that Ibrihim, if that is his real name, isn't exactly what he claims to be. You've lived and fought with Abd enough to know that his accent (and his beard) aren't quite right, and if his own robes are an example of "authentic" Wind Dervish garb, they aren't authentic at all.

AbdYou mark the so-called "Master of Shade" as an imposter as soon as you see him. His accent and beard are completely fake, his robes and wares don't resemble Wind Dervish clothing the slightest bit in either style or material, and his entire manner practically screams "used-camel salesman taking advantage of tourists." You aren't quite sure whether to be amused or offended.

2012-07-13, 12:32 AM
The 9 long days of walking pass without incidence for the Master of Autumn. On the second day when the marked traitor introduces himself the hulking adamantine robot glances across at him with a slight nod. "I am 4 of 9. Tell me do my brothers 3 or 7 still dwell within the walls of your previous temple. I have plans for the primes"

Later as they enter the desert the warforged shakes his head, cogs grinding slightly with the ingrained sand. He enjoyed the raw blast of the heat however and the lack of any terrain, with his massive treads on his feet the sand didn't bother him as they trudged across the burning waste, a hint of sympathy as his comrades made do with trickles of water from dwindling supply.

Seeing the caravan he eyed it cautiously, red lighs swinging from side to side wthin his eyes. "Greetings trader" he intones. "It may be that we will share a meal and rest briefly but then we must continue on our own way."

2012-07-13, 07:17 AM
Torog gives the trader a polite bow, his skeptical expression hidden behind his dragon mask. "The water is most welcome. I fear we are on a most urgent journey and have little to offer an honest merchant. Farewell on your travels and let the shade welcome you." Get this over with so we can reach the temple. What I wouldn't give for a mountain breeze?

and spot for weapons or anything untoward. [roll0]

2012-07-17, 11:46 AM
Abd smiles genuinely as the goblin approaches them, he had spotted him as a fake the moment he had started to talk, the way his clothes looked, his speech, mannerisms....only those new to the desert would be duped by such a thing.

Waiting politely for the crafty salesman to finish he moves to speak, but waits again as his fellows move faster than he.

Agreeing with his warforged companion he nods.

"Our thanks for the much needed water, the desert has been harsh and unrelenting. Could we trouble you with some shade and company?"

He was hoping to gain the favor of the desert hospitality, allowing them to sit and dine with their hosts. A few stories from well traveled merchants could prove invaluable to them.

2012-07-17, 02:26 PM
Belcor makes no move to speak, instead he waits for the others. While something hadn't seemed right, his brother in arms, would know how to handle the situation better. For now, silence seemed best.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-07-20, 11:30 PM
"Splendid! Wonderful! My shade is your shade and my water your water, my friends! Come, join our caravan!" the goblin exclaims. He claps his hands in glee and begins to climb down from his saddle. Torog doesn't notice any weapons on the goblin as he does so; the trader may be fleecing travelers, but he doesn't appear to be trying to harm them. From Dorvyn's expression and his sidelong glance at Abd, the adept hasn't figured out that there's something unusual about this merchant and appears to think that this is normal behavior for desert travelers. He also appears to want someone to surgically remove the merchant's enthusiasm; Unconquered Sun adepts, even former ones, are not known for their levity.

Shazra takes the reins of her hippogriff as Ibrihim hops off, and as the hobgoblin and second hippogriff return to their patrol the goblin leads you on foot to the caravan. When you get closer to it you can see that quite a few of the travelers with the caravan are wearing the trader's "authentic" desert garb. The merchant leads you to one tall camel-pulled cart covered with banners, canopies, ribbons, veils, and other fabrics, in every color and pattern; it looks almost like some insane wizard tried to kill a creature from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Terrible Fashion with a prismatic spray spell and created this monstrosity by accident instead.

The goblin scrambles into the cart and brings out several waterskins, a plate of small breaded somethings that smell strongly of ginger--Abd recognizes them as a traditional on-the-go food of his people, but it smells to him like the cook heard of the recipe secondhand and screwed up some ingredient proportions--and some robes, parasols, and veils for those who want them. He even has a pinwheel device that can both shade Torog and try to cool off his armor. Ibrihim assures you that they are free for now, but if you want to keep them after reaching the oasis there might be, ahem, a teeny-tiny fee.

"Excellent, excellent! You all look so dashing and handsome and sophisticated in those traditional outfits!" he says once those who want shade have donned their gear, pointedly not looking in the direction of Abd's actual traditional outfit. "Now tell me, what brings you to the oasis? Is it excitement? Adventure? Curiosity? Wanderlust? If it's for any of those reasons, I have plenty of stories to tell! I've traveled to the oasis and back again many times, and have heard legends and stories from every point of the compass! What sort of tale shall I tell as we walk?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-08-11, 04:27 PM
Ibrihim takes a few suggestions from you and from some other travelers, and as you trek towards the oasis and the sun approaches his zenith, he weaves many a tale of large and fearsome monsters, brave and noble warriors, mysterious hidden places in the depths of the desert, and more. Some of them are funny, some are informative, some are awe-inspiring, and some are so completely over-the-top that though he swears they're true it's hard to believe that they really are.

AbdThey're not.
The caravan takes a brief rest around noon as the travelers and their mounts seek shelter; the goblin proves his usefulness by setting up a series of tents and overhangs to shield everyone from the sun. He even pulls out a few wands and evokes globes of darkness and bubbles of coolness to give everyone a respite from the heat (which is probably the real reason everyone puts up with him). All too soon, the caravan packs up and goes on its way. The oasis appears off in the distance at about three hours past noon, and by your Temple's supper time you reach the outer limits of the small oasis community.

The most prominent color of the tent-like buildings here is a bright yellowish-green as that is the color of the most common dye available in the Golden Desert. It is made from a mixture of scorpionweed sap and the blood of the creatures known as needlefolk, plant creatures that resemble a cross between an elf and a cactus; needlefolk raiders are common enough here that the dye is in plentiful supply, and many visitors to the desert make a point of picking up some clothing in that color as a memento. The most prominent color of the guards around the oasis perimeter, however, is a deep crimson. They examine all of the incoming travelers one by one, and when they see Abd dressed in head-to-toe crimson a murmur of excitement begins to rise among them.

A DC 10 Martial Lore check (which you all auto-pass) will tell you that crimson is the color of the Wind Dervish warriors, as the scorpionfolk-based crimson dye is as rare as the needlefolk-based yellowish-green dye is common, and for similar reasons. Recently-initiated novices receive crimson ribbons to tie around their customary white and beige garments, with the patterns denoting tribe of origin and the identity of the novice's master. As they pass increasingly more difficult tests, they gain larger and more elaborate garments, until they reach the rank of Master of the Sands, where the entire cloak is crimson. Anyone of the desert who is found to have worn such garments without having earned them is swiftly sentenced to death for impersonating such distinguished warriors.

Only two in the history of the Wind Dervishes are known to have earned the privilege of wearing the crimson mask and turban of the Master of the Winds.

AbdOne of the two known Masters of the Winds was the original Warmaster of the Wind Dervishes, and one was the Master of Desert Wind of the Temple of the Nine Swords. You achieved the same rank as your master and earned the right to wear your Master's garments with pride, but the Temple of the Nine Swords was destroyed and all your fellow Wind Dervish adepts slain before the news could spread back to your homeland. The guards' excitement is likely due either to thinking that you are the old Master of the Winds come back to them or that you will soon be condemned to a fight to the death for your effrontery in mimicking him. Either way, it should provide plenty of entertainment for them.
One of the guards dashes off, crimson belt and leg wrappings flapping behind him. Ibrihim looks suddenly ill at ease, unsure of what set the guard off but sure that he doesn't want to be associated with the people who caused it, and so do some of the travelers who have been to the oasis before. The merchant and nervous travelers edge away from the five of you as discreetly as they can, disappearing one by one as the caravan proceeds into the heart of the oasis, finally leaving only Ibrihim hiding on the other side of his cart from you. The mounts are all drinking from the oasis and the travelers are setting up tents by the time the guard returns with a tall crimson-garbed orc in tow.

The orc sizes you all up, narrowing his eyes slightly at Abd but otherwise maintaining the politely smiling demeanor of the Dervishes' custom of hospitality, and in any case likely being wary of offending four obviously-competent swordsmen (and their less-competent hanger-on). "Welcome to the Oasis of the Winds, my friends. What brings the five of you to our home?"

2012-08-14, 05:46 PM
Abd relaxes in the shade proffered them from the salesman, smiling the whole time. It wasn't long until they had to pack up and leave making their way to the oasis, Abd was eager to see the oasis. He has passed this way before years ago and the memory of the desert flooded back to him.

Ignoring the prattling from their generous patron on the way there he tried his best to soak up all the sights he could.

Upon seeing the fleeing guard Abd suddenly realizes he may have led them into an awkward situation.

Turning to his fellow adepts "I apologize, but I may have led us into something that may require a certain tender touch...." he touches the blade bound at his hip, Desert Wind felt cool to the touch and reassured him so "It will have been a long time since they have seen a member wear such garb." he gestures to himself. He stops and regards the new comer, an orc wearing similar garb who eyed him suspiciously.

Turning and smiling he responds to the mans questions. "We are looking for shelter from the heat of the desert on our travel through." He replies simply, not divulging anything he didn't need to.

2012-08-15, 10:56 AM
Belcor, up until this point has been sitting by, waiting for the goblin to stop talking. He had cared little for his stories or his cargo, the water and shade though, those had been nice. But now it seemed things might take a more active route.

"Brother of Summer, will they attack us first, or seek to ask questions first?"

2012-08-15, 03:37 PM
The warforged looks about at the oasis and the desrt peoples camped within. The steam rises softly from his searing hot exoskeleton as he splashes some water over his armoured form and gently sits down. The soft hiss of a whetstone on kamate the night time sound that the rest of the Masters are getting used to.

"No matter the trouble we will prevail against them. The Temple will be close. I can sense it."

He looks around warily as he prepares to spring into action lest when trouble show its face

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-06, 01:56 AM
"Shelter from the heat?" the orc asks, a hint of sarcasm creeping into his pleasant tone. "Why, of course, brother, you need only ask." There is a slight but definite emphasis on the word brother as he speaks. "Please, you and your companions, follow me." He turns without waiting to see if you follow. Dorvyn immediately steps forward to follow, having seemingly missed the byplay, and as the rest of you follow the orc several warriors wearing beige and crimson fall in around you.

The warriors number fifteen in all by the time you reach the orc's destination: a large sandstone slab lies in a small depression near the main oasis, carved with elaborate markings and patterns and studded with rubies along the edge. The carvings do not appear to be magical in nature, at least as far as amateur arcane scholars such as yourselves can determine; they are merely decorative, either abstract whorls and stars depicting the desert landscape or ornate script that, from the images around them, you assume records momentous events in the Dervishes' history. The slab is a good six or seven paces on a side, and the fifteen warriors plus the five of you can stand upon it comfortably. The orc and the other fourteen warriors stand in identical poses and make a small flourish with their blades that you all recognize as a moderately advanced technique of the Desert Wind. Flame erupts into being along each of their blades, and all of them thrust their blades downwards and outwards as one so each flame caresses one ruby on the slab's edge; the rubies slowly start to glow one by one as the fire touches them, and the slab shudders and begins moving downwards.

AbdWhen an initiate of the Dervishes becomes a full-fledged warrior his (or rarely her) name is inscribed in Ignan in this slab. Thousands of names intersperse recordings of ancient battles, coronations, tragedies, and other events. Your name is here, in the easternmost portion reserved for those warriors who reach one of the Master ranks, and as with the other names its inscription is large enough to stand in.

The place the slab is taking you is the Hall of Heroes. Initiates of every rank from the lowest novice to the highest Master are tested for advancement down there, surrounded by the remains of the greatest warriors of all the tribes and watched by at least three of the highest-ranking Masters currently present at the Oasis. Formal honor duels are fought here--on the rare occasion they are still held today--to help ensure the participants' integrity and hold all the tribes to the decision. If they are taking you here, it is likely that they wish to test you rather than kill you outright.
The slab descends one and a half stories or thereabouts--it's hard to judge depths from walls of blank sandstone--and torches blaze into life ahead of you, illuminating a long sandstone hallway leading into a larger chamber in the distance. You are escorted into the chamber, where seven stone seats are arranged in a semicircle facing you, smaller passages leading off behind them. Five seats are occupied already with crimson-garbed warriors of several races, and a sixth is occupied as you watch as a similar warrior walks out of one of the side passages to take a seat. They are talking amongst themselves and adjusting their clothes as if they have just arrived, and there are about two dozen other warriors ringing the chamber jockeying for a good view.

The orc motions for you to halt in the middle of the room, takes a few more steps, and turns around to face you. He raises his left hand, palm down, and the warriors around the periphery instantly quiet. "You have been brought here," he says in a low voice, "to this, a chamber of duels and challenges, because you" he points to Abd "wear the garb of our people. Not simply of our people, but of our finest warriors. For one of us to earn the right to wear it takes decades; for an outsider to falsely claim it--even unknowingly--means death, to him and all with him." He falls silent for a moment, and Dorvyn's nervous shuffles echo through the chamber before he stops in embarrassment. "We are here to determine which it is. You will explain to us who you are and how you came to wear that. You will then prove to us that you are worthy. Should you disappoint us in either aspect, you will die, as will those with you. Should you succeed...."

The orc shrugs minutely as if to say he doubts that will happen and will deal with the consequences later in the extremely unlikely event that it does. "Now, speak."

2012-09-06, 12:17 PM
Abd followed the orc warrior and was not surprised by the addition of more warriors, they were his kin, in some strange and far reaching fashion. He imagined that he would lead them into battle against the opposing temple, these fire orcs of the desert, these dervishes, it was a fine thought. But he knew he must do something first, and it pained him to think of it.

Standing on the stone plinth, he scanned the etched names, and thought to himself.

These adepts do not study these names, or they would know me, or at least of me.

Watching mutely as the stone tablet lowered, he eyed the other masters and gave them a look and a subtle hand gesture of 'everything is fine'.

Walking in and stopping where he was placed he eyes the semi circle of warriors sitting in the chairs and assumes them to be the highest ranking warriors of the Desert Wind. His heart leaped at the thought of so many capable adepts and merging their fervor and courage with his own temple.

Waiting for the orc to stop talking, he unfastens the veil on his face, and then speaks as commanded:

"First, my friends and I are humbled to be in the presence of such great warriors." as he bows to them in deference. Once he rises from his bow he continues "My Name is Abd al-Aziz Master of Summer, Student of Safwat Sayyid the Master of the Desert Wind, I, his student protected his body when he fell in the great sundering of the Temple and I his student took his mantle and claimed Desert Wind." at this he draws the scimitar "I have earned the right to wear this garb and accept any challenges against me to claim me false."

The memory of his Master was bittersweet, he loved the man as a father and the master who had allowed him to be taught of the ways of the Desert wind, he hoped his name would carry some weight. Those who knew him could see his was very emotional, but still on control. The very incarnation of the Desert wind, wild and fiery and quick to anger.

He was ready to fight and his feet tensed at the very thought of, instinctively forming the base for the Rising Phoenix stance, should the need arise he would slip into it and show them exactly how much of a master he was.

2012-09-06, 03:07 PM
4 had followed the others wordlessly. The massive adamantine treads finding easy purchase on the slippery sands as he followed the others. The glowing red light of his eyes flitting from side to side as the numbers of warriors surrounded them becoming numerous if not insurmountable.

The sandstone was a large and impressive slab - even more so when the lesser desert wind adepts ignited it and it descended down into the earth. He glanced around- it was a shame that the Master of Spring had left. Torog would have appreciated the descent.

His emotionless demanour hardended slightly as he reached the bottom the chamber and witnessed the ranks of warriors with their scimitars all around him. His metallic gauntlet tightening on the hilt of Kamate as he longed for the comfort of the Iron Heart.

At the old warrior's words he looks at Abd allowing the Master of Summer to speak. Though he shows none of the deference. His massive hulking frame large and shimmering black in the small flame lit cage. His glittering red eyes watching all in the room for the first sign of trouble. The stance of absolute steel giving him the mobility of these lithe desert orcs.

"We are of the True Temple. If you wish to master your skills send your best into the mountains and if you prove adequate you maye be apprenticed.

You speak to Master of Summer - wielder of the Desert Wind. Choose your next words carefully." From 4 of 9 none of the deference that Abd had shown...

2012-09-06, 08:25 PM
Belcor doesn't reach for his own weapon yet, instead waiting to see where this would go. He doesn't attempt speaking either, as Abd would have much more practice with their customs here, and in Belcor's mind, a fight should be avoided until it was deemed necessary. Abd seemed to know what to say as well, so it was best to simply wait and see what would happen. None the less, his stance did shift. He would now stand, ready to counter the attacks of the adepts if a fight did occur.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-08, 02:34 AM
Murmurs break out among all assembled as Abd identifies himself, and sword hands stray to belts as Four voices his support of the Master of Summer and Torog and Belcor shift silently into fighting stances behind them. Several warriors step forward menacingly, but several of the (presumably more scholarly) warriors examine Abd's stance more closely and take a few wary steps back. The Masters seated before you have mixed reactions: one pair of eyes widens in shock, two mouths frown in skepticism, one set of eyebrows quirks in silent appraisal, and one finger jabs out in anger. "You dare to claim Sayyid as your Master? How could--" The warrior to his left holds out an arm, silencing him, and the Masters rise from their seats and withdraw behind them to confer.

A minute later, they resume their seats, and one of them says to Abd, "You claim to be al-Aziz, returned to us. You claim to have learned at the feet of Master Sayyid. Yet both names are carved into the Warrior's Memorial at the entrance to this hall, and the history of our tribes' warrior traditions is no secret; you could easily steal a name and background to deceive us just as you could manufacture counterfeit garb. The Abd al-Aziz we know has not been seen or heard from in decades, since long before the fall of the Temple of the Nine Swords, and by now we know Master Sayyid was slain in the Fall, so he is not here to testify. Convenient." The speaker, a part-human of some variety, shifts in his seat slightly and continues, "We have heard rumors of successor Temples in the mountains, where you may have acquired the title of 'Master of Summer', but we do not recognize this title nor any mastery it may signify."

