View Full Version : I am lawful good

2012-02-14, 10:16 PM
Back in the day I used to think of myself as chaotic good. All the cool people are, like Elminster and Drizz't (well, not all, but hey). Then over the days I realized I'm actually not chaotic, and deemed myself neutral good.

Then more recently... well, for example I always use my blinker, even if I'm on a gravel road and there's not another moving vehicle for miles. It bothers me when others don't use their blinker, even if we're both in a turn lane. I even use my blinker in parking structures when there's no need. You may think I have a blinker obsession, but if my wife and I agree to leave our house at 5 to visit her parents, I get unhappy if we haven't actually left by 5, even though it totally doesn't matter when we leave. I teach at a university, and if the syllabus says, "late=absent," even if a student walks in immediately after I call roll (the lower level classes where I teach have mandatory attendance, at least until a certain point) then I count them absent. Actually, I'm a bit more relaxed on that last one, but anyways...

All things considered (and the list of examples go on, like disliking smokers of illegal substances, but I'm just sparing the reader), I finally figured out I am lawful good.

2012-02-14, 10:32 PM
I too once thought of myself as chaotic good. Then I thought about my huge amount of morals and ethics. I'm more like a less arrogant and anal paladin than a rogue. I just really like sneaking around. The one time somebody accused me of stealing I was terrified (although I hadn't actually done anything) and answered timidly, "I'm not trying to cause any trouble ma'am" Bad day. I also have zero interest in drugs. I don't try to stop other people from using them, but I definitely don't want to myself. Yeah, I would really be a friendly paladin.

2012-02-14, 10:42 PM
Eh...I might contest the Good part since the Good-Evil axis is fundamentally flawed. Then again, I don't really know you all that well.

Edit: Now that I think about, so is the Lawful-Chaotic axis.....or it's very unspecific, at least.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-14, 10:48 PM
I don't know, but by your description, you sound more lawful neutral. You follow the letter of the rules to a T. I guess since you're focusing on the law-chaos part, you didn't feel the need to say the good-evil parts, but still.

2012-02-14, 10:53 PM
Opposite here. I used to like the lawful end of scale more, because it means you have principles and are dependable. But over time, I realized that principles have nothing to do with being lawful or chaotic, that flexibility is important and that I dislike authority and hierarchy. I'm chaotic, or neutral with strong chaotic tendencies.

But I'm not good, and neither are most people. I am open-minded and well-meaning, but to be good you have to be more than that: you have to actively spend time and effort to make the world a better place, and all I did in that regard were token gestures that didn't require much from me, or stuff that helped my friends and family, not strangers. So I am neutral with good tendencies, and unless you're volunteering for a good cause, spending significant amounts of money on charity or doing other such activities, you are most likely too.

Eh...I might contest the Good part since the Good-Evil axis is fundamentally flawed.

Not that the law-chaos axis is any better. For starters, no two people can agree what it even means.

2012-02-14, 11:03 PM
Not that the law-chaos axis is any better. For starters, no two people can agree what it even means.

Yeah, I started thinking about the law-chaos axis about a minute after posting that. Realized that a chaos-minded being does not act randomly, but in conformity to its own impulses. Therefore, it's actually quite orderly.

2012-02-14, 11:16 PM
Yeah, I started thinking about the law-chaos axis about a minute after posting that. Realized that a chaos-minded being does not act randomly, but in conformity to its own impulses. Therefore, it's actually quite orderly.

My take on it is this (in three short sentences):

A chaotic creature does what it wants.
A lawful creature does what others want (or what it thinks is best for others).
A neutral creature on this scale does what others want if it's not too inconvenient, but isn't afraid to break from "the norm"/the rules/what have you.

2012-02-14, 11:28 PM
My take on it is this (in three short sentences):

A chaotic creature does what it wants.
A lawful creature does what others want (or what it thinks is best for others).
A neutral creature on this scale does what others want if it's not too inconvenient, but isn't afraid to break from "the norm"/the rules/what have you.

I generally agree with you on all three points, except I definitely disagree with the statement "or what it thinks is best for others" being categorized as lawful. Really, it strikes me as being neutral.

At any rate, compartmentalizing existence into those two axes is futile.

Lord Raziere
2012-02-15, 01:37 AM
I once thought myself chaotic neutral.

but then once I realized, that by taking on a philosophy of moral rebellion, that morality can be viewed as something that sets you free rather than restrains you. the classic "I am moral and therefore I have a code of restraint that makes me moral" is lawful good. the concept that "I am moral, and therefore I am free from immorality." is chaotic good. I am free from doing evil, because evil is a cage, it traps and imprisons you. Be free and be moral and be happy y'know? Rebel against everything bad, be free, be yourself, thats my way, chaotic neutral or good myself.

