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2012-02-15, 07:27 PM
The Roman Empire ruled for centuries, bolstered by the power of legendary pokemon they had befriended or captured. However, when the latest corrupt emperor began abusing and neglecting his victini, it rebelled, and a simultaneous attack by "barbarian" hordes on the capital itself left the empire in disarray overnight.

Chaos ensued worldwide, as many other dynasties that had been using legendary pokemon as allies or slaves found a small, fiery pokemon would visit their power source late at night and in the morning, the legendary would turn on them, often wreaking much damage before escaping. Many generations later, very few governments larger than a barony remain. There is a collection of powerful legendary pokemon out there that actively hates humanity, and infighting among humans after the collapse still has not died down. Though many calamities have happened in the intervening time, some of the more powerful landed nobles are beginning to consolidate even larger swaths of land underneath their influence.

In this world of chaos, social upheaval and terrible troubles, three young heroes have already proved themselves up to the task of overcoming adversity. Having fought their way free from enslavement in gem mines, these intrepid heroes arrive on the outskirts of Schmutzville with little more than the clothing on their backs and their partners by their side. Will their stars rise to the heights of history or fall burning into the depths of obscurity? Their destinies are now in their own hands.

2012-02-15, 07:58 PM
Alvor gives a sigh of relief as he finally sees signs of civilization.
Finally, a town. I was getting worried, a few more days in the wilds... he thinks to himself. With a grunt he heaves his pickaxe back over his shoulder, tucks his wand into his belt, and starts heading towards the inn of the town.
"Come," he says to his two loyal companions. "We'll see if we can't get a room at an inn." he says with authority. We need gold. Maybe a job or something? he thinks to himself as he fingers his far-too-light coin purse.

2012-02-15, 08:18 PM
"Yes Lord Silven."
Errol perches on Will's shoulder, sniffing the air. This was the first time he'd seen a town, and there were so many new smells...
"Don't worry, Errol. Pa's here."
He scratches the charmander under his chin, calming him.
"Would you like me to do any scouting ahead, milords?"

2012-02-15, 08:19 PM
As the three of you approach the inn, a young man flanked by a pair of snubbull greet you. "Greetings. I am Geisther, knight-protector of Schmutzville. We don't get many strangers this time of year. What brings you this way?"

2012-02-15, 08:25 PM
"Thank you Errol, but I don't believe it is needed," Alvor states just before the knight approaches them.
"Likely just passing through. We will be needing a room at the inn. And a knight you said? Would you be in need of any help in matters pertaining to the safety of this town?" Alvor asks.

2012-02-15, 08:55 PM
"As it happens, I could always use a couple of extra pairs of strong hand to help out. All sorts of troubles out here."

2012-02-15, 09:49 PM
My blade is at your disposal fellow. How can we help?
Lawrence smiles, hefting his blade for emphasis.
I'm sure we can offer something.
He smiles and looks to his lord and lackey, no his friends,
It's been a while since we've seen a town, are we up to it?
He chuckles a bit and begins to finger the crystal Whisper rested in.

2012-02-15, 09:58 PM
"Of course, Sir Lawrence."
Will and Errol nod together, fire burning in both their eyes.

2012-02-15, 10:01 PM
Alvor's ears perk up at the world "trouble." "What kind of trouble?" he asks questioningly. He also looks the knight up and down to guage approximately the amount of coin this town possesses.
Perception: [roll0]

2012-02-15, 10:55 PM
It seems the town has hit upon hard times. The knight's weapons and armor is very well maintained, but his clothes are very patched and his boots beneath his greaves have seen better days. Still, as you look around, no one seems to be starving.

"A pack of zorua have taken up residence in the nearby forest. I think they're a group of yearling pups seeking to make a true clan for themselves. Normally, I'd just live and let live. They'll give us a barrier between ourselves and some nastier mons, but they are lead by one that seems feral. They don't fear the townsfolk and raid livestock at one night. With brigands on the road making travel to town dangerous, we need all the resources. I'll need to take my pawniard to take out a group of bandits I came across last week before they can interfere with a traveler, and I just don't have time to deal with the zorua as well. Think you and your servants can handle things? If you prove trustworthy, I can offer you a job."

2012-02-16, 02:03 AM
"Zorua? That can't be too bad. Never heard of them, is there anything we should be worried about? Also, how much coin are we talking here?" Alvor can't help but blurt out. After all, if he was going back into the wilds almost right after they reached a town, it had better be worth his while.

2012-02-16, 09:02 AM
"They are immune to psychic attacks, and they are very cunning creatures. That being said, no, they're not all that dangerous overall. But beware the pack leader. It is much more aggressive than it should be. I'll pay each of you five gold for this task."

2012-02-16, 10:39 AM
"Well," Alvor says as he looks at his companions. "That sounds good to me. Me and my companions will get some rest and head out first thing in the morning." he says, nodding his head at the knight.

2012-02-16, 11:08 AM
"As milord says, we will help. If I may be so bold, sir, what other kinds of pokemon are nearby as well?"
There is only simple curiosity in his eyes.

2012-02-16, 01:36 PM
"As milord says, we will help. If I may be so bold, sir, what other kinds of pokemon are nearby as well?"
There is only simple curiosity in his eyes.

"There are plenty of bugs and plants nearby, as well as more than a few birds. I've even seen a small family of deerling once."

2012-02-16, 01:38 PM
"Thank you sir knight. My companions and I shall depart in the morning to deal with this problem," Alvor says, nodding his head towards the knight before walking towards the inn.

2012-02-16, 01:45 PM
The inside of the inn is empty at the moment. A middle-aged man with a slightly saggy face greets you cheerfully. "Hello there, lads! What can we do for you today?"

2012-02-16, 04:37 PM
"Hello good innkeeper. Our group," Alvor says, waving a hand towards his companions, "needs a room for the night and some food. Our coin is good. Also, if you could point us towards a weapons shop we'd be much obliged." he says.

2012-02-16, 06:09 PM
"Rooms will be 5 silver a night. As for weapons, we don't keep weapons on hand, most of us. But if you speak to Sir Graham our knight-protector, he might have a spare knife or two he'd sell you. Or you could talk with Brom the village smith. He'd be willing to do some ironwork for you."

2012-02-16, 06:41 PM
"I'll be taking a room for the night then," Alvor says, putting a gold piece down on the counter and waiting for his change.

2012-02-16, 06:44 PM
in the future, unless I specifically make an issue of it, we can assume that making change happens in the same space that y'all's character relieve themselves and sneeze. Offscreen/automatically unless PLOT cares about it.

He counts out five silver coins and says, "Very good, sir." He hands you a key. "Your door is the third to the right in the upstairs lobby."

