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2012-02-17, 09:27 AM
Star Wars: The Old Republic is Bioware's new MMORPG, set 300 years after the events of the Knights of the Old Republic games. The current title is courtesy of the Much-hated Baron Deathmark, Color Commentator of the Huttball Warzone.

For those interested in playing the game with other members of the GitP forums, there are two main servers at this point;

The majority of the Imperial characters can be found on Rubaat Crystal. A good number of these people also have republic characters on the same server. In adition, there's a much larger concentration of Republic charaters on Ebon Hawk. Each of these groups has their own guild. If you want to join one of them, just contact someone who is online.

Rubaat Crystal Guilds
Usually Lawful Evil (Imperial Guild, managed by Squark)
Gun Runners (Republic Guild, managed by Calemyr)

Ebon Hawk Guild
Order of the Stick (Republic Guild, managed by Legoshrimp)

Please try to keep this spreadsheet (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqOcIS0oNPhNdEk1RG5PVklLV3kyTF9qaUJQZ1hCY Xc&hl=en_US#gid=0), which lists where everyone is in the game, up to date.

Finally, some Administrative stuff for Usually Lawful Evil

Ranking System
At this point, the ranking system is pretty simple, and I hope to keep it that way. With this in Mind, here's the hierarchy
Main Account/Alt- The distinction is here solely for organizational purposes. This is the default rank. These people can recruit new members and edit member notes (If I find anyone has been vandalising these... Look, just don't). Member notes should be used to indicate your Forum name and your crafting skill, if any. Alts should list who they are an alt of instead of their forum name. Organiztion wise, Alt is technically higher on the totem pole than main account, because I'm operating on the assumption that most of the existing members have made their alts at the moment.
Officer- At this point, we have none. Officers are people who want to take a leadership position in the guild. Just PM Squark if you're interested (although at this point, we don't really need any, because I can manage the guild at this point with the help of the founders). These people are the kind of people who organize events. Should we ever (sad day if it ever happens) have a troublemaker, these people should do whatever they can to figure out what's going on. I think we should leave disciplinary matters up to a joint decision. But look, I hope that never happens, and it probably never will.
Founder- Technically higher on the totem pole than the Officers, but with fewer garunteed responsibilities, on the grounds that they didn't sign up for this. Basically, the Founder title is reserved for four people, who represent the original founding characters of the guild. These people can also change the Guild Message of the Day as a perk, and in case I'm having a creative block and can't think of a good quote. This rank consists of Hessar (If I ever step down from being a Guildmaster), Muci, Salur, and Dao-Ren.
Other Honorific Ranks- At this point, these don't exist. However, if at some point, I and/or the majority of the officers feel someone has done something meriting recognition (like made a lot of awesome banners or something), I may create a special rank equivalent to that of Founder for them. Please don't go out and try to get one of these. Again, these are just a way of saying thank you to people who go above and beyond the call of duty (not that there is much around here)
Guildmaster Alt- Alternate Accounts of the current Guildmaster. This rank exists in case I need to do administrative stuff but don't want to switch characters.
Guildmaster- The Grand Poobah. Currently Squark. Yes, I find it amusing to call myself that.

The Usually Lawful Evil Loot Policy
Is really not very lawful or evil at all. Let's just go over when you can use Need as opposed to Greed.
a) The item itself is a direct upgrade to what you are currently wearing; You can use Need, no questions asked.
b) You cannot use the item itself, but the mods inside it could upgrade and item you use; Ask before needing. Unless someone qualifies for a), there's no reason this should be a problem.
c) You have no use for the mods, but you want the orange item for it's looks; Ask before you need. Again, unless someone falls into the above two categories, no real problem here.
d) You want the item for a companion (Typically because it looks cool); If no one else has a use for it that falls in the above categories, just ask. The obvious example here are the orange chespieces from Black Talon.
e) You will just end up selling the item anyway. Just greed it.
f) You really do not need or want the item. Pass on it. This is just a personal decision.
Also, let's be clear. I'm making this complicated because I can be OCD when it comes to making rules. But these aren't rules; They're guidelines. If a particular group wants to change them for that Flashpoint/Operation/Heroic/World Boss, GO RIGHT AHEAD! Just do it before it comes time to roll on loot, please.

Special Cases
-Exotic Crafting Materials: Biometric Crystal Alloys are the most obvious ones, but other exotic crafting materials exist. The rule as far as these go is Need them if you have an immediate use for them (You have yet to craft your rakata-quality items from your crafting skill), Greed them if it'd be nice to have them (You want to work on getting an augment slot in your aforementioned rakata quality items, or want to sell/use the level 50 oranges), and Pass if you don't want them (since they're Bind on pickup). Not complicated. If you feel you really need some, just ask the group. Unless someone else has a pressing need for them, most of the people will bow out.
-Schematics; Operations, World Bosses, and Hard Mode flashpoints often drop Schematics. For these, Need if you have the crew skill and know you don't know the schematic, otherwise, feel free to greed it or pass it as you choose.
-Other weird items, like speeders from Operations: Need if you want it, Pass if you don't want it. Keep in mind a lot of this stuff is in Bind on Pickup, though.

Crafting Skills Guidelines
There really is no hard and fast rule here. Beyond putting up which crafting skill, if any, you took in the member notes, There's no requirement to do anything for other people. That being said, you are encouraged to help other people out if they ask for it. You don't need to go out of your way to do it, but here are a few possible ways you could do it;

1) Give the item to them for free. If you don't care about money, you can of course just give items away to people who ask for them.
2) Sell the item to them at materials cost: This works best if you already know the schematic they want. That being said, it's hard to work out a precise production cost for purple mission skill materials.
3) Sell the item to them at a discounted price. The GTN price can often be a bit... crazy. Cutting down a portion of this price is always nice, although some items actually sell for less than their materials costs, like (at present) ship upgrades)
4) You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours: Trade! You have color crystals, they have badass looking robes. This is an excellent way to do this.

At this point, we don't do any roleplaying. I'd like to set a system up, if people are interested, though.

Guild Bank guidelines

1) At present, everyone has pretty much full access to the bank. I would really like to keep it that way. So don't abuse it. I can see what you deposit and withdraw, for the record. Please, please don't make me actually restrict usage of the bank.
2) To minimize the chances of the bank becoming the "Vault of Misfit materials*," please do not create a stack of more than 99 of an object. If you really want to contribute those items to the bank, please put them up on the GTN and put your profit from them into the repair funds. The only exception to this is a hypothetical surplus of High grade medpacs and stims. Those we can stockpile. But I don't really see that happening, either,
3) Crafting materials should be taken as you need them, whether for crafting orange [augmented] gear for yourself or a guildmate, or just leveling up a skill. However, please use your own materials for profiteering.
4) I would prefer the bank not be used to transfer items from one person to another. Trade the item or mail it to the person instead, please.
5) Repair funds: I'm not going to set a hard and fast rule on when you can and can't use these. You're always welcome to use them during guild events, of course, and it's fine to use them for the occasional death while leveling. But the line should probably be drawn at deaths incurred while doing a daily quest or the like, particularly if said death was strategy related. But I probably won't know exactly why you died. This whole thing is on the honor system. Please respect that.

*I like to amuse myself with titles.

Disclaimer about the Gun Runners:
The Gun Runners are our sister guild over on the Republic side. I do not run the Gun Runners; that's Calemyr (aka Bridan). As such, he may (and at this point, has) make different rules than I do. I make no judgement about which policy is better or worse. If you feel that I would be wise to implement a decision Calemyr has made, PM me about it. Please (unless Calemyr is clear he's open to these) don't do the reverse, those.

The Old Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=209253)

2012-02-17, 12:06 PM
So Hard Modes aren't too hard... I did Taral V and skipped nearly half of the flashpoint. Had a minor hiccup with the last boss enraging, but we just nuked him through the third set of adds. I got some nice PvE gloves out of that.

Anyone know where Columi Head/Boots drop?

2012-02-17, 01:13 PM
Anyone know where Columi Head/Boots drop?

I don't really know anything about end-game gear but this link (http://www.houseofkoog.com/swtor/index.htm) says Kaon Under Siege(head) and The Foundry/Maelstrom Prison(boots).

2012-02-17, 01:13 PM
So Hard Modes aren't too hard... I did Taral V and skipped nearly half of the flashpoint. Had a minor hiccup with the last boss enraging, but we just nuked him through the third set of adds. I got some nice PvE gloves out of that.

Anyone know where Columi Head/Boots drop?

Head is Kaon under siege, don't know about boots.

2012-02-17, 02:41 PM
Haven't done it personally, but yeah, Maelstrom Prison / The Foundry (depending on what faction you are) are boots. You could also get boots from one of the Eternity Vault bosses.

Unfortunately, they fixed the bug in Kaon Under Seige where the bonus boss would also drop a Columi headpiece.

2012-02-17, 05:15 PM
I have to side with Valaquil on this.

More generally, I think we as a community should take full advantage of any and every opportunity to break away from the bizarre and incomprehensible notion which pervades this forum that the first person to create a thread on a given topic somehow "owns" that topic forever afterward, and is the only person who is "allowed" to post follow-up threads on the subject. Call me crazy, but I think we can and should be better, more mature, and saner than that. As long as the OP contains the relevant links (including to the previous thread(s) - speaking of which, did you want to add that to the new thread?), how can it possibly matter whether it's from the same person who did the last one, or (say) a brand-spanking-new Pixie's first post, or whomever?

Dibs on the third thread then.:smalltongue:

2012-02-17, 05:35 PM
I have no problem with that. Just keep in mind the Original Post needs to be kept updated regularly with the guild matters. Only reason I made it. Also, Calemyr and Legoshrimp, could you PM me with any stuff you want added to the OP for the other guilds?

Oh, and If there's a large outcry against the Thread title, I can change it.

2012-02-17, 05:39 PM
Point of order:

Inquisitor vs Bounty Hunter vs Smuggler: who is the king of snark?

From what I've played from the BH, I wouldn't consider the ham-fisted make money very good. Meanwhile you have the Smuggler being the traditional trickster character, and the inquisitor's dialog options ranging from 'helpful sarcasm' to 'murderous sarcasm'.

2012-02-17, 05:59 PM
Oh, and If there's a large outcry against the Thread title, I can change it.

It does strike me as more of an FPS-thread subtitle. And the capitalization is off.

How about Star Wars: The Old Republic II: I was just wondering what I could do to please you!

Point of order:

Inquisitor vs Bounty Hunter vs Smuggler: who is the king of snark?

From what I've played from the BH, I wouldn't consider the ham-fisted make money very good. Meanwhile you have the Smuggler being the traditional trickster character, and the inquisitor's dialog options ranging from 'helpful sarcasm' to 'murderous sarcasm'.

Inquisitor wins, if only for one of their dialogue options with the final Black Talon boss (the one I mentioned somewhere in the first thread):
Jedi: I am Yadira Ban, padawan of the Jedi Order. I was sent to protect the General, and you shall not pass!

Inquisitor: Your master sent you here? Really? My first teacher tried to kill me too.

Then again, Bounty Hunters have that one amazing line that they showed in I-forget-which-trailer:
Jedi: *wave hand* You will lay down your weapons and surrender to me.

Bounty Hunter: *wave hand* You will realize what a complete idiot you are.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-17, 10:31 PM
So Hard Modes aren't too hard... I did Taral V and skipped nearly half of the flashpoint. Had a minor hiccup with the last boss enraging, but we just nuked him through the third set of adds. I got some nice PvE gloves out of that.

Anyone know where Columi Head/Boots drop?

Handy Dandy Operations loot list (http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums/hh561/dulfycleric/t1opslootdraft.jpg)

2012-02-17, 11:08 PM
Convenient, thanks. I just did Kaon and False Emperor today. Kaon was ridiculously difficult with the pulls, but once we got our CC working, it wasn't too bad. Just slow progress. We also bugged out the Behemoth multiple times, and ended up just glitching through him. As for False Emperor, it was pretty easy up until the [Insert Robot Boss Name Here] at which point we kept wiping and called it quits.

2012-02-18, 01:29 AM
Convenient, thanks. I just did Kaon and False Emperor today. Kaon was ridiculously difficult with the pulls, but once we got our CC working, it wasn't too bad. Just slow progress. We also bugged out the Behemoth multiple times, and ended up just glitching through him. As for False Emperor, it was pretty easy up until the [Insert Robot Boss Name Here] at which point we kept wiping and called it quits.

Healer needs should probably preemptively use an AoE heal (For Scoundrels and Sages, that is. Not sure how Commandos are going to get HoT on everyone), and if you have a Guardian tank (or DPS guardian, for that matter), they should use intercede (or whatever you republic pansies call the Jedi Guardian's capstone ability :smallwink:) the second [Spoiler] reappears.

In other news, with daily commendation gear and a smattering of columni pieces, it is quite possible to do Hard Mode Black Talon with three people. We only had one casualty, and that was because the off-healer (Mako was our main healer, I should point out) was just a little bit too slow in the last seconds of one of the fights. Mind you, it helps that Mako decided to root herself in place during the final boss's cyclone ability (and thus, ignore it entirely)

2012-02-18, 01:33 AM
Convenient, thanks. I just did Kaon and False Emperor today. Kaon was ridiculously difficult with the pulls, but once we got our CC working, it wasn't too bad. Just slow progress. We also bugged out the Behemoth multiple times, and ended up just glitching through him. As for False Emperor, it was pretty easy up until the [Insert Robot Boss Name Here] at which point we kept wiping and called it quits.

Yeah, I don't know about False Emperor HM, but on Kaon the trash is pretty nasty, especially the witch/screamer when she knocks you into another group. The bosses weren't too hard for us, only really had trouble on the first "boss" before we had a good system idea as to where we needed to target and who we needed to prioritize. Bonus boss on Kaon is a ***** to do normally though. The boss itself isn't that tough, but when the adds come we always wound up wiping. I would strongly recommend the strategy of luring him far, far away from where the adds on that fight spawn, kill him before the adds reach you. We actually wound up dying to the adds when they showed up, but since the boss was dead, it's a win in my book.

Turns out HM Black Talon is easier than we thought it would be. Found out that it can be three-manned by a tank, a DPS, a healer companion and a DPS who off-heals. Helps that the final boss's main attack doesn't drag in the companion for some reason, we were concerned that they'd get sucked in and destroyed at the start of the fight but that obviously didn't happen.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-18, 07:02 AM
So, how in demand are Marauders for Operations? In a game filled with Ranged DPS--and hell even ranged tanks--I feel like I'll be skipped over for raids in favor of DPS classes that can kite. Thoughts? Any Marauders/Sentinels here?

Mr. Mud
2012-02-18, 10:19 PM
So this week's FAQ (http://www.swtor.com/blog/community-qa-feb-17th-2012) was released earlier today, and there are some very interesting points... here's the tl;dr-

A vote kick option will be implemented in PVP, mostly to combat the idle players problem... I'm not sure how I feel about this, given the average WZ player is not the most rational creature, and is liable to exploit the system, if possible.

A dozen or so new objective-based Medals are going to be implemented, for things like capturing nodes/opening doors/scoring in Huttball. This is going to be awesome!

The PVP bags system will be replaced with a direct buy system. Don't fret and hoard your commendations yet, however, as it will be fairly easy to max between the time the patch is live on the PTR and before it is implemented (your mileage may vary)

Devs said we should expect some server wide, in game events (a la Darkmoon Faire). I hope these become more regular.

Mods from end game pvp gear that is placed in other orange items will carry the set-bonus of said loot into the new gear, but mods from armor piece A can only go in a similar piece of armor. For instance, mods from a glove can only go into new gloves.

A /roll feature is soon to come. Huzzah!

And finally, here is the text version of the FAQ, in case the forums are unreachable:DarthBelkar: Can we look forward to server-wide special seasonal / short-term events?

Daniel Erickson: Yes! Expect them to fit into the world and setting, involve a fair bit of discovery, and offer special rewards that will be there one day and then gone forever. And expect them soon.

Darthinfimus: Do you plan to implement a /roll or /random command for use in master looter situations?

Damion Schubert: Diceslingers of the world rejoice! /roll has already been implemented on our internal development servers and should be coming to you guys Real Soon Now (in an upcoming weekly patch).

Relayinabox: Are there any plans for a show/hide companion headgear option?

Damion Schubert: Yep, we have plans. It won't be in Game Update 1.2, but is currently in the works.

NiklasWB: When will you make it possible for Force-using characters to pull up/down their hoods on their robes?

Damion Schubert: This is in the works now. It won't be in Game Update 1.2, but should get done in the next major update after that. And yes, we will extend this functionality to your Force-slinging companions as well.

ehlnofey: Will there be any changes/improvements made to the Galactic Trade Network system, and when will it be implemented?”

Damion Schubert: We know that the GTN needs a lot of love, and work is currently underway to improve this. Watch this space for more news!

GnovaD: Are there any plans to introduce mobile apps to the game? Eg. Use smart phone/tablet to send companions on missions while offline.

Damion Schubert: Let's just say that this has always been a dream of mine for crew skills - it's almost as if this design was created specifically with this in mind, doesn't it? Good news, sometimes dreams do come true! The bad news is that I have no ETA for you, though, as this is a significant technical endeavor.

Bobonar: Will we be able to take the modifications out of our endgame pvp-sets and put them into a set that we like better (design-wise) and keep the bonuses?

Emmanuel Lusinchi: Yes, the set bonus will be carried by Armoring mods that work just like regular mods except that they only fit into specific types of items, such as chest items or boots items. So, for example, the set bonus from a chest piece can be moved to another chest piece, and the set bonus from a helmet can be moved to another helmet.

HollowPoint: There has been a large push in the community for chat bubbles, especially with a toggle option for those who don't want them. Is a chat bubble system in the works? If so, when can we expect it to be implemented?

Damion Schubert: They're definitely on the list. We’ve got many active roleplayers in the dev team and chat bubbles have always been important to us. We actually had chat bubbles in beta, but there was unfortunately some serious performance issues that our implementation caused that, for example, made things really suck in warzones and the fleet. They’ll be coming soon, but in priority, the GUI team is focused first on GUI customization. I'll have a better idea of timing once we get past that. And yes, for people who hate them, whenever we do them, they'll be toggleable.

RuQu: Can you provide some details on Healer class design philosophy? Commando/Scoundrel AoE does not scale with group size due to player caps. Are they not intended to fill the raid-healer role? Scoundrels can be highly efficient, but have no tools for doing a short burst of healing.

In short, what is the design intention for each of the healers, and is it intended for them to be balanced so that any possible combination is competitive in Operations, or is a certain mix expected?

Georg Zoeller: Our stance is that all full healer specs should be viable for all type of content, which is the case, even for 16 man Operations. Our own players have no issues clearing any of the content in the game, on all difficulty levels, with any healer spec. Data from the Live game shows Operations, at all sizes, being successfully run with Commando and Scoundrel healers. It is expected for certain Operations bosses to create challenges for different healer archetypes (e.g. due to mobility requirements), but overall, every healer archetype is capable of successfully healing through any Operations and Flashpoint content in the game (currently and in the future).

With regards to your question about Commando/Scoundrel Area of Effect healing not scaling to group size, please understand that no heal, on any class, scales with group size. The most powerful Area of Effect heals in the game (Salvation/Revivification) affects up to 8 players, but does not scale with group size. These abilities are very costly, have an activation time requirement and require the targets to stand in a localized area for ten seconds to receive the full benefit. We plan on improving the overall Area of Effect healing performance of the Mercenary/Commando in the next major Game Update (1.2) by increasing the number of targets affected by Kolto Missile/Kolto Bomb.

As for Scoundrels having no tools for short burst healing, we don’t agree with that assessment. A scoundrel, for example, is capable of producing rather significant burst healing output by using Upper Hand gained from Underworld Medicine or Kolto Injection to trigger an instant Emergency Medpack or Surgical probe when needed. That said, we certainly think there’s room for improvements (and our upcoming Game Update 1.2 has a sizeable chunk of such improvements). For example, we are shifting the healing created by the Kolto Cloud ability to be front loaded in 1.2 to allow it to act as an emergency Area of Effect healing tool.

Finally, the perception of a specific class being not desirable can also be affected by the desirability of other classes. For example, Sage/Inquisitor healers are currently able to exceed our intended healing performance at times by affecting multiple heals with the same Conveyance/Force Bending buff. Game Update 1.2 will remove the ability to do so.

