View Full Version : Blink and Web

2012-02-14, 04:30 PM

A mage casts Blink on himself and starts blinking all over the room.

An enemy mage, fed up with these shenanigans, casts Web and fills the entire room with webbing.

Would this stop the blinking mage from blinking? Or would he continue to blink, just be unable to move otherwise?

What do you all think?

2012-02-14, 05:04 PM
He'll still be Blinking; there's nothing Web does that actually prevents planar travel, and the 'blinks' don't take any action or concentration from the user after casting that spell (indeed, he has absolutely no control over whether he is Ethereal or material at any given moment.) His movement would be severely reduced, however- he'd only have free movement while in the Ethereal part of his blinks, and that's at half speed. Unless he was able to force his way through the Web (and your typical Wizard does not have a sufficient Strength check to do that) while material, it works out that he would move at one-quarter speed- half the time he's moving half speed on the Ethereal, and half the time he's stuck in the Web on the Material. If he were to cast any spells, he would either do so while Ethereal (and thus likely achieve nothing unless it was a relevant self-buff, because it's very difficult to do anything to the Material plane while on the Ethereal) or he'd have to deal with the restrictions of being Entangled while casting (reduced Dex, attack penalty, Concentration check to cast.)

2012-02-15, 09:17 AM
The above is correct. It's a pretty solid counter-tactic.