2012-02-16, 07:19 PM
Alvor nods at the innkeeper one last time before heading upstairs.
"I'll see the two of you in the morning. Get some rest, we have lots of work to do tommorrow." he says to his companions.
Alvor hurries to his room. Third door on the left... he thinks to himself as he looks around. He soon finds the door and opens it, stepping into the room. He closes the door and locks it (if possible. If not he puts a chair against the doorhandle or something). He props his pickaxe against the wall, putting it within reach of his bed. Finally he pulls out his wand and releases Ruby.
"Watch the door, OK?" he commands it. The rock made no response other than to turn towards the door. Alvor sighs. He'd always hoped for a more exciting Pokemon, but this would have to do. Alvor heads to the bed and falls asleep.

2012-02-16, 07:36 PM
Will looks to Alvor, and to Lawrence.
"I plan to pick up some more quartz and alchemical devices, but would hate for Lord Alvor to be here on his own. Is there anything you wish me to look for, Lord Lawrence?"
He puts a gold piece down as well.
"Two rooms, one for Lord Lawrence, one for myself."

2012-02-16, 08:48 PM
Lawrence laughs,
Thank you Will. If you could visit the smith and get me a price check on a set of armor that'd be great. Take this for your purchases.
Lawrence hands Will a gold piece,
You gotthe room so I'll buy your trinkets. Don't stay out too late, I'll be with Whisper out back if you need me, we'll be turning in at sunset so be quick.
He chuckles and let's Whisper from her quartz.
Come on girl.
He gestures for Whisper to follow him and smiles at Will.

2012-02-16, 09:31 PM
"'Course, Lord. I'll be back soon."
He waits to get his own key before departing.

2012-02-17, 06:51 AM
The inkeep produces two more keys and directs you to the two rooms on either side of Alvor's.

The rooms do lock from the inside.

2012-02-17, 08:09 AM
Will gives quick thanks to the innkeeper before checking around town for an open merchant or smithy.

2012-02-17, 08:51 AM
In fact, there is one smith in the town, located on the far edge from where you cam in. On your way there, you pass a trio of young lads who are talking with the local trader. One of them seems to be bartering with him over some produce in his cart. They each have a pokemon out. one is an blue and orange quadruped with a a round head and an energetic personality, one is an odd floating ball of metal with odd protrusions sticking out. Its single eye seems to stare out at everything at once. The third one is a large rhinocerous-like pokemon with a single horn and hard, stonelike flanks. There seems to be a severed head on its horn. They seem too busy with their commerce to notice you.

you may scan them if you wish and gain their seen entries.

2012-02-17, 09:22 AM
He quickly scans the three, amazed at the diversity. He almost wants to interject, to ask where they found such marvelous pokemon, but decides against it. Errol looks at the three, and puffs himself up a bit. He could take them, yeah!
At least, that's what he tells himself.
Will heads into the smithy, just managing to squeeze past the rhyhorn.

2012-02-17, 10:05 AM
The smith is busy hammering out what slowly forms itself into a plowblade. After a few minutes, he seems to notice you. He sets down his hammer and tongs and says, "Hello, boy. Can I help you?"

2012-02-17, 10:22 AM
"Yes sir. I find myself a servant of a knight errant starting out, so fresh he has not even a suit of armor of his own, despite which he managed to slay barbaric savages threatening him, our lord, and myself! How much would a suit of armor and shield cost, or anything lighter? Perhaps a mace or flail, too...Do you happen to have any daggers or cleavers suitable for a squire's use, as well?"

2012-02-17, 02:09 PM
"For the armor, what sort does the young sir wear? Ringmail? Plate? Chain? Scale? Hauberks or full armor? Does he prefer boiled leather or hide lining?"

"I can craft him a small steel shield for three gold. If he wants something bigger, it'll take me some time to find the spare metal. I don't normally make weapons, but I do have an extra hammer I could reinforce to be suitable for a weapon laying around, and I've got a couple sturdy knives I could sell you."

2012-02-17, 02:39 PM
"He merely asked me to seek prices, though I know our lord would like some ring mail. How much would that, the hammer, and a knife cost? What would the price of plate armor be? As I said, he has just begun his own journey without even a suit of armor, and as such his holdings are sparse. I would take two of the shields for now, at least."

2012-02-17, 02:44 PM
"The ringmail, twenty gold. Lots of detail work on that. Plate armor will be fifty gold. It's neither easy to make nor cheap. I'd also have to spend a month on nothing else. I'll re-forge the hammer overnight and you can pick it up tomorrow for four gold. The daggers will be two gold apiece. And I don't have the spare metal for more than one shield if I'm to make armor. But the small shields will still be three gold apiece."

2012-02-17, 02:54 PM
"I see...that is simply more than we can afford, but I can take a shield, the hammer, and a dagger. I will talk to my lords, and see what is forthcoming. Though perhaps we could be of service to you after our current job with the zoruas?"
He slowly counts out the money, doubt in his eyes as he does the math. Errol eventually gets bored and does it for him, separating nine gold out for the man and offering it.
"Thanks, Errol."

2012-02-17, 03:40 PM
"If you can get me some more metal to work with, I can give you credit with me for the value of the iron it is."

2012-02-17, 05:08 PM
"Thank you, sir. I will mention it to the others and see what we can find. We'll be by tomorrow to pick it all up. Have a good day!"
Having paid for the gear, he steps out, and looks for the trainers from before. Now that this was taken care of, he had questions for them. Like what a "mag-ne-mite" was supposed to be.

2012-02-17, 05:34 PM
By the time you are done, the trio seems to have moved on.

2012-02-17, 05:52 PM
He eyes the town limits. Is it getting near sunset?

2012-02-17, 05:58 PM
In fact, it is about an hour to sundown.

2012-02-17, 06:02 PM
He debates for a minute before wandering out of town a bit and looking around in the nearest grassy section. If he can't find anything of note in half an hour, he heads back

2012-02-17, 06:06 PM
Just as you are about to give up and head back, a small green segmented pokemon with a pink forked crest crawls out of a patch of grass and climbs onto your foot.

2012-02-17, 06:13 PM
Will stares at it for a couple seconds, before scanning it quickly.
He kneels down slowly, letting Errol crawl down his back and hop off.
"Would you like to come with me, little guy?"

2012-02-17, 06:15 PM
It doesn't talk back, but it begins to climb up your leg.

2012-02-17, 06:31 PM
He gently picks it up with his hands, and begins walking with Errol back to town.
"I think we just got another friend, Errol."
As they pass a few trees, he grabs some leaves and offers them as he puts the caterpie on an arm. If the caterpie seems to like him, he pulls out a quartz ball.