Fu-bear: Can you please confirm the exact mechanics behind Taunts? The tooltips purely state that it forces a mob to attack for X seconds, yet I've read reports that the skill appears to equalise threat like a traditional taunt. Can you clarify this?

Georg Zoeller: Taunts work in two ways. First, they instantly put you on top of the target’s threat list. Then, they place a short duration effect on the taunted target forcing them to attack you. Assuming that you then lose threat (say, you just stand there) the NPC will be forced to attack you for the duration of the Taunt. Afterwards, the AI will resume attacking targets based on threat order. If another Taunt is applied after yours, the most recently applied Taunt takes precedence.

Please note this is assuming regular threat rules – there are certain situations in the game, especially unique boss fights, which may cause NPCs to specifically ignore targets. In these cases, an ignored target will not be able to gain threat even with a taunt. In general, these situations are messaged to the player through effects on their buff bar – something we’re looking to make more visible in the future.

Gladoss, titdiscus, Leoran: What do you plan to against Warzones’ AFK, more particularly about players who leave Warzones ? Will there be sanctions for this type of behavior?

Gabe Amatangelo: It is not sanctioned behavior. In Game Update 1.2 we will be making changes to the Warzone rewards system, which will de-incentivize this type of behavior. This will include the removal of the interim bag/quest system, the introduction of the direct purchase of gear from Warzone and Ranked Warzone commendations, 14 new objective-based medals and participation scaling the rewards. Additionally, players will have the option to vote kick idlers. Kicked players will not be able to re-queue for several minutes.

Lexiekaboom: 16 man Operations are much harder than 8 man Operations (to the point where most guilds can easily clear hard mode 8 man before being able to clear 16 man easy mode) but there is no loot difference at all to doing them. It's better to send your 16 man raid force to clear two 8 man instances .Is this oversight or design? What will be done to offset this in the future?

Gabe Amatangelo: This is not per design. The teams have been addressing this in the weekly patches to some degree and more so in Game Update 1.2. It is intended that 16 player mode is slightly easier than 8 player mode due to the fact that getting and coordinating 16 players is a larger hurdle in and of itself.

2012-02-19, 08:01 AM
A vote kick option will be implemented in PVP, mostly to combat the idle players problem... I'm not sure how I feel about this, given the average WZ player is not the most rational creature, and is liable to exploit the system, if possible.

Yep, I really hope there's some kind of limit on this feature to make sure that it can only be used on idlers, or else this is going to happen a lot:

Enter warzone.
Get "Inspect Player"-ed by rest of team.
They see that you're not in full Battlemaster.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-19, 03:11 PM
Yep, I really hope there's some kind of limit on this feature to make sure that it can only be used on idlers, or else this is going to happen a lot:

Enter warzone.
Get "Inspect Player"-ed by rest of team.
They see that you're not in full Battlemaster.

At first I was thinking there could be a requirement that one must be idle for X amount of time, or must engage an enemy, or heal an ally at certain intervals. However, this could cause problems in Civil War and perhaps even Voidstar, if one makes the sacrifice to babysit the unchallenged node/door. Also, if premades group for a Warzone, they'll be liable to kick pugs, and I hope Bioware isn't naive about this.

However, the /roll feature makes up for everything :smallbiggrin:.

2012-02-20, 05:45 AM
Also, f premades

my thoughts exactly

2012-02-20, 08:47 AM
Have any of you taken down the Belsavis world boss? If so, do you know if he drops multiple permutations of a particular Artifice schematic? So far I've only read that he drops a +crit option though I have seen +end on the GTN.

2012-02-20, 10:11 AM
So the completionist in me is feeling the urge to unlock every single lore entry I can in the codex. Does anyone know of a good guide to the locations of all the Lore objects, creatures that unlock codex entries etc?

Mr. Mud
2012-02-20, 11:02 AM
my thoughts exactly

Heh, this was a typo but I do feel similarly... I was pugging, and we 6-0'd a premade in Huttball in about 3 minutes. It was satisfying.

2012-02-20, 11:31 AM
Point of order:

Inquisitor vs Bounty Hunter vs Smuggler: who is the king of snark?

From what I've played from the BH, I wouldn't consider the ham-fisted make money very good. Meanwhile you have the Smuggler being the traditional trickster character, and the inquisitor's dialog options ranging from 'helpful sarcasm' to 'murderous sarcasm'.
The Sith Warrior has a few gems, as well, but most options are "speak Klingon". I particularly like some of the crap-talking options he gets with his boss.

On the other side of it, there isn't much snark on hand for either of the Jedi. They play everything straight... even their sociopathy.

So, how in demand are Marauders for Operations? In a game filled with Ranged DPS--and hell even ranged tanks--I feel like I'll be skipped over for raids in favor of DPS classes that can kite. Thoughts? Any Marauders/Sentinels here?
Most folks aren't keen on melee dps. Of course, those are the same folks that will sit there and harpoon every chance they get. That being said, some folks appreciate bleeders because of the exploits available with internal damage, and if you're in Annhilation/Watchman spec, you're basically a vampire. I guess you use your space magic to stave off cauterization or something.

2012-02-20, 11:37 AM
How about Star Wars: The Old Republic II: I was just wondering what I could do to please you!

Does anyone have any ideas that do not involve quoting the protocol droids we all want to send out the airlock?

Mr. Mud
2012-02-20, 11:58 AM
The Sith Warrior has a few gems, as well, but most options are "speak Klingon". I particularly like some of the crap-talking options he gets with his boss.

On the other side of it, there isn't much snark on hand for either of the Jedi. They play everything straight... even their sociopathy.

Most folks aren't keen on melee dps. Of course, those are the same folks that will sit there and harpoon every chance they get. That being said, some folks appreciate bleeders because of the exploits available with internal damage, and if you're in Annhilation/Watchman spec, you're basically a vampire. I guess you use your space magic to stave off cauterization or something.

Yeah, Beserk + Rupture (the bread and butter DOT) is pretty much a free, group 6% heal every 15 seconds or so. I have seen some streams where a Marauder is successfully offtanking too. I just hope I can find pugs for HMs pretty regularly and thankfully, I'm on a very hi-pop server.

Does anyone have any ideas that do not involve quoting the protocol droids we all want to send out the airlock?

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: Datacore Transfer Initialized

2012-02-20, 12:10 PM
Yep, I really hope there's some kind of limit on this feature to make sure that it can only be used on idlers

I can't think of a good system that isn't either exploitable or easy to avoid. No criterion seems to be foolproof. That said, I do hope there's _some_ kind of requirement because I agree that vote-kick systems are prone to abuse.

Separately, what's the deal with HM Flashpoints? For the most basic example, just how hard is BT that you need multiple 50s to do it? :smalleek: I'd like to grab some nice PvE gear for my Consular, but I'm not sure how much effort I want to spend on it. (After all, I'm not likely to 'raid' anyway...)

Mr. Mud
2012-02-20, 12:38 PM
Separately, what's the deal with HM Flashpoints? For the most basic example, just how hard is BT that you need multiple 50s to do it? :smalleek: I'd like to grab some nice PvE gear for my Consular, but I'm not sure how much effort I want to spend on it. (After all, I'm not likely to 'raid' anyway...)

Well, HMs are the regular flashpoints but beefed up for level 50s. BT specifically isn't THAT hard, and you should be good to run it if you have some Champ gear/orange modded gear with Corellia Mods, or some cheap purples from the GTN. From there, you mostly progress through the HMs as you did when you leveled. BT > Athiss > Hammer > etc. As for raiding, if you haven't tried it before I'd give it a whirl. It's not as hard to get a functional group as it was in WoW with 40 man's.

2012-02-20, 12:48 PM
So, how in demand are Marauders for Operations? In a game filled with Ranged DPS--and hell even ranged tanks--I feel like I'll be skipped over for raids in favor of DPS classes that can kite. Thoughts? Any Marauders/Sentinels here?

Apparently, high-end Operations requires a single Marauder/Sentinel for the AoE Damage/Healing increase. This usefulness scales with the amount of people in your party, though, so they're a lot weaker in Flashpoints.

2012-02-20, 12:52 PM
Well, HMs are the regular flashpoints but beefed up for level 50s. BT specifically isn't THAT hard, and you should be good to run it if you have some Champ gear/orange modded gear with Corellia Mods, or some cheap purples from the GTN. From there, you mostly progress through the HMs as you did when you leveled. BT > Athiss > Hammer > etc. As for raiding, if you haven't tried it before I'd give it a whirl. It's not as hard to get a functional group as it was in WoW with 40 man's.

Ah. That explains it. My gear is okay, but not that good. It looks like I'd probably want to go back and finish Corellia for more mods before trying any HMs, if I even want to do one. I'm just running the FPs to see the story. I only finished Taral V and Maelstrom Prison yesterday. I really like the reveal at the end.

Mostly, that was a throwaway comment to emphasize that I like the idea of cool PvE gear, but I'm not really going to use it anywhere. I have nothing against raiding, but I wouldn't be interested except to see the content once. Running regular raids holds little appeal to me.

2012-02-20, 12:53 PM
Separately, what's the deal with HM Flashpoints? For the most basic example, just how hard is BT that you need multiple 50s to do it? :smalleek: I'd like to grab some nice PvE gear for my Consular, but I'm not sure how much effort I want to spend on it. (After all, I'm not likely to 'raid' anyway...)

Well, all flashpoints after Black Talon/Esseles (normal mode) need 4 people of about the right level for the quest, and all the hardmodes are level 50 FPs, so it's not surprising you'd need multiple 50s to do it. I'd think of the Hard Modes as "Level 50 flashpoints, that happen to have the same story" and not as "Black Talon, now 20x harder!".

As for how much effort it is: Black Talon, at least, can be three manned relatively smoothly (and that was as a 2 DPS/1 Tank mix, it would be easier with 1 DPS/Tank/Heal and a DPS companion), and it takes...30-60 minutes? Maybe, I didn't keep track. It's faster (obviously) with four actual people with good gear. I'm not sure how many of the others, if any, can be done with three people. Kaon's the only other HM I've done, and I think that would need four.

The longest part, honestly, is finding the group in the first place (or at least it feels that way). I didn't see you on the spreadsheet, so I don't know what server you're on, or how populated it is, but that's probably the main sticking point. Mostly, it depends on what gear you're satisfied with and what the limiting factor is (time, ability to find groups, willingness to depend on the RNG, etc.).

Edit: Somewhat Ninja'd by Mr. Mud

Mr. Mud
2012-02-20, 01:00 PM
Well, all flashpoints after Black Talon/Esseles (normal mode) need 4 people of about the right level for the quest, and all the hardmodes are level 50 FPs, so it's not surprising you'd need multiple 50s to do it. I'd think of the Hard Modes as "Level 50 flashpoints, that happen to have the same story" and not as "Black Talon, now 20x harder!".

As for how much effort it is: Black Talon, at least, can be three manned relatively smoothly (and that was as a 2 DPS/1 Tank mix, it would be easier with 1 DPS/Tank/Heal and a DPS companion), and it takes...30-60 minutes? Maybe, I didn't keep track. It's faster (obviously) with four actual people with good gear. I'm not sure how many of the others, if any, can be done with three people. Kaon's the only other HM I've done, and I think that would need four.

The longest part, honestly, is finding the group in the first place (or at least it feels that way). I didn't see you on the spreadsheet, so I don't know what server you're on, or how populated it is, but that's probably the main sticking point. Mostly, it depends on what gear you're satisfied with and what the limiting factor is (time, ability to find groups, willingness to depend on the RNG, etc.).

Edit: Somewhat Ninja'd by Mr. Mud

This is everything I was trying to say except much more succinct and thorough :smallbiggrin:.

Also, to note: For most HMs, you're going to want about ~13k health (for a DPS, at least) and 1600 of your main stat, regardless of role. This might not be entirely necessary for some of the easier HMs, but for the moderate to difficult ones, you pretty much NEED 1600+ main stat.

2012-02-20, 01:02 PM
Well, HMs are the regular flashpoints but beefed up for level 50s. BT specifically isn't THAT hard, and you should be good to run it if you have some Champ gear/orange modded gear with Corellia Mods, or some cheap purples from the GTN. From there, you mostly progress through the HMs as you did when you leveled. BT > Athiss > Hammer > etc. As for raiding, if you haven't tried it before I'd give it a whirl. It's not as hard to get a functional group as it was in WoW with 40 man's.

Actually, not the order you want to go in on the Republic. :smalltongue:

I can't think of a good system that isn't either exploitable or easy to avoid. No criterion seems to be foolproof. That said, I do hope there's _some_ kind of requirement because I agree that vote-kick systems are prone to abuse.

Separately, what's the deal with HM Flashpoints? For the most basic example, just how hard is BT that you need multiple 50s to do it? :smalleek: I'd like to grab some nice PvE gear for my Consular, but I'm not sure how much effort I want to spend on it. (After all, I'm not likely to 'raid' anyway...)

Valaqil, since you're a Sage, you'll have a pretty easy time finding groups (you heal, right?). You'll want to be in mostly all orange gear with at least some of the daily purple mods from the Ilum and Belsavis daily quests. So, those are the Grade 50 and 51 mods (Hilt/Mod/Enhancement/Crystal Rank 22/23 on mouseover). Or roughly rating 126 if you go by hilt/barrel. If you're into PvP, having mostly all Centurion gear is a suitable alternative to the daily mods route.

Hard modes for the Republic are basically mandatory all 50s with at least some basic entry-level purple gear. Nearly all of them have some sort of DPS race as the first or second boss, so that acts as a gear check for the rest of the Flashpoint. Ultimately, they're not hard if you have a good party. I met a phenomenal group, and we end up skipping half the mobs in each Hard Mode (we found some interesting tricks). I'd suggest you start with them in this order:

Taral V -> Maelstrom Prison -> Kaon Under Siege -> False Emperor -> Ilum -> Directive 7 -> Esseles

They're all pretty easy, except for Esseles. Every HM has a DPS race built into one of the bosses. Esseles is probably the hardest, because the last boss bugs out, but beyond that, it's pretty straightforward.

2012-02-20, 01:38 PM
Well, all flashpoints after Black Talon/Esseles (normal mode) need 4 people of about the right level for the quest, and all the hardmodes are level 50 FPs, so it's not surprising you'd need multiple 50s to do it. I'd think of the Hard Modes as "Level 50 flashpoints, that happen to have the same story" and not as "Black Talon, now 20x harder!".

I... actually didn't know that. Until Mr. Mud's post, anyway. I just knew "Hard Mode" > "Normal Mode". "It's harder." Sounds silly, but I haven't seen a single bit of info about HM's _in game_. I just hear it talked about on forums or maybe in General chat. There's a few mechanics/systems like that, too. I do my reading and don't mind it, but you have to go looking for info on some of this because it's not explained up-front, that I've seen.

1600 of your main stat

Good grief. (I think mine is ~1175?)

Thanks for the info guys. Looks like I won't be bothering with them for a while -- I'm more interested in leveling an alt for more story/content -- but this will help when I decide to start doing more end-game type stuff down the road.

2012-02-20, 01:56 PM
Waaait a second. I am calling shenanigans on that at least 1600 main stat number, as I just barely have that (1740 with a stim active, 1618 without) and have been running hardmode operations, which are just a bit higher on the difficulty ladder than flashpoints.

This'd be my gear (http://img638.imageshack.us/img638/268/screenshot2012022013030.jpg), for references. Mix of columi and rakata, with a champion implant/earpiece since I haven't gotten PvE replacements yet. The gun and helmet are oranges for personal reasons (I refuse to wear a bucket helmet, and the gun sounds awesome), the belt is orange because I can get better stats out of an orange than the purples I have encountered.

2012-02-20, 02:54 PM
Whoah, 1600 is way overestimating it. I started HMs at 1150 main stat with no problems. I'm at about 1300 main stat and we're clearing HMs ridiculously quickly now.

2012-02-20, 02:57 PM
Generally speaking, I would recommend you have most of your orange gear filled with the daily mods (The weapon mods and the armorings), and at least some of them with the epic enhancements and modifications. That should be enough to get you started on the hard mode and pvp.

2012-02-20, 03:12 PM
Separately, what's the deal with HM Flashpoints? For the most basic example, just how hard is BT that you need multiple 50s to do it? :smalleek: I'd like to grab some nice PvE gear for my Consular, but I'm not sure how much effort I want to spend on it. (After all, I'm not likely to 'raid' anyway...)
They aren't that hard, but you're also not going to be able to faceroll the HMs solo just by bringing out your healer companion. You'll need at least one or two real humans who know what they're doing and are geared in 49/50 blues & purples. You can use companions to suppliment a role, though... healing companions work best. They don't do any priority management, but they'll definitely spam the hell out of everything if you have them on med watch.

But, understand that everything's level 50+, so those champion enemies have a hell of a lot of HP and if they have self-healing/regen, it's turned to 11. Their tactics aren't any better, and there aren't really any surprise powers, but for example, Mandalorian Raiders is a major PITA when that little jerk starts running around and the turrets come on. Anything with a healer probe is likewise maddening...

Trooper Spoiler:
If you took the automated defenses section as a Trooper in the Bastion on Corellia, then you've just seen the tip of the iceberg with how irritating it can be.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-20, 04:12 PM

I got that 1600 from a forum post a while ago, maybe it's for some of the nightmare modes?

2012-02-20, 05:24 PM
Trooper Spoiler:
If you took the automated defenses section as a Trooper in the Bastion on Corellia, then you've just seen the tip of the iceberg with how irritating it can be.

What was so hard about that? I'm honestly curious what you found about that section to be difficult, as I didn't have much problem at all with my severely under-geared (45 greens are among my better mods) trooper with healer companion. The only really hard spot, the one that made me spend a medpack, was the guys who spawned in after you activated the item halfway through.

2012-02-21, 12:36 AM
I've been Running Hard mode with pretty bad gear for a while. Mostly because I have been bad about running my dailies. I think the gear and stat reliance some people believe in are do to:

Not well optimized builds
Not well executed builds
Bad tactics

I have done up to Foundry with nothing but level 45 gear, as a DPS sorcerer, and contributed fine.

2012-02-21, 03:58 AM
Some food for thought:

Totally looks like:


2012-02-21, 11:57 AM
What was so hard about that? I'm honestly curious what you found about that section to be difficult, as I didn't have much problem at all with my severely under-geared (45 greens are among my better mods) trooper with healer companion. The only really hard spot, the one that made me spend a medpack, was the guys who spawned in after you activated the item halfway through.

Not difficult. Irritating. The probes healed each other/their tended droids/turrets very quickly, and if you weren't DPS specced (I was pretty solidly a tank), they'd go from 1/5 health to 4/5 health every couple of seconds. I was never in danger of death for the whole of Corellia (only died on the one boss fight where there were two giant gold star droids that powered up, and that was only because I didn't realize there were two droids and didn't really notice my companion getting chewed up until the words "your companion has fallen" popped up on the screen). It just seemed like it took forever. The final fight with Rakton was also more of this, but only with his two Lts (the General himself fell in short order).

2012-02-21, 01:11 PM
So, I've played WoW for years and very much enjoyed it, but I've been getting bored recently and I think I'm going to cancel my account. I'm wondering if I should move to SWTOR.

So my question for people who have played both is: how does TOR stack up against WoW? Is the combat more fun/less so? Is the story better? I've heard that it plays kinda like an MMO version of a Bioware RPG, is that true?

2012-02-21, 01:25 PM
Combat borrows heavily from WoW. You can actually line up the Jedi Guardian/Sith Juggernaught with the Warrior tank from WoW (at one point, at least), and you can see the similarities. That being said, most tanks (besides the guardian and the juggernaught) have pretty decent damage capabilities, as do the healers. Leveling (via the main plot) can be done solo in 95% of all cases, and the remaining 5% are usually do to bad gear on you/your companion or poor tactics.

I've never played Wow, so I can't comment on the story. But yes, it plays a lot like a bioware RPG that you can periodicly decide to pick up other players and complete quests with.

