View Full Version : Out of the Silence: a [Legend] Campaign Log

2012-02-16, 06:29 AM
Out of the Silence, a [Legend] Campaign Log

So, I have never done a campaign journal before and was wondering where to start. Here seems good as any.

The Premise: This was originally going to be an epic level 3.5 game, but I was in the planning stages when legend came out and immediately fell in love with the new system. My players did as well and we decided it was better to use a balanced game where no one had to stop to determine how many turns they got this round and whether or not 17 contingencies just fired. And because someone wanted to be a monk.

I wanted big damn heroes, myths, legends and gods, so I told the players to bring that, some backstory and a reason to start in the land of the dead. I told them the game would be part exalted and part plane hopping space opera
We play fast and loose with the rules at time, but heck, no one cares if their track combinations are strictly legal. We play even looser with mythology, so please don’t bite my head off if Odin doesn’t have his ravens or something.

We threw in some house rules to represent pure awesome/divinity/whatever. Each scene, each player gets a point of grit/quintessence/mana/liquid awesome. This can be expended to essentially freeform, altering reality and calling forth utterly insane effects. I used 3.5’s 9th level spells as a guideline when describing them to my players. “Just don’t go overboard”

They start at 20th, and as far as advancement goes I think I’ll use the E6 version of doing things and give extra feats, legendary abilities, more grit points and the occasional item slot. Shouldn’t mess the math up too badly. Without further ado, here are our players:

The PCs

Ace: Resident giant mech pilot and Big Damn Hero, Ace hails from a dying world rife with civil war. Comes off as very shonen protagonist: loud, hammy, and always the center of action, piloting a vast machine wrought of worked bone and rune etched stone that may or may not feast on the souls of the dead. Still uncertain if he is a hero or villain, or even alive or dead. Functions as party tank and primary offense. Thinks he’s Kamina.
Paladin: Heroica/Virtue/Knight, artifact mount

Zosimos: Dashing swordsman by reputation, he does very little actual dashing. He often comes off as the only sane man in a world of madness. Has no idea why he follows obvious sociopaths around. At current has not written much backstory, should change shortly.
Rogue: Swashbuckler/Fortune’s Friend/Esoterica Radica/Tactical Insights

Lihad: Archmage immortal and scholar of the trans-mundane, Lihad has forsaken his world when he uncovered its last secrets and now wanders the planes in search of something new to analyze and add to his collective knowledge. Personality wise, he is very… unbecoming of an archmage. While his excuse for planeswalking is exploration, anyone who speaks to him for more than five minutes will understand it is simple boredom, the pitfall of any immortal. He seeks, as far as anyone can tell, to have one last grand voyage of discovery before he passes on into myth. A master craftsman, he can often be seen at the fore of the battle wielding artifacts of legend, riding at the prow of Naglfar and wielding Excalibur.
Shaman: Invocation/Spell Circle/True Mage

Brother Davril Freedsoul: Absolute nihilist (of sorts), Davril has spent ages honing his mind and spirit into a weapon with which to wage war on the gods and their tyranny. Based partly off of Spanos’ philosophy, he sees mortalkind as meaningless; their very souls imperialized by the gods and used like so much currency, lacking any intrinsic value. It is a state that they have had imposed upon them and embraced with open arms. Ultimately, Davril seeks to free them all and bring judgment upon the gods by unmaking existence so that a new and more worthy universe may take its place.
Monk: Serpent/Crane/Ten Ninjas/Runesong Scholar

Scene 1: The Silent Planet

They have been walking for days, to stop is to be swallowed by the hungry sands, dragged down into the burning deep and interred with the legions of the dead standing in tight ranks, rank upon rank. The howling wind is constant, bearing the razor edged sands of bone a lot in a shredding sandstorm. The dunes are ever shifting, revealing the dead beneath and occasionally their treasures. There is no true night here, nothing to bring respite from the blazing red sun above, far too huge in the sky, a spiteful searing orb of hate that at its zenith blasts the flesh from one’s very bones. It is then that they must seek shelter, to either lay beneath the sand or find some other way…

Or ruin the drama with Lihad’s safekeeper magus shelter. But I digress.