(Basically, if the caterpie's cool with me to that level, I'll catch it. Quartz is -15, right?)

2012-02-17, 08:55 PM
quarts is -0. It's just a straight up d% roll

It seems to like you well enough.

2012-02-17, 08:58 PM
"Okay, no offense little guy, but here goes nothing."
He lightly taps the caterpie on the back with the quartz.
Here goes nothing!

2012-02-17, 09:00 PM
In a flash of light, it is absorbed by the crystal. I glows brightly for several seconds, then dims and returns to normal.

you are now the proud owner of a lvl 3 male caterpie.

2012-02-17, 09:05 PM
Smiling for being the first to catch his second pokemon, he picks Errol back up and continues back to where Lawrence is, thinking of a name. Without even having to hurt anything, even!

2012-02-17, 09:56 PM
Lawrence spies Will returning and briefly stops speaking to Whisper,
How goes your errands Will?
He smiles lightly and pets Whisper.

2012-02-17, 10:09 PM
Will calls out his new Caterpie, putting it on his arm since he seemed to like crawling around, while Errol watches the new guy inquisitively.
"Better than expected! Meet Brian, we just met each other. The smith says that ring mail will cost 20 gold, and plate goes for fifty and takes a month to make. However, I managed to purchase a shield for you, and a hammer for Lord Alvor, with a dagger for myself for nine gold that shall be ready tomorrow. Also, if we find metal, we can bring it in for a discount."

2012-02-17, 10:31 PM
Wonderful! I suppose we'll wait for a bit more to fill our coffers before I outfit myself then. It will take some training to get used to my equipment anyway. We'll pursue some metal on our venture in the woods tomorrow I supposed and Lord Silven will be properly protected by the time we leave.
Lawrence laughs and quickly pulls his wand to scan the Caterpie.
I suggest you get some sleep though Will, we've a big day tomorrow. If you need some more money for the supplies I'll get it to you, otherwise it would be wise to turn in. The sun is setting.

2012-02-17, 10:59 PM
"Alright, Lord Lawrence. I'll just be getting supper for Errol and Brian here, unless you and Whisper want something too."

2012-02-19, 11:20 PM
Will gives Lawrence a good long time to respond in turn, before going in and up to the innkeeper.
"Excuse me, sir, how much for some food for my pokemon and myself?"
(If Lawrence doesn't post by some time tomorrow, I vote we skip ahead without him)

2012-02-20, 08:55 AM
"House special is 2 silver a plate. I'll whip up something for your pokemon if they can't eat lamb stew for 3 silver."

2012-02-20, 12:06 PM
"Thank you, sir. I think Brian just needs some fruit."
He forks over seven silver. After the three eat, he heads back for his room, thanking the innkeeper yet again.

2012-02-20, 02:53 PM
Alvor wakes up feeling refreshed the next morning. As far as he can tell nothing terrible happened during the night. Ruby still sits completely still, staring at the door. "Good girl, good girl, he mutters, collecting his gear. "Let's go get some breakfast," he says, shouldering his pack and walking out the door. The small rock hops along behind him. Soon he is downstairs, waiting for breakfast.
"I'll need breakfast for three," Alvor says, walking over to the Innkeeper. "Also, may I have permission to grab some rocks from your garden to feed my Pokemon?" he inquires.

2012-02-20, 03:27 PM
"Sure, you can have the rocks. Two copper."

2012-02-20, 03:34 PM
"And how much for three breakfasts?" he inquires, dropping the coins on the counter.

2012-02-20, 03:37 PM
"Six silver."

2012-02-20, 03:38 PM
Alvor puts the gold on the counter.

2012-02-20, 03:40 PM
Forum eating post. Should show up now.

2012-02-20, 03:41 PM
He takes it and makes the proper change.

2012-02-20, 03:43 PM
"Shout when the food is ready," Alvor says, heading into the garden. Ruby is soon munching happily on dirt as Alvor sits again. For possibly the thousandth time he reaches his mind out towards the Rogenrolla. For the thousandth time he is denied entry. Alvor lets out a small sigh. "Someday..."

2012-02-20, 03:52 PM
"Aye, you'll know when it is."

2012-02-20, 03:55 PM
Does that mean it'll be ready when I go back in?

2012-02-20, 03:59 PM
yes it does.

2012-02-20, 04:01 PM
Alvor walks back into the inn, thanks the innkeeper, and somehow manages to balance the food long enough to get it to a table. He then sits down and waits for his companions to wake up, happily eating his breakfast.

2012-02-20, 04:18 PM
Lawrence awakens, having sat silently through the night, lost in thought.
Good morning Alvor.
He looks exhausted as he sits with Alvor at the table.
Did the night treat you well?
He shakes his head rubs his hair back,
I think I passed out...

2012-02-20, 04:19 PM
Suddenly, the table is hit with a strand of weblike material, and a caterpie drags itself up onto the table.
"Brian, bad!"
Will and Errol follow shortly after, scolding the little caterpie nibbling at the bread. Apparently, Errol's translating, judging from how he's mimicking Will.
"You could have hit someone, or broken something or-"
He finally notices Alvor and Lawrence.
"...Sorry, Lordships. But look what I found last afternoon, Lord Alvor!"

2012-02-20, 04:31 PM
"A bug?" Alvor states, somewhat suprised. "How, interesting," he says. "Other than stealing bread, can it do anything useful?" he asks, pulling out his wand to gather data.

2012-02-20, 04:33 PM
Lawrence smiles,
Oh yes, I almost forgot about little Brian.
He chuckles and gives Brian a little pat,
Quite the intrepid little fellow isn't he? I bet he'll be a great help on our expedition today.

2012-02-20, 05:10 PM
"Well, he's got quite the range on that web spitting. Dunno how is aim is with a moving target, though."
He splits his food up and shares with his pokemon as he's talking.
"I ordered some gear for you and Sir Lawrence too, Lord. Already paid for it too. Couldn't get you a mace, but he has a hammer he fixed up last night that oughta do in a pinch. Your ring mail's also 20 gold. On the upside, if we find metal, we can give it to him for goods."

2012-02-20, 05:29 PM
"A hammer? That could work," Alvor says. As he finshes his meal he stands up, grabbing Ruby as he does so. "Let's go and pick up our gear," he says, heading towards the door.

2012-02-20, 05:34 PM
The three of you head to the smithy and pick up the goods. "I don't normally sell weapons but if you get me some more metal I don't have already promised to another project, I don't mind making whatever you want."

2012-02-20, 05:38 PM
Alvor happily takes his hammer. "Thank you good smith. I have a pickaxe here, is there any chance you could give us some coin for it?" he inquires.

2012-02-20, 05:42 PM
Will tests the heft of his adapted meat cleaver. Never know when a good edge'll come in handy, right?
"Thank you, sir."