Group content falls into a couple of categories;
Heroic Quests (2+ or 4; These are intended to be done by groups of players, and can be found scattered throughout the planet. Most 2+ heroics can be solo'd after a few levels, though)
Flashpoints (4 player self contained stories. Some have more plot than others)
Operations (8 or 16 man raids, essentially. Some setup and debriefing, storywise)
World Bosses (Giant enemies who generally require an Ops group to defeat. Each world has 1 (or two, in Hoth's case))
Warzones (8v8 objective based pvp games. Currently 3 of them; Huttball involves a single heavy ball that you must take over the opponent's line to score, while trying not to be killed by obstacles and other players, Alderaan involves capturing and maintaining control of 3 turrets to destroy the opposing team's ship, and Voidstar is an attack/defend map involving a raid on a lost prototype ship. Voidstar and Alderaan are cross-faction pvp only, but Huttball often involves 2 imperial groups fighting. A fourth warzone with same-faction pvp is coming soon)

2012-02-21, 01:27 PM
Not difficult. Irritating. The probes healed each other/their tended droids/turrets very quickly, and if you weren't DPS specced (I was pretty solidly a tank), they'd go from 1/5 health to 4/5 health every couple of seconds. I was never in danger of death for the whole of Corellia (only died on the one boss fight where there were two giant gold star droids that powered up, and that was only because I didn't realize there were two droids and didn't really notice my companion getting chewed up until the words "your companion has fallen" popped up on the screen). It just seemed like it took forever. The final fight with Rakton was also more of this, but only with his two Lts (the General himself fell in short order).

Ah. That's probably the difference. I'm very DPS spec'd so the probes went down fast. I think one got off a heal once during the entire automated section, it wasn't happening very often (that and I focused fire of them because I hate enemy healers). Rakton's Lts were very annoying, had to use my 60s stun on one just to have a chance to kill the other one they had so much healing...

2012-02-21, 05:24 PM
So, it's still a while before I'll actually get this game (I'll need to escape the Sarlaac pit of Mass Effect 3 first), but I'm curious: How is it doing? Is it being swallowed up by WoW like everything else or might TOR actually become a lasting contender?

2012-02-21, 05:52 PM
As a WoW player, I'll tell you that Star Wars will last for quite a while. Most of the features are remarkably similar so it feels familiar, and many of the WoW players I roll with play SWTOR as well.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-21, 07:26 PM
So, I've played WoW for years and very much enjoyed it, but I've been getting bored recently and I think I'm going to cancel my account. I'm wondering if I should move to SWTOR.

So my question for people who have played both is: how does TOR stack up against WoW? Is the combat more fun/less so? Is the story better? I've heard that it plays kinda like an MMO version of a Bioware RPG, is that true?

Being an infant compared to WoW, TOR is missing some crucial parts of WoW that I loved, namely arena (Your Mileage May Vary), guild bank/other neat guild features, and a LFG tool. Surely these will come in time. The story in TOR is better than a lot of regular RPGs I've played. I think you should invest in it

PS- If I find my trial card, I'll send it your way :smallbiggrin:.

2012-02-22, 07:33 AM
Being an infant compared to WoW, TOR is missing some crucial parts of WoW that I loved, namely arena (Your Mileage May Vary), guild bank/other neat guild features, and a LFG tool. Surely these will come in time. The story in TOR is better than a lot of regular RPGs I've played. I think you should invest in it

PS- If I find my trial card, I'll send it your way :smallbiggrin:.

Guild banks are en route. What I'm hoping for is a guild hall in the form of a battle cruiser / star destroyer.

I've noticed one stark difference in terms of the questing between WoW and SWTOR: no quest lines end in a flashpoint. For example, in WoW when you were questing in the zone where Blackrock Spire resided (we're talking vanilla here), you were eventually given quests that required you to go into LBRS or UBRS to finish the quest lines. Sure, SWTOR has the flashpoint quest givers but they are one-shot quest lines that tie into the overall narrative by proxy. There's really no story-related or quest line-related imperative to go into the flashpoints.

I feel that's unfortunate. I would have traded away a HEROIC 4 quest for a reason to go to flashpoint if it was rolled into the story of a given quest line. But that isn't the case and the flaspoints feel more like challenging treasure hunts on the side rather than capstones to a more engaging story.

It's small potatoes, I know, but the effort to better tie these dungeons to the rest of the game would have been appreciated.

2012-02-22, 09:17 AM
Guild banks are en route. What I'm hoping for is a guild hall in the form of a battle cruiser / star destroyer.

I've noticed one stark difference in terms of the questing between WoW and SWTOR: no quest lines end in a flashpoint. For example, in WoW when you were questing in the zone where Blackrock Spire resided (we're talking vanilla here), you were eventually given quests that required you to go into LBRS or UBRS to finish the quest lines. Sure, SWTOR has the flashpoint quest givers but they are one-shot quest lines that tie into the overall narrative by proxy. There's really no story-related or quest line-related imperative to go into the flashpoints.

I feel that's unfortunate. I would have traded away a HEROIC 4 quest for a reason to go to flashpoint if it was rolled into the story of a given quest line. But that isn't the case and the flaspoints feel more like challenging treasure hunts on the side rather than capstones to a more engaging story.

It's small potatoes, I know, but the effort to better tie these dungeons to the rest of the game would have been appreciated.

Bioware REALLY didn't want to force people to do flashpoints if they didn't want to. So that was out.

2012-02-22, 09:27 AM
I've noticed one stark difference in terms of the questing between WoW and SWTOR: no quest lines end in a flashpoint.
Ilum does. It's also more or less the one case where the flashpoints are related to the planet in question, whereas the other flashpoints are all "we found this thing, come look into it"

2012-02-22, 09:38 AM
So, it's still a while before I'll actually get this game (I'll need to escape the Sarlaac pit of Mass Effect 3 first), but I'm curious: How is it doing? Is it being swallowed up by WoW like everything else or might TOR actually become a lasting contender?

I love TOR, but it's really hard to say.

For me, leveling a character is 1000x better than it was in WoW. I feel like there's basically no grind in leveling and there really is a lot to do. PvP, space missions, all of the various worlds and storylines, bonus series after you finish a planet, flashpoints... (Oh, and as non-essential as it is, I really do like crafting!)

Is TOR as polished and feature-complete as WoW? No. But it hasn't had that time to get there either. However, they are fixing bugs very quickly, responding to the community and even adding content _early_. The first major content release is supposed to arrive next month in Patch 1.2. Sure, TOR has its problems, but I really think it could be a lasting contender if they manage to keep this up and hold on to their playerbase. On the other hand, if enough people rush through the content, get bored or annoyed at perceived faults and quit...

For an example of an issue that may cause problems if it's not fixed in the next major patch or so: There are various complaints about bugs and operations on the official forums, but the major one I keep hearing is that PvP isn't set up well.
--At first, 50s in full PvP gear were in the same bracket as level 11's fresh off the fleet. Now it's 1-49 and 50s, but fresh 50s are having trouble against those who have been 50 and PvP'ing for a month. Also, now it's 49s against those 11s. We need a bit more variation in brackets, but they're working on it. (Personally, I think at least a couple of the brackets should be separated by your valor rank, i.e. how much PvP you've done.)
--PvP progression is a little screwy. It's both complicated and slow since the RNG is not in your favor. You need commendations and then turn some (though not all) of those commendations into _other_ commendations and then trade enough of both types to get a bag and the bag may have a piece of what you want or not. Again, supposedly they're working on it.

Being an infant compared to WoW, TOR is missing some crucial parts of WoW that I loved, namely arena (Your Mileage May Vary), guild bank/other neat guild features, and a LFG tool. Surely these will come in time. The story in TOR is better than a lot of regular RPGs I've played. I think you should invest in it .

We don't have a LFG tool -- How long did it take WoW to get one of those? -- but I think that's coming. Guild banks and other guild features are supposed to be in 1.2, I think.

Bioware REALLY didn't want to force people to do flashpoints if they didn't want to. So that was out.

And I'm glad they didn't. I like the way class and planet storylines are kept separate but the over-arcing story is supplemented/continued in flashpoints. It's nice to see more info and things happen without feeling like I "have" to do it to finish everything.

2012-02-22, 09:39 AM
Being an infant compared to WoW, TOR is missing some crucial parts of WoW that I loved, namely arena (Your Mileage May Vary), guild bank/other neat guild features, and a LFG tool. Surely these will come in time. The story in TOR is better than a lot of regular RPGs I've played. I think you should invest in it

I was never interested in the endgame in WoW much, so it doesn't worry me if that's not fully developed yet in TOR.

PS- If I find my trial card, I'll send it your way .

2012-02-22, 09:42 AM
Bioware REALLY didn't want to force people to do flashpoints if they didn't want to. So that was out.

As someone utterly sick of MMO's but in love with RPG's I am very grateful for this.

2012-02-22, 10:16 AM
My issue with the lack of tying what's going on with the story on a planet to what is happening in a given flashpoint is that they don't seem to have any larger meaning.

Let's take Athiss for an example, on the Empire side. You're tasked to go there because of the suspicion that the station is going to be used as a superweapon. How neat would it have been if, while on Balmorra, you're tasked to go there by some planet-side quest giver to investigate as the Republic having that would turn the tides for the occupation of the planet; Malgus confirms the suspicion (tying in the daily flashpoint quests provided on the station, keeping the existing flashpoint-quest relationship), and off you go. Now you finish, have the story-related turn in on Balmorra, and you feel like you had an even greater impact on the outcome of the struggle for that planet. All of this is being done as an option, like any given Heroic-difficulty quest. The normal story lines would proceed uninhibited.

Just an opinion really. All it amounts to is a bit more voice acting and another different set of tasks required to obtain higher quality loot, all in lieu of a Heroic 4 quest.

On an unrelated note, it's AMAZING how many videos people have made and posted on Youtube, complaining about this game. It honestly seems as though this game's very existence offends them. Have any of you seen this junk?

2012-02-22, 10:19 AM
People are upset that this wasn't exactly what they envisioned it to be, I guess. Also there's a fair number of people upset by the bugs, but that's the sort of thing that happens to every big MMO at launch.

2012-02-22, 10:59 AM
There's really no story-related or quest line-related imperative to go into the flashpoints.
As story driven as the game is, I imagine Bioware didn't want people to feel left out if they didn't get the opportunity to finish a class/planet story if they weren't able/inclined to get people together.

That being said, the flashpoints and operations have an arc within themselves related to the game's metaplot, so there is a "story reward" to playing those, it's just not as personal/in your face as your class' story arc. There are a lot of references/similarities to the "other side's" flashpoints, so there's also a hook to get you to play the other faction.

On an unrelated note, it's AMAZING how many videos people have made and posted on Youtube, complaining about this game. It honestly seems as though this game's very existence offends them. Have any of you seen this junk?
Sometimes freedom of speech, pervasive entitlement, and mass idea distribution have a down side.

2012-02-22, 04:12 PM
So, sort of on the subject, who's the Republic's person-who-constantly-jumps-you-with-holomessages-recruiting-you-for-flashpoints?

2012-02-22, 04:39 PM
So, sort of on the subject, who's the Republic's person-who-constantly-jumps-you-with-holomessages-recruiting-you-for-flashpoints?

Satele Shan, the chick from two of the cinematics.

The Glyphstone
2012-02-22, 08:00 PM
Idle curiosity - do Republic characters still have the Preferences check button to Show Sith Corruption, and does it do anything on, say, a Jedi?

2012-02-22, 08:28 PM
Idle curiosity - do Republic characters still have the Preferences check button to Show Sith Corruption, and does it do anything on, say, a Jedi?

I could double check, but I'm almost positive it does, seeing as it's actually DS corruption. After all, it applies to Agents and Hunters.

2012-02-23, 12:51 AM
Satele Shan, the chick from two of the cinematics.

Okay, I figured it would be either her or Jace Malcom (the trooper from the same two trailers who bum-rushes Malgus in one of them).

Also, I just remembered one of the runner-up ideas for the name of the first thread, which would be good for this one (if anyone still cares):

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: As If Millions of Mobs Cried Out, and Were Silenced

2012-02-23, 01:34 AM
Okay, I figured it would be either her or Jace Malcon (the trooper from the same two trailers who bum-rushes Malgus in one of them).
Spoilers regarding named figure:
He is in charge of the republic-side Alderaan bonus series.

2012-02-23, 02:14 AM
Spoilers regarding named figure:
He is in charge of the republic-side Alderaan bonus series.

Makes sense.

2012-02-23, 08:38 AM
More Malcolm Spoilers!
He can also be found in some of the dialogue for future content. I think it was for the Lehan Bonus Series. Could be wrong.

2012-02-23, 09:46 AM
Spoilers regarding named figure:
He is in charge of the republic-side Alderaan bonus series.

I'm not rushing to re-do Republic content since I just finished a couple of months as a Consular, but I'm _really_ looking forward to that questline when I pick up my Trooper again. Jace is a badass.

2012-02-23, 10:59 AM
So last night went well, was my first operation as the leader guy thing (previous leader guy is taking a break from the game). Hardmode Soa still remains unbeaten, but we damn near had the Hardmode fabricator, probably could have gotten it had we gone for another try, but it was late, one of the DPS accidentally went to EV after going to repair, and someone had to wake up in 4 hours.

Also I got 5 new bits of rakata, with the only bits I still need being stuck behind the bosses we haven't downed yet. (also a hat from Bonethrasher, but since I like my orange hat far too much to ever not wear it, the hat isn't a priority until we can pull the set bonuses)

2012-02-23, 12:03 PM
Idle curiosity - do Republic characters still have the Preferences check button to Show Sith Corruption, and does it do anything on, say, a Jedi?
Vericose veins of villainy are available to vile vagabonds of all vocations.

2012-02-23, 02:35 PM
So last night went well, was my first operation as the leader guy thing (previous leader guy is taking a break from the game). Hardmode Soa still remains unbeaten, but we damn near had the Hardmode fabricator, probably could have gotten it had we gone for another try, but it was late, one of the DPS accidentally went to EV after going to repair, and someone had to wake up in 4 hours.

Also I got 5 new bits of rakata, with the only bits I still need being stuck behind the bosses we haven't downed yet. (also a hat from Bonethrasher, but since I like my orange hat far too much to ever not wear it, the hat isn't a priority until we can pull the set bonuses)

Sadly, from what I hear, fixing the Soa threat bug has caused the tank reset bug to reemerge.

2012-02-23, 03:08 PM
Sadly, from what I hear, fixing the Soa threat bug has caused the tank reset bug to reemerge.

Really, our problem with Soa hasn't been him resetting, it's that in hard mode, there can be upwards of 6 different ball lightnings roaming around, so unless your group is very good at situational awareness, someone is gonna get lightning pulled through them and die.

2012-02-23, 09:51 PM
So... *puts on Guildmaster hat*

I've been wondering... what exactly would be involved in setting up some kind of voice communication for flashpoints and operations?

A couple of general guidelines if we do get some sort of server or something set up;

1) During combat, some degree of voice discipline is expected: Try to keep everything on topic during a fight. Stuff like, "Taking heavy damage!" or "Being chased by ball lightning!" or "Mind Trapped" are acceptable, and encouraged. "Look at this!" and "Hey! 5k crit!"... not so much. It's also a good idea to preface any important notifications with your name.
2) Out of combat, you should avoid eating, drinking, and listening to music. If the ops/party leader is strategizing, stay on topic. But occasional jokes are perfectly fine.
4) Limit your expletives. The occasional F bomb is understandable (Especially in the event of something like Soa resetting). Cluster F bombs and worse language are not.

2012-02-23, 10:49 PM
So... *puts on Guildmaster hat*

I've been wondering... what exactly would be involved in setting up some kind of voice communication for flashpoints and operations?

A couple of general guidelines if we do get some sort of server or something set up;

1) During combat, some degree of voice discipline is expected: Try to keep everything on topic during a fight. Stuff like, "Taking heavy damage!" or "Being chased by ball lightning!" or "Mind Trapped" are acceptable, and encouraged. "Look at this!" and "Hey! 5k crit!"... not so much. It's also a good idea to preface any important notifications with your name.
2) Out of combat, you should avoid eating, drinking, and listening to music. If the ops/party leader is strategizing, stay on topic. But occasional jokes are perfectly fine.
4) Limit your expletives. The occasional F bomb is understandable (Especially in the event of something like Soa resetting). Cluster F bombs and worse language are not.

Some sort of voice chat would definitely help, especially (theoretically) something like Soa, where "mind trapped" or "in the air" are both important to know and very easy to miss in text. Or just in situations where something new comes up and the plan needs to be adjusted for whatever reason.

Personally, I favor fewer restrictions on what is or isn't acceptable rather than more (and common sense should take care of most of it), but the list above seems pretty reasonable. I can see myself accidentally violating some of the above (since I'm used to talking with Thrain constantly, and we tend to violate all of those at one point or another) but it shouldn't be that big a deal.

I will say, (going back to the common sense thing) I think some off topic discussion can be fine, in parts. If we're just clearing trash in HM BT, and I get a 5k crit, I may well announce that, since it's never happened before :smallbiggrin:. If what we're doing doesn't require all our focus, I don't see much harm in talking about whatever. Bosses, on the other hand, should be pretty much all business, obviously.

I'm probably overthinking this.

As for possible methods of chat: Thrain and I use mumble. Theoretically, he could just give people access to that server (on his computer), though I doubt he's keen on throwing his ip address around. Don't know what's needed to set up an outside server-ish type thing. I have no experience with ventrilo or teamspeak, so I can't say what would be involved or how easy it is (or if those are the only options). If all we would use it for was pre-fight strategy or something, Thrain and I used to just use the steam voice chat; the problem there is the lag between sending and receiving can get pretty bad, so it wouldn't work so well for in-battle adjustments.

2012-02-24, 01:27 AM
The guild I run with uses Ventrilo, I suspect mainly because as one of the Penny-Arcade guilds, the PA vent is an established thing. We don't have any specific rules regarding conduct, but for the most part, if it's a boss fight, the only talking is related to the fight.

The Succubus
2012-02-24, 06:04 AM
Okay, I figured it would be either her or Jace Malcom (the trooper from the same two trailers who bum-rushes Malgus in one of them).

Also, I just remembered one of the runner-up ideas for the name of the first thread, which would be good for this one (if anyone still cares):

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: As If Millions of Mobs Cried Out, and Were Silenced

Star Wars: The Old Republic II: HUTTS DON'T HAVE FEET! :smallfurious:

2012-02-24, 06:15 AM
I want to give the Republic a look, so I joined up on Ebon Hawk. I made a trooper named Manliest because Manly was taken. I updated the spreadsheet.

2012-02-24, 08:18 AM
I run a mumble server through mmo-mumble.com. The prices are pretty reasonable ($7/month for a 25 man server). And the latency is a lot better than Ventrilo. The PvPers in our guild were thrilled to have near real-time voice chat.

2012-02-24, 12:00 PM
Star Wars: The Old Republic II: HUTTS DON'T HAVE FEET! :smallfurious:

SWTOR II: This is not the thread you're looking for
SWTOR II: Finally, a good sequel to Star Fox
SWTOR II: Looking sexy 'till 60
SWTOR II: The first Legacy thread
SWTOR II: Eat Lightsaber, jerk
SWTOR II: My companion is the Predator

2012-02-24, 01:02 PM
I run a mumble server through mmo-mumble.com. The prices are pretty reasonable ($7/month for a 25 man server). And the latency is a lot better than Ventrilo. The PvPers in our guild were thrilled to have near real-time voice chat.

We actually already have a forum-wide Mumble server (sort of). The info is in the TF2/ChHa server and Steam threads.

2012-02-24, 02:05 PM
Star Wars: The Old Republic II: HUTTS DON'T HAVE FEET! :smallfurious:


Also, a brief public service announcement to all Vanguards/Powertechs, Assassins/Shadows, and Juggernauts/Guardians interested in participating in warzones.

If any of you are using Soresu/Dark Charge/Combat techniques/Ion Cell, and you're not guarding someone at all times, you should be hit upside the head repeatedly until you start doing so (and changing the guard to a healer whenever you see one).

I'm really starting to hate healing in PuGs for warzones.

We actually already have a forum-wide Mumble server (sort of). The info is in the TF2/ChHa server and Steam threads.

You think they'd mind if we piggybacked onto it? I'll ask the question as soon as I can figure out how on earth to phrase the request.

2012-02-24, 04:23 PM
You think they'd mind if we piggybacked onto it? I'll ask the question as soon as I can figure out how on earth to phrase the request.

Considering it's for forum and general community use, I don't think we'd mind. If it becomes a problem, then I suppose we could figure something else out.