2012-02-15, 01:43 AM
Your mistake is thinking of alignment as a real thing. Good, evil, law, and chaos are all relative and culturally-based in real life. I would hope everyone thinks of themselves as good. I really don't think anyone over the age of 16 would think of themselves as evil and not want to change. Possible exception being Ayn Rand and fans. :smalltongue:

2012-02-15, 08:31 AM
I don't know, but by your description, you sound more lawful neutral. You follow the letter of the rules to a T. I guess since you're focusing on the law-chaos part, you didn't feel the need to say the good-evil parts, but still.
Yeah, the good-evil part simply wasn't an issue at all, so I didn't mention it. I'm definitely more good than neutral, at least according to what I've read about the good/neutral/evil thing.

2012-02-15, 09:12 AM
As you can see in my signature I am a true neutral wizard/barbarian.
But apart from stupid Internet personality tests I agree... Maybe I'm more on the chaotic side, but I'm definitly not good nor bad, it all varies from person to person. I know I can be downright cruel with people I don't like and an almost-saint with people I do like.

An Enemy Spy
2012-02-15, 04:13 PM
I am Lawful Chaotic.
Frankly, I don't belive real people can be shoehorned into a made up alignment system whose main purpose is to simplify morality so it can be used as an objective rule.
Everybody has some good and with the exception of myself, some bad.

2012-02-15, 04:46 PM
I'm a utilitarian, so I see maximizing my own happiness and the happiness of those around me as the most important way to live a "good" life. When I'm not trying to weigh some major moral dilemma, I mostly just try to be nice. If I'm a jerk or unpleasant to people it's normally just a lack of interest in them and their affairs rather than trying to be actively malicious.

Also I think the D&D two axis morality system is kinda silly

2012-02-15, 04:57 PM
I'm a utilitarian, so I see maximizing my own happiness and the happiness of those around me as the most important way to live a "good" life. When I'm not trying to weigh some major moral dilemma, I mostly just try to be nice. If I'm a jerk or unpleasant to people it's normally just a lack of interest in them and their affairs rather than trying to be actively malicious.

Also I think the D&D two axis morality system is kinda silly

That's True Neutral by what I think True Neutral is.
Also, ditto on every single word in there.

Bastian Weaver
2012-02-15, 06:47 PM
I'm Chaotic Evil. Always was, always will be. Not that it should matter to anyone.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-15, 06:57 PM
Your mistake is thinking of alignment as a real thing. Good, evil, law, and chaos are all relative and culturally-based in real life.

I use Exalted's alignment system. :smallwink:

2012-02-15, 07:16 PM
I'm Chaotic Evil. Always was, always will be. Not that it should matter to anyone.

So...you rape, steal, murder, maim, and/or betray anyone/everyone you know at the drop of a hat if it will benefit you in the slightest? You'll spread terrible, hurtful rumours to further your own agenda? Randomly kick puppy dogs and murder kittens on a whim for no other reason then "because I felt like it"? Because that's what Chaotic Evil is. Really, I'd think before saying something like that. If you're being flippant and/or sarcastic, you might want to add a bit more content to your post to indicate such, because it's not readily apparent.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-15, 07:45 PM
So...you rape, steal, murder, maim, and/or betray anyone/everyone you know at the drop of a hat if it will benefit you in the slightest? You'll spread terrible, hurtful rumours to further your own agenda? Randomly kick puppy dogs and murder kittens on a whim for no other reason then "because I felt like it"? Because that's what Chaotic Evil is. Really, I'd think before saying something like that. If you're being flippant and/or sarcastic, you might want to add a bit more content to your post to indicate such, because it's not readily apparent.

No, that's chaotic stupid. Chaotic evil at least knows enough to follow social expectations, and they do feel real feelings for their friends, and they don't really see any benefit in hurting living creatures because they felt like it.

They have a lot of overlap with neutral evil, but if they act like they're chaotic neutral on the law-chaotic access, they're chaotic evil.

Like I said, I like to use Exalted's alignment system.

2012-02-15, 08:26 PM
Actually yes, CE will do all these things. Some CE people will just do it only if they benefit from it and/or can get away from it, while others will just do it for the evulz and not care about the consequences.

