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2012-02-15, 07:33 PM
The Roman Empire ruled for centuries, bolstered by the power of legendary pokemon they had befriended or captured. However, when the latest corrupt emperor began abusing and neglecting his victini, it rebelled, and a simultaneous attack by "barbarian" hordes on the capital itself left the empire in disarray overnight.

Chaos ensued worldwide, as many other dynasties that had been using legendary pokemon as allies or slaves found a small, fiery pokemon would visit their power source late at night and in the morning, the legendary would turn on them, often wreaking much damage before escaping. Many generations later, very few governments larger than a barony remain. There is a collection of powerful legendary pokemon out there that actively hates humanity, and infighting among humans after the collapse still has not died down. Though many calamities have happened in the intervening time, some of the more powerful landed nobles are beginning to consolidate even larger swaths of land underneath their influence.

For reasons of their own, three young men all traveled to one small hamlet in a forgotten corner of Germany by the name of Schmutzville. Unbeknownst to them, Fate was about to tie the threads of their lives together in a quest greater than any could have planned or hoped for. Will their quest for power end in glory or shame? Only time will tell.

2012-02-15, 08:06 PM
Drake arrives at Schmutzville from riding his father's cart. As he the cart goes to a stop he immediately jumps off and says to the driver Thanks your service will no longer be necessary. I will take the long way home. and sends the driver away. As the driver leaves Drake thinks himself. Yes this is just the first step to gain power.

2012-02-15, 08:37 PM
"Of course I would end up stranded in a town so aptly named," Mahdi grumbled under his breath, brushing dirt and worse off of his tunic and poking at bruises. "Note to self: after asking already unfriendly barbarians to clarify the meaning of their home's name, laughter is not the appropriate response."

If only he'd had the forethought to grab a map before running from the raiders burning his caravan. If only he'd been able to stay with even one of the others who had fled. If only he had something more useful to trade than simple coin, or the materials to practice his gemcraft and earn a living. If only...

If only he wasn't alone and friendless in a strange land where he was immediately obviously foreign, and barely spoke the local tongue.

"But then, I'm not totally alone, am I?" he asked himself, smiling down at the crystal creature floating just off the ground next to him. "Thank you for chasing off those ruffians, Elham." The small Porygon turned its face, floating independently of its body, towards its master, giving a trill of recognition with a happy look in what passed for its eyes.

With a sigh, Mahdi cleaned himself off as best he could to continue his search. Surely somewhere in this town he could find a scholar, or an elder, or even a witch - someone who could show him a map, or tell him when the next caravan from the East would be coming, or, at the very least, could help him find a safe place to earn a living until something better came along.

Picking a direction - mostly at random, honestly - Mahdi marched off with purpose.

2012-02-15, 08:48 PM
The town of Shmutzville came into sight at they reached the end of the forest.
Another town, just like the rest. Another chance for beginnings Felix. I don't need beginnings, I need retrobution! He mumbled to himself Your mumbling again, you need to maintain control. Control... Yes, gain control. Then I can move forward. You can't find him on your own, you need ally's. Ally's? Ah yessss, Ally's. Tools that I can use to extract my revenge! Tools, yes, possibly, or friends. Friends? ...friends...

As he walked towards the town he read the worn and beaten sign that read "Shmutzville"

Shmutzville... Perhaps... Perhaps it is a time for new beginnings. as he walked out into the town.

2012-02-15, 11:01 PM
Drake arrives at Schmutzville from riding his father's cart. As he the cart goes to a stop he immediately jumps off and says to the driver Thanks your service will no longer be necessary. I will take the long way home. and sends the driver away. As the driver leaves Drake thinks himself. Yes this is just the first step to gain power.

The driver leaves, and the town opens before you. You notice a rather bruised and battered guy about your age coming up on your left, muttering something to himself. Which is rather boring compared to the fellow to your right who seems to be whispering conversations with himself.

"Of course I would end up stranded in a town so aptly named," Mahdi grumbled under his breath, brushing dirt and worse off of his tunic and poking at bruises. "Note to self: after asking already unfriendly barbarians to clarify the meaning of their home's name, laughter is not the appropriate response."

If only he'd had the forethought to grab a map before running from the raiders burning his caravan. If only he'd been able to stay with even one of the others who had fled. If only he had something more useful to trade than simple coin, or the materials to practice his gemcraft and earn a living. If only...

If only he wasn't alone and friendless in a strange land where he was immediately obviously foreign, and barely spoke the local tongue.

"But then, I'm not totally alone, am I?" he asked himself, smiling down at the crystal creature floating just off the ground next to him. "Thank you for chasing off those ruffians, Elham." The small Porygon turned its face, floating independently of its body, towards its master, giving a trill of recognition with a happy look in what passed for its eyes.

With a sigh, Mahdi cleaned himself off as best he could to continue his search. Surely somewhere in this town he could find a scholar, or an elder, or even a witch - someone who could show him a map, or tell him when the next caravan from the East would be coming, or, at the very least, could help him find a safe place to earn a living until something better came along.

Picking a direction - mostly at random, honestly - Mahdi marched off with purpose.

Your random marches take you across the path of a pair of youths. One seems rather cheerful and bright, looking with enthusiasm at the world around him. The other appears to be a dark lonely fellow who seems to be talking to himself.

The town of Shmutzville came into sight at they reached the end of the forest.
Another town, just like the rest. Another chance for beginnings Felix. I don't need beginnings, I need retrobution! He mumbled to himself Your mumbling again, you need to maintain control. Control... Yes, gain control. Then I can move forward. You can't find him on your own, you need ally's. Ally's? Ah yessss, Ally's. Tools that I can use to extract my revenge! Tools, yes, possibly, or friends. Friends? ...friends...

As he walked towards the town he read the worn and beaten sign that read "Shmutzville"

Shmutzville... Perhaps... Perhaps it is a time for new beginnings. as he walked out into the town.

A pair of possible candidates for the role of tool/friend/whatever appear to be walking in almost the same direction you are. Some odd pull you can only describe as destiny seems to be pulling you towards them.

2012-02-15, 11:33 PM
As Drake got off he recognizes the the attire of the person who is muttering to himself. "Excuse me. I have seen people with similar attire around this area before. But there usually are in groups and are doing business around here. Tell me why are you here by yourself?

2012-02-16, 01:22 AM
Felix stopped short in his tracks as a higher class boy suddenly turned to talk to him. Maintain control...

We are not alone. as he had been glancing down he had been partially covered in bandages from his nose down past his neckling, possibly explaining the muffled mumbling. But now talking directly towards you his voice carries surprisingly forward. He looks strong. Are you a noble of this town? Tell me. Who are the Strongest Pokemon here.?

Another youth was coming towards them. He was much tanner than the other. Felix lowered his head back down more towards the ground. Don't lower your head, if your talking to someone it looks more noticeable than looking up Felix's head shot back up to eye contact, staring intensely.

2012-02-16, 01:57 AM
As Drake desired to talk to the person muttering to himself to his left the person to his right came in and starting talking to him.
Drake stood their watching the person with the most peculiar behavior he seen. "Am I noble of this town? No. Though I am a noble but my family's rule is not that far from this hovel. The strongest Pokemon here?As in compared to us three I would say Xemith. Drake pulls out his gem. "Xemith come on out. Drake's Axew came out and stretched out and stood by Drake's side. "Now the strongest of this area we would probably go to the ruler of this area.

2012-02-16, 02:27 AM
Felix glances at the short fanged creature the boy pulls out of his quartz. That's not him. Then what's the ruler of this land like?

2012-02-16, 01:53 PM
"Hmm from my last encounter and from what I have heard. He is a rather weaselly man and gain power through political manipulation instead of brute force. While I assume he has some power to him I wouldn't consider him a major threat.

2012-02-16, 04:13 PM
That's not him either, another useless town. No, the boy, he holds information, knowledge. Knowledge... There's power in knowledge ...Power! And the lord of this land, he rules through Manipulation, not strength, he may collect information as well. More Power!

...You are also here alone. Be direct Do you require, company?

...good start

2012-02-16, 05:31 PM
Drake starts to think. "This person is quite unusual but could prove his worth later on. He also seems to be unstable and might need a person to keep an eye to keep from creating havoc. Drake then extends his hand to shake the strange person's hand.
"Sure why not. The name is Drake Dracul. Can I ask for your name?

2012-02-16, 07:32 PM
Dracul... We know of your family. Nobles but not from this area. We did not recognize your crest at first glance. Your name Felix, he asked for your name My Name! Felix! Felix Ste... Felix. Just Felix now. We shall try to make ourselves useful to you if you can prove useful to us.

2012-02-16, 07:46 PM
"Why hello there Felix. Yes let us see if we can find use for each other. Now then back to my first question. You the one with the gem beast. As I said before. I have seen people with similar attire around the area but in groups and are merchants. So why are you here by yourself?

2012-02-16, 07:52 PM
Mahdi looked nervously between the two strangers, wondering what on Earth he had stumbled upon. Both men seemed almost as out of place as he was, and, though he had trouble following their conversation, it hardly seemed to be an ordinary first meeting.

Growing up in a merchant caravan as he had, Mahdi had plenty of experience in dealing with...extraordinary people. The caravans always attracted the strangest sorts, and while such people provided brisk business and fascinating tales, the older and wiser traders had always cautioned him to avoid associating with them in any other context. Such people were dangerous to know, they said, and much more dangerous to be.