2012-02-24, 04:50 PM
If any of you are using Soresu/Dark Charge/Combat techniques/Ion Cell, and you're not guarding someone at all times, you should be hit upside the head repeatedly until you start doing so (and changing the guard to a healer whenever you see one).
To be fair, Guard turns when you get on and off of a speeder and often enough when you go from one area to another via a button (e.g. elevator). It's easy to run around not realizing it's not on any more until you see your party member/companion getting hit harder than they should be.

2012-02-24, 05:29 PM
To be fair, Guard turns when you get on and off of a speeder and often enough when you go from one area to another via a button (e.g. elevator). It's easy to run around not realizing it's not on any more until you see your party member/companion getting hit harder than they should be.

Whoops! Was talking specifically about PvP. Being a squishy operative is really starting to annoy me when Tanks don't do their job.

2012-02-24, 06:09 PM
In case you guys are curious, I found a server population ranking. Some guy surveyed _many_ PvE / RPPvE servers over a few days and made notes/graphs. You might be interested. Here's the link. (http://dulfy.net/2012/02/24/some-numerical-population-data-for-swtor-servers/)

2012-02-24, 07:05 PM
Yeah, that's a rough estimate, but it's the best information we have. Surprised that Canderous Ordo is that far above everyone else on the East Coast. Is that some sort of unofficial server for a group (like Swiftsure was for Oceanic with PvP)?

Looks like Ebon Hawk is pretty high, and Rubat Crystal is about average. Surprised that the Rep/Imp balance is as good as it is on Rubat Crystal.

I made my thanksgiving beta character on Sith Meditation Sphere, and someone commented at the time that there were no Rebs. I forget whether someone mentioned that the name was very pro-sith or whether I realized it on my own, but it looks like that really turned out to be the case.

Mumble question, since I haven't messed around with the settings much: Is there a way to use a server but "isolate" yourselves or group up in some way within a server? Basically, is there a way to use the GiTP server without annoying people playing different games (and without hearing random chat from other people if we're on a boss, for example)?

2012-02-24, 08:16 PM
Hallo everynyan!

So, I hear this game is pretty cool. So far I have a Sage and a Vanguard on Ebon Hawk, and recently rolled a Commando on Rubat Crystal. I saw a Usually Lawful Evil operative today in Voidstar (and booted her off a bridge, sorry about that!), but don't remember who exactly.

Also some Empire toons on Krayt Dragon but nobody lives there so nobody has any reason to care.

2012-02-24, 10:19 PM
Looks like Ebon Hawk is pretty high, and Rubat Crystal is about average. Surprised that the Rep/Imp balance is as good as it is on Rubat Crystal.

Republic may have a lot of folks, but in terms of PvP balance, Imps are mostly all Champ geared, with at least five Battlemasters that I know of by name, and a few more I don't know the names of, but have died to them before. There's a heavy gear imbalance that we're only just slowly catching up to on. Fun though when we win. Skill > Gear.

Mumble question, since I haven't messed around with the settings much: Is there a way to use a server but "isolate" yourselves or group up in some way within a server? Basically, is there a way to use the GiTP server without annoying people playing different games (and without hearing random chat from other people if we're on a boss, for example)?

You can setup channels in any VOIP client. It's similar to how IRC functions, with a few notable differences.

Hallo everynyan!

So, I hear this game is pretty cool. So far I have a Sage and a Vanguard on Ebon Hawk, and recently rolled a Commando on Rubat Crystal. I saw a Usually Lawful Evil operative today in Voidstar (and booted her off a bridge, sorry about that!), but don't remember who exactly.

Also some Empire toons on Krayt Dragon but nobody lives there so nobody has any reason to care.

You should add me. Are you level 50 yet or?

2012-02-24, 11:02 PM
Star Wars: The Old Republic II: HUTTS DON'T HAVE FEET! :smallfurious:

This one.


So I came across another awesome Inquisitor line recently on Alderaan. I like to think it's a stab at the game's many sidequests:
Elana Thul: I'm sorry to bother you, but we have a serious problem on our hands and you may be the only one who can solve it.

Inquisitor: *Visibly annoyed* If I had twenty credits for every time I've heard that.

2012-02-24, 11:47 PM
You should add me. Are you level 50 yet or?

Just hit level 31 (Valor Rank 30, lolsagepvp). Have quite a way to go before 50.

2012-02-25, 12:35 AM
So, Mumble and SWTOR work fine. Took a loss doing financially doing HM False Emperor. Also had to retire my saber again... For a sword. There were endless jokes about this.

2012-02-25, 02:05 AM
So, Mumble and SWTOR work fine. Took a loss doing financially doing HM False Emperor. Also had to retire my saber again... For a sword. There were endless jokes about this.

1. Swap mods.
2. ???
3. Profit.

Actually, I suppose you might have been using a non-moddable saber, in which case:

1. Stop being crazy.:smalltongue:
2. ???
3. Profit.

2012-02-25, 02:24 AM
Just hit level 31 (Valor Rank 30, lolsagepvp). Have quite a way to go before 50.

That's alright. Add me anyways and I can help you along. I started a Shadow. Currently at level 12, so I'll see how that goes.

1. Swap mods.
2. ???
3. Profit.

Actually, I suppose you might have been using a non-moddable saber, in which case:

1. Stop being crazy.:smalltongue:
2. ???
3. Profit.

PvP sabers are non-moddable, and I did switch to a random purple vibrosword I had in my inventory while I Sentinel DPS Off-tanked the Ancient Pylons encounter. :smalltongue:

2012-02-25, 10:41 AM
1. Swap mods.
2. ???
3. Profit.

Actually, I suppose you might have been using a non-moddable saber, in which case:

1. Stop being crazy.:smalltongue:
2. ???
3. Profit.

Hilt doesn't come out of end-game stuff. Besides, technically, it's a sith warblade, not a vibrosword, so it's just as deadly as a lightsaber (and just as capable of deflecting blaster bolts, although that might not be shown in-game). And it's the warblade of a major historical figure, so that's something.

Mr. Mud
2012-02-25, 09:32 PM
So I've been using my Razer Naga happily since release, but I've yet to use the macro functions (I've just been using the default bindings to 1 through = ). Anyone have any experiences with Naga macros or macros in general? I've thought about binding my trinkets and some short but useful CDs to my Force Charge, that way I'm using them as often as possible if not 100% optimally.

Thoughts on macros?

2012-02-25, 10:30 PM
So, it occurred to me that the following two changes upcoming in 1.2 are together going to have quite an effect on Armormech and Synthweaving:

1. Armoring (with set bonus attached) removable from endgame armors.

2. Possible to craft [Exceptional] orange (custom) items.

Basically, once 1.2 goes live, the new crit-crafted oranges are going to be best-in-slot, since you'll be able to fill them with a full set of Rakata mods and an augment. Which is why I highly recommend that any armor crafters do the following:

1. Spend the next few weeks buying up orange schematics from the GTN.
2. ???
3. Profit.

2012-02-25, 10:34 PM
So I've been using my Razer Naga happily since release, but I've yet to use the macro functions (I've just been using the default bindings to 1 through = ). Anyone have any experiences with Naga macros or macros in general? I've thought about binding my trinkets and some short but useful CDs to my Force Charge, that way I'm using them as often as possible if not 100% optimally.

Thoughts on macros?

You can't use macros. Or at least, it's against the Rules of Conduct.

To keep the Service a compliant, fun, fair and safe gaming environment for everyone, you may not engage in any of the following behavior...Use or distribute “auto” software programs, “macro” software programs or other “cheat utility” software program or applications.

Now, I haven't heard of anyone actually getting an infraction for it, and for all I know they may be referring more to botting than combat macros*. Also, the fact they released a SWTOR licensed Razer keyboard and mouse and then said you can't use macros with them is....stupid, at best. But I'd steer clear of the issue altogether, if you want to play it safe.

*Someone in the official forums asked a CSR person about it, and they said
As I have checked, it is against the TOS to use macros keyboard and mouses because it will cause delay key strokes and lead to AUTOMATION. Same logic applies for looping commands with time delays. Some software, including the G-series Key Profiler application from Logitech, allows to make macros INCLUDING delays. This is clearly against our Terms of Service. Just because the user has the option doesn't mean that they are allowed to use it. As shown below, these are are the don'ts in using macros that will violate TOS. *

Combination of set of key strokes with delay: (Example: A + B + C). this example shows a combination of buttons pressed in a certain order (first A then B then C). Looped Combination of set of key strokes with delay: (Example: A + B + C + A + B + C). I don't have a gaming mouse/keyboard, so I haven't actually used macros in any game. But that sounds to me like normal macro usage is still barred. Having said that, CSR responses have been wrong before, and this is one person giving their account of the response, not an actual link to a Bioware employee post, so take it with as many grains of salt as you wish. Still, I'd hold off on those macros for now.


Greetings everyone,

When talking about anything macro related we would like to provide the following guidelines:
No automation
No delays or looped commands in macros
It is okay to bind a macro that performs abilities after each other as long as it still requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed
These rules apply regardless of which peripheral you are using.

Hope this clears it up a bit, but if you have further questions regarding the topic please get back to us!. So there's the official word, as best it is. Now, as I said above, I haven't used macros, but...if macros are okay only as long as you "press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed"...what the heck is the macro actually doing?

2012-02-25, 10:44 PM
Now, as I said above, I haven't used macros, but...if macros are okay only as long as you "press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed"...what the heck is the macro actually doing?

Reducing the number of different keys you have to press, a.k.a. cleaning up your cluttered mess of a quickbar(s).

2012-02-25, 11:24 PM
Yup. Instead of 1,2,3, you're pressing 1,1,1.
Alternatively you're using the macro to change up what button is tied to what ability, like using the numpad.
Until the UI gets changed so we can have more than 2 bars visable, I can't really understand why NOT to use macros- there's too many abilities to have to cycle through.

2012-02-25, 11:45 PM
Yup. Instead of 1,2,3, you're pressing 1,1,1.
Alternatively you're using the macro to change up what button is tied to what ability, like using the numpad.
Until the UI gets changed so we can have more than 2 bars visable, I can't really understand why NOT to use macros- there's too many abilities to have to cycle through.

You can have 4 quickbars open. :smallconfused:

2012-02-26, 12:55 AM
Reducing the number of different keys you have to press, a.k.a. cleaning up your cluttered mess of a quickbar(s).

Yup. Instead of 1,2,3, you're pressing 1,1,1.

Alright, I think I might get it now, but I'm still confused. Let's say there are two possible macros I want to do (gonna use sniper terms, because that's what I know; and again, keep in mind I haven't used macros, so I may just be mistaken in what people are talking about, or what it's possible to do):

Macro 1: I want it set so that whenever I use Laze Target (next snipe crits), I follow it with a snipe, then a followthrough, then an ambush (these are all attacks, and all subject to the GCD)

Macro 2: I want it set so that whenever I use my threat-lowering ability, I also use both my defensive cooldowns and pop a relic at the same time (these abilities can be hit at the same time in game and are not subject to GCD).

To me, it's pretty clear that Bioware finds macro 1 unacceptable; It would be a textbook case of the "key strokes with delay", and it would violate the "must press a button each time a new action is performed", since I wouldn't be pressing anything for any of the three attacks. Agree? Disagree? Is this type of macro generally allowed by games?

Macro 2 I hadn't thought of until reading the two posts quoted above, but I guess my confusion is: The CSR rep says "performs abilities after each other", but these abilities aren't after each other; they're simultaneous (in theory). Also, it still may violate the "must press the button" clause. And I'm not sure if this is the type of macro you two are talking about above or not. But I can also see why it would be allowed, in theory, and why it would be useful.

I guess it's the "requires the user to press the button on the physical keyboard each time a new action is performed" sentence that confuses me the most. Is "the button" the (one) button to start the macro, or whatever button is typically associated with each cooldown (which would be several buttons in total)? Is a "new action" any new ability at all, or just each new "burst", for lack of a better term, of abilities?

I guess in purely practical gameplay terms, I'm asking: Is the only permissible macro the ability to press 1 button to use several non-GCD abilities at the same time? Or are there more? Or is even that unacceptable?

Salur is confused :smallfrown:.

Edit to clarify: For the sake of examples and explanation, assume the following keys: 1 is unbound and would be used for any macro. 2, 3, and 4 are all attacks, and all subject to the GCD. 5, 6, and 7 are defensive cooldowns and relics and whatever, stuff that's not subject to the GCD. Also, Thrain brought up a third possibility, that you have a macro that switches what the 1 key does (this sounds like what you meant and I didn't understand, Acanous), so the first time the 1 key uses the ability bound to 2, then a second and half later pressing 1 uses the ability bound to 3, next GCD it's the 4 ability, and so on. Is this what you're talking about?

2012-02-26, 01:31 AM
What little I know about MMO macros comes from WoW, so the syntax isn't going to be anywhere close but:

Macro 1 style 'cast sequence' macros lead to automation. While this leads to better dps performance, I've seen in brought to its logical conclusion (literally every Hunter spamming their macro button the whole fight). It's not pretty and would really like this genie never let out of the bottle.

Macro 2 style is pretty simple to do, but gives a lot of error code dump onto your screen. What you do is cast everything at once. Two no-GCD abilities will still not fire at the same time, meaning you need to click it twice, but it will then go on and try to activate each of the relics in turn.
Each line will fire, and you can just put every single relic and ability you want on the same button, but it'll get hard to track cooldowns.

2012-02-26, 05:56 AM
I think the original question was about using hardware macros to bind an action bar to the 12 buttons on the side of the Razer Naga. There's nothing disallowing that.

As for macros, even without time delays they would be extremely useful. For example, on my operative, suppose I'm dpsing from cover. I would write a quick macro that throws an explosive probe if it's not on CD, and uses snipe if it is. Or, if I'm in the thick of the fight, backstab (assuming it's off CD and I'm behind the target), then shiv (again assuming it's off CD), then overload shot when both knife abilities are on CD. And tying eviscerate and headshot to a single button, since they share a CD and require the same target condition, would be nice - after all, the only difference between the two is that eviscerate is a melee ability and headshot is a ranged ability. For AoE, a single button that calls in an orbital strike when it's up and throws a frag grenade when it's not. A single button that puts me into stealth if I'm not in combat and pops vanish if I am. One button that pops stim boost when it's not up or fires a surgical probe if it is.

Those are simple, basic macros. No illegal time delay shenanigans. Those examples alone would clear up 7 spots on my action bars - if I was actually looking at my bars I'm sure I could come up with more.

2012-02-26, 10:23 AM
You can have 4 quickbars open. :smallconfused:

Tis true. Look upon my bars, ye mighty, and despair (http://img31.imageshack.us/img31/268/screenshot2012022013030.jpg).

2012-02-26, 11:56 AM
I managed to compress Sentinel onto two primary bars. I have four nearly identical top bars, with different abilities for s+F and 4 (e.g. Valorous Call and Transcendence) for example.


2012-02-26, 07:41 PM
So, after staying up way too late last night I finally finished Act I. I am now Lord Maliwan of the Unnamed Legacy.:smallcool:

Not that I had much time to enjoy my newfound position, since I also did the bit on Dromund Kaas that kicks off Act II.:smallannoyed:

Did I just miss it, or has there really not been an option to tell Zash that this little predicament with Darth Thanaton is all her fault?

Oh yeah, and Kallig, this is like the fifth time you've said that "this is the last time I will be able to help you"/"we will not be seeing each other again." Seriously, drop the act, we both know you're going to keep showing up any time it's convenient for the writers.:smalltongue:

2012-02-26, 08:38 PM
2 possible Juggernaught Hybrid builds I'm considering;

17/5/19 (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101cMGbuzZhMZGr0rkbM.1)
24/0/17 (http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#101cMGbuMrozZZGrzrzb.1)

Thoughts? With the first build, my Smash is really awesome, but Choke is still channeled (boo!). The second build is much more defensive, but the damage output of smash is less spectacular. Also, I really hate having to waste a point in either Force Alarcity or Endless rage on the Rage side of things in the 24/0/17 build. On the other hand, if I don't get Sonic shield from the Immortal tree, I'll have to use 2 pieces of PvP tanking gear, which will throw off my current gear plans.

One last thing; Would people on Rubaat Crystal be up for Directive 7 hard mode? I don't think any of us have columni pants yet.

2012-02-26, 11:13 PM
I'd be cool with Directive 7. The only Columi piece I have is actually my offhand weapon, so my only preferences are not to do Battle of Ilum and, if possible, Black Talon (which is barely an upgrade, and an unimportant slot). Any of the others, I'm cool with.

If we did Directive 7, can we skip the bonus boss? Not so much for what it is, but because ignoring the bonus objectives means you can skip a lot of trash, from what I hear (and from what I remember).

Can't help on the Jugg question, obviously, but out of curiosity: are you a hybrid build right now? If you're not, what do these builds give you that you feel you're missing now?

My very very very brief poking around seems to indicate that most Jugg hybrid builds are actually Immortal/Vengeance, rather than Immortal/Rage (and one in particular, a 14/27/0 build that I can't actually find anywhere), but I haven't played the class at all, so I don't know what the abilities actually do.

2012-02-26, 11:32 PM
Can't help on the Jugg question, obviously, but out of curiosity: are you a hybrid build right now? If you're not, what do these builds give you that you feel you're missing now?

My very very very brief poking around seems to indicate that most Jugg hybrid builds are actually Immortal/Vengeance, rather than Immortal/Rage (and one in particular, a 14/27/0 build that I can't actually find anywhere), but I haven't played the class at all, so I don't know what the abilities actually do.

My current build is 31/3/7. My biggest problem with is is the relatively anemic DPS (For some perspective; I have better and more consistent DPS on my level 35 Arsenal Merc, and more consistent DPS on my level 41 Vanguard.

2012-02-27, 12:03 AM
My current build is 31/3/7. My biggest problem with is is the relatively anemic DPS (For some perspective; I have better and more consistent DPS on my level 35 Arsenal Merc, and more consistent DPS on my level 41 Vanguard.

I know just how you feel :smallamused:

I'll have to start doing some HMs soon, get my hands on some of that Biometric Alloy stuff.

2012-02-27, 05:37 AM
My current build is 31/3/7. My biggest problem with is is the relatively anemic DPS (For some perspective; I have better and more consistent DPS on my level 35 Arsenal Merc, and more consistent DPS on my level 41 Vanguard.

Your spec may not be the problem. It's my understanding that JK/SWs are still waiting for some dev lovin', since it was established in beta that the class (including both ACs) was falling short of expectations.

The Glyphstone
2012-02-27, 06:46 AM
Has anyone heard any plans at all from the Dev's to fix Ashara Zavros's affection bug?

2012-02-27, 08:17 AM
My current build is 31/3/7. My biggest problem with is is the relatively anemic DPS (For some perspective; I have better and more consistent DPS on my level 35 Arsenal Merc, and more consistent DPS on my level 41 Vanguard.

The begs the question of Juggernaut DPS builds and their efficacy. Are they gimp compared to other DPS specs for other classes? I was thinking of making the switch since my group has another tank, just for the novelty, and I've been finding so many world drop purples for a jugg DPSer.

2012-02-27, 09:48 AM
The begs the question of Juggernaut DPS builds and their efficacy. Are they gimp compared to other DPS specs for other classes? I was thinking of making the switch since my group has another tank, just for the novelty, and I've been finding so many world drop purples for a jugg DPSer.
Yes, they are gimp. And, as noted by Philistine, the devs know this and they are going to be fixed... Guardians/Juggernauts for DPS and Sentinels/Marauders for surivability... they haven't provided an ETA on these.

There are also some technical issues they're looking at for Sentinel/Marauder Ataru forms regarding the Ataru second strike ranges being shorter than the "regular" melee range, for whatever reason.

2012-02-27, 10:09 AM
Yes, they are gimp. And, as noted by Philistine, the devs know this and they are going to be fixed... Guardians/Juggernauts for DPS and Sentinels/Marauders for surivability... they haven't provided an ETA on these.

There are also some technical issues they're looking at for Sentinel/Marauder Ataru forms regarding the Ataru second strike ranges being shorter than the "regular" melee range, for whatever reason.

Sort of. Rage Juggernaught's damage is actually pretty impressive... but it depends almost entirely on smash.

2012-02-27, 10:39 AM
I've split the spreadsheet into two sheets: North America and Europe. I've also cleaned up some of the improperly sized columns (please avoid widening the columns--shrink your cell's text instead if it linebreaks) to maintain consistency between all cells.

