View Full Version : [PF] Mithral Barding

2012-02-16, 06:17 PM
Under the armor listings, it says that to make armor into barding, it costs 4x that of the armor for large sized mounts, and 2x the cost of the armor for medium sized mounts. The weight of the armor doubles for large sized mounts, and halves for medium sized mounts.

The weight is the same for medium sized mounts.

So, a chain shirt would cost 100 gold for a human, and chain barding for a riding dog would cost 200 gold.

What happens when mithral is brought into the game? For a human it would be 1100. Would it then cost 2200 for the riding dog? Or would it be 1200 - 200 for the armor, and 1000 for making light armor into mithral.

For that matter, what about a large sized character? Armor for a large-sized humanoid costs 2x that of armor for a medium sized humanoid. Would a mithral chain shirt for an ogre be 1200 or 2200?

2012-02-16, 07:38 PM
The general rule of thumb is that anything material gets the size multipliers. You have to factor out masterwork, since mithril assumes it, but masterwork does not get multiplied. So you take the mithril cost, subtract masterwork costs, add it to the base armor cost, multiply it according to size, then add masterwork back in.