An archmage who wishes to understand this place, a monk who desires the secrets of death and dissolution, a robed wanderer who does not know why he is here, and a man in sleek armor sporting a gaping chest wound and lacking most of his internal organs, who vehemently denies that he has any place in the land of the dead. These, for lack of a better term, are our protagonists.

They have been looking for something half seen on the horizon when they dare sun’s zenith, the barest speck, a black citadel in the distance. It is never in the same place twice, making progress slow at best.

To add to this, they had been feeling a presence following them for days, unseen eyes and a ponderous vastness, and were starting to get a bit nervous. Lihad whipped out his Map of the Master Strategist to reveal… a large and unmappable something beneath the sand. They decide to move away from the unknown something to set up camp before the sun begins its murderous track across the sky.

The find shelter in the shadow of a massive stone carving; an inscribed head that tells of a man named Izanagi and his journey to the underworld to rescue one he loved from the clutches of death itself. This is one of many, the whole with a pervading theme and ominous warning: the folly of such an endeavor.

Meh, it isn’t like legends fear folly. Well, these ones don't.

When camped, Lihad pulls out the map again, reavealing the same massive something. The party, aside from chest-wound-Ace goes into panic mode, trying to determine what is following them. Ace simply starts digging. Davril decides to make fine use of ethereal and explore alone, finding a vast machine buried in the land of the dead. As this is happening, Lihad is trying to mine downwards with Zosimos.

Ace however reached the access port on the machine's back, and pilots his mech to the surface utterly terrifying the rest of the party

Hey, he likes a good entrance.

Scene 2: The Halls of the Dead

After messing around with the mech, they do some more scouting, revealing the citadel once more, as well as four figures moving towards them at high speed, no doubt attracted by the macross missile massacre that took place mere moments before (the monk tried to pilot it). Four figures riding on steeds of lightning.

Anyway, four imperious figures ride up dressed in the finest of oriental robes and armor. The players assessed that these are Shinto divinities, the children of the mikoto line. Both parties immediately go into full conflict mode, the shinigami (yes, I am aware that I am butchering mythology here) demanding that the party return to beneath the sands (after all, they must be dead to be here, right?). Following that train of logic, the shinigami determine that the most convenient act would be to re-bury them and let inevitability sort out the rest.

Zosimos was able to convince the shinigami that no, the party is not dead. The shinigami still seemed to prefer the convenient solution, but having been lured into conversation, Susano-O-Mikoto, the apparent leader could not resist talking.

“if living you are, what are you doing as guests in the land of the dead?”

Zosimos immediately pounced on the word “guests” in the above, binding the gods to honor the role of hosts to guests, meaning they could offer no violence so long as no one in the party did anything to violate the laws of hospitality. An offer of transport to the citadel was given, and because it would now be most un-gracious to refuse, the party found themselves invited to Izanami’s stronghold. Susano called up some more lightning steeds and they set off towards the horizon as the sun began its upward climb.

There, where the blazing sky met the shifting sands was a great black skeletal tortoise with a massive obsidian citadel carried on the back of its shell. This was the fortress, prison and private hell of Izanami, goddess of death. They are accompanied by Susano-O-Mikoto, god of storms, Hachiman, kami of war and bloodshed (who had been verbally jousting at ace to the point where they were both ready to kill each other), Amaterasu, god of the rising sun, and finally Sarutahiko, a guardian kami who presides over honorable combat

They were led to a room to prepare themselves, given an hour before they would dine with the gods and exchange pleasantries. On the morrow they would hunt and then go their separate ways, the rituals of hospitality observed. Well, this doesn’t seem so bad, at least no one is being assaulted with swords.

Scene 3: Conspiracy in the Celestial Courts

So, they did the unthinkable. They split the party. So, the monk is getting jumpy with all the gods around and decides to go exploring. And by exploring we mean looting. More on that later.

Presently there came a rapping at the chamber door. It was no raven, but Sarutahiko. He was nervous, as his actions went against his very nature; the honor-bound had come to betray his siblings.