I can't speak much for Juggernauts, but Ebon Hawk is overflowing with DPS Guardians. They do incredibly well in PvP (especially Huttball) since they're beefy and can hit reasonably hard. Their damage output is typically better than most Sentinels actually. I think Bioware just hates Sentinels (and Maurauders) at this point, and most people probably hate them too because they're terrible. :smallfurious:

If you're mainly off tanking, it shouldn't be too bad to build a second set of gear (e.g. if you end up tanking for HMs a lot). There's a guy I know that just switches between DPS and Tank Vanguard depending on what the party needs.

2012-02-27, 11:00 AM
Having now finished the IA class questline, I can safely say that it completely blows the SI story (that being the only other one I've finished) out of the water. Among all the awesome is a throwaway line referencing the other class story quests with a suggested facepalm.

I've started the Belsavis dailies (mostly I wanted to unlock Lights Out as an avenue to upgrade my team's weaponry) and was very disappointed that Scorpio doesn't get an upgradeable weapon. A quick search on torhead revealed that there are no upgradeable techstaves or techblades in the game. Apparently there are several other companions affected by this, so hopefully it will be remedied at some point.

Any idea when the purple boxes from commendations are going to be improved? Because both times I've bought one on my agent it contained marauder gear. And there's not a single member of my team that's str-based, so it's a completely waste of commendations.

Also, is there any word on whether social gear being re-classified will be retroactive (ie, if I buy a piece now, will it become medium whenever it gets patched, or will I have to buy another piece)? And will it change according to the character wearing it, or according to the character that buys it? I ask because I have made myself the goal of acquiring the Imperial Pilot set for my agent - I just need a quick BT social run (maybe 2 - I'm at the boundary where I might not quite get all the points I need from a single run) and a week or so to collect the commendations.

On another note (wow, this is getting random/rambling), how do people rate the different ships? Stylistically, my favorite is the Phantom, though the Fury is a close second. The Mantis is a horrendously ugly piece of crap with a ridiculously stupid layout, though it has the most fun acquisition quest. Also, does anyone else get the impression that the Phantom handles better and packs more punch than the Fury? I can do a space mission on either character and switch to do the same mission on the other (ships have identical upgrades, ie all purples and all special commendation items), and it's easier on the agent (no matter which one I do first).

2012-02-27, 11:04 AM
From what I've seen, the Sentinel/Marauder acts as more of a support class, with the ability to heal the entire ops group for 6% their max health, the ability to buff the entire group's healing and damage by 15%, a +50% to movement and +10% to defenses buff for the group, and the ONLY healing-reducing debuff in the game. They also, from what I hear, are the #1 solo-pvp class in the game. Mainly because rebuke is an amazing defensive cooldown.

2012-02-27, 11:17 AM
From what I've seen, the Sentinel/Marauder acts as more of a support class, with the ability to heal the entire ops group for 6% their max health, the ability to buff the entire group's healing and damage by 15%, a +50% to movement and +10% to defenses buff for the group, and the ONLY healing-reducing debuff in the game. They also, from what I hear, are the #1 solo-pvp class in the game. Mainly because rebuke is an amazing defensive cooldown.

Sure, they're a support class, but you're forced to go Watchman if you want group heals (or any reasonable self heal at all). I dislike playing the Watchman rotation, especially in PvP. I'm not really going to go into my issues with Sentinels (and Smugglers also suffer from a similar problem with the whole medium armor issue) right now, unless you want me to...

Best solo class is Shadow (or maybe Scoundrel). I've been on Ventrilo with a few Battlemasters, and the Shadow player has figured out how to effectively two-shot people (100% to 30% in the opening combo). He's in mostly champion with the battlemaster doublesaber, and he can effectively instagib me if my health is below 60% when I'm in a mix of Centurion and Champion. Sentinels are actually not very good in 1v1s except against squishies since they have so many abilities they need to use in order to ramp up DPS. I dueled a Battlemaster Scoundrel last night with only weapons (stripped nude) and lost because I was GCD-locked. He wins because he only needs to use three skills to kill me, whereas I need to use at least six.

2012-02-27, 11:26 AM
Technically, that was referring to duels specifically, which are a bit different in how they work. Should have specified.

And yeah, medium armor folks are kind of shafted by the fact that the light armor players either have a better version of heavy armor (Sorcerers/Sages. The math has been done, and Force Bubble+ light armor > Heavy armor+the trooper/bounty hunter's defensive cooldown), or a built in self heal and are really in medium or better armor anyway (90% of all Assassins/Shadows I see in pvp switch to the tanking form even if they're in dps forms in PvE)

2012-02-27, 11:49 AM
On another note (wow, this is getting random/rambling), how do people rate the different ships? The Mantis is a horrendously ugly piece of crap with a ridiculously stupid layout, though it has the most fun acquisition quest.


I find the Mantis to be the most organic, interesting ship out of the bunch. It feels and looks like a bounty hunter's ship and to some extent reflects the appearance of the class with its mish-mash of gear choices. I especially love the fact that the big room sort of resembles the main cargo hold of the Serenity from Firefly.

If I had a choice of ship, I would have taken the Mantis.

2012-02-27, 01:27 PM
I've started the Belsavis dailies (mostly I wanted to unlock Lights Out as an avenue to upgrade my team's weaponry) and was very disappointed that Scorpio doesn't get an upgradeable weapon. A quick search on torhead revealed that there are no upgradeable techstaves or techblades in the game. Apparently there are several other companions affected by this, so hopefully it will be remedied at some point.
All the melee companions with aim as their primary are "affected":

Troopers - Tanno Vik and Yuun
Consulars - Qyzen Fess
Smugglers - Akaavi Spar
Bounty Hunters - Torian Cadera and Skadge
Agents - SCORPIO

There are no +aim hilts in artifice... that's why there aren't fully modable weapon models. The weapons themselves fairly rare drops in a base case. AFAIK, the companions that can use techstaves can also use techblades, but I don't know if those that can use techblades can use techstaves. The only way to get them consistently is to know someone who does Armstech or to hold out for quest rewards.

This also affects their armor selections. Synthweaving has nothing for the above folks. They're all in "trooper"/"bounty hunter" armor, except for SCORPIO, who is a droid.

Also, does anyone else get the impression that the Phantom handles better and packs more punch than the Fury? I can do a space mission on either character and switch to do the same mission on the other (ships have identical upgrades, ie all purples and all special commendation items), and it's easier on the agent (no matter which one I do first).
I think the ships are "skins" and the only differences you see is in your perception. That being said, I wonder how they "balance" things like the Thunderclap vs the Fury, for example, given that the Thunderclap fires three bolts per cycle rather than two... could be that the cyclic rate is slowed down or something.

Apperance wise, I think they all fit with their respective classes. I am disappointed, however, that the two Jedi and two Sith classes share ship models. Seemed like a lazy decision... but I could be vastly simplifying the thought process.

2012-02-27, 02:54 PM
I think the ships are "skins" and the only differences you see is in your perception. That being said, I wonder how they "balance" things like the Thunderclap vs the Fury, for example, given that the Thunderclap fires three bolts per cycle rather than two... could be that the cyclic rate is slowed down or something.

Yeah, basically whereas a fully upgraded Fury will fire 5 shots from each of it's guns every second, the Thunderclap will cycle between the three guns to fire 10 shots each second.

My personal Ship ranking

Outer Aestetic;
1) Phantom
2) Light Freighter
3) Fury
4-6, in no particular order) Mantis, Defender, Thunderclap

Interior Design
1) Mantis (Easily navigable, and feels like a Hunter's ship)
2) Fury (very nice aesthetic, and I've never gotten lost on it)
3) Thunderclap (Feels like a military ship, and the design is easy to navigate)
4) Defender (Nice interior aesthetic, but I hate the multi-tiered design as it's implemented)
5) Phantom (I hate how easy it is to get lost in the holoterminal room. It seriously ticks me off)
6) Light Freighter (I HATE trying to get from point A to point B in this thing.)

2012-02-27, 03:47 PM
I finally hit 50 on my operative. I level the last level entirely through battlegrounds.
my favorite is hutt ball just cause is more even though some classes are just op in the battle ground.
the alderaan one who ever get 2 guns to one at the start wins. it feels like sisyphus when your down 2 guns to 1. kill all the people then 3 seconds later more people just speedering in so to that window of 8 second is near impossible
the ship one is a game of chance. I hate that respawning defenders don't automatically shifted to next room. it makes it so that the person that is out of combat have an advantage because of sprint. assassins especially can zoom out and pretty much get free bomb on the next door. it just the spirally out of control problem.

So i finally got to play all the space mission and i have to say i am very dissapointed.

I expected each mission to be different but found out that half are copies of old ones but with harder to shoot down fighters. I am also dissapointed in the auction house on my server. I search for epic gear for my character and there is literally no mod no armoring for sale. it goes something like 50% bounty hunter gear and like 30 percent inquisitor and 20% SIth warrior and 0 imperial agent. Are they just so few Agents that there just isn't a market?

The Glyphstone
2012-02-27, 04:27 PM
Yeah,there's not as many space missions as you'd think:

-Shuttle Escort
-Ice Crystal Field
-Space Station Assault
-Asteroid Field
-Capital Ship Assault
-Space Station Defense

I love Capital Ship Assault and Minefield (at whatever level I'm geared for) myself - particularly CSA, it just feels so badass to be boring in on an enemy ship alone, then have three of your own capital ships appear flying wing on you before peeling off to let you solo everything.

2012-02-27, 05:47 PM

I find the Mantis to be the most organic, interesting ship out of the bunch. It feels and looks like a bounty hunter's ship and to some extent reflects the appearance of the class with its mish-mash of gear choices. I especially love the fact that the big room sort of resembles the main cargo hold of the Serenity from Firefly.

If I had a choice of ship, I would have taken the Mantis.
The Phantom pleases my sense of aesthetics. It's sleek and sporty. Its every line screams speed and style. Truly, it is the Lamborghini of space vessels. And, like her pilot, she is far more than a casual glance reveals.

The Fury is the result of the Millennium Falcon and a TIE Interceptor hooking up and making beautiful babies.

The Mantis is a box (the same reason I despise the shuttles used as taxis on Balmorra and Voss). It has none of the curves that made Serenity a beauty. The engines are on awkward, flimsy little appendages (and are too small for the ship to begin with) - they look like they should simply shear themselves off instead of propelling the ship through space. The main reason it had to be stolen - nobody would pay money for that piece of trash.

All the melee companions with aim as their primary are "affected":

Troopers - Tanno Vik and Yuun
Consulars - Qyzen Fess
Smugglers - Akaavi Spar
Bounty Hunters - Torian Cadera and Skadge
Agents - SCORPIO

There are no +aim hilts in artifice... that's why there aren't fully modable weapon models. The weapons themselves fairly rare drops in a base case. AFAIK, the companions that can use techstaves can also use techblades, but I don't know if those that can use techblades can use techstaves. The only way to get them consistently is to know someone who does Armstech or to hold out for quest rewards.

This also affects their armor selections. Synthweaving has nothing for the above folks. They're all in "trooper"/"bounty hunter" armor, except for SCORPIO, who is a droid.
Synthweaving has nothing for the majority of companions, though - the only companion that could be reasonably be equipped on the IA's team through synthweaving is Vector. Given that non-Force adepts don't get Sith/Jedi companions, I figure that BH, Trooper, and Smuggler will have similar teams, though I haven't actually played then far enough to know for sure (my BH still only has Mako, haven't even touched the Republic classes yet).

I don't see why they can't just use barrels as mods in electrostaves/blades. Make up some fluff about the item being used as a power source to make using the same item as both a gun barrel and a staff/blade component reasonable. Bam, done, now everyone can get a spiffy upgradeable weapon. It also allows vibroswords/techblades and electrostaves/techstaves to be classified as the same item type, separated only by the primary stat (like every other weapon type in the game - blasters come in cunning and aim variants, sabers come in willpower and strength variants).

2012-02-27, 11:08 PM
The trooper has no companions who use force user gear, but Bowie (because his gear doesn't show up on his character model) uses Jedi Guardian gear.

2012-02-27, 11:12 PM
Bad news, I spent my monthly internet frivolity budget on the XBOX this month. Playing through BG&E right now.

2012-02-28, 01:15 AM
Has anyone heard any plans at all from the Dev's to fix Ashara Zavros's affection bug?

Ashara has an affection bug?:smallconfused:


...Dangit, and Taris is my next planet too.

2012-02-28, 01:42 AM
I'm partial to Space Station Defense. If anyone else remembers Battlehawks 1942 from waaay back in the day, the SSD missions remind me of the carrier defense missions from that game. Except, y'know, not impossible. Good times!

Also, Space Station Attack and Capital Ship Assault provide satisfyingly target-rich environments.

2012-02-28, 06:00 AM
The Phantom pleases my sense of aesthetics. It's sleek and sporty. Its every line screams speed and style. Truly, it is the Lamborghini of space vessels. And, like her pilot, she is far more than a casual glance reveals.

The Fury is the result of the Millennium Falcon and a TIE Interceptor hooking up and making beautiful babies.

The Mantis is a box (the same reason I despise the shuttles used as taxis on Balmorra and Voss). It has none of the curves that made Serenity a beauty. The engines are on awkward, flimsy little appendages (and are too small for the ship to begin with) - they look like they should simply shear themselves off instead of propelling the ship through space. The main reason it had to be stolen - nobody would pay money for that piece of trash.

The Phantom, to me at least, looks like a spoon rest that one puts on their oven. Also, the inside is disproportionately large since the whole ship, at least according to the game's map, is no bigger than other ships. It does look neat on the inside though with its hardwood floors.

The Fury is outright boring and cramped. Sure, it's a military vessel, but people are packed in the most bizarre places and it has absolutely no character, unless you consider computer-walls and pipes charming. It feels like a super-sized TIE Interceptor and has as much room as one.

The Mantis however has the feel of being a beater that keeps on running a la Millennium Falcon. It looks like it shouldn't fly, much like the Falcon and Serenity, but it keeps going and even packs a punch when treated right. I like the large work station in the cargo hold that shows your crew members working if they're on mission (though you will find them in their usual haunts at the same time).

Whatever the case, it's really cool that the ships are so diverse. I would have loved a choice of a ship and the Force classes should each have had their own craft as well, but ohh well.

2012-02-28, 11:45 AM
I wish the Phantom was available in a color scheme other than "ultra-high-vis polished metal" - it's awfully flashy for a Cipher Agent who's supposed to be able to go anywhere and be anyone. (I'd expect that landing a ship like that in a war zone like Balmorra, for example, would blow your cover before you even start.) But the design itself seems to be channeling the SR-71 Blackbird by way of Amidala's yacht(s). I can live with that, even if I prefer the Fury's aura of compact menace.

2012-02-28, 02:02 PM
I think the Phantom is channeling Bond's Aston-Martin

2012-02-28, 02:39 PM
The trooper has no companions who use force user gear, but Bowie (because his gear doesn't show up on his character model) uses Jedi Guardian gear.

All trooper companions are +aim, which is great because you can all match.

2012-02-28, 05:48 PM
All trooper companions are +aim, which is great because you can all match.

Which is probably the idea.

2012-02-28, 08:18 PM
This post is random as heck, but:

Back when Thrain and I were leveling with our mains, we ran into one or two bosses that dished out a bit too much damage for us, and we wanted to make sure he was the one taking it. Except, whenever the boss switched to me and I deployed my threat-reducing cooldown, he still kept going after me, even if I would just sit and not attack.

Today, I learned why. Apparently some of the threat reduction cooldowns (the Merc/Commando, IA/Smuggler, and Sage/Sorc Cloud Mind (the pull ability works fine)) reduce threat by 0.25% rather than 25%. No wonder it didn't seem to do anything :smallsigh:.

2012-02-28, 10:42 PM
This post is random as heck, but:

Back when Thrain and I were leveling with our mains, we ran into one or two bosses that dished out a bit too much damage for us, and we wanted to make sure he was the one taking it. Except, whenever the boss switched to me and I deployed my threat-reducing cooldown, he still kept going after me, even if I would just sit and not attack.

Today, I learned why. Apparently some of the threat reduction cooldowns (the Merc/Commando, IA/Smuggler, and Sage/Sorc Cloud Mind (the pull ability works fine)) reduce threat by 0.25% rather than 25%. No wonder it didn't seem to do anything :smallsigh:.

I'm not sure if that's funny or sad.

2012-02-29, 09:29 AM
Today, I learned why. Apparently some of the threat reduction cooldowns (the Merc/Commando, IA/Smuggler, and Sage/Sorc Cloud Mind (the pull ability works fine)) reduce threat by 0.25% rather than 25%. No wonder it didn't seem to do anything :smallsigh:.

Having had past troubles with Cloud Mind, I decided to go to TORHead and look at the ability after seeing this post. If you navigate to Cloud Mind and click "Effect Details", you can see that it has the effect "ModifyThreat: AmountPercent=>-0.25". However, Rescue (Extrication for you Sorcs) has the effect "ModifyThreat: AmountPercent=>-25". I'm going to guess (hope?) that it's a typo. As it is, -.25% is basically useless. Time to submit a ticket, I guess.

2012-02-29, 10:02 AM
Yeah, I'm sure it's a typo. The only two that work at the moment are the rescue ability and Force Camouflage for the Marauder/Sentinel, because both of them have the correct -25.

2012-02-29, 11:28 AM
Intercede and the Guardian's version also seem to work, although those don't dump threat for you unless you take a certain talent.

The Glyphstone
2012-02-29, 02:02 PM
I'm partial to Space Station Defense. If anyone else remembers Battlehawks 1942 from waaay back in the day, the SSD missions remind me of the carrier defense missions from that game. Except, y'know, not impossible. Good times!

Also, Space Station Attack and Capital Ship Assault provide satisfyingly target-rich environments.

Nothing satisfies the need for Target Rich Environment quite like flying Minefield with an EMP generator equipped.:smallbiggrin:

2012-03-01, 01:16 AM
Yay, so Oceanic Servers are up. Pity there are only a couple of them, I expect huge server queues once everyone on Harbinger and Swiftsure transfer their characters over...:smallfrown: It is nice to see a ping in the 60s, rather than the 350 range, though. I don't really feel like starting afresh again so I'll still stick with Rubat for now.

2012-03-01, 02:18 AM
Yay, so Oceanic Servers are up. Pity there are only a couple of them, I expect huge server queues once everyone on Harbinger and Swiftsure transfer their characters over...:smallfrown: It is nice to see a ping in the 60s, rather than the 350 range, though. I don't really feel like starting afresh again so I'll still stick with Rubat for now.

The free transfers will be available starting in early April. More info here (http://www.swtor.com/info/faq/game#q400115).

Also, 1.2 is going to be on the PTS "soon."

2012-03-01, 10:34 AM
Nothing satisfies the need for Target Rich Environment quite like flying Minefield with an EMP generator equipped.:smallbiggrin:
Have I gone mad? Or did you just suggest that the minefield missions are in any way satisfying?

Also, 1.2 is going to be on the PTS "soon."
So, when 1.1.5 goes live, probably?

2012-03-01, 11:33 AM
Have I gone mad? Or did you just suggest that the minefield missions are in any way satisfying?
I would have preferred the capital ship assault or even the space station assault as the capstone mission, as those are pretty climactic, but they probably picked the longer minefield mission since it's, well, longer.

I do like the target rich enviroment, but it's hard to feel the rush of victory when all you've done is grief the Mandalorians by destroying all the mines they laid and by fusing the bays on their mine layer.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-01, 03:26 PM
Have I gone mad? Or did you just suggest that the minefield missions are in any way satisfying?

So, when 1.1.5 goes live, probably?

Oh, they're quite repetitive and easy in all other sense. I just can't help but giggle when I fire off my EMP and kill 100+ mines in a single shot in the 2nd field, then dump all power to shields and cruise effortlessly till the end.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-01, 03:30 PM
Have I gone mad? Or did you just suggest that the minefield missions are in any way satisfying?

So, when 1.1.5 goes live, probably?

I just can't help but giggle when I fire off my EMP and kill 100+ mines in a single shot in the 2nd field, then dump all power to shields and cruise effortlessly till the end.

2012-03-01, 04:16 PM
I'm still staying away from this life-devouring sarlaac pit of a game until I'm done with Mass Effect 3, which I expect to be around mid-summer. But I'm curious. Are there any rumors of interesting additions that will be made to the game in that time? New playable races or something?