Better to simply avoid the situation entirely, he thought. He resolved to simply turn around and walk off before he was noticed.

Before he could even pick up his feet, however, his plans were betrayed. Elham, seeing the small drake Pokemon one of the strangers had released, immediately began to float towards it, trilling and whistling in a friendly interrogative.

"Elham!" he shouted, rushing forward to scoop up his wayward companion. He winced as he realized that he had completely destroyed any chance of going unnoticed. The odds of whether it would be his familiar's naivete or his own bumbling that got them both killed someday, he noted, continued to be about even.

Looking up at the two strangers, he did his best to force his expression into a smile. "Aheh, I hope, not interrupting?"

(Edit for Ninja'd - great timing, I has it)

Mahdi cursed internally. Not only was he noticed, at least one of the strangers was actually taking an interest in him. He was doomed, wasn't he?

"My name, Mahdi. Was of caravan, now broken by raiders. You either have maps?" Frustrated by his own terrible grammar and diction, he continued, quickly and quietly, in another language. "I don't suppose either of you speak Italian, do you? Or Arabic?" he tried, switching languages again. "Or, by some miracle, Farsi? No?"

2012-02-16, 08:14 PM
In Italian. "Yes I have been schooled in Italian. Though it would be best to teach you English so we can destroy the possible language barrier that would be before us.

2012-02-17, 05:45 PM
Drake clears his throat "Well then since we all have had the pleasantry of introductions I suggest we move on. Though I have no map on me I am sure there is someone in this area who has a map. He then pulls out his wand to scans Eliham that was floating near Xemith. "Ah a fascinating breed of Pokemon.

2012-02-18, 03:10 AM
You scan the pokemon successfully.

2012-02-19, 12:41 AM
"Well since you two seem idle and that is one quality that doesn't seem right for the future ruler of this realm. I will be going to the town center. To gain information about this town. If you need me you can follow me." Drake proceeds to go to the town center to look around and gather information.

2012-02-19, 02:25 AM
Felix begins to follow him as Drake begins to walk away, looking slightly towards the ground muttering quietly as he goes.

Ruler of this realm? My, my, He certainly has strong ambitions doesn't he? Let him be the ruler of the entire cosmos, all that matters is he will lead us to what we are searching for. He seeks information as well, and he likes to keep moving. Both good traits that others we've encountered had not had. We shall follow him for now. And the other? Has not gotten in our way yet. We will simply watch him for now.

2012-02-19, 09:50 AM
Y'all make y'all's way to the town square, passing by a smithy where a mudkip, rhyhorn, and magnemite have been let out of their pokeballs while their trainers are negotiating with a nearby merchant. You see another fellow with his back to y'all scanning them, in case you want to do the same.

Regardless of your decision, the other folks don't notice y'all and you arrive in the town square where a matronly woman in a practical wool dress says, "Hello, strangers. What brings you to the Schmutz?"

2012-02-19, 03:00 PM
As Drake walks in and sees the Pokemon he proceeds to can them. As he walks a woman walks near him and starts talking to him. " I am just wandering the country side madam. Now can I ask you a few questions? Do you know of any near by cartographers? Has anything unusual or strange been happening around this part? Can you tell me of the ruler of this land I am not familiar to him besides a few rumors I have heard?

2012-02-19, 03:10 PM
"We don't have a mapmaker in town, but Baron Eichel keeps one on retainer in Eichelburg. It's a two days' ride from here, three on foot. Baron Eichel rules these parts hereabouts. He's a fair lord, but swift with his justice. One of his knight-protectors lives in town and patrols the roads for bandits."

2012-02-19, 03:13 PM
"We don't have a mapmaker in town, but Baron Eichel keeps one on retainer in Eichelburg. It's a two days' ride from here, three on foot. Baron Eichel rules these parts hereabouts. He's a fair lord, but swift with his justice. One of his knight-protectors lives in town and patrols the roads for bandits."

2012-02-19, 04:14 PM
"Bandits you say? So you have a bandit problem around this area? So do they mainly go out at night or just around anyone vulnerable? Drake starts to think Dealing with these bandits might just be the thing I need to do to start gaining power and a positive reputation.

2012-02-19, 08:13 PM
Felix follow the Dracul family heir closely, trying (but most likely failing) to be inconspicuous. When the boy stopped to scan some pokemon Felix did the same. He had never scanned a pokemon before. He had not the knowledge of how to. But trying to fit in with this group he mimicked the boys movements and found it easier than he once believed.
Information on various species... This could be usefull. The big one looks strong. A hide of stone must make him quite hard to damage. It doesn't matter. The beast is nothing compared to him. He would toss him around like a feather. That's why I need to be stronger.

Eventually they came to a small Inn. The woman inside greeted them but only Drake conversed with her while Felix kept muttering under his breath.

Baron Eichel... And one of his Knights dwells in this town. The knight will be our way to meet the Baron. The boy seems more interested in the bandits. Look how his face lights up at the chance to display this valor. Typical of a Nobles Child. The knight opposes the bandits as well, this will work in our favor. Yes, we follow the boy and dispose of the Bandits, the knight may recognize the boys emblem he wears on his shoulder. He may show gratitude for our Nobel efforts. Then with his blessings it will be easier to gain audience with the Baron. Though we are also no lovers of bandits. slaughtering them will be a nice test of our current power. As well as a pleasure.

Then Felix leaned into Drake and said in a whisper only audible to them. If you wish to oppose these Bandits we will aid you.

2012-02-19, 09:02 PM
Drake hears this and smiles and whispers back to Felix"Yes this is a perfect opportunity to gain a positive reputation of this area and could spread potential influence. Think of this as a small step in a much larger plan.

2012-02-20, 04:07 AM
"Bandits you say? So you have a bandit problem around this area? So do they mainly go out at night or just around anyone vulnerable? Drake starts to think Dealing with these bandits might just be the thing I need to do to start gaining power and a positive reputation.

"The bandits waylay travelers along the road from time to time. I have to admit that I don't keep up with this too much. You will want to talk to the local knight-protector tomorrow if you want to know more."

2012-02-20, 04:34 AM
"Thank you madam. Now if I may ask you one last question. Can you tell me where I can rest for the night?

2012-02-20, 08:57 AM
"Well, the inn looks rather full tonight. Lots of travelers passing through. But I do believe Gertrude Kraussen will rent out her attic rooms to travelers for the night."

2012-02-20, 02:08 PM
This was not the answers Felix wanted to hear. Patience is a virtue he lost long ago.

He turned to his Companions and whispering out of earshot of the Matron.
Why wait for the knight? If we simply deal with them ourselves the Knight can thank us afterwards. The boy may have a point, the knight may be more offended by intruders taking justice upon themselves No, they are mearly Bandits not worth anyones time. None will miss them, certainly not the Knight. If we camp in the woods out of town they will come to us.

In case it's not obvious you can't hear the grey writing, that's all in Felix's head.

2012-02-20, 02:47 PM
Drake proceeds to whisper to Felix,"You do have a point but if we go without the Knight's knowledge but then we must bring the leader and a few members to the town as proof. Though if we leave tonight we need to wear rags to make us look vulnerable. Drake then turns to the woman. "Madam do you know where we can get some cheap clothing for travel?

2012-02-20, 03:55 PM
OOC: ASDFTH and X15lm204
You don't have my sheet yet so you wouldn't know this but here's Felix's Character Description: A tall but skrawny young man with white hair though it's clear he's still quite young. His eyes are bright blue but he never seems to be looking at you. Even when he's staring you right in the eye it always seems more like he's looking through you. His stark white hair is long, wavy and slightly unkept. He wears what used to be fairly noble clothes: Black Stockings, A Red Vest and a Handsome Purple Cape. Now all dirty and somewhat torn. Bandages cover his Arms all the way from his shoulder to his fingertips but a discerning eye can spot callused hands through the worn fabric. Similar bandages cover his nose and mouth going down his neck under his vest. All of this is then covered by a heavy Brown Cloak making any features of his hard to discern.

2012-02-20, 03:57 PM
"Madam do you know where we can get some cheap clothing for travel?

"There's a man in town, by the name of Marcell. He sells garb that the villagers make."

2012-02-20, 04:04 PM
"Thank you madam. Now can you tell me well Marcel is for I can go to him.

2012-02-20, 04:15 PM
"His shop is on Fleet Row right between the barber and the pie shop."

2012-02-20, 04:20 PM
The mention of a pie shop made Felix's stomach quite audibly rumble.

... Perhaps we should make Marcel's establishment our next destination. Don't you mean second? Shut up.

2012-02-20, 04:22 PM
"Sure why not we can stop by the pie shop after we go to Marcel's place. Drake proceeds to go to Marcel's shop.

2012-02-20, 04:30 PM
Marcell happens to be a man in his late 40's with a visible limp in his left leg. He sells a variety of clothes in several styles.

2012-02-20, 04:38 PM
"Hello good sir. From what I hear you sell clothing in this town. So what I need is the cheapest thing you have. Something preferably in a rather dull color like brown or grey.

2012-02-20, 04:46 PM
"Three mites. I've a ragged gray cloak and some patched brown pants."

2012-02-20, 04:54 PM
Drake proceeds to reach in his pouch and pulls out a gold piece for the clothes. "Thank you good sir. I noticed you a close to a pie shop what would you recommend from that establishment?