The man's tone becomes less formal, and you get the impression he speaks for himself now rather than for the assembled Masters. "I, too, studied under Master Sayyid, when I was a novice. Even then, I thought his decision to leave us and train with foreigners with their dishonorable cultures and their strange disciplines was...misguided. I cannot fault his skill or his judgment--he is a Master of the Winds, after all--but even if you are who you say you are, and even if he judged you worthy of the rank before the Temple fell, who can say whether associating with practitioners of the lesser disciplines has tainted your dedication?" His eyes flick to the rest of you and he adds "No offense meant, warriors," in a tone signifying the opposite.

"Now, before the Elders decide to settle the matter with honor duels," he concludes, tone formal once more, "have you any further proof of your identity and your skill? And if you are indeed Master al-Aziz, why have you returned here after so long an absence, if you are so beloved by your new Temple that they grant you a Master rank as well?"

2012-09-08, 09:59 AM
Abd watches the murmurs rise in protest to the news of what he had told them, it was bound to inflame some ire and he had hoped for it.

Watching the fledgling warriors approach them he smiled, and his smile grew even more when some had the knowledge to withdraw from him.

He watched with wary eyes as the Elders conferred together and then the one spoke for the group.

He knew he spoke the truth, he had left them, at the feet of a stranger, who had turned out to be more than he could have hoped. More than just a Master, he was his father and he treated him better than he ever should have....made him weak though? that thought caused Abd to swell up with anger, who are they to call my Master weak?

Abd's grin had vanished and a look of contempt replaced it. A firey fervor plain to any who would look upon him, it was obvious the speaker had ignited his anger.

"Yes, you are correct. Convenient isn't the word I would use for Master Sayyid's death however. And for the proof, well I am seriously lacking in that department, except for my word. My word is the only thing, other than" he gestures to Desert Wind "this, that is of any value." He stops for a second and looks down, then back to his other masters "And If you think that spending any amount of time with the other disciplines would weaken the ways of the Desert, you are wrong, it has only strengthened my resolve and fine tuned my mastery of it." he looks back to the assembled Elders "Let us be done with this farce! I Challenge your champion to a duel, not only to establish my name as Abd al-Aziz, Master of Summer, wielder of Desert Wind but also my Command of this, of you all, that I am your Master and you will come with me to establish the one true temple once more!"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-15, 06:16 PM
A few gasps echo around the room, but most of the warriors here look unsurprised that this will end in a challenge. The Masters seated in front of you confer among themselves with gestures and silent glances. "You ask much," their speaker says. "To establish your identity is one matter, but to send our warriors to an unknown place to learn from unknown masters, leaving our people defenseless? Even sending away a handful of them would leave us short-handed; your masters would need to be be skilled indeed to justify such a thing."

Four of the other Masters stand and step forward, hands on their weapons. "So this shall be resolved as Test of Swords, not a Duel of Honor. You shall face four of our number at once. Fail, and you shall be killed, along with your companions. Defeat one, and you will be judged unworthy, but your companions will duel us to be forgiven their own insults against us. Defeat two, and we will forgive your slight of our customs, and will allow your companions to leave alive and unharmed . Defeat three, and we will acknowledge you as a Master of the Winds. Defeat all four, and we shall send our warriors to train at your Temple. Do you accept?"

This is a fairly standard challenge. Normally, if an outsider insults a warrior's honor, they duel each other for their honor; if a group insults a tribe's honor, the best outsider is chosen as a champion to fight two warriors. To advance to a higher rank among the Wind Dervishes, a warrior must defeat three warriors of equal rank in a Test of Swords to prove himself; adding on a fourth to decide the future of the tribe shouldn't be a problem, since you handily defeated three Masters when you first gained the rank of Master of Winds.

This chamber isn't used for duels for merely ceremonial reasons. It is enchanted with healing and protective magics such that anyone who would be slain in the dueling circle is merely rendered unconscious, so you can fight without holding anything back and not need to worry about killing a promising student.

2012-09-17, 02:30 PM
The heavy and weighty warforged looks at the old master with nothing but contempt writ large on his steel jaws and red gleaming eyes. "You speak of duels old one. Should we duel the 4 of us against the best 4 you can muster. Let us get this farce over with."

4 slowly draws kamate the ancient blade and rests the point on the ground in front of him, the dull steel striking sparks as it drags across the cavern floor.

"Bring forth your best warriors of the Desert Wind"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-17, 03:03 PM
A confident smirk slowly spreads on the speaker's face. "Oh, no, outsider, those four warriors are for 'Abd' to face, alone. If you wish to join him, we could find more Masters to fight you--one each, as a Duel of Honor demands--and allow you to fight together. That would be a good test of whether blending the disciplines is truly not an impediment as you said, and seven against four should be no difficulty if you are truly as skilled as you claim to be." He cranes his neck to look over at Dorvyn, who is standing behind you four as inconspicuously as possible. "Or perhaps eight against five, if the skittish one claims the right of honor as well...?" At the adept's vigorous head-shaking, the speaker laughs. "A coward, but an honest one. Seven and four, then, and your apprentice can watch from the sidelines."

The speaker motions for an adept to come over and murmurs something about fetching someone. The adept runs off and comes back shortly with a seventh Dervish wearing Master robes, who takes her seat in the empty stone chair. "If this challenge is acceptable to you all, we shall begin. If you wish to refuse, say so now." Torog nods his acceptance and looks to Belcor and Four.

2012-09-17, 03:11 PM
4 of 9 tilts his head slightly stepping forward to join Abd in the ring and looking eagerly around for the challenger that will be crushed by the blade of the Iron heart.

2012-09-17, 03:17 PM
Abd watches as Four instigates more 'Masters' into the fight, he was relieved however as he would be joined by his brethren. While he new he could defeat them, he knew it would be an easier fight with the 4 of them, working in unison.

He turns and gives Four a warm smile, one that says, 'thankyou'

Turning to them he speaks "Do not worry about pulling your blades, this chamber is rich with great magik, those that fall will not die."

Turning to the assembled Masters, he speaks to them. "I am, ready."

2012-09-17, 04:52 PM
While he wasn't quite sure about what would soon happen, he did know that the four Masters had already proven themselves quite capable and that a battle against those before them while not easy should none the less prove doable. And so stepping forward he pulled Supernatural Clarity from it's sheath and settled into a battle stance. His mind was his strongest weapon and so he concentrated, not on the battle, but on the victory that would soon be theirs.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-20, 01:45 AM
"Excellent," the speaker says, a confident smile on his face. He steps forward, as do the other six Masters, and the speaker claps his hands twice. The assembled warriors take this as a signal, moving quickly away to clear a roughly circular space in the chamber, except for a few who tarry to lead Four, Belcor, and Torog quite a ways back from the Masters to stand in specific places--Abd needs no prompting to find his proper place, having been through this process before. Dorvyn gives you a quick wave and a whispered Good luck! before hurrying to follow them. The seven Masters step forward and take up their proper positions as well. This done, the speaker raises his arms in a gesture of supplication and calls out "Let the challenge begin! Alesmah lelbedh ale-thedi!" in a voice that echoes throughout the chamber.

These words are a signal or invocation of some sort, for no sooner does he utter them than the stone in a perfect circle encompassing the eleven of you suddenly rises a foot up from the floor of the chamber to form a small wall, the top of which bursts into flame. The light from the flames is much brighter than the torches that lined the entranceway and illuminated the Masters' stone seats, giving you an idea of the true scale of the vast chamber for the first time. The ground rumbles and five square areas within the circle rise as well to a height of just over eight or nine feet, not as blocks but more as plateaus, resembling pyramids with their tops sliced off. Two more areas do the opposite, sinking into the floor to form wide, banked pits. All of the surrounding warriors press forward as close to the circle's edge as they can to get a good view of the battle to come.

The speaker gives you a moment to take in your surroundings, then calls out across the circle: "The rules of the challenge are thus: You shall remain within the Ring of Honor, for as your companion said any who fall within it shall not be slain but merely incapacitated; any who leave the Ring or cause another to leave it are dishonored, and removed from the challenge. The watchers are not similarly protected; any who cause harm to the watchers are dishonored, and removed from the challenge. Finally, warriors rendered unconscious are finished; any who attempt to heal unconscious allies or otherwise return them to the fight are dishonored, and removed from the challenge."

He nods decisively and reaches over his shoulders to retrieve two scimitars. As he falls into an offensive stance, the other Masters retrieve their weapons as well. The Master farthest to your right nods to a nearby warrior outside the ring, who retrieves a spear and hefts it ready to throw. "The challenge shall begin when the spear touches the ground," the speaker explains, "and shall last until one side is entirely finished and not sooner. Throw!" The warrior does so, and the spear arcs up, up, up, and down again, landing with a clatter atop the plateau in the very center of the Ring.

Map--Round 1

The gray octogons to the right of the ring are the stone seats. The pinkish squares around the ring are the observers; AoEs including those areas are prohibited. The dark gray squares in the ring are the raised areas; the center square is 10 feet off the ground and grants total cover, and the side squares grant cover, neither of which apply if the attacker is on higher ground. The light gray squares in the ring are the sunken areas; the center square is 10 feet deep and grants concealment to anyone in it against attacks made from outside the sunken area. The side squares of both the raised and sunken areas are difficult terrain.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-25, 12:23 AM
While the spear falls, the Wind Dervish Masters glare at the Temple Masters, their gazes managing to convey that the Temple teachings are inferior and that the Dervishes will crush them without a single word being exchanged. Time seems to slow as the spear clatters down point-first...tink...tink...tink-tink...clatterclatterclatterclatter.

The Masters of Winter, Spring, and Autumn glare back, fully confident in their Temple's teachings and their own personal skill, and the Master of Summer gazes back completely unfazed by his tribemates' insult to him. The apparent lack of effect that the Dervishes' reputation and skill has on the interlopers unnerves them, and they break eye contact to glance from side to side as if reassuring themselves that they have the numerical advantage. Only for an instant are their eyes off their opponents, but an instant is enough for a seasoned Master, and in their instant of hesitation the Temple Masters spring into action.

2012-09-25, 01:02 AM
THe hulking robot looks to his allies before nodding and with a ponderous thudding sets forth smoothly in the stance of absolute steel. Advancing cautisouly he readies for the lesser fire adepts to come within reach...

Initiative [roll0]
MOve ~30ft forward and ready to smack one with a standard action "attack".
Standing in Robliar's Gambit
Choose #5 as dodge target

2012-09-25, 02:06 PM
Abd Moves sees the other masters look around as his teammates bore into their souls, he had never liked the duel of wills and had disregarded it. Perhaps he had made an error?

Thoughts for another time, here he was in one of the most important fights of his life.

Shifting his stance slightly he moved forward abreast Four and readied for the oncoming adepts.

Swift action: Flames Blessings stance (Fire Resistance 20)
Move action: Move 30 ft forward
Move action: Ready action to strike with Inferno blade
[roll1] + [roll2]
Desert Wind dodge vs 3

2012-09-26, 05:15 AM
Torog's body had begun to glow as his feet levitated from the floor. Floating forward with speed, he held unfettered before him, daring his opponent to attack.

Pre-combat action: activate winged mask, Fly Speed 40, Giving off Light

Stance: Giant's Stance
Also: Robilar's Gambit +4 to strike and damage vs. him gives me an AoO every time I'm swung upon.

Move action forward 40 feet, Ready Standard Action: Ancient Mountain Hammer

Robilar's Gambit:

[roll0] Damage: [roll1]

and a few more just in case:

[roll2] Damage: [roll3]
[roll4] Damage: [roll5]
[roll6] Damage: [roll7]

If my standard action gets triggered:

[roll8] Damage: [roll9], ignores DR

Remember to add +1 to all attack and damage rolls against the guy I beat in the duel of wills.

Some other notes for myself since I can't edit Torog's sheet:

Maneuvers Readied:

Emerald Razor
Moment of Perfect Mind
Bonesplitting Strike
Elder Mountain Hammer
Ancient Mountain Hammer
Overwhelming Mountain Strike

Hit Points:186

AC 32

Retributive Amulet 3/3 Immediate Action

2012-09-27, 07:40 AM
Belcor moves around the hindrance directly before him, instead seeking to meet his enemies on even ground. Upon reaching an area he finds suitable, Belcor stops and readies his blade for combat against one of the dervishes.

Moving up and forward, so that I stop in between 1 and 2, I'm just not sure how far, forward I am before I run out of movement.

Anyways, ready Diamond Nightmare Strike, in anyone closes to melee with me.

Concentration check [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2] x4 if the concentration check is higher then their AC

2012-09-27, 07:43 AM
Possible Critical Confirm

The damage would be 45 points, if the attack is a critical.

2012-09-27, 07:44 AM
Post Appear Please.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-28, 06:36 PM
The Wind Dervish Masters shake off their hesitation and begin to leap into action to try to regain the advantage, but as they note your more cautious advance they flash some hand signals and change their approach. The three Masters in the center pause to let their comrades overtake them, and overtake them they do. The northernmost Master in the Ring lopes forward in a crouch towards Belcor, profile low to minimize his exposure and eagle's claw held down by his knee in a backhanded grip. As he reaches the Master of Winter, he ducks left, ducks right, and brings the eagle's claw up across his chest as he makes a twisting motion with his other hand. A flash of heat forces Belcor forward a step as a creature of fire bursts into being behind him, right onto the Master's blade, and the Master follows it with a whirling kick to his midsection. He isn't fast enough to avoid Belcor's impossibly-fast counter-thrust, however, and as he recovers from his attack and his elemental fades away, tattered cloth can be seen at the Master's side where Supernal Clarity struck him. Belcor has a nice slash in his clothes as well, but his counterattack knocked the other Master's attacks off course and he isn't hurt at all.

The next Master in line doesn't go for Belcor; he ignores the Master of Winter in favor of launching himself at Abd. The Master glides along the ground gracefully until he gets to within a few paces of Abd, when he begins spinning rapidly, scimitars outstretched. He whirls around the Master of Summer, slashing and slashing and slashing in a rapid rhythm. Abd gets a good strike in just as the Master slows down and scorches a wide patch of his robes, but after that the Master whirls too unpredictably to present another opportunity. Abd is able to defend himself enough to prevent most of those strikes from hitting, however, and aside from a brief burning pain in his side the Master's attack is less than successful. Abd feels a slight numbing sensation as the wound's bleeding stops, a property of the Ring's magic, but he immediately begins feeling its pain again; he'll be just as impaired by the wound, but won't bleed all over his robes.

The southernmost Master rushes over the southeastern plateau, leading with his crescent scythe extended. Fire erupts along the length of his weapon as he slashes low with the main blade and high with the disc blade. The Master of Autumn catches his leg before he can strike the warforged, and responds to each scythe sweep with a slash of his own. Despite the hit to his leg, the Master connects with both strikes, sending spouts of the warforged's fluids flying before his wounds, too, are sealed by the Circle; Four's counter-strike connect as well before the Master dances back out of reach.

The Master next to that one looks between Torog and Four, hesitates once more, comes to a decision, and rushes across the Ring to end up atop the southwestern plateau. She crouches there, scimitars splayed to either side and eyes narrowed, looking over her opponents looking for a good opportunity to strike.

Now that their four companions have acted, the three Masters near the center take their turn. The southernmost of them crouches on tiptoe to tap the soles of each boots with his scimitar, then launches himself forward. Fire pours from his blades and his boots as he does so, leaving a wall of raging flame as he rounds the edge of the central pit and brings his scimitar in a two-handed horizontal slice towards Abd's waist. The strike slices a few tassels off the Master of Summer's robes, but otherwise is a miss, and the Master looks quite put out at Abd's superior defensive skills.

The remaining two Masters look at each other with an easy grin and don't move from their positions; unlike the other Masters that rushed into things for their own honor and glory, these two look like they're used to working together...and look like they're perfectly willing to let their comrades soften you all up before heading into the fray themselves. The southern Master of the duo stretches out her shoulders and flings both arms out to her sides. Her khopesh bursts into blue flame in her left hand, a long and coiling whip of pure blue flame erupts into being in her right hand, and more blue flames snake up her arms to harmlessly cover her. She makes a quick standing leap after that as if jumping onto a low table, and when she starts to come down from the top of the jump she halts in midair, standing on two disks of blue fire.

The northern Master provides a similar spectacle as he drops to one knee, head bowed. When he rises again, twin wings of green flame extend from his shoulder blades and his eyes glow with the same green fire. He takes one hand off his falchion and points at the ceiling above Four and Torog, then brings it down in a quick chopping motion. Green fire blasts from the ceiling and follows his motions to engulf the Masters of Autumn and Spring.