Also, is there same-sex content in the game? Bioware has always been very progressive about that.

2012-03-01, 04:49 PM
The short answer is that there will be changes, but the specifics aren't really known at this point.

There will probably be one or two major changes by mid-summer. First major change is patch 1.2, coming sometime in March, though there's no set date at the moment. The trailer for that patch strongly implied that at least some race/class combos that were not previously available will be, but I haven't heard anything on new playable races, which I suspect would take a little bit more time. Also, new races may or may not be tied to the legacy system (i.e., you'd have to play for a bit in order to unlock them). I would suspect that 1.3 would come out sometime around June, based on the previous patch schedule, but that's totally estimated on my end and I have no hard evidence for it. I don't even know what gameplay changes 1.3 would bring, but they'd probably be biggish. So, depending on your timing, there will probably be one or two major content patches between now and if you joined in the summer.

You get 5 companions, and you can romance 1 or 2 (depends on class or gender), but there aren't any same sex romances yet. I know they intend to put them in in the future, but I don't know the timeline, and I don't think anyone knows whether they'll allow romance with the old companions or whether new ones would have to be added.

2012-03-01, 04:58 PM
As said above, there are no same-sex romance options yet (aside from cantina RP hookups), but Kaliyo is constantly offering to let my female operative do body shots...

What do you mean, that's not what "Drinks are on me" means?

2012-03-01, 08:19 PM
So my inaugural post (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=336817) on the SWTOR Community Forums was totally ignored. A shame, considering I did spend a bit of time typing the whole thing up. Anyways, since it's out there, it was my idea for a new Warzone to complement the current trio. In any case, is it typical of the official forums to post and then be completely ignored? Or do I have to post some sort of trolly, "end-is-nigh" thread title to actually get any attention?

2012-03-02, 12:05 AM
So my inaugural post (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=336817) on the SWTOR Community Forums was totally ignored. A shame, considering I did spend a bit of time typing the whole thing up. Anyways, since it's out there, it was my idea for a new Warzone to complement the current trio. In any case, is it typical of the official forums to post and then be completely ignored? Or do I have to post some sort of trolly, "end-is-nigh" thread title to actually get any attention?

Yeah, pretty much.:smallsigh:

The Glyphstone
2012-03-02, 08:13 AM
In other news, I finally ran Kaon Under Siege for the first time. When Bioware gets around to instituting achievements, there should be one you can earn for completing the entire run of KUS without making a single Left 4 Dead joke.

2012-03-02, 10:08 AM
As said above, there are no same-sex romance options yet (aside from cantina RP hookups), but Kaliyo is constantly offering to let my female operative do body shots...

What do you mean, that's not what "Drinks are on me" means?
Kaliyo is Jack without the angst.

2012-03-02, 10:50 AM
In other news, I finally ran Kaon Under Siege for the first time. When Bioware gets around to instituting achievements, there should be one you can earn for completing the entire run of KUS without making a single Left 4 Dead joke.

Aaaaannnnnd you just blew your achievement.....

The Glyphstone
2012-03-02, 11:10 AM
Aaaaannnnnd you just blew your achievement.....

Yeah, it'd be almost impossible.

2012-03-02, 11:20 AM
Yeah, it'd be almost impossible.
Alternatively, it would be trivially easy for someone who never played Left 4 Dead.

2012-03-02, 11:21 AM
Yeah, it'd be almost impossible.
Alternatively, it would be trivially easy for someone who never played Left 4 Dead.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-02, 11:33 AM
Alternatively, it would be trivially easy for someone who never played Left 4 Dead.

Okay, let's make it a little harder - no one in your group can make a Left 4 Dead joke.

2012-03-02, 11:41 AM
Alternatively, it would be trivially easy for someone who heard of Left 4 Dead.

Fixed. Because even if you haven't played, most of those who've seen the game in action a few times will find them selves calling bloated infecteds "boomers"

2012-03-02, 11:55 AM
Do any of you fine, far-more informed folks know if min-maxing endeavors have reached any sort of conclusion as to which stats a tank should prioritize?

I went on a bit of a buying spree, replacing some old gear that I've had for nearly ten levels and while browsing the GTN, I was left to wonder what a Sith Juggernaut should gear for. For a while, I was exclusively seeking endurance and defense, in that order. Now though, after paying closer attention to my tree, I have to add shield rate and absorption into the fold.

So what are the stat priorities for an end-game Jugg?

2012-03-02, 12:57 PM
Fixed. Because even if you haven't played, most of those who've seen the game in action a few times will find them selves calling bloated infecteds "boomers"
Do you often spend your time sitting around watching other people play games that you're not interested in at all? Yeah, me neither. Of course I've heard of L4D. It's a shooter, yes? I mean, sure, zombies, but - still a shooter, right? That's why if I hear "Boomer," I'm jumping to a traumatized and deeply conflicted Cylon rather than Yet Another Shooter.

2012-03-02, 02:26 PM
That's why if I hear "Boomer," I'm jumping to a traumatized and deeply conflicted Cylon rather than Yet Another Shooter.


2012-03-02, 02:28 PM
Yeah, pretty much.:smallsigh:

That's really a shame. Well, hopefully somebody at Bioware bothered to read it. I wonder if I should try bumping it.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-02, 02:29 PM
Do you often spend your time sitting around watching other people play games that you're not interested in at all? Yeah, me neither. Of course I've heard of L4D. It's a shooter, yes? I mean, sure, zombies, but - still a shooter, right? That's why if I hear "Boomer," I'm jumping to a traumatized and deeply conflicted Cylon rather than Yet Another Shooter.

My first thought of 'Boomer' is a ballistic missile submarine. But I'm still aware of the term's relationship with zombies in current gamer culture because of L4D, even if I've never played the game personally.

2012-03-02, 04:25 PM
Do you often spend your time sitting around watching other people play games that you're not interested in at all?

Well, depends on your definition of 'interest'. I, for instance, love to spectate and listen to analysis of Starcraft, but I never expect to play it in a multiplayer setting.

2012-03-02, 05:40 PM
I think that qualifies as "interest". If you weren't interested, would you bother to spectate and analyze?

I've heard of L4D. I'm sure that I have friends who play it. But since I'm typically not interested in FPS-style games, I don't talk to them about it. As such, I haven't been exposed to the terminology. I hear "Boomer" and, like others here, think of the BSG character. Or an SSBN. If I ever run the FP in question, my first thought when I run into said mobs will likely be "infected terrans" (from the original SC) or "sappers" (from WC2). "Boomers" will just confuse me.

In TOR news, I have now run a hard mode. BT was really easy, other than the final boss one-shotting people (was quite a change after farming social points in the normal mode). I learned a couple things, though: 1) Even when slowed, you move faster running forward/strafing than backpedaling (learned from the BH's example). 2) If you're facing her, running forward (ie, through her) will not get you quite far enough to be clear of the nova. Fortunately, she was low enough, and I'd done well enough keeping hots up on everyone, that the group was able to finish her after I got clubbed like a baby seal. But for most of the run, I felt like I was barely doing anything. Was way easier than scrambling to keep Scorpio alive while I solo yet another champion-rank mob only to have it drop +str gear (the attribute that not a single one of my companions uses).

I also finally took the plunge and bought one of the fancy level 50 vehicles (the one from the VIP vendor, since it matched my ship the best). And I picked up a hat from Nar Shadaa that looks good with the Imperial Pilot set, which will cut a couple days off my fleet commendation farming.

2012-03-02, 05:59 PM
Do any of you fine, far-more informed folks know if min-maxing endeavors have reached any sort of conclusion as to which stats a tank should prioritize?

I went on a bit of a buying spree, replacing some old gear that I've had for nearly ten levels and while browsing the GTN, I was left to wonder what a Sith Juggernaut should gear for. For a while, I was exclusively seeking endurance and defense, in that order. Now though, after paying closer attention to my tree, I have to add shield rate and absorption into the fold.

So what are the stat priorities for an end-game Jugg?

I have no tank experience, but: Most of the stat priorities depend on each other, so your best bet would be to find a spreadsheet where you can enter your current stats, and see what an increase to each would do. I found one for tanks, but it would be tough to answer the question without knowing your existing stats, especially because shield and absorb depend so much on each other (like crit/surge for a DPS) from my understanding.

From just playing around on the sheet: If you are just starting from 0, you want Defense, in general (as a Jugg, the other classes are different); like I said, it's hard to answer without knowing your stats and your options.

The Succubus
2012-03-03, 05:59 PM
Sooo...this is why I never get asked to heal my guildmates :smallfrown::


I'd appreciate some feedback on it if possible.

2012-03-03, 07:20 PM
Sooo...this is why I never get asked to heal my guildmates :smallfrown::


I'd appreciate some feedback on it if possible.

Inquisitors are a bit different.

*cast heal*
BH/Trooper: Does anyone feel their soul getting corrupted?
Warrior: Nope
*casts HoT*
BH/Trooper: AAAARG It's re-writing my skin aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Warrior: I know, feels awesome right? Say where do get that energy to heal people with the dark side anyway?
*nearby corpses start to smolder, plants wither, insects and birds scurry away*
Me: Places.

2012-03-03, 09:47 PM
I know, right? Makes me wonder why Sith Sorcs get an entire healing *Tree*.

The only Lore reason I can think of is the Sith search for immortality. Which doesn't really sound conductive to healing *Others*

2012-03-03, 11:12 PM
I know, right? Makes me wonder why Sith Sorcs get an entire healing *Tree*.

The only Lore reason I can think of is the Sith search for immortality. Which doesn't really sound conductive to healing *Others*

Actually, the Sith do have a strong tradition (at this point in the lore) of corruption and tinkering with what man was not to know. So It's not that unreasonable.

Plus, class balance with the Sage.

2012-03-04, 11:09 AM
So I finally found a bunch of cool people to do stuff with while I wait for the rest of you Playgrounders on Ebon Hawk to hit 50. I've managed to clear all of normal mode Karagga's Palace and Eternity Vault. I also entirely bypassed hardmode and ended up going 4/5 Nightmare mode Eternity Vault last night, picking up Rakata Boots and Offhand, probably doing the same thing for Karagga's. I'm excited! That, and I'm about 10 Valor ranks away from Battlemaster, so that'll be fun.

I've been hearing rumors of color crystal vendors popping up in 1.1.5. Can anyone elaborate more on this?

Arc, come find me on Mumblez!111oneone!1! :smallwink:

2012-03-04, 12:50 PM
I know, right? Makes me wonder why Sith Sorcs get an entire healing *Tree*.

The only Lore reason I can think of is the Sith search for immortality. Which doesn't really sound conductive to healing *Others*

Well it's mostly about channeling life energy into somebody that you need to not die. Not *your* life energy mind you. There's always such a wonderful supply of the dead and dying around the Inquisitor isn't there?

2012-03-04, 10:17 PM
So, I got to thinking during my late Supper, and it occurs to me we're close to having a Rubaat Crystal Ops group, if we can get everyone on at the same time

Main Tank: Hessar (Squark)
Off Tank Smash (Jokes, off tank designation due to lag from being in Australia))
Healer 1: Muci (MCerebus, during the months he subscribes)
Healer 2: Empty (However, The following week is Spring break, and I might be able to get my Operative close here)
DPS 1: Salur (Salur)
DPS 2: Gorin (Thrain15)
DPS 3: Trin'ev? (Sperreau)
DPS 4: (Pick Someone up)

Although I'm not sure which tree Sperreau went with Trin'ev, so we might have 3 tanks.

Also once we actually get into some sort of regularity (or at least, ability to organize Ops as events), I should have Terasa at 400 biochem, so I should be able to provide everyone participating with a prototype Hyper-Battle stim or two, which should get everyone through the raid (Since prototype stims persist on defeat)

2012-03-05, 01:13 AM
I know, right? Makes me wonder why Sith Sorcs get an entire healing *Tree*.

The only Lore reason I can think of is the Sith search for immortality. Which doesn't really sound conductive to healing *Others*

Well, an appropriately Sith-like explanation I've heard thrown around a few times is, "People die if and only if I say so."

Personally, I think it would have been better to give the sorcerer healing abilities names like "Numb Pain" and "Painkilling Field" to avoid the lore issues with using the Dark Side to actually heal, but whatever.


So I did Foundry last night, and personally I think this should have been the title for beating the last boss:

"[Name], Destroyer of KoTOR Players' Hopes and Dreams"


That was definitely the coolest boss fight I've done so far, especially the lead-up to it. My thoughts: "Oh snap, he's putting the mask on. This is about to get REAL." Which it eventually did, in the form of his dropping asteroids on us.

HK-47 was, of course, about amusing as expected.

2012-03-05, 10:17 AM
So, I got to thinking during my late Supper, and it occurs to me we're close to having a Rubaat Crystal Ops group, if we can get everyone on at the same time

Main Tank: Hessar (Squark)
Off Tank Smash (Jokes, off tank designation due to lag from being in Australia))
Healer 1: Muci (MCerebus, during the months he subscribes)
Healer 2: Empty (However, The following week is Spring break, and I might be able to get my Operative close here)
DPS 1: Salur (Salur)
DPS 2: Gorin (Thrain15)
DPS 3: Trin'ev? (Sperreau)
DPS 4: (Pick Someone up)

Although I'm not sure which tree Sperreau went with Trin'ev, so we might have 3 tanks.

Also once we actually get into some sort of regularity (or at least, ability to organize Ops as events), I should have Terasa at 400 biochem, so I should be able to provide everyone participating with a prototype Hyper-Battle stim or two, which should get everyone through the raid (Since prototype stims persist on defeat)

Both Ops are pretty easy on Normal mode, though I think the loot is slightly better out of Karagga's Palace. I don't know much about Rubat on the Imperial side, but on Ebon Hawk, usually Friday/Saturday there are a number of guilds looking for one or two pubbers to help with EV, so I'm sure Rubat is in a similar spot (especially given faction balance in favor of the Empire). I've managed to get in some PUG Ops on Ebon Hawk... so it shouldn't be too hard to do the reverse and find some people. If you guys are running hard modes frequently, that's a great way to meet good PvE'ers.

For EV normal, you probably only need one tank, and KP you'll probably only need two tanks for Jarg and Sorno (and maybe the trash... yes, trash > bosses in KP). Also, the current two Operations are unbelievably unfriendly towards melee DPS. It's almost entirely in favor of ranged DPS, so if you're short on that, find some Snipers or Powertechs...

2012-03-05, 12:26 PM
So I did Foundry last night, and personally I think this should have been the title for beating the last boss:

"[Name], Destroyer of KoTOR Players' Hopes and Dreams"


That was definitely the coolest boss fight I've done so far, especially the lead-up to it. My thoughts: "Oh snap, he's putting the mask on. This is about to get REAL." Which it eventually did, in the form of his dropping asteroids on us.

HK-47 was, of course, about amusing as expected.
Yesterday I discovered that you have to do the normal mode of a FP before you can do the hard mode. At least, this is the case for Boarding Party and Foundry. Also, if you do BP, skip Foundry, and end up abandoning the quest because when it turns gray, you have to start over with BP before you can do Foundry. On the bright side, both FPs are easy for a 50 operative to solo, even with a dps companion (Ensign Temple) out.
Does my memory fail me, or did they not get the same VA to do HK-47? I was all excited when I saw him, but that was quickly tempered by disappointment when he sounded different. And I was annoyed when my companion got smashed and her corpse was nowhere so I couldn't battle ress her - made the fight stupidly long.

It was also a bit of a letdown that they came down hard on a canonical Revan. And an annoyance when he charged my companion and threw her off the platform, combined with whatever BS ability he has that never misses, stuns for ~5 seconds, and ends with a blow that, even when it misses, knocks you down (which he spams - the CD seemed to be in the neighborhood of 10-15 seconds, so nearly half the fight I was sitting there unable to do anything), made this the stupidly longest fight I've had in game so far. And I solo every champion rank mob I come across for gits and shiggles (and purples), so I've had plenty of long, hard fights.
Does anyone know for sure if Directive 7, False Emperor, and Battle of Ilum are the same? I'll assume that they are, and look for a group to hit at least one of those tonight if that's the case. If not, I won't worry about it - hard modes don't seem to actually be very hard.

2012-03-05, 01:19 PM
Yesterday I discovered that you have to do the normal mode of a FP before you can do the hard mode. At least, this is the case for Boarding Party and Foundry. Also, if you do BP, skip Foundry, and end up abandoning the quest because when it turns gray, you have to start over with BP before you can do Foundry. On the bright side, both FPs are easy for a 50 operative to solo, even with a dps companion (Ensign Temple) out.

Does anyone know for sure if Directive 7, False Emperor, and Battle of Ilum are the same? I'll assume that they are, and look for a group to hit at least one of those tonight if that's the case. If not, I won't worry about it - hard modes don't seem to actually be very hard.

I KNOW False Emperor and Battle of Ilum have hard modes available from the get-go (In fact, you can do False Emperor before you do battle of Ilum), and the same is true of Kaon under Siege.

Directive 7 may require you to drop the [GROUP] quest, and then pick it up as a hard mode from the droid outside the instance. You can use the same trick with Boarding Party/Taral V and The Maelstrom/The Foundry if you haven't completed them before level 50. But you can (with the aforementioned trick) do it as a hard mode form the beginning.

2012-03-05, 01:50 PM
I KNOW False Emperor and Battle of Ilum have hard modes available from the get-go (In fact, you can do False Emperor before you do battle of Ilum), and the same is true of Kaon under Siege.

Directive 7 may require you to drop the [GROUP] quest, and then pick it up as a hard mode from the droid outside the instance. You can use the same trick with Boarding Party/Taral V and The Maelstrom/The Foundry if you haven't completed them before level 50. But you can (with the aforementioned trick) do it as a hard mode form the beginning.

This is correct. All hard modes should be available once you hit 50. Some will require that you get the story quest first (which in turn, automagically gives players the [GROUP] quest). I suspect this is where a lot of the "must complete normal before hard" confusion arises.

That being said, I would strongly suggest you save Directive 7 for last, as it's a bit buggy, and you'll need strong and attentive DPS to handle the shield robot.

2012-03-05, 03:03 PM
I did drop the group quest for Foundry, but I still couldn't talk to the NPC outside BP to start the hard mode, nor could anyone in my group share the quest, nor could I zone into the FP without the quest in my log. Maybe that's a bug, but it doesn't matter as both are available to me now after soloing them.

On the plus side, I really like the trenchcoat I got out of BP, so it wasn't a complete waste of time. And it will look good on Ensign Temple once I switch to my social set later this week. I bought armoring for all the pieces with daily commendations and am doing Lights Out, taking Temple's weapon, and ripping the mod and enhancement out and plugging them into the slots - once I finish outfitting myself, I'll likely do the same for my team, though I'll probably need to blow a lot of my old commendations on moddable gear (for those that I can't find dailies which give a moddable piece as one of the rewards). Or maybe I'll just wait for the patch that makes social sets take on the armor class of whoever's using them. It would be pretty cool to have my whole team match my outfit, but 2 weeks per character to farm the commendations, with no way to speed that up/brush it off on someone else/an alt...

2012-03-05, 03:47 PM
So I chugged through getting my Sith Juggernaut to 50, hit the endgame and was.... meh about the whole experience. Yeah, cool, Star Wars WoW reskin. I liked the single player arc, but once I finished I was left with a profound sense of aimlessness and disappointment, mainly because I'd played a Warrior in WoW for seven years, and the playstyle is so immensely similar.

Well, this weekend I rolled an Imperial Operative and DAMN if it hasn't totally revitalized my interest in this game. Stealth gameplay, healing, rogue-like backstabs and ranged ability all in one class? Plus a new wrinkle on the energy-mechanic? Don't tell anyone, but I think this might be the best class in the game, from a novelty and fun perspective.

2012-03-05, 05:25 PM
So I chugged through getting my Sith Juggernaut to 50, hit the endgame and was.... meh about the whole experience. Yeah, cool, Star Wars WoW reskin. I liked the single player arc, but once I finished I was left with a profound sense of aimlessness and disappointment, mainly because I'd played a Warrior in WoW for seven years, and the playstyle is so immensely similar.

Well, this weekend I rolled an Imperial Operative and DAMN if it hasn't totally revitalized my interest in this game. Stealth gameplay, healing, rogue-like backstabs and ranged ability all in one class? Plus a new wrinkle on the energy-mechanic? Don't tell anyone, but I think this might be the best class in the game, from a novelty and fun perspective.

