View Full Version : Am I doing feats right?

2012-02-15, 12:20 AM
hey guys I have requested to join a game running the rise of the rune lords adventure-path. Just want to know if my Feat selection is worth while so far.

We are using Pathfinder with the 3.5 complete series as well as alternate class features from the UA being 100% allowed, with other 3.5 stuffs having to be ran by the DM and get approval first. my 1 to 20 build so far is

1-5 Conjurer 6-14 Malconvoker 15 Paragnostic apostle 16-20 Conjurer. taking the enhanced summonign alternate class feature. teh 1 level of para is for fast healing, but I can drop that for another level of conjurer.

My feat set up is as follows

1st Cloudy Conjuration, (Spell Focus: Conjuration) {Augment summoning}
3rd Summon Elemental
5th Extend Spell
7th Quicken Spell
9th Practised Spellcaster
11th Imbued Summoning (if i get this allowed) Imp Initiative if not
13th Tenebrous spell
15th Umbral spell
17th Shadow grasp (this give me a 2nd level which becomes a 3rd level) black tentacles with no save pretty decent
19th ???

2012-02-15, 07:10 AM
How are you getting Summon elemental at lvl3? It requires the ability to cast 4th lvl spells which you dont get until CL 7.

2012-02-15, 03:06 PM
hence the title :) hows about now?

1st Cloudy Conjuration, (Spell Focus: Conjuration) {Augment summoning}
3rd Extend Spell
5th Quicken Spell
7th Summon Elemental
9th Practised Spellcaster
11th Imbued Summoning (if i get this allowed) Imp Initiative if not
13th Tenebrous spell
15th Umbral spell
17th Shadow grasp (this give me a 2nd level which becomes a 3rd level) black tentacles with no save pretty decent
19th ???

Thrice Dead Cat
2012-02-15, 03:22 PM
If you're using Malconvokor, why not grab Spell Focus: Conjuration for sweet, sweet Master Specialist.

Final build would be something like:

Conjurer 3/Master Specialist 2/Malconvokor 5/Master Specialist+8/(Filler 2). Filler is whatever you want, really.

Feats are (assuming human)

1. Spell Focus
H. Cloudy Conjuration
3. Augment Summons
5. Extend Spell
7. Skill Focus: Bluff (This way, you nab Summon Elemental at 8th due to Malconvokor's wording:smallwink:)
9. Improved Initiative if you don't get it via Martial Wizard, otherwise Practiced Spellcaster
11. Alacitous Cogitation or Uncanny Forethought, if you can swing it.

The rest of your feats don't really matter too much. Metamagic School Focus is a solid pick. Quicken Spell is nice. Avoid Imbue, though, as it's not worth bringing in lower level summons from a higher level slot.

2012-02-15, 03:24 PM
Practiced spellcaster does nothing for you as you haven't lost any caster levels. Also you may want to look at the thaumaturgist prc in the dmg. It'll give a few bonuses. Quicken spell is pretty useless until later as you don't have the high levels spell slots you need for it.

I'm not familiar with the feats you have from 13 onwards.

2012-02-15, 03:58 PM
Tenbrous Spell (+0) = Spells I cast in dim light or darkness are harder to resist or dispel having their DC increased by 1 and suffer a -2 penalty on saves.

Umbral spell (+2) = umbral spells i cast gain teh 'darkness descriptor' and shed darkness in a 10 foot radius

Shadow Grasp (+1) = when I cast a darkness spell foes in the area are entangled, if the spell allows a save an additionla spell is made to thwart teh entanglement.

SO i use it to turn a 2nd levle spells 'darkness' into a 3rd level spell that duplictates black tentacles in every aspect, except for the fact that it lasts 1 min/level not 1round/level. then I have a 2nd levle that I turn into a 3rd level that is a 10 foot radius but in other reagrds acts a black tentalces as well.

or my favorit turning a cantrip into a personal black tentacles that last 10minutes/level but is only level 1

2012-02-15, 05:29 PM
Note that Teneberous is only +0 on spells with the Darkness or Shadow descriptor. It's +1 on everything else.

2012-02-15, 06:47 PM
I don’t mean to rain on anyone’s parade, but really, I think planning out your class beyond a few levels is meaningless. Sure, you need to aim for a PrC early, but so many things change, such as *DEATH* that changes things a little bit.