2012-02-20, 04:56 PM
"Sure. Best pies in town. Try the Priest. Only the fattest of meat in that one."

2012-02-20, 05:03 PM
"Thanks I will be sure to try it. Felix lets go we can go have some pie before we hit the trail." Drake proceeds to leave Marcel's shop to go to the pie shop.

2012-02-20, 05:31 PM
He moves quickly, agree's to fight bandits instead of resting, now Pie... We don't understand... What's this feeling We're pretty sure that's Joy, remember Felix? This is what a friend is like. Friend...

If you tell us how much we spent I think we can skip the Pie RPing and move onto the forest, unless you really want to RP mrs lovitt Plans or if ASD has anything he'd like to do

2012-02-20, 05:36 PM
The pies are a silver apiece and quite tasty. Meat unlike any other you've ever tasted. Ms Lovett in fact says it's a secret family recipe her mother developed.

2012-02-20, 06:35 PM
Drake thanks Ms.Lovett and leaves a silver piece from where they ate. Drake proceeds to go to the main road while putting on the clothes he purchased at Marcel's shop. Drake turns to Felix The illusion is complete. Now we wait for the bandits to strike.

2012-02-20, 06:55 PM
Felix... Yes I know.

A moment please Felix asked of Drake as they left the village limits. He pulled off to the side of the road to a little spot in a shady area and pulled out a worn piece of parchment paper. We purchased this in the previous town but have not had a chance to make use of it yet. However since we are heading into battle we are agreed that this may be our last chance to use this edge for the fight to come. A purplish black energy began to make itself slightly visible, swirling around him. I may require you're protection for a while, I know not how long this ritual takes. Felix posed himself for the ceremony, now he only needed the subject. It's time. Come out, Ego. As he says this a portion of the purple black energy emerges from his head turning into a small concentrated mist, before growing a somewhat solid black core, eyes, mouth and fangs.

Felix is using the Ritual 06: Toxic on Ego

2012-02-20, 07:37 PM
where are you buying this ritual?

how did you get it?

2012-02-20, 08:15 PM
It was in my inventory from the funds we were given during character creation, that's why I only have 9SP left, counting the Meat Pie of course. Sorry, thought you saw that on my character sheet, it's why I was asking about TM's

2012-02-20, 08:34 PM
ah, okay then.

You perform the ritual, which takes you about 2 hours.

2012-02-20, 08:36 PM
ah, okay then.

You perform the ritual, which takes you about 2 hours.

About an hour after you finish, a rough-looking man in leather armor with metal studs walks up to your group and says, "Okay, boys, it's your lucky day. You get to live until tomorrow if you give us your money."

2012-02-20, 08:43 PM
As Drake watch the strange gas being fly out of Felix's head he proceeded to scan it with his wand and put it away. As he waited a man showed up. "Please sir we have no money can you just let us past."

2012-02-20, 08:47 PM
"Well, boys, if you don't have any money, I'll just take your crystal wands then."

2012-02-20, 09:25 PM
Felix had slowly put his hand up when he heard the man speak from behind them. Drake tried to get out peacefully but he insisted on taking there wands if nothing else. So Felix leaned into Drake and whispered to him, making sure his whisper was just audible enough for the Large Man to hear.

Drake, lets just give him the gold we have. We'll get the money back and then some once we kill that Knight Protector but we'll need our wands to do it

We assume we have a plan. We do. What do we get to do in this? We believe it's time to try out our newest trick. Ahh yesss... Can you separate yourself from us while maintaining invisibility? We can try. Then part of us can approach him from behind while the other distracts him while you introduce our friend to our newest methods. Should we go now? No, we will wait until our moment arrises. And the boy? How will he know of our plans? ...We've whispered to him before, if we wanted only him to hear it only he would have. He will know this of us. ...How very unlike us, to be so trusting so soon? This one, this one is... different. No Felix, I believe it is us who is becoming different

Ego will attempt to un-possess Felix while remaining Invisible, then travel behind the Man release invisibility and use Toxic. If possibly without him noticing.

2012-02-20, 09:40 PM
Drake dons a angry face. He reaches in his pouch and throws it at the man. "Fine just another inconvenience stopping us from killing that man who ruined our lives.

2012-02-20, 10:00 PM
"All of you." He says.

And when Ego drops his invisibility, the bandit turns around and uses shadow punch on him faster than Ego can react. He takes [roll0] physical ghost damage and the man says, "Hope that thing wasn't important to you. Now, that once I'll forgive. If any of the rest of you want to try out their wit against, me..." He tosses out a ruby and an orange bipedal pokemon with dragonlike features, a flame at the end of its tail, and long claws appears. "Take it up with Mike here."

2012-02-20, 10:50 PM
"As you see we are desperate for revenge to even dare oppose of your strength. Felix my brother apologize for your action and give him your gold as you said earlier once our revenge is complete we can easily get the money back. He looks at Pokemon that was called "Mike" he pulls his wand and scans it. "Ahh I didn't expect a powerful Pokemon around this area.

2012-02-20, 11:03 PM
... I apologize. I am still a young trainer and cannot control the ghost properly. We were hired to kill a Knight Protector in this town, the ghost cannot tell the difference between one powerful fighter or another. Ego, Come.

Ego hadn't left Felix yet, they were waiting to see if he would buy their story but if we're playing it wouldn't have worked anyway the above post is where they go on from there.

Ego will return to stand next to Felix

2012-02-21, 05:39 AM
"I don't care about none of that. Just get me your gold."

2012-02-21, 03:30 PM
Ego had been away from him for too long without something else to focus on. Even now as he wallowed in his newfound hatred of this meager bandit he found himself recalling memories past, slipping slowly into madness.

His hand began violently shaking even as he reached for his purse and threw it towards the Bandit.

A little longer. I have to wait a little longer...

2012-02-21, 03:54 PM
Having collected y'all's money, he says, "Good day, boys." As he walks off, he says, "Mike, they've been rather mouthy. Kill them."

Just as the charmeleon is about to breathe a column of fiery death at y'all, a torrent of water floods it, killing it.

A charizard flies down from the skies, a man in plate armor on his back.

"You spent far too much time threatening boys. Your men are nowhere near and now I have you in the open. Please, do try to run. I'd love an excuse for James to kill you, like he did your pokemon.

2012-02-21, 03:55 PM
Having collected y'all's money, he says, "Good day, boys." As he walks off, he says, "Mike, they've been rather mouthy. Kill them."

Just as the charmeleon is about to breathe a column of fiery death at y'all, a torrent of water floods it, killing it.

A charizard flies down from the skies, a man in plate armor on his back.

"You spent far too much time threatening boys. Your men are nowhere near and now I have you in the open. Please, do try to run. I'd love an excuse for James to kill you, like he did your pokemon.

2012-02-21, 03:57 PM
Having collected y'all's money, he says, "Good day, boys." As he walks off, he says, "Mike, they've been rather mouthy. Kill them."

Just as the charmeleon is about to breathe a column of fiery death at y'all, a torrent of water floods it, killing it.

A charizard flies down from the skies, a man in plate armor on his back.

"You spent far too much time threatening boys. Your men are nowhere near and now I have you in the open. Please, do try to run. I'd love an excuse for James to kill you, like he did your pokemon.

2012-02-23, 02:27 AM
Felix collapsed on the ground clutching his own shoulders as the knight landed in front of them and Ego took the momentary chaos to repossess Felix.

He was there! I know. He was there again I saw him! Felix Calm yourself! This is not the time! Concentrate on what's in front of you! In-In front? Felix took a breath as he raised his head instantly becoming aware of his true surroundings and the moments before. The Bandit! His lizard! Weak... so weak. Just breath. He began to breath deeper I... We are better now. Yes. Yes we are. That man. He killed the lizard like it was nothing. Yes, we can assume he is the Knight Protector. We suppose everything works out then doesn't it? ... Felix? Weak... We-I'm so weak. ...Then we'll get stronger.

2012-02-23, 07:19 AM
The bandit tries to make a run for it.

He does not survive the flamethrower which chases him.

The knight then turns to the three of you and says, "Okay, boys, now it's your turn. Did y'all really mean to kill me or was that a shameless lie to try to save your skins?"

2012-02-23, 07:42 PM
Drake takes off his tattered clothes to show his original outfit. "We had a plan if we could convince him to let him join his bandits. With that I would have disguise myself as myself since I doubt they would known of my noble origins. So I was going to set up a plan that we would work with them then tell you of their hideout to set up a ambush to capture them but, hey well. Drake turns to the bandit's charred remains. "That just didn't go as plan.

OOC To Planswalker and Prophet
Sorry guys some family drama happened that didn't allow me to go online to post.

2012-02-23, 09:36 PM
Felix could not let drake take this blame himself.

That pathetic lie was my idea. As was the decision to take on the bandits without consulting you first. I not only overestimated my own strength, I dragged my... Friend into it, and when my power was insufficient I attempted to make up for it with lies and deception. Had you not appeared I would be dead. I am pathetic. And I am in your debt sir knight. Felix?!

Family emergencies are AOK. Hope everything is well mam, good to have you back.

2012-02-25, 11:47 PM
"Well, boys, if you really wanted to help around here, you should have waited for me. Having to save your hides meant that I only caught the ringleader and his followers will get away and flock to some other bandit's banner. Still, it is good that you are unharmed."

2012-02-27, 01:57 AM

where are y'all?