Yeah I hit 50 on my Sentinel and then hit a gear ceiling within two weeks (then again I probably played way more than I should have). So, I've just stopped doing dailies and whatever, and am only raiding... err, Operating? That doesn't quite sound right. :smallconfused:

So, I rerolled Jedi Shadow and am having a blast. PvP on Shadow is just downright overpowered. I had to work to get medals on Sentinel. I get a guaranteed seven every game...

I'm planning on rerolling a few more characters depending on how the legacy thing plays out though. It would be incredibly painful to unlock something but have to delete a character to make something with the new legacy options.

2012-03-05, 08:27 PM
I'm planning on rerolling a few more characters depending on how the legacy thing plays out though. It would be incredibly painful to unlock something but have to delete a character to make something with the new legacy options.

On that note, this is what is apparently known so far about 1.2 (which is now scheduled for early April, and brings with it legacy changes):

-Once you hit 50 with a species, you unlock it for all classes.

-Once you hit chapter 2 with a character, you unlock their buff for your other characters.

-Once you hit chapter 3 with a character, you can use new abilities. Don't have a ton of info on what new abilities, but the example given was force choke, and the trailer has a sith using a BH flamethrower. It will apparently require a companion and use your heroic moment 20 minute cooldown.

I think that's all the info that would affect whether you start a new character, and if you do who/what it is. There's a ton more info on Legacy stuff in general, but most of it boils down to Legacy Levels = Good.

(I got my info from http://dulfy.net/2012/03/05/swtor-guild-summitlive-blogging/, which is a blog of the livestream from the Guild Summit, but I'm sure there will be more thorough writeups soon enough).

2012-03-05, 08:52 PM
Also, is there same-sex content in the game? Bioware has always been very progressive about that.

The rather large community waiting in the wings about that finally got their answer. ETA on Same Gender Romance Arcs is "sometime this year"... because they want to do it right. They're not going to just tweak the dialogue slightly; They're actually writing new romance dialogues for the SGRAs.

Here's a bullet point list the SGRA thread put together

They didn't expect the issue to balloon this much but they have been keeping abreast of what we have been asking.
The initial delay over launch implementation was a matter of time and money. They went over-deadline and over-budget.
Same-gender content is coming with story continuation, this year. So that is our ballpark ETA.
It really is being worked on, apparently by the writing team at this stage. That's given plenty of time because it takes that long. They want to stress doing it well rather than doing it fast.
There was no mention of new story content being tied to a retail expansion, so it looks like content patch is what we can expect.
There was a clear indication that romances will be available for some existing companion characters, where it would be appropriate for that character. They won't say who yet.
No mention was made regarding [Flirts] or same-gender content beside companion characters. No mention was made of a special filter option.

To be more precise, the SGRAs will be part of the first major story patch. When that will be, and what it will do beyond continuing the story, only Bioware knows. But I'm interested.

2012-03-05, 09:31 PM
To be more precise, the SGRAs will be part of the first major story patch. When that will be, and what it will do beyond continuing the story, only Bioware knows. But I'm interested.

Hopefully it also includes a new female romanceable companion for Inquisitors. I haven't gotten Ashara yet (Taris is my next planet), but based on what I've heard she isn't exactly the best fit for Dark Side players. My dream companion for my sorcerer, of course, could most accurately be described as "Morrgian in space.":smallbiggrin:

The Glyphstone
2012-03-05, 10:35 PM
Hopefully it also includes a new female romanceable companion for Inquisitors. I haven't gotten Ashara yet (Taris is my next planet), but based on what I've heard she isn't exactly the best fit for Dark Side players. My dream companion for my sorcerer, of course, could most accurately be described as "Morrgian in space.":smallbiggrin:

Presumably Talos will be the male SGR, which made me sad when I played my FemInq - I really didn't like Andronicus, and naturally wanted the nerd to get the girl.

2012-03-05, 11:53 PM
It's good to be the KingMale IA.
"Just because she's a Jedi, doesn't mean you can't catch something. You know that, right?"

... I think I just made Kaliyo jealous. Too bad. :smallamused:

2012-03-06, 02:41 AM
It's good to be the KingMale IA.
"Just because she's a Jedi, doesn't mean you can't catch something. You know that, right?"

... I think I just made Kaliyo jealous. Too bad. :smallamused:

Now I wonder that the chance of "catching something" from a typical Sith would be...

2012-03-06, 11:05 AM
The rather large community waiting in the wings about that finally got their answer. ETA on Same Gender Romance Arcs is "sometime this year"... because they want to do it right. They're not going to just tweak the dialogue slightly; They're actually writing new romance dialogues for the SGRAs.

That's nice. I'm not gay and I don't even have gay friends, but every little touch like this is a step towards a better, more accepting world. I really respect Bioware for not pretending gays don't exist just to keep the idiot bigot crowd happy. It shows they have their priorities straight (no pun intended:smallsmile :.)

2012-03-06, 11:10 AM
What really makes me happy is this isn't going to be just a tacked on sort of thing; They're really taking an effort to do this right. To be honest, I find the "everyone is bi for the hero" approach... unrealistic. Personally, I'm hoping for a good number of the existing companions to be romancable, but I also hope a couple of the characters who aren't yet romancable will be available as SGRAs. Not sure how many of these I'm going to pursue, but I'm glad they're (going to be) there.

2012-03-06, 11:17 AM
Presumably Talos will be the male SGR, which made me sad when I played my FemInq - I really didn't like Andronicus, and naturally wanted the nerd to get the girl.

I would totally make an male SI sandwich with Ashara and Talos as the bread.

2012-03-06, 11:19 AM
Well it's mostly about channeling life energy into somebody that you need to not die. Not *your* life energy mind you. There's always such a wonderful supply of the dead and dying around the Inquisitor isn't there?
If they weren't so worried about class mirrors, I really would see the sorceror as a WoW Warlock... healing would be fueled by the destruction of others (Madness tree has some of this, but it's really just focused on self-healing rather than healing allies). Healing and buffing would be for a price. Nothing is free with Mephistopheles, except maybe the first taste. After that, someone's gotta pay. Don't know of a way to do that in a video game, though.

Does my memory fail me, or did they not get the same VA to do HK-47? I was all excited when I saw him, but that was quickly tempered by disappointment when he sounded different.
It's the same VA (Kristoffer Tabori (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0846070/)). He's older. They also may be using different software to "robot-ize" his voice. At least he doesn't sound like T-Pain.

Well, this weekend I rolled an Imperial Operative and DAMN if it hasn't totally revitalized my interest in this game. Stealth gameplay, healing, rogue-like backstabs and ranged ability all in one class? Plus a new wrinkle on the energy-mechanic? Don't tell anyone, but I think this might be the best class in the game, from a novelty and fun perspective.
Alts are definitely a different experience. Even the different ACs play fairly differently. Where a Juggernaut/Guardian seems slow and plodding, a Sentinel/Marauder is quite active, even if they share a lot of powers and the same rage mechanic. An Operative/Scoundrel and a Sniper/Gunslinger are also quite different, right from the outset.

-Once you hit 50 with a species, you unlock it for all classes.

-Once you hit chapter 2 with a character, you unlock their buff for your other characters.

-Once you hit chapter 3 with a character, you can use new abilities. Don't have a ton of info on what new abilities, but the example given was force choke, and the trailer has a sith using a BH flamethrower. It will apparently require a companion and use your heroic moment 20 minute cooldown.
I like the first two. The third is kind of goofy.

Now I wonder that the chance of "catching something" from a typical Sith would be...
I'd be less worried about catching something as I would be worried that they're the psycho ex-lover you were always warned about. Jaesa is definitely a bunny-boiler.

2012-03-06, 11:48 AM
To be honest, I find the "everyone is bi for the hero" approach... unrealistic.

Maybe, but an unrealistic amount of bisexual characters at least allow players to play out whatever romances they want.

2012-03-06, 12:39 PM
What really makes me happy is this isn't going to be just a tacked on sort of thing; They're really taking an effort to do this right. To be honest, I find the "everyone is bi for the hero" approach... unrealistic.
Eh... they got tentacle-head people, slug people, blue people, green people, horned people, robot people, lightning-out-of-their-bare-hands people, jet-pack people, and eyeless-people-who-use-magic-to-see people. I figure gay people is probably not the biggest social issue they face.

2012-03-06, 12:40 PM
Hopefully it also includes a new female romanceable companion for Inquisitors. I haven't gotten Ashara yet (Taris is my next planet), but based on what I've heard she isn't exactly the best fit for Dark Side players. My dream companion for my sorcerer, of course, could most accurately be described as "Morrgian in space.":smallbiggrin:
You'll meet the NPC that I think would be a perfect love interest for a male DS Inquisitor if you do the Taris planet questline (possibly including the bonus series). I was sad when I discovered that she 's not recruitable.

2012-03-06, 12:59 PM
Maybe, but an unrealistic amount of bisexual characters at least allow players to play out whatever romances they want.

You're right that many players will want that, but, personally!, I want it to be realistic. If you're going to write something that pretends to be a (semi-?)realistic world, it's more believable if your characters don't just swap everything around for the hero. I really like Squark's suggestion for making some characters that aren't romance-able become so after whichever update. Update some, but also add more instead of just updating them all (or even most of them).

2012-03-06, 01:02 PM
You'll meet the NPC that I think would be a perfect love interest for a male DS Inquisitor if you do the Taris planet questline (possibly including the bonus series). I was sad when I discovered that she 's not recruitable.

I know who you're talking about. I hated her, but I still flirted with her every chance I got.

2012-03-06, 01:10 PM
From the article...

we put a voice restraining bolt on the droid (huge cheering from the audience).

Words cannot possibly describe how happy I am with this.

2012-03-06, 03:57 PM
I know who you're talking about. I hated her, but I still flirted with her every chance I got.

My IA picked all the flirt options with her, too, just to troll her. Then he put her down like the mad dog she is.

2012-03-06, 06:12 PM
You'll meet the NPC that I think would be a perfect love interest for a male DS Inquisitor if you do the Taris planet questline (possibly including the bonus series). I was sad when I discovered that she 's not recruitable.

How perfect are we talking here, on a scale of one to Space Morrigan? For additional reference, I'd put Darth Lachris at around a seven.

As for myself, I'm actually rather partial to a certain NPC involved in your class quests on Nar Shaddaa.

I know who you're talking about. I hated her, but I still flirted with her every chance I got.

My IA picked all the flirt options with her, too, just to troll her. Then he put her down like the mad dog she is.

First Rule of BioWare Games: ALWAYS pick the flirt option. Ha, you thought I wouldn't notice the white text, didn't you?

2012-03-07, 12:03 PM
She's about as close to "space Morrigan" as any character I've ever seen.

As for the NPC on NS, if you mean Rylee, yeah, she's cute and sweet and innocent and all that, but she's way more LS than you're looking for.

You can't spoil anything from the SI storyline for me, as my first character was an assassin.

2012-03-07, 01:20 PM
First Rule of BioWare Games: ALWAYS pick the flirt option. Ha, you thought I wouldn't notice the white text, didn't you?

I thought the first rule was to always pick the [Force Persuade] option... :smallannoyed:

2012-03-07, 02:10 PM
I thought the first rule was to always pick the [Force Persuade] option... :smallannoyed:

Agreed. Force Persuade is awesome.

2012-03-07, 04:42 PM
Theran will whine.

2012-03-07, 05:21 PM
Just hit 50 on my smuggler.

Thoughts on leveling and other non-spoilery stuff:

I did every non-heroic mission and every bonus objective on every planet and all the heroic mission until around 28 or so, won several dozen pvp matches, did a maybe two dozen space missions and three flashpoints and still I was at least one level under leveled the whole time. They either need to add one more mission to each mission hub, increase the xp from bonus objectives or add an optional planet for level 36-39 (early 40's is where the level gap was the worst for me). Other then that most missions were interesting enough (except for the multistage bonus missions which go stage 1: Kill 20 dudes. Stage 2: kill 40 dudes. Stage 3: Sabotage 8 objects guarded by the dudes you were killing.).

As for pvp:
Huttball is good. It´s fairly balanced and encourages a proactive playstyle.

Alderaan needs shorter cap time on the turrets.

The voidstar needs to adjust the bomb placement times (5s for the first, 6 for the second and 8 for the third would be good), teleport the defenders automatically to the next defense area when a door is blown open, force the defenders to run a little further from the spawn to the doors and place a short spawn wall on the attacker spawn to encourage waves instead of solo attacks.

Space missions were a massive lost opportunity. They should be more open and free flying instead of a railshooter. Hell you wouldn't even have to change the mission types:

Shuttle Escort - Easy you can either follow the ship or directly attack it's attackers or mix it up.
Ice Crystal Field/Asteroid field - Look for the target while fighting of pursuers.
Space Station/Capital Ship Assault - Giant stationary target with multiple mobile and stationary defenses. This would be perfect for free flying.
Minefield - Time limit so you have to go through the mines to catch the minelayer before it warps away.
Space Station Defense - Defense of a stationary object = perfect for free flying.

Of course since now most missions wouldn't have a time limit you would instead have finite opponents (there would still be a lot of them) and they would probably need to do more damage since you can dodge them more reliably.

Thoughts on the smuggler story:

The first half was good and it made me really hate Skavak even though some of his "escapes" were because of forced character stupidity (Why are you letting him run past you? SHOOT HIM IGNORE THE BLASTED IMPERIALS SHOOT HIM YOU CAN DEAL WITH THEM LATER).

The second half not so much. The privateer thing felt really forced and I would have preferred to visit those remaining planets hunting down Rogun and discovering the Voidwolf on my own. Dodonnas and Darmas betrayal and Rogun is a good guy thingy was also quite annoying and should have been left out.

I say Keep the Rogun/Voidwolf connection and have us hunt Rogun down on our own/with help from Darmas. Then while that is happening (say on Hoth) you could find out that the Voidwolf is Roguns backer and Rogun is his main connection to the underworld. We still rob the kings bounty and there we discover that the Voidwolf is getting quite annoyed at us for ruining his grip on the underworld and he starts sending assassins after you. You hunt down and kill Rogun. Darmas still betrays you and hides on Corellia. Corellia plays out the same.

2012-03-07, 06:09 PM
I did every non-heroic mission and every bonus objective on every planet and all the heroic mission until around 28 or so, won several dozen pvp matches, did a maybe two dozen space missions and three flashpoints and still I was at least one level under leveled the whole time.

I'm going to begin with the caveat that I duo-ed the whole game, so my experience isn't exactly similar, and there's the possibility that because of that my experience isn't applicable.

That said: I've seen a few people say things like this, and I simply don't see how it's possible. I was at least 4 or 5 levels above where I should have been, and it's heading the same way with my Sage alt (I just landed on Nar Shaddaa, in theory 20-24, and I'm level 23. Haven't PvPed or any space mission, skipped a few bonus objectives, did 2 flashpoints, haven't even done the Taris bonus series).

Are you sure you did everything? Including the bonus series for each planet? If I had to guess, I'd assume you might have missed the Nar Shaddaa or Alderran bonus series (level 31 and 40, respectively).

Again, I haven't actually leveled solo, so maybe I'm way off, but I suspect that there's stuff you missed without realizing it.

Thought of another possibility, actually: If you spent much less time on the fleet/ship than I did, you wouldn't gain as much rested XP. That could be it, I use rested EXP pretty much all the time.

2012-03-07, 06:12 PM
Are you sure you did everything? Including the bonus series for each planet? If I had to guess, I'd assume you might have missed the Nar Shaddaa or Alderran bonus series (level 31 and 40, respectively).

Again, I haven't actually leveled solo, so maybe I'm way off, but I suspect that there's stuff you missed without realizing it.

Thought of another possibility, actually: If you spent much less time on the fleet/ship than I did, you wouldn't gain as much rested XP. That could be it, I use rested EXP pretty much all the time.

Yup I did every bonus series but the rested xp might make sense. I usually just logged of wherever I was at the time when I felt like stopping.

Oh and I just remembered skipped a couple of missions in the last hub on Taris because I was so sick of that place and just wanted to get to the next planet. But two or three missions hardly make up for the level difference.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-07, 06:16 PM
Yup I did every bonus series but the rested xp might make sense. I usually just logged of wherever I was at the time when I felt like stopping.

That's probably why. I had to skip entire planets - all of Nar Shaadah, all of Quesh, and about 2/3 of Alderaan, because I had already outleveled them by the time I got there. Rested bonus makes a huge difference.

2012-03-07, 10:57 PM
Yup I did every bonus series but the rested xp might make sense. I usually just logged of wherever I was at the time when I felt like stopping.

Oh and I just remembered skipped a couple of missions in the last hub on Taris because I was so sick of that place and just wanted to get to the next planet. But two or three missions hardly make up for the level difference.

Yeah, I was always four or five levels above the content, despite having done Nar Shaddaa and Taris in the wrong order (i.e. Taris second). The difficulty rapidly spiked once I hit 45 though as the mobs started catching up to my level, and my gear wasn't really in the appropriate level range to compensate.

Hitting 50 was extremely painful too for the first week, as PvP tended to be "get slaughtered by Imps"... of course, now that the Republic has caught up on gear, our premades are absolutely wrecking the Imperials in level 50 PvP. I know of at least one case where one of the people I play with caused three people to ragequit in a single match (literally quit PvP, and also /gquit). It's a bit of a striking reversal actually, considering a few weeks ago, the only way for Republic players to win warzones was to avoid playing during primetime (6-8p Eastern).

Regarding PvE though, has anyone here been running Operations? A bunch of you guys on Rubat seem to be getting organized for that, but I'm in a more pressing need of a "Nightmare Mode Bonethrasher Strategy" that actually allows melee DPS to participate. :smallmad:

2012-03-07, 11:37 PM
So, um, well, huh.

I haven't played since late January.

I logged off on the corner of No and Where on Hoth.

I play for like 3 hours and I realize my EXP bar is rested green.

I move my mouse over the bar, tool-tip pops up.

I have 275,000-ish rested EXP.

And that was after I had done a couple a quests and slaughtered a few scores of pirates, so it was probably closer to 300-320.

I don't what I should do.

2012-03-07, 11:47 PM
Regarding PvE though, has anyone here been running Operations? A bunch of you guys on Rubat seem to be getting organized for that, but I'm in a more pressing need of a "Nightmare Mode Bonethrasher Strategy" that actually allows melee DPS to participate. :smallmad:

Err... I know there's a secondary part to the fight going on in the background. I can't say what that is, though. I tend to get tunnel vision during fights like Bonethrasher, so I was mostly watching for "Time to run for my dear life", "Crap, about to die" and "Backhand came off cooldown". Beyond that... I don't know. Again, I was trying my hardest not to die (or let Bonethrasher tear out a piece of the DPS)

2012-03-07, 11:58 PM
She's about as close to "space Morrigan" as any character I've ever seen.

As for the NPC on NS, if you mean Rylee, yeah, she's cute and sweet and innocent and all that, but she's way more LS than you're looking for.

You can't spoil anything from the SI storyline for me, as my first character was an assassin.

Yeah, obviously she's a real nice-girl, but she also comes up with all the awesome plans during that questline. She could crap rainbows and butterflies, and the moment she suggested blowing up gas pipelines to fake causing an earthquake the Force I'd still be as good as hers.

And I figured you'd already played an Inquisitor, the reason I didn't mention her by name was so I wouldn't spoil it for the people who haven't.

So, um, well, huh.

I haven't played since late January.

I logged off on the corner of No and Where on Hoth.

I play for like 3 hours and I realize my EXP bar is rested green.

I move my mouse over the bar, tool-tip pops up.

I have 275,000-ish rested EXP.

And that was after I had done a couple a quests and slaughtered a few scores of pirates, so it was probably closer to 300-320.

I don't what I should do.


2012-03-08, 08:42 AM
So, this is mostly for Jokes and Sperreau, who I don't know the schedule of as well, but would the Usually Lawful Evil crew be up for gathering a pair of healers and a DPS on Saturday and trying our first Guild-based Eternity Vault run?

2012-03-08, 10:07 AM
So, this is mostly for Jokes and Sperreau, who I don't know the schedule of as well, but would the Usually Lawful Evil crew be up for gathering a pair of healers and a DPS on Saturday and trying our first Guild-based Eternity Vault run?