Attack against Belcor; Master 1 used Searing Charge and Distracting Ember They're not very effective...
Blade: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2] fire
Kick: [roll3]; Damage: [roll4]

Attacks against Abd
Master 2 auto-makes the Tumble check to avoid provoking AoOs by moving past Abd; he used Wind Stride
Scimitar: [roll5]; Damage: [roll6]
Scimitar: [roll7]; Damage: [roll8]
Scimitar: [roll9]; Damage: [roll10]
Scimitar: [roll11]; Damage: [roll12]
Scimitar: [roll13]; Damage: [roll14]
Scimitar: [roll15]; Damage: [roll16]
Scimitar: [roll17]; Damage: [roll18]
Scimitar: [roll19]; Damage: [roll20]
EDIT: Only the 40 hits; it's a crit threat, rolled in OOC, doesn't crit

Four's readied and Robilar's attacks
Kamate: [roll21]; Damage: [roll22]
Kamate: [roll23]; Damage: [roll24]
Kamate: [roll25]; Damage: [roll26]
EDIT: Should be 1d20+29 for the readied attack and 1d20+34 for the AoOs

Attacks against Four; Master 7 used Inferno Blade
Scythe: [roll27]; Damage: [roll28] plus [roll29] fire
Scythe: [roll30]; Damage: [roll31] plus [roll32] fire
EDIT: The 39 is a crit threat, rolled in OOC, doesn't crit

Attacks against Abd; Master 5 used Wind Stride and Salamander Charge
Great Scimitar: [roll33]; Damage: [roll34]
The orange squares on the map are the wall of fire from Salamander Charge

Master 4 is now 5 feet in the air and has not used any maneuvers yet

Master 3 shifts into Mystic Phoenix Stance and casts a spell at Torog and Four
Four's Ref save for half: [roll35] vs. DC 21; Damage: [roll36] damage, half fire and half typeless
Torog's Ref save for half: [roll]1d20+12[/roll vs. DC 21]; Damage: [roll37] damage, half fire and half typeless
EDIT: Screwed up the save, rolled in OOC, got a 12

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-09-28, 06:56 PM
Map--Round 2

2012-09-28, 11:08 PM
Torog shrugged off the pain of melted flesh, ignoring the two casters in favor of pursuing the one who dared lock his gaze with the mighty Master Three-Mountains. Flying upward through the air and taking the higher ground, the goliath unleashed the full power of unfettered upon his foe.

Would be nice to have some numbers and letters for grid coordinates...

Fly 40' to the square 10 feet directly above 6(stopping 10 feet away due to Unfettered's Reach), Ancient Mountain Hammer: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + Maneuver [roll2] all damage ignores all DR

I will let you roll any Robilar's Gambit strikes. Just remember Torog is in Giant's Stance so does an extra d6 damage with Unfettered.

Remember to add +1 to all attack and damage rolls against #6

Some other notes for myself since I can't edit Torog's sheet:

Maneuvers Readied:

Emerald Razor
Moment of Perfect Mind
Bonesplitting Strike
Elder Mountain Hammer
Ancient Mountain Hammer
Overwhelming Mountain Strike

Hit Points:186 140

AC 32

Retributive Amulet 3/3 Immediate Action

2012-09-29, 01:38 AM
4 grunts in pain as the flaming blades slash across his carapace once- the fluidity of absolute steel allowing him to just dodge aside one of the blows...

Absolute steel stance grants +2 AC for moving >10ft so the 35 misses. Just.

Standing his ground he focuses his attention on the one that attacked him as he activates the wand in his arm to transform the blade into a shimmering spectral form and proceeds to lay waste on the attacing master...

Assign 7 as dodge target
Activate wraithstrike (rolled in OOC)
Full attack with power attack for 5
Touch Attack [roll0] damage [roll1]
Touch Attack [roll2] damage [roll3]
Touch Attack [roll4] damage [roll5]

Still IN Robilar's Gambit to pound anyone who comes too close
Immediate action of Wall of Blades/ Manticore Parry as appropriate
- Counter roll [roll6]

AoO:- Touch Attack [roll7] damage [roll8]
AoO:- Touch Attack [roll9] damage [roll10]
AoO:- Touch Attack [roll11] damage [roll12]
AoO:- Touch Attack [roll13] damage [roll14]
AoO:- Touch Attack [roll15] damage [roll16]
-- Use as required

2012-09-29, 12:15 PM
Abd dodges and ducks, weaves and bobs from the onslaught that is the dual wielding adept before him, only managing to hit him once, he was still impressed by the sheer ferocity of this one.

Four would like this man. He thought to himself.

Grunting from the pain of the attack, he felt his wounds stymied, but the pain was still present, he would have to watch his wounded side.

Rolling on the balls of his feet, and tensing his leg muscles he bounded off the dirt into a summersault over the 2nd adept near him, bounced of the dirt and sprang into a one handed cart wheel past the wall of blades, falling into a low run towards the adept fighting Belcor, skidding below and through his feet at the last second, he jumps up in half flip, striking out with Desert wind as he does. Easily landing on his feet opposite Belcor. As he moves flames erupt from the ground, much like the other adept a moment ago.

Abd initiates Salamander Charge, moving through 5, 2, and then 1's squares, ending on the other side of 1 to flank with Belcor.

Auto succeeds all tumble checks to avoid Aoo's (DC 25, 27 and 29 respectively, with a tumble of +29)

5, [roll0]
2, [roll1]
1, [roll2]

Attack, charge (+2), flanking (+2), Power Attack (-4, +8), Haste (+1)
[roll3] [31] (see OOC)
[roll4] + [roll5]

Free action to activate Boots of Speed (9/10)

Dodge vs 1
AC vs 1 = 38
AC vs everyone else = 37

I added +8 to damage for it being a strike. (did not double it up with physical attack)
Added +1d6 fire for moving +10ft movement to 2 and 1
added +1 fire damage to 1 for moving +10 movement and attacking with scimitar.
Feel free to put fire damage in any squares that are reasonable.

2012-10-02, 02:04 AM
Just in case it came up. I figure that they provoked an AoO, and if so, I'd like to roll it and my Rapid Counter

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Rapid Counter
Attack [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Even with the offsetting blast of heat from behind, Belcor was able to dodge both attacks rather successfully. Using his own sword to steady himself and prepare a counter attack, he see that now Abd now flanked his opponent, and to take advantage of such an opportunity, Belcor attacked with one of the most powerful strikes he knew. A strike that could with precision alone, pierce through a man.

Greater Insightful Strike

Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5] x2

2012-10-02, 02:05 AM
Critical Threat, now for a confirm roll.

Attack [roll0]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-07, 01:35 AM
The Dervishes suffer their first casualty as Four's ghostly blade slips effortlessly through his target's defenses and opens massive gashes in his chest. The Ring's magic closes the wounds, but not before darker red blotches stain his robes in two places, and he crumples to the ground, scythe clattering to the ground. No sooner does he touch the ground than his form and his weapon are surrounded by a yellowish glow and disappear in a flash of white light. He reappears near his stone chair, robes clean and looking furious at his failure, and he levers himself up into it to watch the rest of the battle.

His allies have no time to mourn as the Master of Summer turns up the heat. The Dervishes are used to the desert sun and their training, like his, allows them to resist the heat, but they sport burns nonetheless after his passage. Abd's strike just barely connects and sears his foe's chest, sending him stumbling back a few steps and setting him up perfectly for the Master of Winter to skewer him. One of the Masters that Abd scorched calls out involuntarily, sounding offended that Abd used the same maneuver he did. Not to be outdone, he vaults over the snaking walls of fire in the arena and begins to race towards Abd, fire trailing behind him. The flames trace a slightly different pattern on the ground, as (you all realize from the pattern) this maneuver--the Ring of Fire, inspired by the Ring in which you now stand--is meant to encircle its targets and burn everything within it.

The Master stays out of Abd's reach as he dances along the edge of the northeastern plateau and swigs around, but even as fast as he moves Abd and Belcor can see the strain on his face. The ring must be closed to have any effect, and he can't accomplish that without coming dangerously close to Belcor. He takes the chance and swings behind Belcor...and the Master of Winter's immaculately-executed blow pierces the very center of the enemy Master's heart and sinks into his back up to the hilt. The flames created by the Master's maneuver flicker and die as two more yellow/white flashes removes the second and third Dervish casualties from the Ring.

The Master below Torog looks up at the massive Goliath after a swing of his massive sword leaves her with a wide gash on her shoulders, fury in her eyes. The Master of Spring is too far up for the fire swirling around her to strike back at him, but with a scream of anger she then brings her scimitars around in a wide swirling circle and thrusts upwards with both blades as she unfolds from her crouch to an incredible height. Flame blasts out of the tips of both blades to form a scimitar-shaped tongue of flame between them, and the fiery apparition stabbing at the Master of Spring seems to possess all the force behind it of a physical blow. Torog reacts to her attack with his customary quickness, but she merely redoubles her assault, glaring angrily all the while. A furious storm of blows erupts, both combatants trading blows as fast as possible, and when the dust and flames clear, both are still alive but wounded and breathing heavily.

The blue-glowing Master cries out as her allies fall to the Temple Masters' onslaught. She cracks her whip threateningly once, twice, and charges through the air at Abd. As she does so, the khopesh in her hands shimmers briefly and lengthens into some sort of long, bladed chain, which she twirls menacingly in rhythm with her strides. Her whip lashes out as she reaches the Master of Summer, aiming for his legs, but he leaps over it gracefully and the whip of fire wraps around nothing but air.

The two remaining Dervish Masters glance at each other across the arena, nod, and set to work. The whirling dervish sets himself a-whirling again as he rushes down towards Four. He circles around the Master of Autumn in his flurry of slashes as he did for Abd, but this time he is more cautious after Abd's counterattacks: flame licks along his scimitars and jump out to strike Four, keeping the Master out of the warforged's reach. As with the Dervish Master's first assault, his target manages to defend himself well, but he does get two good hits between Four's adamantine plates.

Meanwhile, the green-flaming Master stalks towards Abd and Belcor in the blue-glowing Master's wake, ending atop the northeastern plateau. He hisses a few short syllables and makes a slashing motion with his sword. Green flame bursts into being around Abd and shoots over to envelop Belcor, then it intensifies around both in attempt to roast them alive.

The attack that kills Master 1 is Belcor's Rapid Counter Master 1 initiates Zephyr Dance in response to Abd's charge. Because of that, I had Belcor ready his GIS for later and initiate it when Master 5 comes near him.


Master 6 uses Fire Riposte in response to Torog's attack and takes 2 AoOs
Touch Attack: [roll0] vs. touch AC; Damage: [roll1] fire damage.
Scimitar: [roll2]; Damage: [roll3]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll4]
Scimitar: [roll5]; Damage: [roll6]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll7]
(OOC, Master 6 gets 2 AoOs per instance thanks to Double Hit, and they resolve at the same time.)

Torog's counterattack against Fire Riposte
Unfettered: [roll8]; Damage: [roll9]

So, Torog just happened to choose the counterattack-spec Master with reach as his target. :smallsigh: I'm just going to have them trade blows until they run out of AoOs or drop. Basically, Master 6 gets to take 2 AoOs in response to Torog's counterattack, then he gets to counterattack one of those, then Master 6 gets to take 2 AoOs in response to that counterattack, and so forth. I'll just roll a bunch of attacks for each and step through them to resolve it.

Torog's counterattacks
Unfettered: [roll10]; Damage: [roll11]
Unfettered: [roll12]; Damage: [roll13]
Unfettered: [roll14]; Damage: [roll15]
Unfettered: [roll16]; Damage: [roll17]
Unfettered: [roll18]; Damage: [roll19]
Unfettered: [roll20]; Damage: [roll21]
Unfettered: [roll22]; Damage: [roll23]
Unfettered: [roll24]; Damage: [roll25]

Master 6's counterattacks
Scimitar: [roll26]; Damage: [roll27]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll28]
Scimitar: [roll29]; Damage: [roll30]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll31]
Scimitar: [roll32]; Damage: [roll33]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll34]
Scimitar: [roll35]; Damage: [roll36]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll37]
Scimitar: [roll38]; Damage: [roll39]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll40]
Scimitar: [roll41]; Damage: [roll42]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll43]
Scimitar: [roll44]; Damage: [roll45]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll46]
Scimitar: [roll47]; Damage: [roll48]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll49]

EDIT: Master hits with Fire Riposte and AoO 1
Torog hits with counterattack 1 against Fire Riposte

Master misses with AoO 2 against counterattack 1, crits with AoO 3 against counterattack 1
Torog hits with counterattack 2 against AoO 3
Master misses with AoOs 4 and 5 against counterattack 2; Master is now out of AoOs
Torog hits with counterattack 3 against AoO 1

Torog is now at 31 HP


Master 4 attempts to trip Abd
Touch attack: [roll50] vs. touch AC
Trip attempt: Master 4's [roll51] vs. Abd's [roll52]

If the trip is successful, Master 4 tries to disarm him with her followup attack from Improved Trip
Master 4: [roll53]
Abd: [roll54]
EDIT: Touch attack fails; no trip, no disarm

Master 2's attacks against Four, again auto-avoiding AoOs
His first attack is countered by Four's Wall of Blades
Scimitar: [roll55]; Damage: [roll56]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll57]
Scimitar: [roll58]; Damage: [roll59]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll60]
Scimitar: [roll61]; Damage: [roll62]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll63]
Scimitar: [roll64]; Damage: [roll65]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll66]
Scimitar: [roll67]; Damage: [roll68]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll69]
Scimitar: [roll70]; Damage: [roll71]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll72]
Scimitar: [roll73]; Damage: [roll74]; Crit Confirm, if necessary: [roll75]
EDIT: Four takes a total of 90 damage.

Master 3 casts a spell on Abd and Belcor
Abd takes [roll76] fire damage, Ref save [roll77] vs. DC 21 for half
Belcor takes [roll78] fire damage, Ref save [roll79] vs. DC 21 for half

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-07, 01:59 AM
Map--Round 3

2012-10-07, 06:02 AM
The hulking black conctruct looks at the scratch leaking strange alchemical fluds even as the crystal on his chest playe glows azure as its power absobs some of the force and a deep red spark glows deep within the eye holes of his face plate. "You shall pay for your temeterity fleshling" before he springs forward rolling forward into a spinning hurricane of adamantine death...

Tumble 10ft (auto pass) and assign him as dodge target (AC37 against him)
Then walk 5ft stop tumbling and walk past him activating Robilars Gambit
- AC still AC 37 as Robilar's and mobility cancel out
- If his AoO hits then counter [roll0] damage [roll1]
- If enemy AoO misses then trip attempt - Touch [roll2] Trip [roll3] (then power attack for 4 more on the adamantine hurricane)

Unleash the admatine hurricane power attacking for 4
Attack [roll4] damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6] damage [roll7]

If he was tripped then damage is +26

2012-10-08, 12:29 PM
Abd smiles as Belcor finishes the adept before him, ignoring the please of using the same maneuver as him, he watches as the adept moves to engulf him in flame with the Ring of fire, but fails and falls upon Belcors blade.

His thoughts of each discipline working together in union was starting to ferment in his mind and especially his heart, as he saw his companions swiftly deal with these Desert Wind Masters.

Not wanting to squander the time he was given, he deftly somersaults around the blast sent his way from the adepts flying above the arena, turning in midair his attention was gained and he landed on his hands cartwheeling towards them, moving below the northernmost adept and stopping at the corner of the raised area he coiled his leg muscles like a cat sailing up and turning in mid air to greet the two adepts with the most powerful maneuver he knew: Wyrm’s Flame.

Move 1 square right of raised platform.
Jump up, Swift action with Belt of ultimate athleticism to take 20 on the jump check. 10+20 = 30 Jump (7ft vertical jump with 8ft vertical reach for 15ft)

Standard Action: Wyrms Flame covering both 4 & 3
[roll0] DC 26 for half

Dodge vs 4, AC: 40
AC vs everyone else: 39

2012-10-12, 01:46 AM
Torog, tough as a nail and hardened to pain, scarcely showed how grievously wounded he was. Instead, he spat blood upon the arena floor, intent upon goading the enemy master into a misstep. No matter...he needed to end this now, or fall.

Torog unleashed his next most powerful strike, driving the dervish into the stone pillar upon which she stood, but not only that...Torog went for her weapons themselves!

Displacement Active!

Full Power Attack/Shocktroopering/Improved Sundering/Combat Bruting Elder Mountain Hammer.

Attack ignores DR and Hardness of Enemy's weapon and if he successfully sunders it he gets a free attack...which he will use to attack the Dervish's other weapon!

Up to you if going for the weapon triggers those AoOs...but unless she has unarmed reach she won't be able to double hit me if this works.

AC this round drops to 18.

Elder Mountain Hammer: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] +[roll2]

if that sunders the weapon, he goes to sunder the second one (up to you if Mountain Hammer applies, though the feat does say at the same attack as the first hit):

Damage: [roll4]. If Mountain Hammer Applies: [roll5]

ALSO! If either one hits they both trigger knockback (which since the master is standing on the pillar, doesn't knock her out of reach).

Bullrush 1 (which activates after first Sunder): Strength Check: [roll6]
Dungeoncrash Damage if successful: [roll7]

Bullrush 2 (activates after second Sunder): [roll8]
Dungeoncrash Damage if successful: [roll9]

Note that even if the first Dungeoncrash drops her, Torog does not hold back, goes for the second weapon, and the second dungeon crash...Abd said not to hold back and Stone Dragon is brutal that way...

2012-10-12, 02:58 PM
On many occasions Belcor had sparred with Abd, and he had felt that the flames that Master of Summer could utilize, but the green flames that encircled him burned with more intensity then he had ever felt from Abd. The damage they did was severe, but Belcor could still stand and fight.

As he moved towards the one who had burned him so terribly. Attempting to close the melee, Belcor's own blade became engulfed in flames, a brief moment of concentration as he attempted to see through his enemies defenses.

Over half my HP gone from a single spell... That's gnarly.
I think I have just enough move speed to to get where 3 is, and I'm assuming I can stand up there with him, since big T and 6 appear to be doing the same.

Swift for Inferno
Standard for Ruby
Concentration [roll0]
Attack [roll1]
Confirm roll if needed. Attack over 41 is a threat. [roll2]
Inferno [roll3]
Damage [roll4]

Also master three suffers a -1 to attack and damage rolls against me still.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-14, 03:05 AM
The Master of Autumn sees the whirling dervish's eyes narrow in the small opening in the cloths covering his face. He merely swivels to keep facing Four, scimitars at the ready, assuming that no one would deliberately expose himself like that without a reason. The enemy Master is right, of course, but it doesn't save him: the dervish is sliced neatly into three pieces by Four's whirling blows--ironic, that--and reappears in a flash of yellow light outside the Ring, rubbing his neck gingerly where the warforged's blade struck him and glaring daggers at his killer. The odds are now in the Temple Masters' favor, and the Dervish Masters look like they might be regretting the idea of wagering their tribes' involvement in your inter-Temple conflict on this battle.

