View Full Version : How do i get revealed?

2012-02-16, 06:54 AM
Well, if I have failed on Hide and Move Silently checks, i get revealed, that's clear.
But what if I fail only one of them, what will be my status?

2012-02-16, 07:00 AM
You can't "fail" a hide or move silently, I take it you mean someone has beaten your hide/move silently check with a spot/listen;

If they beat your hide check with their spot check then they spot you.

If they beat your move silently check with their listen check then they hear you.

what results from that depends on your DM and the situation

Simple as that

2012-02-16, 07:09 AM
No status changed. Just an awareness of your presence that depends on who is doing the spotting/listening.

2012-02-16, 07:22 AM
Usually being seen is worse then being heard.
If they see you, it's Initiative throw and they can immediatly attack or move to attack you when it's their turn.

If they hear you they might know more or less where you are but they still can't cast spell on you (unless they are AoE spells) and cannot attack you (well if you are really close to them they can attack the square where they think you are, but you get concealment). They might look for you but if you remain hidden then you have a good chance of sneaking by.

2012-02-16, 07:33 AM
I guess it all lies in common sense, so if someone will hear me, he can go to the source of that sound and I still have chances to leave the place unrevealed, if I'll not make any other noises and remain outside of his sight radius, right?

2012-02-16, 07:35 AM
Of course.

2012-02-16, 12:09 PM
Invisibility effects will, of course, help greatly with this. A good item is the Ring of Invisibility (20k). That way, someone needs to both penetrate invisibility and beat your Hide check to see you. Also keep in mind that PCs (and some NPCs) are walking Christmas trees under Detect Magic, so casting Magic Aura could help there too.

2012-02-16, 03:02 PM
Usually being seen is worse then being heard.
If they see you, it's Initiative Bluff against Sense Motive for a surprise round, and then it's initiative.

...... FTFY

2012-02-16, 03:07 PM
common sense



2012-02-16, 05:54 PM
...... FTFY

Uh... What?

2012-02-16, 06:22 PM
Uh... What?

I assume hes going for "fixed that for you"

Being spotted is usually the end of it, they see you.

Being heard is a bit more iffy, what exactly did they hear? and where? Some sounds are easier for a sentry to dismiss as irreverent than others.

If you have sentries that decide to treat your suspicious noise as a threat you'll probably be spotted in short order anyway, to be able to hide you need something to hide behind/in. A detailed enough search is likely to turn you up not with another search/spot check but simply by removing the conditions that allowed you to use the hide check.

For example Hiding behind a low wall becomes irreverent if there are people on both sides of the wall, you are only hidden from one point of view, someone on the same side of the wall as you wouldn't consider you hidden. Similarly if you are in a dark area the first order of business for searchers will likely be to turn up the lights, no more darkness to conceal you, no more hiding.

Losing either the hide or move silently opposed roll usually spells the end of your stealth one way or another.

2012-02-16, 08:11 PM
I assume hes going for "fixed that for you"


I know but I don't understand his correction.

2012-02-16, 08:13 PM
Some sounds are easier for a sentry to dismiss as irreverent than others.


For example Hiding behind a low wall becomes irreverent if there are people on both sides of the wall, you are only hidden from one point of view, someone on the same side of the wall as you wouldn't consider you hidden.

<nitpick>These should both be "irrelevant".</nitpick>

But to the OP: just in case this wasn't clear, there isn't any "revealed" condition or anything; NPCs will react in (presumably) sensible ways if they notice something is up, just as real-world guards would.

Oh, and I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet: at higher levels, blindsight, blindsense, tremorsense, and so on become quite annoying for Hide and Move Silently; try to get the Darkstalker feat in some way to block them.

2012-02-17, 01:45 PM
I know but I don't understand his correction.

Sorry - I thought you were confused by the FTFY, which had been explained.

You are hiding, but the guard spots you.
Now he might want raise the alarm, which you want to stop. If he's smart he'll pretend he hasn't noticed you: hence Bluff against Sense motive.
Or he may want to attack you, and catch you flat footed perhaps: again Bluff against Sense motive.
If you beat his bluff, it's initiatives, otherwise you are in trouble.

If the Guard isn't smart, well it probably doesn't matter.