View Full Version : 3.5 Were tiger Progression help.

2012-02-16, 06:38 PM
So, you guys came up with some great ideas for monstrous progression in the last thread I was looking for help in so I thought I'd feed you another character that I'm not certain on what to do with.

Right now hes a were tiger(+2 and 6HD)/monk 1/fighter 1/warshaper1

I had figured on polishing off warshaper, but after that I'm really kind of at a loss. I had thought continuing fighter for the weapon focus/spec and just throwing those on all my natural attacks, but it seems to me there has to be something better. My DM has an extremely well stocked bookshelf so I've got access to most 3.0 and 3.5 material.

I can provide detailed character stats and gear if required but my basic laziness is hoping its not.


Current Feats:
Track, Power Attack, Improved Bullrush, Awesome Blows, Improved Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple, Weapon Focus Claw, Leadership, Ironwill

2012-02-16, 09:09 PM
After finishing warshaper, why not grab something from Tome of Battle? Warblade in particular will give you maneuvers which fit well with your aim of ripping things to shreds.

2012-02-16, 10:12 PM
After finishing warshaper, why not grab something from Tome of Battle? Warblade in particular will give you maneuvers which fit well with your aim of ripping things to shreds.

That's actually one of the few books I don't have access to, go figure :P

2012-02-17, 12:50 PM
Champions of Ruin has the Thayan Gladiator, which enhances natural attacks. Some of the prereqs are annoying though, so you might have to negotiate with your DM.


The Warblade preview (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060802a&page=2)on the Wizards site, combined with some of the freely downloadable maneuver cards, might be all you need to add some of those levels.

2012-02-17, 06:58 PM
Shou Disciple would be nice since it is Full BAB and improves your Monk abilties. Unapproachable East. Much preferable to fighter...

But finish out Warshaper first.