Abd's blast of flame interrupts their ruminations and sends them diving for cover with his maneuver, the blue-flaming Master running up the air to escape most of the flames and the green-flaming Master curling his wings around him in an attempt to deflect the worst of the blast. The blue Master pivots on one floating foot after her dodge and snarls at Abd. Her eyes flash orange as she locks eyes with the Master of Summer, and suddenly he feels warmer...warmer...warmer.... His very blood begins to boil, and it's all he can do to try to throw off the hostile power in his veins. Just as he thinks he can't bear the pain any more, it recedes as quickly as it came. As Abd fails to die screaming in a pyre of magical flame, the blue Master curses under her breath and cracks her whip impotently.

The green Master, not wanting to be outflanked, turns towards Belcor hoping to finish him off, only to find the Master of Winter already charging at him. Belcor's attack is narrowly parried and the green Master counters with a wide overhand blow. He makes a fearsome sight with his blade held over his head and the light from his wings giving his face an eerie cast, and his blade crackles with fire and arcane power as he brings it slashing down at the Master of Winter. His blow is particularly telling, striking Belcor across the chest and leaving a deep gash from shoulder to waist.

Towards the south end of the ring, the remaining Master is not having a fun time. She gets in two quick swings before the massive goliath is upon her but they aren't nearly enough to stop his assault. One scimitar goes flying, blade and hilt separated as it leaves her hand. The other scimitar goes flying, shattering into several uneven shards. The Master herself goes flying--well, more like falling, as the momentum of Torog's diving charge sends her crashing down to the plateau, and the others in the Ring can clearly hear the sickening crunch as most of her bones break under the Master of Spring's weight. When she reforms, whole and undamaged, in her chair outside the ring, she looks quite upset; the Ring doesn't restore broken equipment, and from the inscriptions on the blade (which Torog saw up close as they were whizzing past his face in three or four pieces) her scimitars likely had great sentimental value if not monetary value.

Saves vs. Wyrm's Flame
Master 3: [roll0] vs. DC 26
Master 4: [roll1] vs. DC 26

Abd's save vs. Master 4
Fortitude [roll2] vs. DC 21 or die
On a success, take [roll3] fire damage instead

Attack vs. Belcor; Master 3 initiates Lingering Inferno
Great Falchion: [roll4]; Damage: [roll]1d12+1[roll] plus [roll5] plus [roll6] plus [roll7] fire damage; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll8]
EDIT: Rerolled the bad roll in the OOC; Belcor takes 48 damage plus 5 fire damage in total

AoOs resolve before the triggering action, so Master 6 gets her AoOs in before her weapons are sundered:
Scimitar: [roll9]; Damage: [roll10]; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll11]
Scimitar: [roll12]; Damage: [roll13]; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll14]
At this point, her weapons are sundered and Torog would be allowed to take Robilar's counterattacks, but the Dungeoncrashes drop her so we don't need to worry about those.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-14, 03:24 AM
Map--Round 4

2012-10-14, 04:30 AM
The enemy's blades snapped into Torog...only to cut right through as the displacement images flickered their falseness. The goliath bellowed his triumph, pausing just long enough to lock eyes once more with the dervish who had deigned to challenge him in the duel of wills. His glare now added punctuation, as if to say he had finished that which she had started.

The Master of Spring glanced about the arena, searching for his target, and it did not take him long. He smiled, then pressed a stud on his belt. In a flash of swift movement, the goliath was perched, mighty legs coiled upon the beveled edge of the center stone tower.

Master of Spring took on a new meaning as Torog uncoiled himself, leaping high into the air of the arena, Unfettered held aloft, face contorted into an angry grimace as he yelled out with battle fury, like a deadly avalanche come crashing down, the Green Master's doom. As Torog tiwsted in midair as he sailed past the Green Master's flank, Unfettered came crashing down, cleaving through the dervish and into the stone pillar upon which he stands...

Swift action activate belt of battle (one charge), takes Torog to the beveled north eastern square of the center tower (40')

Once there Torog move action leaps 20 feet (auto success on long jump), activating leap attack, and standard action strike Adamantine Vice (Stack accidentally mistyped one of his level 6 maneuvers so I picked a new one for him, details spoilered below).

So that's full power-attacking-shock-troopering-leap-attacking Strike:

AC 18 once more this round because of Shock Trooper (though he leaps such that when he lands he is still 10 feet away from 3). Position is off the southeast corner of the stone pillar is standing on, 3 feet away (having landed on the ground). This puts him into flanking position with Belcor.

Unfettered: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+ [roll2] and DC 28 save or be hosed as per Adamantine Vice:

Adamantine Vise
Stone Dragon (Strike)
Level: Crusader6, Swordsage6, Warblade6
Prerequisite: Two Stone Dragon maneuvers
Initiation Action: 1 standard action
Range: Melee attack
Target: 1 creature or object
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial

As part of this maneuver, you make a single melee attack. This attack deals an extra 6d6 points of damage. For 1 round, your attack also drops the target’s speed to 0 feet (for all movement capabilities) and prevents the target from taking any move actions, standard actions, or full-round actions. The target can't use a Belt of Battle, hustle, or other means of gaining actions to use move actions, standard actions, or full-round actions . Additionally, the target is prevented from using interplanar travel abilities, such as teleport, dimension door, plane shift, maze, and gate. Your target can otherwise act normally.

A successful Fortitude save (DC 16 + your STR modifier) by the target struck negates all effects of this maneuver except the extra damage. A target in midair that fails its save immediately falls, but a creature affected by levitate still hovers and can still levitate as normal.

Basically, if he manages to live, he won't be able to do anything.

EDIT: Oops...the 56 is only from the quadrupled power attack damage...add another 19 from his base damage. So, in total Torog just inflicted 104 87 damage on the sod, unless he has a get-out-of-pwned escape clause of some kind.

Edited to remove standard action maneuver from full round charge.

2012-10-14, 10:15 AM
Lacking any form of subtlety and far away from the targets 4 races forward. Pistons pounding heavily before with a massive surge of the armoured steel egs he leaps up into the air bringing the sword down in a brutal carving arc throughthe air on top of the master that his stony friend had also just pounded!

As he charges his stance slips and slides into that of the war leader and a an air of glowing red energy builds around him before exploding onto the hapless victim!

Swift: enter leading the charge stance
Charge Master 3-
(I'm not sure if the bevel edgeds are difficult terrain if so the vanguard treads ignore them. Otherwsie the jump is trivial [roll0])

Attack with Power attack for 6
Attack [roll1]
Damage [roll2]
- Assign 3 as dodge target
- Activate Robilar's gambit

2012-10-15, 12:32 PM
What in the.., he thinks to himself, his skin had started to burn and then his insides, sweat beaded down his neck and he started to wander if they had learned a secret Maneuver and was only just unleashing it upon him, shaming him in his moment of victory.

But then he looked up and saw the cocky blue flaming master concentrating on him, and he realized it must have been some form of sorcery, not matter, he shall force it out with his will.

Concentrating on the desert flame, and conjuring up images of his Master, the only father he had known, he pushed the burning from him. As he cooled he sighed with relief and watched as his fellow masters came into the other Adept with the ferocity of a colliding Meteor. Shifting his gaze slightly back to the blue fire Adept he grinned, moving his feat to align his inner flame.

And then he was off, flying through the air at his target, Desert Wind following him, he bought up the blade a moment before and bought it down with all his might.

Searing Charge 4
[roll1] + [roll2]
Swift action to change stance to Rising Phoenix, staying in place next to the adept.

2012-10-15, 06:23 PM
Belcor could barely stand from that last attack, his body could still fight though. And so with a last surge of adrenaline, Belcor attempted to lash out at his enemy as many times as he possibly could. His blade moving to fast for true accuracy, instead he relied on faith that he would hit the enemy master.

Contrary to flavor text, I'm using Avalanche of Blades.

I'll roll three attacks, because past -8, I highly doubt I'll hit anything.

Attack [roll0] Damage [roll1]
Critical at 36, Confirm roll if needed [roll2]

Attack [roll3] Damage [roll4]
Critical at 32, Confirm roll if needed [roll5]

Attack [roll6] Damage [roll7]
Critical at 28, Confirm roll if needed [roll8]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-16, 12:11 AM
The sight of three Temple Master flying through the air at them visibly unnerves the Dervish Masters for a fleeting moment, but they merely set their feet more firmly in their chosen stances and brace for impact. Torog lands first, his blow aimed to bisect his target, but the winged Master barks a single arcane syllable and folds his wings to cover himself and the blow bounces off them as if they'd been made of adamantine instead of flame. A circular area around the Master is saved, but around that is rubble.

Belcor takes advantage of the Master's blocked sight to slip Supernal Clarity just past the Master's defenses as the wings unfurl, scoring two hits, but his sword skitters off some invisible barrier before it can sink too deeply. Four's attack is similarly blunted, but a charging adamantine warforged is still a charging adamantine warforged and the Master looks like he's hurting badly after that. The other Master isn't faring any better, as Desert Wind impacts solidly with the air-walking Dervish, causing her to cry out in pain and anger.

The Dervish Masters trade a quick glance, then shrug minutely, as if to say In any other battle we would be insane not to surrender now, but with what's at stake we have nothing to lose by continuing. The green Master spins in place, slicing up and across Torog with a powerful underhand slash. The slice doesn't quite connect as Torog leans just far enough back to escape the blow, which nevertheless leaves a glowing line of embers across his midsection which slowly begin to intensify; recognizing the danger of this particular maneuver after long training with Abd, he quickly brushes them all away and they fade into uselessness. The Master continues his spin and with a seemingly-negligent twitch of his falchion's tip and a muttered word or two, he sends another jet of fire at the Master of Spring. Looks like he didn't appreciate needing to use whatever that wing-folding defense was against the massive goliath's charge.

The other Master gives Abd a sour look, but what she's attempting next can't strike a fellow air-walker, so she ignores him for a moment. Instead, she cracks her whip of flame once, twice, thrice, and on the third crack it seems to lengthen to three or four times its normal length before the extra length snaps off with a loud crackle. The now-free flames fall to the ground and grow rapidly, writhing around the plateau holding three of the Temple Masters. The front of the flaming tendril bifurcates to reveal fangs, and orange lights create eyes...now a snake of pure fire, the creation shoots over and around the three, snapping at them as it goes and scorching them as best it can. That done, the blue Master dances out of Abd's reach.

Yes, Tek, Master 3 does in fact have a get-out-of-pwned-free card, and it's a good thing he does or he'd have gone splat.

Master 3 initiates Death Mark against Torog
Great Falchion: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2]; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll3]
Torog's displacement: [roll4], 50 or below misses

If the attack hits, Torog, Belcor, and Four take [roll5] fire damage, Reflex 16 half
Torog's save: [roll6]
Four's save: [roll7]
Belcor's save: [roll8]
EDIT: Aww. :smallfrown: The one time Death Mark might actually have been useful....

Master 3's spell against Torog
Torog takes [roll9]*1.5 fire damage, Reflex half
Torog's save: [roll10] vs. DC 21

Master 4 gets an AoO against Abd's Searing Charge
Glaive: [roll11]; Damage: [roll12]; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll13]
EDIT: Successful crit. Abd takes 34 damage.
EDIT EDIT: Just kidding, missed Abd's dodge bonus. The attack misses.

Master 4 initiates Firesnake, which goes through the squares indicated. Torog, Belcor, and Four take [roll14] fire damage, Reflex 19 half
Torog's save: [roll15]
Four's save: [roll16]
Belcor's save: [roll17]

Master 4 auto-makes the no-AoO Tumble check to get away from Abd

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-16, 12:17 AM
Map--Round 5

2012-10-16, 02:58 AM
As Torog slips to the ground the hulking adamantine machine of death stiffens in annoyance. "You shall pay master of sparks" the guttural and mettallic insult hurled at the human. A second later his sword shimmers assuming a ghostlike appearance.

Spinning low 4of9 tumbles badly around the base of the plinth finishing on the fallen goliath's form - even as it possibly wavers and fades away.

Swift:- Activate wand of wraithstrike [roll0] VS 20
- If this fails then all of the Power attack for 8 becomes power attack for 4 so add 4 to hit and subtract 8 from the damage

Choose to fail my tumble as I go 10ft around the base of the pyramid to stand on Torogs body drawin an AoO
- 3 is my dodge
- Robilar's is on
- If he doesn't take the AoO then move on
- If he Does AC is 35 (+1 dodge; mobility and Robilar's cancel each other out)
- Counterattack power attack for 8 [roll1] Damage [roll]1d10+41[roll]
- If he attacks and misses then also a trip after the counter attack
touch [roll2] And opposed roll [roll3]

Once I'm flanking with Belacor standard action Finishing move Power attack for 8
Attack [roll4] Damage [roll5]
Finishing move damage -
if he's at full health +[roll6] damage
if he's at 50%-99% health + [roll7] damage
ifs he's at <50% + [roll8]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-16, 03:29 AM
Torog's form disappears in a flash of yellow light, and the green Master takes Four's stumble over it to be a genuine mistake and not a false opening. He takes the opening with a self-satisfied smirk on his face...blocks Four's counterattack with another solid-wing shield, no longer smiling...and goes flying off the plateau with a spectral-sword-shaped hole in his midsection. The body flashes yellow and vanishes before it even hits the ground.

The other Master looks upset but not surprised, and seems to steel herself for a three-on-one onslaught.

Master 3 takes the AoO
Great Falchion: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1] plus [roll2]; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll3]

He negates Four's counter and then takes roughly nine times his remaining HP in damage from Finishing Blow. Ouch.

2012-10-16, 03:51 AM
When the Master-Dervish blocked his attack, visible surprise registered on the Goliath's face. Although he narrowly missed being blown to pieces by the Death Mark, the enemy was swift with further retribution and Torog was badly seared. As he watched the Fires Snake come to engulf him, he knew his time had come.

He glowered at the Green Master who materialized moment later, fallen to Four's flawlessly executed finishing move. The Iron Heart was truly a sight to behold.

"Do you see?" he spoke to his fellow vanquished opponents now comfortable in their chairs. "When the schools work together, they become greater than the sum of their parts."

2012-10-16, 11:16 AM
Abd narrowly avoids being skewered by the blue fire adept, as he moves into to slice him with Desert Wind, he grinned, but only for a moment, as the flames crackled the mans skin, searing pain into him.

The Desert Wind will cleanse them of their doubts.

He watched as two of his fellow masters fell, but only one opponent remained, and Four was still standing.

The Desert Wind will scorch their minds clean and replace faith in its stead.

moving down adjacent to the still burning wall of fire from his previous move, on his column of super heated air, Abd called upon one of Desert Winds most powerful abilities, he swung the sword in a conical motion pointed towards the remaining adept, bought the blade up high and back down again releasing a ball of fire that veered towards his target.

Move action: Moving 15ft to be adjacent to the wall of fire.
Free action: Activating Boots of Haste. [2/10]
Swift action: Change stance to Flame’s Blessing

Standard action: Initiating Fan the Flames with Desert Wind.
Ranged Touch Attack [roll0]

+1 dodge bonus from moving +10 ft
+1 dodge bonus from haste
Total: 40

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-16, 05:35 PM
The Master of Spring is joined by the Master of Winter as the Dervish Masters consider his comment. It is apparent that they're having difficulty accepting that the Temple ways might actually work, but your performance in the duel speaks for itself. None of them respond to Torog directly, avoiding looking in his or Belcor's direction. "We should have focused all of our efforts on the false Master first. This is his duel to lose," grumbles the dual-wielding Master that Torog crushed to death. The green Master gives her a look of such disdain that she reluctantly corrects herself, "All right, the Master of the Winds. But we should have focused on him first."

"Whose fault is it for not attacking him immediately, hmm?" counters the whirling dervish Master. "Such reluctance does not become a Master of the Sands. Perhaps you were not as ready for the red robes as we believed." Before the dual-wielder can respond, the green Master comments mildly, "Perhaps she merely believed that odds nearing two-to-one in our favor were more than sufficient and that you could handle yourself in the fray." The dervish's cheeks redden and he does not respond. "Or perhaps she realized," he continues, this aimed at the dual-wielder, "that sending all seven against Abd would change the parameters of the duel--dishonorably, I might add." The dual-wielder similarly blushes at the rebuke and falls silent. "Now, let us stop arguing in front of outsiders and see if the last of us makes a good accounting of herself."

Back in the Ring, the remaining Dervish Master is holding her ground (holding her air?) but has been forced on the defensive. The Master of Summer approaches too fast for her to strike, so she continues retreating. She motions with her glaive and the snake of fire continues circling the plateau, snapping and coiling around Four. As she retreats, the flames supporting her feet begin to flicker and gutter out. Looking supremely annoyed to be losing the high ground, the Master steps down as well as back until she finally comes to a stop on top of the northwestern plateau.

The Master attempts to grab Abd with her whip as she did before, and this time manages to catch an ankle and send him toppling to the ground. A quick twitch of her wrist wraps her whip around Desert Wind as Abd falls, and another quick twitch yanks the weapon out of his grasp and brings it to her. She flings her glaive aside, which dematerializes as it leaves her hand, and grabs the scimitar instead. She glances down at the weapon she took from Abd to judge its quality...and just stands there slack-jawed for a moment, staring at the legendary sword, not quite believing what she holds in her hand.

Master 4 attempts to trip Abd
Touch attack: [roll0] vs. touch AC 31
Trip attempt: Master 4's [roll1] vs. Abd's [roll2]

If the trip is successful, she tries to disarm him with her followup attack from Improved Trip
Master 4: [roll3]
Abd: [roll4]
EDIT: Abd is prone and disarmed.