2012-02-20, 05:43 PM
"No real use for it as a tool, and it has hardly enough metal to bother with. Still, three mites for it."

2012-02-20, 05:50 PM
"I guess I'll keep it for now on the off chance that we find ore," Alvor says, declining the offer. Agter taking a few swings with his hammer he turns back to the smith. "Thank you for your work. Keep that order open; we may have some good coin soon," Alvor says. "Well, if we're done here, are the two of you ready to make some coin?" Alvor inquires.

2012-02-20, 06:07 PM
"A few potions may be in order, lord. In case any of our pokemon get injured."

2012-02-20, 06:24 PM
The smith interjects. "Ms Shiela Lovett, the lady who runs the pie shop in town sells a few potions and other goods on the side. We don't have a dedicated healer, but she does what she can."

2012-02-20, 06:26 PM
The smith interjects. "Ms Shiela Lovett, the lady who runs the pie shop in town sells a few potions and other goods on the side. We don't have a dedicated healer, but she does what she can."

2012-02-20, 06:31 PM
The smith interjects. "Ms Shiela Lovett, the lady who runs the pie shop in town sells a few potions and other goods on the side. We don't have a dedicated healer, but she does what she can."

2012-02-20, 06:33 PM
"I guess potions may be in order," Alvor says, somewhat embarrassed that he would forget something so obvious.

2012-02-20, 06:51 PM
I suppose it would behoove us to be safe.
Lawrence nods and gestures out the door,
To the pie shop then?

2012-02-20, 07:32 PM
"Of course," Alvor says as he waves to the smith one last time, leaving the smithy.

2012-02-20, 07:34 PM
Will thanks the smith again, and follows the other two to the pie shop.

2012-02-20, 07:39 PM
The lady in her late 20's who sells pies of Fleet Row greets y'all warmly and says, "Hello, lads. What can I do for you today? Would you like a pie? One silver apiece."

2012-02-20, 07:43 PM
"Hello, Miss Lovett, I assume? We're headed out to look for some pokemon that have been causing this town issues, and were hoping for potions. Maybe some scraps you can't use in a pie to use as bait, too?"

2012-02-20, 08:08 PM
(Pssst. The pies are made of people...)

Yeah, whatever you can spare. We're doing some work for the towns knight-protector, hoping to pick up some coin.
He smiles kindly to Ms. Lovett.

2012-02-20, 08:09 PM
(who says that Zorua don't eat people? :smalltongue:)

2012-02-20, 08:24 PM
(Bandits are good eating.)

2012-02-20, 08:25 PM
(Bandits are good eating.)

(Dice 'em up real fine)

2012-02-20, 08:39 PM
"Hello, Miss Lovett, I assume? We're headed out to look for some pokemon that have been causing this town issues, and were hoping for potions. Maybe some scraps you can't use in a pie to use as bait, too?"

"Sure. My potions are 3 gold apiece. And I love a good haggling, but dearies, these potions cost me two gold and a quarter. Three is my minimum price. And howabout I just sell you a full pie for 1 silver?"

2012-02-20, 09:16 PM
"I'll be taking two potions then. A whole pie for a silver as well? Might as well do that," Alvor says, handing over the coin. "Can't have Ruby here getting beat up too bad."

2012-02-20, 09:25 PM
She takes your coin. "Very good, boys."

2012-02-20, 09:32 PM
"I'll take two potions as well. Say...there isn't something we should look for out there while we search that you could use, is there?"

2012-02-20, 09:56 PM
"Not really." She says.

2012-02-20, 10:32 PM
"Well, if anything comes to mind, Miss."
He pays the gold for one, before frowning.
"Hm. Just short one gold from feeding my pokemon last night..."

2012-02-20, 10:59 PM
"I've got you," Alvor says, paying the other gold.

2012-02-20, 11:05 PM
"Thank you Miss."
He pays Miss Lovett the three gold then and picks up his potions.

2012-02-21, 05:43 AM
"A good day to you, sirs."

2012-02-21, 10:01 AM
With that, Will heads for the outskirts of town with, pokemon riding his shoulders still. With any luck, a third team mate would be joining soon.

2012-02-21, 10:04 AM
Alvor follows, Ruby under one arm. When they stop he places the pie on the ground to hopefully attract his prey.

2012-02-21, 10:52 AM
The three of you walk along the woods, and it is not long before y'all see a trio of small pink round pokemon come out of the road and look at y'all, eyeing the pie hungrily.

2012-02-21, 11:16 AM
Will takes the pie and cuts it in half, before cutting one half into three pieces, offering them to the pokemon.
"Here you go."

2012-02-21, 11:17 AM
They each quickly devour their offered slices.

2012-02-21, 11:17 AM
"Alright Ruby, time to train!" Alvor says, walking over to the Pokemon. He places Ruby almost right next to the group. "Ruby, Tackle!" he cries. The small rock takes a step then dives towards its enemy.
AC: 3 [roll0]
Damage (Physical): [roll1]

2012-02-21, 11:28 AM
You significantly injure the pink puffball, whose illusion breaks to reveal a small black foxlike pokemon.

The other two grow angry, and their illusions are dropped.

Three more black foxes appear from the surrounding brush.

2012-02-21, 11:30 AM
"Alvor, wai-"
Ruby goes ahead and Will sighs. So much for a simple capture.
"I don't suppose you understand me, eh? If so, sorry. If you want to avoid a fight, you can just hop in. Otherwise, I'm siding with m'Lord."
He offers a quartz crystal forward.
[roll0]charisma check

2012-02-21, 11:30 AM
Is it round 2? Can I go again?

2012-02-21, 11:32 AM
(Uh...well, sticking with diplomacy to try and catch one zorua, but Errol looks ready to throw down)

2012-02-21, 11:38 AM
It does not seem interested.

and how I'm doing this is that your attack happened on "turn 0". Now we need to collect everyone's speed data and figure out who goes when.

2012-02-21, 11:46 AM
Trainer Action
"Let's see if I can get one!" Alvor cries, tossing a quartz at the one Ruby hit.
Capture Check: [roll0]
Ruby probably goes last.

2012-02-21, 12:00 PM
(Errol has 5, Brian has 5, both are out, leading with Errol.)
Will sighs, before looking to Errol.
"Alright, scratch this one. Help Lord Alvor keep from getting swarmed."
[roll0] 2vs def

2012-02-21, 02:28 PM
Alvor successfully captures the first one.

The five zorua begin by leering at everyone's pokemon. Everyone's defense is lowered 1 combat stage. Ruby is lowered 2 stages.