Just be careful with Gharj, as he bugs out a bunch and doesn't properly spawn islands sometimes. Also, if you're doing in HM or Nightmare, Pylons frequently bug (just keep resetting until you get a working setup).

2012-03-08, 10:08 AM
Space missions were a massive lost opportunity. They should be more open and free flying instead of a railshooter.
I understand this one, but I am honestly happy to have had any space combat at all. I hope they improve it/expand it as time goes on. To be frank, a fully functional space sim along the lines of TIE Fighter would have made for a $40 game in its own right... it's a lot to ask for a minigame.

The Succubus
2012-03-08, 10:41 AM
It's been 3 days since I last logged in to Star Wars.

I have re-downloaded all 27Gb of it *twice*.

I have had 4 BSODs.

I have done 20 restarts after crashes.

I have deleted patch folders & .version files countless times

And the wretched bloody thing still doesn't work. :smallfurious:

"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."

Convince me not to heave computer & SWTOR out the window.

2012-03-08, 10:50 AM
It's been 3 days since I last logged in to Star Wars.

I have re-downloaded all 27Gb of it *twice*.

I have had 4 BSODs.

I have done 20 restarts after crashes.

I have deleted patch folders & .version files countless times

And the wretched bloody thing still doesn't work. :smallfurious:

"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."

Convince me not to heave computer & SWTOR out the window.

Okay, the last thing you want to do is delete folders willy nilly. I am assuming you are unable to even launch the client. What you should do is completely and totally uninstall the game (i.e. uninstall via Control Panel, and then using CCleaner to clear out old data after). If a clean reboot fails after the first five or so times, rebooting another fifteen times without changing anything accomplishes little.

Furthermore, the fact that you are getting BSODs implies to me that there is a larger problem endemic to your computer, and that there is nothing wrong with the client (if indeed you have downloaded it twice). To rule out any software faults, you may want to run a verification on your core Windows files (i.e. pop in the Windows disk and run a repair), and then update your DX9.0c runtimes. After that, you should consider validating your hardware. Blue screens are commonly attributed to memory (RAM) faults, or unstably configured GPUs. You should run Memtest and scale back any overclocks on your GPU. In the rare case that you are running a RAID array, you should verify the integrity of your hard drives.

Edit: Also, have you tried Bioware's Troubleshooting Guide (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=272)?

Do you have problems with any other video games?

2012-03-08, 11:26 AM
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."
"Failed to load bundles, going offline."

Convince me not to heave computer & SWTOR out the window.
I get websensed at work, but The Google is showing me a number of threads on the SWTOR.com forums and a post at Darth Hater. Are they saying to do the reinstall?

2012-03-08, 12:54 PM
Completely unrelated to that...
Apparently cross-faction mail (to your own alts only) is in the pipeline. (http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19976-swtor-facebook-q-a-03-06-12#) (See the next-to-last answer.)

@V: Years ago, "Server Time" used to be the universal referent of choice for coordinating globe-spanning raid groups. (Possibly because many Americans don't know GMT any more than they do WestPac time zones.)

2012-03-08, 01:02 PM
So, this is mostly for Jokes and Sperreau, who I don't know the schedule of as well, but would the Usually Lawful Evil crew be up for gathering a pair of healers and a DPS on Saturday and trying our first Guild-based Eternity Vault run?

I may be able to; name a time (preferably in GMT*) and I'll see if I'm available/awake.

*I usually find it's easier to work in GMT, since I don't know US timezones, and most US people don't know Aus timezones.

2012-03-08, 03:13 PM
I'm up for it, Squark. The trick will be finding healers, hopefully decent ones.

Re: time, I'm GMT -5 (8 PM GMT would be 3 PM for me), and I know we have two GMT -6 . Which zone are you in, Jokes? Just looking around, Australia is around a 13-16 hour difference depending on which zones are being described, so the best times might be Friday night in the US (noonish Saturday in Australia).

Obviously, it would depend on people's individual schedules.

The Glyphstone
2012-03-08, 03:17 PM
Completely unrelated to that...
Apparently cross-faction mail (to your own alts only) is in the pipeline. (http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19976-swtor-facebook-q-a-03-06-12#) (See the next-to-last answer.)


2012-03-08, 08:11 PM
I understand this one, but I am honestly happy to have had any space combat at all. I hope they improve it/expand it as time goes on. To be frank, a fully functional space sim along the lines of TIE Fighter would have made for a $40 game in its own right... it's a lot to ask for a minigame.

I would LOVE to see more development on the space combat side, but I have to say that the ground game ought to come first. Beefed up space combat should be something they sell as an expansion feature or DLC, otherwise it's unlikely to justify the cost of development.

2012-03-08, 11:43 PM
I'm up for it, Squark. The trick will be finding healers, hopefully decent ones.

Re: time, I'm GMT -5 (8 PM GMT would be 3 PM for me), and I know we have two GMT -6 . Which zone are you in, Jokes? Just looking around, Australia is around a 13-16 hour difference depending on which zones are being described, so the best times might be Friday night in the US (noonish Saturday in Australia).

Obviously, it would depend on people's individual schedules.

I'm GMT+930 (+1030 at the moment for daylight savings).

How long do operations usually take? I have a few hours spare Saturday afternoon when Salur suggests. Sunday and Monday are a bit more open for me, though.

2012-03-09, 12:43 AM
I don't have a hard schedule in mind, right now, owing to the fact I'm going home for the week for spring break.

2012-03-09, 08:22 AM
If we were to do things today, my guess is the start time will probably have to be somewhere between 1 AM GMT and 4 AM GMT (So, 8-11 PM EST, 7-10 CST, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Saturday for Jokes). Might be easier to do it the next day though, where everyone is on the weekend.

2012-03-09, 10:01 AM
If we were to do things today, my guess is the start time will probably have to be somewhere between 1 AM GMT and 4 AM GMT (So, 8-11 PM EST, 7-10 CST, 11:30 am to 2:30 pm Saturday for Jokes). Might be easier to do it the next day though, where everyone is on the weekend.

Yeah, today works less well, because I'll be at my local Gaming Store tonight.

2012-03-09, 10:29 AM
Completely unrelated to that...
Apparently cross-faction mail (to your own alts only) is in the pipeline. (http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/19976-swtor-facebook-q-a-03-06-12#) (See the next-to-last answer.)

I'm looking forward to this. With two characters on each faction, I have made a few transfers via the Neutral GTN. It's not so bad buying actual items, but transferring cash was difficult, with such a huge cut taken. :(

2012-03-09, 12:24 PM
How long do operations usually take? I have a few hours spare Saturday afternoon when Salur suggests. Sunday and Monday are a bit more open for me, though.

It depends on the group, really. A well-coordinated group that knows what's what can get through the stuff quick. I've been in a ~45 minute normal mode EV clear, followed by a less quick KP, but it was still pretty quick all things considered.

2012-03-09, 02:07 PM
I would LOVE to see more development on the space combat side, but I have to say that the ground game ought to come first. Beefed up space combat should be something they sell as an expansion feature or DLC, otherwise it's unlikely to justify the cost of development.
DLC would be the perfect place for that.
Also, they could make the space combat a whole separate game. And make the ground combat a separate game. And have the two talk to each other.
EVE and their new project Dust 514 is exactly that.

I'm not saying they should do this, but apparently it can be done, with various pro's and cons. Still more of a fan of seeing it as DLC. Or you know, a patch.

2012-03-09, 04:14 PM
This game really needs more solo end-game content as it stands my only two options are pvp (which gets kinda samey after a while what with only three warzones) or stand around in the fleet spamming general for a flashpoint.

2012-03-09, 06:21 PM
This game really needs more solo end-game content as it stands my only two options are pvp (which gets kinda samey after a while what with only three warzones) or stand around in the fleet spamming general for a flashpoint.

I actually cant agree with that standpoint. What's the point of paying a monthly subscription for a single-player game? What really needs to be done is that the developers need to fix the pickle of group matchmaking and composition, so that you can play multiplayer content with pick-up groups.

On the part of the players, I highly recommend you find and join a guild that operates in your normal playtimes. You need to make friends to succeed in the endgame. If that's not something you're willing to put effort into doing, I highly recommend you save yourself your monthly fee, and buy a single player RPG.

2012-03-09, 06:44 PM
I actually cant agree with that standpoint. What's the point of paying a monthly subscription for a single-player game? What really needs to be done is that the developers need to fix the pickle of group matchmaking and composition, so that you can play multiplayer content with pick-up groups.

On the part of the players, I highly recommend you find and join a guild that operates in your normal playtimes. You need to make friends to succeed in the endgame. If that's not something you're willing to put effort into doing, I highly recommend you save yourself your monthly fee, and buy a single player RPG.

Yeah that's what I meant there needs to be a better way for solo players to enter the end game multiplayer content. Something like world of warcrafts dungeon and raid finders would be excellent for people like me that do not have time for committing to an end-game guild or have so erratic play times that no guild will accept them.

2012-03-10, 02:45 AM
people like me that do not have time for committing to an end-game guild or have so erratic play times that no guild will accept them.

You'd be surprised how many good guilds are out there that don't care how erratic your play times are or whether you can "commit" to end-game.

2012-03-10, 11:00 AM
So... Tentatively recommending Tomorrow at GMT 17 as the proposed time for the first GITP ops run.

2012-03-10, 11:52 AM
So that would be at Noon on Sunday for Central time zone (keeping in mind the daylight savings time tonight at 2:00 which shifts the central time zone from GMT-6 to GMT-5)?

2012-03-10, 11:58 AM
So... Tentatively recommending Tomorrow at GMT 17 as the proposed time for the first GITP ops run.

Wait, GMT 17 = 3:30 AM for Jokes (I might be off by an hour, but that doesn't really matter). Does tonight not work? Or,it doesn't, shouldn't we be moving it to Sunday night (US)? Or would we lose US people there?

Tomorrow at 1 PM my time (thanks Thrain, forgot it would shift) works for me, I'm just wondering if it's the best time for everyones.

2012-03-10, 12:18 PM
SUnday Night is probably better. I actually meat GMT 19:00 but moving it to GMT 22:00 is fine.

2012-03-10, 01:48 PM
22:00 works for me. Are we going to try EV or KP?

2012-03-10, 02:48 PM
Eternity Vault, because I know the fights better.

2012-03-10, 02:49 PM
This game really needs more solo end-game content as it stands my only two options are pvp (which gets kinda samey after a while what with only three warzones) or stand around in the fleet spamming general for a flashpoint.

I don't know what server you're on, but on Ebon Hawk most people spam the Fleet with "LFG HMs" or some variation. It's not hard to find a group, and if PvE is your thing, there are Belsavis and Ilum dailies that will progressively improve your orange moddable gear (to the point where you can start running HMs). You can be wearing full Columi without even going to a single Operation, so...

PvP is hard to get into because of the gear disparity (it's rapidly changing though as people power through to Battlemaster). It only takes a week to get a full set of Centurion (8 bags per week minimum if you do both weekly quests). Once you get your initial set of gear, it's a lot more rewarding.

Yeah that's what I meant there needs to be a better way for solo players to enter the end game multiplayer content. Something like world of warcrafts dungeon and raid finders would be excellent for people like me that do not have time for committing to an end-game guild or have so erratic play times that no guild will accept them.

Having a LFG tool would be helpful so that people don't have to stay on the Fleets all the the time to find parties, but honestly, it's pretty easy for solo players to enter endgame content. Do your dailies (solo! and half the heroics are soloable) to get gear. It may take you an hour to find a group (and yes, I understand that may be a painful process), but once you've invested a few hours in finding groups, you'll naturally find a group of players to party with. That's how I joined my current guild. So, it may be rough getting groups the first few times, once you get to know people it gets a lot easier.

Erratic playtimes are hardly an excuse. Not every guild is a hardcore raid-fest. I'm starting to see a lot more PUG Operations on weekends now, so your mileage may vary here. You don't always have to show up to every single raid night (I certainly don't for my guild). Just show up when you can. As long as you aren't giving the impression of a freeloader, most guilds will be happy to have another member.

22:00 works for me. Are we going to try EV or KP?

This probably depends on your group composition, but I would argue that EV is easier than KP, since you won't have to muck around with the Fabricator Tower of Hanoi puzzle, and Pylons (on normal mode) are exceptionally easy. EV also has more chances at set pieces (Gloves, Boots, Chest, and also the offhand), so if you're trying to gear people up, EV might be a better expenditure of your time. Both shouldn't take more than two, maybe three hours to clear though.

I'm usually on Mumble if you guys have questions or need help, but Normal Mode is a pretty easy affair (so is Hard Mode come to think of it..., but that's more of a DPS race) so you shouldn't have any problems.

2012-03-11, 08:23 PM
It may take you an hour to find a group (and yes, I understand that may be a painful process), but once you've invested a few hours in finding groups, you'll naturally find a group of players to party with. That's how I joined my current guild. So, it may be rough getting groups the first few times, once you get to know people it gets a lot easier.

I suspect this is server dependent (and Ebon Hawk has ~50% more people than Rubat Crystal, which helps), but I haven't found this to be true, (which is the annoying thing). Tonight, for example: We ended up sitting in fleet asking for Healers and DPS for an hour and a half, and we ended up getting 1 DPS, no healers. I've friended all the the (competent) people I've done Ops or HM FPs with, and it's pretty common for there still to be no healers on when I'm looking for a group (and often only one or two non-guildies on at all).

Admittedly, part of the problem is that I'm used to being in a group looking for someone, rather than the other way around (and since I generally group with Squark/Thrain, all we need is a healer), which limits our flexibility somewhat, but it's still incredibly frustrating to have to sit in the Fleet not knowing if anyone will answer us if we want to do a HM FP.

The other thing, which is within our control, is that we were looking on a Sunday night, rather than Tuesday or Wednesday (after the lockout ends). Maybe we'd have more luck trying on those days.

Just out of curiosity, how many people are on the fleet when you're looking for your groups?

2012-03-12, 05:52 PM
You'd be surprised how many good guilds are out there that don't care how erratic your play times are or whether you can "commit" to end-game.

Well, it's one thing to be accepted into the guild, it's another thing to get a raid slot when you want it. Having run a WoW guild, I can say that generally there are strong incentives to give preferential treatment when there's contention for raid slots to a player who shows up consistently. Pretty much the only role that you're likely to get easy raid positioning, regardless of attendance, is that of a healer.

For hard mode flashpoints, on the other hand, it shouldn't be that hard to find a guild who will take you on, since there's less exclusivity in terms of opportunities to run them.

This is one of my big pet peeves with lockout systems in MMOG's. It creates scheduling constraints that should not otherwise be there. What would be good is a system whereby you can RUN more raid content if you want, but become ineligible for rewards after you've received a certain amount of loot in any given raid lockout. That way, at least a willing player might be tempted to continue to help out guildies who would be otherwise unable to join a raid due to matchmaking problems (not enough healers or tanks, or in rare cases, not enough hot bodies to make a second group).

2012-03-12, 09:32 PM
That does seem like a system I'd prefer, personally.

2012-03-12, 10:23 PM
So, this thread seems to continually be afflicted by the invisible post bug...

Anyways, @Salur, maybe you should try finding another guild to pair up with and raid? I know of a few guilds that do this on Ebon Hawk, though they're typically clearing the 16 man Ops instead of the 8 mans as a consequence. Grouping is typically harder to fill slots when three players are of the same guild/association (as you're exposed to fewer people across the server from various guilds, etc.), but it's also helpful since you have most of the slots covered with reliable people. Without knowing more about Rubat and the Imperial faction in general, I couldn't say much more.

Most guilds have typically cleared both Ops by Sunday night. My guild raid time is 7pm Eastern Saturday and Sunday night, so by 8 or 9pm we've cleared the entire instance. In contrast, I see few raids Wednesday and Thursday nights because most players in guilds want to save their lockouts to see if they can get a slot on guild runs. While unfortunate for social life, my suggestion would be to run Ops on Friday and Saturday nights, or during the day on Saturday. I see the highest concentration of PUG Ops looking for players during the hours of noon to 6pm Eastern on Saturdays.

Republic Fleet on Ebon Hawk has at peak time, anywhere from 90 to 140 people online, of which maybe 30 to 50 are Level 50. It varies widely from week to week, but I've been seeing a fresh wave of 50s hit (plus I think a lot more people reactivated subs for 1.1.5), so our population is ballooning rapidly.

@The_Jackal, yes, part of raiding is the stipulation that you show up regularly. Raiding requires a commitment and a schedule. If you're showing up regularly and not getting a spot, eventually you'll be noticed (ideally). If not, then it may be time to find a new guild. However, a lot of guilds on Ebon Hawk tend to run "trial ops" (i.e. Normal Mode PUGs) to try and recruit/screen for new members to take to future Hard Mode runs. The easiest position to get in Ops on Ebon Hawk is actually RDPS, since there are so few Gunslingers and DPS Commandos (interesting when compared to the massive number of Mercs on the Imp side). Healer is actually the hardest role to get a spot on in my guild since we have something like four Sages plus a Commando and two Scoundrels.

2012-03-13, 07:28 AM
Hmm. Thanks for your advice. Seems like the easiest thing to do at this point would be to PuG on Saturday afternoon, which is definitely doable. If we wanted to run one as a guild (ish), it sounds like that would work better for Smash, anyway, and that would give us half an Ops group or more. We would just need DPS, which shouldn't be that hard, and healers, which is going to be the bottleneck.

Those fleet numbers are higher than Rubat, but not crazily so. When we were searching on Sunday, there was a low around 40 people but it quickly rose to 80 or so, and at least 25 50's (off the top of my head). I've seen up to 120 at times, but I don't log on as much as I used to so it may have dropped from previous highs.

2012-03-13, 11:31 AM
You'd be surprised how many good guilds are out there that don't care how erratic your play times are or whether you can "commit" to end-game.
This is true of pretty much any good guild. By good I mean 'not jerkwads and has enough skill to down content.'

There are PuG guilds out there as well. They just run what they can when they can. They're successful enough.

2012-03-13, 12:08 PM
Yeah, as long as you don't become a ghost and they never hear from you for weeks, folks aren't usually that judgemental about when you can and cannot play. There are "hardcore" guilds that want to participate like it's a paying job, but generally you can figure out if a guild is going to require active participation in one or two /whispers. Just tell whomever you're joining what your situation is from the start and don't sign up for a guild officer position unless you're willing to make a commitment.

2012-03-13, 12:46 PM
Yeah, as long as you don't become a ghost and they never hear from you for weeks, folks aren't usually that judgemental about when you can and cannot play. There are "hardcore" guilds that want to participate like it's a paying job, but generally you can figure out if a guild is going to require active participation in one or two /whispers. Just tell whomever you're joining what your situation is from the start and don't sign up for a guild officer position unless you're willing to make a commitment.
Pretty much. The Hardcore Guilds are more of a stereotype and less of a truth.

Yes, people schedule raids. Why? Some people like organization. I like to know when stuff is happening so I can plan for it and be there. I was in a PuG guild for a while, I was always annoyed when I logged on only to find out that everyone just finished something, and had I know about it I could have participated.
Yes, some guilds are very strict on attendance. Why? Because X number of people tend to get annoyed waiting for 1 person who said they would be on. It sucks when X number of people are stuck and wanting to do content but can't because of someone.

Scheduling and strictness of attendance do not a hardcore guild make. Lack of scheduling does not a casual guild make either.

2012-03-13, 04:14 PM
There are also recruiting issues. If the guild has no schedule, people don't know when to be on for events. If there's no attendance requirement, people may not be on for events. In either case, the leadership doesn't know what the guild needs for events to happen.

Take my guild in Rift as an example. We raid three nights per week, and the raiders are expected to have 80%+ attendance. Not particularly stringent, but because those guidelines are in place the officers can look at the roster and know exactly what roles we need more players to fill. We lost several players when TOR was released, but we were able to fill the gaps in our ranks within a couple days because we knew what we needed (and our recruits knew what to expect).

2012-03-13, 04:36 PM
So, does anyone know how the game is doing? Are subscriptions dropping? Rising? Staying level?

2012-03-13, 07:17 PM
So, does anyone know how the game is doing? Are subscriptions dropping? Rising? Staying level?

I think the official count was 1.7 (million) in January, and then 1.7 in March, which suggests an increase in players, as players on the free month who lapsed were replaced by new players.