Four takes [roll5] fire damage from the Firesnake, Reflex 19 half
Four's save: [roll6]

Master 4 is flat-footed for the next round as she's focused on Desert Wind right now.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-16, 05:51 PM
Map--Round 6

2012-10-16, 06:17 PM
Abd watches his ball of flame slam into the adept and fails to see the whip coming wide towards his feet until the last moment.

To late, his face was coming down to the dirt, this was going to hurt.

Slamming into the stone floor his grip on Desert Wind weakened, he saw stars from the fall and failed to see the whip entangle around the haft of the weapon, something pulled, he pulled back but wasn't strong enough, finally clearing his head and regaining his senses he watched in slow horror as the weapon ripped from his hands towards the opposing adept.

WHAT! How...th...that...damnit!

Wildly thinking of what to do he instantly jumped up, he had no other weapons, Desert Wind was all he needed, it had become his most treasured weapon, and now the adept had it in her hands.

Oh she will pay!

He looks at his hands and saw his bracers.

Yes she will.

Summoning the magical javelins he sighs with relief as his hands have the weight of a weapon upon them. Whirling like a desert dervish he unleashes a torrent of missiles at the adept.

He instantly stands from prone with Medal of steadfast honor. (immediate action)
Using his Endless Gauntlets of Javelins he full attacks with haste [3/10]

AC: 37

This is with the -4 dex from the lack of Desert Wind

2012-10-17, 09:33 AM
Still standing in the 1st form of the White Raven 4 held up sword spinning the blade around to dispel the wall of flames as he neatly sidesteps the fire snaking around his feet.

A gutteral roar echoing in his chest the vanguard treads dig into the ground slowly gathering momentumn as he hurled himself forward at great speed, the massive treads digging in as he powered up and down the bevelled pyramids before launching a hige cartwheeling spinning attack on the hapless whip wielding master...

Swidr action activate Wand of Wraith strike [roll0] Vs 20

Charge the master (vanguard treads ignore the difficult terrain. Tumble the last if necessary but shouldn't be if he's flat footed.)

Power attack for 12! - (if wraith strike not active then PA for 4 - hit roll 8 higher and damage 16 less)

Attack - [roll1] touch (hopefull)
Damage - [roll2]

- He's dodge target
- Activate Robilar's gambit

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-18, 05:24 PM
The Dervish Master never knew what hit her. One moment, she was staring at the intricate filigree on the legendary blade in her hand and testing the heft and balance; the next, she blinks in startlement as she finds herself sitting her stone chair, hand empty and sides aching.

Desert Wind falls softly to the ground and there is a tense silence for a few seconds as the watching warriors try to decide what sort of reaction is expected of them. Their decision is postponed as a quick series of yellow flashes return all of the combatants to their original positions seated in the chairs or standing before them (as well as returning Desert Wind to Abd's sash, where it gives off a warm pulse of emotion as if to say it missed him), at which point two trails of orange bursts of flame resembling fireworks travel around the Ring from the Temple side to the Dervish side and then all of the magical fire fades away.

The unofficial spokesman of the Dervish Masters, as one of the first to fall, looked upset and disgusted throughout the rest of the battle as he watched everyone's performance, but now the expression on his face is one of reluctant acceptance. "Foreign Masters," he calls out in a thundering voice, voice echoing through the chamber, "we of the Wind Dervishes have learned a valuable lesson today. Before today, we have bested all challengers, in duels and in battle, in this chamber and above the sands. Always our mastery of the wind, the flame, and the sands has triumphed over the un-unified ways of our enemies, which may have led to our...unwise and premature dismissal of your claims." This is likely the closest you will ever get to an apology from the Dervish Masters, and everyone present knows it, but he continues, "However, as Abd, true Master of the Winds--" He can get no further before the chamber erupts in cheers, the warriors celebrating the fact that they once again have a Master of the highest rank among them.

"Silence!" the speaker calls, and the cacophony dies down. "However, as Master Abd showed his mastery of the Desert Wind, we recognize him as the Master of the Winds he claimed to be, and acknowledge our debt to him to repay our slight to his honor. Furthermore, having seen the way that Master Abd and his similarly-skilled companions fought together as one, and having witnessed that those Masters with the purest devotion to the Desert Wind fell first while those who combined their martial training with other arts survived the longest--" he looks like he has a bad taste in his mouth as he says this, while the green Master suppresses a smirk; the blue Master is still distracted "--we admit that, perhaps, a sharing of knowledge would be called for, and even if we remain devoted to the Desert Wind, training alongside those who do not would broaden our tactics and enlighten us."

The speaker motions forward the dual-wielding master and the scythe-wielding master. "Therefore, to discharge our debt, we will send one-ninth of our warriors to train at your Temple, some from among our most experienced warriors and some from among our most recently-initiated, to determine who would benefit best from the training. Two Masters will accompany them, similarly split in age and experience. We cannot spare more now, as we must protect our people and the oasis; if the Temple is willing to send adepts to train with us, and if our warriors come do back the stronger as promised, we will send more as we can."

The green Master steps forward. "I will accompany the students as well. If this Temple is truly a successor of the Temple of Nine Swords, I will likely find some old friends among their Masters." The speaker is nonplussed at this interruption to his speech, and he comments at a normal volume, "Old friends? But Master Fiyaat, you've never left the Golden Desert in your life!" "Not in this one, no," the green Master responds cryptically, eyes glowing momentarily green. "I see," the speaker says, eyes widening, and once again using his announcer voice he quickly concludes, "What say you, Master Abd of the Desert Wind? Are these terms satisfactory?"

2012-10-18, 09:18 PM
Abd Watched as Four came crashing down upon the hapless Adept carrying Desert Wind, and winced at the force of the blow. He had never liked sparring with the warforged, he was always able to avoid the worst of his attacks somehow and endlessly came at him with the most powerful strokes he had seen.

He was glad he was a friend, for more than just his friendship.

The ring of flames puffed out and Desert Wind was suddenly in its sheathe by his side, he sighed a sigh of relief, letting out a big breath of air. He hadn't realized that he was holding it, his fists clenched at his side, and he was still standing on the column of super heated air.

Releasing his control he lowered to the ground, flexing his hands and breathing deeply, patting Desert Wind he turned to regard the speaker who, apparently was beginning a diatribe.

He walked up to his brothers, Torog and Belcor and listened to the master. When the cheer went up he looked around, almost in awe and somewhat surprised by the reaction. There receiving had been somewhat....negative.

He looks to the Masters who step forward and smiles. Turning back to the speaker he bows deeply and answers him in kind.

"You are most wise, the duel was...a test of our skills, and you are most generous to offer such an amount of adepts to bring to the temple, it shall make us all grow. I accept your terms, but ask only one thing." He looks to the Master who disarmed him, "I would ask that the only combatant to best me in a duel would travel with me, my honor demands that I study the martial technique that bested me, and what better way than to travel with a Master of that style?" he eyes her with a strange mixture of admiration and intrigue, he was still angry about being disarmed, but something else was acting here.

2012-10-18, 09:35 PM
As the last blow fell 4 felt the room shift and then he was back where he started, but a satisfied sense of purpose having won. Looking at the circle he couldn't help think what am excellent training device it would have been. A pang of sadness as well that his comrade 1 of 9 would never see this.

A fine test of our skills. Your offer sounds fair. You will gain much.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-20, 05:25 PM
The slightest hint of jealousy appears on the speaker's face upon hearing Abd's request, but he quickly schools his features to bland acknowledgment. He looks over at the blue Master and says, "If that is acceptable to you, I believe we can survive with one fewer Master." The blue Master smiles broadly. "I would gladly join Master Abd.", she replies The speaker claps his hands loudly above his head and calls "It is agreed, then! Warriors, the change of shifts approaches; return to your duties, and when you relieve your brothers and sisters inform them of what has transpired. We shall select the warriors to be sent to their Temple after the evening meal." With that, the surrounding warriors quickly and quietly file out of the chamber, using the four eastern tunnels rather than the ceremonial entrance, and soon you (and a very congratulatory Dorvyn) are alone with the seven Dervish Masters.

They escort you to the moving platform that brought you down here, and while they are no mere adepts to exclaim over all of the amazing tactics used in their battle, they do discuss certain strategies and trade pointers with you all. When you reach the platform, the atmosphere is significantly friendlier. Introductions are made, and the Dervish Masters begin discussing the logistics of the trade. The speaker, Master Galabi, turns to the blue Master, Master Jasim, as the platform begins to rise and says, "I hope you did not feel pressured to accept Master Abd's offer; I envy you, but I do not know if I could stand to leave the Golden Desert." With another broad smile, Jasim replies, "Not at all. To train with the wielder of Desert Wind is an unparalleled opportunity." "You mean the Master of the Desert Wind," the speaker corrects her. "No, Master Galabi, I mean the wielder of Desert Wind. Look closer at his weapon."

Desert Wind is in its sheath now, of course, but Master Galabi and the other Masters look at its elaborately decorated hilt, glance around at the other weapons they can see now, think back on what they saw during the duel, and begin to put it all together. The green Master, Fiyaat, figures it out first. "By Star and Sand, you wield four of the Nine Swords! I thought that Masters Abd and Four-of-Nine were merely being poetic when they spoke before the duel; I never dreamed that the holy blade would have been found...and I suppose I assumed that a 'pretender' would never be able to wield it in any case. No wonder we were defeated despite the odds!" They all cluster around to get a good look at the Swords, all decorum set aside for now. "It seems the adepts who came here seeking Desert Wind finally succeeded in their quest despite our dismissal of their efforts. Congratulations. Perhaps the title of Unconquered Sun is deserved after all," says the dual-wielding Master.

"No, I don't think so," corrects Fiyaat, brow furrowed. "Master Abd claimed to be the Master of Summer, while the Unconquered Sun Master had a title matching his Temple." He glances around at you, studying Dorvyn's uniform and your various Temple insignia. "And that is not Unconquered Sun garb." "Which is not a bad thing," interjects the dual-wielding Master. "I did not get a good feeling about the Unconquered Sun adepts. After today I assumed that we had just met a bad batch before." "As had I," Fiyaat agrees. "So then, if there are multiple successor Temples out there, what Temple do you represent?"

2012-10-21, 02:46 PM
The black adamantine head rotates slowly. "We serve the true Temple. As my colleague 1 of 9 would have been able to demonstrate had it not been destroyed." The red eyes dimming slightly as he remembered the death of the training dummy of Desert Wind.

We would wish to move on "somewhere" in the morning. Where is the nearest Temple of any kind. We must continue to spread our word and the knowledge that the true Temple still lives. And I will not rest until I have wrought my revenge on 7 and 8 of 9."

2012-10-22, 08:07 PM
Abd follows them to the transporter and almost smirks, almost, when Master Jasim mentions that she was was happy to train with the wielder of Desert Wind.

Upon the other masters hearing, he gently slides the weapon out for them to inspect, not showing off but out of respect for their interest and obvious reverie for the weapon.

After they had looked enough he slid the weapon back in its sheathe.

"The unconquered sun have come here?" he looks to the other Masters, "We had hoped to arrive before they did, but it seems it doesn't matter. They are a splinter Temple, those who hold dear to the turncoat disciplines. They hold deceit and treacherousness above honor and martial discipline. We are on a mission to bring the fractured ways together, as Rheshar had once done, a noble and impressively hard task, but not impossible. And your acceptance to join us, brings us closer to this goal. Put your warriors on guard against these adepts, for they are dangerous."

2012-10-23, 12:12 AM
4 of 9 stands carefully watching the little desert masters scurrying around them. "The unconquered sun were here? Was one like me here? I would give uch to meet 7 or 8."

As they breach the surface of the desert back into the blinding sunlight he looks at the Masters of Wind. "Where did the Unconquered Sun adepts go? We should pursue and crush then"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-10-24, 02:30 AM
"Turncoat disciplines?" Fiyaat frowns. "None of the adepts we met were of the Shadow Tiger Horde." He glances over the four of you. "Though they did mention that there were other disciplines than theirs at their Temple, so if both of your Temples study four disciplines that would make the numbers come out right."

The platform reaches the surface and the Masters move to escort you back to the oasis. "Oh, they were not here today," Jasim answers Four, "this was almost a fortnight ago. They have visited our oasis several times--not the same adepts, but warriors wearing their garb--but this was the first time they introduced themselves and explained their mission to us. Do not worry, we will warn our warriors to take them into custody if they appear here again." Fiyaat shakes his head. "Always impulsive. To take them into custody without cause would not be honorable," he rebukes Jasim, "but to challenge them to a duel to prove their skill, with a wager attached...." The Masters around you all smile in a way that promises a painful experience for the next Unconquered Sun adepts to pay them a visit.

"One of their Masters was indeed of your race, Master Four-Of-Nine," Jasim continues, "but I am sorry, I cannot tell you apart and do not remember his or her name. You are the only two of your race we have seen here." At this point she is interrupted by a throng of warriors arriving and barraging you and their own Masters with questions. "All will be explained this evening," Fiyaat says calmly, which stops most but not all of the questions, and soon you arrive at the oasis proper. The caravan you traveled with has moved from the watering area to the market, so the Masters offer you their guest tents to shelter from the heat until the evening meal when you will join them in a feast of celebration.

2012-10-24, 03:58 AM
Fiyaat shakes his head. "Always impulsive. To take them into custody without cause would not be honorable," he rebukes Jasim, "but to challenge them to a duel to prove their skill, with a wager attached...." The Masters around you all smile in a way that promises a painful experience for the next Unconquered Sun adepts to pay them a visit.

Torog snorted. "Yeah...because that strategy really worked out for you last time." the goliath said sarcastically. "Perhaps you ought learn an ancient adage from my people, who live in the steepest of crags and must sometimes leap long distances with unerring accuracy...to our brash youth we teach: 'Pride goeth before a fall."

Ok, couldn't resist chiming in. :smallsmile:

2012-10-24, 10:19 AM
Abd listens to everything happy to be among his people once more, listening to Torog he places a hand on the giants elbow, "Come now friend, they have learned their lesson, bringing it up in such a fashion only rubs sand in the wound. Let us enjoy their hospitality!"

2012-10-24, 12:39 PM
4 of 9 slowly clanks and rattles as he rotates to see his collegues. "We must seek to destroy these Unconquered Sun false masters. I will avenge my fallen brethern."

Where are we going next? Can we go straight onto a another minor temple?

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-11-19, 02:40 PM
The preparations for the evening feast go on for several hours, but you are provided intricately-woven canopies of silk to shade you from the heat and crystal-clear water from the oasis along with several native fruits to quench your thirst. Several of the caravan travelers, including the annoying shade merchant you traveled with, stop by to see what all the fuss is about but are quickly and politely turned away by Masters Fiyaat and Jasim, who are keeping you company while you wait. It turns out that Master Fiyaat is the Dervish Master who has held his title the longest, which means both that he has unofficial seniority in the Masters' hierarchy (hence why the others seem to defer to him) and that he has trained the most novices of any Master in the camp. He spends some time asking about the various training methods used by the Temple and offers a few suggestions of his own, and he certainly seems dedicated to the idea of exchanging students even if some of the other Masters are reluctant.

As one of the Jade Phoenix Magi--he explains their ancient...society? Band? Order? for anyone unfamiliar with them, mostly Dorvyn--he has also seen many Masters come and go from the original Temple. Overtly, he is looking forward to helping your Grandmaster of Lore fill out the biographical archives on the ancient Masters...but he confides in you that he also is looking forward to seeing her again for more mundane reasons. It seems that the asherati Grandmaster trained under Fiyaat two lifetimes ago (she isn't that long-lived, but his last life was cut drastically short by assassination) and he wanted to catch up with her about old times. He tells you a few stories about the wise, serious Grandmaster as a young girl in the Dervishes, making mischief and breaking other novices' hearts.

Master Jasim is there to listen in on the conversation and to learn more about the Temple in general and you four personally. As one of the other Masters mentioned, she is the newest Master among the Dervishes, though among the most skilled--there's a reason that the Dervishes boast twenty-three Masters at the moment and their youngest was in the group of seven you faced--and that combination of youth and being cloistered in the training tents means she isn't very familiar with other cultures' martial traditions. She found Abd's request for her to join them very flattering and she looks up to Abd as a sort of living legend, as she makes clear during a break in Fiyaat's storytelling; she is very much looking forward to training with a real live Master of the Winds, and that he would ask her for some training is almost too much for her to bear!

The hours pass by quickly with the interesting conversations, and as the sun sinks below the dunes you are escorted to a large collection of tents on the other side of the oasis where visitors are not normally allowed. The tents are all connected into one large, if haphazard and eclectic, whole and there must be at least a hundred Dervishes seated there, all wearing decorated red garments of various ranks between third-rank adepts (the Dervish rank right before Master) and second-rank novices. It would seem that your presence and identities have been explained already, as they all rise and bow respectfully as you enter, but their sideways glances and murmurings indicate that they aren't quite sure of your purpose here. Their curiosity is satisfied by the Masters' explanation of the exchange of students, and Master Galabi explains that all those warriors gathered here are those who have been selected to travel to the Temple to train, and the excitement and appreciation in the room are palpable as Galabi has to wait for the cheering to subside.

The feast is as lavish as one could desire. Abd finally gets to taste the dishes of his youth once again after many years without them--the Temple cooks are skilled at providing cuisine from all of the cultures from which their adepts hail, but they are no Wind Dervishes--and the rest of you are able to sample real Golden Desert cuisine for the first time. Dorvyn looks like he has heard of the various dishes' names, though he is reluctant to discuss where he might have encountered them before for obvious reasons, but he isn't familiar with the taste or the heat. One of the adepts has to run and fetch a healer after Dorvyn sprinkles an already-spicy dish of matbucha with several pinches of ghost chili and takes a huge bite, almost burning his tongue right out of his mouth, and the adepts around him give him grief for that for the rest of the evening.