2012-02-21, 03:54 PM
Alvor smiles as he catches the creature. "Alright Ruby, take another out!" Alvor cries. The rock heads his command, diving at another (not the one Errol hit if possible or the one Whisper targeted. This one's mine :smallamused:)

Alvor: 48/48
Ruby: 26/26, -2 DEF stages
Tackle: AC= 3+DEF [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]-DEF

2012-02-21, 08:40 PM
Lawrence brushes Whisper's quartz and releases her,
Whisper, give Foxy over here a nice little smack eh?

Not sure I've included everything, let me know please.

Shift: Release Whisper adjacent to a Zorua.
Command: Whisper uses Pound on the adjacent Zorua.
Accuracy Check 2+DEF: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-22, 09:26 AM
Ruby knocks out one zorua, and Whisper nearly takes out another.

2012-02-22, 09:31 AM
"Damn! Ruby, hit another one, but keep it alive!" Alvor shouts, throwing a gem at the one Whisper hit.
Ruby uses Tackle! Probably goes after everyone else.
Tackle: Normal, AC 3+DEF [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]-DEF

2012-02-22, 09:32 AM
Crit :smallfurious:

2012-02-22, 09:36 AM
Capture Roll:

2012-02-22, 09:37 AM
Not wanting to risk overly harming the zorua, Will tosses his quartz.
"Don't worry, I wouldn't ask anything of you I wouldn't ask of my allies."
(Is it too much to scoop up the unconscious Zorua to keep it safe?)

2012-02-22, 07:36 PM
(Because I haven't made an attack yet...)
Errol moves forward to the last one. Better to take them out now. He scratches away.

2012-02-22, 10:27 PM
You capture the last conscious zorua, and your attack is unnecessary. You may choose to carry the unconscious one.

2012-02-22, 10:30 PM
"Well," Alvor mutters. "Do we head back to town now? There should be a reward waiting."

2012-02-22, 10:37 PM
Will picks up the unconscious one(s?) and lets out the zorua he caught earlier.
"Yes, Lord. Before that, may I see to their wounds? Marie can help me with this one."
He slides the rest of the pie over to his zorua as he clears a hand, beginning to wrap rags around wounded areas, dipping them in the potion to help the healing slightly.

2012-02-22, 10:43 PM
"Alright," Alvor says, snapping the gem into his wand and letting out his Pokemon. "Alright, I'll call you shadow you little bugger," he says, tightening his grip on the hammer. "Do you want to be friends? If you do that guy can heal you," Alvor says, pointing at Will.

2012-02-22, 10:46 PM
"Hammer down, Lord. Threats are how you make them less loyal."

2012-02-22, 10:49 PM
"Nonsense. If it tries to run I have to be able to stop it."

2012-02-22, 10:50 PM
"If he tries to run, you can recall him. Hammer down, Lord."

2012-02-22, 10:52 PM
"If it runs I'm taking yours," Alvor mutters as he drops his hammer to the ground with a thud. "There? Unthreatening enough for you?"

2012-02-22, 10:53 PM
"Better, Lord."
He pauses with the treatment to toss his potion over to Alvor.
"If you want Shadow loyal, heal him and feed him, sir. It's a good start."

2012-02-22, 10:56 PM
"I have my own," Alvor says, tossing tge potion back. "Here boy, why don't you drink this," he says, pouring the potion down the Zorua's throat. It seems to look healthier immediately.

2012-02-22, 11:00 PM
455 xp per pokemon.

Y'all let out the zorua just as a seventh zorua appears. This one's coat is a dark brown, not the pure black of the rest, and its markings are a startlingly brilliant blue, not the dull red of the rest. In its eyes is a hatred for each of you that seems personal. It lets out a snarl and everyone in the vicinity, trainers and pokemon alike take [roll0] special dark damage. All pokemon's special attack are lowered 1 stage. Also, even though y'all have caught the other zorua, they seem to be responding to the appearance of this one by looking to it as a leader. You suspect that if you keep them out, they may turn on you.


2012-02-22, 11:05 PM
"A fitting beast for a Lord," Alvor cries, returning Shadow as he looks at the creature. "Ruby! Take it down!" he shouts. The rock leaps towards the newest foe, intent on taking it out. Here goes nothing, he thinks, desperately throwing a crystal, hoping that he gets lucky.
Tackle, Normal
AC: 3 [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2012-02-22, 11:14 PM
Capture Roll:
[roll0] PLEASE BE A 1! Damn it.

2012-02-22, 11:24 PM
Will takes the brunt for the wounded one, turning from the growl. Spotting Marie, he recalls her.
Trainer HP: 15

Errol is barely up. Rage in his eyes, he lets off a blast of flame at the zorua before retreating back behind Will.
Errol: 3 HP
[roll0] 2+sp. evasion

Brian...looks weird. Like it wants to grow.
It weaves a shell for itself, but is brought down to 0 HP by the attack.

2012-02-22, 11:39 PM
Alvor throws a quartz out at the zorua, and it looks to be in utter surprise when it is absorbed inside. The crystal shakes around violently, looking as if it about to shatter when it suddenly stops.

2012-02-22, 11:41 PM
"Congratulations, Lord! Truly a fine specimen!"
He gives a potion to Errol and the other to Brian, before quickly scanning Brian's new form and recalling them.

Errol HP: 16

Brian HP: 19

He then scans the zorua in his arms.

"We got the right ones, sir!"
He continues treating the pokemon, ignoring his own injury.

2012-02-23, 12:15 AM
Alvor stands in stunned silence for a second. "Holy. Sh*t." he says breathlessly. That thing had nearly dropped him in a hit. HIM! And now it was his. Slightly shaking Alvor heads over and picks up the Pokeball. "You, you and me are going to be good friends," Alvor whispers into the crystal. "Well, I believe we should return to the inn," Alvor says, trying to compose himself. "I know I'm hungry!" He then goes silent, trying to ponder ways to earn the Pokemon's loyalty. Then his eyes drift over to the pie. "Hmmmm,"

2012-02-23, 07:23 AM
THe three of you return to tow, and encounter a pair of fellows in the town square. you recongize them as the guys y'all scanned on your way into town. They seem to be discussing something in front of the cart.

cue crossover.

2012-02-23, 07:56 AM
Lawrence shakes his head, Alvor would need to be a bit nicer if he hoped to handle that one. A rare breed this group was, but none the less they were his friends and his charge. As they step into the square Lawrence spies those from before,
Hail friends, how does this fine day treat you?
He smiles, his heroic visage accented by the midday sun.

2012-02-23, 08:04 AM
(Funny thing is I'm the only one who saw them earlier)
Will carries the still unconscious zorua, bound in fabric and pieces of his own clothing.
"Hello, sirs! I meant to find you yesterday after seeing you and your pokemon at the smithy. May I ask your names?"