“Madness has sunk into this court, and bound as I am my hand cannot be seen to meddle in these affairs lest it bring dishonor upon me. We retain tradition, but our realm is crumbling. You are not part of this court and thus able to act freely. You must escape this land if there is to be any salvation for us”

So, he tells them that the dinner party is just a sham and that the other shinigami are looking for an excuse to find dishonor in their guests so that they may murder them in duels and whatnot. If they do not find openings, they will provoke them. And Sarutahiko needs these people alive to act as intermediaries for him.

“The dead has been shifting and dreaming in their eternal sleep, beset by dreams not their own, buffeted by memories of places that never were, and the dreams are funneled directly to our dread mother Izanami. They overwhelm her and drive her to madness, tormenter her with the visions of what should not be and usurping her mastery of her realm. She will become insane and break her ancient compact. To Izanagi she swore to kill 1000 each day, and he would birth 1500 more. If she is taken by madness this compact will not stand and the dead shall outnumber the living in your world. I beseech you, for your sake as well as that of my court, end this madness! You must live!”

He gives them a map to the earth-wound, the gateway between the worlds, and grants to the party a single word of true speech that will open the path for them.

Scene 4: The Best Laid Plans

So, while the rest of the party is making plans to escape during the dinner, Davril is running amok in the citadel, turning ethereal and ghosting through walls. Flitting through armories and barracks he scouts for Lihad, linked by a world mind spell. Lihad is referencing his map, getting a clear picture of most of the citadel (OOC/OOG notes: He had a greater slot open and asked if he could use the map as a greater item with much larger range, I said ‘why not’)

So, he makes a beeline for the throne room. In the throne room stand Susano-O and Hachiman, discussing something and throngs of kimono clad handmaidens, their faces all hidden by veils and splayed fans held in their left hands. They set the table and bear incense and candles in their right. There he sees a great table, set for well over a hundred figures at ground level, and at the head of the table… a great alcove, ringed by votive candles and incense burners, yet still filled with darkest shadows. Barely seen amongst the shadows is a huge statue, crudely carved, a woman of onyx with obsidian eyes.

He drops out of ethereal… and promptly botches his stealth check. Immediately three divine wills focus on him and with a grinding sound the statue turns towards him, sharks of onyx cracking off…

Davril: Oh ****.

Susano-O simply smirks while Hachiman smugly draws his huge sword, the sword he boasted can slay anything in but one blow, the sword that bears seven names, and says

“I’m going to enjoy this”

Davril ran for it, porting back through the citadel to warn the others.

Scene 5: Oft Go Astray

They brought down the citadel.

While davril was scouting, Lihad had been mapping out the citadel and had found something called “receptacles of faith” in the very deepest bowels of the fortress. So literally moments Davril was running back to warn the others he decides to go exploring himself, broadcasting this over the world mind. I can only assume that the monk forgot about this because instead of warning his comrades he changes course towards this location, reasoning that “his character would most certainly try to exploit the weakness of a god”
Yeah, that’s right, they really, very much, and most certainly, have just split the party.

So, the two of them port down to this area, and find themselves before a vast set of stone doors without handle, lock, or bar. Under Lihad’s arcane sight the doors positively glow like the sun, crawling with wards laid down in divine miracle.

So, what’s the rational response to a dimension locked vault crawling with every ward conceivable and signed in triplicate? Well, to Lihad, it’s always a simple answer

“I burn my quintessence to Disjoin the gates”

Jaws drop around the table and a collective “let’s get out of here” is muttered by Zosimos and Ace.

Lihad draws his power about him, sketches a circle and signs a glyph in the air, then strikes the gates with the force of unmaking. The whole fortress shudders and obsidian cracks and with a deep chime, the gates split open.
Well, the castle shuddering and splitting was more than enough reason for Ace so he lets out a whistle and a massive malachite fist comes crashing through the fortress walls. Braving the sun he and Zosimos race up to the mech’s cockpit and begin to dive beneath the sand and the quake reverberates through the castle.

The relics temporarily disrupted, the structure begins to collapse. Lihad and Davril are frantically running about the room looting as many of the shiny divine relics as possible. The floor buckles and the ceiling caves as splintering cracks echo throughout the citadel. The walls begin to fall out and the searing light lances in. Lihad looks about and hops into his safekeeper dimension (player had to leave).