The moon has risen by the time the feast winds down. The Dervishes go off to get a good night's sleep; the plan is for everyone to awaken around noon tomorrow, gather what few sentimental possessions they want to take with them, serve one last shift of guard duty and caravan escort while the Masters finish working out the new rotation with fewer warriors, and leave on their journey tomorrow evening. Traveling with such a large group is much easier at night, and there's no pressure to leave at first light.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-11-19, 04:15 PM
At dusk the next day, the four of you, your adept, four Dervish Masters, and one hundred and six Dervish adepts set out on a journey to the Temple of the Four Seasons. The Wind Dervishes are excited, but relaxed; they move at a traveling pace, not a war-march pace, but even then you manage to get back to the Temple in only a week instead of ten days: the Dervishes know the Golden Desert and desert travel techniques well enough to get to you the cavern complex in just half a day, and when they do they take you to a different opening in the caves much closer to the Temple that the Unconquered Sun adepts (fortunately) don't know about. "See?" quips Master Fiyaat, "this exchange of knowledge is bearing fruit already!"

You emerge from the caves much better refreshed than your last time through, as having many new people to talk to passes the time much faster. You cross paths with a Four Seasons adept partway back to the Temple, who explains that the Grandmasters' wards were tripped by such a large group of people, they sent her out to investigate, and she came down to talk once she recognized the four of you among the supposed invading army. Once you've explained the situation she runs back to the Temple to fill them in, and when your group reaches the Temple you are greeted by the familiar sight of the whole Temple turned out to greet you. The youngest novices are right in front--they're anxious for you to get back so the long-delayed celebratory feast can start--and they look happy to see new people come to the Temple. The adepts look more or less happy to see the many new students, proportional to how much they favor training with Desert Wind, but their welcome is still warm and inviting.

The Grandmasters stand at the end of the courtyard waiting to greet you, but their serene expressions seem more troubled than the situation warrants. The speech Grandmaster Sapier gives is more terse than usual (though only those who know him well would realize this) and he soon leaves the adepts to mingle and get to know each other while you four and the four Dervish Masters are escorted inside. Everyone takes turns introducing themselves, and the new arrangements are quickly hashed out to everyone's satisfaction. Well, almost everyone's: Master Jasim and the other two Dervish Masters are somewhat upset that they will provisionally be referred to as adepts by the Temple Masters and Grandmasters, because the standards of the Dervish tests for rank are unknown and it would be unfair to expect the Temple adepts to defer to the outsiders until relative skill levels can be established.

Those three Dervish Masters, now Temple adepts, are asked to return to the courtyard for now to keep an eye on the other Dervishes. Master Fiyaat comes with you as you eight walk through the Temple. He gets on famously with the Grandmasters, as Tsikul is glad to see him again, Docen is glad to see another Jade Phoenix Mage in the flesh after so many years, and Joseph is impressed by his charisma and apparent skill. The somber mood that has been hanging over everyone is lifted for a bit as Tsikul and Fiyaat briefly banter on their way through the halls ("It is so good to see you again, Master! It has been so long, I can barely remember--" "--the incident with the monstrous scorpions and the caramel?" "...have you been telling my Masters stories about me, Fiyaat?" "Mmm." "Perhaps this reunion was not for the best after all...I will never live this down, will I?" "I seem to recall warning you about the stories I would tell several times, young lady. Don't say I did not warn you." "So, about these scorpions...?" "Do not even think about it, Joseph.") but the aura of sadness quickly returns as they lead you four to an inner room.

In the room sit three goliaths, all looking spell-shocked and not talking. They look up with hope in their eyes when Torog enters the room, and they come over to embrace him, not letting him go for several minutes; the Grandmasters allow this to proceed in silence. When Torog asks why three old friends of his are here and looking so glum, none of them can bear to speak, so the Grandmaster of Unity explains: "Master of Spring...Torog...I bear terrible news. These, and you, are...are the last of the Three-Mountains clan. While you were away we sent out search parties, scried for survivors, and cast divinations, but...I am sorry, but the four of you are now the last goliaths left in the Sunspire Mountains." He explains in morose tones that an unknown force has massacred the goliath people and destroyed their settlements for reasons unknown, and only these three stragglers managed to make it to the Temple, the nearest source of assistance they knew of.

The Grandmaster of Unity murmurs words of sympathy and lays a hand on Torog's shoulder as the Master of Spring falls to his knees and weeps, but he asks to be left alone. You leave him and his friends to their mourning, and endless minutes later he emerges from the room, a look of deadly calm on his face. He informs everyone in short, clipped sentences that his friends have told him all they know of the massacre--not much, as the only reason they survived was that they were all away from their respective settlements at the time and rushed to the Temple as soon as they discovered what happened--and it is his duty as a goliath and as a warrior to find out what befell his people and avenge their deaths. He plans to escort these three survivors to the nearest other goliath settlement he knows, a month-long journey at least, then buy or borrow the most potent weapons, armor, and other equipment he can from his friends among the nearby dwarven kingdom and set out to avenge his people one blow at a time even if--especially if--it costs him his life. He absolutely forbids anyone else to accompany him, for avenging his people is his mission and his mission alone.

He slowly unsheathes Unfettered and explains that he realizes this is a suicide mission, and it is possible that whoever slew his people was looking for the legendary sword among his people's wealth, so he will renounce his title of Master of Spring and once again give Unfettered into the Temple's care where it will do the most good. Grandmaster Sovornost accepts it solemnly. "This sword will be in good hands while you are away, Torog. Your apprentice Koan tested for, and received, his Mastery during your mission to the Golden Desert, though he trained with us only a short time; you should be proud of his accomplishment and of your skill as a tutor. As another Master focusing almost exclusively on Stone Dragon, he is an excellent choice to bear the honor and duty of the Master of Spring. It is a shame that such a skilled Master leaves our ranks in sorrow just as so many other warriors join our ranks in joy, but we who also fought in the Fall of the Temple understand the pain and burden of losing almost everyone you once knew; to suffer such a loss again is unthinkable, and our thoughts and prayers go with you."

A murmured spell by Grandmaster Sapier cast when Torog first announced his intentions sends a message to Master Koan, who joins you just as Docen completes his speech. The Grandmasters explain what has transpired to him, and you all look on as Torog performs the ceremony to hand over Unfettered to its new wielder, echoing the words of Grandmaster Tsikul when the sword was returned to him: "Master Koan, old friend, you are no more merely a Master of this Temple. Henceforth, you are Master of Spring. I relinquish Unfettered to its new and rightful owner. Let its power flow into you as life from the new earth; strike with the crushing force of an unstoppable avalanche. Wield it well."

With that, unable to find words to express his thanks, his friendship, and the other emotions in the roiling storm that is his heart, he simply marches out of the Temple proper, through the courtyard, and out the gates, the other goliath mutely following him. The novices and adepts in the courtyard notice this, but do not ascribe any significance to it. The explanation and the mourning will come later, but for now it is time for the reconstituted quartet of Seasonal Masters to plan their next move in their campaign against the Unconquered Sun.

2012-11-19, 05:29 PM
For 4 of 9 it had been a quiet week. THe feast had left him unmoved, his lack of presence and social norms leaving him an outcast at the feast as he watches the festivities quietly, moving as one with kamate as he danced the forms in the darkness of the desert. To know that one of his kind had passed through the area.

The walk back he kept himself to himself, taking the long night watches by himself and looking over the sleeping forms of his humanoid allies. Though he was surprised by the sudden appearance of their appearance by the mountains of the Temple. A weakness that would have to be corrected.

The meeting with the Goliaths was a shock. A wave of sadness as he embraced Torog - the stone faced Goliath the most like him of all the Masters. "You need not travel alone Master of Stone. If you have need of a blade I can fight by your side. I know what it is to want to avenge a people." The quiet refusal of the Goliath though had saddened the warforged and he was quiet as the Goliath left. "Farewell Master of Spring" the low gravelly comment.

As the Grand Masters look to the 4 seasons 4 of 9 asks the others. "Shall we not investigate the slaughter of the Mountain Clans? A strike against a Master is a strike against all Masters. Are there any training schools of the Stone Dragon in the high mountains?

2012-11-19, 10:39 PM
Abd enjoys the feast immensely, reliving his childhood memories and dreams of going back to his homeland. The heat apparently had no affect on him, as he ate the spiciest and more intense dishes present. His memories were only faint and vague, but he was definitely in his element as he went through the feast, wallowing in the aroma and scene of everything.

It was one of the most powerfully happy days of his life. But he knew it wouldn't last, and as stoic as ever he, calmed his soaring spirit and attempted to maintain his rigid discipline.

Through out the travel and myriad of meals, he accepted all the admiration from the younger adepts with the pace of a saint, knowing that he was just a man, and these men and some women were only living out child hood fantasies.

He was glad to see the temple again and a smile creased across his face. It was his home, second to the desert, but more apparent and home to many of his memories.

He merely watched as Torog embraced his fellow Goliaths, he felt a pang of despair for them and the well of hatred started to grow for those who had done such a thing.

"My brother, if I could go with you, I would set them ablaze as you smashed into them as the avalanche does. I bid you farewell and hope to see your kin avenged." He nods and salutes as he goes, flourishing Desert wind in the air and then holding her out as the mighty ex master of spring leaves the temple.

Releasing his salute, he slides Desert wind into her scabbard and turns to regard Koan, "Welcome, I have heard of your skill, Master Torog was proud of you, and considered you a friend. I honor him and count you among my own."

Turning to 4 of 9, "Agreed, I am worried that such a force may be a hidden enemy of ours and a possible ally of the Unconquered sun. But I feel that Torog is capable of terrorizing any army, especially in the mountains. We should leave him and continue on our mission, where are the other temples located?"

2012-11-20, 08:46 PM
Following what could only truly be described as a truly terrifying challenge, the four Masters of the Seasons had won not only their lives but also the respect and good will of an entire temple.

The celebratory feast was quite the event, with the food and entertainment. Never before had Belcor tasted such foods, and while he wasn't quite sure he wanted to taste some of the hotter dishes again, he could still appreciate the feast for what it was. A way to bridge the two groups of masters.

The next few days pass in a continued blur, as they leave the desert and begin the journey home. Time passes quicker for most, as the new adepts look forwards to what the future has in store for them at a new temple, and the Abd seems lost in the conversations of all those who wish to talk to him, as he is a legend to them. For Belcor, it does indeed pass faster, but only just. His mind weighed upon by what the future would bring. Would the continue to garner adepts or would they now strike. Or instead would the search out for help that was unknown to those of the Sublime Path. So many possibilities weigh heavily on one's mind.

When met at the gates, the uneasy tension in the air from the Grandmasters was noticed by not only him, but each of his fellow masters. The reasoning was to remain unseen until they were lead to the goliaths. Torog was needed elsewhere, which meant that he was to no longer be the Master of Spring.

Belcor watched on somberly as the legendary sword changed hands. He had fought beside Torog for ages, he knew the man and trusted him with his life. And now he was to trust someone new. Koan would have to earn the trust to stand beside the Masters who had already fought against a Master of the Unconquered Sun and had fought the Desert Wind masters and won. Koan would earn a place among them with time, but for now, the loss of Torog was a heavy blow to Belcor and his fellow warriors.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-11-21, 02:14 PM
Grandmaster Tsikul takes a deep breath, pulls her gaze away from the gate through which Torog left, and answers Four: "No, there are no other schools or temples in the Sunspires aside from this Temple and our rivals. Records show that there were once five smaller temples here--one teaching Stone Dragon, one teaching Iron Heart and Devoted Spirit, and three teaching various lesser disciplines--but when the Temple of the Nine Swords was established those warriors either came to the Temple to learn its ways or left the Sunspires to keep to their own studies."

Turning to Abd, she continues, "The four next-largest lesser temples are the Talon Enclave, where the goblinoids of the southern Ironwood Forest study Iron Heart and Tiger Claw; the Mouth of the World, a hidden school somewhere to the west which teaches Shadow Hand, though we know little else about it; the Sanctum of the Opened Eye, on the Crystal Glacier to the southeast, where Diamond Mind is taught; and the School of the Four Winds, another little-known school for Setting Sun and Devoted Spirit."

2012-11-21, 05:07 PM
Turning to Abd, she continues, "The four next-largest lesser temples are the Talon Enclave, where the goblinoids of the southern Ironwood Forest study Iron Heart and Tiger Claw; the Mouth of the World, a hidden school somewhere to the west which teaches Shadow Hand, though we know little else about it; the Sanctum of the Opened Eye, on the Crystal Glacier to the southeast, where Diamond Mind is taught; and the School of the Four Winds, another little-known school for Setting Sun and Devoted Spirit."

4 of 9 nods creaking slightly as metallic joints protest. If we head into the Iron Woods we possess Kamate and the Tiger Fang. We should be able to convince the goblinoids to follow us. If not we can vanquish them so that they may not join our enemies. With their focus on Tiger Claw they may also have been treated with by our enemies?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-11-26, 05:25 PM
Grandmaster Sovornost's head feathers ruffle softly in reply to Four's question as he tilts his head in a raptoran gesture of equivocation. "Unknown. As of our last meeting with the Talon Enclave there had been no contact between them and the Unconquered Sun Temple, but we have not made contact with any of the lesser temples in nearly a year; if Unconquered Sun adepts visited the Wind Dervishes within the past fortnight, it is possible that they have done the same with the others."

Grandmaster Sapier taps his chin thoughtfully. "It seems our decision to begin making contact with the lesser temples now was a good one, for if we had waited even another month who knows what could have happened in the interim? Talon Enclave is the closest of the lesser temples, and you are right that possessing both of their disciplines' Swords will make the meeting with them easier than the others. Allying with the goblinoids quickly and seeing if the Unconquered Sun reached out to them is a good idea."

2012-11-26, 11:16 PM
Koan. Those old enough to remember the golden years of the Temple of Nine would remember him well, although as a man of a drastically different temperament.

A very promising student of the old temple, Koan had nonetheless been known for mischief, disobedience, and even the occasional brawl. A tragic tale of best friends turned rivals that ultimately had gotten ugly, and Koan had left the temple of his own accord.

That had been many years ago. When the Temple of Nine fell, it's embers still hot, Koan had returned, albeit too late to help. He had stayed on however, to rebuild the new Temple of the Seasons, a changed man. Gone was the fiery brash youth, volatile as an active volcano. The man who had returned was possessed of an icy calm, earning well the title "The Mountain Glacier."

Many rumors surrounded his absence. Some said he fought in the goblin wars. Others claimed he had lived as a hermit amongst giants and goliaths. The most outlandish rumors were that he had trained under the tutelage of an ancient silver dragon, a shock of silver hair supposedly the mark of this training. Whatever was the truth, Koan himself was mostly silent on the subject, always humble, quiet, allowing his actions to speak for him.

Even though only two years had passed since the founding of the new temple, Koan had surprised even the grandmasters with his deep insight into Stone Dragon. He had shown other talents as well, particularly in the arts of disguise and subterfuge, the elements of infiltration. The mystery of the man only deepened.

To the surprise of all gathered, though he stood nearly two feet shorter than the massive Torog, unfettered did not shrink in size when it was passed on to it's new wielder. It was a simple ceremony, as unfettered as the sword itself, and Koan silently accepted his new title and responsibilities with a nod, and a farewell hand on the shoulder of his massive mentor.

When the time came to plan the next move, Koan concurred.

"It is agreed then, that our errand is urgent. The nearest temple should be our next destination. I am prepared to leave this very night, unless the three of you wish to take rest after your trek into the Golden Desert."

2012-11-27, 12:17 PM
Abd nods at the apparent decision, "It sounds as though our next path has been chosen, as Master Koan here is ready, so to am I. Although I do have a questions" he turns to the grandmasters "Should we take Tiger claw with us? with no master to wield it, it seems to be a relic of power and no more, but this temple may refuse our legitimacy and claim of ownership. It would seem prudent to bring it to enforce our authority in such matters, plus we may encounter a similar process as with my desert kin" he smirks at the later, knowing they had performed excellently, but too many close calls would prove to be fatal to their cause.

2012-11-27, 02:59 PM
Koan nodded thoughtfully.

"Perhaps we will find a worthy successor there to wield it."

2012-11-27, 03:14 PM
The warforged nods at the suggestion to travel to the Forests. And agrees with the suggestion of the Tiger Claw. "The last wielder was found to be wanting. Let us hope a new successor would be better."

At the young Stone Dragon Master he nods his metallic form. "I need no eat or sleep. I stand ready. Always."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-06, 04:07 AM
Grandmaster Tsikul nods to Abd. "Taking Tiger Claw with you will likely make negotiations pass more smoothly. Speaking of which, I recommend that you follow the Gods' Tears to the Enclave. The Tears are a long and winding river broken up by many waterfalls; it is not the fastest route through the Ironwoods, but the numerous waterfalls ensure that few predators lurk in the river and that even the merchants who come through the mountains don't try to pass through that way. It should not take you more than ten days to reach the Enclave by that route, and you will likely arrive undetected by any hostile force."

This suggestion is agreed to and preparations are made for your next journey. Within the hour, your supplies are replenished and Adept Dorvyn--who it has been agreed will carry Tiger Fang due to his familiarity with the discipline and a desire to avoid appearing to favor one of you four over the others--even manages to squeeze in a short nap. The Masters and Grandmasters wish you well on your journey and look forward to good news upon your return. Following the directions given to you, you easily find the origin of the Gods' Tears and begin your trek out of the mountains.

The first week is uneventful, at least as far as running into other beings is concerned. The weather is terrible, with thunderstorms during the day and cold mists at night, and the mosquitoes and flies don't seem to want to leave you alone. Dorvyn complains, as usual, but as he's occupied with finding you some safe and easy paths next to the frequent waterfalls he doesn't rant for long. You are able to supplement your trail rations by fishing for the delicious native salmon, whether thanks to Four ducking underwater and grabbing some fish, Belcor skewering three or four at a time on his blade, Abd flash-roasting a gaggle of them, or Koan launching several out of the water at a time. Dorvyn settles for shadow-stepping into the river, blindly waving his hands, and hoping a salmon swims into them; he eventually gets his hands on some of the slower-moving fish and your journey continues apace.