2012-02-23, 08:15 AM
Edon waves at the incoming trio.

Davis! If you would wait a minute, I would like to meet these fellows. They have the look of being interesting sorts.

He approaches them.

The day finds me well, stranger. I am Edon, and my soon-to-be traveling companion is Davis. And who are you? Or rather, who were you, before whatever it is you encountered that beat you half to death?

The teenager laughs genially. He also calls out Hokum and Kite.

I suppose you may want to meet these as well. The floating one is Hokum, and the curious rodent I call Kite.

2012-02-23, 08:18 AM
"Will Thatcher, sir. I must profess interest in your magnemite, Sir Edon. I have three more in my care, one a female, conscious zorua. Would you like to meet them?"
Cradling the zorua in one arm, he sends out Errol and Brian, both looking better than the rest of the group combined, but still hurting.

2012-02-23, 08:25 AM
Magnemite, a name I still struggle with. Smacks of science and other things of questionable morality. Yet I must confess the little orb is growing on me.

Edon scans these new creatures.

What is this foxlike thing you carry? Looks interesting.

2012-02-23, 08:30 AM
"It's a zorua, sir Edon. Immune to the powers of psychics, and a little trickster. We met them while they looked like another pokemon entirely, to be honest. Lord Alvor has a more impressive specimen, however it is a bit...volatile currently. I must apologize, but I actually scanned your pokemon yesterday without you knowing. It's the only reason I know what it is, and even then I've never heard of it before. Where did you meet him?"
Errol goes up to the mudkip in the distance, sniffing curiously at the little mud fish.
"Charmander char?"

2012-02-23, 08:44 AM
Edon looks off in the distance for a moment.

Hokum was gifted to me by someone I do not really know. But someday I intend to meet her, and he will likely help me in my journey to do so.

The youth then remembers what he's doing.

Kite, however, was acquired just this past evening. His kin were ransacking the innkeeper's garden. A second of his number rests in another of my crystals, and my comrades each have one as well.

2012-02-23, 08:58 AM
Will scans the sentret in turn.
"Well, I wish you luck in that endeavor, sir. Can we interest you and your companion in drinking with us, by any chance?"

2012-02-23, 09:18 AM
I don't touch such substances myself, but I would look forward to the companionship. My friend does have a journey to make, however, and I don't know how long he can delay it.

2012-02-23, 09:18 AM
"A Mag-ne-mite," Alvor mutters. "Looks strong. What say you to a friendly duel? You're ball of metal against my rock?" Alvor asks, a grin on his face as he scans the new Pokemon.

2012-02-23, 09:26 AM
I...suppose that would be fine. Yes. I just hope Hokum doesn't get hurt from your creature's impressive form.

Edon calls back Kite, to keep things fair.

Let us be sure not to injure each other's creatures unnecessarily.

My turn first, right? 3 speed vs. 2 as I see it. Making sure before I post.

2012-02-23, 09:54 AM
Eh, I'm assuming it's my go to start it off.

Hokum! Wear him down!

The Magnemite floats lazily, not charging forward as it had before.

Hokum? Why aren't you-

Hokum's background hum suddenly increases significantly, and a burst of energy arcs from him to the Roggenrola.

[roll0] [roll1]

2012-02-23, 10:02 AM
(What move did you use?)
" Ruby, blind it!"
Sand Attack: AC: 2 [roll0] All ACs raised by 1.

2012-02-23, 10:03 AM
he used thundershock, a special electric move.

2012-02-23, 10:05 AM
Just making sure.

2012-02-23, 10:07 AM
Hokum! what did you just do?

The Magnemite's one eye takes the brunt of the sand.

Blast him again with your arcane energies, Hokum!

[roll0] [roll1]

2012-02-23, 10:09 AM
Alvor winces as Ruby takes another hit. "Ruby! Tackle!"

Tackle: AC= 3+DEF [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]-DEF

Alvor curses as Ruby misses. "Return!" he cries pointing his wand at Ruby. "It seems I am outnatched." he says.

2012-02-23, 10:12 AM
Looks like that point of Defense added at level 7 was worthwhile; Hokum's physical evasion is 2, so it's a miss.

The Magnemite avoids the tackle by a narrow margin.

Nice moves, Hokum. Now zap him again!

2012-02-23, 10:14 AM
Forgot rolls.

[roll0] [roll1]

Edon smiles and looks at his victorious Pokemon.

I think you just started doing that energy thing to avoid having to attack anyone directly, slothful devil. But good work, my friend.

2012-02-23, 10:19 AM
"Will, please recall your Zorua," Alvor asks.

2012-02-23, 10:21 AM
Actually, I was going to tell you that there is a fellow in this town selling the capture quartzes for a mere gold piece. Would you care for me to show you?

Edon leads Alvor to Mr. Todd's.

2012-02-23, 10:26 AM
Alvor follows. "Would you happen to have any extra Pokemon? I just caught 3 Zorua, and I really only need one," Alvor states.

2012-02-23, 10:29 AM
I do, in fact. A second creature of Kite's breed.

He calls out the unnamed Sentret.

Not quite as impressive as your fox beast, I admit. If I threw in a gold coin, would you accept the trade?

2012-02-23, 10:30 AM
Hokum and ruby each gain 75 xp from the sparring.

2012-02-23, 10:32 AM
"A fair trade," Alvor states, taking the gold and the Sentret's crystal. "And your part," Alvor says, giving Edon one his Zorua.

You get a level 5 Male Zorua!

2012-02-23, 10:38 AM
"Marie's still in her crystal, sir. This one's uncaught and unconscious."

2012-02-23, 10:38 AM
Thank you. I'll be returning to my friend now, he has a family matter to attend to. I wish you and your comrades good luck in your journey, and look forward to another battle in the future.

Edon offers his hand to Alvor and then rejoins Davis.

You now have a level 3 female Sentret!

2012-02-23, 10:40 AM
"Before that, would you like to trade current travel plans, Sir Edon? That way we can possibly meet again some time."

2012-02-23, 10:41 AM
"We wish you well sir Edon."

2012-02-23, 10:48 AM
Certainly we can trade those plans. I hope our next meeting can be as beneficial as this one.

Edon lets him know where they are going, and notes the plan of Errol's group in turn.

2012-02-23, 10:50 AM
"Is this where the sale is?" Alvor asks Edon.

2012-02-23, 10:51 AM
Yes, right up at Mr. Todd's establishment. He's a bit peculiar, but the price cannot be beat.

2012-02-23, 10:53 AM
Will nods and gives their own in turn.
"Once we catch a flying type, one of the Lords'll write the next place we head. Take care out there!"
Errol waves to his new fishy friend, who gives a loud "KIP!" in response. Brian...just kind of sits there. Metapods, you know how that goes.