“I think we can say that the hospitality of this house has been thoroughly violated. It pains me to say such but our honor has been impinged and we demand satisfaction”

Susano-O, Amaterasu, and Hachiman stand in the doorway, Davril in the vault, odds looking bad… when the floor gives way as Ace’s mech tears into the breach. Davril leaps down clinging to the shadowed parts of the mech as the fortress collapses around them. Ace, turns about and dives, dragging himself under the safety of the sand towards the earth wound. Davril is forced to expend the last of his etherealness to keep up most of the way. In the skies above three steeds of lightning shoot towards the gate with the speed of the thunderbolts they were wrought of.

They surface at the earth wound and behind them they see nothing but advancing night. A wall of blackness and wailing slowly approaching in a land where the sun never sets. It’s Izanami. Again, from my players

“Oh ****”

Susano-O, Amaterasu, and Hachiman are waiting for them. Susano starts calling down the storms into his brothers’ weapons, Amaterasu just directs the sun (between him and the sun the party is loosing 20 max HP per round) and Hachiman just charges. They fight, a flurry of flashing blades and steel against stone, punctuated by the constant burst of lightning and the searing sun amplified by Amaterasu’s wrath. The fight ends with Davril running up a lightning bolt to ram his fists through Hachiman’s skull and Ace splattering Amaterasu against the side of a mountain and crushing Susano-O as he tried to run. Davril’s player Had to leave, so Ace and Zosimos flee through the gate mere moments before it is overwhelmed by the advancing wall of night.

End session one.

Sessions two and on:

Chapter 2: Respite, Eternal Night, The Land of Ice (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=12795040&postcount=18)

I have a lot more from the first session that I’ll post later today, got class soon. Soon-ish. Ok, wow, the first session has taken far longer than expected, mostly done with it, but we still have not gotten to the action scenes

Chuck a bunch of feedback around, anything to improve DMing and suchlike.

Kol Korran
2012-02-16, 07:04 AM
well well, the epic campaign starts! i'll try and keep an eye on it. :smallwink:

i've never played at such high levels, or with gods, or with plane hoping, or with Legend... i'm curious as to how this will pan out!

and i'm very curious as to the Grit points mechanic... (adding something similar to my next campaign) :smalltongue:

good luck!

2012-02-16, 07:07 AM
Thanks Kol, i'll be interested to see your next as well, the last one was pretty cool.

Just a couple procedural questions:

Should I reserve a bunch of posts near the top to post more or is there no limit to what can be edited in to a post size?

If i update irregularly, can I get for thread necro on this?

2012-02-16, 07:11 AM
I'm interested to see how the balance holds up in practice at such an extreme level.

2012-02-16, 07:20 AM
I'm interested to see how the balance holds up in practice at such an extreme level.

So far the only real imbalances have been use of the grit points (more on that in this afternoon's update)

things I have noted are that Call Lightning on a double invocation for two melee dudes gets obscene and it gets obscene fast. It makes it difficult to balance encounters knowing that the PCs can double damage output (or more). I hate to impose nerfs but there is indication in the official thread that it might get revised.

The monk seems to have severe difficulty connecting with opponents (AC of 40-46 is common now) and BAB 20+7 KOM (he didn't pump it to max) +1 item has left him feeling sort of 3.5. I recommended grabbing "arcantric accuracy" and "not left handed", se we will see how he does with them next time.

Also, can I get hit for double posting in one of these?

2012-02-16, 07:29 AM
So far the only real imbalances have been use of the grit points (more on that in this afternoon's update)

things I have noted are that Call Lightning on a double invocation for two melee dudes gets obscene and it gets obscene fast. It makes it difficult to balance encounters knowing that the PCs can double damage output (or more). I hate to impose nerfs but there is indication in the official thread that it might get revised.

The monk seems to have severe difficulty connecting with opponents (AC of 40-46 is common now) and BAB 20+7 KOM (he didn't pump it to max) +1 item has left him feeling sort of 3.5. I recommended grabbing "arcantric accuracy" and "not left handed", se we will see how he does with them next time.

Also, can I get hit for double posting in one of these?
I don't see any reason a monk should be any less accurate than anyone else in legend. They have full BaB, and just as many potential accuracy bonuses as everyone else. Can you point out the source of accuracy the other characters have that the monk lacks?