2012-02-15, 09:10 PM
Actually yes, CE will do all these things. Some CE people will just do it only if they benefit from it and/or can get away from it, while others will just do it for the evulz and not care about the consequences.

Thank you. That's pretty much exactly how I would define CE as. I think the term Chaotic Stupid is more of a forum-based description that you apply to annoying players that you invite to the game, knowing that they are CE, but expecting them to work with the party, thinking that they will apply their CEness to NPCs that they encounter, but instead, the player starts offing everyone in the group the moment their backs are turned or pants are down taking a leak.

super dark33
2012-02-16, 03:38 PM
My whole family is lawfull good, but i always considered myself as an Affebly lawfull evil.

2012-02-16, 04:31 PM
Possible exception being Ayn Rand and fans. :smalltongue:

as far as I can tell, Rand considered "violating the rights of others" extremely evil- and other types of behaviour that could be characterized as "anti-life" always came in for severe criticism.

So, that particular philosophy would not "self-identify as evil".

Evil acts don't have to be big ones- they can be very small attempts to "hurt, debase and oppress others"- either emotionally, physically, or both.

In the context of D&D, that is.

If the statement was modified to "What alignment I would be if I was translated to a typical D&D world"

then it gets around the argument that "in real life, alignment doesn't exist".

Bit Fiend
2012-02-17, 02:04 PM
I think I'm a solid Neutral Good(ish). I respect authority, am unquestionably loyal once pledged allegiance and regard a promise as the highest duty - but I also tend to be impulsive and am very like to throw a rule overboard if it does no good but upholdind the rule. As for the Good-Evil axis...

But I'm not good, and neither are most people. I am open-minded and well-meaning, but to be good you have to be more than that: you have to actively spend time and effort to make the world a better place, and all I did in that regard were token gestures that didn't require much from me, or stuff that helped my friends and family, not strangers. So I am neutral with good tendencies, and unless you're volunteering for a good cause, spending significant amounts of money on charity or doing other such activities, you are most likely too.

I dont know if being active in charity programms is the only way to have a good alignment. I'm not a saint for sure but I do tend to spend significant resources if I know a good way they can make others smile, be it time to record a mix for someone whose taste I know (for the MLP-addicts around, think of me as a Rarity of (electronic) music) or money to a project I find meaningful. My resources are limited however, with me being a poor student of a very demanding subject (chemistry). That and, you know, I have a life too. I know I could have given the last 20 bucks I spent on a CD to charity but as I said, I'm no saint, just a regular human with his own needs.

But then again, that's just my subjective point of view...

Edit: Having read this I noticed I do really sound like I'm Mary-Sue-ing myself... :smalleek: Ah, well... one more flaw to add to my already bursting collection...

2012-02-17, 07:06 PM
I consider myself Chaotic Goodish. While yes, I follow probably the majority of societies mores, it's done less out of a sense of "that's what society says to do" and more "I would have done that anyway, and society happens to share my ideas". Where societies rules don't agree with my own, I follow mine. I don't expect anyone else to, but I'll live my life how I want to. I expect people to not give me crap about it, and in return, I won't care if they do the same. And when possible, I try to help people. I just don't have a lot of means to help anyone right now because I'm a poor college student, so it's not like I can be out on every street corner passing out benjamins.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-02-17, 07:25 PM
I used to consider myself a definite Chaotic Good, but recently I'm learning that well I may be Chaotic, I'm certainly not Good by DnD standards. I'm just not nice enough, and I put my own needs before those of others. I would not describe myself as altruistic except when it serves my own needs. And now I seem like a kind of nasty person, but I'm really not. Just Chaotic Neutral.

2012-02-17, 07:53 PM
I dont know if being active in charity programms is the only way to have a good alignment.

Nope, but it's a good baseline. Basically, good alignment means that you are willing to make sacrifices for the case of someone you don't know. Their nature might differ - it can be money, time (you can volunteer for something that helps others out but doesn't cost you a penny), health (putting yourself in danger to protect innocents is what most good-aligned heroes do), or one of many other things. The "people you don't know" part is important too - most people are willing to help their friends, but it takes someone good to sacrifice their time helping a stranger.

Renegade Paladin
2012-02-17, 10:15 PM
I am lawful good.
Join the club. And note it's lawful good, not lawful nice. :smallamused:

H Birchgrove
2012-02-18, 12:43 AM
Test(s) claim I'm Lawful Neutral. I can see why I got that result; I am nice to people I like and polite to people in general (when they don't tick me off), but I'm not a charitable person.

I would like to be Lawful Good or Chaotic Good.