Around midafternoon on the eighth day you all begin to get the feeling that you're being watched. You notice movement out of the corner of your eye, hear a bit of rustling in the undergrowth, and similar signs, and it finally comes to a head in the evening when a handful of savage humanoids walks purposefully out of the tree line to block your path. They wear large stylized masks, flowing cloaks, and loincloths, with chest wrappings for the females, and each carries a wooden weapon of some sort; the masks have large eyes and fangs and the cloaks and loincloths are decorated with blue, green, and black scales. Despite the fact that they're wearing practically nothing, it's difficult to make out their races thanks to the masks; there are definitely at least two races represented here, as there are both human-sized and half-sized barbarians in attendance, but beyond that it's hard to say.

More of the barbarians surround you, leaving you between a semicircle of barbarians and the river. One of them, visually indistinguishable from the others, steps forward and spreads his arms in a dramatic gesture. "Viar, salaelaisi! Saerajol ol jhal os pandriil. Shai oa eisi? Shar iir tari? Saer iyar byrn, os mysyrn...." he calls out in a guttural yet flowing language that none of you speak. Dorvyn looks blank as well, and under his breath he mutters, "That sounds kinda like Elven...but not exactly, and I don't speak more than a few words of that anyway. Any of you know what he's saying?"

2012-12-07, 04:47 PM
THe long walk in the woods and river had left the unbreathing, non-eating and non-drinking Warforged unmoved and unexcited. As the woods filled with the barbarians his red eyes slits pulsed back and forth. Hand resting on the hilt of Kamate he looks at them.

Replying in the common tongue. "What manner of creature of you. Speak now or suffer the consequences."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-07, 11:54 PM
The leader tilts his head and regards the strange metal man silently. The silence stretches until he looks off to the side and says "Eileili cestal sylia vaelyn droji?" There is much shaking of heads and rattling of weapons in the negative, but finally a short barbarian woman--not halfling-short, just short--steps out of the foliage and walks up to stand beside the leader.

"Speak I a small distance the tongue of the human. Are we the tribe of the Scaled Ones, of dragon-elves and of scale-arms and of...of ol-sai tyrdaer and of zhojasael," she says in a deeper voice than one would expect from someone of her size, struggling for Common words at the end. "For why do you to decide to enter the lands of the Scaled Ones? Too, for why do you to threaten us at first dawning?"

2012-12-09, 12:53 AM
Koan quickly stepped up between the construct and the exotic warband.

Gently moving 4 of 9's hands off the hilt of his weapon, he gave the Master of Autumn a candid look.

"Now, now...let's not be so quick to make threats. We are in their territory remember? They have a right to question trespassers in their demesnes."

The weathered and rugged human turned to face the masked retinue.

"We mean you no threat." he said, raising his hands up slowly into the air.

"It's okay." he reassured as he reached ever so slowly behind his shoulders and grabbed unfettered by the pommel. Bringing the unsheathed blade around, he stuck it into the ground at his side, at which time the sword promptly shrunk down into a still large but normally proportioned greatsword.

Taking a big step away from his own weapon, Koan held his hands out. With such an imposing weapon laid aside, it would hide the fact that he was nearly as deadly with his bare hands.

"We are masters of the Temple of the Four Seasons. We are on our way to another temple. We are only passing through your forest. May we pass?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-09, 02:24 AM
Diplomacy for Koan to see if he's sufficiently nonthreatening when removing Unfettered to avoid provoking them: [roll0] vs. DC 15
The savages twitch when the tall man goes for his weapon, but they are reassured when he merely sets it aside. The woman tilts her head and seems to taste some unfamiliar terms. "Master? Master...is chieftain? No, is maybe shasos. Warrior. Good. Temple? Temple is...mmm...ah! Temple, moli. Shrine." She nods decisively, glad to have figured Koan out, then narrows her eyes. "Shrine. Shrine of kyrdol. Mean you the 'En-cla-ve' of the kyrdol. The goblin." She gestures at you all and calls back over her shoulder, "Shal saeri vaedi si moli kyrdol!"

At what you assume is the mention of the Enclave, an angry murmur rises among the savages. Turning back to you, she continues in a lower voice, "Are you goblin-enemy...or goblin-friend?" From her tone of voice, she wouldn't particularly like it if you were a "goblin-friend."

2012-12-09, 02:33 AM
"That is yet to be determined." Koan replied. "You dislike the goblins? Has their temple...shrine...wronged the...Scaled Ones?"

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-09, 07:12 PM
The woman lets out a short, barking laugh. She reaches up and pulls her mask to the side enough to reveal a slightly-pointed ear that marks her as a half-elf, as well as a scar running from behind the ear down to her chin which gleams dully in the light of the setting sun. "Goblins," she spits. She calls out "O myrn kyrdol shyl" to the others, and they hold up hands and arms, lift up their cloaks, and otherwise reveal various wounds of theirs. "Goblins," the woman says, pointing to a man missing three fingers on one hand; "Goblins," referring to a nasty wound in another man's arm. "Goblins. Goblins. Goblins." With a playful tone in her voice, she points to one man with a nasty bruise on his side and says, "Not goblins. Just clumsy," and the rest of the barbarians laugh. Serious again, she concludes with a wave that encompasses the whole tribe. "All hurt from goblins."

Pausing a moment to collect her thoughts, the speaker continues: "Came goblins to the Scaled Ones' forest past many years...three hands of hands of years. Killed they the trees, the animals, the rivers. Today, send their shasos the...eadiir, the young-warriors, to fight Scaled Ones for to earn first blood. Not only Scaled Ones, also Red-Striped Sodraes, also Night Hawks, also Many-Eyes, also hands of others. Even also eirdlaendriil, the short ones with hair." She holds out her shoulders and strokes an imaginary beard; apparently there's even a community of dwarves in this unexpectedly-crowded forest. "Any goblin-friend here is not scaled-friend," she finishes decisively.

2012-12-09, 11:33 PM
Koan raised an eyebrow as the Speaker pointed out the various wounds received at the hands of the goblins. He thinks on what he has heard of this temple, to see if there might be a way to address the half-elf's concerns.

Taking 10 on Martial Lore, for a result of 34...what does Koan know about the Goblin's Temple?

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-10, 12:32 AM
Koan and anyone else who can make Martial Lore DC 34The Talon Enclave isn't entirely composed of goblinoids, but they are in the majority; hobgoblins were the inventors of Iron Heart, after all. Thus, while it isn't necessary (and is usually frowned upon in martial adept circles) for tests of rank to involve fighting non-adepts, given the unfortunate historical racial enmity between goblinoids and other humanoids it is entirely possible that the Enclave does indeed send its adepts out to test themselves against the native tribes.

This wasn't a common practice at the Talon Enclave historically, as far as you're aware...but then, the Enclave hasn't really kept in contact with more "mainstream" Temples since shortly before the construction of the Temple of the Nine Swords, so information on their practices is several decades out of date by this point.

2012-12-10, 11:24 PM
Koan frowned.

"We do not condone what was done to your people, or the others in the forest. However, we are outsiders and it is best we not get involved in your warfare."

Koan tried to gauge how well his words were being received, the language barrier making it difficult to convey the right concepts.

"We are not goblin friends. We are not goblin enemies. Our purpose is to unify. If we do not, our enemies may sway the goblins to their side, and we hope to prevent that. We are on a peace-mission. If our enemies are able to unify the goblins to their cause, they may do even further harm to the Scaled Ones."

2012-12-11, 01:12 AM
Shaking off the Master of Spring's hand the hulking warforged kept his grip on the hilt of the blade. Metallice face impassive and unmoving as the half elves showed the goblin wounds.

"If the Temple of the Talon has fallen into savagery it shall be corrected. Strongly" he adds in a voice harder than granite. And to the leader of the half elves "If you wish to fight, come to the Temple. Learn how to."

Looking at the river and forest briefly he then adds "Aid us in your journey. Things will go faster then".

2012-12-11, 01:23 AM
Upon seeing the barbarous creatures coming out of the fauna, his first reaction was akin to 4 of 9's, his hand instantly going to the hilt of Desert Wind, they seemed adequately spaced to be introduced to some of the more advanced Desert wind techniques.

He noticed Koan, the newest member of their brotherhood and group step forward motioning to 4 of 9 to stand down. He did likewise, but kept his hand close to the hilt, it comforted him, and he could swear he felt that the sword was comforted by the act also....

He was no diplomat, or silver tongued devil, not like Master Koan, so he readily accepted his new found friends abilities and current prominent stature in the situation, leaving the talking and negotiating to him.

He winced as he saw the many scars and wounds caused by the goblins, there was going to have to be more blood shed, and this time there would be no challenge circle...

"Can you show us to the temple? We may be able to alleviate this...issue you are having."

Sorry I have been absent, when I'm not working it's hard to sit down and do a solid post.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-11, 04:11 AM
The woman looks singularly unimpressed by Koan's talk of soft, civilized things like "peace" and "unification" and "not getting involved," and seems to appreciate Four's and Abd's interjections about dealing with the issue much more. When Koan mentions that things might get worse without their help, though, that seems to settle the issue. "Byr thol, byr aelisthol...aor. Tarli caer saes aelisthol si kyrdol, mai shi caer saes myr sor!" she says to the others, and then rattles off several more sentences too fast for you to even make out the sounds. A bit of a debate ensues between the woman and the first speaker, but it's over as quickly as it began and the others come forward, smiling now with weapons no longer at the ready.

"Will help we to find the temple. Am I Jhae Pai, Leaping Lizard," she introduces herself, and you can see Dorvyn suppress a snicker at her name, though fortunately Jhae either doesn't notice or doesn't understand what he's doing. Pointing to the first speaker she continues, "And is he Mar Sharolor, Slays Basilisks, a War-leader of the Scaled Ones. To follow us now." Mar takes the lead with a Scaled One to either side, three more Scaled Ones take up the rear, and Jhae walks in the middle with you; flashed hand signals send the rest of the savages melting away into the undergrowth to return to whatever it was they were doing before they encountered you.

The Scaled Ones are obviously very familiar with the territory; the trees and undergrowth seem to bend away from them, so fluidly do they move through the forest. Jhae makes some minor chitchat as you go, practicing her Common, so you learn the names of the other warriors with you, observe some of the flowers currently in season, get to see the ironwood trees that give the forest its name, and more over the next two hours or so. It is dark by the time Mar motions for a halt, though with the natives' help you've covered the distance in a quarter of the time it would otherwise have taken you, perhaps faster. Ahead of you looms a fortress built completely of steel-gray ironwood, with twelve-foot-tall spiked walls around it and battlements atop its towers. It isn't all that massive--it looks to be about a hundred eighty yards across by a hundred twenty yards wide, the size of a large outpost more than a garrison--but it is certainly defensible.

Though there are no guards visible, goblinoid or otherwise, there's no need to ask your guides if this is the place as the emblem of the Talon Enclave (a hawk's golden taloned foot grasping three silver crescent moons) is prominently displayed on the gates, the towers, and several other places. Firelight shines from behind the wall and shadows flicker in it. Rhythmic shouts rise from at least a dozen throats to punctuate the shadows' movements, implying that a training session is currently going on in the courtyard. Jhae turns to Four and gives him a predatory grin. "Now, go you into there and 'correct' you these kyrdol."

2012-12-11, 04:22 AM
Abd Follows and attempts to talk to Jhae as much as possible, in hopes of building up a good rapport with her.

He is surprised at the speed at which they reach there target, but then thinks back to how they managed to move through the forest, this was their home, it was to be expected.

Bowing to Jhae he smiled "Thank you for leading us here, we shall do what we can to solve your problem."

He turns to 4 of 9 "How do you want to handle this? Go up and introduce ourselves? I think we should at least attempt to parlay with them, even if we are going to end up beating them into submission..." he says, ending with a smile...

2012-12-14, 04:42 AM
Koan snorted. "Well we didn't trek all this way to sit here standing outside the walls!"

The Mountain Glacier marched forward towards the great gates and used his stone-hardered fists to beat a knock upon their door. Once. Twice. Thrice.

2012-12-14, 05:49 PM
4 looks at the fortress. Small yet foreboding he mutters to his fellow masters as he stands waiting the response to the Stone Dragon's heavy knocks.

His vanguard treads coated with mud and forest slime from the heavy tracks he had left as he stomped through the thick undergrowth. "They had best answer swiftly lest they lose the gate. I have little patience today."

2012-12-14, 06:55 PM
Koan gave the metal man a wry smile. "Today? And here I thought impatience was your default disposition. Come now Four. You may have been made for battle, but not every problem can be solved at sword-point. Believe me, I had to learn that the hard way."

2012-12-16, 02:38 AM
Abd smiles at Fours comment, he too was getting tired of all of this. But he knew this was only the beginning, he wished that somehow they had a master of the Tiger claw with them, so that like his own desert wind trial, things could go smoother.

But his patience was worn thin, who mans a bastion and does not act when foreigners show up at your door? The basics of battle stratagem consider a unobserved obstacle not an obstacle at all, but a mere impedance, obstacles are designed, and required, to be observed for full implementation.

He could almost hear Grandmaster Tsikul's voice in his head. Shaking it he looked to Koan...he was fitting in already, a bit pushy, but solid enough..."Well, what are we going to do? wait around all day? Shall I fly over these walls and see what they're waiting for?"

He looks to the walls and shrugs his shoulders, touching the walls "I think I could jump this thing."

If the walls are slanted at an angle Rising phoenix will allow him to glide up the side, but if it is not then he can use it to get to 10 and then jump the rest of the way.

2012-12-16, 11:15 AM
Belcor hadn't spoke much thus far. While he didn't lack all talent with words, it was far from an area he had great skill in. And so he had let the others do the talking. But now, they found themselves before this new temple and they had to decide how to go about gaining entry.

"As much as I'd like to agree with breaking down their barriers, that would do little to help our mission. We must come peacefully and then let our talent speak for itself. The practices of foreign temples may seem out of place to us, but we are the outsiders here. We need to tread carefully if we wish to find allies among these people. "

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-16, 04:35 PM
The sounds of training within the Enclave cease at Koan's knocking. The silence stretches a bit as you banter, but soon enough you can hear a clomping sound atop the wall, as of metal-covered boots striking stone. Three figures march out of one of the towers, two of them lightly-armored hobgoblins wielding tower shields and large axes, the third a tall bugbear with a flail hanging from each hip. The hobgoblins take up positions next to the bugbear as the group reaches the center of the wall, positioning their shields atop the spiked edge of the wall so that both are well-covered and they can move to shield the bugbear at the first sign of attack. "Hail, travelers," calls the bugbear in a deep growling rumble. "Identify yourselves and state your business with the Talon Enclave."

Jhae and the others melted back into the undergrowth as soon as Koan moved to the gates, and now are nowhere to be seen, but a few very quiet words in the natives' language reach your ear as the goblinoids appear on the ramparts, sounding very much like angry curses. "You in. We go. Return we when leave you," Jhae whispers, and with a slight rustling of leaves the Scaled Ones are gone.

2012-12-16, 04:59 PM
The warforged looks up disdainfully at the goblins. "We are the Masters of the Temple of the Nine Swords. We would speak with what passes for a master. We bring tiger claw as proof of our words and our skill."

Drawing the blade of the Iron Heart he gestures to the adept and the kukri hanging at his side that he hopes they will recognise. The Tiger is not his favoured disciipline - the betrayal of 8 of 9 and his slaying of 1 of 9 still a deep mark of rage within 4.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-16, 08:35 PM
The bugbear looks thoughtful at the claim that you are all Masters, but appears unmoved by the mention of the Temple of the Nine Swords. "Even remote as we are, the Talon Enclave knows of the fall of the Temple, and good riddance. To have been a Master there holds no weight with us, and bearing Tiger Fang is no proof of skill when for all we know you could have dug it out of the Temple wreckage. So tell us: if you are indeed Masters, what Temples do you serve now, and what business have you with the Talon Enclave?"

2012-12-16, 08:48 PM
"When the Temple fell, it's unity was sundered. We survived and have rebuilt a new Temple of the Four Seasons. I am Koan, the Mountain Glacier, Master of Spring. From the winter thaw does new life emerge. We would parlay with our brothers of the Talon, and reunite the Nine Swords once more."

Koan gestured at the kukri hanging from Four of Nine's belt.

"As for Tiger Fang...we did not find it. We took it, from the unworthy wielder of the usurper Temple. We have come in search of a worthy successor...if indeed one should be among you. That, however, remains to be seen."

2012-12-17, 02:26 AM
Abd looks to Koan, "we are not going to get anywhere with words, the tiger claw emphasizes ferocity and bloodshed, we all know this, we need to challenge them, then and only then will they respect us enough to listen."

He looks back at the other two masters "How other way do we prove we who we say we are? especially to these people? We could have just as easily stolen the weapons we wield, there is no other way."

He shifts his feet suddenly and floats off the ground on a column of super heated air, for some reason he always felt more comfortable while in the Rising Phoenix stance, and hopefully the barbarians inside the fortress would see it and realize what it meant.

2012-12-17, 03:23 AM
Four of Nine heeds Abds words and stares coldly up at the goblinouds. You are blessed that we would seek you out. The tiger is the lowest form. Fit only for children who jump and women who scratch.

He looks at his fellow masters. Come we should leave. There are no warriors worthy of our temple here. Let us leave them to rot and fester cowering in the trees.

well here is hope that a challenge will be forthcoming now...

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-17, 03:50 AM
"Empty words," the bugbear spits at Koan. "Sundered unity, brethren, fah! It is that union of disparate disciplines that caused the Temple's downfall; reliance on another's skill caused the weakness the Shadow Tiger horde exploited." Glancing at Abd, he sneers. "Desert Wind. Of course. Go back to your oasis, fire-walker, your style has no place in the jungle." The bugbear looks down at Dorvyn, who is currently fidgeting uncomfortably thanks to the bugbear's unexpected hostility, and doesn't even dignify him with an insult.