2012-02-27, 03:14 AM
Sorry Show just ended so I've was striking all Saturday and working sunday.

Knight, I wish to be stronger. If you will teach us, we will assist you in handling the bandits. I know I am weak now but I swear on the Sterling Family Name I will be strong enough to fight any foe. I swear I shall never loss a fight again. I'd rather die trying.

This is the first time Felix mentioned his last name. So both the knight and Drake, if they have knowledge of Royal Families, would know that the Sterling's served Lord Dominic who was partnered with Mewtwo before the Legendary's Revolted. Either could rightly assume he is one of the last survivors

2012-02-27, 03:23 AM
"I respect your oath and will hold you to it. Do you truly wish to squire under me to learn what I have to teach?'

2012-02-27, 03:44 AM
I do. Then he turned to Drake. I am sorry my friend. I will understand if this is not the path you choose but I must follow whatever path will lead me to strength. I thank you for all you have taught me.

A Squire... You? Well well, trying to follow daddy after all

2012-02-27, 07:31 AM
Drake proceeds to think A squire huh a interesting concept but will following this path lead of seizing the nation. Though it would help to gain power and knowledge which then I could advanced my position. Drake then turns to the Felix and the knight "Sir knight will you also take me under as a student? Drake then went to Felix "Hey know I just can't abandon a friend we can do this together."

2012-02-27, 09:34 AM
"Very well." He draws his sword. "Kneel, the both of you."

2012-02-27, 07:35 PM
Felix begins to kneel.

This is your last chance if you wish to leave us before we make out pledge. We could never leave you Felix, we are a part of you now. Make your vow, if this path of light will lead you to your power we will remain as the larger shadow you cast. Our paths are bound Felix. In that case...

We are ready

2012-02-27, 07:52 PM
"Do you both swear upon your lives to uphold the honor of your liege knight, his lord, and to defend their lands?"

2012-02-27, 07:57 PM
We Do
We Do

It might be the knights imagination, but it almost sounded like Felix had two voices for a second

2012-02-27, 08:02 PM
After taking y'all's pledges, he has you both stand. "Now, then, rise as squires of the Realm!"

2012-02-27, 08:43 PM
Well, no going back now Quite.

So, my Lord Knight. Where do we go from here?

2012-02-27, 09:30 PM
"It is traditional that, after swearing the oath, one goes into the wilds and meditates for a day and a night, taking no food or drink at that time. Sometimes, one is given a vision then. Other times, it is merely a chance to think on the enormity of what one has done."

2012-02-27, 11:14 PM
The Woods? That's it? I've spent days in the woods! Ha! This will be a simple task. What about the lack of Food or Drink Felix? Yes, that will be hard, but I can survive a single day. And the Meditation? Oh yes, he did mention that. What is meditation again? Don't you remember. It's when you sit still and clear your mind of all thoughts. !... I see... I might be F*****.

He was, however, without a choice. So he removed his possesions, save his Wand, Gems and Cloths, and handed them to the Knight.

... I suppose it's obvious that we should be separated for this event. He directs towards Drake. Sir Knight, when we have finished our Quest. How should we find you again?

What time IG would you say it is, Fluff wise for how long Felix should be out there?

2012-02-28, 01:25 AM
Drake proceeds to give the knight his possession but the wand and cloths. "Hmm time to meditate and fast for a day okay this might be a unique experience. Drake thought.

2012-02-28, 01:28 AM
Drake proceeds to give the knight his possession but the wand and cloths. "Hmm time to meditate and fast for a day okay this might be a unique experience. Drake thought.

2012-02-28, 09:49 AM
The Woods? That's it? I've spent days in the woods! Ha! This will be a simple task. What about the lack of Food or Drink Felix? Yes, that will be hard, but I can survive a single day. And the Meditation? Oh yes, he did mention that. What is meditation again? Don't you remember. It's when you sit still and clear your mind of all thoughts. !... I see... I might be F*****.

He was, however, without a choice. So he removed his possesions, save his Wand, Gems and Cloths, and handed them to the Knight.

... I suppose it's obvious that we should be separated for this event. He directs towards Drake. Sir Knight, when we have finished our Quest. How should we find you again?

What time IG would you say it is, Fluff wise for how long Felix should be out there?

"Return to Schmutzville and you will find my house on the edge of town."

it is mid-morning

Drake proceeds to give the knight his possession but the wand and cloths. "Hmm time to meditate and fast for a day okay this might be a unique experience. Drake thought.

"This is to be a deeply personal and spiritual experience. What you see and experience while at this vigil is yours and yours alone. Share only as much of this vigil as you wish to share. I and all others will never ask you to tell what happens in the next day."

2012-02-28, 03:06 PM
I understand. Drake, sir Knight I shall see you both again before high noon tomorrow.

Finishing his goodbyes and having nothing left to do and eager to get on Felix turned to the forest and went to find a spot where he felt he could be at peace. Whereupon he would sit.

It's time, I'll ask you to separate from us now. Felix... Are you sure, you could be more at peace with me here. Yes... But there may be a greater meaning in this tradition than the Knight is aware of. It is time to face the demons that plague me, and for that I must sit in my personal darkness. I must ask you to keep watch, stay hidden but close to me so as I can remain undisturbed. ...As you wish. Best of luck Felix.

With that Ego left Felix and stayed hidden in the shade above the tree keeping watch. Felix was left falling deeper and deeper into darkness, trying to clear his mind as he wallowed in his hate. Trying to come to a peace.

2012-02-28, 03:26 PM
"See you tomorrow he said to Felix. I will also see you as well Sir Knight." Drake proceed to walk into the forest. Into a secluded area by the water."Xemith come on out." Drake releases Xemith from his crystal. All right Xemith we have to spend a day in this forest and gather and reflect. I believe this is a good exercise and can strengthen our bond as a Pokemon and trainer. Come let us gather our minds Drake proceed to sit there and gather his thought while his Axew lays next to him.

2012-02-28, 07:19 PM
I understand. Drake, sir Knight I shall see you both again before high noon tomorrow.

Finishing his goodbyes and having nothing left to do and eager to get on Felix turned to the forest and went to find a spot where he felt he could be at peace. Whereupon he would sit.

It's time, I'll ask you to separate from us now. Felix... Are you sure, you could be more at peace with me here. Yes... But there may be a greater meaning in this tradition than the Knight is aware of. It is time to face the demons that plague me, and for that I must sit in my personal darkness. I must ask you to keep watch, stay hidden but close to me so as I can remain undisturbed. ...As you wish. Best of luck Felix.

With that Ego left Felix and stayed hidden in the shade above the tree keeping watch. Felix was left falling deeper and deeper into darkness, trying to clear his mind as he wallowed in his hate. Trying to come to a peace.

In your darkness, a white quadrupedal pokemon walks up and says, "Doom is upon you. Are you worthy?"


"See you tomorrow he said to Felix. I will also see you as well Sir Knight." Drake proceed to walk into the forest. Into a secluded area by the water."Xemith come on out." Drake releases Xemith from his crystal. All right Xemith we have to spend a day in this forest and gather and reflect. I believe this is a good exercise and can strengthen our bond as a Pokemon and trainer. Come let us gather our minds Drake proceed to sit there and gather his thought while his Axew lays next to him.

While your thoughts are gathering, the wind around you rustles and a great orange dragon descends.

"Doom is upon you, are you prepared?" it asks.


2012-02-29, 02:50 AM
As dragon descended and it ask it's question Drake thought and reflected "Am I prepared?" he just sits there he finally states "No I am not prepared I am took weak in my current state but when I get stronger I will be prepared.

2012-02-29, 06:26 AM
"Doom is upon you either way."

It opens its mouth and begins to draw in the sunlight, charging up a beam of energy.

2012-02-29, 06:52 AM
If doom is upon me it is just another obstacle in my way from realizing my goal of conquering this realm. I will face it head on and I won't look back upon it. Drake rises and proceeds to run at and try to ram into the dragon.

2012-02-29, 06:54 AM
If doom is upon me it is just another obstacle in my way from realizing my goal of conquering this realm. I will face it head on and I won't look back upon it. Drake rises and proceeds to run at and try to ram into the dragon.

2012-02-29, 07:05 AM
results pending what prophet does

2012-02-29, 03:49 PM
The castle, the fire, Him, they are all so clear. I can't concentrate, all I see is Him. I hate him. I hate him! I Hate Him! I-
... What- What is that.

In your darkness, a white quadrupedal pokemon walks up and says, "Doom is upon you. Are you worthy?"


In that instant all the scenes past went black and all that remained was a strange... thing. It looked like a pokemon.

Doom? ... Doom is my Past, My Present and my eventual Fate. Doom is all I know. Do you're worst. Worth has nothing to do with it.

2012-02-29, 04:00 PM
It sharpens its claws, and an ebon slash is aimed your direction.

respond to its attack, and then I'll continue both halves.

Sorry about this delay

2012-02-29, 04:03 PM
The Arc of Pure Darkness is flung from the pokemon straight at Felix.

So this. This is my destiny. Fine then. Darkness is all I have known. I welcome this.

Felix extends his arms out to either side, awaiting the Ebon Energy. For once facing something head on, rather than run or try and tricking it.

2012-02-29, 04:12 PM
The Arc of Pure Darkness is flung from the pokemon straight at Felix.

So this. This is my destiny. Fine then. Darkness is all I have known. I welcome this.