And yeah, the call lightning ability was really powerful.

2012-02-16, 07:48 AM
I don't see any reason a monk should be any less accurate than anyone else in legend. They have full BaB, and just as many potential accuracy bonuses as everyone else. Can you point out the source of accuracy the other characters have that the monk lacks?

And yeah, the call lightning ability was really powerful.

Well, I think it's because he's going full buy in without any boost tracks myself.

Demon gets sudden surge, barbarian and utter brute get a +7 fury bonus, barbarian's stacks with items even, paladins build up with skirmish, knights get charge bonuses, rogues get to roll twice, iron magi laugh at the concept of hit rolls. He has none of those, did not boost his KOM to max, and does not have any real items. It has nothing to do with monk I don't think aside from monk not seeming to contain any of the boost tracks. If it still fails, I'll suggest he swap his true symbol for a simple knife

Tenno Seremel
2012-02-16, 07:54 AM
It has nothing to do with monk I don't think aside from monk not seeming to contain any of the boost tracks. If it still fails, I'll suggest he swap his true symbol for a simple knife
You might try to replace Runesong Scholar with something more agressive.

Too bad nobody has Protection: Bastion with Incantation (or on separate characters). Shared Bless Incantation is so nice.

2012-02-16, 08:11 AM
Well, I think it's because he's going full buy in without any boost tracks myself.

Demon gets sudden surge, barbarian and utter brute get a +7 fury bonus, barbarian's stacks with items even, paladins build up with skirmish, knights get charge bonuses, rogues get to roll twice, iron magi laugh at the concept of hit rolls. He has none of those, did not boost his KOM to max, and does not have any real items. It has nothing to do with monk I don't think aside from monk not seeming to contain any of the boost tracks. If it still fails, I'll suggest he swap his true symbol for a simple knife
Yeah, if he had a few more points of KOM, an item to boost it, and a +4 item, his accuracy should be functional. With multiple attacks at full accuracy. Or if he had taken a good boost track for his buy-in.

Kuaden O^Derp
2012-02-16, 11:37 AM
things I have noted are that Call Lightning on a double invocation for two melee dudes gets obscene and it gets obscene fast. It makes it difficult to balance encounters knowing that the PCs can double damage output (or more). I hate to impose nerfs but there is indication in the official thread that it might get revised.

As a member of DoctorGlock's game, I can tell you this is definitely the case. What he didn't tell you was that the first time we got a taste of just how bad this was when we were facing 3 enemies who were all receiving the benefit of this effect. There were only 3 of us at the time, and one of us is opposed to fighting in combat.

To be fair, however, one of our party members wasn't with us at the time, but still that one ability almost destroyed our entire party.

2012-02-16, 11:42 AM
Call Lightning's invocation is getting a nerf. So is Demon's Sudden Surge, for that matter.

Kol Korran
2012-02-17, 07:41 AM
Just a couple procedural questions:

Should I reserve a bunch of posts near the top to post more or is there no limit to what can be edited in to a post size?

the posts are quite long, but they do have their limit. your seems fine though. i'd suggest putting in it links to the various log posts.

if you remember from my log some sessions were split into several posts, this is mainly due to post length. however, you can put quite a bit in a post. about 4-5 times what you put in your first log post at least i'd wager.

If i update irregularly, can I get for thread necro on this?
as long is there is good reason for the delay i dobn't think so. quite a few logs update about once every 2-4 weeks or more (mine surely did) just make note of it in the first post as a kind alert, especially for readers.

Also, can I get hit for double posting in one of these?
as long as there is a valid reason for double posting (you've written quite a bit and you're tired, or one post is the end of one meeting and the other is the start of a next) i don't think you'll have any problem. don't spam, be nice, and you'll be treated likewise. (i at times posted 4-5 post in sequence, for valid reasons)

i understand none of the technical jibber jabber so far, hopefully i will later.

2012-02-17, 03:00 PM

The first session is posted, a word doc of six pages, wondering how that happened, and we have already run session2, with 3 on monday. I can just tell I'm gonna fall behind here.