"The others, though..." the bugbear muses aloud. "You, at least, are not preaching or showing off, and have a focus about you that I can respect," he says to Belcor, then favors Four with a toothy grin, "and you, golem, have a spine! Deliberate emotion, coldness, economy of motion, much better than the silly spinning of Desert Wind or flowery metaphor of...Spring Glacier, or whatever your orator practices. What is your name, golem, and what discipline is yours?"

2012-12-17, 04:06 AM
Abd is surprised at the outburst, but not disappointed, this was movement, and in the right direction. But he could not let that slight go...

"This fire walker would burn your face off and piss on your remains to put it out, you speak mighty words behind large walls, anqu..." he speaks the last word with disgust.

Draconic (http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/) for goblin.

2012-12-17, 05:28 PM
The "golem" looks up at the hobgoblins and the bugbear. "I am what I appear to be green blood. Iron. We shall unite you with our own or we shall destroy you and grind your bodies into ash beneath our armoured tread."

Stepping away from the gateway he plants his sword tip first in the ground resting armoured hands atop the pommel. "1 hour or one year greenblood. I will remain here until you step out to face me."

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-19, 02:36 AM
"Ha! A spine on the sand-dancer and a challenge from the golem!" The bugbear grins wider, obviously enjoying the exchange. "We shall see who ends up ground into dust. Step in to face me, golem; less chance of interference from the wildlife then." Before anyone can respond, the bugbear crouches down and springs backwards, somersaulting once in the air before he sails out of view and falls the dozen feet from the walls to the ground, landing inside the walls with an audible thump. The hobgoblin shield-bearers take the more sedate route down, walking back to the towers on either side of the gate and walking down the stairs within.

The gate grinds open with the loud creaking of infrequently-used gears. The bugbear stands in the training area behind the gate as it opens, still grinning and with a hand on each flail. To his left stands a humorless-looking bugbear with a large axe slung across his back. Both bear the silver-and-gold Talon Enclave emblem on the left side of their breastplate and wear good-quality brown leathers beneath, but the grinning bugbear's armbands, collar, and belt are trimmed in gold while the same parts of the serious bugbear's outfit are trimmed in silver. Whatever adepts were training in this area before have cleared out, and the perimeter of the area is surrounded with almost fifty goblinoids of all sorts, arranged in two rings, the closer ring holding tower shields and one-handed weapons in a guard position, the farther ring holding heavy crossbows trained on the entranceway.

"Pardon my colleague's rudeness and over-enthusiasm," the serious bugbear says, "unless you are actually interested in a duel, then feel free to engage him. And pardon the cautious reception," he adds, gesturing to the ranks of goblinoids behind him, "but here in the forest we have few allies and many enemies, and which of the two you are remains to be seen. I am Dagor Thaan and this is Khach Tuugal, and we are two of the Masters of this place. Now that Khach has established that you are warriors deserving of respect and not merely spineless cowards lost in the forest, be welcome in the Talon Enclave."

Dagor barks an order in Goblin and the adepts in the outer ring lower their crossbows but do not relax their guard. Khach, meanwhile, takes up the thread of the conversation: "And aside from some prattling about unity and successors, you didn't explain anything more about Tiger Fang or what disciplines this Temple of the Four Seasons of yours teaches...or why we would want anything to do with your Temple at all."

2012-12-19, 05:29 AM
Koan too it in stride when his moderate words were disregarded. He too had once been so brash, and eager to fight. These days however he felt little need to prove himself. Better that he remain quiet, let them think him weak or empty. Such underestimation could only be to his advantage should they wish to break themselves upon the Stone Dragon.

Let Four of Nine expound upon the virtues of the Temple.

2012-12-19, 05:29 PM
Stretching slightly and sliding into the stance of absolute steel 4 of 9 advances slightly, Kamate held lightly in his hand he strides some 10ft forward drawing a light line in the dust in front of him

"I would spit upon your grave greenskin was I able. Begin."

Enter Robilar's absolute steel stance
Initiative if needed and he accepts [roll0]

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-19, 07:35 PM
Dagor steps out of the way as Four approaches, raising an eyebrow as he identifies the stance the warforged is in. "A fellow practitioner of the Iron Heart. You didn't mention that."
"He didn't say he was."
"Come now, after all the time spent sparring against my students, surely you could identify that."
"Then this duel of yours should follow Iron Heart rules."
"Of course not! A Tiger Claw adept--"
"--was not the one to initiate this duel."
"Still, the--"
"Our rules do not cease to apply--"
"Rules! Always with the rules!"
"--do not cease to apply simply because an outsider is involved."
"Fine. Fine! Iron Heart rules it is. But I reserve the right to--"
"Yes, yes, very well. Now, I suggest you prepare yourself. He looks serious about this."

From the Masters' bickering and Khach's earlier disdain for uniting the disciplines, it would seem that the Talon Enclave is more like a group of loosely-connected rival factions than one unified temple. Dagor withdraws to the line of encircling goblinoids, and as Khach draws both his flails and twirls them in expectation, the Iron Heart master explains "Iron Heart Rules": "Our Iron Heart dueling code is simple, outsider, and likely somewhat familiar if the Temple of the Nine Swords had a competent Iron Heart master. The two of you will start three paces apart; you must strike only to disable, not to kill; you lose if you are disarmed or knocked to the ground and remain that way for more than fifteen seconds; wrestling and other such uncivilized tactics" this said with a significant glance at Khach "are not allowed and will lose you the match. Understood?"

"Yes," Khach says, annoyed. "Good. The rest of you, form a line to close the ring around them. They don't have to stay in the ring, of course, but a good view helps with the judging. And why is the gate still open, exactly?" The Tiger Claw Master drops into the Leaping Dragon stance as several hogoblins rush to close the gate behind you all and the Iron Heart Master directs Four to stand in the appropriate place. "Ready? Good. Begin!"

Initiative for Khach: [roll0]

In case it wasn't clear, Four and Khach start 15 feet apart, nonlethal damage only (don't forget the -4 attack penalty for that), and you lose if you're disarmed or knocked prone for more than two consecutive rounds or if you use grappling, unarmed strikes, natural attacks, or bull rushes.

I'll have a map up in an hour or so when I get back to my own computer.

2012-12-20, 02:04 AM
The hulking warforged sneers slightly at the concept of "rules" but nods curtly. Eyes fixed his opponent and the twirling flails. Holding Kamate loosely in one hand he waited to begin...

In Robilar's Gambit + Absolute steel stance
With Dodge and Elusive target active
AC 37 against him (but he gets +4 to hit and damage me)

Sadly he won in the initiative. But Duel of Wills anyway
[roll0] whoever loses gets -1 on their attack roll for the first round. The change in initiative won't affect things.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-20, 05:24 AM
Khach returns Four's sneer, flails still whirling. As soon as Dagor finishes the last syllable of Begin the Tiger Claw master bounds forward into a lunge and whips both flails downward, aiming for Four's treads. His left flail almost connects, but Four manages to deflect it in time, fortunately. "Watch your aim! Nothing lethal, remember," Dagor calls at the narrow miss. "He'd have been fine," Khach growls.

His failed attack done, the bugbear doesn't merely straighten up from his lunge; he moves fluidly from his crouch into an incredible standing jump at least ten feet into the air, and Four's return strike scores a glancing hit on the Tiger Claw Master's leg as he leaps away. Two twirling backflips later, the bugbear lands fifteen feet away, standing right where he began. He winces upon landing at the pain in his leg, but quickly covers it with bravado. "Your move, golem!" he laughs, spreading his flails in invitation.

Duel of Wills for Khach: [roll0]; if it beats Four, add +1 attack and damage to the following rolls, else subtract -1 attack and damage.

Flail: [roll1]; Damage: [roll2] nonlethal and 1 Con damage; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll3]
If the attack hits, Four needs to roll two saves:
--Fort [roll4] vs. DC 21 or be stunned for 1 round (success negates)
--Fort [roll5] vs. DC 25 or take a -10 foot penalty to speed and [roll6] Dex damage (success halves the damage and penalty)

EDIT: Four takes 15 nonlethal, 1 Con, and 1 Dex, and suffers -10 speed for 1 minute.

EDIT AGAIN: Negated thanks to Scorpion Parry.

Thanks to the bugbear's very lucky success in the Duel of Wills, for the rest of the encounter Khach has +1 attack/damage vs. Four and Four has -1 attack/damage vs. Khach.

Khach initiated Hamstring Attack and Sudden Leap

Robilar's Gambit counterattack: [roll7]; Damage: [roll8] nonlethal

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-20, 05:35 AM
Map--Round 1

2012-12-20, 12:16 PM
Four throws up Kamate in a mighty block as the flail wraps around the balde almost yanking it of his grip but it enough to deflect the massive blow aimed at his legs. The return strike lashing out with lightning speed at the bugbear's legs as they flit away.

Scorpion parry for 40 Vs attack roll of 37
Counterattack with battle mastery becomes a roll of 38 to hit and one handed the sword does 2 more damage (total of 25 nonlethal)

Even as the smug greenskin lands Four glides forward like a striking cobra. His heavy tread churning up the courtyard as he leaps up spinning around in a viscious arc of destruction as he unleashed the hurricane of adamantine on the greenskin, landing perfectly poised, sword ready to deflect a counter attack...

Move most direct route and unleash adamantine hurricane.
Still in Robilars Steel Stance (AC39 Vs Bugbear)
Attack [roll0] damage [roll1] nonlethal
Attack [roll2] damage [roll3] nonlethal

(crit confirm if needed [roll4] damage add [roll5])

And any Robilar's counter attacks as necessary
[roll6] damage add [roll7] nonlethal
[roll8] damage add [roll9]) nonlethal
[roll10] damage add [roll11]) nonlethal
[roll12] damage add [roll13]) nonlethal

And Wall of Blades against the first hit he lands [roll14] on his turn as my immediate action

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-23, 01:32 AM
The bugbear does his best to dodge Four's dizzying series of blows, but several of them connect just the same. He dashes back out of reach with a growl and stands still for an instant, eyes darting around to judge openings and distances, then launches himself into another phenomenal leap. He jumps straight over Four's head, lashing his flails back and forth as he passes over the warforged, then lands in a somersault and spins back to face his opponent. The first hit is parried (and riposted) easily, but his last strikes Four in the chest and staggers him, causing Kamate to fall from his grasp to plant itself point-down and quivering in the well-manicured grass of the training area.

Khach didn't make it through that assault unscathed either, thanks to Four's quick reflexes; you all can see several bruises on his arms where the flat of Kamate's blade struck him, and he is breathing heavily after the exchange. "My, my. It looks like the score is Iron Heart two, Tiger--" Master Dagor taunts into the momentary break in the action, before Master Khach cuts him off: "Ha. Ha. Ha again. You're just upset that he stands a chance against me. Unlike a certain Iron Heart master I could name."

Flail: [roll0]; Damage: [roll1] nonlethal and 1 Con; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll2]
--If the attack hits, save to avoid being stunned for 1 round: Four's Fort [roll3] vs. DC 21
EDIT: Parried with Wall of Blades

Flail: [roll4]; Damage: [roll5] nonlethal and 1 Con; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll6]
--If the attack hits, save to avoid being stunned for 1 round: Four's Fort [roll7] vs. DC 21

Flail: [roll8]; Damage: [roll9] nonlethal plus [roll10] nonlethal and 1 Con; Crit Confirm if necessary: [roll11]
--If the attack hits, save to avoid being stunned for 1 round: Four's Fort [roll12] vs. Khach's Jump [roll13]

Khach initiated Dancing Mongoose and Swooping Dragon Strike.

EDIT: Since Four is stunned for a round, Khach is up next; his next actions will be up in a minute.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-23, 01:59 AM
Khach notices that Four isn't pressing the assault and smiles, partly in triumph and partly in relief. Ducking low, he runs at Four in a corkscrewing motion, approaching from the side and bringing both flails up to aim for the warforged's head. One flail smacks him in the neck while the other barely misses his face, a very close call. His attack done, the Tiger Claw Master continues his loping run and leaps over the line of goblinoids.

His denial comes before Master Dagor can even open his mouth: "You never defined 'uncivilized,' and that sure as the Hells wasn't anything like wrestling!" The bugbear Iron Heart Master looks like he just bit into a sour fruit, but he doesn't contradict his fellow Master. "Well then. I suppose you can't object to this, then. Jakkur, Palaan, you're his seconds! The rest of you, open ranks!" The goblinoids nearest Khach step out of their positions, leaving a hole in the line, and two others step forward to assume an offensive posture. "What--!?" cries Khach. "That isn't--!"

Dagor turns to the rest of you and continues, "Khach reserved the right to call for seconds to enter the duel. The first of you to step out of line may become your Master's second and join the duel."
"I didn't!"
"You did."
"I didn't get to finish my--!"
"You were going to ask for that."
"No I--!"
"Are you saying two of your students can't stand up to one of them?"

Khach looks between Four and the rest of you and shifts into a more defensive posture, looking peeved at the change in plans.

Flail: [roll0] vs. [flat-footed - 2]; Damage: [roll1] nonlethal
--If the attack hits, Fort save to avoid being blinded: [roll2] vs. DC 21

One of you (whoever posts first) is part of the duel now. This could get interesting. :smallcool:

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-23, 02:12 AM
Map--Round 2

2012-12-23, 02:20 AM
The impact of the massive swooping leap rocks 4 for a fraction of escond leaving a hole for a second in his defensive posture. The impact of a sedon flail, each punctated by a loss of vitailty shakes him loose. Red eyes glare at the vile goblin as he darts after him, covering at least 10ft in mere seconds before leaping up spinning up attempting to "finish him".

Ouch that swoppingd dragon strike hurt!
Move after him, activate the Wand of dimension strike [roll0]
- If it succeeds power for 4 initiating Finising move

Robilars stance of absolute steel

Attack roll [roll1] touch (or 27 if not power attacking)
Damage [roll2]
plus finishing move [roll3] extra if he's at >50% hp
plus finishing move [roll4] extra if he's at <50% hp
- After ~6hits I'm hoping he's at <50!

Robilars as needed for this round
(assuming these are touch attacks with PA for 4)
[roll5] Damage [roll6]
[roll7] Damage [roll8]
[roll9] Damage [roll10]
[roll11] Damage [roll12]

95 nonlethal, 2 Con taken so far

2012-12-23, 03:37 AM
Koan had his arms folded across his chest, smirking slightly at the chest-pounding and bravado and "my sword's bigger" one-upmanship that seemed so prevalent in these troubled times. Hard to imagine he had once been just like them.

"Let us know if you need a hand there buddy." the Master of Spring chided Four. "Looks like you got this though..."

2012-12-24, 09:17 AM
Belcor looks to Koan as he speaks, he had thought that the newest member of their group should fight, to earn his place among the four of them. However it seemed that Koan had other ideas, so Belcor stepped forward. His hand already in place on Clarity as he draws the blade. His thoughts centered on taking down the seconds quickly as to purge them from the battle with the opposing master, and seeing as how one of them was near him, Belcor readied himself to close the distance with the young adept.

Not sure if I should roll initiative or not for this. Assuming I should,

And as said, my intent is to move at the adept closet to Belcor already.

2012-12-28, 04:36 AM
Abd nearly stepped forward himself, but stopped himself, this was not his fight, and his style would not excel here, not nearly as much as the Mountain or the Diamond mind of Belcor. He would let either of them take the challenge.

Anxious to see the fight end, he waited to see what would happen and was relieved when Belcor took a step forward announcing his participation.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-28, 02:23 PM
The Tiger Claw Master's eyes widen as Four falls towards him and he barely gets his flails up in time to block Kamate, crossing them in front of his face to catch the blade a few inches from his nose. "Nice try," he grunts as he shoves the sword back and prepares to counterattack, "but I'm the only master of dealing death from above around here. Speaking of which...." Khach falls into a crouch, flails at the ready, and then leaps up into the air and over the Master of Autumn, once more swinging both weapons side to side as he passes overhead.

He once again recovers with a somersault roll, landing in the gap in the hobgoblin ranks; as before, Four's return strike catches the Tiger Claw Master just as he lands, this time in the side. The two hobgoblins that have become his seconds move towards him, but Belcor steps forward to interpose himself between the Master and the adepts. Khach looks up at Belcor, then back at Four, then pivots to his left; one step, two steps, and a leap, and suddenly he's standing on the wall, leering down at everyone.

"No boundaries!"
"You have to come down sometime."
"This is true."
"Any day now."
"Indeed...but it's currently nighttime."
"Damn you."
"You first."

Flail: [roll0] vs. flat-footed; Damage: [roll1] nonlethal plus [roll2] nonlethal; Crit Confirm: [roll3] vs. flat-footed

EDIT: The threat is a confirmed crit, so Four takes 54 nonlethal

Khach used Death From Above.

Belcor and Four, post away. Order of resolution is now Belcor -> Hobgoblins -> Four -> Khach, since Belcor came in at the bottom of this round.

PairO'Dice Lost
2012-12-28, 02:32 PM
Map--Round 3

2012-12-28, 10:08 PM
Belcor while not a fan of the positioning thus far, decides that he should be able to quickly take down the man adept directly before him as long as he lands a solid hit. A single step forward puts him close enough, and with a quick and poised strike, Clarity surges forward at it's target.

Alright let's see what the dice have in store for me.
Greater Insightful Strike

Attack [roll0]
Damage Taking 10 for a total of 75 damage

While Belcor makes his own attack externally, internally he consults his armor for any knowledge it may have of the Talon Enclave and the men that claim to be masters here.

Knowledge History on Talon Enclave [roll1]
Knowledge History on the master fighting [roll2]
Knowledge History on the other master that is bickering [roll3]