Felix extends his arms out to either side, awaiting the Ebon Energy. For once facing something head on, rather than run or try and tricking it.

If doom is upon me it is just another obstacle in my way from realizing my goal of conquering this realm. I will face it head on and I won't look back upon it. Drake rises and proceeds to run at and try to ram into the dragon.

As Drake connects with the dragonite and Felix embraces the darkness, both pokemon vanish from view.

Both of you hear a new voice in your minds, a feminine voice unlike either of the others.

Congratulations on your bravery, both of you. The doom, or judgment, passed upon you, and both of you chose to face it unflinchingly. Go forth with courage.

Both of you wake up to find the sun high in the sky. It is mid-morning.

At each of y'all's feet, there is an egg. Felix's egg is a white egg with jagged black claw mark patterns through the middle. Drake's is solid blue.

2012-02-29, 04:23 PM
Felix slowly opens his eyes, the sunshine is bright and he squints at first but eventually, everything comes into view.

Damn... It barely looks past morning. I knew it would be hard to do this meditation thing. Oh well, better get back to it.

Suddenly the blackish purple mist known as Ego appeared before him smiling, then it repossesed him.

Felix, we are glad to see you are awake at last. Ego, what are you doing? We need this time to ourselves to meditate. You did Felix, we watched you all night, you shook violently at first but eventually you remained still. It's just about time to meet back up with the Dracul boy and the Knight. I- I did it? !!! What's this? Felix picks up the Egg in front of him. Ahh yess, it appeared there just before you awoke. An odd blackness shaped around you, it was there after the Blackness dissipated. Then you awoke. ...I see. Perhaps this too is part of my Destiny. We have seen something then? Yes. Yes we have. I shall inform you on the way, for now, let us rejoin our companions.

He picked up the Egg, holding it carefully and began the Journey back to the Knights house.

2012-02-29, 04:32 PM
Drake awakens and looks around he sees Xemith swimming in the water. "Ah it is safe to assume you enjoyed your stay," As the Axew went back towards Drake. "That vision has made me see that I will progressive no matter what the challenge. Drake thought then as he look down he noticed the egg. "So what was that vision." He then picks up the egg and holds it close. Come Xemith Felix and the Knight are expecting us. Drake and Xemith then set off to the Knight's house.

2012-02-29, 04:35 PM
As the two of you head off towards the Knight's abode, y'all meet up with each other within the hour.

2012-02-29, 04:43 PM
Felix is walking towards the Knights Home, it took him a bit, he had to ask directions twice. Eventually he managed to find the place, and see's Drake just shy of the Knights Abode.

Drake! He calls out. I take it all went well for you? Then he notices the Egg in his hand. Oh and Egg?! You too? I suppose this has something to do with our visions, Shall we go in?

2012-02-29, 04:45 PM
At just that moment, you hear a terrible snarling coming from just the other side of a clump of trees.

2012-02-29, 04:49 PM
Drake and Xemith walk side by side and meet with Felix. "Hey Felix." Yeah I guess so and as the egg yeah we seem to have had something similar in our visions. As Drake talked he heard the snarl. "Xemith and Felix heads up something is coming." Xemith then took a stance showing it was ready.

2012-02-29, 04:54 PM
Y'all hear another terrible snarl and a trio of human screams as well as some yipping.

2012-02-29, 04:56 PM
I am ready. Ego, come out I have need of your assistance.

Ego unpossesses Felix and "stands" at the ready as they slowly approach the snarling.

2012-02-29, 05:02 PM
A gold fox trimmed with blue was standing in the middle of a clearing. Three young men were lying unmoving on the ground around it, as well as black foxes with red trim.

As y'all approach, the gold fox turns to you with murder in its eyes.

2012-02-29, 05:06 PM
Those eyes, the same as mine. It wants to kill.

Felix kneels down looking at it.

Are you going to kill me little one?

2012-02-29, 05:12 PM
"Felix be careful this thing looks dangerous and isn't afraid to attack humans what ever it is. Drake puts the egg down and pulls out his wand to scan the Pokemon.

2012-02-29, 05:13 PM
The zorua looks at you with hate in its eyes, and it uses extrasensory power to ravage you for [roll0] special psychic damage.

2012-02-29, 05:32 PM
Drake witness seeing Felix get hit by a devastating attack. Felix! All right Xemith go use your scratch attack.
Xemith charges towards the Zorua and scratches it.

Accuracy Check [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

If Axew can activate Mold Breaker he uses on Zorua

2012-02-29, 06:13 PM
Drake proceeds to take a gem and throws it at the Zorua "Here goes something

Capture Roll

2012-02-29, 06:21 PM
You capture the wild, hateful thing and its crystal rolls on the ground, glowing deep purple for several long seconds before coming to a rest.

You now have a situation where four downed humans and three downed pokemon are before you. One of them is your friend, Felix. The other three seem to be strangers you've seen around town the other day.

2012-02-29, 06:35 PM
"Hmm" Drake looks around and sees the bodies. Xemith the knight shouldn't be to far away we might be able to get to him. So carry the Pokemon down and I will take the people. Drake puts the bodies in a pile and Axew grabs the Zoruas by the tails and they proceed to carry (Zoruas) and drag (bodies) to the Knight's place or nearest area where the people can be taken care of.

2012-02-29, 10:36 PM
um, are you really strong enough to be able to drag four bodies? what is your strength?

2012-02-29, 10:41 PM
I only have 14 but is there a way I can just drag them one by one a little at a time then

2012-02-29, 10:45 PM
that does turn it from a single one-way trip into three two-way trips and one one-way trip as a net result. It will take you a lot longer, but it is doable. You might reach town before dusk. Remember that you're an hour outside of town assuming you can drag one person at a normal walking speed. At 14 str, that doesn't seem unreasonable to me.

2012-02-29, 10:52 PM
Drake tries to drag the bodies at once but it was no avail. Darn this won't work I can't take the bodies at one. Xemith can you do me a favor and stay on guard." He takes Felix's body and proceeds to drag it to town.

2012-02-29, 11:02 PM
Assuming you're willing to give him minor scratches to ensure you have enough time to get everyone back before dark, you arrive in town and one of the young girls in the village looks panicked and says, "Um, mister, what are you doing?" She is barely keeping herself from screaming.

2012-02-29, 11:06 PM
"People were attacked and are now knocked out I need to go get them before night fall. Can you please watch him and let him rest."
Drake proceed to run off and go retrieve another body.

2012-02-29, 11:17 PM
"Um, 'kay"

Two hours later, you return dragging another body, and the girl and the first body are gone. Instead, a matronly woman is standing where they were and launches into a tirade on the spot. "Foolish boy, what in the world were you thinking!"

2012-02-29, 11:19 PM
"Hardly thinking can you get the Knight please. Also where is the first person I brought here I need to know if he is safe.

2012-02-29, 11:23 PM
"He's safe, a lot safer than you will be if you don't explain to me why you fools were attacking a pokemon directly. It better be a good reason, too."

2012-02-29, 11:25 PM
"I can't explain for the other people but apparently it was angry enough to take them down and my friend."

2012-02-29, 11:26 PM
"WHAT was? Some poor pokemon you tortured, not realizing they fight back?"

2012-02-29, 11:30 PM
"It was a Zorua and it seem the other people maybe stepped on their territory and it fought them. Lady there are two other bodies and night is coming I need the Knight or anyone strong to get the other people.

2012-02-29, 11:33 PM
"Wait, you fought the zorua and survived? I'm sorry for yelling at you. I'll go fetch my husband, and he will help you get the others."

Her husband happens to be a tall man, built like a lumberjack. He claims to be the town scribe. With his held, you manage to get the other two back with an hour to spare before dusk. You are informed that your friends are being kept at the inn until Mr Todd, the local barber who has a dabbling in all sorts of talents can look at them

2012-02-29, 11:38 PM
Xemith takes the unconscious bodies of the Zoruas they follow Drake and the Lumberjack back to the inn. As it brought them in Drake says"The different Zorua seem to betray it's kind and attacked these please help theses as well.

Do I get a level for this? It seems very important.
Also what are the stats of this Zorua?

2012-03-01, 08:06 AM
no, you don't get a level for this.

but you do get yourself a female level 20 shiny zorua that knows the following tm/tutor/egg moves in addition to its regular level up moves:

calm mind

"Well, if the zorua you described is that feral pack leader who has been harassing people for weeks now, I'm not surprised she turned on these caught zorua."

2012-03-01, 12:10 PM
Drake sat there waiting with his and Felix's egg waiting on any news of there current status. Finally after some time has passed. He goes in to see if Felix and the others have awaken from their slumber.

2012-03-01, 12:36 PM
You walk over to the room in the inn where they are staying, and the three strangers are awake. In addition, there's a young woman with a load of towels in her hands who is talking to them. Felix is still asleep.

Edit: hop over to their thread.

2012-03-02, 09:46 PM
The darkness... Again. I don't understand. Awaken. What? Who are you? Ego? No, no I remember you, you're- Awaken Felix Sterling. This is not your Doom.

Felix awoke with a start, his eyes flashing open but remaining still in bed.


Felix turned his head slightly to the left, he saw his egg, it looked like it had been wrapped up, special care was taken. He did not know where he was but recognized it as an inn or the like. Most likely in Shmutzville.

Felix you're awake! Where, where are we? We are safe, the Dracul boy carried us back to town after the feral creature attacked. Heh, so it did want to kill me Felix said with a rare smile.