2012-02-23, 10:55 AM
"Well, thanks for the battle and the trade," Alvor says, shaking Edon's hand. He then walks into the store. "Is Mr. Todd here?"

2012-02-23, 10:56 AM
A young man in his late 20's walks up and says, "Yes, I am here. Care for a shave?"

2012-02-23, 10:59 AM
I am an idiot...
Alvor brushes a hand over his chin. "Wll, I could use one. I'm here for the crystal sale, but I'll take a shave. How much?" Alvor inquires.

2012-02-23, 11:03 AM
"The crystals are one gold apiece. And I'll give you the closest shave of your life for two silver."

2012-02-23, 11:06 AM
"One second. Will get i here! This guy is selling crystal for 1 gold! I'll take 8 and the shave," Alvor says, handing over the gold.

2012-02-23, 11:10 AM
He sets you in his barber's chair, places a towel around your neck, lathers your chin, and slits your throat, depositing your body in a secret cache where Ms Lovett bakes your body into a pie proceeds to expertly and swiftly shave the small stubble you had acquired.

2012-02-23, 11:31 AM
"Coming, Lord!"
He recalls Brian and walks in, Errol in tow.
"I can hold M'Lord's purchases."
He sits and checks the unconscious zorua's bandages, making sure they weren't too sullied.

2012-02-23, 11:35 AM
Mr Todd finished up the shave and retrieved the quartz.

"Very good. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

2012-02-23, 12:03 PM
Mr Todd finished up the shave and retrieved the quartz.

"Very good. Is there anything else I can do for you today?"

Alvor feels his face. "Thank you sir," Alvor says. "Will, I believe we have a reward to collect."

2012-02-23, 12:14 PM
"Yes, Lord. Oh, Mister Todd, two last questions. Do you know of any aside from the Knight Protector with pokemon of their own, and a place I can send people for wands? I wish to begin breeding some of my brood to distribute to the townsfolk so they're safer, and so the youth may seek guidance in ways of life that can be useful to the town, but I need some more specimens of study before I may be truly effective."

2012-02-23, 08:09 PM
"Admirable thought Will, if you'd like we can go take groups out to get started with some pokemon, maybe let them know how to go about it? It seems wise."
Lawrence sighs, that battle with the Zorua was rather uneventful for him and Whisper and he'd not gotten any of them, so he was anxious to get back out into the woods.

2012-02-23, 08:14 PM
Will tosses a crystal to Lawrence, strangely black.
"Here, Lord."
It contains a (his only, maybe?) zorua inside.

(Plans, except for the unconscious one, all zorua were caught, correct? If not, then I'm carrying two more unconscious ones.)

2012-02-25, 05:58 PM
Are you sure Will, I know you took several for your family, but are you sure you'd like to give this gift to me? I'll appreciate it certainly, but I must ask.
Lawrence releases the Zorua and looks at it on the it's level,

2012-02-25, 06:08 PM
"This helps you, Lord. As I said, I'll be breeding more when I can, as well as Errol and anyone else we find."

2012-02-25, 06:57 PM
I see...
He smiles and tickles the Zorua behind the ears,
What will your name be little one?

(Do you know level and gender?)

2012-02-25, 07:02 PM
(It's a level 5 one, I think.)

2012-02-25, 07:50 PM
I'll name you Gloom. You seem like the type...
Lawrence smiles and pets the Zorua,
I hope we can change that though.

(I'll do up some stats later then I guess.)

2012-02-25, 08:04 PM
"Are you two ready to see what the Knight has for us?"

2012-02-25, 08:20 PM
"I suppose we could go now. If Will is ready we'll be off it seems."
Lawrence hefts Gloom up and she sits lazily in his arms, a tad melancholy in her appearance.

2012-02-25, 08:21 PM
"I just have one or two things to take care of, Lords. I can catch up."

2012-02-25, 09:14 PM
"We can wait Will. We'll just tag along," Alvor says.

Also, since I have 10 crystals, if either of you want one I'll give you one or two.

2012-02-26, 12:11 AM
"Yes, Lord. Oh, Mister Todd, two last questions. Do you know of any aside from the Knight Protector with pokemon of their own, and a place I can send people for wands? I wish to begin breeding some of my brood to distribute to the townsfolk so they're safer, and so the youth may seek guidance in ways of life that can be useful to the town, but I need some more specimens of study before I may be truly effective."

"Closest wand-maker is in Gutenburg, a good four day walk to the west. As for pokemon owners, I have a pawniard, and I do believe the village elder has a frosslass."

"Admirable thought Will, if you'd like we can go take groups out to get started with some pokemon, maybe let them know how to go about it? It seems wise."
Lawrence sighs, that battle with the Zorua was rather uneventful for him and Whisper and he'd not gotten any of them, so he was anxious to get back out into the woods.

Will tosses a crystal to Lawrence, strangely black.
"Here, Lord."
It contains a (his only, maybe?) zorua inside.

(Plans, except for the unconscious one, all zorua were caught, correct? If not, then I'm carrying two more unconscious ones.)

I was under the impression that Iceman caught one, leaving 1 unconscious zorua.

2012-02-26, 12:17 AM
"May I see, sir? I just wish to scan it."

2012-02-26, 12:19 AM

He calls out a pawniard: http://www.psypokes.com/dex/regular/624.png

2012-02-26, 12:25 AM
Alvor scans the bladed beast. "How attached to him are you? I recently aquired a Zorua that I've been looking to trade."

2012-02-26, 12:30 AM
"Hm... does your zorua know any special tricks?"

2012-02-26, 12:30 AM
Will scans the pawniard, and nodds.
"Thank you, Sir Todd. If I manage to begin expanding my small family here, let me know if there's an egg of any type you want." :smallbiggrin:
Happy to add more data to his crystal, he nods to Alvor and Lawrence, signifying he's gotten what he needed to.

2012-02-26, 12:34 AM
"Egg?" His eyes light up. "What sorts of eggs can you breed?"

2012-02-26, 12:39 AM
"Well, I'm still learning, but I hope that by studying more types I will be able to breed a variety soon. Hence the question about tame pokemon in the area, Sir Todd. What would you like, though? Once I am able to do so properly, and if I have the pokemon to breed something you want, I would be glad to do so."

2012-02-26, 12:41 AM
"If you can get me an egg of a scyther, I will gladly give you an egg of a pawniard. It must be an egg, though, not an adult."

2012-02-26, 12:42 AM
"Well, when we first encountered it it was disguised as another Pokemon. That could be useful, right?"

2012-02-26, 12:42 AM
"If I come across one in my travels, sir, I will gladly do so."