You might try to replace Runesong Scholar with something more agressive.

Too bad nobody has Protection: Bastion with Incantation (or on separate characters). Shared Bless Incantation is so nice.

Well, I think our dashing swordsman will use tactical insights to make up for that.

the posts are quite long, but they do have their limit. your seems fine though. i'd suggest putting in it links to the various log posts.

i understand none of the technical jibber jabber so far, hopefully i will later.

1: Should I post a technical run down outside the story block for a metagame analysis/explain technical jargon?

2: How do I link to a specific post?

Kol Korran
2012-02-17, 04:21 PM

1: Should I post a technical run down outside the story block for a metagame analysis/explain technical jargon?

2: How do I link to a specific post?

1: I posted some issues concerning planning and crunch, but very very few people are interested in this usually. most who read campaign logs (as far as i've been told on a thread asking about this) are interested in the story. they are looking for inspiration and an interesting story, not the mechanics. if you would like to "talk shop" i'd suggest to do it in spoilers, and let people know it's not directly related to the story.

2: at the upper right of each post there is a number. if you click it a new window with only that post appears. then you can copy the address and put it in a link in the first post (or whatever). that way you have links directly from that post for all those who don't want to read through all the discussion. (many people don't).

2012-02-18, 05:14 AM
I, for one, would be interested if you want to "talk shop". So if you do, you will have at least 1 person who pays attention.

Kol Korran
2012-02-18, 06:23 AM
i just finished reading the session. it seemed intense and high gear. i was a bit confused about a few stuff, but i guess that stems from my nearly non existent knowledge of mythology.

it reminded me the stories of Monkey and his companions (was it "Journey to the west?") in a way.

still, a good read! when players leave their characters disappear as well?

2012-02-18, 09:41 AM
Ok, I'll have some shop talk up later then

As to any confusion, feel free to ask and i'll explain, i'll also explain how far i've deviated from the actual mythos.

As to characters disappearing, the Lihad's player had that ability and said he was using it (basically it's 3.5's rope trick) when he left. Davril is more complicated. He left before exiting the gate and never learnt the word of opening. Also the other players hated his antics and wanted to leave him there. I don't know what to do yet.

And to those who noticed, yes a great deal of the first session was nicked from a comic book.

2012-02-26, 05:06 PM
Chapter 2, Scene 1: A Brief Respite

So, Davril didn’t show up, so I dunno if he is still in the land of the dead. He’s a true speaker, he should be fine opening the gate if he is though. Lihad is still inside however, more on that later.

So, I should define some terms for future use. Ace’s soul eating mech is called a “Barren” on his home world. I will be using that in future logs. It also can only be run for 12 minutes before it needs to recharge. He insisted.

So, the Barren bursts out of the earth wound over a vast plain ringed by mountains. At the center of the plain is a colossal tree, it seems to extend forever and encompass the entire world. From the base of the tree spirals a winding river which extends until it spills over a clif at a break in the mountains on the horizon. Ace’s onboard computers map the plain at roughly 2000 miles in diameter. Structure, fortresses and caverns of worked and unworked stone are spread over the mountains, in a myriad array of styles. A plume of smoke rises up from a point a few thousand feet down the rugged crags. Seeing as one point is as good as any other, Ace and Zosimos go to investigate.

It’s a campsite with a small cookfire burning merrily at the center, tended to by a man in animal furs of indeterminate age or race. He seems to be a mix of all of them. When he speaks, it is barely a whisper, and even that echoes from the mountains.

Zosimos immediately decides that it’s “mr exposition” and Ace decides that everyone he met today has tried to kill him and blasts off to the nearest caverns.

Yes. The party is split 4 ways. Oh god. I am going to be scene shifting like mad while trying to get everybody on the same plane let alone back in a party.

Ok, Screen one, Zosimos

“Meat?” The man asked, gesturing to some skewers on the fire. It turned out to be squirrel, not bad, just sort of gamey. “It has been hundreds of years since another sat at my fire. It would be good to have some company”
So, they exchange pleasantries and Zosimos discovers that they are sitting in the shadow of Ygdrassil, the world tree, and that this plane links to many others. More importantly, the old man gives him a map.