He then attempted to get up. Do not over exert yourself, you have just recovered. I will be fine.

He got up and looked around, for Drake, the knight, or anyone else with answers.

Saw that Asd moved back here that's why I posted here. No idea what my current health or anything else is. Good to be back.

2012-03-03, 12:14 AM
you are at 1 hp. You will recover lvl + con if you stay in bed today.

read the Rise of a Lord thread for a description of your surroundings.

If you really don't want to go to their thread, can I ask y'all for a timeskip to the next day so I'm not incessantly copy/pasting back and forth between the two threads?

2012-03-03, 12:16 AM
I am okay with a timeskip since Drake fell asleep.

2012-03-03, 12:28 AM
The next morning...

do as you wish

2012-03-03, 02:12 AM
Felix was rested but restless that night. Some of the gentlemen in the same house got into a scuffle with the Innkeeper. Something about his daughter, Felix didn't pay it much attention. The next morning he was feeling a bit better but honestly still pretty bad but he didn't care. He'd had enough of his surroundings. He decided to exit the Inn and get some fresh air. Finding a nice spot to sit outside as he waited for Drake to get up.

2012-03-03, 10:14 AM
The sun's rays touched Drake's face and he rose from his slumber. He looked around and saw Felix wasn't there. He called Xemith out of his gem and asked for him to carry the egg he received as a gift and he would carry Felix's and his egg. As he walk outside he noticed Felix. "Hey you are awake. Thank goodness I was concerned about you. Here take your egg." Drake gives Felix his egg. "Oh we should go by the Knight's house he called for us before he leaves."

2012-03-03, 07:32 PM
Felix accepts his Egg.

Thank you Drake. Hmm... I could have sworn you had only one Egg, must have been a hell of a vision. Anyway, you say Sir Knight wishes to see us? Lead the way.

2012-03-03, 07:43 PM
"Nah this egg was a gift from the person I rescued. Though yes we should go to the Knight and begin our official duty as squires. Drake proceeds to walk to the Knight's house.

2012-03-03, 10:57 PM
At the knight's house, he says, "I am glad to see you on your feet. Now, before we proceed with your first official day as squires, there is an account to settle."

2012-03-03, 11:05 PM
"Yes what is it sir Knight?"

2012-03-04, 04:25 PM
"Alvor gave you his share from the zorua job."

He counts out five gold coins to give you.

2012-03-04, 04:33 PM
"Thank you sir. Drake puts the money in his pouch. "Now sir what is our first duty as your squires?"

2012-03-04, 05:06 PM
"There are a pair of farmers who have asked for the Baron's justice in settling a dispute. I would like to test you two, see what sort of head you have for finding the truth. I will appoint you two to settle it. I will follow along behind you and observe. Things are actually rather quiet today, as I've taken out two different groups of bandits and the feral zorua has been taken care of."

2012-03-04, 05:32 PM
"Okay that doesn't sound too hard let's go. Drake proceeds to go to the farmers

2012-03-05, 08:26 AM
There are a pair of farmers on the edge of town. One is a young man, his wife, and four kids. The other is a single man and his three adult sons. One claims that the other one attacked and killed a pair of goats on the edge of his property. The other claims that a pair of goats were eating his garden on his property and when he went to scare them off, the male attacked and he killed it after it injured his son.

2012-03-05, 03:04 PM
"Well then we need to gather each person's account and then examine the examine the damages to determine who is right in this scenario. Drake proceeds to go the farmer with the wife and children to get their side of the story.

That reminds me there is no goat Pokemon.

2012-03-05, 03:51 PM
Felix sees Drake go off to the one Family and decides to save time. While Drake is off with the man and wife, Felix heads to the Lone man and his three sons.

So... It is my understanding that one of that mans Goats was eating off your land. You claim you slew the goat after it attacked and injured your son. Care to expand?

Sorry if I got the stories mixed up, my understanding took this family as the later in all accounts.

2012-03-05, 08:52 PM
"Well then we need to gather each person's account and then examine the examine the damages to determine who is right in this scenario. Drake proceeds to go the farmer with the wife and children to get their side of the story.

That reminds me there is no goat Pokemon.

indeed not. Animals exist in this world. Trying to farm something that could very likely destroy your whole house is not smart. Expecially when it's likely to be as smart as you are.

also, there aren't nearly enough pokemon of enough ecological niches to actually make a viable food web on their own.

"That blasted foregner, Mackoy set his goats on my kids last week, and I had to kill them to save their lives."

Felix sees Drake go off to the one Family and decides to save time. While Drake is off with the man and wife, Felix heads to the Lone man and his three sons.

So... It is my understanding that one of that mans Goats was eating off your land. You claim you slew the goat after it attacked and injured your son. Care to expand?

Sorry if I got the stories mixed up, my understanding took this family as the later in all accounts.

"No, you got that backwards. That moron was jealous of my goats and when he figured out that he couldn't get away with stealing them, he killed them. On MY property."

2012-03-05, 09:24 PM
"According to the Knight the goat was eating your crop and you tried to scare it off and it then attacked and you killed it correct?"

2012-03-05, 10:18 PM
"Aye, he tried to feed his goats off my garden rather than feed them himself. I went to drive them off, and he drove them at my kids."

2012-03-05, 11:42 PM
"No, you got that backwards. That moron was jealous of my goats and when he figured out that he couldn't get away with stealing them, he killed them. On MY property."

Appologies. We were told the goat was on your property's edge, but you seem confident that it was on your property. Would you mind giving me a tour of your property lines so we may better understand your plight. On the way you can tell me about your history with your 'friendly neighbor'. How long has he been jealouse of your goats? Is he a rival in your field?

2012-03-06, 02:30 AM
"He hasn't liked us from the moment we came to town, and never gave us a reason why. I'll take you out to the property line right now if you'd like."

2012-03-06, 03:33 AM
That would be... Nice nice. Please expand, how long have you been in town and has he given indication he might do something like this before? Or has he warned you in the past about your goats being too close to his property? Felix continued as they walked.

2012-03-06, 07:57 AM
He gets defensive. "What, you think he's justified in killing my goats? That this is all my fault?"

2012-03-06, 09:27 AM
"Okay now can I please have your injured son's testimony in private please."

2012-03-06, 01:18 PM
"Why, my word not good enough?"

2012-03-06, 03:11 PM
He gets defensive. "What, you think he's justified in killing my goats? That this is all my fault?"

I have no such opinion. I am new to this scuffle yours is the only story I have, if you want me to portray your plight properly you would do well to give me the full story of this conflict. The more information I have the better I can defend your rights in this matter.

2012-03-06, 03:35 PM
"This will allow me to get the best and accurate information to then make a proper decision. Now may please speak to your son in private.

2012-03-06, 10:33 PM
I have no such opinion. I am new to this scuffle yours is the only story I have, if you want me to portray your plight properly you would do well to give me the full story of this conflict. The more information I have the better I can defend your rights in this matter.

"No, at first he was really nice, even friendly. Then one day he just started ignoring us, and a month later, he kills my goats and comes up with some absurd story about them attacking people. Have you ever seen a goat attack someone?"

"Why, my word not good enough?"

"This will allow me to get the best and accurate information to then make a proper decision. Now may please speak to your son in private.

"He's recovering from his injuries, and I'm not going to just disturb him needlessly."

2012-03-06, 10:40 PM
"Okay. Now can you tell me about your neighbor.

2012-03-06, 10:43 PM
"The damned foreigner moved in where he isn't welcome and he sent his goats to attack us."

2012-03-06, 10:53 PM
"Now can I talk to the other members on the house to get the full side of the story."

2012-03-07, 12:36 PM
"Sure, but don't disturb Adolf. He's still recovering. And if you badger my wife and kids too much, I'll run you off my property myself. Why isn't the knight dealing with this, anyways?"

2012-03-07, 01:26 PM
I have seen a great many creatures I wouldn't expect turn vicious in this world. Although I will grant you a goat would be a first. You say he wasn't always aggressive towards you, can you remember the day he turned cold. Do you remember if anything else had happened around that time?

2012-03-07, 03:35 PM
"The Knight was summoned and decided that this was a task that his squires could handle. Now I would like to speak to your wife in private if I may."

2012-03-07, 11:44 PM
I have seen a great many creatures I wouldn't expect turn vicious in this world. Although I will grant you a goat would be a first. You say he wasn't always aggressive towards you, can you remember the day he turned cold. Do you remember if anything else had happened around that time?

"Uh, no."

wis check: he's hiding something.

"The Knight was summoned and decided that this was a task that his squires could handle. Now I would like to speak to your wife in private if I may."

"I guess if assault is not worth his time to investigate, I will have to settle for his lackeys. Very well." Wait here. He disappears into the house.

2012-03-08, 12:09 AM
:Sigh: Felix stops in his tracks and takes a good hard look at the Man. Sir. We realize we are not the Knight-Protector, and that you may think you do not have to treat us with the same level of respect. After all you do not know of us. We will, however, warn you:
We are not someone to underestimate.
We are not someone to underestimate.

Saying that with a bit more force than he intended Felix takes a quick pause.

Now. We are attempting to help you, you do not have to help us and we can leave you with you're privacy, a dead goat and our sympathy but no further justice. If, however, you do want some compensation for you're damages livestock and insurance that this event will not happen again we would suggest, and we grow weary of repeating ourself so we will only say this one final time before we simply leave you to you're family and return to the Knight with nothing but Insults to our Pride.
Give Me The FULL Story.
Give Me The FULL Story.