2012-02-26, 10:00 AM
"Possibly. How well can you control its illusions?"

"Please be sure to do so if you find one."

2012-02-26, 10:22 AM
"I honestly don't know; I've never tried to control them."

2012-02-26, 10:24 AM
"Well, then. Why don't we find out?"

2012-02-26, 10:27 AM
"Alright then," Alvor says, snapping the Zorua's gem into the wand. Whispering to it he says, "Appear as that pink puffball thing," then releases it, desperatly hoping this works.

2012-02-26, 10:30 AM
It appears instead as a roggenrola.

2012-02-26, 10:32 AM
"See? It wil appear as a different Pokemon!" Alvor says, hoping the barber didn't hear him. Maybe I have to own it? he wonders. "Zorua! Illusion to Sentret!"

2012-02-26, 10:34 AM
Will bends down to the zorua, still holding the unconscious one.
"I've been wondering...can you guys change to appear human, or is it just pokemon?"

2012-02-26, 10:36 AM
It changes to the appearance of a sentret.

"So, apparently pink puffballs are beyond it?"

2012-02-26, 10:38 AM
It changes to the appearance of a sentret.

"So, apparently pink puffballs are beyond it?"

"I'm not quiet sure. I own both of the Pokemon that it has appeared as so far, so maybe it has to have had close contact with that species? Zorua, try to look like that," Alvor says, pointing at the Pawniard.

2012-02-26, 10:39 AM
It stares at the pawniard, walks over, touches it, and duplicates the appearance.

2012-02-26, 10:40 AM
Impressive, aye?"

2012-02-26, 10:42 AM
"Somewhat. Not as useful to me as a pawniard, but I would trade you a kabuto for it."

2012-02-26, 10:43 AM
"I don't believe I'm familiar with that Pokemon, can I see one please?" Alvor says, happy that the trade is going through.

2012-02-26, 10:48 AM
He pulls out a tourmaline gem and attaches it to a black wand he had concealed in his sleeve. He points it at the ground and http://pokesplash.net/resources/sprites/bw/140-frame1.png appears.

2012-02-26, 10:50 AM
And that is scanned as well.

2012-02-26, 10:50 AM
Alvor scans the Kabuto. "Well, seems like a fair trade," Alvor says, recalling the Zorua. He pops off the gem and tosses it to Mr. Todd. "Pleasure doing business with you."

2012-02-26, 10:51 AM
"And to you."

2012-02-26, 10:53 AM
What level?

"Well, we probably should meet with the knight," Alvor says, heading out the door.

2012-02-26, 10:59 AM
"Good day to you, sirs."

2012-02-26, 11:00 AM
Alvor starts to ask people where he could find the Knight.

2012-02-26, 11:01 AM
He is directed to one of the houses on the northern edge of town.

2012-02-26, 11:04 AM
Alvor starts to walk that way. When he gets there he knocks on the door.

2012-02-26, 11:05 AM
The knight answers. "Ah, yes. The lordling. I take it you have taken care of all eight zorua?"

2012-02-26, 11:06 AM
"Eight? We only encounted six and the leader," Alvor says, worried.

2012-02-26, 11:08 AM
"You caught the alpha [female dog word] and its mate?"

2012-02-26, 11:12 AM
"No, we caught the six pack members. I've traded two away and I kept a shiny male that was considerably stronger. There's one more?" Alvor inquires.

2012-02-26, 11:13 AM
"There should be. The female was the feral one."

2012-02-26, 11:15 AM
Alvor sighs. "We'll return after we've taken care of her," he says.

2012-02-26, 11:19 AM
"If you caught the rest of the pack, though, that is quite impressive."

2012-02-26, 11:22 AM
"I don't think our teams are healthy enough to do so yet, M'Lord."
He gets a sinking suspicion about the relationship between the zorua. Siblings wouldn't do...
"Oh! Lord Geisther, may I see your team? I wish to breed pokemon for your youths in town, but lack the full knowledge still to be effective."

2012-02-26, 11:23 AM
"Thank you sir Knight."
Alvor prepares to scan everything that comes out.
"We'll rest up tonight then take it down."

2012-02-26, 11:27 AM
"I don't think our teams are healthy enough to do so yet, M'Lord."
He gets a sinking suspicion about the relationship between the zorua. Siblings wouldn't do...
"Oh! Lord Geisther, may I see your team? I wish to breed pokemon for your youths in town, but lack the full knowledge still to be effective."

"Very well."

He brings out a charizard, golurk, bisharp, lucario, honchkrow, and zebstrika one by one.

2012-02-26, 11:30 AM
Will scans each, noticing the relationships between the bisharp and pawniard. Errol approaches the charizard, eyes full of curiosity.

2012-02-26, 11:30 AM
"Quite the team you have here. Did you catch them all locally?" Alvor inquires, staring greedily at the Lucario. His father had had one, and his father's father, and his father before that. Every Silven throughout history has had one. Alvor needed to aquire one.
"Specifically, the Lucario. Where did you find it?"

2012-02-26, 12:09 PM
"I see that you have a charmander of your own. Raise him well, and he will be great some day."

2012-02-26, 12:12 PM
"Quite the team you have here. Did you catch them all locally?" Alvor inquires, staring greedily at the Lucario. His father had had one, and his father's father, and his father before that. Every Silven throughout history has had one. Alvor needed to aquire one.
"Specifically, the Lucario. Where did you find it?"

"No, most of these are not local. I grew up on the slopes of Reichel mountain. Most of my team came from there."

2012-02-26, 12:23 PM
"About how far is Reichel from here? You're Zebrastrika seems noble, strong, a perfect mount. I'd like to seek it out. As well as the Golurk, a prime defender to compliment me..."
Lawrence smiles and approaches the Zebrastrika slowly, hand extended.

2012-02-26, 12:29 PM
"It was a two day flight to reach here from the mountain when Baron Eichel called me here."

2012-02-26, 12:44 PM
"It was a two day flight to reach here from the mountain when Baron Eichel called me here."

2012-02-26, 01:07 PM
"Is there any ruins nearby?" Alvor inquires, still staring at the Lucario.

2012-02-26, 01:12 PM
"Yes, in fact. Some minor lordling tried to build a keep three leagues east of here. A sizable village built up around it and it was prosperous. Twenty years ago, everyone there disappeared. No one knows why, but the rumor is that Satan sent an evil pokemon there to remove the humans and claim the place for his own."

2012-02-26, 01:14 PM
"Have you been there before? How powerful are the Pokemon there?" Alvor asks, obviously intrigued.

2012-02-26, 01:25 PM
"I have been focusing on my job, ensuring the safety of this village, not chasing 'haunted' ruins."