“It’s been a long time since I have had visitors, even longer since I saw one escape from the black lands. I can hardly remember the last one… but that is not rare these days. I do not believe myself senile, in over four thousand years there is not a moment I cannot recall. But of late I remember things that did not happen and have memories of walking paths I have never seen. Of a land with an empty sky, a land made of barren stone and cold bone where pale glyphs burn above. There is no life there, not even the specters of the dead. I am glad to have come across another traveler. Pray, tell me, do you know of this place?”

Zosimos immediately connects this with the dead dreaming of places that never were and dreams not their own and asks if old man has ever been in the land of the dead. When he is told no he begins to realize something is greatly amiss. By now though he has also charted where ace was taking his Barren: Jotunheim, land of the frost titans and bitter ice trolls. He immediately takes his leave and prepares follow.

Chapter 2, Scene 2: Eternal Night

Hidden between the planes Lihad waits in an impenetrable fortress, a planar bubble, his base and workshop. A bitter cold has seeped in from someplace other and set itself in his bones , shattering his illusions of safety.

Calling his staff to him and sketching some symbols of protection, he opens his door to the outside. It’s pitch black in the land where the searing sun never sets and as cold as the void itself. No stars illuminate the sky. Wrapping himself in his cloak, Lihad stepped into the night onto soft and giving ground. Invoking light as he began to sketch a teleportation circle, he sees the silhouettes of vast pillars of black bone lying shattered around him, the ruins of Izanami’s citadel. There is no ground, no sand, only a thick carpet of writhing worms and maggots, cold as death and slick with despair. The moans of the dead are thick in the night.

The light immediately alerted other… things… to his presence. A chorus of hollow echoing shrieks rang out through the night. The Shikome, Izanami’s furies, had his scent. In the flickers of dying light he saw them, emaciated hags crawling with maggots, where their faces ought be nothing but vast jaws with massive teeth that promised to devour the very soul.

Abandoning his circle as the night saps the life from him, Lihad called up a mighty whirlwind to keep the Shikome at bay. It lasted long enough for him to close the circle and vanish, only to reappear less than a thousand feet from the earth wound.

Above the jagged peaks the night and day interfaces, a boiling divide where the worms and maggots were seared back before the burning dawn but still pushed forward by inexorable will. Between him and the earth wound stands Izanami, Goddess of death. Twelve feet tall, she is a hunched and distorted skeleton of ebony, grey ragged hair extends down to her waist and here eyes are searing lamps of cold blue light, searching the night for her prey. The maggots, worms and darkness pour from her open ribcage to flood the earth.
Lihad, numb from the night’s touch calls his magic to him to challenge death itself. Unfolding around him is his ship, forged from the fingernails of the dead about a frame of living bone. From the prow of the Naglfar he gazes upon Izanami.

Izanami began to lurch towards him, disjoint arms extending to impossible lengths and angles. “You and yours,” the entire night whispered and thundered simultaneously and a voice wracked with grief and hate, “You have slain my children. No blasphemies are enough to curse you with. I will devour you and ride the last of your dying life through those gates. I will pour forth my emptiness upon your lands and leave them as barren as my heart. I will inter you in the bowels of a new fortress and flay your soul for an eternity”

Not bothering to waste his faltering breaths with response, Lihad willed himself invisible and began to flee towards the gate.

Izanami simply commanded him to die.

The life was wrenched from him, and Lihad held his soul to his body through no more than force of immortal will. Pale and shaking, he redoubled his efforts towards the gate.

Izanami set about him with all her power, calling the darkness and emptiness of her realm, ringing the gate with thorns forged from the suffering of the dead, and flinging blasphemies in the dark speech that tore Lihad’s life from him, bit by bit.

Upon the last embers of his life, Lihad spoke a the word of truespeech that opened the earth wound, and for the briefest moment, true sunlight burned into the night. Izanami staggered backwards and Lihad plowed his ship through the thorns, the gate closing behind him with the weight of worlds, stifling Izanami’s last howl of bitter defeat.

The encounter music (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSL5_gIlUQ0)

Ok, I'll have some technical talk up a bit later (mechanics and whatnot) along with the rest of session 2- Jotunheim