2012-03-08, 08:35 AM
can I get a cha check with that?

2012-03-08, 10:52 AM
Drake begins to think while he waits for the man's wife to come out.This man is rather suspicious it is like he has something to hide or maybe he just a very rude and angry man.

2012-03-08, 11:02 AM
Drake begins to think while he waits for the man's wife to come out.This man is rather suspicious it is like he has something to hide or maybe he just a very rude and angry man.

The wife comes out. "Yes, I was told you had questions?" The husband is not present.

2012-03-08, 11:05 AM
"Yes I was looking to get your side of the story and maybe some information about your neighbor since your husband has made it very clear on how he feels about the neighbor.

2012-03-08, 11:17 AM
"Yes I was looking to get your side of the story and maybe some information about your neighbor since your husband has made it very clear on how he feels about the neighbor.

"What do you want to know?"

2012-03-08, 11:21 AM
"I just want to hear your side of the story and how you feel about the neighbor. You know what do you think about him?

2012-03-09, 09:58 AM
"The one with three sons? He's a nice enough fellow. Needs to learn to control his goats."

2012-03-09, 03:26 PM
can I get a cha check with that?


2012-03-09, 03:26 PM
"Your husband gets rather angry at just the mere thought of your neighbor with the goats. Tell me was it always like that?

2012-03-09, 03:55 PM
:Sigh: Felix stops in his tracks and takes a good hard look at the Man. Sir. We realize we are not the Knight-Protector, and that you may think you do not have to treat us with the same level of respect. After all you do not know of us. We will, however, warn you:
We are not someone to underestimate.
We are not someone to underestimate.

Saying that with a bit more force than he intended Felix takes a quick pause.

Now. We are attempting to help you, you do not have to help us and we can leave you with you're privacy, a dead goat and our sympathy but no further justice. If, however, you do want some compensation for you're damages livestock and insurance that this event will not happen again we would suggest, and we grow weary of repeating ourself so we will only say this one final time before we simply leave you to you're family and return to the Knight with nothing but Insults to our Pride.
Give Me The FULL Story.
Give Me The FULL Story.

"Look, I'm sorry. It's just that we have so few friends in town, and then the neighbor I thought I could trust turned on me. When we first got to town, he was friendly. His family helped us through some lean times, but as soon as the spring planting was over this year, he became very cross with me. I do not know why."

"Your husband gets rather angry at just the mere thought of your neighbor with the goats. Tell me was it always like that?

"No, at first he welcomed neighbors. We even helped feed them through the winter. Then, after planting this spring-" she freezes.

2012-03-09, 04:21 PM
"Yes what happened after planting the spring crop?

2012-03-09, 06:11 PM
"Look, I'm sorry. It's just that we have so few friends in town, and then the neighbor I thought I could trust turned on me. When we first got to town, he was friendly. His family helped us through some lean times, but as soon as the spring planting was over this year, he became very cross with me. I do not know why."

It is fine, I do believe you but I must ask you one last time: Is there anything else I should know? Have your goats ever showed aggression? Has your farm been attacked recently, by people, animals or otherwise? Any sicknesses? Or anything else from the planting season when your neighbor turned cold that might be worth mentioning? The slightest detail might be the difference between a settled case or waiting until this incident happens again, wither it be to another goat or, Lord Forbid, your family.

2012-03-10, 07:11 PM
(Alright, assuming temporary control for Plans's small vacation, and it's gonna be bumpy at times)

Asd, diplomacy and perception, if you would.

"Just the zoruas, which killed one of my goats three weeks ago, I might add! Other than that, not really. Some pranks by kids, perhaps, but those generally hit everyone."
He seems to be telling the truth.

2012-03-10, 07:51 PM
Come on good rolls. [roll0] Diplomacy
[roll1] Perception
GOD DANG IT :smallfurious::smallfurious:

2012-03-11, 09:53 AM
You go to press the issue when bleating comes from nearby, with flashes of lightning in your peripheral vision. Turning your head, several sheep with long tails ending in bulbs seem to have wandered into view. Then one blasts a nearby tree with electricity, and takes the fruit that fall. Both farmers look distressed. The wife mutters something.
"Not those again!"
(Because electric sheep fit this moment and the rolls deserved some sort of distraction, that's why.)

2012-03-11, 10:46 AM
Felix nods his head as the farmer finishes his thought. All right, that should be enough. Thanks you. suddenly he hears what almost sounds like a large snap or a very quick bang. Turning around he sees a rather fluffy sheep. The inhabitance do not looked pleased to see it.

You have lost enough of your livestock. We will deal with the wild one. Ego. Right.

Ego splits from Felix's subconcience and they head towards the sheep. Felix pulls out his wand and scans the creature.

2012-03-11, 01:00 PM
"Don't worry Ma'am I can handle this. Drake proceeds to run off to the sheep. Xemith come on out. He sends out his Axew and then scans the Pokemon with his wand.

2012-03-11, 01:27 PM
The mareep baa at you. There are ten in total, though several look younger than the others.
"There's a herd somewhere in the forest that can get dangerous when some get lost and wander towards town. Property damage, mostly. Still, though, be careful!"
Regardless, they move towards the houses, shouting things involving the words "pokemon" "quartz" and "prepare", not necessarily in that order.
(Okay, I have literally nothing put together due to location. I can get this going by 7 or 8, though. Alternately, if one of you could PM mareep stats and moveblocks to me, that'd be nice.)

2012-03-11, 02:22 PM
The mareep graze, while the axew at least has better reflexes. The two biggest have been launching electricity at the trees, knocking fruit off.
(Prophet, I still can't see your sheet)

2012-03-11, 08:45 PM
"Okay Xemith lets try to contain these guys. Use Scratch Axew moves to the closes Mareep.

2012-03-11, 09:12 PM
Drake proceeds to run and try to wrangle the rest of grazing Mareep.

2012-03-11, 09:36 PM
Xemith charges the largest one and cuts in, leaving a gash in the fleece. Mareep takes 18 damage! Mareep is down to 10 HP!
It bleats, and lightning crackles along its fleece before lashing out at Xemith.
Before this, though, Ego gets to go.

2012-03-11, 10:10 PM
(To show the post)

2012-03-11, 10:30 PM
The thunder shock hit Xemith but he shakes off.
Hp 21/25

2012-03-12, 12:22 AM
Drake and Xemith wasted no time.

Well don't be rude Ego, Xemith already extended his hand to our guests, why don't you get better aquatinted yourself. Give them a friendly peck on the cheek. Lick.

Ego smiles as he turn into vapor only to reappear a second later in front of the Mareep closest to him and Felix.

Ego uses Lick!
[roll0] Paralyzes on 15+

also, question: is there a battlemap that I missed or are we just RPing this?

2012-03-12, 08:43 AM
The same, already hit mareep bleats pathetically as Ego licks it. Mareep takes one damage! Mareep is down to 9 HP!
The other stronger mareep begins herding the rest away from the fight, as they are too young for facing the two of you. Drake cuts the group off.
(We're going to RP this one, as maps are a pain to update at times)

2012-03-12, 12:34 PM
Drake, you and Xemith can keep the young ones busy. This one won't be much of a Fight. Ego, let's try that new one out again see if it works.

Talking is a free action type thing but I'm using the attack now because I'm not sure when I'll have time to post until later tonight.

Ego uses Toxic!

2012-03-12, 04:27 PM
"Xemith cut off their escape route. Xemith moves behind the herd to cut their potential escape route.

If it's possible to catch the Mareep we hit from where I am standing I will do so.

2012-03-12, 07:44 PM
The wounded mareep vanishes into the orb, which only faintly wobbles before stopping.

One mareep is poisoned by a blast of gas from Ego. This is the other big one, who builds a charge and aims at the human blocking the way.
[roll0]2 or better, evasion check must pass roll to negate
The others growl at Xemith.
[roll2]must beat 2
[roll3]must beat 2
[roll4]must beat 2
[roll5]must beat 2
[roll6]must beat 2
[roll7]must beat 2
[roll8]must beat 2
[roll9]must beat 2

2012-03-13, 11:42 AM
Drake dodge the big Mareep's attack but Xemith wasn't as fortunate and go hit by all the attacks. Drake moved out of the way of the big Mareep and the and return Xemith to his gem. "Felix try catching the big Mareep once we finish taking out their leaders it will be easier to herd them." Drake looks around for the farmers and sees them "Get your able children and help me try to wrangle this herd of Mareep."

2012-03-13, 11:46 AM
Farmers already are doing that, and Xemih just got growled at a lot. You sure?

2012-03-13, 11:49 AM
OOC well he can't do alot since his attack was cut in half though I guess he can them a mean look (leer)
Xemith give the biggest a leer

2012-03-13, 04:32 PM
(Side note: Each level 10 mareep that is caught or KO'd by you guys is 150 experience for each of you. The weaker ones will be on a case by case basis, as there's a bit of variety)

2012-03-13, 10:22 PM
Felix nods at Drake fumbles with his gem and tosses it at the sheep


2012-03-13, 10:22 PM
[roll0] To self cure
The mareep bleats as it gets licked, before shooting electricity at Ego, poison coursing through its veins. It will not last much longer. Mareep is at 9 HP. Then it gets absorbed into the the quartz, which looks like it's about to shatter before growing still.
The others go to trample Drake, when three quartz get thrown into the group and two poochyena and an eevee pop out. This sends them scrambling.

2012-03-13, 11:11 PM
Drake breathes a sigh of relief as the Pokemon got released and they scattered before him. "Okay everyone lets try to get these Mareep.
You too Xemith. Xemith lets out a roar of confidence. Drake and Xemith (and the others???) try to wrangle the herd of Mareep.

2012-03-13, 11:13 PM
As you go to wrangle them towards the quartz of the kids of the farmers, you hear what sounds like birdsong above you. Looking into a tree, you see a blue bird, with what seems to be clouds for wings.

2012-03-13, 11:41 PM
"Ahh what a beauty song." He pulls out his wand and scans the birdlike creature. He then looks around for berries to get the bird like creature's attention. As he finds them he holds out his arm "Come here come on." He extends his other arm to be perched by the bird like creature so he can feed it.

2012-03-13, 11:41 PM
(Gotta give me a diplomacy check)

2012-03-13, 11:44 PM
Come on dice don't fail me now

2012-03-13, 11:45 PM
The swablu looks at you, before tentatively flying down to your arm. It looks like it could fly off if you make the wrong move.

2012-03-13, 11:51 PM
Drake slowly gives the Swablu the berries he picked up. "That was a lovely song may I please hear it again?" Drake begins to try to imitate the song the swablu sung.

2012-03-13, 11:53 PM
Come on luck please improve

2012-03-13, 11:56 PM
You're flat and off key, and this doesn't improve it's mood. It hops away a bit and eyes you, before growling at you, presumably to warn you off.
Swablu wants to battle!

2012-03-14, 12:16 AM
"Whelp so much for peace and understanding. Come Xemith hit it with your scratch attack

Darn probably missed

2012-03-14, 09:41 AM
Actually, it connects. You had to roll 3 or better.

Swablu is hit! It looks half dead already.
In retaliation, it tries to peck Xemith.

2012-03-14, 11:58 AM
Xemith feels the pecks but isn't to hurt by it HP 17/28
Okay it seems weaken here goes nothing.
Drake gets a gem and throws it at the Swablu
OOC come on 60-
Darn why did I roll high went I didn't need it.

2012-03-14, 12:12 PM
The quartz soars just below the swablu, who pecks again.

2012-03-14, 12:21 PM
The swablu pecks at Xemith but it seem to do not as much as first it might be fatigue.
Xemith HP 14/28
"Okay Xemith be careful this time use your scratch.
Xemith moves to scratch the swablu one more time

2012-03-14, 12:24 PM
The swablu lets out a squawk and falls out of the sky. A close examination shows faint breathing though. Swablu is in low negatives.

2012-03-14, 01:33 PM
Drake picks up the Swablu body carefully. "Well it's still breathing. Though I guess that is going easy for you Xemith." He returns his Xemith and goes to try and talk to the farmers. (I assume they are still in the same place after the wrangling)"Okay now after this event it makes me wonder. What if the mareep caused the initial property damage? That leads to the farmer's goats grazing on your property. Drake points the farmer with the wife.

2012-03-14, 04:00 PM
The farmers all ran inside, and are watching their kids help handle the remaining mareep.
"No burn marks. They shoot lightning to scare off predators, and the property smells of poochyena. After his kids stole the eevee from our Dalton!"

2012-03-14, 05:07 PM
"So this feud is over a little eevee? Have you ever discussed what happen to your children and try to work this out."

2012-03-14, 05:09 PM
"Why should we when that should rightfully have helped Annah! One of those with a found leaf stone could have ensured a good life for her, with their plant control."

2012-03-14, 05:58 PM
"Yes that is your prescriptive but what about your children's point of view? Also if it's over a little Eevee what are the chances of the other farmer letting you breed it so you can have your own?

2012-03-15, 10:09 PM
Having picked up the gem holding the new sheep pokemon, Felix headed over to Drake.

Well the kids have things wrapped up, and I've talked to the other family, are you ready to commune?

2012-03-15, 10:49 PM
As you move towards Drake, you hear angry barking as a burst of flame shoots at a mareep and severely wounding it. a black hound bursts from the treeline, apparently intent on a hot meal, now.

2012-03-15, 11:14 PM
...Damn. Ego back into the fray, cut off the hound. Try sneaking up and using Lick again.


2012-03-15, 11:31 PM
Ego closes the gap and licks the houndour, much to it's surprise, and looks about halfway unconscious. It was so focused on catching a meal it didn't see him coming. The retaliation is more fire.
[roll0]2+sp. def

2012-03-15, 11:35 PM
Can't take another hit like that, Try to put it to sleep!


2012-03-15, 11:40 PM
The houndour just stares into the gastly's eyes, confused as to why they're swirling. Then it follows up with another blast of fire.

2012-03-15, 11:45 PM
(Oh god.)

2012-03-15, 11:46 PM
What?! Why didn't it work? The creature, he must have some ability I'm not yet aware of... No choice, Ego is down. He threw a gem and hoped for the best.


2012-03-15, 11:48 PM
The quartz glows black and red before you, and goes still almost immediately. Houndour caught!

2012-03-15, 11:54 PM
Felix reached down and picked up the gem.

I seem to be obtaining these left and right. ...Ego! he quickly returns the creature to his gem. Need to wrap this up, he needs attention soon. And I can't last much longer without him.

He hurry's to Drake.

Master Dracul, are you ready?

2012-03-15, 11:55 PM
Drake saw Felix capture the hound without a problem. He walks towards Felix "Well no this family is rather secretive but I have found a possible source for hatred. It seems one of your farmer's children "stole" a eevee from them.

2012-03-16, 12:18 AM
Ahh, that could make sense. This didn't happen to have happened around spring would it have?

2012-03-16, 12:21 AM
Ahh, that could make sense. This didn't happen to have happened around spring would it have?

2012-03-16, 09:04 AM
(Okay, that's definitely going to require diplomacy rolls. Also, Perception for body language)

2012-03-16, 08:28 PM

2012-03-18, 09:58 PM
"No clue right when we were talking the Mareep and the other things happened. Though now we have a little knowledge that the families do have a history with each other.

2012-03-19, 12:04 PM
Indeed. My family was reluctant to talk at first but once they did they seemed genuine. The lord of the house seemed almost afraid of his neighbor, to him they were friendly up until after the spring harvest. Then something happened and they turned hostile. He claims he does not know what it is. Confronting him further will only bring about more back and forth. I say we bring the families together and confront both of them together.

2012-03-19, 10:20 PM
"Alright lets do it you get your farmer and I will get mine and let's all discuss it."

2012-03-20, 07:07 PM
Agreed. With that the two split apart and Felix headed for his farmer.

Felix is it wise to bring them together? Won't they be more reserved? I trust the farmer has no knowledge of the actions that upset the other. If we bring them together and confront them There rage will take over and they will reveal everything for us. Yes.

Felix approaches his Farmer.

We are about ready to resolve this, there is only one last thing to settle. If you and your family will follow me we will meet with the other party.

2012-03-20, 09:16 PM
Making my post appear

2012-03-20, 09:26 PM
Drake walks towards his farmer. "We are about to make our decision but before that we need to discuss one last so please get your family except for Aldof."

2012-03-20, 10:25 PM
Agreed. With that the two split apart and Felix headed for his farmer.

Felix is it wise to bring them together? Won't they be more reserved? I trust the farmer has no knowledge of the actions that upset the other. If we bring them together and confront them There rage will take over and they will reveal everything for us. Yes.

Felix approaches his Farmer.

We are about ready to resolve this, there is only one last thing to settle. If you and your family will follow me we will meet with the other party.

"Very well."

Drake walks towards his farmer. "We are about to make our decision but before that we need to discuss one last so please get your family except for Aldof."

"Of course."

2012-03-21, 02:30 PM
Felix walked his farmer and family over to the territory borders of the two farms where Drake was approaching with his Farmer and family.

Drake and Felix exchanged a quick understanding look and then began.
So, Felix began Thank you both for coming. This is where we will settle these events. It has occurred to us that there is some underlying hostility between the two of your houses. Then Felix turns to his Farmer. You claim you have no idea of why the hostility began. Does this still hold true?

2012-03-28, 11:32 PM
(Plans is feeling burnt out, so I'm taking over for you guys again)
"That is true." (for the guy with the sheep)

2012-03-29, 01:12 AM
"I believe have a bit of knowledge pertaining to this feud. Now you sir." Drake points toward his farmer. "You claim that your neighbor has stolen an eevee from you yes?

2012-03-29, 01:16 AM
"That's right! That eevee should've gone to Annah!"
Sheep farmer looks stunned.
"Is...is that what this is about? The only apparently sterile eevee I have ever heard of that my son managed to catch?"
The other farmer gets closer.
"Sterile?! Sterile my ***, you just want to keep the eggs, don't you?!"

2012-03-29, 09:25 AM
Drake gets between the farmers and holds his farmer back. "Calm down sir I am sure there is a logical explanation for this. I need you just to calm down."

2012-03-29, 09:17 PM
"The logical explanation is he's breeding eevees for extra money!"
"I don't even like Trila! She acts like a pampered queen!"
Regardless, seeing as you and Felix have pokemon, Farmer backs off, while Shepherd looks more and more confused.